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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1899)
nimmwww,! ppi jipiTW4-- V "Nt 'l JmsS Z2S r -v tr '(. , Skirts Just received a ricw stock of skirts in the latest stylo . H ,MEjPsJD &--- 4 Black Serge Skirt, newest trim ., ".' , II Itlue Serge, band trl touting Ri ST" HOLVERSON'S I .Only 4. STORE Capes, Collarettes and , Mackintoshes Will be closed out at unheard of prices Silk lined Fur Collarettes at 99 $275 Greatest bargains ever shown Every garment reduced PAY FOR CUBANS May Secure a Total of Over Twelvfi Millions. Urdlod State to Aathorlec the floating of Omit to the Amman f vy,oe,oee. J. J. DALRYMPLE & CO. A New Thing.. Wo ara nlwdy strlully up-to-diUo and watch for new thing to olTur our customer. We am change your Oold Rimmed Claw to ItluilaMof tho lalttUilyle. Qutiie utitl eeo Uiu work. All klndt or pectnaliw repairs dune iiihI ir-ade sutuo ai new. KVHH TltfTRI) FRRK. r G H, HINGES 200 OUMMHKOIAL WHHKT. THIS WKATHHR. Tlio forecast tur Tuuaday and Wed day (Kjcmttlonnl ruin. PERSONAL AND LOCAL Movcmenti of Keoidettta and VtHteia ta U Capital Cuy. Hop. Oniy Itlt fir Ikhimi today. l)r, ami MrH. W. n. llorte mhm n from Portland iliU morning, HfWer it tdiortrlNlu JRcp. Ronltiey twine up frotti lxt lund thin morning, and start ror Kuitorn Oregon tomorrow. Tim Child Study Club will hold tliolr regular weekly Hteelltg an Wed notday lit 3 p. in. In the I'reauyttrUu aliuruli. All are weleoMte. Ueproonfcttlo Davis with hit fit ta lly left till morning fnt hi heme In Lincoln county, and U rwtwitnWy Well SUtlMflOtl With tlMIMWllfi of the MtttlUU. Rov. I'm nk Culver, who l U take tbu plate of Rev. TH. Planer, in Hait Portland, came up (row lint poitil to day. Roy. 'fisher, who It mill knows here as having built tlt fefeveulaeulh taicot rliiiroli. will return to Indhtaa. lilt future Imwe. School Doard Meeting. Last cvonlng Hie directors of Mhool district No. ai hold a regular mcetlnir. A few bills were ordered puld, and a few other matters of little Import anno trnnaaeUM. An Importniit tlnanolal tnove was tnndo, willed In along tlio lino of economy, nnd will give local oanltfll an opportunity for Investment. It was lii the resolution uullrorlzlng the chairman Hint clerk of Ilia hoard to borrow miuIi huiii of munoy nn thxy wn Mmnro ill A ir cunt, HiilWolunt to Uk Up Hboilt fj.000 llHllll4HlniM bwrlnK7 and a m aatit. Tlii iHMrd Iihm during the pint your tticiirtd sororul Iwirm from nrlvalo ultlMim at 6 poruonta nd til kun up tlio hlulmr ratenoUn. Thew noUw urn druwn fur o iiiontlii, mid form a dMlntlilo loan, its limy are liable to run fruin oii8 to I wo yar. Ti follow! ritf from tlio M'coln County Lrndir will lutorat tliu umny frltndri uf n old BiiIbiiiIU, who 6 Known to Dourly evrylMMly: Sliurlll JauiBH II. ltuit rutiiruwl fnnii Cainn lull, (Jill., Tiioatliw oviiilnt,'. Uu ur rived two dayn bNiru tli dentil or hU father uuil huneo wit8 Jut in Hum to ronilur itieli wi vim uu M due from it wu. Ho rtiporUeverytliluif but tho old lioiuu ahuiiKMl uud that would Intro Imhiii, liul fur Ihedeto'iulnutluu that (he old pluco tiliuuld look the wiiue as It did whuii "tlioolillrtruii wore utliouio." A impimr truo,pluiiUMl by JIhi In boylHMMl, U about three fuol Ih dhiHieluritiMl Krcwso luxuriantly tltot Iuiik Htfo lUirooU llllwl up tho wail tultoould not be iimI. I1ii Uuie ehuiitHM all. ll- Antonlfllril Vrrnn in tin? Jiiilrliill. WaMII moTON, I'eli. SI . Kffor U a re Mlikltf with crery jinmfmt, of we cm to rwooelle the radlotl rleotent anion K' the Uuheite to the pronoeltlon Of UK government lo (My the Midler t the Coben rayee $3,000,000. Tlile le expected to be nccomplleneri through the weepliiK authorization by the United KteteA tfomnment for the Incunnentof a eonelderHble loan to rwgke Reed the deficiency between the um time axreed to pay to the troop and the mm thatUulwti leaden believe to be the mnalleet that eau be paid with lieneHt and due rrd to Juvtice. Mo far, the propoaltlnn bag not taken oNtaial ebape here, but the aduiln- letratlon Imi been quietly -u ruled by theUubHU contingent, who hare ex pred tfrotlffcilion at the proeiicU. Ounoral- Qonm hiuiMlf s expected to brrjflcli the plan formally when he be Kins h eoriference with Ueneml Mrooko luffarann. Gouoral (Jorne. arrived In Mataniai, in uk I ri(,' his way very nlowly Uwunl tho capital. What M proineed la Dial tlio United Slates shall aanctlon the lluuLlnur of bo'id bv the Cuban muni clpalltlofor provlnoee to the aioounl of fJ.0W.OOQ. whleh sum la to be paid orer to triH (JuImu troojw, In addition (o the W,(X0.000 u be (wild by the United Hiatus. The iiiutilclpt-Jitlea are to cet aclde a certain propor tion from the rerelpU from customa and other sourt'ea of taxation lo meet the Iwnda. In addition to riila, the United fcliate government It to lie askfij to aanctlon the redeiupllon by customs receipts of the bonds Issued In aid of tho Cuban rebellion to the amount ofe,flO(,000. Data, It U aald berr, Mill be pro duced tiy the Cuban aaaetiiOly lo ahow thaterery eeritof this turn was hx pended In let-ltluiate war expenee. 10MI 96 WDOn Ml 700 00 1,000 00 but the Patriot Calendar. I'll Northern Paclflo, lietter known as the Yellowstone National Tark ruii'u, um iceiieii a caieflflitrtimi la a work of art. There are alx platca rep reMiiiiliiK Amerluan uliN in mllltarj and naval caelume' In muloiml colors TnK'otbein lean object leseou In patrlotlsin. tf w m n T j in w. Proa I.MtHia. l'uur Years nmoux thaOrlnilnala at JolleU Itev. Mr, Walter has ulvnu this loc Hi re Intheeaetaud hasatnaya Intatretted hit audience, liy omiipitrl son welenru w ledum, andn study or utlior iMiinl Institutes helps u ti le now bow to Improreourown. New Dress Skirt Arrived Unity e will hare thetu oil tiililbltkm text - boy are Sew I'tttUrnaod ate all btade In f I Sa u H UttMiier than luakiaK tljum ywttvtit SMt heiur ftiilat; uaruiouia ytMt ttever aw . We wuuld oo pleiwd la thon you the rumIo. You mil tiiMl them aloely lined a ad trlmtiitKl. Our Ladies and Men's Shoos Arotbe klatl Uwt give aalUfar tlou, U ytrii Ikiv utie pair vuu will wantatiulhur ibar II u, w.n . ill v sued utKHl Htrvirn, Crowlt'e .Mos'a Pin i9 60 hue uowaK-v.eaiTakifcmj: out UiU line. Now (lltHflMisNU Mnk od drawee atriveat uaay. Ieture. Arram.'e to speMl Prldity evaNlui? lit Unit)' church ami hear Itov. Mr. Walter tell of the experiment at Jollet ami what tho State or llllnoU le do Inu for IU ooiMleUi. Uhair Car UtwoH t'ertUml ami AllMNy. CoHtforUtble upholatoretl rerolvlni; eitairs, otHervntlon emU, atlrttettve sitioklHit roouia. tlrvt clasM lu rrv imrttoulHr.ttcenU I-ortlautl luSalnu, WmnUi ISirtiand Ui Aluauy. Car ou ur viHi hi iraiii. riMeeoar will be run hNrouiiuiuL lim uiwinu ,xt .w. lecbdauire. i-n m CATAUKII OK STOMAUH, Willis Bros. & Co. Kl'QX CAkitl Iloi'KK. Mft Door StMilb wf Ute IHiatuittoi. UUm Note. II. ttttita will muni eoNtnenea the ooetrtieU uT a fruit drier, aotJ S. I. Kimball will ivbtilkl hU tare drier, wbtolt waa buraed Usiteaeott. Hervkaw In tuetaory of C. W. Hub bard, Oreffua vutaulmrt, who died la Vanlkt February S. Hill be httt la Haiku, oexttiuadMi. Meusbera nt all religious deoowiaaiutua win uke part. How u Hint) HheMiwaUem.wlUt IU share IwIiimw, aoheaaswlpalaa. Do yuu kow tlie ur Acid In lha blood has accuiu ulaudla wur lolau. The cure is fwuod lo Ilood'a aiahMbrllla which ueutiaJltee this aeid. TtHtuaauda wrlie thai they bare been n.iuplelely cured o( rlteuaiatlsai bj- IlimU', Her' vtfWMin.. Ituort nut ,ure nausra. airk haad ache, liiliuuiiM. WOUi A Pttaaont. Simpla, Hut Kale ami Kf feciuel Cute for It. CVtarrh of lite stomach has loop Uten ounalderetl the next thlme lit in curable. The usual ayutplowa are a full or I u senaallou after eallnv woocmiwuleil soiiiMtline with auur or watery rlnliik. a foriMttUni or Ritaea, ua italic preaatire ott the heart and lunKsattd dlrtlcult breathluit; had itoltee, Ockle appetite, iter vouatteas and a utoentl playetl out, latiKUld fcellnt;. more it often a fuul utele in the mouth, coaUKl lonctte and If the lo- Utrlw of the auttuaoh oould be aeen wouia mow a allmy, luiiauted eorutl UtM. The curt of this eotutmxt and ob atlaate trouble U fouttd lo a treat- went whlob tutwaa the food lo U readily, lliorouKhly dltteeted before It has lime to feriuMt aud irrllaU ibc delicate tuucoua surface of the aUHuach. To acure a piutupl aod healthy dltteatlno la the one oeceaaary thiaa to do aod whan normal dlee llou l eerured ibe cttarrhal coudl- lioo will have dlaappetred. AooordlnK lu I)r. Ilarlaoaoa the saroat and beat treatateot is to use tflaw each tueal a tablet, cotupoerd of utasaaa, Aeeatio ftpaia, a iilUe Kux, UoloeoekNil aad trull aolda, Tbeae UbleU eaa aow be found at all drutt Ure uader tue aaiue of eiiuart'a 1'iapspew ittbteu aad not bettur pateut tuedielM oaa be weed with perfect tafmy and aaaurute that initio aopetlU and tborouh dl-at-atioa wllllolluH ilielr reUM use after tueal. Mr. X.J. Ikibher of 2710 Haarburo i W.. Chlcturo, 111 , writes, 'u&urrn u HrjMS CU fa TiiBtikti bOWN. Speckl flpptntiatlmi Bill HlM eY Pites te WUn It Reechsd Uc SnaW The sbfcclal -approprldtlon bill knocked oat by the legislature In IU entirety, eon twins the followlOK itotttti For attorney's fees to John II, Hall, employed by the secretary of stale In the eaa o( Utate of Ores on vo, Mnluiomah county, belntf 10 par cant of the amnunt colleeted by him and turned Into the state treas ury t ".US 98 tfnr attorney's fee to Caput n John Mullen, for tho col- ljctlon of United States dl- ral war tax of the State of Grafton For claim of 8. A. Daweon aod J. W. Maxwell, cor. recti ok and approving sen ate Journal or 1906. . .. Ir claim of Sanborn, Vail &C.i, for oil printing of the Korarnor of Oregon for legislative hall ,. Ror attorney fee of J. U. Morelaud, In the oasa qf the Stale of Oregon ex rel A.O. Taylor vi S, Peniioy er twn ca5 In circuit and supreuje cogrt. .,..., ITur the development of Soda Spnncg, In Llun County.. The houea pitsied this bill, senate ant no further than the John Hall claim, which It roducetl lo 1200, .vlieri It k'ot tired and quit. The Hall claim and that or Million, which has been before tho loublaturo for tho past 10 years, U bused upon n contract, liolh will probably have to be paid wtno lime, though not Iwfore the atate k'ota ready, aa the Ute cannot l)e sued, Ihith 1 torus arc ohjpctod to itMOXorhitarjt, and for this reusgn five the lawmakers "tired foulluu" when ever they come up. As the In tared keepa on itncutiiiilatlnu. the claim, look more formidable and outraueous at each succewllrik' session of tho leu lelalure, and perhaps will never be imld In full A compromise on the part of the ulnliiiutt eoii- to be the only way outof tliadlrtlcul y. The claim cf $100 or Dtwaon and Maxwell for revision of the aenate Journal ot the session of ISM is alao cinelderetl exreealve; else It would hare boon put Into the special ap propria Lion bill that was prttud. The claim or J. c Moreland for attorney fens comes under the came outek'ory, lite services performed not holiik con sidered worth the amount atkud. TheflOOOaaked for the Improvameut orSiMla Spring, nwnetl by the state wa rejected for the reawti that the expenditure ot this amount of money would In all probability not Improve the quality or virtue of the water, Representative Jonea. who soduretl the pasaaue of a bill, carry I uu tlilB ap propriation In the lionise, declared the sprlnns were the shrine ror the blind, lame and halt from every section or the state. The senate, however, re runtttl to pats the bill. The cwt'ni or SniilMjrn, Vail & Co. of IMO for the oil pHimlng of ox (iov ernor ljnl, Is oonsldeiwl a Just one, and was rejected perhap only by reason of belriK found lu bad company. The hoik was dune by Captain' K W. Muorc, the well kuuwn artist, a ml the palntlutr la pronounced the lluost In IheeollrenollectliHi or oil jmlnt ItiKsof xuvernotaat the capital. Every Day r Jo the week.ynu can eel Fredi IVastea Coffew and not collte that haa leen altindlnsfof fter-ks la barrel. Try our Middle Price Coffee 20 and 26 cent a pminriupd ' be 30 and .15 cent. Or if jnu want Something Cheap Fresh and better than Mekatre coffee, try the I2 and 18 (Put Krade. Try Our Coffee ,.r'T trrnlrn;ednf UsfreehnpM n.l , 'iitj fur Its price. I Jf Jt. iT ' ' Yokohama lea Store Telephone Red HI. Tree delivery. That you ctn buy Dross Goods and clothing at Frlcdnian'n Now Racket for Just what other merchant have to pay for them, If you do not know come aod soe foryoursolf. Here arc a few of the bargains wo arc offering Fine vcll Ings.lntast styles, worth thlrtj-llve cents a yard, wo are soiling atUfteen cents per yard. Ludlos Kid Olovea worth a dollar and a half a pair for one dollar per pair, and Ladles Kid Cloves worth a dollar a pair forslxty-nlnc cents per nttlr, and Mmm Kid Clovos worth seyenty-IIre cants a pair for forty-five-sonts per pair. . QU8TION OF KHGULARITY. by ThcAnti-Stet Machine Qill Ped the Hauac Was a Dupheate and Not Original Dill. Will the Proebatel bill, lo abolish ulokeltliMlot iimchlnoH, becomos a law? This h a question that Nagitatln? the clgardealers Just now and caiislnu tlmrii considerable perturbation of spirit. Tho only hope of cigar dealers lies In tho alleged Irregularity in the puft agc of the bill by the house, The ermto passed the bill by a laruc ma jority, and a duplicate or the bill was j pased by a slmllur heavy vote In the! hou'-o. The reason the house could ' not get action on the original b.ll was) that Representative Cutis, or Clatsop ' county, who had It reforred to the' printing committee of which he Is chairman, had the bill In his pockot and lilinself In Portland when it .was called up. The bill wai never reported on by the committee, and It wa not' believed that liie committee had uny Intention of reporting on It, The house, however, refuted this deposition on the part or the com-' mlitce to hold the bill back, and hen It was called up obtained a du plicate copy, with the proper Indorse ment rrom the senate It was thl bill that was passed by the houte, and it now lu the hands or the coy ernorawaltlng his signature. The question now arises wliethor the hour had the right to take action on a duplicate copy or the bill as long a the original was In exist ence, and no showing was made us to ' Its lo. If the action plicate bill la held every prospect that pomea law. ir it was not legal all efTorU lo legislate against the-m imp. ulHr cigar winners and ulckel liters have been lor nuiight. We have a great assortment and are selflng thnin for about one-third less than thoy cau be manufactured, we also havo a large assortment of cor sets, these we aro selling for sixty cents on the dollar. Fine linos of black dre nro at bnat thirty per cent less than they can he laid down here today. Orout variety of laces from one cent a yard up, tlio largest and best assorted stock of embroideries In the city, sec our display in south window. We es- .,. ,11.. ...1-1. , ..M !. . .,. .. . . ... t.(.-biaiijr ni-.i iuuuii inu uiiuios aiteniion to our crea n and black silk lac and chiffons, space only forhlds us to mention all the different llncs-wc carry in stock. Yet we must not fall to say n few words for our Cent's furnishing; goods. In over shirts we have seventy-five different linos, from good outing iluunnl shirt at twonty-flvo cents up to the tlrmst sk-iulxed. Underwear cither in cotton mixed or all wool. We bought them at a bargain and will1 sell them likewise, es. Corner State and Commercial Sts. S. FRIEDMAN.., Al.'CTIONEKIl AND Appraiser Makes his headquarters at iTlcdiiian's New Racket. Hon upon the du- fl II i r p ItobeWalthere la f Q LjlH f)t it the hiil will be- ' ' ' ' v L M Wl Coffee Ih what makes a man, woman and child smile these days, and If you want to bsure to get It try To Might and To-Mortow Night, And each day ana night during this week sou can irel at any driiuglst'w Kemp a IUImiiu for the Throat and Luiix. acknowledged Ui be the most aucceaatul remedy evor u.l-l rw iDutttia. urouo. ironeli t s. AsL hum and Onaauinnilou. Ut u u t R day and keep It always In ibe lioosol iroujau enecic your eoi at ohcu. I'rlc 26c and flue. Sample bottle free, The Modern Way Commends Itself u tlio well-l'iformed, U do pleasantly and orTeotually what wits rorinerlv done lu the crudest iiiunneraiiddlsagrt'ettbly as well. To oleaiiMJ the system ami bnmk tuufii.u headacbes, and fevers wltliout un- O LA f CA I . I after oireou,,ue the delight- 0 OS, TO UUH KinH fu llould itxittlVL reniwlv. Svrun r ,KJU ,vl vyo IMIIU llMvli. Iu1m I.V lullr.rnlu l.l.. l.r..... Co. Sonneman's Thar All Say The Salem "Special' flour made bv that aaw machinery beau the world', Try li. , lf IneonujibhM. P. J. tt'ard. atmt IS; u rover ISfhaiu, aed liyeaKtod Uacar .Iwmermttiu allthrat incorrlglblea were recti ! at the reforui aehoid uutav mm.ij make Ave boi from Uoe county this week. D JlaU'e Ootujh Cyrp r.-vtms pneumonia or laHamatloa of Ui luBtta. Tula oelobraled remedy will cure a ooub ur eohj DrumpUv. Ik ,s the bnt tutdieine ror all kinds si tun trouble aod emu bu cts. it A OooU Invaatmont. When Imvo iople money U Invest thoy-louk about ror the bed to be had. I'ooplu following this rule find It to their advantage to buy their utocer Ion and provisions rrom Rraiiaon -(-1. o. o. d. The Homelloat Man in Salora At mII 4s the UaudM,me4t., and other aro Invited U rail on .tn druifUt and uet freea trial boiiiu ir Kfiup's Rlllailll for lilt: rhm.ll niul l. in.... ,. remedy that l guaranteed to cute ami believe all Chronic and Aoulo Cjugh. Asthma. 1 1 roue lilt I and Consump tion. I'rlce 25c. and 50c. He has all t-ntdes, and at 26c he lls a coffee equalled by few brand, of Mocha n. Java. Coffee is our special! v CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice Is hereby given that there are rtinds on hand applicable to; the pavmorit or warrants of the city of balem. endorsed on or before iJecom bsr l.lSiia. Holdersof -aid warrutnw will p!eaM proeent them for paymont at Ladd - Rush's bank, its Interest on suiiie wilieoase from the date of this notice. JOHN MUIR, ,.. -. , Cltv Treasurer. balein, Or., Fut. IS, J8l. jot Monay Rafundsd, Satisfaction L'lliirnnlniwl u-lmn un.. Um Salem "Sneclal" Hour. Mni back If you don't like It. if S, C, STONE, M. D. I'mprloinrof Stone's Drue: Stores SVLKM, OltRdO.V. Tlier. (mo in iuuuImt) nro loonto! nl No. um! mb Coiiinivrolnl kiruot, nnil un welUlookH whli nromplutu lluu ofdniKsiiml nwilloliiw, tollut urilBlcM., j-jrinmory, briulio t'tO., f() ,f(C. IU. BTONK IladiadMjnte'iSyenra oxrmrloneo lu the jirae llcoof lawliulneaiul now mttLo no chhrxe for cankiiltatloii, cxniiiltuttlnii orpioKorlptlon. SONNEMANN Ileiuit)- In lllooil ),p, Clean IiUhmI meuiu a clean bkm. Nu ' eauty without it. ( "awareta, Candy Cathar tic claan jour blood mid kwtp it tlaan. bi I tirrniK up the laay lnr ,! driving all im puritiea fwm the IkmIv. lfcg,,, today to muW i nnniM. I-iIIj f.i.i"' i.i "it. . i and that a.cklv bihrn-i pIuuTby tE ' ?r CajcaretH.-beuuty ir ,, ,,en,g Al drue- h.V 'l lieu, Mttafattion KU.,ru.,u-. 1u,23c,9b5 Z" l'M" Fine Stock Sale. iulci!int1 nfii.w ,k ...I..... i''lwlofpiirt;bmliori.oy unit KrnU. il'llr farm four mllwuiut ofbaleiu, IUctt.ui riwl Hhiu frih ami comliiK- Tin- ii mlertif I ihliii-iii,' lx k Ht THK UROCKR i4.i.te i Telophone 51 oinf roro rMirHHln. rrlewi to u oraiiiiroM.iiiirvt'y Wnlkor. 8-a) 1 w. THE ORBAT SALT LAKB KOUTD !There's a Feeling of Security Bitu U,",p,, Uto O'W kk, Ptua. INtaah a: tw The aitetttion of eiulwum.i u.i... .. ffiJ?"". ..'. r . ! Kijoyment Secured. HZ.,."- il ' ,UIM wut Uka . " -v-" " ."f.m c via uuHtiagton Of " an Fr. while it Is hardly puolble for all to " The pa. hu hn CMc of t ouuiiii I'otuiuuous nieaause a itreHt -:,,,,', "". oee tbrough Colo. '.ZT" "' mmm "wreoi. ,o what Ha oat of Portia,! oaa oAr suh a variety Tf outw In addition, a day' uopovar U eiy all , tu .t oy M la Uluh or Colo, rado. Though pullman ab toaiUt iUt. eg raw a run on alt t,.IM, a wall a. f M-.-LCT -. !i , " ''vice ami ac omwaodalioiM onried ara equal, ,f pot u- r' - " w any iraooollMBWl road, U ike aamaof th only porfcrt ' train ta I 7, ,al ' 1' ) ' luw at tkx lowest. un www. nowraatuag every aht httMaen , , ;7rr."T uP..w .,nP " wr" o ait. Pael and Cucago, via Um Chicago, Mil- h": M,ld. O Mial Agant, K.o Uraade h t & S1 IWIeraySaptaSi ' " t','' &. Von, read of the Wast ia adoMlag all uauroved wj.-fmlawi)OMMyll, J fcttM" f ha saltty iaTtjoreaaat oTp-T. "IM wa. HMte. or aecooiodaoon " When you put your feet in a pair of our shoes. Security and case to the feet. Security and case to the pocket book. a great Htittty enjoy an hour or more each day while uklmr their tueaU at the white house returaut by J. , IWtrnnt. e ,j, Ttra piowaiit lim mm T . . ""r"" taaaapsuet, aa-wing vIoh-s ot b auuful Keatry along the rrte of IbWm b nam I . ..J II ,-w . avvr, aaajiifju, WIH QV VQ tjsj t y - i M-we icvtivt u IWXSrP 'mmmnrmu. "-ra-trtai a tiara. ("gi -gi. v.nicat;o, 11 la tf 111. mm age uantial Tan amp otjub that dob ouru Laxative teiuova iho oueach TabhH. r x " I iMumktiwr IUi.ii win, i rJtarjdartl 1'aHen, ,e.i 4J cheapest m.m' fCLSSl'JiJfl alaHaBMaSRHaJalealtVajPld Dawunjw- . Kw Osatury &ew Yuat lntluMil.. It.i... t HMJal ciinillllitn rii.ltl... .... ..w. ....... , ,,vv - ,...- .v-wiuag hum netf-1 I tUaait4 iLilat iu a i. a. j -vw mm in wi neao, w Hereby ibe lluiug membrabe or the aoea bxoituea an naiaaaavaaw uai ihu k.i.. Uruma Uuluiue Tableu "ir IT .'Twr Mtwa that Moduooa La "" - oacamgni n!o lh -. ..u iea;otuaeti. thua pn. dut'tugealarrholihe stotutveh. as-dl-calauib rittea preaoribMl fur tu$ lor thre oara for catarrh .( aUuuaeh wliuoutcure, but today I am the ba phMiifuMHi alter ulmiualy .me ram Klttarft UraBi Tablet,. 1 1411 ' in pfwvpneie wv.t. ua)' goud leading and sotti, tbatr ua." ALL STYLES tu at - litt t"l prt -. r' Ir. ii Typewriter a for Rent. Mm Tpvriler ExehuigB ! RaWtaty. rX U1UI?WOOI,1,. C'rt , Vb , Raj. 1H w 288 Commercial St. MI fcM ORt HV DyepaptU 4oJ. ,. tiW ahM Ksaairatloo aa wll . .- ( slutflaot aad tuuat; rvUitH, luraoyluriM or lodigeaiUai. ratarn, of luii.tou. tih..uu.. vur t..i,.a,-i. oagrtbuM. ami t.l atu.fc 4t, r u,r ,i "" ' r l,,i k i. . , (-,, . bx Mreaataufi Muart ito, Marshall, MhU ThT' tableU . a I fuuml 4l ,U , ud , -HI .V ..'.'! A shoe Hood enough for g uueea, bunt on lateat laata.7trtoHjr gVSi lu .very reapact. la uur tiat Vw, miluIeZ turoed aule, ml 1 1 tar v heel .. IMC oi?irwbiWwujroucM- Aad that bin eelWr. aur , faaaoya baud.turn Vtel. tag, of IwitSTtT M .A ou earro aad numHiiiu aaata? We warrant Our shooa tststx The New Chainless h.'t lava VM al Siaais iar I He intj, aetla. IttUof lite, narva and vbi or. uk. v?l Mfa. All diuaa-iau juoorii. PuM-..ZT awrttoc KanMJy cv, Chicago or New Yort j. h ' 3aH I I $1,90 !,k0 """j' F,nc durnblo- li I Kiel, nice and button, new It irii.Tr. . f Llps ,l sutJintlaI v .fl,,f.,Mt;v,ll d0 y Bood ser vice .Shoe store ask S2.fin tnr ,. "ooe like llilh. $2.60 for a We've utlier s ylls.h shoes t I.IU, 11.25, $1.10 and !,60 RACKET Tb t Hrtl L'au.llud.Uu i.. if w ii i?TJ!!'Ju' l""UJ -ll"'Hc ifts orata, U u U U tail to aura, oruuiau r-iuiTuUT . . . . i., ?mm"'ummmamtmmmm j ! K-vi i 1 1 v -u nii i 1 t4jrvu utu aad aao. THKSAiiKlt HULL KB OKA It. iWttttf! REEDS OPERA HOUSE UaJaiMcbatiile, rlitad wlUiKa. i W ruller vtar. rlddeu by MbJuTtS. n. ., fcJI colored rider ' ur COMING Tp-day, between nfieei. and twen-i. orlha boat wlii. n. 4V..-.T-- .t0 Rnnoi f A dv -i Ztt!ZJ!"W' msiiurz;'z sr is ... r . , , ing an rauia aiuu...ii Mivriutt" peculiar to bevel wear llfee. gad aili stand ..Jk J2!l ot ttw fraattS) wilhuat thZZZi SMtatn ntit nt Hm """ , i . ffl?. " vrd W,M in i!id ain. 303 COMMERCIAL hTREKT. UI"ITK fOST-OFKIrtt a Auction MALUM, OKEUON'. Sale ! -AT- THE ..IN. tw EMPORIUM 309 Commercial Street. . Tivia la .i pi-, aB i ,,,, j , . . I V. A 1 r M . K. K ! UMtio and at that THbttaa. - - HhevUltW. iTg HEP WIGGIN'S BAZAAR WHAT ""HAPPENED TO JONES,, .2?L.'H .. i wan Uuv iTOori. too enure stock ourriad r IMW. oousistlnir of IMPORTED CHINA ,? sqll at at tho Eqiro- and GLAiiSWBAR, a anmathtKRCUi-HUi I Watch. . . for further announcements Don't Miss It. Saie m&mm Umtoy, February ao, at 2 n P AHgljWMtBeoWi(lori,WU)vlai iu. also evening i'ueato promiBos. Ss Friedman, Auctioneer