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About The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1903)
THE DAILY JOURNAL,. 3ALEM, .OREGON, MONDAY, APHIL 27, J903. PAGE THREE IRAND OPER A. HOUSE) Tlitttsday, no first timo hero tho charming young emotional actress jjj MISS RAE Supported by the well known character actor Mt . Ed. JVI. Kimball 'Aid a Select company of Players, i"Caiifom&" By J. Rush s Produced "With a Wealth of Special Scenery. lEE Prices: 75. 50,35 and 25. fi Seats on sale Thursday at 9 a. ra. gHBBJCKHI-HBKHlaIBlIH l1Kr Grand Opera House JOHN F. CORDRAY, Mar. NE BIG LAUGHING NIGHT ggSnday, Aptil 27. nESSwrdlnary Attraction. The Com- USfesn HARRY CORSON CLARKE LfMntln2 Sydney Rosenfeld's scream Incr Comedy Absent Bov. Cfcs, 7Sc, BOc, 3Gc'; box Beats," $1. It The Event of the Seasonl 'One Lone Lauchl (Remember the Date hi on snlo nt box ofllco Monday in. M. W. WU-KINS Of Sun Francisco, Col., Lecturer and Organizer for JfHthe Socialist Party Something About Wllklns. W!lMl lklns earned his reputation as a speafcpr ns far back as 1801, whou ha yrytstlvo for tho People's Party, of whTKjho wns ono of the original or cnnlr.ers. Ho was a membor of tho Pcoplo'a Party National CotnmUtoo, tmSlfecturcil for that party ovor a iwldgTstretch of territory. Hklns was elected to the Nation- allPoople'a Party Convention at Cln jclanati, May, 1891, tho National Cou- YtfHtlon of Kami and Labor Orgunlza- tto5; St. I.ouls, February, 1892. ana SSlNatlonnl Convention of Peoplo'H l'rty. nt Omaha, July, 1892. Ho was p3Tof tho famous middle-of-the-road-owsft tho People's Party Convention Louis, 1S9G, and left that party fusion occurred, becoming a ber of tho Socialist Labor Party. has edited seven dlfforont rad- -papers in his time, and turned r his paper "Tno now unartor," tho Socialist movement In 1896, re- Ing It "The Class Btrugglo." and i editor until October. 1899. Was lallst candidate In Third ConBres- al district of California In '1902. doubled tho vote. Ilklns has always been Identified tho no-fuslon. ro-compromlso cy in tho Socialist movement, is pry able speaker, has a thorough ledKO of Socialism, and as an od or and campalRner has hardly bis csjmI anywhoro. Subject of lecture: C" .. - . as a laiisms Message to .auor. ai tall, Salem. April 28th. Hon. J. agio, candidate for congress, will too present. Your Stepmother. still horo, aud as busy as are wore MM! When your clothes kiJ-V BQ'J uinjr, or wo ouiions off. tako them to. ber, at the Salem Dyeing nil Plonnlnf? Worba. TJpnulrlnr n,l freilnlDK. new velvet collars put on vercoats; also four suits a month for pji Called for and returned. MRS. C IL WALKER. Prop. 195 Commercial Street CASTOR I A Tot Infants and Children. KM Ym Ravs Always lsght 3Beara the & itnre of .M. JUcrfcuf. V iy" 220 fitter Itbr gutts jarmiano tm pen 3uftantx. 1-10 tfcr fluglanb, I eft Ko. 1 Mlfalfo Canb, iffialb uno aflurt. Crop bring! $2500. 3b ufj gu!3, t&trteS 8ottomX!ant; gute !baubf. fan, etc. 4fc fflWIen norb liA ton atem. SJieHe nxfind) ben paijer acttom SdmUiau?. tfrtb. SldjiU-r altm. Ere SM Is - M April 30tH. BRONSON M presenting the dramatic success Bronson. The Famous Mt. Shasta m The Beaatifal Yosemlte 3 The Santa Barbara Spanish Home jjj LOVE HUMOR AND WIT Everything to Make an In teresting Combination And a Splendid Company Portray Them to Mention of Harry Corson Clarke nt once brings to tho mind thoughts of comedy of fun or laughter, loud long pleasant metnorloa, It may bo, It will hu welcomo news to all that tho iopiilar comedian will appour hero tonight presenting his selected cojnpnny In bis latost nml grentost laughing hit "His Absent Hoy." Tho comedian lias been so long before the publlu now that It seems suporlluous to sing his praises dr those of the pro duction ho will give. His name stands everywhere for the best there Is In comedy and stage management. Sufilco It to say that In ovory city critics aud public have united In re garding this latest play as, If possible, the finest fun-mnkor Mr. Clarke has yet produced. As to the play Itself It Is a good plain story that runs right through, and has tho merit of bolng perfectly Intelligible through all the maze of complications that ensue. The principle character, Pennlo by name. Is ono of thoso unfortunate In' dlvlduals who ore controlled, together with the rest of tho household effects by tholr masterful wives. Pennlo Is so far undor her thumb as to bo do- pendent on hor ofr tho pockot money he rocolvos, which, It Is easily seen, is absolutely too small au allowance for his pleasure-loving nature. ,Ho has. therefore, resorted to a diplomat ic moans to 'Increase his slender rev enue, and to this end, has Inventod a son by a formor marriage for whoso support ho noeds $100 a month. This sum, bis wife has unhesitatingly al lowed him. and at tho start of the play, ho Is feeling perfectly secure, when for some unknown reason. Mrs. Pennle suddenly takes It into hor head to have her husband invito tho abseut boy home. It Is then tho fun begins, and tho complications follow thick -and1 fdfU until It seoms na If a solution roulS nevor bo reached. Ono conies, however, and Its unoxpectod nature causes not tho least of tho amusement. In Pennlo. Mr. Clarke hu a part which gives hjm magnifi cent opportunities, and ho extraoU every posslblo lota of fun from tho piece. Tho whole, presents an even Ing that is full of laughter from start to finish. , Strong's Bakery And restaurant is Salem's best eat ing bouse. This house Is patronized by everybody. The best service that can bo bad. No Strike. New York, April 27. A canvas of the labor situation makes it appear that there will be no strikes here on May 1st, The labor situation is more peaceful than for many years. T1TT jRFS RSc suppositom A A Vtu nnw. J4. I QnAU Muh, v ' I lMpt iff' llH'tMHMtrMl m. v r-a. t. W i va ftm sW4 J firruv kitiu wnrt, iahcaitth. r. XWM Sold In Galcm by 8. C Stone, Call for Freo Samples. BRT$P; v, e t m t AGAINST CAKE t - No Young' Man is Protected Against Them The Pickets on the Gate Not a Fair Culinary Saihpie "It la stated on tho authority of tho head of tho Chicago board of charities that during tho year 1902 four hundred deserted wives who applied to tho bureau of charities for assistance, and later obtained divorc es, admitted they could 'neither cook nor koep house,' and , of course, they could not keep huBbandn. Dad cook cry and slovenly housekeeping wore tho direct cause of thoso marriages being fallureo. For theso unhappy marriages, the men were themselves, In a great measure, to blame, and theynecd not poso aa objects of pop ular pity. Why did they marry wo men Ignorant of tho first requisites of n happy domestic llfo?" Housekeep er (Minneapolis). While I do not feol disposed to wnsto sympathy on men who dollbtir- ately Install In their homes nn wives women with no prcetlcnl knowledge of the "first requisites for n happy do mestic life," I do not altogether lay tho blrimo of th? dlsnstrouB results of such lll-ndvtsed proceedings entirely upon the mnsucllnc shouldors. In tho present condition of things, how Is the average man to know the extent fr tho culinary education of the girl ho "falls" In lovo with? His own la mentable ignoranco along such lines disqualifies him from recognizing tho 'signs" of domostlc culture, and It Is usually the girl with tho soft whlto hands the- ono who "tolls not" that attract tho Improsalonnblo ami possl blo mnrrylng man. Tho gist of tho matter lies In tho' fact that neither tho young man nor, young women am tnught anything about the duties and relationships np-; purloining to the marriage relation, but are allowed to enter wholly un prepared Into tho "Holy of Holies," to waste or to win. ns their native good sense, or tho lack of- It may or der. The fault lies far back of the wooing days. It should bo accounted criminal. In this enlightened day. for a girl to be nllcnvsd to marry while unablo to "read the riddle" of plain, nutiltlous cookory; nnd It should lx consldorod nn oescntlnl part of her education to havo mastered at least tho elements of dpmestlc science Girls should bo tnught tlint, to make a pan of light, nutritious biscuit, or a loaf of tendor, appetizing bread is a ' much greater accomplishment than to know how to turn out the most de- j llclous "Angol Food" cake. Cako may ; bo Reed, but bread is Immeasurably bettor, and good bread, llko charity, covers n multitude of sins and oil lnary sboil-comlugs. Ex. "An Officer's Honor." Artilleryman Hartmann, of Horlln, killed in cold bloo.1 by his school- mates and "friend," Naval Cadet llussnnr may not havo died In vain If his martyrdom reveals to all Germany , ry and enlarging the plant to a ca tho absurdity of a peaceful and pros- paclty of packing &0.000 casoa this porous nation organized from core to Bpa80ni f t)0 fmit can be secured, circumferenc uKin mediaeval mill ( .Manngor Holcomb was before tho tary Ideals, says tho New York onu,m Fruit Orowora" Union Saturday World -f nd stntinl that ho expected to be The parties wore boys together. ajjl(J j)ack Rlt 0l0 0,erTlw grown Thoy were sUII boys in years, ttiougn soldiers, when Ilussnor struck the other through with a sword for run ning away Instead of submitting to arrest for the heinous crlmo of falling to salute him as a "superior officer To tho angry crowd who gathon-d about tho poor lad gasping-out his llfo In tho street. Hussner said, with that strange. Incomprehensible pride of one who has killed his man and brntner. "I bad to derona an omcer s houor at all oosts." And to tho grief stricken mother of the murdered lad. ha dared to nen. ovan aftur rotloctlon these amazing werds: Uwton. April 27. The Olobo an- "It Is in tho deepest dttreM and nouneod yesterday that Dr. William sorrow for your son that I address 'Thomaa Counselman. of Sbattuck, myself to you to give you proof of professor of pathological anatomy In my heartfelt sympathy for you in the Harvard medical school, has dlscov loss you havo sustained through my 'wed tho germ that causes smallpox. action. lie assured that I did not art out of hatred or Ill-will against your son. It was my hard duty as a sol dlor. I was obliged to enforce obe dience to myself, and, to tar bitter re gret, fata dl roc tod my steel In this unfortunate manner. A word of for glvenesa from yon, honored madam. would be Incomparable consolation, for If the mother forglvft. no honor ably minded person can ontlHue to bear a grudge." The "word of fomiviHitMs" may b.,ly coalajstous disease, will on Tues but It need not l. withheld. It was 'day evening be furnished lo medical not the boy otRter vein did this mur jma by the discoverer, who refrains dsr. bat the evil system in which he from making a public announcement had be trained the system whose 'aatil he bas unllKbUiaed the scientific apologists are even now praising him for maintaining at such terrible cost an officers honor" 700 Yards Fancy Silks Monday, April 27 Tuesday 28 Wednesday 29 98 Cents yd THE SILK STORE rt i"?i,e9wr3TOorcJwnrrsa3t SALEM CANNERY FITTED UP Putting in Larger Machines for Larger Pack 8. J. I.ommons, who has boon with ;tho Oregon Packing Company for 10 yolin hn? ,ak(m ,, th() work of ro. con(ltnlct tho Sal)m canmry and " mlWlnB ' " lho "Woil maohln- n Marlon. Polk and Yamhill coun t0B nmj nii iha HtrAwburrI that hn C,0U,i jjUy, The Union Is gathering Htatlstlos as to how much fruit It will t,0 auj t(j frnBi,t and tho prices jmid wjjj b0 based on tho total amount that ca b Dnx,Un.d. tho larger the vol- l)mB ,ho i;rttor jn0 ,,rCo. At tno cannwy n tenm derrick hss ,,,. . u, . , .teaming vats doubled In, size, as well as tho syrup- urg a)j tui uoenl nnj jwwer ar ranuemunf nut In first-class order. . Smallpox Germs Found. The discovery Is pronounced uy pny slclans who havo been made aware of Dr. Counselman's achievements to be ono of thu really groat on in medi cal history, and tho roost Important made In Boston, rivaling tho discov ery of ether as an anesthotic. Tho details of the investigation, bow each successive step was taken, together with valuablo sc-lontlflc In- formation epncernlng the ptola. ; th wxanlim that produces that high world. Tuesday's meeting ft physf ftlana will b held at the Harvard medical sbool under the auspices of A Wonderful Silk Sale MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ltefiiilnr$1.2r, $1.50, $2 nml $2 00 Fancy Silks on solo for 3 tlnva at i 98cYad Also flOO yds of bonnllful tlro9 Groin Silk block only, worth S2.B0 o ynnl for $J.60 Yatd All block Tnlloto Silks i( j;rcot- i ly reduced pricos. thn lloston Society of Medical Science nud tho notices merely state that Dr. Counselman will have nn announce ment to mnke upon the etiology of smallpox. WOMEN'S 8YMPATHV. Is Proverbial. Salem Women No' Ex ception. How much wu owe to the sympa thetic side of womankind. When other suffer thoy cheerfully lend a helping hand. They tell you the means which brought relief to them that you may profit by their experi ence. Head the testimony given hero by a Salem weman: Mrs. Needham. wlfo of W. 8. Need- ham, painter, residing nt the corner i of Fourth street and Jefferson avenue, North Haloin, says; "I.Ike almost all painters my husband has beon trou - bloc! with his kidneys lor years. Tho exposure, tho reaching, tho stooping, combined with the .turpentine and materials In thn paint, all tending to put the kidneys out of ordor. His back often ached badly at night whun he came home from work nnd when he caught cold It always aggravated the trouble. Ho read au advertise ment about Doan's Kidney Pills nnd procured a box at Dr. Stone's Drug Store and uso them. They did good work by helping blm at once and ho continued their use until relief was obtained." For sale by all dealers. Price CO cents pur box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Iluffalo, N. Y., sole agents for tho U. S. Remember the name, l)OAN'S, and take no substitute. 3 . Socialists Hold a Rally. The Salem Socialist Club held a ral ly at I-nbor Hall Sunday, at 3 p. m., when Martin Qulnn, of Portland, who ran for congress once on tho populist ticket In Uio second district, addressed about 40 of tho disciples of colloctfvo ism. Mr. Qulnn made bis point forcJ. bly, and will be heard all ovor the dis trict in tho canvass ror J. w. eogio, or corvai is. ror congress. M. W Wllklns. of l-orln, Cal . Is tho uMt ,,nVr and the Salem Social- Ista Issue a challenge to any speaker. Democrat or Republican, to- meet Mm In Joint debate on amU Saturday C nlng in this city. He is a big gun among the Socialists, sad they are anxious to have some one go up jaK!nt bis Maxim-sun. style, of pra.- wry. THE SILK STORE SUBLIMITY FARMER'S JUICIDE Hangs Himself With Piece of Baling Wire Theodore Odonlhul, a (lermau, 51 years of age, commlttod sulfide nt his home near Sublimity lata Saturday night. Coroner Qlough was called, and ar rived In Sublimity curly Hunday morn- Ing, and Jury. Immediately Impaneled a Oduuthal was found lu his barn j hanging from a ladder by a pleco of baling wire about throe fimtJ'mKt he had twist! one end nrotiud tits neck aud thu other 'round thu laddqr. and was hanging so low that his knees al most rasted on tho floor. Many peo ple advanced the theory of foul play but tho position of the body pointed to suicide. No motive ran be found for the decvl. The deceased was a man of peaceful habits, and had nev er been In any trouble, as far, as known. Ho had been In Stuytou with his bndhr-ln-Iaw Saturday af tunioon, passing through Sublimity about 0 o'clock n tho evening on his Way homo where ho stopped to not a glass of ber. This was the last seen of hjm until ho was found hanging In the barn. His horses had been fed and watered, and the harness put In tho usual place. Tho Jury returned a verdict of "strangulation by n wire with suicid al Intent, during a lit of temporary insanity." Oldenthal loft a wife and seven children. Ho owned his own fann and was consldorcd woll-to-do. CONSUMPTION th Mt flreMeo- and deadly of all diseases, as well aa pneumonia, and all Lung Troubles are relieved at once iau cureu uj tr tnumn i.trai.; "the king of all Cough Cures " Cures Coughs and Cold In a day J5 cents. Your money back If dissatisfied ' Wrllo tor trf saicnle. W If HnoVr Ca, BoffaJo, N. T, p. J. Fry, Drui OAVVOnXA.