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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1899)
ill wiijSgSteMrtrjjSwrtMi"t--"-vgfrjii-i Ti1 iiMinTAr'f'fei tHY Min i un nn a L J JLU 11LU7 m Try our seeds, they arc the kind froc to till upon application. We SUPPLIES, consisting of IIIvch, SAVAGE St. RJB1D Successois to the O. Dickinson Seed Co, IJ22 AND .'124 COMMERCIAL STREET. BILLS PASSED By the Legislature and Filed by the Governor With the Secretary, A Complete List of Acts Which do Into Effect Immediately Unless Otherwise Stated. liousr. mills. U. 1). 13. Curtis, to rcuuhto sturgeon flshlnc In the Coliimbhi river. II. H. 10. Moody, to provide for crim inal prosecutions upon Informa tion by the dlsttlctnttornoy with out the Intervention of a grand Jury. II. H. 21. Morion, to cure defects in (Il'imM hct'etoforj made to real properly, etc., and to cure defects in judicial sales, etc. II. 15. :i7, Fordncy, to annex to Wal lowa county, a portion of Union county and to change and li.v the boundaries of Wallowa county. H It. 103. Williamson, empowering county courts to levy a tax on sheep; also to create a scalp bounty fund, etc. II .'18 III1I, relating to pllntape on II the Columbia and Willamette rivers. II, I). -It). Myers, to create olllcc of state biologist without salary. DO days. II. It. P3. Hermit, to constitute Wil lameteo and Portland boulevards as county roads. II. 11.57. Mr. Beach, to prohibit the adulteration of candy. 00 days. II. B. 02 Mussinuill, for the roller of Lake county approprhitlng$2l3 80. II. B. 100. Waxwoll, to prevent tho production and sale or unwhole some foods and medicines and to rciiiilutc sales of adulterated " tools, drinks and mrdlolnes, and to provide for olectlon of food and dairy commissioner. II. B. 110, Curtis, appropriating $25, 0M) per annum for propagation of .salmon. II. It. 110. Myers, to apply to the mili tary fund all money received from the United States government for transportation, etc. II. B. 125, Marsh, to provide ror let tint! tho contract for boarding prisoners in Washington county, Oregon. II. It. i:m, Myers, to restore to tho military fund certain money, paid by tho military board for Hiinpros sing Insurrections In Roseburg anil Astoria. Appropriating H,.s );.. II. B. 140, Myers, for the more elhclent organization and (Ibcipllne or the militia or Oregon. II. It. Mil, Marsh, to provldo ror the preservation and protection of forests game and wild lowl, etc., and for the appointment of game ucd forestry warden and deputies. Hood's Are much In little nlways MHfc ready, efndent antiacne D I I tory, prevent a cold or fever F III SI cure nil liver tin, nek lifjia tclie, Jatirollre. coivntipatu.n tf J'rli e 3 cents. Tlit only 1'IIU tu Uke ltli Mood's H.iri.iisulll. There's a Feeling of Security When you put your feet in a pair of our shoes. Security and case to the feet, Security and ease to the pocket book. OSBURN'S 303 COMMP.RCIALSTREKT. Opposite Post Okfipe, ::- SALEM. OREGON'. -1 PiTTTl"lT 8 ( N JJ m uulijj. that Krow. Our catalogue sent also carry a full line or BEE Sections, Smokers, Etc. II. B. MS, II ill. to prevent tho main tenance of armed bodies of men other than by tho state, etc. II. B. 153, Donnelly, to create the county of Wheeler and fix the salaries or the olllccrs thereof. II. B. 150, Maxwell, to establish and Incorporate the Port ofTllhinook and provide for the improvement uf Hoquarton slough In said port. II. B, 103, McCourt, to regulate and fix the salary of the sheriff of Ma rlon county and his deputies. Filed by the governor without ap proval; (I. It 10(1, lllll, to regulate and li cense tire Insurance companies In this state, and to prohibit over head writing. II. B. 182, Maxwell, to regulate and fix the salaries of county olllccrs of Tillamook county. II. B 188, Flugir, to amend section .'HCl, mil's lawo of Oregon, relat ing to appointment of state board of agriculture. Reducing the board to live In number. II. B. 200. McQueen, to amend section 1 tor securing liens for laborers on mining claims. 00 days. II. It. 222, Butt, to regulate the bus iness of mutual tire insurance companies. 00 days. II. B. 232, Reedcr, to regulate the bringing of sheep from any other state or territory Into this stute. II. B. 237, Wonacott, relating to ap pointment and duties or viewers or public rouds. 00 days. II. It. 238, Morton, to protect tho fruit and hop Industry in the htate. II. B. 230, 'Nichols, to tlx the compen sation or the clerk of tho supreme court or the state, providing ror his election, etc. II. It. 211, Davis to lix the salaries ol sheriff and clerk of Lincoln county. U. B. 247, Recder, authorizing, em powering and directing the secre tary of stato to execute a deed to certain land to J. E Saling. II. It. 241), Blackaby, to amend section 5,relatlvo to time of holding court In ninth judicial district. II. It. 252, Roberts, to amend and act providing ror tho establishment or state normal schools. Filed without governor's approval. II. 11.203. Curtis to II x the salaries of district attorneys. II. 11.288, Stanley. Dental law. II. It. 201, Stlllmitti, to amend section 13 or an act to provide ror the ap propriation or water from lakes and running streams for irriga tion and other parpwet.. II. B. 203, Shcrwin to regulate and Ijx the compensation of the cimnty nsobsor of JackMin county. II. 11.207, Curtis, to amend the laws ror tho protection or salmon. II. It. 300, Wlllamson, redisricting the state Into senatorial and repre sentative districts and llxlug tho numbor or senators and repre sentatives. 90 days. Filed by the governor without approval. II. B. 310, to amend section 3507 and ana to repeal 3011) of the laws of Oregon, relating to holuollon of lieu lauds. II. It. 320. Moody, To roloa?u the state from payment of cobts and rurnlshlng bonds and undortak Ings, In proceedings or actions In which the state Is a party. M $1.80 Fur a hoc like this.. Fine durable Yifi Kid, lace und button, now coin toe, patent tips a substantial otltch that will do you good ser vice. Shoo stoies ask 42.ft0 for a shoe like thtb. We've other stylUh shoes at llo. $1.25. il.iu and 10 RACKET CrvJgr.j. .-wa-V. i.!te.A v il, It. 3.10. Whitney, To llx the salary uf Linn county nascssor. x. B. 310. Moody, To protect trout and other food llshcs. H, It. 302. Virtue. To provide for the appropriation of water to be used lor mining purposes. II. It. 371 Hall. To llx the salaries or county olllccrs or Columbia county. II. B. 372. Beach. (Jeneral appro priation bill. II. B. 374. Stillman, chairman com mittee on public lands. To with-1 draw rrom sale certain school lands and reducing the rate of ' Interest on school funds, etc. I Incorporation acts for following cities and tewns: Adams, Nchalcm, Junction City, Albany, Cottage Grove, Taugent, Drain, New Astoria, Ontario, Buy City, Canby, Wurrcnton, Sulom, Prlunvllle, Gold lllll, Wallowa, Marhlleld, Medrord, Arlington, En terprise, Medtord, Ncwburg. SENATU HILLS, S.B.I. Dufur, authorizing Antelope City to build,coustruct aud main tain wnter works. S. It. 3. Daly of Benton. To better the school laws. S. B. 0. Harmon, to provldo for the registration or electors. 00 days S. It. 17. Fulton. To aid the Oregon Historical society In Its work and to appropriate money therefor. S. B. 22. Daly of Lake, to amend sec tion 2813, providing when and In what kind of money ta.i'S shall be paid. S. It. 27, Fulton, relating to negotia ble lastruments. 00 days. S. B. 32. Daly of Like, to require the county clerks und tho clerk oft the county courts to administer oaths In pension matters. S. B. 31. Selling, creating a trust fund tn Multnomah county. S. B. 30. Porter, to reoHlre sheriffs to collect certain fees la clyll cases. S. B. 53- Portcr,to amend scctl on 1017 relating to the matting of deeds by snerllTs. S. 11. 54. Bates, to create the nftlec or clerk of justices' courts In cities or 50,000 inhabitants or more. S. B. 50. Smith, to cure defects In dtods to real property and sales of property by olllccrs and adminis trators. 00 days. S. II. 01. Harmon, to amend an act to create u state bourd of horslcul ture aud to apprupiiato money therefor. S, B. 05. Iviiykendall, to amend sec tion 2320, miscellaneous laws of Oregon, relating to time holding court in the second judicial dis trict. S. B. CO. Rued, to tlx the salaries or county olllccrs In D.mglus county, aud to provide ror the payment or same. S. It. 72. Muckay, to establish aud In corporate tlie port of Portland. S. It 73 Browncll, ir- amend scctlm s 1081 and 4082, to provide ror the election or road supervisors. S. It. 70. Harmon, to repeal section 2788, title V, chapter XVII, Hill's code, relating to tho preparation or assessment mils. S, It. 32. Paly or Beaton, as to time of catching wilmnn in Also.t bay and I tributaries. 00dus. S. B. till. Bates to oncourage the use or wide tires on wagons. S. It. 84 Cameron, to amend section a:i83, laws of Oregon, relating to, damages done by animals runnli g at large. S. B. 85. Daly or Benton, to prevent persons from running push cars and other wheeled contrlvunccs upon any railroads. S. B. 80. Fulton, for the sale of tide lunds. S: It. a8. Fulton, to authorize county courts to allow pirtlas to con struct logging or skid roads, on county roads, S. B. OX liooney, to mu convict labor in repairing and improving public roads. S. B. 00. Muokuy, to amend suction 1601, relating to irudjmurks 00 days. S. B. 07, Mulkoy, to change amount of fuos and character or foes uarhged by county olorkw, record ers und clerks of circuit ar.d county courts. S. B. 101, Josephl, to provide for park commissioners, for the acquisition or land ror parks and the manage ment thoroor. S. B. 107. Harmon, to protoat salmon und other rood flsios or lluguu rivur. S. It. 104), Daly of Laka, U) provide for the Mil of agricultural eullwge lands, jj. B. 114, Dufur, to butter provide for und regulate the nrooaudlng.s In justice' courts. S. It. 188, Fulton, to make tho bou shore or the I'acillc owan In Clut s,ifp county a public highway. S. It. lift, Kolly, ror tue roller or ivu Templeton. S. B. 141, Daly or likuitun, U) provldo ror a suite board or toxubouk commissioners. 00 days. S. B. 143. Josephl. to provide ror the levying and eoilooting or a lux un blayolefi, S. B. 144. Selling. U niovids for the payment of certain huts to U re corder of eoAvtyttoea, ele. S. li. 147, ProsM). U v etwiiwobu Hon of txHiimlaslowrs ( county courts of Uils statu. jb. B. 162, Locw tanpiwer UuilMs or J )ttrsa Hi" uif w ir.uii rani and porwnHl prftpftrty. W day rfiMiMntfiX'lhffi.rWrltoriin DYSPEPSIA "For mix yer 1 waa a victim ofri j-c ncpala In Its worst form. I loulit tut nothing but mlllc toast, and at times my stomach would not retain and digest oven that LaM March I began tiltlne CASCAHBTS and since then 1 hare steadily lmproed, until I mn as well as I ever was Id my lite." David 11 Mrnrnv Newark, o CANDY TRADI MARK IITSHQ Pleant Pilatnbte, Potent. Tatte (lood Do flood, .Never Dlcteri, Weaken, or Gripe 10c ZjC.&UO. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Iltrllai lt.ia.4f C.rr. nlit, l.lrl. 5ii. T.rk. Jit Un.TO.RAP Sold and gnarftntred bj- all drug nU'lU'UAU glitito ClIitK Tobacco Habit, S. B, 100, Smith, to amend section 5, relating to mining claims. S. B, 104, Smith, to release sureties upon bunds, undertakings and sureties. S. It. 105, Smith, to provldo on what conditions surety companies may transact business aud facilitate giving sureties and bonds. S. It, 171. Harmon, to better protect salmon in the waters of .Curry county. S. It. 171, Fulton (substltuo for II. It. 2) to provide for clerical aid for justices of the supremo court. S. B. I75,ltates, to authorize und di rect, the county court of Mult nomah county to lease tipper deck of O. It. & N. bridge. S. B, 184, Morrjw, to llx the salaries or clerks and sheriffs In the counties of Clackamas, Morrow, Waeo and Yamhill und or re corders iu Clackamas and Yamhill. S. It. 185. Haines, to lix the salaries or county clerk, Bherltrund recorder or Washington county. S. It. 200, Itecd, to amend the act re littltlng to soldiers' home and to provide un emergency. S. B. 224, Fulton (substitute rorS. B. 120) submitting constitutional amendments, 00 days. S. B. 230, Browncll to provide lor a separate board ror the trans action or county business in Clackuiuas county. Filed by the lioveruur without his approval. S. B. 237, t'attcrson, to provide for laying out and constructing roads. incorporation acts for following towns und cities: Philomath, Oregon City, Corvallls, Pendleton, Grants Pass, Woodburn, Monmouth. Canyon City, Lakcvlew Seaside, Hlllsboro, Heppuer, Astoria, Morn, Dalles City, Lebanon, Brownsville, Weston, Bums, Carlton, Eugene and Diifiir. Denfnesa Cannot lie Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion or the car. There Is only one way to cure deaf uess,and that is by constitutional remedies, DoafncRs is caused by an I illumed condition or the mucous lining or the Eustachian Tube. When this who islullamcd you have u rum bllng sound or Imperfect hearing, and wlien it Is entirely closed, Deafness Is the result, aud unions the liillamma tlnn can be taken out and this tube I restored to Its normal condition, hear soul ,?, ,UI, aro caused by Catarrh, i .... nill i tttjt ruttil f riPiii'ir t l tin destroyed rorever; which Is nothing but an Inllumed con dition or the mucous surracos. Wo will glvo Ono Hundred Dollars ror any case or Deufnoss (ciiumkI by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send ror cir culars: rree. F. .1. UllK.S'HY fc Co., Toledo, i). Sold bv Druggists. 75c. Hall's Fumlly Pills nre the best. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice Is hereby glyon that there are funds on hand applicable to; the payment of warrants of the city of Salem. endorsed on or before Docoiu bar 4, 1800. Holders or said warrutnt, will please prosont them ror puymout at Ladd & Bush's bank, as Interest on saints wilt cease rrom the date or this notice. JOHN MUIR, City Treusuror. Salem, Or., FoL. 18, IBM). 2 10 lot & mm. vA THE liXCClLENCfi OF SYRUP OF TIGS it, dun not only to tho origlnullty and siuijiliolty of the combination, but ulao U the oare and nit 111 with which it is riuumraetured by witmtlfic proce4a known to tin ('ajiiuhma Ii Kvmw Co. unty, Hud c ili to unnrukK upon uil tlio iiuportuiw-t of pmclmfcliig the tro and original remedy. A the gonuiutt yrup of Fir I iimmifautured by the CAi.ihOiiKiA I'm Svjiui' Co. only. WnovvlMlgB of that tuet will umiUi on in ((voiding tk worthlwM iutiltlouH HMiiufiiturMi by other par iIim. '11i hisli sUwilint' of the Cam fohkia Fio brnuf Co. with the mwli vl KofMwlon, ml the tutUfuetlon wbk'h the genniin) Syrup of P1,'k has given to million of famlliun, inaka the name of tbv Company a guaranty of tha oxalleiiv . f Its remedy. H ii fur in advunco l dl other laxaUvos. mit it HU on the kklnnyt. liver und oowels vittuNit irritating or weoUon ing liu-Hi, mti it doea ttot gripe nor imnwHt. lu order to got 1U Iwnafieial etf.-U, pfatwMe remcraU'r U nm of tle CwutpAH CALIFORNIA PIG SYRUP CO. n riuxcnu'o, c'. f m If irafil km Never Speak Sllghtlncly of Women. When a young mail habitually speaks slightingly of women, ono may feci sure that a moral blight rests upon his character. A scathing re buke was once convoyed toa man of this class, who at a public dinner, at which no ladles were present, wa called upon to respond to the toast "Wouinn." He dwelt almost cutlrcy upon tho frallltlcsofti'c sex, claim ing that tho best of them area llttlo better thun the worst, tho chler dir ferenco being In their surroundings. At tho conclusion or his speech, one or the guests nroe aud said. "1 trust the gentleman, In the application or his remarks, rerers to his own mother and sisters, not to ours." This young man In his low estimate or woman unconsciously verllled a sentenlous saying by the author or Yeuth: "The criterion of man's character Is not his creed, rollglous, Intellectual or moral; It Is the dogroe of respect ho has for woman." As a contrast to the light and flippant tone In which too many young mon of the present day speak of the othor sex, Is the noble tribute from an eminent clergyman, who says "I am more gralerul to God for the sense that came to me through toy mother und sisters of tho substantial Integrity, purity, and noblo woman hood than ror almost nnythlng else In this world. Cituiicu Auvchjatk. The New Proceos, The Salem Flouring Mills "Special" Hour Is now better limn ever. Try it. I if PlQllriRV ftllll lllinmuonln nm (Vn. qvuintly develoned, hi a vory short spnt'o of tlmo, li'om a common cold : and, Ifsueh ainiuutolidluinmntlonol prwtt ivmody Hpccdlly HUbdues tho inllammiition, oiisch the paht In l)rttlilnR and always ollocta n euro In n woiidorftUIy short tlmo. ....v ..... llltl . .Lf. UllO irsrw n Vim Cures Pleurisy and Pnoumonia. l)o-. -.,n Mimll Mill plrnsnnt lotakc Doilors reaimmttiil il. I'rm .clu. AloltititiKirlM. DBAIiQR : GROCERIES : U Paint. Oils Window Glnna Vnt ulsh, mid tbo most coitiplcto utoolc oi Dnishou of all ldndrt iu tho ntntf Ai tints mntorlnla, lltno; hnlr, co mont nud flhlnglcn) and Uio flnoot quality o( craaa need. tk trsSTvJffs! .nvGkarAisraBsasByM WANTED. Now today rutvortmonicnt tour linen or loat in thla column 'nacrtod tnroo Unioa for 25 eta., 50 ctn a wock, $1 per month All ovor tour lines ut samo rnto. COW FOIISA LK.-For a rresh milch cow thrcc-(tiarlers Jersey liuiulro at the Clymer Farm i:i miles east of Salem. 2 18 (It. LOST. A gold headed umhrolla.boar lug nauio of F. A. Shorwlu. Finder will confer a ruvor by returning to .lournul'Olllce. 20 at. FOB SALIO. Gouts wheel -Great bargain ror cash, Apply at once to "Conover the business printer" Dearboru'sltook Store. 2 111-! w WATJ3D--An agent In every town to soil Oregon Poach ltittois. Ad droks A. Klas, AumsvllluOr. 2 7 2w BOV WANTKHA rellableiTljoy from 16 to 17 years or age, to loam a trade. Apply to "O," care Journal olllcc. 110-tf. CLOTHING CLKANKI)--I)yud, re paired and pressed ut Steam Dye Works, 1U5 Commercial btroet u poslte Willamette Hotel. "Hi tf FOR SALH At'Ashland, .'Wacios,l(i In fruit, In peach belt, line house, best water, climate, and kehoolh clear title and easy terms. A. C. Guthrie, Philomath, Oio. I 27-lmt FOR HALK 10 pussongor wagonette tlrst class, made to order, will sell cheap. Willamette hotel. 1 2A tr CLOTHING CLHANUD-Hyud, re paired und pressed at SttMim Hyo Works. 105 (Joiumurulal street. oi poslte Willamette Hotel. 1 18tf CAR LOAD-Of wheels coming to Salem. We urn enlarging our whop and lncioutdug our facilities for making ropulrs. Wo have a large uskortment of new covers und guar antee to satisfy our patrons. Bring your wheels and umbrellas when repairs are needed to Gardawr & While, 228 Liberty htraot, Holmau's block, next door to stoum laundry. 1 30 If FOR SALK On easy terms HA aures, 35 undor cultivation. 7 acres ut or chard with 1000 trees molly wlnur apples 5 to 7 yours old, one-hair mile from rutlroud station, good town und fcclnxil, good Improvo monts, u tine dairy and stock farm with pliiuty or wild range, g tod neighborhood, Hue springs, oua third cubh, long time on balance. Fine stock runch. Apply to R, Ilofer, balom. II') US 15 " CLKANKItS- Ruuiuiiibar thut thclMMt uud cheapest carMt puiHtr Is the heuvy felt paper Mild ut Thk Jouknai. oilice. Soar MXJBICAL .A limvtjj rvumter of mwImui ikUtti, on piano, vioIhi, (Hiur, mantlidin and iMher AUo Gmwih aud Ficnek ttaowt givn. Ahiu 61. Kib. Muk ttiuiM. Ouy block, reoAi 5. Call ffow 2 to 4 p m. alo 11 a. hi, tf MINN XKLJJK lH4Hi ha VIULIN ittiUrauidMuv iiuiif a urw.wM ui viuiH Mu4U IhI en nccus ' - HIWUI ft" i w 1 r" r iaitawi afw iLAnun AliMr lot tttfttu at real- dH, IK VlartuM tit tliu ltii)R Ih not promptly allayed, tlit w omt mil) happen. With tho aid of J)r. Bull's Cough Syrup, howovor, MsarsoNSssrsNHSNisNjaNasjiiaxsn !M IIIIISj IN L r.rW3jMWWilBiWWBHHWIIHHWMWWWWBiMMBBWBP?iMMMMMMIMM for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF CAS In Use For Over 30 THC CCNTHUn COMNHT, T TODAY'S MAKKBT. Poutlanu Feb. 22. -Wheat yullo) 58: Walla Walla, (50c. Flour Portland, $.1.20; Suporlluc J2.15pcr bbi. Oats White 42fiW.1c. Ilay-$S610 per ton. Hops 1 loi)17c; old crop Oc. wool valley, iU(ei-:e; Kustorn Oregon, WaMlc. Mlllstulf Br Bran, 910: shorts. $15 (cj) $15 50. Poultry-Clilckcns.tnlxed.W.OOCiM.OO turkeys, live, 12(dl4c. a Eggs Oregon, liVirdtlu portion. Hides Green, salted 00 lbs, ac. under 00 lbs,OKV7e;shcop pelts,l520o, Onions K0c(a$l per sack. Butter Best dairy, 'J0c: fancy areainery, 43c(a,62Jc per roll. Potatoes, 85c('l per sack. Hogs Heavy, $1.75. Mutton Weathers .'IJf; dressed, 7o Beof iL(tcers,$:i.250i);t.C0: cows, W0 (rru.75 dressed, fr. ' SALUM MAHKUT. Whcat-4I. Oats :i5c. Hay Baled, '.heat, $0.50 Flour In Wholesale lot?, $2.75 r,i tall $:i.oo. Millstult-Shorts $15.00, Hogs drci'scd, fie. Live cattle 2(rKlo. Shcop Live, $2.50((f.$3. Voal-5Crt(ll3. Butter Dairy 20c; creamery 25c. Wool Bcst,15c. Mohair 25c. lions -Best 10f(t)17c. F.ggs- 1 01 (d &m cash. Poultry Cnlckens, 7C'i)8c; turkeys, llye, 100)t21c Farm smoked meats Bacon, 8c ham, 0c shoulder, 0c. Potatoes 60c. Apples 40c. KNsBrsVNJSyrvBtSHrvWviVSflrNl INTER STATD GONSSRYiTOKY ETTAANDERS-WILMAN A hoc la to Tenclier Western Coiuciva tory, Kansas City, Mo reprctendng the Inter-sta e System, n Salem, Ore. Over First National IktnV. Kertiilencc 376 Church street. Studio hours 9 to 12 ami 2 to 5. KvrsjiNsywssrvars xM'nrnjbn O. c. r. Go's I'ASSKNflUU HTKAS.KItH Altona AS" Pomona I.KAVK I'OU t'OUTLANII Diilly, llnpujit HuiiiUy at H n in. QUUlt TIMK AND CIIKAI' HATKH. Doolc Ih'Iwihmi Hluto ami Cnurt HtH. M. I IIAI-DWIN, AKunt. Assay Office AND IiADOlXATORY. No, 71 Chcmckcta s(, I. II. r. TUrilll.t. Assiyr, ui'unoiiArr iinoa, Collections and Loans KrxMn HIIiikIi Hank IlUrttt, U at liuo 8AI.KM. OHKOOK. 7 PER CENT LOANS BOZORTXI imon. 292 Coin nurolal St., Salem, Ore. KICAL. ICSTA.TIC UICAUICK, dw-11 l..lm Money to Loan at 7 per cent Ofl,MMigjc Security.' One lo tiv ja'jtu" JIOIOB & UAUKIin, 270 Conuuarolal ut. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved city anil (aim pruperty'al Inwort mm. WKIINKK HUBVMAN, 2U Cowm1troi.1l sircott 2 doora wwtli of Uitl & Iluah's bank, Salem Oiqa, 1112 dw3m REAL ESTATE; LOANS Oa tlMpH w tout Urn Note A iUhr McurltiM Uuuttlit IIIM) UIMJ WNtl. THOMAB, WATT & CO. lt!NKHAl. HUUKKIW. U-dw-i tn utnwefcua Hutwt ..Money at 7 Per Ceni.. LOW MIM OSI Wl IBSMAVW hfSS) sua ntr i ' praiksrsirs T. K roftn, IMl-dw lui (vr tiuli s sUi k. ftfrfinfrtriafiMiii mnawfifrynil'iii Years. MUHHT TBttT, Nl VOK CIT. Uhmr Cars Octwcen Portland nml Albany. Comfortable upholstered revolving chairs, observation ends, attractive smoking rooms, first pl'iR In every particular, 2i fonts l'ortlaml to Salem, ftO cents I'ortland to Albany. Car on rear end of train. These cars will be run throughout tho session of tho legislature. 1-17-td. Fine Stock Sale. Tlio uiuluriltfiii'it oirr ut privuto nle tHi'iity-IWu lii'uilof luiro broillorKi') nml Jtnulo slock nt lilnrtnlry turm frmrimliMi'iiiii ofHnloni, on tlio SlhiTtoii rouil. llitvu frvxli nml i'oiiilnn Iikmimi lliivo idiiio ntro liiirBKl. I'rlcw to jult bu.or. dill on oriulilri'M.llimKy Wnlkor. Salimi, Or. vf-'-l) I w. Seed Oats OutoJ. RGlllinoro, fi4 Stalo Street, i tn buv vour bced Uats. Land I'laster, Mill Feed, Lime and I-'lour. dwU-Kltf BARR&PETZEL Holo Aki'HIh Jo1 a ftp . cJACKET rfUMR Alt. Work GuAitANTRist), 214 I'OMMIiHCIAl. STRKr.T. Teleiihone No. 1H1 9Ar,BM STEAM LAUNDRY Ploaao notloo Uio out in pricou on tho following St' 'Is, plain locentt Unucr drawer StoiocenU Under shirts 5 to loocvU Socks, per tmir 3 cen'' UamlKcrchirifs I ceni Silk handkerchiefs 3 cenh Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per uozen nd olhev work In proportion. Eyriniinoln nnd c thor work Intolllcontlv wnaitod by hot d, COIi 3 OIjMSTBAD, Proprlotoi A, M. HUMPHREY & CO, liKAl.KIUI IN Grain and Grain Bags WureliouiKi, 10'i71m lw Olllii Hwlam and Maolnny, '. AX Coiiiini'itiliU tit., Hlem uf (iHiiilirliiun nnd H''Mllu nlwayn on draualit IHdlVMrtxl frit' tAu jHtrtof tlucliy. UKO. I. NKA1.. I'rup. Ml old I'liinwr (iroiiry HhIooh, inmuvjei Xtfl CominuruUl ttlrvvl. MANHOOD fifo Win lSiwer, llemlutlit iruuianHMl to cure all -. ... ltlir Ktf raiiktHt III klMiiur.kurl hv tf jrrr faL k HA VOWll 4 jf iff a sW Sf'vi 1 1 1 snWkh WwRL '" flLzz urn remffei O mw r ifr r V If. mm ... r.. lu.irihiilluaireiilii. Third tu J Vain III J W -11 FOR SALE BY D J, Buckwheat Free! Housewives Can't all Get on as Committee Clerks llnl thoy can nil mo II. O. atonined uut-monl, the .&nm SW and oitsloat oookwl hrwtftmt dish In tlio world, und uo.n pound nml h half of Mlf-rulsliiK hnakwhoftt freo with unoh pnuKuo. IIAIMUTT & LAWRENCE, S. BURROUGHS ...Siiiiitiiiy Appliances of 111 Kinds.,. ItVriMATKSJKUKNiaHHD, IC5 to suit thk timb taitrrATB HTftBin1 BUSINESS CAHDB. n, 'r. Dentist "! Succeswr to Dr. J. M. Kecne, old hi Comer, Sal.'m, Or, I'art.ts deslilng inipcrlot operations at moderate fees In any U an'ch af In especial request. SOULE BROS. MO TUNERS AND KKPAIltEBS rOHTlJVND, Oltli. . Tor BaU'iii and rU'lultjr lenvo onlsr n( (Ico O. NVIIl'uMilfllrBlottf. a OFl'lCE CITY HALL'i tor water senrlce appryat olliCv. mils payable monthly In advance, MaVe 0 complaints at the oWn. CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfei Meets all mail and pasnengor tratN, lliR gage and exptcss to all puts of the eh) Prompt service. Telephone No. 70. WHITE & D1SOUK. ITAHM FOU SALE-. 3G0 Ao.oa All lit YntnlUll County. !D ocroi (or Alo In a Ixxly, or In 40-acre tracts. 1OcntiMl linlf 11 mllo t't of Wnpato station. In Ynmhlll county, OrcRon, anil ono anil n haU miles Miuth of Unstoli. I'rlcu for each fort)' acrv'3 from T2M up anl, ncconllnit to linprovumRiiis and locution, (loot! soil ami cosf terms. For further particulars unaulru of W. It. EOAN. ll-'.'J-lmoilw Ilrookj, Oregon. O. H. LANBi Merchant 'Tailor 211 Commercial nt, Cy Suits $15 nnd upwards, Panta $3 and upwarcu. HALF WAY HOUSE Kino clftars nnd tobacco, ofl drinks; tncnli u all hours; nice clean heds. North Bulein, near W, 1.. Wade's Public watCrlnKlroujh. U-lC-lmo M. FKICIITINOKU. I'rop. Caoital Soao Works. Running nt full blast and making best of laundry aud toilet soaps, lie sure to call for the Salem brand when )ou want giod goods. A. W. ANDEREGG,", Manauer. W&W MARKET St .te street, near ml road. KrcJlicst aud, best meats. My pa'.mns say 1 keep the best weats in town a 3 V Good News for tho SufForin Public, gTlie envloiiH r.vals wlio were determined to make I)r, Cook trouble In the couits hae hacked down, and their alleged eato wa dismissed when it came into circuit court, They didn't dare t, meet the truth, as Ur Cook's patient's arc loo numerous and they nre ever grctefdl to the man who has cured tham and can euro othsrs. Dr. Coo mak a specialty of chronic diteav, and doo not we iwlsonous drugs to eure them. If you Have a filsnd who necU help send him to ... 1 DR. J. F. COOK, Consnliotion fie. 3o Uhetty street RESTORED lly imluc l)r. l'rituVt Yi'IlOW Nc 1'1!!. This iu.lfi(ut remtdv em later fki mm a LIST! irrous Kixa, ucn an ivwk !"u,li J" , Wakrlulue, Il Ma' ooft. m KmU- . -V..V , W-.'J tl II mi 11 , IOS VI w'r ! "'"CIl"' yi n. fi nriliun. voulhfut errors, ti .!' A Of tub.cco.oi'iium or stimulants. wliUti lead to innrmitjr.Cernm-iono' Juiianily. Can bccorilcd la Tft pocket. i.oopcrlKix, - w.byiusil n...,oi.l rl.,...l.r iir.. baIiI nil .ImirirUl. Alc for 11 . Uke noothcr. I'euu idrdlcliie Co.. FlrU frtne. I.aue.f)nvt FRY, SALEM, OREGON OI.U r, 0. ClHOOKUY 4 . "Z ll skk w " A 8 .1 ViB$ 5 .'u M ( M " -fl M ts tr ak5s t