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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1899)
mimw v F . j MgW't ?"" A merciless cut in prices A backward season, and consequently a more or less slOg gisli business in spring and summer clothing ne - eessrtates this move. Wepropose To clear out every spring and ' Summer suit -in the next 30 days and Prices will do it. These suits are all new goods and our spring sales have taught us that they, are good values at regular prices, 6.50 $7 $7.50 8 $8.50 and $9 Suits. . w. Johnson & Go.. 257 COMMERCIAL STREET. DAILY CAPITAL JOUllNAL. BV HOKRR BROTMUnn MONDAY, JUNK 12, 18W). Dally, Ono Year 93.00,1a Advnnoo Dally, Tout MonUw 91 00, Itf Advnuoo, WSdy, One Year 91.00, la Advance EDITORIAL REVIEW. Asylum supplies for nix moiitliH nru being udvorliHod for. Tho law fu HiIh innlter in very reluctantly complied with nt tttiy of tho ntnto lnutitutiuiiH. Wlion it in coin piled with it Ih dono in n half hearted, ltiufllciurit wny, ami probably tho larger part of tho Hiipjilluu aro loft for tho ollloiulu to buy whom thoy plunmi "in tho opon iiinrkot." In udditiou to tho ohnnccH for Rcoiilntioii, tliuro Ih in tho eourwj of tlioyonr nlwnH a ulmnro to handle tho warranto, and tho olllclaln of eoino iiiHtitutloriH hnvu niiulo a regular practice of dcnling in tho warrantH, At tho hifit meeting of ono of tho IxjurdH to ndvortiso for iiuppllcH, tho manager o( ono of tho itifltitutionH hogged, pUiad and instated that tliu udvortlHlng nhoiild bo placed in u curtain pniier Ihwiiiiho it needed (lnanolat hoi p. With tho editor tho iiinuiiKor of tlio institution hiui iiwicKHod nil tliuumployi-H in tho lastcompnign and of courxo hiiuIi wirvicoR had to lie recogiilwdl This re ducoH public biiHlncHH to a fnrcu, Im caiiHO every biiHliiouM inun who contrl butcd to tho cainpulKii fund or voted tho tiokul ran nlaiiu to Im cmlmrriiHeed ilnunclully and imk to furnlidi Hupplhw for tho nauio mason. When it Ih re called that ono Marion county commit loo inunmiyn f 1800 wan niioiit at Kalntn on election day "when tho mdooiiH aro cloned" and tho roHt of tho committee djclaro largo hiiiiih of uioiiny aro not ui-countcd for, It will bo noon that such party mnmtgoiiiout van go to any longth in bundling oven tho purulutHo of mip piled for tho unfortuuato iiiHiim. ALL aupplloH should Im publicly mlvortircd for and ax widely aw pomdblo, iih a llrnt Htop for houorablu and uprlitht donllng with tho public MariJn county will pay dearly for placing incompetent men in charge tif .iwusalUK property. Ono abstruut linn in already engaged to correct diMicrip lions of proHirty that In to Iw wild for do )liHiient tuxes. How a description can bo changed after it In made an olllclal record and tho tax levied on it Ih a problem. " Tito llrnt bloyulo luilh from ftihim north Ih not n vory witUfdtitory plww of ,work. It Ih wldo enough but rounded ;up to sharp u ridgo that no ono but a scorcher run ride, nud only oxmrt riders 'can ptuweiu-h other. Tho cycle jmth on ONLY ONE CURE FOR SCROFULA. S. S, S. Is tki Only hMly:EfUltothls Ustluti Dlsiasi, la equal to any blood trouble, and never falU to cure Scrofula, because' It KOM down to tho aoat of the diteaae, thui ivarinanontly eliminating etery miin mum The terioutoonsequenoea to which Berofula aurelr leads houtd ftnpreu upon tkoae afflicted with It the Tital Im pertanee of wasting no timo upon treatment which can net poeelbly effect a cure. In many caaea whero the wrong WUaen that been relied upon, oomplioated clandular welllfw luve resulted, for whloh the doctora insist that s si any ro we aurgloal operation Is neoeasary. Mr. II. K. Thompson, of MIUedgeTllle.Ga,,wrltwi "A bed eae of SerofuU broke out on the glands of my neck, wftvlek kd to be lanoed and eauaed me much suffering. I wee seeeted for a long while, but the physloians were un s44e to euro me. and my condition waa as bad aa wheu I SMsipM Mteir treatment Many blood remedies were used, km wltiioMt effect. Some one reeommended 8. 8. 8., and Xsusjsn improra aa soon aa Z had Uken a few bottles. Uearttattidf the remedy, I waa toon cured tvermaoentlr. aa4 hve wr had a sign of the dlseaee to return." Swift' Bpwiflo S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD t the Mly remedy which can prosoptlr sal dfeeaeee. JBr relrlnst unon it. wid m aenaa ti, etc., au aunerem from uiooa uoublea can be promptly cured, fast i ml t eurlM year of auffarlBg whlah gradually but surely undermlius tew acnslinUoi. H. g, 8, It guaranteed purely vegetable, and never fails to - - - w r. m - r - SMNMMtue, jaeeenia. cancer, Knetiuatun, tnigious jtiooa i'olson, noils, r, jrwaMee, Bm, u leers, etc insist jsaesw mm shows shhi wm wiaeasee wiu w naauea ire to any aaareu vj me m Isjiaeiie Oeawgewy, AtknU, Qeorgta. tho north Hido of WHImou avenue Ih still tho best model path ho far. The Hayseed town of Jcffursou wanted to build a Hchool Iiouho ami levied a twonty mill lux to pay for it. Tho more fashionable city of AHhland will build a new school Iiouho and create a now bonded debt of 112.000 atfl or 0 ncr cent intercut for futuro generations to pay. The Populist plan of creating no now lionded debt Ih Iuhk liuiiurliilistlu but more business like. Tiio citizens council hIioiiM maintain a linn stand agahiHt further piungiug thin city in debt in the Intercut of an electric light company, giiM company or any other inturoflt. Thexo compauiuH aro tlieuiHclvcH largo projiorty ownerH and heavy taxpayers. They will welcome and Hiiport a olicy that will build up tho financial Htanding of tho city and make lower tuxw jossiblo. On the other hand If tho city uses electric lightf tho corporation that Iiuh a franchise and largo plant established huro Hhonld bo given the first chance to furnish the mime. Tho lights that tho city can af ford to have and to pay for uliould bo paid for at a fair price, The Hitimtion should lie mut in a spirit of fairness and conciliation on both sldoH, The press of tho Htato Ih taking up the Itcconl of tho legiHlaturo iih presented in tabular form by Tin: Jihuinai, and by comment and reproducing partH of the Hinne laying it before tho people of the Htato. Tliuro Ih n determination that for once a lot of lawmaker all of whom broke their promlHUH more or lew, shnl I bo held to accountability, Tho micoud table, will prcHcnt the record of the muiato for tho HKclal huhhIou. Senator John Daly wiih In tho city Hutunlay and cominuniled the lalwirH of the Tin: Joint' nai,. ltut, McCulloch of Halem iIoch the Hiimo. TIuimo gentleman are ltepnb Ilea iih, but they can nee that hiicIi a Hhowlng up of tho record cannot but on lighten tho people and uiako the future legislator inom careful. Tiik Jouii.vai. again dlcclaluiH all intent or Intermit In making a record fur or agahiHt any man, or party, it gooH farther and will wiy that certain mum burn agivluHt whom the Hhowiug may lie very black, hh the providing olllcerH, or memlHirri in charge of Hcvlal incanureH, are not entirely to blame. Tho present MyHtom iHirmitH no imiu to do hlniNelf fulljiutleo. TnidiMtu further IckhiI or wrsounl iuturentH are made and uiiIonh by an educated publlo Heutiiiiunt a hlghur standard eon lie rained, tho leg- Ulator of the future will do no better than In tho ust. All wo ask of the prom U that It lay the record More the ptKiple and lot them jkism upon evury niiHisuro theuisolves. MIhm AMco Manning and Mleti IVnirta Daniels, of McMlniivlllo aro the gueots of Miss Kmily Thatohur. There aro doieni of remedial iwoomraeudfxl for Borofula, lomo of thorn uo doubt bolng blo to Afford tomporerr relief, but 8. B. 8. 1 abtolutely tho only reinadr which ooranlotely cure it. HorofuU done of tho mo4t oUtuiftto, depieted blood diioMes, and it Ixnrond th reaoh of the many coclId purltler una tonlci because ome tllllll mum Innln l MnlilrA.1 hum reach and oure obstinate, deep.seat4 not exnerlmentiBcr with the varinu --, - -r- w r,-m-w,w upon B. H H. t nothing eaa take its place. SBSBBBBKil There In noth ing which drains energy, ambition and endurance like Malaria, Fever and Ague. Hnstett c r' Stomucti Hit ters will SEND them uway, and keep tbem uway. It has never failed to cure tho worst cases. This Is i CEtHnATCO V JITTERS a fact not, an experiment. Try It. FIELD DAY. Intercollegiate Contest Again Won By the Eugene Institution. A Smalt Attendance, Dut Oood 3port The Events as They Are Sum marized on the Score Card, Tho lutor-colluglato field day contoHtH, held at the fair grounds on Haturday, were not the most exciting ovontH that ever occurred in Kalom, hut on the whole tho day wan a fairly lively one. Tho threatening weather doubtloHH kept many away, though in reality It waH much hotter than tho roasting heat which may usually Imj expected at tliln time of year. The track wan not in Hhapo for the in the north development of great Hpccd track eventH, and a strong wind, wiih u heavy deterrent in the longer running and walking races. The Univurslty of Oregon easily car ried off tho honors, running up a score of M iHilntH against IH each for 0. A. O.aiidl'. C.and 17J for V. U. Tho attendance was small, probably not much over GOO at tho largest. Con siderable enthusiasm was shown on bo half of old Willamette, and tho south ern end of the pavilion occupied by the Willamette contingent wiih decorated with u banner and the college colors. The other institutions were not at all noisy, Tliuro wh considerable delay in start ing, it being nearly !l o'clock when the first event wan pulled off, and it was after I) when tho end was reached. Although tho tlmo made wiih not fast tho races wero hotly contested, and probably iih exciting iih though they had smashed all tho records. Garland, of W. U., made the mile walk a notable one. lie dragged along behind for tho first half mile and was far In tho rear at the three ipiarter jost. Then ho commenced to overhaul and Push the others, and down the homo stretch made a miigiillicieut npiirt, which camo with six Inches of winning flrst place. Had the tape been ten feet farther ahead lie would have reached 1 llrst. Ono of the most brilliant perform ances ever seen on any track was that of Itiissull In the 2Lt) yard dash. Starting on the extreme outside he dropped lie hind and took a diagonal course across to the Inside of the track, passed the Innermost man and took the load, which he held to tho finish. The pole vaulting also showed some vory pretty work. Heater, I C. vaulted with a lightness, otise and precision, which made it seem that only his own will limited tho height attained. Ho raised the Northwestern reconl an Inch. Tho summary of the events Is iih fob Iowh : WW yard run Kunworthy, 1' (J, won j Whipple V of 0, second J Wllkins, W V, third; time, 2:10. Hroad jump Smith, V. of 0, won; distance, 111 feut 1(HU Inches; Heater V 0. seeond, lt fi foot; Davidson 0 8 N S, thrid It) feet Inch. ion yarn uusn Davis, v oi u won; Heed 0 A 0, vecoud ; Bishop. V of 0, thri.l time 10 l-fi. Shot putSmith, W of 0, won; dis tance :iti (wit 11 Inchtw; Wagner, U of O, MMMnd aa foot 11 Incho; Wilson, U of 0, third, lt font 8 Inches. Mile walk Huffman, O A C, won; Oarlaud W U, seoond; 0 K. Heiueuway U of(), thinl;tlmu, H inluittiw 11 hh oiiiIh. l'olo vault Hunter V C, won, height, 10fiHit7iuchea; Mallls, 1' V. soooiid, tl feet, Haley, OS N 8, third Sfeettl luduw Ito) yard hunlle l'uliuur, 0 A 0, won ; ILtvlson, 0 S N S MHtoiid ; lluekiugliam V U. tlilrtl: tlmo, W bfi. Ilamnmr throw Smith, I! of O. won, distance 136 feel 8 limbon; Wagner, I', of O second, U7, feet; Hlgln.O A 0. mk ond.t7fiHit; Hlglu, O A C. third. Ul fivt tl iuehiM. iiu yani run misou ,v i, won; Hwld, 0 A I'. swHind; Angell, l of O, uiini, ume, oi ii-OMiHUHls High jump Davis, U llllll Ik lhivld I! .if l un,. heigtli 5 feet 6 imdiea; lhicklngham, W l', ami New bill, OS.NS t!ol at ft I wit J inciiert inr MH'und iilace and er de cision of judMMri, divhUl tho throe uiiut. Wiml hnh-HniolL W r, won; Hishop, V of 0. mhmhhI; lilmunds. I' r, uiini; uiue, h a-o tooltiw, Two mile Meyele rit-eott, V of O, wiiii; Hradley, V. uf 0, mhwhI. Kruso i A V. thinl; tim, minute 17 ee uiils l.M van! hunlU lluntiir. 1 ('. I'alnur. O A C, mwunil, TJwyr, r of 0. third time, 18 KHaind. Mile ruii-Hwd. V ef 0, eon; WH kins W l". MHHind; l'lokott, P C, thlrl, tunc. :50i-o, ""The points, made by tiio svnl team are shown as follews: fcvent. t0 anl run . liM-vard daali Hroad lump . Mile vusik... . U.O O.A.C. .. t ...0 . 5 W.l'. 1 P.O. & .1 .1 ft Mwitput 8 lotiexauii lEU-ywnl hurdlo . . Hummer throw . 7 1 ft a 410-yard run 1 High jump ft b 7 I at 110 run , yai dash . S'luilo blkis rude. 120-yard hurdlV I 2 18 Total mint Au K'- is Wll INmiUIo Uuivvraitv tfMtMtMMMHW three point, and tho Oregon State Normal chool, Monmouth, had hb points to its credit. Taken altogether' the day was a suc cess and everything went off smoothly. As in always the case, some ' turbulent spirits and would-be smarties. mode more or less trouble by kicks and pro tests, against dccislonr rendered, but no open rupture was apparent. The perfection of the arrangements made before hand was due in great measure to I'cank wlllmun, who took an active and intullegunt part in preiwra tions. riKI.I) DAV NOTKS. Numlers do not nlways count for victory, Tlio little Quaker College at Nowbcrg, with only three men in tho contest, carried off as many honors as tho big aggregation for Corvallis. Tlio track management of the college fiold meet neglected tho first element of pleasure for spectators of amateur sjiort promptness in commencing and spoiled much of its enjoyment. JJofore exacting to command tho at tendance of tlio general public nt col lego athletic contests, they must bo shorn of the elements of the jockey, tlio tricks for advantage, tlio packing with professionals and tho cunning nny-way-to-wln "shirts." .Much of tho dignity which should attach to tho sisort of our higher educational institutions Ih de stroyed by tho appearance of allldavits and counter allldavits charging unfair practices. Lot such contests become tests of skill, musclo, endurance and brains uhjii tho fpart of young men who aro bona fide students of tho college represented ; let them bo carried on with a spirit of gentlemanly rivalry, and tlio people will Hock to witness them and will enjoy tlio exhibition, HiihhoII, of Willamette University, madotho finest run of the whole day's work. It wiih a beautiful burst of speed, daring.courageoiis and successful. Young Mr. Tongue, son of Oregon's First district congressman, made a eool headed, well-in formed referee. Ho lias tho genuine love of sKrt, which made ids father a successful breeder of fast horses. Young Scott, sou of the Orogonian's editor, exhibited the "got tliuro" stock of the family in running the two-mile bicycle race. He was supposed to be phyHicully incapacitated for tlio effort, but he made it just the same, ami won. The Modern Deauty Thrives on good food and sunsliino, with nlentv of exercise in tlio onen air. Her form glows with health and her face blooms with its beauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle and pleas tint Syrup of 1'igs, made by tho Calif ornla I'ig Syrup Co, only. Sam Sauviilu ami family came over from Dallas, Saturday to visit witli pa rents ami frinuds ami luuideutly to take in the picnic. They returned today via Htuge. trvitt with joj you rnntlnur th ilrtkl!llnilubcraIiliIl.M(.'I.l.0ir tvmu.v. tununiri lor uiuftfro. m outn.r.iiu.uitir.i.. vtnIBniOv- tin., iiuriu.i aw biuuu, f Si ituir, u. Kin,, mki tou tiroov In hfllh,nero-d bat pi 400.000 nil IKXitt-alsm. M JtVJUO 'l'Oll AC fruii cirtruml Uuj "?? . 1 1 'awl 1ouf own lirurfllt. who w: m woven ror ni. to 11 wun wlll,ptl.ntlr,p.rliunllr On . SI. uiu.llj iui.,i J bain, IJH), r.nii-'.iiiarMr., orw.r.rnnil mAnfj. f a., Cfc, lklt. IhiuiI, S.w t.rt. Piano Uoxes, Having sold four dozen pianos in last three months, I am entirely overstocked witli piano Isixom ami in order to cloon tliemout will sell tills lot at fl.fiO each a coml time for fewl Isixes at lieo. 0. ill, the Music and Sewing machine dealer. No-Tn-lma ,ur flfl CmiU. Climronti'cU tolsmni liaun ouru, iiinhiM weal nuiiNtrniiK, blood purti 60o.ll. All tlruggltta SALEM MINISTER. Decide to Have a Picnic Uut Will not Hold It on Sunday. Tho Solum Ministerial Association held its usual Monday morning nicotine; at tho Y. M. V. A. rooms. There was not a largo attendance amino husIuosH wiih tranwveted, lwyond tho usual do votioiiial sorvices. It wasilecldml to hold a plcnio by the Ministers and their familitw Wednesday, Juno Ul. Tho onmmlttee on arrango. munts and program is Ilovs. Hoynl, Knntnur uud Meh'illop. Tlio hmthum of the elotli doservo to have one dnv of roerwatlon in the year. Two hcatta can make a love affair, but it takoa tUtee. at lest. to make a home, and one of them mutt be that of a baby The jouiik warned couples that atart uut in life with the idea that children ate miuanec, ami that they do not want and will not have them, arc the kind that you red about every day m the ucwupapett- in the illveict: column. A hoaie without ehitdicu ia not a home Rod and Natuie never in tended that there should be place called "yw.e..,Sl. 4!Ul "ol ound li the juiter of childish fooltepa. Tlteic are tens of thousand uf homes that are childleaa becuc of the ill health of the wife aud would be mother There air inn 01 uiouMnus 01 other home child lea becauae the little ones have diel al most aa aoon as they were Unti lu both ee l)r Tierce'a I'avorite l'icHpno U ovreiB remedy It acta ilnvetly 011 the delicate and important utKaivi that make wifehood and motherhood poMiblc. It male- them well, atronfr, tgoroua. virile, and clattie It doea away uh the JiHtcra of maternity It banlthe the utual dl. comfoita of the eipectant petiod and tuakea baby's advent tasy aud almost iMiu leaa, It insures the little new comet's health and an ample supply of nouiUh-meot.- -Th Prospective mother piejaic hciacll for luaternity by taking the x l. voiite J1eMiitlon'rand Kve her child fair start lu life tiyglvlux it a alien-and well developed body Thouaanda of tieniM that were childltu to day eeho with babies' Uuchter. and ble-aa this giet me,dT cine. Thousand of wmeu wsm were weak, nervous, despondent invalid, air to-aay nppy, healthy wive ai4 mathera I 4u of this mwlidue. Medicine deal' I era Mil it Constipation kills lwly but it kill. Di rteite'afteasantlMUtsifuielt mtmMUUm wjm avAvjaBiae iv rai a a vai zi9lmttMS3 iuiiiai wKmi'tuttu New Convicts, Martin L. Dobwn mid Hdward Hani ttion, both convicted in the United States court of passing counterfeit money, and David Hayes, of Multnomah county, for larceny, to serve two years, were received at the pen on Saturday. Hood's Are Raining lavor rapidly nanaa limine i men and trarel- Ljpr III C Icm carry them In rest '"" III ? pocketn. ItdJti crry them "" I in tun. liouiWrr aP ,,1m '" wedlelns I Smu, frlrnd rttoinmend tatm 10 menai. ioc. Hudson A. Davis, of MinncaiKjlis, su- porintondent of a grain elevator com pany, Is in the city tho guest of his daughter -Mrs. Fred C. Ilaker. Doa't Tolicro Spit ana Soolt Tour Uf lni. To quit tobacco easily and (orever, bemag nctlc, full cf lite, nerre and rigor, tattci No-To-Hue, tho wnndcr-norltcr, that maUev treaU men itrong. All drugnltta.tocortl. Cure guaran teed. Iloolilct and sample free. Address ItcrlloE Itetnedy Co, Chicago or Nc Yortt Don't Forget. Don't forget that tho Conductors' An nual Excursion conies to Salem next Sunday. Crowds will be huro from all over the Willamette valley, and in ioint of numbers it will be the greatest day of the vcar. tf OASTOHLIA. Bari th ,? II" M Yw Haw Always To cum pile, DeWltt's Witch Haze Salve STKIKKS AT TIIR UOOT It rc uioves the oausk, quickly and per mancntly. Stone Drugstores. The Best in the Market. The Meyers' bay tools are tho liest. Look over tho largo, woll-eoiiipped barns throughout tlio country for evi dence. Champion mowers, rakes uud hinders, the most practical and im proved machines, up-to-date in every thing. Handled by Mitchell, Uwis A htaver t.;o., in lront,ot tlio Ireiglit depot, opmsito the brewery. J. M. Foksytiik, 12 2dlw Manager. OASTOKi'A. Batri the jt The Kind Yw m AImh BougH fllenatnre 5 JSZS" of i-futfTy m(c&a SalemPreparatory School. Summer term oikjiih July fi, 18W. I union per menth: Normal and II iuhscliool. . fl 00 Couimou and Higher tirades It 00 Ilelow 7tli Clrade ... 2 50 A. J. (J .MILAN P. M. A. fl 7 lm Principal. Screen Doors and Windows. Hcreur. cloth etc., Poultry and Lawn fencing of till kinds ami shingles. SALKM KI5NCIS WOKIC9, Wai.tkr, I'mp, d.U5 S9HinteHtni't Steam Dye Works No. li)5 Coiumercial street., opposite Wllhimelte liotul. Ladles' and gentlemen's clothing cleaned, dyed, re paired and pressed. Finn blankets cleaned or dyed and nicely Mulshed. Kid gloves cleaned, 10c: dyed 2oc. ,00 BKT OBBBOM WBKLT M.flO Tlio Model Orogon Newspaper and Family Journal. Uniting Nows, Fiction, Literary, Ranch and Dairy and'Markot News Inlattrantlye readable form. A a niu jo la issued Thursduy.inornltig.ln tlmu to rcviyls all tujts of tho stata tho same week. le 9.80 Weekly... In two narUcontalns all Important FqrolRo, National nudlSUto INews. ,. MM An Independent Assoalated plft, Send foi""amplos free. 1K JQUKNau has the fulll, rjDjKtlf the dojoga Uf UiOleiliuje and state WUolaUj ag wejl at ledepen. dentjcjear ind oouoU oramont n all public matters. cndutrlal uocirliil8m Tlmim JM"ri. -'--T-rrjrrraTrn7inrifrni;aT-Tii.i iwrnss CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Sigaaturo of & RAZOR TAX All people are hereby notified that a tax on Knzors of 25c for retempering is now on and can be paid nt the shop of Sim II. White and Co. at High street, opposite the Court House. 5-20 -t A LIFE SAVED. Dr. J.F. Cook, 'tho Botanical Speci alist, Sucooods Whero Othor9 Fall. To whom it may concern : Tins is to certify tltat JJertiia r. uon nor, of Mt .Angel precinct. Marion coun ty, Oregon, lias suffered from a cancer ous growth in the loft car for about three years. The growth was cutout twice and burned out once by Albany Physicians, lut tho crowtli camo back ns bail as over, and pained bur so badly that she had to be taken from school. After three week's treatment by Dr. J. I. Cook, of Salem, Oregon, the liotanical Specialist, tho growtli entirely disap peared, and at this date,)four months since treatment was begun, the growth lias not reappeared, and tho ear has en tirely healed leaving only the scars in flicted by the Albany doctors. I hereby certify that tho nlxivc state ment is absolutely true, and that Ber tha P Conner, the ;erson mentioned in the nflldavit, bus resided in my fam ily since early childhood, bearing tho re lationship to me of niece. II. C. Loxci. Sub.scrilcd and sworn to before me this eighth day of June, 18TO. W. W. Hall, county clerk of Marion county, Oregon. Herschbacfh Reiffelman BLACKSMITHS and WHEELRIGHTS. We will Rhoe your horec, build or repair your wagon or Implements fielng lucatcd to stay our patrons have a guarantee that our work will be satisfactory. Shop 100 Chemckcta street. Telenhone 2705. 1-1 tf Tho Intor-Stnto Unlvorolty Systom of Musical Instruction. K. It. BCOTT. D. M. PIIKHIDKNT A National Co-otieratlre Institution which la bcKlnnlnit to numhor its faculty by hundreds and it ptiplln by thoiitHndi, Knibrnclng inuro than twenty HtntcH. For tliu benefit of l'HplU of TrlTiito Teaclier At Home. KKlllTII SCHOLASTIC YKn. ( ertltioalM granted from a regularly rhor tcnJ intitutinn. Kxplanatlim nfthe 8tom In detail in llirwi rolmnna Watch (or it. lfrrAANl)i:it8-WU,MStAN. State Keptvntmifo and Member uf tho Faculty Hturieo over Flrit National Dank llldtr., One or two plarra oxin for adrunced plajera In piano quartet. There is only one place in town to get a FIRST-CLASS HARNESS If you are a I'tanger, ask your neighbor, he will tell ou to go to W.W.JOHNS jiii uabk ol the Ked Kiont Diug Store. 4.13d wlru Pr$ Papa,r.for the Pe HOFEU BKOS: RNAL i-aoo i m BSB You Can Get a Lower Berth, With one exception tbo through ..nn nt Mm Ititrllnirtrin TlOUtC are almost Invariably well-filled. The exception Is our St. Paul- r'l.ln.n r.lmlfnrl On t.lin limited thero Is usually room and to spare. Don't lurer that It is neither so linn, nor so fast, as ANY train of ANY other lino between fat. Paul and Chicago. On the con trary, there Is no more beautiful train In America. It has electric light, steam heat, wide vestibules, the most satisfactory dining-car service on the continent and a lower berth for everybody, A. C. SHELDON. Oen'l Agent, Portland, Or. A Few Interesting Facts When people are contemplfting a trip whether on bujtneis or pleasure, they natur ally want the best service obtainable to far as speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employes of the Wisconsin Central Lines are paid to terve the public and our trains are operated so at to make clo'e connections with diverging line at nil junction points. Pullmin Palace Steeping and Chair cars on through trains. Dining car service unexcelled, Meals a la Carte. In order to obtain this first-cluss service, ask the deket agent to sell you a ticket over TUB WISCONSIN CBNTRAIi LINES and you will mike dlrert connections at St. l'aul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any lurther Infoimation call on any ticket agent or correspond with JAS, rOND, General Pass, At;ent. Milwaukee, Wrs, or JAS. A. CLOCK, General Agent, 246 Stark Street, 1'orti.anp. Ork. Offers travelers choice of tho following routes cast. They are all famous for their scenic attraction, O. K. & N, via Ogdcn and Denver Shasta Keute via Sacramento, Ogden and Denver, Shasta Home via Sacramento, Majirc Alberquernue. A daily line of throuph TULLMAN PAIJVCE and TOURlSTbLEEl'EKt, San. Francisco and l.os Angeles to Chicag this is The Short Line from southern California To the East, Apply to the agents of the 0. 11- & N O S, L., Southern Pacific, or '.lis undersigned, for folders and descriptive literature. J. J. DEVERKUX. Gen'l Act Worcester. MM Portland. The Geo, M, Bcclcr Insurance Agency Always to the front with best rates and policies in the leading companies. Employment Agency, Do you want woric, or need help of any kind? Apply at once. Rental Agency, Property to lent, Register our ugency. 288 COMMBUCIAL STKKBT, SaLBM. Kurtz & Hamilton PLUMBERS and TINNERS US COURT STREET. MutCOIl, ..f . i!ii,7 V.. T 7 ii' "" mns oi v.!l?eI un Galvanized Iron II- . V,K U0H Kunor nif, u mil Hne of Pumps and pump lnw Prompt work aud reasonable nricos wind nil. ,rUt0Ck',l,,e "-lrMnk wind mill. Ch uud geo us bofore IvIuk yuur order fur mill or tank Phone 234 PKOMPr WORK AND LOW PRICES KED FRONT LIVERY FirstvClass Feed and Boarding stables. 11 COMMEROIAl, STUKRT. SALEM, ORE. Wm -ULLREY, Prop. Best Rigi for Comruercial Men 8tabU hi !nbV)k nut4 Wlslanwtte, frieillJ?,d!?!9tWe flit. itv",Tfr.VX.,urL"r,D? Pe r T nnVT,r.4,',l,u "ay. week , ... m.uuu auu utisi. nr .n l.,i.. BUaranlwd' aTt" uAra SOUTH AND EAST ME SHSTA RO'JTE OFTHK Southern Pacific Co, KXTXUS TRAINS RUN DAHY 7:00 r 945 7--4S A a Lv...;l'ortland. . .Ar Ar....Satem .... Ar Ar. San Francisco. Lv 1 8:00 au iSS AM ( 7-'oo r u 5?ooTM Ar Ogden ... .Ar imopm 6:05 PM Ar Denver. ,.Lv 6 45 PM 6,40 AM Ar . . . . Omaha . . . . Ar 8 50 a m 8'IS P M Ar .... Chicago ....Lv 6,30 PM 7 00 am Ar. ..Los Angeles... Ar 925PM 815 pm Ar .... El Paso .... Ar 235PM 4,15 PM Ar.... Fort Worth. ,.,Ar 8.40 Am 7.55 A m Ar.. New Orleans. ..Ar 8 40 pm HjIninu cars OBSERVATION CARS. Pullman tirst-class and tourist sleepinK cars attached to all through tralm . Tourist cars through to Chicago without change ROSKDURO MAIL. r-DAlLV. I 8.-30 A Ml Lv... Portland ..Ar 1055 A M Lv.... Salem.... Lv I 520 PMJ Ar....Koseburg.. Lv 4-3o p m 1 5o;p n 730 A M WhS'l SIDE DIVISION. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS, Mail tialns i daily except Sunday. 730 A M Ty. . . .1'ortland. . Ar7 550 p m II. 'S5 p Ml Ar.... Corvallis.. Lvf 120 pm At Albany rains of the C, and &E, Corvallis con, ect Ry. wit INDETENDENCE l'ASSENGER. KXPRES8 TRAIN OA1LV EXCEPT SUN1MY. 4:50 PM) Lr 7:30 pmLv 8:30 PM) Ar .. Portland.... Ar .. McMlnnvllle Lv Independence Lv I 825 . S-'So I 4-5o 825 a M 1 A M AM Direct connections at Mn tranctsco with stearrship lines f.i HAWAII, 1APAN. CHINA. THE I'HILLll'INES and AUS TRALIA. For through tickets and rates call o- W. W, SKINNER, Depot Agent, or C- D. GAIIR1ELSON City Ticket Agent, 232 Com- mcrcial ht. Salem Or. R. KOE11LER, Managei. C. MARKHAM G. F. & P. A. Portland 0.R.&N. DrCAIlT TIME S( HKDUI.K. lAItlllVE ton From rortlatut. "Fast"" Sal" Lake,"T)envcr' "ft"" Wo'ft U Mnll Omaha, Kaiuaa City, Htif'pm 8 p. 111, LoUlB.l'hicagoand Enst, Siio Wa"lirVValla""HpoVane",yiliiT" Hio- kanc apolls, Mt. Paul. Uiiluth, Mil- kane Flyer wnukco CIiIcsro and oust. Flyer 2.30 pm .t a. m. OCEAN BTKASHHl"f5r" 8 p 111. For Snn Fraliclacu, 4 f. ts Bail every llvo dnyn. i'p.'in'. COLU"MTriC"Ilfvlli ex. Huu HTKAMEItS. 4 p. m. Hatur- To Astoria and way tendings, ex Bun. dn) 10 p, in. Leave " " ArSa- Salem WIl.LAMETTK UlVEIl lem 7JS am I'nrtlund, Ncwberi,' and way 0 p. m. (Tils Uiidlugi. Monn Thu Wed hiuI Hat Fri 10 . in. Tu Mon For Daytuu Tliur Wed Sat. Fri 3:30 pm Ar Bn- I.cavo I WILLAMF.TTK ItlVKIl lem Halem ('orvnlllH Albany uqiI Way 10a. m, 'l"u Thu l'olnti. ,Mon Hat Wed 3 p. m 'ami Fri WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION Daily boats to Portland as above. Transfers to street car line at Oreg City if the steamers are delayed there ound trip tickets to all points in Oregon Washing ton, or California, Connection made at Port land with all rail, ocean andrivcr lines W. If. HURLHURT. Gen'l Pas. Art, Portland. O G. M. POWERS. Agent, Trade street dock Salen-. UOISE & I5ARKER. City Agent. YAQTJINA EOTJTE Us CoiuioctliiK at YAQUINA with the YAQUINA BAY STEAMSHIP COMPANY STEAMKUS "WEEOTT" Klrt-class: in every re ec. The above teamer Is due to sail from Yaqulna every eight daw. Shortest lloute"iictweeu Between Ysllej Points and San Francisco Fare: Albany and Points West to San Francisco Cabin. 110.00 17.00 EDWIN 8TONK. Mauager hound Trip..., H. U WAI.nKN. T F. 4 P. A. J. TURNER Aftent. Albany, Ore. WILLAMETTE RIVEK DIVISION STEAMER WM, M, HOAG, Captain Geo. Uaabe, Olint.lllf lltL.An 11.-., I J n ... .t..VUi: . Tr"". i aim lorvanis, topping at all way landings. WVER SCHEDULE. DOWN-TiieKlays, Thurwtays and 8midays. Leaves Corvallis a a. ro Leaves Albany "T"T........", " 7 a m Leaves Uueua' Vista ZZZZZZ2 B 2. "a leaves Iudeeiidence....... o a. m Leaves Salem ..... .10a. m Leaves Newbere :so Arrive Portland . . i:so Ur-Mondays, Welnesdayi and Fridays. Leaves Portlaml. a .. m Leaves Newherg I0i30 a. m laVAS NiAin Leaves Independence '. . S:Mi. m .. 6:00 p. in ...-. 7:30 p. m .. M p, w Il:lWp,ru I.eava,t llm.n.. VUtn i.aaves Airwiiy... Arrive Corvallis THa lliainr h.B luf,n equipped with flm- claim accommodations, lucluaing au elegant piano. Unsurpassed (or carrying both freight aud passengers, Dockr-Vootol State street. O. MAERTZ. Agent. Salem, Oregoi C,8ULUVAN,8upt. Altiauy, Ore go Oregon Slion Line Railroad The Direct Rome to Montana, DUb, Colorado aad all Eastern Poi'dIs Gives qhoice ol two favorite routes, via tke union Pacitio Fast JIall Une, or the Ulo Grande Scenic Line. Look at the thne-. i ,, . .... . t "ayf io eon Lake 21 Days to Denver 31 Days to Chlcaso 41 Days to New York Fre.R.eH1,,BluCn,,r Cr. UphoUtared Tou 1st Skwprng Can. and iMllman PaUci" bleopers operated on all trains. For further information applysto BOltiK 4 BARKER, trcnts. Salem. W. E. CQUAN. Gsh'I Agent C 0. TERRY. TT4T. Pass. At , 121 Third 8t Portland ExluiuUon smd break dowa foDows Orta rnvtnt U by using Dr. MiieV Neniac