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About The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1903)
U Pages Pages 9 to 12. riSTT ITi DAILY JOURNAL, tli-l OL. XIII. SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1903 NO. 85. iOTJQ JESXHTJCOIKr Ttie New York RaoKe IS GROWING IB I I It's not the result of an accident. Oar modern business methods enable us to undersell "regular stores. " We have but one price. We sell for spot cash only. No exceptions to either rule. The latest addition to our stock is a general line of DRY GOODS Everything from Muslin to fine silks. Experienced dry goods men e'l us we can't pay expenses on our margin of profit, We're going to try it, Dont you think it will pay you to help uq m?jfj a success of the new lines? x a. Have You Tried x x Thompson's Glove-FittiiF "Corsets? We sell this well known brand at "Racket Prices, new and staple shapes. CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST DEDICATION Two Lage Audiences Witness an Interesting Occasion Special Cas Bring Portland Friends Who Were Highly Pleased Two very fine audiences attended for tho purposes of speech and song" opposition has boen bitter and unjust i WjlA LADIES'- WRAPPERS ami HOISTS We want you to see our prices in the store hat's where you can judge of the value when 'TTHOMsnN's ou 'uve l',e Price ant Kds tegether: C10VH-:HT.T1NG Y rCORSEI v WE'RE SHOWING A BIG LINE OF v ' LACES : and EMBROIDERIES mint's whero most merchants doublo tlioir profits. Ask your friends how wo soil them. Great values in appliques aud medallions. THEY ALL COME OUR WAY WHEN THEY WANT 3T otsts YOU KNOW WHY It 8 time for V MUTT Lace Curtains ognin. Our lino is cpmplcto end prices bed rock. COUNTERPANE 1 jB iT l " AH the. I m i vsh i , u I I tho services of dedication, nnd greeted tho new church, is ob perfectly con tlio Salem Christian Hclonco workers, trlvsd ns It Ih posslblo for Ingenuity and they wero very well entortalncd. And scientific, architecture to devise. Tho perfect Easter day gave an addl- Mhb Uortcnso Klmbal sang "Tha tlonnl pleasure to tho obsorvotjon of Holy City," with nccompnnlmont by tho hnppy rvnt. no long looked for-! Mrs. Frank Wlllmnn. It was a happy ward to by thin church. 'rendition of ono of tho world' most Tho auditorium of tho chur.h. as beautiful compositions. i well OJI thi hnllu-nvn riu-iiif Inn nntl . Affi.r thin flirt rAPiilnr Inaann unr I -' - "-' -"" - , reading rooms and platform, woro dec- mon of tho day. tho same morning ornted with palms and Oregon Krapo. 'nnd ovenlng for nil Christian Bolmicc thostnro flower now In porfect bloom, ichnrohes, woro road by the 'renders and beautiful blooms of flowering and congregation. quince, hyacinths and nnrclssiiB. I Tho dedicatory sorvlco of tho SoO- At iKith services th. building wns ond Church of Christ, Scientist, crowded to th doors, and overflowed opened on Master Sunday with an Into the hallway and out onto tho i organ voluntary, and singing of thu porclnti. ootnmunlon hymn, written by Mary Nearly loo Portland nnd Orexon llnkur Eddy. City Christian Scientists honored the Mrs. 11. 8, llean. tha first render. occasion with their presence, coming thou read tho 91st Psalm, tho favorltu that tho growth has been steady and yet phenomennt lu Itn - rapidity and BtreiiKth. has proven that a need has been met, nnd that tho world Is bo-. coming convinced of tho fact that "doil Is with us." If so, who can bo against usT If a religion not only demonstrates In Its adherents tho h'utwst ttptrltunt and moral growth, but Includes their hunting from dls nso ns well. why should It not bo Invulnerable from all attacknlf Oodls positively realized to lis tho only foun dation on which It Is hullded? Suoh we claim Is Christian Science Through our Impersonal pastor, the Illhli'. and "Sclenre and Health," wo nr led to lovo our bible more than vor before nnd nr lifted nltove thu criticisms or ndmlluttan of persons to n ulnno whore iiorsonnllty Is laid on special cars on tho 11 a. m. of all David's compositions with Chris- imhta nnd w web strive to become New Christian Science Cntttcn Dedicated. tmrigi sft, -rr fe ilV. j ' nisWWiffipWPKl JWWIlilW JHJTT ' MPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPki .1111,11. !! M .'I" M i J T .! . IT. i. j uiut ufiis, rursw Cjmbs, Hairpins nnd n,k,utfJtato, ing. Second Church of Christ Scientists of Safem train, aud muratHl at i.-.i i in Th- i ; ki. l.l. M.l ..-. A -A ll A . .A. i uiimiiti imriy wore nitti ni iiio iraui Arlcr l'fliiK Iho hjmii "He ThQL nn.ttnlrj-. nli.Mtl. .(.. . .11..... ft ., . ' uuii urvi iu ilia uuiilf aiui ui'-y n.i I, . i-, . . i a i . 1 n i Jlltclc lie 'Vila tlAft .iml..n.i..l u..m... .. ,k h.A. T "IT) '" nimM tMii ui uir lllUBt CUH1V. You muat liavo them to make the led look rip h t. Don't buy 'till you see what we have loliw you Wc carry the most complete lines la the city of Ladies' Men's and Children's SHOES'.' ahujt i,umumu w.u weak u otyiua WJlll ry10t-,ijt aUU. COOU 8UrVIC0 Jl VOU. ruuk w iuuu juui Duoo uuia uuy your iootwear oi us. wo holievn in boll ing good goods at reosonable prices so you'll como again. CLOTHING The new patterns are beauties. We save you from $2 to $3 ou a good, all wool suit, When we say it's all wool there is absolutely no cot ton or shoddy in it. What has your experience with "all wool" from clothing been? Wo have nobby little suits for the boys that are built to stand boys' wear. "We intend to carry every- tiling you neeu to in ouune wnoie iamily. prominent people uf lliw metropolis. There wore vlnitlng Jk'ltiiiUstH from many near-by roinmunltlos. and all the vUUors oxprowHM) surpjlue.atul delight at tho "duntflmflrtttlon" of tho fialein c hurvh. T , Tha addresses of the nerasion sieak tUe Mnllrneju pj this organization, hlKKall ffor, f On Plrst Reader's Addross. Krlemls: V itlnnlruly wt4Mi0t you to this tho opmlng servle n our " utew ''' 0ur U,vl"K "'ought goo out ffimu who urn longing for a mIii C8r. UOvtltal religion, and also to thnso who reallio the satisfaction of havlui; thin iioniru rnitiiiu.1 lik5aiy'',ri;)'. 0," aEAUero'i Wkuow wiliavu your wann prhitedJJ n ifuJIFor our rTOIerv ljst rfi the epmilletlon of thl o or-thn mli1rflHiui wnu l,v Mm ...., ,?.. .Tft..i ii."JC.. ... . - --t;- m uvmiuiiui aiiuruJi. wiiirn ins nd, hy i vm iitf- jiwbuu. ui iiyisMfcJor Mverai fars, ,(,lQntra! ,nri rentier or the First Church ut.chrrsthin When you want anything it will pay you to go to m J M W ML mr. ill ll Vf f i ill lmg ll" iHmwtr twt n Hi vX. I c ' Mil ,'i I Wrp WW 11 JM jig SALEM'S CHEAPEST ONE PRICE CASH STORE T W 0 ROOMSI-I-J- Corner Commercial and Chemeketa Sts. E. T. BARNES. trst Church ut I'm Hand, and a rHignld and nil thtrued teacher of Christian Sfl en She Is a woman of greut cul ture and many banning good quail ties David U, OivUm. chairman for Or Kon, of the Publication Committee, de livered an addrAa at tho aftornoon service that was an oloquent expos I tion or this new thought, aud was thoroughly appreciated by tho audi ence and will .be by all who read It. The voluntary offering of the Port land Scientists, who came to attend the services In a special car, wan a plrarant surprise to the Salem church. It was gratefully acknowledged lj Mr Moores In his address. Tbero was no service In tho even ing but the member received many frl-nds from tha other churches, who called ta show their good will and ad Biire tho cos arid hpwellko gtnicUitfe iic miernopn oervice Va$ a repolltlon of the lesson and ftddresios 'of the ruornlus. except that instead of letters, two addresses wer flvn bjr Portland friends. Inter haite been his small band of Christian FMeutlstS. A deep Hatlsfac- tlon and happlnewi Is felt by those who j-oallzo tho blHhur mennlns of ehurcli, ns kIvvii In "Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures." by Mary IV a. Eddy, "Tho struqturo of Truth and Uvo; whatever rests uioii and proceeds from Divine Prin ciple." for thiy know that this churoh Is also being demonstrated In each consciousness, that this bulldluK is a symbol or tho "temple not in ado with hands, eternal In the heavens." Our work Is with ourselves primarily, for, as has been beautifully said. "To think and demonstrate In dally living Ood's thoughts, on given In tho Holy Illblo and Science and Health Is the most acceptable prayer, and this makes each consciousness becomo tha tem ple of (iod. flllMt with health, boll nesa'and harmony, which radiates from, a spiritual and not a material sourpe." la this practical age, when every new theory or religion boa to bear the scrutiny of all lines of thought, tho fact that Christian Sclencq has met the battery of every kind of criticism banneu for Tiuih. ami we then oee that Dlvlnu miH Hi -. ni toad- i in Mi. .1. , i . i- u ;ijj is aiMNura h him. iuiinathe infoldlnK of Uiu troib rn. i,v ,rn, iMdy whatt.,luir uewWHUt lioiihTes ojle Ah, (hit Mfimlour nftiJ vuniv ,.f horthoiijihtprwtojj on our eoiisolous- i(us. honrgvor.litrabwraniw (he hand tjiut toarci away (he vttfl from before 0,ur spiritual tjjht. As mioh'ljeT (for Vlc beeonie frauahl with inoM lov lfiijf intorejil to huN follower. Tigilr lovo and gratitude go out to her more and mor as thq Trjitlr she vofies reaehen tholr (iomhcIoiimiihs. AndSns (Ms truth unfojds lo on longing aor tho splrltunP understanding in doubtedly round In her writings, fier porHinnllty bveginos as i.othlog. or as n clear glass through wlih'jth truth Is seen. Ah to those of us who can testify to needs unit many, many time by the uow-oldruth. lived and taught by Jesus, and bis disciples. and so beautifully and lotilcallv re vivified by Mrs. Eddy, the love and respect wo benr for hr seem so natural and unavoidable (hut wo per haps too often take It for granted others appreciate 0Ur ! for heri There Is no longer any doubt a? to tha Influence ChrlKInn Science l to have In tho development of tho best In tho world. In almost every small town thero Is somo room whero half a dozen meet who are realizing Mint "whero two or three aro gathered; to gether In My name tbero am I luho midst of thoin." These little compan ies have the same pastor, some form of service and same spiritual food that- tho worshipper In tha beau tiful temple of the. largest cfilos erfjoy. In- Chicago- thoy are. bBld- i 7ie MVJSlteMSWlLm tomJm.KcMiJ!L miJ Contlnuud on Page 10.