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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1899)
Iw ISWii ii rffHMi1rtfrMiMTaaflMfirrti1ffiTrYTTfffinnrw)iirr'ft'MfM''iiM' it niaim n' i '-miHu i riffrgTfriSjlla mmii ' BAM CPAL JOURNAL. bV hok&r BROTimna, WEDHESDAY, FEH. 22, J8W. DHyy Orte Yenr $3.00, M Advance DaR, rcrar "Maiitk 1 00. Ir Advance. Wakly, On Yatr 1.00, iu Adrance . ABOUT MIL KTILLM AN. TJjercodleton Jtepublloan hag till ftWut ah Eaetcru Oregon man who was not a "hundred dollar member:" In Justice to Mr. Htllltunn It mml be Mid that the lively lntcres lie Iws - taken In Mippsrtef the Paly bill and ht open od nmnly Opposition to the book trust, lm won for hltu at leMt the admiration f the RepHbllean. Tbe Duly text-book Mil uiay not bo absolutely perfect: my sot give tbe relief dtwlrcd, but Itmustbeeoofoflwd that It Is a wore In Hit right dlrec tldn, Tbe wins paper if)vw ailllmari a little Jeft-hamJod Jove-tops Home years Uro Mr. atlllman wrote Republican editorials for tho Pendle ton Tribune und during his unevent ful career as n nowgpanorman lie learned (bo value of ndvortlMng nnd It In tor UiIh reason Hint be loyes pub licity. In fact he would ralher bare every newspaper In the mate "roat" lilmonco a week than to foe treated wllli eilcnt contempt. many other millionaires arc In this year's crop or new fie iib tori that tho Uanria school ot statesmanship jHionis wedded to public favor, mys the Cop vnllls Times. His a Rweepln? change from a few decades ago when ThadStevomi, Won dell riillllns. atcDhon A. Dotwlaa. I Alexander Slerons, James 0. Maine and other eminent a la to Won- were tile true type Of an Aiflorlaan tonator. ffljere Obas. Hummer sat, there sits Uunna. Ounlus nnd broad, porg con ception has lven place to craft and money lags. Lofty Intellect and the lore of countrymen bat bcon crowded (Hit by mental mediocrity ami even Iniboclllty avc In tho power M ae- noire. For the brilliant glanee f the BtfltMrrmn there U nutallluteti the blinking eye of the ttchemer. in the chamber HinUIlad by the memory or Honton. Webiter, Ulny and Oalhorn, and in which tbedofllrc to hotter fel. low oountiymon and loglirlfy a com mon country wu therullnjrnmfoltlon, there sit a more of antique old patri ot, who flgurc m-istly on the price of iitooks nnd how to turn an Imnast jxin'jy. The condition to not purton. tlouN, for the house will continue to be, a It liu always been, h rcprewn Utlve body nnd tho nation's safely vulve. The coming senate In not to be feared o muoli jih to lx regretted. The f)4le Tlmo-Mountlneer. "T" "f care of your atom I ctKeac1"'fl,nl(1,ur6,fln'; ach will take care of your health. Take Hostfltter's Storu ach HllUir, and then there will be an ond to Dycn-piln, Indigestion, Blluu oom, Constipation and Malatla. Itdrlres all polton Oncfw f t'c builds up the broken down body and hat lored nervous rys- Tin-t Stomach tern. V Kfy OUKOON PAYS FOU PKRbOKA POLITICS. The Itopubllc journals of tho Firm cooKretKional district which labored sobnrd uideftHtt Hon. Hinder Her mann fur a fKiinlfldtJon fur conKre, win noi mo itmiMini uioisnn im re- j celvod rrthe Impmrwiunt ol her . rlti'M imI Imrlxif In the imtMWt an- j ' proptiM'tuH bill. Wbvra, tli wlwraj arc your uppioftrliiUfWM tor tli Itn-j proretuont of thi WillmuoUo rlvr, whloh you tKHiRted m Imtlly you would ot, If Ilermnon did noittund tothownyr As prwJIeUd by m, Did people or the WllmtnaU yalley are paying dear for their wiiltl, nnd are fast tlmllutr nut thai Oregon hai ,no member on lh rlverit and harbor coiumlttcu. It will take forty yanrtl to brlnir Orcuon btak to tho rxmltlon I she occuplfld In impIvjok KOroroiitfiut aid for Improving her oxielloot lMr bora on the I'nclllo OOMt. whloli wax Kulned by Hon. llltmir llgnrmnti. A mere IwatwllM tmnHily plUmnic forthoCnluiiiola rlvir, luall Unit g loft of tho ra nd work dune by Mr. Hermann tor our woler highway or thlnsUtc, Mr. Iluriimnn's fuioiulon liouId bo proud or thalr work ! -linker llopubllenu. (If Mr. IIoiiii um Is nonl lwk to out gruss UrcHOti win hardly raooyor for iot Kruund. Hut Oregon will rapidly regain provtlKa wltli two eueii work cm as 8omtlrn filmoH ami Moltrld to aitxUt tho twa oonurwwoivn.) HOWTHR UUNATK IB D1WKK- A Good Investment. When people havo inonoy tnlnvoHt they look alxmt for the mi to bo had. I'oopie roilowinK tnitt rule Und It to their ddvnnUiHe lo buy their trionor lei and provisions from Ilranson & Co. o. o. d. who was elected by tlw effort of the V. M. C. A. was on of the nrtnclrml opKinest of the nbjkbvln-tlMMlOt bill. Ir tru this Is lnded a 'rfr on th Christian yoontf mn of Attortn. Albrtny Hemoenit. Wo know notnhtt? or th facts a to the Nborv, but wt do know that Hr. Young's pirn for tho Daly textbook reform bill MrtA the day for tht poopto There arc other ttoud acM to hlsertdlt. t I t One of the little prsfU or rnembers or the lKlslaturo whoarswnt out oh Junketing trl(H to ylelt rarloos Htoto ImtltuUnns Is to allow thamolre8 mlloaKO from the capital to the point vlslUtfl and return. Thia would not be objectionable wer it not known that crery mother's son of them ride on a free rw. hence are out nothing by belnir sent away from the cupltal. Ir they bad to pay railroad fare It would be nit rlht to collect It oil the stole, but when tboy do not It Is a sort or petit Ifircony donation to thcmsclre The D.iIIim rimes Moun tnlncor. H'h'i can attnch wolKbt to Hie re jKirta or Undines of nlteued statesmen wlio I ml u lo In uch ntelletNtf I UAL INSOfiW E City Council Asked to License Its Representatives. MercHanta RwpNred td Display Ware to lMMdvanUge of Dog. 0 0- 0 0- -0 O- f)0 liEST OREGON f BKLI i , I TOtm TACB j sJwn the Mftte of yonr (esllngj 4nd the itate 'rtl Mir health an Ucll. Impnre blooil make IIkI apparent in a pih and al!ow complexion, rimple and Skin Eruption!. I you are feeling weak and worn outaml do not baTC a healthy appearance you should try Acker' Wood Ebxlr It cuie all blood dUeaBes where chtap Sariararillaj and io called purifiers U), knowing this we sell erery l ttle on a positive guarantee. Lunn & U rooks, druggists. Notwlthsutudluu the ftiot that the Amorloan Hook OnnijwHy Is reputed ZBCS M1' " s ,, , , , "KAit admiuaii v. ar. mixoie. Ilm Admiral Hnuiyti M. lliiiiw. lw Mirnd ln..M ll. Mn ..M ttiKitlWM tlu. brtl I.I MnlM M KWullt mldMHHNH UM iUf ', AX!. tl,M I rMnWi Uw rvlM. Hit war imn U jcmk! iu OmU f Mijr . .. iu U iwvT.ami m mi Mrr rl itecasloDi rrMltxl n! vwmJaiMn fw mtniwiuia wrvtw. JOUIlNAt. "X-RAYH." KIIATJKU. The now bonauir (rent) Vst Vlr- - Ulnla liari nn Iniuimu tit tin nm u. r. .... .,,, ...ww.a.M w VIVtWV 1". month. Depw, jut eliHtloi senator - frrim New York, has bjen for many year irwnniHsr of Um Vaitdarljlit millions. INxiter, Hi wwly ijlostwl, fflunwr rrom WrhIiImuwi u reputed to be worth altant Uh million Oollnrs. TIickc ati all 1U)wUiiim, and by way of variety, Mommm mihIi uIohk a Detuoorat wbo Inewnto last year Is declared to bave boon ,000,00a. M miBt mm. i i wfwk Im vwy. "Jn guritu, f io Vi7i. ImuieMjjr (Mt "1 lM MmtW isw9 I J.Jurk- ATVS wMm ' 'WitA I VV K A T7"V JWU Andy illlbert slioukl road till elm p. tor of the Now TosUiinont Umt rolatw to the ui ruble of Ui unjust stwun. t t t The ronvUts, like the Inwuia, used tho bonulltor outdoor lalwrinoro than druk'sor diiuitttons. Mol puoplu ko Itiftanoor iMtcomourlmlnuU fnr wit ti t of henut labor out of doors. Tho rowUpU of tho Irlsli fair In Sa lem wore M.OJU and tho ok WiisW wore W,10i,wlilit IndtMtoH oanthUrabbiof al04.-HBbttMM. Hots the above rafer tothostiiU fair, tlte oHly fair heMl In Sakm v Ah Albany man uUkwltoa wvmmh in IVirtlaml and Itcait IiIhi 86 ooHts before ho mxikl stop tho tokpHoso. AwkllearterwartU he lakoil wltb a I'arUttHd man. and tit only 4 out. Tho Hioral is iiluiH. : : : There was tiositlv iMjostkM In tho ralluro ur tho bwKlaturo Ut ttravldo fur too UhIori iirHhaH's homo, wluiro romioon Iltt4e Uajri ami wnu IIUlo Kltls, Uino of thorn iMbtos, who bo to bare scoured Lit Ik)m with fine tooth comb fur votes to defeat 11 Dsly text-tMMik bill, ami tho sock al lotted to have boon uood In Hid cmiii ifiln wus a laruo otto, tho bill ro. eolvwl only 26 votes when it mhio up rur imosiiko. ihorobt falling fur wani or throo yotox, but the large v., to re corded favornblo to n roconslilernlloi. or the mil was IimIIchHvo ollhor of a olmugo or soutliotui or of a iHitlor Judgment upon n Mcond thought. Tliora Is luu hiimUoh butWiuttho bottor JuilguioHt of the Iiuii wit ruwimblo lo the bill, anil that, If it worn not (or tho InrJuoooo ef (IwAsHirhMii llootc Owunany, In uaiHMlltow to it, it would havo ffniio through tho nmt uhw. 'hie bill pasted by a Majority of viu. Thy AU Say TtMMNloiu "Kiioclal" flour mado b Ibitt how uiNciiiuory beau tho world. 1 ry u. , M CStiy otttwll tool at TM Tuosd jy ' eventrjg with all monitor prosorlti and Mayor liMliop In tho chair. I MUUt OKtmhfU) fAIt). j J. F. aitwofo 1 Koox Murphy 2 W McMillan A I'eUwr W Salem Sontlrwl 8 ftO btelner Dru Oo I 60 J. M. J'ayno i SO F.K. Doarbora 8 1 R.M. Wado Oo .1-17 John Maurer IM Mrs T. Magulro 7 00 A. II. FurattJir - .110 B. II, Pupil SOO yutesman I'nhHlifng O 3 76 Salem iiontlnel 2 60 It B. Moore On 4 81 Sulem WaUr Oo 01 43 tfelem Une fjo !!2 80 NJ. Judah t 06 Salem Gn Cb '. U SO Sulem Ons On 60 It. II. Wostaeott 60 I'ntton JJros , ft 05 H. H.Cronk ' '1 70 IV.ile & nishop 20 Salem Light & Traction Co. . . 170 10 I'etor Iloodor . . . .. 33 i Licenses wore ordered issued to J. Ooniiorand G. W. Stlmion A communication was read from C. I). uabrlelHin protesting; against allowing the MeMlunvlilc Insurance company to solicit Inmirancu here without iwylng a llconsc, when other companies My a license or $18. 0. 1). Gabrlelnou being present was called upon to explain the mutter. lie explained the dllTerunce hot wood a purely mutual inmiruuco oompmiy and a roui puny run for the profit of tho stockholder", claiming Hint tho McMiiiHVllle company Is properly a regular and not it mutual compnny ami too agent should be put on the same rooting as the ugonts or other companies. tJesner moved that the mattor bo referred to tho ordlminee committee wblcli whs done, ' The application of M. I,. Hamilton fort, saloon license was referred. The position of driver In the lire do partment was declared viicnut. The bond or the areut commis sioner, .f. 1 Frluell. whs rucolved. A petition was received rrom Aaaiw) ImIi, asking that blcycloM bo rxcluded from tho ldewnlk on Cliurch street between Stale and Mission. McUrew moved to refer to the com. mllteo on ordlimncef. Geuer moved to amend to make It committee on streets and public proporty. Amend ment and molten oarrlod. The resignation of Policeman .lohu- M)ii was received. On motion or Huron, tbe election or a policeman to succeed Johnson ws postponed until the next meeting. IeeK moved that hertarter there be no relwie given liack on any llceri'-e foes (Mid in thoelty. Carried. Am ordinance aimed at the dog nuUanc. pridilbltlug any dealer tram displaying vegetable or fruit, except m smihwb in wnsi ao nigii, wan The Model Oregon Newspopor and Family Journal, rolling News, Fletlwi. Literary, Ilanch and Dairy mimI Market .Nw In stlmr.tlyi- readable form. LI I IIL ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TAULETS ARK sold on c. positive Cures heart burn, raising of he food, distress tfter eating or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief, Lunn & llrook;, druggists. 25c and 50c. O .A. S KD O XI X.Z3. . iJeois th 4 Tlw Kind Yw H?'9 Alwars BmkjM 0.R.&R DEPART 10 R Fast Mail 8pm pokine Flyer 230 p.m 8 p m Is issued Thureduy morning In time to reach all parts of the state the same weak. m le $1.00 Weekly... LaGiippe is again epiJemc. Every pre. caution should be taken to avoid It. It's specific cure is One Minute Couch Cure. A. J. Sheperd, Publisher Agricultural Journal and Adrertlier, hlden, Mo , says: will lie disappointed in using Cough Cure for La Grippe," store. "No one One Minute Stone's Drug MOKI TEA POSITIVELY CURES SICK Headache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb uiink Rrmuves all erup- ItiofMorthe skin, nroduc'.nc a perfect com- 1 . . . . -r I piexion, or money retunucd. 25c and 50c Minn ,v urooxs In two ports crtnUiins all Important Foreign, National nnd State New?. 1AILY JOURNAL --ftOO k YEA An Independent Associated Frets I'aperfnr t tic Peo ple. Send ror samples rrce. snev j, (in ugitints. OASTOHIA. flean tU x 1 h KinJ Yoti Hi AMH BsM6 Tiih .IoyK.v,t, has the rullost rcjthrtur the doings of the loglPlHiurc and state otllclal-), as wotl a j Indepen dent, clear and oflnclt commnnton all public matter. Sand a trlul sulHorlption, ACKER'S ENGLISH REMEDY WILL stop a cough at anyti-c, and will cure the wont com in twelve nours, or money re funded. 25c 50c. Lunn Ac llrook 1, drug- guts. Mr. S. A. Fackler, Editor of the Mican- o?y, (rla.,) Iluulcr, sutTeiI terribly from La Urippe. One Minute Counh Cure was the only remedy. It acted ouicklv. Thou- sands of others ue this remedy as a specific for La Glppe.and its exhausting afteer fleets. Stono's Drug Store. 8 p ni ex. Sun Saturday iu p m L vave Salem 7:15 P.m, JJusJliu and Sat 10a nn MunVVed TIMK SCHRDUtK. From Portland. Salt Lake, Denver- Ft. Worth, Omaha. Kansas City. St Louis, Chicago anu nasi. Walla Walln, Spokane, .Minneapolis, st. J'aul, Duluth, Milwaukee Chi cago and bast OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. For San Frnnclsco. Sail every five days ARRIVK. G-'45 P.'" Spokane Flyer 830 a m COI.UMHIA RIVER STEAMERS To Astoria nnd way land, ings, WILUMITITIS RIVERS lortiand, ewburg and Wy Iuidings. 4pm ex Sun I For Dayton Fri L Salem Tu.Thur Sat 31'- m ' Coughing ini ire and infimies sore lungs. One Minute tough Cute loosens the cold, an) bell, quickly. The best cough cine Stmt's D'Mg Ktoie. WILLAMETTE RIVEK Corvallu Albany ami Way Points. Ar Salem 6 p.m. Mom Weds Fri Tu Thui Sat JU P in Ar Salem 10 a m Mon Ved nnd Fri WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISIO.N boits to Portland a aboe. I ransftrs to street enr line at Ores? t'itv if the steamers are,-,l ,i,.- .'V. trip tickets to allpoinuln Oregon. WajWng on, orCalirornia. Connectioim,.. i.'lV. 'ith all rail, ocean andrivcr linen land W. H. HtJRr .iiiimi' r i lvnv.r(tiecn,I,'l, 'ARt- r"lnd. Of Salem Aficnt, Twde street dock UOISE & IIARKEK, City Agents. . . . . 0 '0 0 00 6 0- 0 0 0 00 --o- 0 0 0 1 1 111 '" ' """ ". A Few Interesting Facts I hen people are contemplpting a tiip irnWPii ltl?rC I w;he'hr on business or pleasure, they natur, J-,-'-l 'w -l-lV.0. allV want ill lwl urvir ,.Kci,,r,l,l. (.. -- - ui.iniiiH u.v W IU, as speed, comrort and safely is concerned Linployes of the Wisconmn Central Lines are id to serve the public nnd our trains are operated so as to make do e connections with diverging lines at nil junction points. Pnllnun Palace Sleeping and Cluir cars on through train. Dining car service unexcelled, Meals a la Carte. In order to obtain this first-cltss service, ask the .icket agent :o sell you a ticket over THE WISCONSIN CBXTIUL LINKS AKE THE. Fllml. Two mottgiwo MitlsfRctlnns wore filed nmritinilug to S2UA0 and two now mortgages were also tiled amounting fi IK. I. Grltlln, a Kugene hurdwaro man, whs a guesl or Salem K. P. Lodge. rrr HoJUIIInt' llf ttxl U)iin oa-rtt CATARRH OF STOMACH. A Pleasant, Simple, Hut Safe and Kf. factual Cure for It. Ontnrrb of tho stomach has long boon considered the noxt thing to In ourablu. The usual symptoms are it Hill or bloating sensation aftor oatlng iicoampaulod sometimes with wur or wutory rising,, h foribiitltiii of l-hs. road iwlce and referred to committee causing procure on tho boon nnrl on ordinance. An ordinance whs An Art Studio. Salem N ta tw congratulated on imvliig two young women who are de voting their lives to art as students untiicacliors-Mrs. Wiggins and Miss Knight, both native daughters of Ore iron. Thoy have established a studio In Hie Palton block where students willberocelvml In drawing, coloring and lire work. Saturday Is devoted to children's classos. There Is nn ex hibition or nearly one Hundred skotches, Including some by noted oastorn artists. Persons intnrAfituii TUT OIUOT. r-k-i-t-r ns students or meroly In Dictum will ' - I f J J L 'ami you will nuke ditert connections at j N. Paul for Chicag . Milwaukee and nil 1 ioints Eat. hor any lurt er info mation call on any "vi kii vi vuuvspuou HUH J AS. C, POND, Ocneral Pass. Agnt. , . Mtl.WAfKKK, Uiu or J VS. A. CLOCK, Genorl Agt-nt, 2t6Stirk' Street, Portuno, Okk. Canadian Pacific R.R And 000 Pacific Line Mu.iieajMjlis St. Paul -TO- Chicai rhiladelnhia 1 ago Pfiila, Washington Montreal Toronto N'evv a ! all points em an, I ,.,,,.,., ;hea,,t iat, lw,iserise and York Boston aoco.nnv). dation 'through sleepers to Minneapolis. "uhout'chinT ' 0n,rCrt1, ftm' ,U,n Canadian Pacific Railway Co's. Fwprco's incorsteainihirH to Japan an I China, I l-e futeii a., iine..t .hips on the Paefie OCCRtl orient Slients: and bbt on the route to the EAST AND SOUTH VIA meroly in nlc tlnd their studio worth visiting. 1 01' THE At Baii Rmh a bfelthsAraen i4 mu. uedeetiHK cn itlrui ,1, ,W Mire StWMf rH,.ual, iu im, ym IH be iniMiM kMhky im4 rtt Ty i nm mruuMi . . . . - t .......! .; ram; wild una. urn tart wiiiu.,.i 1. . n.'UNa Htm I - ,.-.w. -.... Wf- AVDiMtar tliem "'",",","l,w " wre lltti put OH a , Mid MHiryuiHiUie llltuae CHlb uu La Ui "-L-e ! pHMfUU tM u wfWtf Ittsiltulion t Uow tltat 1 in ST" .. irv. ...' .. .. litaucL v.- , taet with the nrodtMMM uui !.. gjnM u , ens, loio jvur HpMNtHou. Uou 1 Tfctte are ! IwpcUmU the oHltio eoNfrateruiti vmt mi uie iw iirfHHMiauui uIUm.Il.o.1 lv --- ..w.,vvw. m .'W. . I ttm. U WHMtMOW .. . 5 " 7T '-"""Wl it-.z.:rjzrjrsT? r ". ' am 1 s -vL .IT" " . "T ., "v fr" " WW M( wifMh tett or twtHbf yean. t I utK mmKli tor any mn ui pwU at W puWlo teat. Thw Oteerve a hnsmi.. bK opell, u rgat. Ah but Phil leucuan. lie fbouhj be alkwved to wKt ui bee til leiuser al a bleb J aty, .J L. .. W TlMt msM 4HtHym -f all llM WhK W KA'dwt k Mtih U tUt Oaafir TlKIB bu afet k. ttmt Wjwld ur a. tUI. w4. l all.. Thai whImsw U lii & MHl UiMovriy It set 4uatiy fm l nroM iNiuuvu in wmm aaiuu, ....a a 1 -w t 'v- - -aw iwiiifii usiTimv an i . ...Miil.. .a - -T"-".a " nam fli-. 1 1-fWrrUlUirft aa 01Ae aaruu ull.l t,,.IUiU. 1 IMtrH Uru HlUkJtl. - e.. a a &$'d"V rMw monrnl. to'Z : iiiUui lwtrm luu..?L ITT! EV"."?I Utat auuiitar .,r miu 1. ,.,... .,.., ia?tf Atet ':ii!!8,,'1 ,mm' "' p wm 11 aokUiaa iUt me "" Hg oero, mmoo that jtto m i ri j)w tin-u tbe mmth m UtYiWIM tlif luaal' WW. MtppJfK m W,4 itu IfofflvtiMr lit-.. -u.l .. T.. r"""". 9Wm &tim ieaJki mM II ".. "T U"W HUBiwr uil were -& Sff. 4JSfr iT. mt tX teekaaV AaaVui ivOptJi haul! :. u . .jaTTVe- S-STGiw aSSSK: WM.w '"," m lH w Mmt." tMttoa ... 1 . . m .. :i lNWrOat,taa nt)llrlMoj4njy Dr. IHtfW Cihbhiau awiu, sraa. iw iy iw trt)HmA eweeT i fv . Amm Ik. s.'v". WWC ee weie UtrtubwiW lt-e beeuiillovuMd to ii ...... . . .. - "'- ' HHUUfWl 11 IIIU At........ 1. .. . .. . ..i. ttiinetbe MUfieU.Aib4Hy ! oral. Well, there are few people In this world wIliwa to aUNejJ. 1 Tim Ctetuettftt Is iDfartruaJ tu.t 1 I ' lungs and dllllcult breathing; head Intrudttced tiro- uuhes, llcklu utitiellto. niirvinmn.unnri vldlng Clint telephon com m ules may " k'uuurul played out. lamrulil riiiiii. not charge loorotlmn 81.60 xir month Thoro notion u foul i.uic m the! fa, tlM U It? M.M. I . .. .. ... .. . .n ui ims iiiuiiiiBin. UBflil I'iiiuiiii, coutpri tongue ami ir till III twice and referred to commute on turlorof tho moiiucIi could bo Mien it ordlnanew. would show a slimy, inllamwl condl- H was suirgeated tlutt the city Uou. should have a enpy 0r the olmrlor, The cure or this comitun and ob- Mhll huirl (Ska, . I.u ua.- . I., .!...- . . . - . """,'" " "" naunmor no in- ,11.1111110 irouuio is lound In a trout tructeil to uke lite printed bill to1 '"ant which ciiim-h the fond to to the oute boute ami copy the amend- J rondlly, thoroughly digested beloro It UMole Iheieio, fnr use uatll th H.ilins time ui rormanLurui irriii- , slon Ih ss tart a ra liable, I delicate muaoi., hurface or the Adopted. ictotiiuch. To seouro a prompt and Ueeaer uoled teetlo 13 ,( Ute hooldiy dlgustluu lb the one iieceasury barter, ibat the ottioerx or tbe citv thing to do and whan m,ru,yi ai. uiuat die their bills lor salaries, with Hon Is aecurwl the cuturriiai ,i.,n. Uielr aiildavite. He claimed that li- lion will luivHiliMtiiianrAii ustow or walvloK Ihls pmvielou was! According to Dr. Harlanson Lbe Ollfaaa.1 tlttal Ii.ljI o ... a.. -..W..11.1111W.1 u nu mewl is iu 110 arter oueh meal a tablet, composed of Dlautso, Asuptlu Poptln, 1 little Nux, OolnenSenl and rrtilt acids, These tablets uuu now bo round at all drug iorv miner too name or Stuart's U)'bHfhlu Tuuletd ami not Uimf a otituni modlelne cou be ummI with perfecl safely atul assuru.w n.. dl rvuu ar Tlic Modern Way Commondsitaelf to tlm iw.n.inr,,,-,.., If, , lit htuiiLiin.l.. ...! ...r.... .. ytf " " i."nj .inn uiiectiiaiiy what as lormeny none In the crudest' 6jmFm manner and disagreeably as well. To jni v. u-i; uio nysicm aim ureak up colds. Js-'is a m 1 " -..w-. .u, iviu 1 wiLiuiiir. : Southern Pacific Co S. S. Co. Australia The KXr-RBM TRAINS. RUN DAILV -v ..jrojtland. ..Ar Lv,...Sateia ....Lv Ar. San Fnincisco . Lv m K" a; jsasf&sz 19:30 J700 (.'oo ful liquid laxatlv riu- .Ma fi nd Salem, Turner A M A M rm station Marion Cottage (Jrove. Drain. CiiLlan.i '.i .11 ;" M''30l'M 1 So:f U J7.-30A u tile ;. aiteiupt to keep tbe ,k.,,i , irfnoraece to bow much iho city . nveruiuni wu Huiin,. 11.. ... ..wv..,k. no itiiireti nut trie tirncers bo rvoulrMi .. their cliiius with tbelr arltuavlu. Mayor lliahou eehwi how loug this custom had obtained, ami wan 1... formed that it i.,t been golaK uu for tie men lions irnn Wnclut.n K ..,.,. 1 To-N,g,, and Tu-MorrowNn-h, aceawai ,"n.a.'.rln,,VB- """b. U",B"" ,""t Iur'n till" .-30AM Lv... PorttaTSd . Ar" week you can gel at any druggist's ,o;" !.... Salem.... Lv ..w m HiisMiii ior too Throat nnd 3 ".Koscburg.. Lv k (i ra iKW1 W 00 tll most ' '"" buH sleeper and sSccTndrclwi W-rrT'il' V." M,1'J fr ''"Kcarsa'tached to all through twU? ;,i"?,' ""WehltH. Asthma WKST SIDE DIVISION. .i. .. J.j ,'."'" UBl ooiue to. "v. .f"" rtlano and V, ... . i"'. IY"S ,n tho hou ?"WH.V" i-riecK viiur cnhl at. n,,,.., itico xi and 50c. Saninle l.tti tZZ A t Albany and Corvallls connect wit. COKVALUS, " H.:, .. , .... VVRIAI.I.II! JSO, Ma" liain da,,y (except Sunday. ree, j 2Iil "Ur... .CorwdjULvjJJsii 4.t...a. .. Caaet ftiVaeit. . W,,h l'-"t' "Im of the O. C. h E. Ry kr(ua4nMMier. EXCKPT SUNDAY. Mooey Rafunded. ,3i11"" KWnntM when 1 . .. pwiai- Hour, beck ir you don't like It. Ue ,,-.-. wu MorReeted that tlm I .r. i " pu,bui ,b"1 w,w,,,u,y HlwUU d thorough " or tnereoy cast ou kuh win Udlow tWr I tin ttrrteut i.rtii-r !.... j.. ! rir 1,1. ,'Uiiue.l4oy lotoutmo to teflecl 00 Mr. N.J. lusher of 27IU D-Hrborsi H.- pto-eo. uHlcer. but moved tbatl.. Oblcago. HI , writes: ttUrrlTto (, ..m.,,a(ir. (.nrried. 1 ""vseu com in uto hjad. nn'ttohtvtosviini sa. ur ur. m.j. - -,-" whc eatiiy aau -. , e ma. rterva aatt liCtheraiHarwarsirr. Oust Mroair. All ariMl, see or M 1I04411AL HU.1 ...!. Ciauh- u . .!""" -.ns tirmaujr v obeaso or New Yerlt 4-'5rM) Lv ... Portland.... Ar Zinwf? ; McMlnnville Lv von "2?TM)Ar Independence lv T ' 11 11. 1 , , r WMinctloni at San t n wswmeniai auu Oriental I nwiuoin HHM tQf as 8.2S A M S-'S A M 4,50 A M lnincicu wu and I'ac.hc mal Nit-AN a.i, r-i,i.t. .--"-' ..... Llll.. M nraiMXn.nnll...: - " foreer. be m ' H., ..T 7:",-?"" or. taUe Ne-'re- ' Enron ii, ..,..?. Ka,e"i points an wean u , g; AfaXfjM FllW NO I. CureeuaniB. . ..Ml . 'u;" ALLIA. can t- U.....j . . :: Muon -.v k:LTi.... - .... . -m- ire. AiWrwM inft8R. Iick .,.. Caidiaii AoslPdlian To Honolul-, Fiji and HlMirtmt route t the colanies. I'or rates, fu ern nnd any information call on or address C. M . lckwood , Agent, SSi.1 hw,mNa -40- 28S mmerclii s Keekleuce Phone o. iS. Salem, Ore Aran ..A vi , " "' AIIUOT. Agent, 146 strt. Portland, Or, n . . ., B )' COYLE, n.-'rid Pasng.T Agent. Vancouver, II. O, VAQUIN-A ROUTE Corvallis &Mm Railroad follllilCllliKMt YAQflXA With tho YAQL'INA IUV STEAMSHIP COMPANY STKAMKUS ff liiUll" re eet. Die nhnvn Firoi-elMk In ovory Meamvr Is due to Mil from YhqiiIhr i-vnry i-ijni uaya. S-lior(tltoiitBllwwoeii llelwtto Yallej- PoidIs aod San Fraorisco Ke: Alba,,,, and I'olnu ,, , , HraBeI;wl V ll liv "W VV.Ti- a. mis monk. MmiHKor. J. U'KN'kk. i '"""I, UIO. II L. U'KVkK. .Weill. i k. r-jzrzrt k'".. l.1.- -r -- - ". sw ur ei - .... .vrv naail in irosi "At umU BuH Run pje ai ,111 J y 4eL llTcr iltl my bit to luck xuvt Uut Ub?NwyH Uraihlsvi bUd KJgX k'Peeuedlr.MkJ pralo.taiyi Heart XtftmmMn Vk, ( A,lM.'lf.lM..,rtSiS,7'j84 ivKMrxlif , w .f si.M "'UVd lhM wujwmoe "1B uitMiibmiie of the uue beweiMs ol tr. be apMubfd u, revl e the lttumed am) ihe rwiMUiou dbPaTrT mi oi orner. Ucrled. therofrtuu m.x.i K...t..... .. : .."" ira.iM..ipwk ftlMl h ducltigoauirrhoriba ...!"':. ,. iU pill. Mb pill. o e's Drug Mow Saleu. "" i,CK 0 .iii&lW SfEAMER WM M, HOAG, mu........ ."'" A'"1: ". Wli,aiaiTTL.'f,M'' "' Com ' "!., IKJW artd he rr;z r"- br "iwcurrfnu. m. M5t " puswu of moinuxtusntieAHftjoerlbud tar me for Hrecl ih,ll ux, Mym thai UM uv , Ihreo years for entarrh of btosuH.i. nun h..i i........ . .vi... - ... - .- - wiivite, oetin ooIIkcuo ""wmurc, uut today I atutbe .",,,;" hup- been ixe-Lao Plest of mon aftnr ui..i.. . . He Raised liwtruetkiijiAu.w-.i 'ef Stuart's UistMiwin.u..o . .... he should proceed to cidksot th. ... t Mml aitHroKruii. u..:- ... that the tret coutiuUiHwr ve ,. their use." m ZZT??; JL11 u the 1 -- v VraajvraBBa .uut, UBIBBU to allow hiej to J'S." "J l. u,nS wate ol Ua.un nm ATJriZl reu vsMr i.L.iV5ri.V4aalf.(-hr- ? ep the uiTi.rfTjn-,!.2!fr.? '.s'L.otoTo UMi sasjw. iea.-iikll.v fc'rrrrr" r..uss SHM, atu(actw nt.r.m.1 " ."""W . " " H". w KIVKH JH'HKniM.H TueMlMt ti,...i.... ... . iMvwtWialUa "" """ '"U- tae Altani - 8 . in. ave Uueua vTaia" " Th at. Jau. liuli1Mj4..",' ... fe a. hi. .194 ii llMMui i? I..T . '". 'wlano mv xMrUalv I .miw IVrtUud.7." . r-oiulay.. WaaiHIava niul Krt,i. I-aaveii IVirtlaiiil l4Me Nvwbrrr. " Oali'iu.: Liiat T..j..."j ---- iavef) m. u n. 111. adeui .-.iw.wm. m. parts iweiwrutloe as well Ue Hie OWB iiuSm.. SitlktllLnUil i.i "- assop-m, AdioeirMd. as the Or Uth oueo4iU er or ivajii hi ...i.. f . . - - mwvti , -, -ea-I. y Om M lUdlgealoU. e,arrh or stouweh, WltottaiKoe. Mur siom,,,, PtevoMo urIWIKleoitHig8fiW)W4(. ' luuua. T iu -Lxi....rT, T" H use; setHl for lUtla k-.t ...... . 1 tiu-tstsi CASTOR I A -4-uauaaaci-ldrea. we Kind You Have Always Bought . Bars the y Sisnaturo of (5z&yf Next Time 5 You 60 East purqhaslng UurlliiKton h Byrup leHai-RihMs I I flW"1" B ILVf M. M ta ' -afn &L&4 CURE YOURSELF! - !.. II I. ii UI lH. .- ll I , , "" St TTLi5 rHr. x-SWT l!lr.,M"?on,,OUun,t' f show ok rou what a saving iut,meaod yyou mako by tickets oyer u,0 Houte, Ours UUie shortest of all lines to Oeioha, Kansas miy, Su Leuls, J the South. ToOhlcago wc olTor two dis tlaet linos-ono via St. Paul aud loeoloetrlr..lghtod Llrultodt the Uwrvk BtiHnKa aDd Uwls , ahojULtuQ, Both lines are GOOD -dust hftw gftod Is best readied bv travellag over them. ' A,aS.HELDfJN eun Agent, Portland, Or, 1 AfHve tHik7r:v:;:;.7ri?i?; J W M,JiiIiiSM,!,,?P' w'"h rw j OtH,telOM, lucliiaiNK h tfWuvut - -wniuniii. lUCIIMINg UH ei jhossI for earrjrbts UiIh Itagbt ami best-PoMo a-ieiM, IABI' iJlwi'' Salose. QrotfDti. C.Hl'LUVAN.Kupt. Oregon Short Line Railroad Tha nirwt Route 10 Montana, Utah, Colorado r. uj and all Kastcro Points Lik at the lime 1 Days ui Salt Lake 2i Days to Hoover f OajWUiCliloaKO Hays to Now York BtMURKaR.illlt. oalero. -.CajlAN.fiwiAjew. f.oTHKRV.Trav.Pa-.Agu "1 Third 6,. f,rtu,4