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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1899)
IK 'liiiu j-jr r5V':'',tiS-a ,T(fW MUM r """" " i K"!, :: v1 m F-- t k & -MtusmimiiM aa-a MiBrWMMWflw -Ittnh Suiting FOR DOMINO PARTY w m w " f "." .' PROPER SHADE 0A8II STOItfS HOLVERSON' OASH HTpilE Capes, Collarettes and Mackintoshes Will be closed out at unheard of prices Silk lined Pur Collarettes at Every Day In the week you can get Freh itoasted Coffees and not coffee that has boon standing for weoks In barrel!!. Try our Middle Price Coffee 20 and 26 conta a pound used '-0 bo iW and conUi. Or IT yon want Something Cheap Krosh and bettor than rwekauo colTcc, try the IS) and 15 cent grade. Try Our Coffee and be convinced or lie fruehneas and quullty for It price. Yokohama Tea Store ..$2.75. Greatest bargains ever shown Every garment reduced J, J, DALRYMPLE & CO, Always Up-to-Date... Wo lira now showing the IntMt in Rimless Glasses LHi 'ualrt In umiinUiiga, still Mr-inger than evur. Iteuiciiibor we are llw speetnela and oye glBA SpofllllllsU. 20 Years' Experience Gradual Oatlialrnotoglst, Ocn . JlfiU l'reeorlpttofie a epeelinty. Youn Kybb TtUrTatt) J'KBU. SALMI'S OPTICIAN. G H, HINGES 200 COMMI5UCIAL KTKKHT. BRETON STUDIO HOOM 7, I'ATTON WlJOVM, VV KTAlltS. Telephone Hod 01. Free delivery. COUR T HOUSE FIRE Marlon County Narrowlv Averts TrtmcnrJous Disaster. Splendid Work of the I'ire department Haves a Hundred Thousand Dollar Budding. veyors offlce Indicate? that a woollen brick, If there was one tilers was burned away, but the brick next to It has the appearance of having the end frostily broken off It Is possible the ovarhoatod Hue sot Arc to the Joist, or Itoorbcams, but If there vas a brick there of the wooden species, whloh ordinarily dot not look ronwnable, that may have set lire to the bose boiird. It I claimed tlmt such wooden hnek ntu u be found In the walls of all the lluos, which If true would In-1 dloatc the bbllding was a very unsnfc structure. W. II. Smith, a plasterer, who lives In Knglowood, who made repairs In' the circuit courtroom n few years ago, was seen by the writer today and nays in cutting through a Hue In! that perl of the court house he found a wooden brick that was almost eom-' plotely charred tu coal. V. F. Itoothby, who nuncrlntonded l the cnntnjetlen of the court house, ; says such a wooden brick might ac cidentally have been Inserted in a' fine, but he does not think tliore are many such In the building. Ho duos! not believe the wooden brick in this1 oaae caused the lire, oven If there was I one, as the flue has beeti In almost constant use for over twenty six j yeurs, The building cost $124,000 and I Insured forSft0,00O. Scott's Emul'-ioti urcv.-j liver Oil with IlypoplW phitcs is pure and palatable. For years it has been used for coughs and colds, for con sumption, for those whose blood is thin or colorless, whose systems arc emaciated or run down. For children it moans health and strength, stronger bones and teeth, and food for the grf-wing mind. tfahy gin in weight and thrive when Scott's Emul sion is added to its milk. joe. atai i. o, ll Vutei. SCOTT 1 BOWNI., ihciuitft, St Votk. DO That you cm buy Dress Goods and clothing at Friedman' Now Racket t for Just what other merchants have to pay for them, If you do not know come at.d see foryoursclf. Here area few of the bargains we arc offering Fine ycll lngs,latcst styles, worth thirty-five cents a yard, we arc selling at fifteen cents per yard. Ladles Kid Olovos worth a dollar and a half a pair Tor one dollar per pair, and Ladles Kid Gloves worth a dollar a pair for sixty-nine cents per pair, and .Mlssofl KM Olnves worth seventy live cents n pair for forty-five :ents per pair. i !( Wllwn H. Knliht. biii.II Wilt. lf, Ijt A. Vlriif, pupil .1. wmh. biiirMMi urtKini n rmti anil IhW aimI .ali .l.awfll.w iii oil toil watar cofcir imIiiIIh h rr nin. i Imuran gim HH i mlmr llllll of m. cinraoai Urn wing from cal am I Ink and woli itrawfiii for llliuin In oil anil watar itrturtMliitlHc. Tt Mltlth. rtillllrata'tf fllau bu Bl.i.,lj MtfHlhl. Alto prrtArr twin tor llifriidliirti, nmJr -briM.1 or In iU II. iVm. iiii-nuiii-li, umlr abriM.1 or la lh rM '' rut K'h"lu' " tUm hnt'n r, Ivm m 04 SALEM PEOPLE I and OTHER PEOPLE I - J ll4i at iMlvm and Mhr )t-mi lowni are hh in iihii m f ioul and NWlal ir In lh Tlir Mllr and WMklr A Land Caie, Tlio stale whool landooiiiiiilMlonerH yrtterday cnlurUilnwl propoiltloiM from two iippllctttila for the purchue of tlio (rrnvel barforiuliitr uoar Mlnlo's Inland, and olalmvd by I Inn. Jnhn Mltito us an neeNtlou. Tlio several wtittld-bo purolmwM arc M. II. Saruxo and the Salem Water Cu. Tlio Water Co., claim prior rlnlit to purohitKo on account of ououiKitioy, while Mr. b'uv nKQolalinn tlio rlnlit U purohujo the mua, olaiinlriK It was an Uland formed In the river. Mr. Mlnto was prwoulniid protoislcd DKttinttt the sale of Uio land, ua It was uccrollori to UN fmnUik'o mid under look nhiiw that it was hl. The board will utke ovidonw In (he ettwsoa March n, whoti the timtter will l deoldod. How It Hunt! Htieumutl.m.wltli Itushurn twltiius, noliesand jwlns. Do you kiinw tlio cauM? Aold In tlio Much) (ink umuiii ulutfd hi your JoltiU. 'Va ouro is found In JltKxlfn tjurtuiprllln whloh tioutiallus this nenl. TIioiiwiihIh wrIUi that limy Imvo boon oomiiloiuly currd of rhuuiuaUsm by llood' Kur-Mtprllla. Ilood'f Mils cure nauen,4lek hoetl nchi', bllluuititfiw. ImlluMlluN. I'rtao 26 co n t. rMUWtod tO MMil 1,1 ll nti l npfMM J'MirNal.tKH. MIhsKoiiioIi Holland Is vlnltlrm in Sllvorlon with friends. Mrs. A. J. Woodeock, lift, todiiy for anhortvlHltatfJorvallN. Mlw Addlo SImpson, of l.obatien. In vlsltlnfrlonnsln thUelty. Walter Lynn, prlvntu secrutnry to llw Kovurnor, went to Forlltuul to day. llunry UTrimx, of Grunt Im Is In tlio oily vltiltlnif friends for a few days. Fnul Sroat. tint Columbia hlrvalu doalor, rolurned from Portland this morning Kukoiio Hreyman has roturnotl from a uiiMnoM visit of Mvcrul days at Portland. lly the vlKllunce of Mlitwntelinmn ' Urn wiir dl.uovored In the county survo7or' oillce of llw Marlon county court hnue at w oVIock Tuesday nmht. lly thv nromnt. vluorous and olllcl- out work of fie Salem llredcpart'yenl the llames were exllnk'iiishud and the build I ni wired with but slluht iImhi ae. Th8 tiro undoubtedly cmmlii fmni a defective Hue In oim of tlm parti tion walls that u." only three bricks In thlcknem, one brick hetnK left out til at. form the Huh. Thin I thinly platred on tint Inside. A v.ihhIimi brick Is liiHirtd at InteryalM of a I jo lit four feet to which the base boards are nulled. Tlio theory of till. tiro Is Unit such a wooden brick wa Insirtod so a to t a rmrt of llw In aide wall of Urn chimney, which burnod niilTuiwd ly afternoon.-ml net the brick, Ihe b.ixatKiurd and Door and cnusd Ibis llru. The llames moiiiitwl up the uorlhoastcoruerof iheMiirvuy or's ollloe, cnwswl iiinlor tlio llour.'i hurnlmr throuu'h tlioeolllmr and lloor oyer the sheriff's oilli-o am) Iwu'iin u climb up around the window In the southeiiht ooruor of ilia Nherlll's oltlee. Only lliHUtmotproniplno or lh II ro dnimrttiuiut, ami tlio exitnt sitlnx up of llw slluailon, ami Mm liiwinen promptly loeatliiK the llamoeaml net' lln water directly on Hie simh, iavwl the hoaullful white tomplo of Juatlce Afiiir 'Phrua MV,ru ... l.. .1... Urn iiliirm lui unllH.ul .. 1 1 .......... . , .RI'UII ...u ......... ,iu i,i,viii-i, mi in-iHiun in Retrenchment in City Matters. It wns yostorduy decided by the city fathors that for the present the va cancy oxIstlriK on the police force, caused by the roslKuatlon of j, (j, .lolinson.wlll bo lefc unhllcd. This Is a quiet sons jn nl the yoar, and Ills liellevod that the expense of one po lluomnn can be saved for a time at least. The position of online driver wns also declared vacant, as the proscnl elllclent driver was simply employed to break In tlio new ton in. Hence forth, as In the past, the online ton in will be driven by the tire chief, who Is required by ordinance L perform tlmt duty A Health to QMigc the First. First In pence, first in war and first the hour Us at his countyiuen and conn trywonion iwro's a health to Gcurite WiiftlilDKton. His natal day Is cole nratcd at Slem by clwlnj: of public oilioes, banks ami courts. That he : the Krentest, wisest and best man, Mho ever oscupled the presldonilal ulllce no one can dnubl. Hut we have made a (Treat deal of progress xlnce the tluys of Gourde the First. Tliore Is no race slavery, no fear of Toryism, no niilnKonlsm bo- twetm rliuroh ami shito, doctors do not bleed their iNilients by actually letting lilotxl, as a remedy for every thing. luUeoriu Washington's lime ItsvasH coiiimiuii Iwllef Hint every body had to have the smallpox. Oeoiue had It and his brolher died of It, People Kel iiIumk yory woll now and llvojuttas Ioiik without tl. Transferred. The following described property changed bauds as noted by the re eerder: Arthur O. Thomas, lot 53, block 4, Knglewood addition to Salem. 83000. Charles n. po"K (unmarriouj lo a. J. Spontf, S10 acres In t 0 s, r w 8IW. Charles H. Spon (unmarrlod) to A. J. Suonj?, 210 acres In t fl , r .1 w $l0. State Hoard of School Land Com missioners to John Willis, L02 acres In to sr, 4 r, 411. Martha 1. Thomas to Philip A. Thomos, lot 12, block I, In Knulewood addition to Salem, $1. Mrs. M. L. HrcinboiiL'li to A. .1. SponK, U0 acres in I li s, r H w, 31. j Discharged. The uovcrnor has received a copy of ! in order of the dlschuruc on Febru ary 10. lf.09, showlnir the discharges from the voluntcor army. The nnme of .1, I). New of the Oregon U. S. volunteers appears among them, who Is now at Manila. He l entitled to1 travel. pay home. t'nlty cliutcli should be tilled on Friday nllit to listen to the free Iwtu eon The Walled City or Four l ears Among the Criminals. We have a great assortment and are selling tlmm for about one-third less than they caT be manufactured, we nlso have a large assortment of cor sets, these we are selling 'or sixty cents on the dollar. Fine lines of black dross are at haat thirty per cent less than they can be laid down here today. Great variety of laces from one ceut n yard up, the largest and best assorted stock of embroideries in the city, sec our display In south window. We es pecially wMi to call the Lndlos attention to our crean and black silk Incos and chiffons, -space only forbids us to mention all the different lines we carry In stock. Vet e must not fall to say a few words for our Gent's furnishing goods. In ovcrshlrts we have seventy-live different lines, from good outing Haunel shirt at twenty-live cents up to the finest silk mixed. Underwear either In cotton mixed or all wool, We bought them at a bargain und win sell them likewise. Racket It mt with tou wb(hf r ynu eon 1 1 no tb. lirf-.kiiJln tobacco habit, W-TO-IJ.CjT vumi mv H-nri" IVrlVDWO, wlM!i, vai nTToiiauiiirMS-, tftttUbleo hoou, r tine. punui tb b iv in an n ou itronjr Xl DlKkl M JV .r-K Kyi aaa tnrM Joel maoho-wi. tAtifltD,nerri' nil pocket W4M B, Zl!. urt riici Old. 400 IV(1 .'! -tfk,! 111,. -SOTO II A ' from P...wa . WWM uiukiim, Willi Mill f-Atl..k fn-m 'T.t,A(-,tK ftMlll nallanti. ....'t.t -- l . ". ( M'HIl rlll(CUII j uni PIIIMnl il(,1-n. .a u ...J VwrlUf Ei iC-i Cfcli.ft, ttatf w ff I. Corner State and Commercial Sts. S, FRIEDMAN,, auctioneer and Appraiser Makes his headquarters nt Frledmairs New Racket. Kldor II. L. Ilarkloy. of Wowlburn, wan nSalwn vlsluir lodnv. lonklm- after ehureh matters. C M. UllltrltOU. Of llnnnnnr lint. formerly of thUolty. u hum iimkinif after btitlnoss mattvrs. Tlio Hate oillnos hove Iwon olowd today. Gov. Geer kiuiiil imii. nr n.. day visiting some of the Institutions. It ll ronOrtlMl llllll ll nntvilru i,iu.l. eJtabllBlunent Is to bo opened In tlio uuiuuiig now neounlod bv th nux. riu in. ,.?f ,flKrlpiM l.iU Orttfirti I'ouew Jllltem. 37 2w New Dress Skirts Arrlvei) Maj'- will linvu Ibmu on exhlbukm mxl tart hew IVttormi and are all llMV MIS UIMftA lu tllfl ltttlML kLvIlM .lulaiM muu f-.. It 26 U H. CtiuatHtr ibaii wukiHg them ytHirwif awl better NiUHg KurmoiiUyou mw m. ' wonht Ui ploiMHl lu buw )tlW UWM (Ml xk. ) OU will tlmt ihwM moely HmO nwi trlmiufd. Our Ladies' and Men's Shoes Are the Mad Uinl gtvM wtUlHe- lion, u ywi iiuvv wue pnlr ynu will wantitnollioribtty It hi w4 hm give uuoli good NjFvloa. CrpMott'uMwiM Pih (j so hoa .aowt4W--wBarBulaj- ml UU CraI)farrlvwl tfldej, Willis Bro?. & Co. UX)T CUkll HOIMli Plot IXisrSama of ta "-nftHn, hHaiuhnd IlbK b. awl 9 MIm lima llollmiil nt in rwt.t. lis yoslordsy tu altoml .l.mniu,, part,)-itad vlult her sister Mis Ctou stunra. V. It. Snylw, etlltorof lk M MltiNvilta'FmnMrlpi.u ta U) ttty to nwtt Uie eoHiHitttM eurraaU ag Uw Uumo Joaraal. aaaor iiihi Jl. v. Rwtl ltt UiN HtwralHg fur Diala uwt afir a lorliUpovar will Hmew Mi San ProHclMajon the overland, lo eoni Py with Seonutr l. fkly, whn , IMrty will vim1 a rWw waaktj. Tlw Hewn ha' umh nmirwl 1. ill ell' of Uw duMiofMl4AlUia Wtl IIhoii, wlw for srunil vtitn lui 1,, Vwilli SaUw aail nUumUii i.iu-i.. aiui4. A few meatasugn nbniuorwl with m nertmu ui Tho lmm at whloh 4rtM ink died. nv nwnmn atHi(s HHVO r- WrMvd froM) Ue KttwurLk M.U..IU. ai WaidMra; llov. ami Mi, n a Wnuwt. Mev. Joa ltroaMtes Aawi Atwood. lUw Itakoattaw. fH.Ml UanMllHH. JaauLlu U-i tJltfc, la IHoM. Mndl o-irivur. Mk'k-W WuioaiMijKh, Mw, SlaKtotoa amj Momm. Hawlay. itaitaou, War- IlWW Nad JtMlMH. '. . .ii JM -,y f . ;&: ,ft" tlio building, who wore Traastirur Downing, Deputy Clork Win. ItiiHhev ami Shorllt Durbln. wIium fmnrv live on llw basement Ibior. 1 11 the Jail wore uiroo men ami two little rtitm way iMiyn fmin MoMiuvllle, who begged pltootisly to bo let nut, but as wore In no dninnr whatovor, Sheriff Durbln koptulltho prlminuriiln tlwlr Mils ll displayed great wwlnesi in looking after hid family ami in ohnrges. Durbln soon ruullxMl tlmt lw had In remove all vnltmbls from hii odloa except tlm rowirdx nt IS4, 1HW7, and llw delinquent lists whloh are kout In the vitulU. The sheriff's nUleo and living rtHimsworo Imdly goaked am smukod but nut berluusly damaged. Thu sliorlll's uillee effects aro siorml In the county court rimin, oatbiieluoss Is all traitSHetod as usual by thai nfflelal. Ills Iommm ntrcmnl him) oMlclal may amount u JAW. Slivrlff Durbln. Itpuly Culbalb, Treaiuror Downing. L'lortc Hall, and Deaaty Uaslwy led too brlirado of Mpn from the bysUaders who roteucd all tlw county nrotwrtr tbat was in daagor, exoeat tlio coaUota of thu MilTlU-or'S Uttkw. wImm Lb niiLui. uaarnoeurrod. Tboodtolal raourds of lb ottb art Huvr moccrvMl lu Uet. TMM TOTAL LOOM will roacb sereral UtouaAsd dollars, nuleauaotlMaUytallmatl. Many of Um orlglaal tuaiw ia llw aurvrv oittor , mvm of vhom null valuable, as too old orixionl doHittlOQ I iwd elalui W4) whloli svasburaad. Nearly all the wirrayor's lulru aiauu, aiaoy flae blua urtnu unrf tUar ooplaa aro Ubr MMktil witk waur or dtatroyodr The oriiMl .. vy of Uw elty 0 Samu wk r..,...4 oHkadaaUdMaad l tttosarveit by too elerk. O.uoty JudKO Tamil aaesuatajiMMd cmuailaloN Mlajy aad Uayu and Wary Hill hold a epMlal io of lu court TUuraday to ooaaldor wliat r OMdr .oaiuiK or tim riK. (Mwrul exaailaatloa ol tlw plaec wiwwttwBra broka aut la too tur- The Wiillwl City, the lecture to be In unity oliuroh ou Friday night bv Itov. .1, J. Walter will not only bo Instinctive but entertaining tu tlw young as well as the old. tub aiup cunn that dodb curb Luxallve Hromo girlnlno Tablets .('move the cause Hint pitHltwes Ii Grlpiw. Tlw geuuiiw Iwk L. It. (. on oncn J'Hiiiel. jc. REEDS OPERA HOUSE: COMING FEBRUARY 22. Harry Corson Clarke SALE ) UiiJoytiwnt bacurad. We are all Making aujoyuwnt and wbilo It Is hardly kUIu fur all to obtain oonliuuaus pleasuso 11 great many enjoy un hour or more ouoh day while ukiog tlielr meals at Um nnIiIU Iioum iwluraut by .1. K. liar noil. u ,1 Still in Simn. bUong'.-. rostaiiraut ifiutinues to serve the bol meal to bo burl In thu elty. 2 22 to .. IN... WHAT ""HAPPENED TO JONES, Watch for further announcements BY ORDER OF THE COURT. Moaey HafumM, KaliafMelluti L'imriitmi ..,,. i.,... uSatewi "Sftoelal" our. Money back H you don't like It. 1 ir Uai Muftlcal Kvent. A niuakal rticlUI wait Ivcti at Chaaning ball last evaoiug by Prof. INtrrln'h puplik MMltted by Mr. Hoi laud, ll was free, and tbe audience expiwuHNt their approval by frtqunt deuiooktrallouti and encuraii. Dr. BaU's Oouii Syiup, la a UMedy and calcaelouk cure for croup, w main iPU'Wjugh aad brtacbltu. No ebllil aliouM ba ted to suffer tlw lorturos ur iheaa alluwuu, wbeu parents can get tbla wonderful remedy fur only 36 els. JMr-ift'B!&f;;s.r,-,',', A Hot Cud of Coffee Is what make a man, womnu and child smile those days, and If you want to b sine to got It try Sonneman's 3 lbs, for 50c. kind Ho lw. all grades, and at 2-Vj he soil a effee equalled b fow brand i'f Moolu and Java, foffee Uinirtpecl:iliv. SONNEMANN THKGKOCKIt 124 atte at Telephone 51 E&k--- ''tlWH&tmnw in tf tajik HKiwatof, bells ftatlrutd Uekofeliall p8u Kai. e'etis and renta all itylw f (jftwiUtr. New NKW RMUKUIDCIUITX. NKVV THUKAI1 LACtei. NKW BKLT8. l'..0'Attery melt late tblnes. ivr ,,,r '"" "" Na,V JKWKLkU (fiMHM. Kverythlna told at lowest rackot nrioat. lor caata, lu a taxing ui you from 10 u A) per cent 00 Wwa trtlntra, ho our paiaot leatber bell al Hie! eodmjr ladies luraed Uo sbue at Our Kitchen Ware Department In Alia lu full uf d.ul 1...- ... . ataota kinds if tin and hIlou.. .11 Lu... u.. o.".TTr T""," ulokw plated ooMar. and lUe touu-' taod and oa Ulagx y-w wr 041, ; at lowcai racket nnoaa. Come amij ALL ialKtt. $!mL ? K ALV.'M, OUDHiy Is r S. Q STONa M, D. Iriin. 1.11 ..1 Stone's Drue Stores sULBM, niuruoa. TaMMiW tm . . . I T 1 t .t -. .. m m zx wrir j:i iaDlc uu uou HswMMMtayHk um n Rxtra Hm aictM Umv. ... aao a yalei 1 M4ak4JtiiiiMM4Ma.laik.1. ,,..... iew.iu aow a ... .; i. ' , .- u. .. , M,npu liArktr i'tUfJM, What is A Cycloidal Sprocket j ll'i a sprwket on which tbe face of tlwteelbarecutwliha omicava M fftOL nsteait nf in tiu ,uri'V..:. ".. I fiatihMl on 1 uiLMt sprtwkets Ilka aa lu. Vartwl V. in liu l,l.i ,." ": tlw elwia drupe at onoa IstouiaBa. Ur "J? h-.r,r you Po l It SSLtaSTv ! VW, jS'llJi iattaay for the eba la to climb tka toauh, whiph ,, u biwuad rW. Tribune Wavelet, sum iujui 11.- L.U.., bprnetm uw yaara. and VZtTi:: MUOOUMAt ninlu ...w. " T? wirW. " ,w' ' w Do iou aoiloa. uo mnt aaar h na 'Thh down" iiThBii5? To Commence Saturday, February 18, 2 P. M. t The entire bankrupt stock of Hi Zandmer, 96 State st consisting ot gent's furnishing goods, men's and boys' clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, also a fine line of comforters, blankets, ; quilts, trunks, valises, also a large line of gloves, men's neckwear, dress shirts, gent s half hose, collars, cuffs, braces. Three nickel show cases One large mirror, Etc. The entire stock consists of fresh goods and is strictly a bonafidc sale, sold without reserve or limit Two sales daily from 2 to 4 P, m. and 7 to 9 p. m, until the entire stock is sold canraa- wiQiK'a i una IWttlar SM-wk. oeaueai or ell. "' " m 80-Iwk m lHna or otaek u olUr HMdoi, Siimim f-io4 M IWrle n REMEMBER THE PLACE 96 State Street, Patton Block, W. A. PAVER, Auctioneef . OF PORTLAND. if A IXameaal RU,g Hfc Tlw Nnact (Jurtoaeu Pboti are rammiHiawHioa nag. j-att-at 1AZAAR iMji8oiAL svmsrr j TV Newp-ootii. -j- wi wvtvr uui ever. Try Vain h.Mjw Hb p., uM ju j, The Homeliest Man in Salem i nl.f iU,.e "an"'t, and others are tniiurd lo call on any druggist and get free a trial boitlu of Kemp's reruady that Is guaranteed tg oureand M eve alt yiironw and AoUe ujugh " iiluh , "rouohltls and Consunip' Uon. Price 2e. and 60o, ' New Notaries. Z. 11. Cannon, of the Dalles: Claud "uicli. of Salem, and Edward L. Nay or of lliilsburo, WaBlun-ion county; have lieon appointed to till tbe office of notary public for the ncjet two yiars. No.To.l.0 locFllly Cata. CBiraatflubacobairt ours.cniUea n.ak a iRearf, bUxrt pu &, n.Alla"utu u u. u u rail to euro, dru-gUu rtluna moor. itti?i ..-a . -u .i..W iy