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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1899)
CAPITAL JOURNAL. wa. in i ..aft '"' jifalteqi 11 ft toUWB - -KfciMfcWlV llm VOIj. X SALEM, OREGOK, MONDAY, ITlSBItTJAHY 20, 1899, SO. 43 l New Lines Krausse Bros. 275 Commercial Street. Auction Sale! - AT - THE Beginning on Monday February 20, ut 2 p. iu I will sell at auction without reserve, tlie entire stock carried at tlio Empo rium, consisting or IMPORTED CHINA and GLASSWEAR, BRICKABAOK, VASES and ORNAMENTS, CABINETS, RE. FRIGEItATORS, RUGS, EASELS, SCREENS and LAMPS, DINNER and TEASETS. Don't Miss Sale commences Monday, February 20, ut 2 p. in. also evening at 7 p. m. All goods must be sold In order to vacate premises. S, vhlarne Chemical Medicated MPLExioNToiirfl ffllNl10 CENTS ' Wi fX A YOnKCITV N mymfoxjfa 8G$B2!!m8BsZ$ tifiEGteEBSBSBSBSSte vbC"is6 1 94 State rILI -tiii M w A m fti "US U 1 1 ' iH3 jJI m Sr icy filtlk iw 4a3rBS3ilFSi5&SS!8orouBhBO experience as was work rorais , ONIONS, WE PAY HIGHEST OREGON GRREN AND DRIED FRUIT CO. Suitable Tools of spring shoes and Oxford tics now in, Do not forget our sale on rubber goods and fall and winter shoes still continues, also free shines to our cus tomcrs, EMPORIUM 309 Commercial Street. It. Friedman, Auctioneer, If you wish to havo an abun dance of beautiful, soft, (.'lossy hair you can easily acqulro It by tho uso of DR. WARNER'S MEDICATED COMPLEXION AND TOILET SOAP By Mali lOo Per Cake or $1.00 For Dozen. Money refunded if not intlifactory. For Bale lly BARR BROS. 118 Slnto Street,-... HALKM, OHK Satisfaction Co. Guaranteed. gSt& ladies' Shoes.. ft N 1 4 M $2.50 (3 I There can't be a better Ludlcs' Shoe for the money. A'icl and Dongola, Laco and Button. Shoe Store ?jj; j ill street, Salem, Oregon C J Ti ' W A, TSTTFXP H1Y AND 01TS CASH PRICE. 5$ State Street, Salem, Ore FOR ALL TRADES. A man might as" well try to work with his hands alone unless he has the tools that help. THE BEST Is none too g'-od for ibe man that dos the work. THE BEST can always be found at GRAY BROS. MANILA DEATH The City of Paris Is Quiet. Oregon Troops Fighting in the Philippines. The Rebels Still Restless but Help less. lly Amioclntcil Prcm to tlio Jonnml. Washington, Fob. 20. Otis cabled today from Manila: "Chaplain John R. Thompson, of the First Washing ton, died on February 10 of ucuto enterocolitis. Pauis, Feb. 20. The city Is calm today and stringent precautions arc taken to maintain order. Manila, Feb 20.-10:30 a. in. The enemy have apparently realized the hopelessness uf attacking the Ameri can position, and are occupied chlelly by occasional sharp-shooting from the lunglc, whenever feasible. Fort unately, their Ignorance of the use of sights minimizes tho effect of their guernllu tactics. . Tho retirement of General King's advance posts upon San Pedro Macati has evidently been construed by the rebels as a sign of weakness, as they pressed forward along both sides of tho river, perslstuntly hurrusslng the occupants of the town. Last night the rebels poured volley after volley Into San Pedro Mncatl from tho brush on the adjacent ridge, but fortunately without effect. General King's headquarters In the center of the towtTwHu the target "for scores of Remington and Mauser bul lets. The rebels arc using smokeless powder, and It Is difficult to locate individual marksmen. General Ovenshlnc'sllnc, conslllng originally of tho North Dakota vol unteers, the Fourteenth Infantry, and two troops of tho Fourth cavalry, stretching from the beach at cur.p Dewey to general King's right, was rolnforced by two bitttalllons of Or egon volunteers and three troops of the Fourth cavalry, as Infantry (The two battalions of tho Second Oregon are near tho old camping ground to tho southeast of Manila that was occupied by our troops be fore tho capture of the ilty.Thcy are, however, facing the other way, and General King's right and General Ovenuhlre'slortare farther out In tho country than our sold'ore were at any time last summer. The ground oc. cupled by General Ovonshlno'a brl g.ido is low.and, during tho rainy sea son marshy. The part that Is not paddy fields Is covered with thick Innirlpu. Ah this In tlio rtrv -Kpusnti. "n--' , o-imnnurnlnir nut. Mlfiro should nnt. hr i In the Held last July and August. .The two brigades constitute that j part of the circle around Manila be- : limn r. Kiiuiir r.i'i.r1 i...i. ..uuLiiiim and the beach to the south. London, Feb. 20 -The Paris cor respondent of the Dally Mall de ecrloes the scenes at tho Versailles election us a "Donnybrook fair, with a touch of tragedy therein the trag edy of a ncwl) chosen ruler attempt ing to Ignore his unpopularity und smilingly returning thanks for con gratulations." "I believe, said tho correspondent, "that tho rlrtouB -scenes In Parlsare only a foretaste of what Is coming Last night the boulevards were battle fields and nowhere was a vokw to glpryfy the new president. Today the press Is uncommonly rancorous. Here are toaie of the titles of honor con ferred upon Doubetj'Iujbecltc,' 'Pan aralst,' .wretch, 'perjurer.' 'liar, and avowed protector of the Dreyfuoards." The New York Racket has reduced prices very much on ladlbs', genw.ano children' rubber boots and shoe In all lines. Don't ouy until you -see our Epw6tih League Convention; Saturday afternoon session at the Epwprth League Convention at Wood burn, oponcd with devotional exor cises and music, Junior league re ports were glyen by Mrs, Pcderson, of Brooks; Miss Altkcn, of Sllvcrton; and Mrs. Singleton of Kalom, gave a short address upon Junior League work and Humane education. Misses At wood and Itakcstraw sung an appropriate duct entitled "Feed my Lambs." Tho Twenty-third Psalm was re cited by Lenla Cornwall of Woodburn. Llttlo JennloExoncf Dayton, gave a recitation. Ethel Toozo of Woodburn, recited, "We Carried a Pie to the Preacher." Ethel Johnson of Woodburn, gave Don't bo in a hurry to say Yea or No." Mario Cathcy of Woodburn, also gavo u pretty llttlo recitation. Pror. Noon or Willamette Univer sity, gavo tho children a short talk and Pres. W. O. Hawley told a story of Llfo In ludla. MlssSltupon of Lebanon, read from Junior Herald. Mrs. D. A. Watters of Salem, then read a paper on ''Tho Literary Beau ties of the Bible," which was very choice production. Saturday at 7:30 p. in. tho tirst half hour was devoted to a song service. The Woooburu chuir sang au an them. President Hawley, of Willamette Uulycrslty, delivered an eloquent lec ture entitled "Stepping Stones to the Orient." Sunday at 0:30 a. in. sunrise prayer meeting led by Geo. Bunyun of Hlllsbofo. 10 a. ui. Lovo Feast. 11 a tn. Sermon by Presiding Elder I). A. Watters, of Salem. Rev, Harold Oberg, of M. E. church Oregon City, preached ut tlio Presbyterian church at the sumc hour. At It p. m. occurred tho memorial service for the League members of Salem district, who havo gono to their "long homo" during the year, and also the soldier boys of Oregon who havo died at Munlla. "Old Glory" was pluccd upon the platform at half mast. Pre Ident Hawley presided. McMlnnylllc chapter had lost by deatn Harvey Bennett. A tribute to his memory was read by II. T. Flcsner. Miss Anna Atwooa sang "Never Again." Salem League has lost "Father" Hatch. Miss Claire Smith und Miss Mildred Wutte'rs. Miss Frances Cor nelius, of Salem, read a beautiful tribute to theso. r - President Hawley read the Scflp tu re lesson. "Rest Soldier, Rcsfwas touchlngly sung by a quartet composd ol Atwood and Itakcstraw, of Salem, ana and Messrs. Cathcy and Cornctt, or Woodburn. Pros. Hawloy then gavo an eloquont trlbuto to tho brive soldier boys who have unswercd to the "lust roll call'' especially Hurry Glenn Hlbbard, of Salem. Sunday, 7:30-Slnglng lcadbyJMr. Woodburn. Ton minutes of voluneer scripture quotations. Prayer, by Rev. Smith, pastor of tho Prcsbytcrlun church, of Wood, burn. Quartet, Messrs. Cuthey. Cornutt and Livcsy, of Woodburn, and I). J. Maple, of Oregon City. T. S. McDanlcl, fraternal delegato from Portland, gavo a short but witty address. Miss Atwood. of Salem, sang "Heavenward," Itey. Harold Oberg, pastor M. E. church, at Oregon (Jlty, delivered a splendid address upon "The Inventive Oenlusol Love." MIsb Durfeo, tho newly elected sec retary then read res 'lutlons of thunks In behalf of tho convention to the people and pastor ut Woodburn who have made this occasion, so pleasant and to tho local press for pub Mailing reports; to tho retir ing oillcers for faithful work; To Trcs. IUvloy, Mr. MuDunlel, Rev. Abbott and am. watters for their assistance and valuable pipers and addresses. Which resolu tions were unanimously adopted Delegates gathered ut the front and a consecration prayer was olfcred by Rev. Watters. Convention hymu was sung, then with Joined handball sang "When tho Roll is Culled up Yonder". League bcndlctlon by all. Tho convention will meet next year at Newberg, The new olllcers are: The Columbia Chainless CIIOWNEI) WITH THE WREATH OF SUCCESS, AC KNOWLEDGED BY SCIENTIFIC AND MECHANICAL EXPERTS to be the TRUEST. SIMPLEST and there fore THE MOST PERFECT BICYCLE ever built. Hun dred of testimonials all over the country proclaim their superiority. 1895 models S75 1P98 models $61 Columbia Chain Wheels $50, $40 Finest wheels built, at tho price of tho poorest. Hartfords $35 Vedettes , $25, $26 of Cor, Secretary, D. J. Muple Oregon City. Treasurer, Miss Nellie Jonos Forest Groye, of of Salem Public Building Bill, Washington Special: Rcprcsonta tlAo Tongue finally got his bill appro prlatlng 3100,000 for a public building at Salem out of the comailttco on public buildings and grounds, and even through tho commlttco of thp wholo house, but It Is hung up await ing favorablo action of tho speaker and the powers that bo In tho Iioufo to grant a day for the consideration of such bills In tho houso proper. Mr. Tongue Is quite elated over his suc cess and deservedly so, as efforts wore made to prevent giving bills to states whero buildings hayo already been erected. In order to got the public building bills through It was neces sary to provide for a largo numbor of places to got sufficient votes to pass them. There was logrolling In this tho same as In the river and haibor bill. It must bo that Speaker Reed Is snick ering In his slecvo becauso tho mem bers of the house when they onco got a taste of tho public building pork pushed tho bills along- with such vigor that they overreached themselves and did not get time to consider but two or three In the house miter spending two days putting them through tho commlttco of the whole. It would bo a mistake to allow the public bulld Ing bills to fall now, for reports have gone all over the country that they havo rccelycd the Indorsement of con gress. It is claimed that ono cannot explain to pcoplo the Intricacies of the rules or tho house which allow a large number of buildings to pass through the committee or tho wholo house, and yet will not allow them to go any farther Every town whoro a building bus been passed thus far will be sore. It Is said a better policy would have been to have passed no bills ut all, mid then each monitor could explain to his constituents that a policy of economy provented him getting the building. Now he will bo cmeshed In a discussion of parliamen tary practice In tho house which the avcrago mind will not grasp, but will churgo bad faith on tho part of the leaders. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notlco Is hereby glyen that there arc runds on hand applicable to? tho payment of warrants of tho city of Salem, endorsed on or before Decem ber 4, 18IH1. Holdors of said wurratnw will please present them for puyment at Ludd & Bush's bunk, ns Interest on Mime will cease from tho date of this notlco. JOHN MUIR, City Treasurer. Sulom, Or., Feb. 18, 1800. 2 10 lot Read Carefully, then write us or coino In and see us about that eastern trip, we can offer you good service, quick tlmo and a comfortable Journey. The N. P. R. R. Is tho people's "ayorlte. Come In and sec us. leaves Salem 7 a. m. Leaves Portlund 11 a. m. a 4t Thomab, Watt & Co., Ag't. TODAY'S MAKKKT. Poktland Feb. 20. Wheat yallcj G8: Walla Wuila, 00c. Flour Portlund, 33.20; Supcrllno 32.15 per bbi. Outs Whlto 4243c. Hay 3S(ai0 porton. Hops -1 lW17c; old crop tic. Wool Vulley. KYaillc: Eastern urcgon, rxiit. ' Mlllstulf Bran, 310; shorts, 3HV f.Tt tr..r.n ' Poultry Chlckcn8,mlxed,33.00(3l 00 turkoys, live, 1201 lr. Eggs Oregon, lflOc pordoz. Hides-Green, sattod 00 lbs, 8(28Jc. under CO lbs,0J(irf7c;sheep peltH.lftJpJOc, Onions 80e(g$l per sack. Butter Beat dairy, 20c; fancy creamery, 45cCrfC21c per roll. Potatoes, 85c($Jl per sack. Hogs Heavy, 31.75. Mutton Weathers .'lie; dressed, 7c Beef Utcer8,33.25(Ai.50: cows, 32.50 (tf-2.76 dressed, !W. SALEM MARKET. Wheat-10. Oats 36c. . Hay Baled, ihcat, 30.60 l.'l,.,.. T.. ,.!,..,.. I l... ? iiuui in rruuiuoaiu mi.!. u rc- tan w.uu. MillstulT-SliortH 315.00, Hogs drcbcd, 5c. Live cattle--2i(gc. Sheep Live, 32.50W33. Veal-5(i0j3. Butter Dairy 20c; creamery 25c. Wool Best. 15c. Mohair 26c. Hops -Best l17c. Eggs- 18 to W m cash. Poultry Onlckcna, "fefic; turkeyf, llye, 100$l21c. Farm smoked meats Bucon, 8c ham, 0c boulder, 0c. Potatoes 60c. Apples 40o. President, Miss Anna Atwood Salem. Secretary, Miss Durfeo of Slnw. NEW MAN ForS ecretary of Iiv terior, All Volunteers at Home Are Now Discharged, Tho Iniquitous Subsidy System Appears, lly Aamiclntcil I'm to tho Jotirnnl. Wasuinqton. Feb. 20. Ethan Al len Hitchcock today entered upon his duties assccretury or the Interior. Washington, Feb, 20,-Orders have been glyen for mustering out volun teer regiments, at Sayunnah, On., Augusta, 'Gu., and Greenville, S. C. This ordor discharges all volunteers remaining in tho United States. Washington, Fob. 20. In tlio aer ate, Chaudlor cutcrad a motion to re cousldcr the vote by which tho naval bill passed, and thai, tho uicasurcr bo called from tho house In order that errors bo corrected. The order was made. Coskroll securen tho passngo or a resolution calling upon tho secre tary of war ror detailed Information as to tho cost of tho army under tho proposed Hull bill. Wasuinoton, Fob. 20. Tho houso committee on appropriations ordered a favorablo report on tho hill to pay Spain 320,000,000 Mr tho Philippines. Wasuinoton, Fob. 20. Tho senate csmmlttco on foreign relations au thorized u favorablo report on tho amendment to tho sundry civil bill for construction of a cable to Hawaii and Manila, Tho cablo Is not to bo built by tho United States but u yearly subfldo Is to bo paid by tho gov ernment. Sinking Fast. Miss Holen Sutherland, who under went an operation forappondlcltls on Now Year's day, Is lying very low, but up to ton days ago wis on hnr way to recovery. She Is In a critical condi tion and her friends aro very much alarmed for her recovery. Patriotic Calendar, Tho Northern Pacific, better known as tho Yellowstone National Park route, Iiiih Issued a calendar that Is u work of art. Thoro aro six platefl rep resenting American girls In military and naval costumes In natlorful colors Tosco them I? an object lesson In patriotism. tf Money Refunded. Satisfaction guaranteed when you useSaioui "Special" Hour. Money back ir you don't llko It. 4 tf Kxlmujtlon and break clown follows Ortn revent it by uninj: Dr. Miles' Nervine. Cloak Department An advance shipment of nobby Tailor Made Suits, new blue mix tures, tan and brown shades, navy und black, swell new goods ut $8.50, $10, $12.50, up, New Skirts Some very lino vuluitH being shown. Figured Mohairs, $1,76 and up. All WoolSergos, MflO and up. Colored Coverts, with threo row cording, 90. Navy Blue Serge, braided with new bow knots; ono of t,lie swell novelties. $7,50 New Ties Ladles' new Pull Scarfs, Clubs, Bowh, etc,. Satin und Pique, caoh 25c to $1,25, New Liberty Satins Very correct for the now silk waist, Ask to see them. $1,25, m Out-Ta U if j FREE BEDROOMS. To Bo Furnished State Uni versity Students. lly AanoclnliMl l'rcmi to tin- Jouriinl. Oivmiua, Feb. 20. Tho scnato passed without opposition a house bill to appropriate 3100,000 for dor I mltorlcs for tho state unlyerslty, a kltchon nt tho ponltcntlary and a dor mitory and biological laboratory for the agricultural college. How it Hurts I Rhoumutlsm,wlth ltssharp twinges, aches and pains. Do you know tho caubo? Acid In tho blood has accum ulated in your Joints. The cure Is found In Hood's Sursaprllla which uoutrallzos this ncld. Thousand!! write Mint they havo been completely uureu oi ruouiuui.isiu uy noon's aur suprlllu. Hood's Pills euro nausea, sick head ache, biliousness, Indigestion. Price 2o cents, For Sale. Light gray horso, 0 years old, woliMis about 1000 pounds. Oentle und will make a good driving horss. P. O. stable, 02 Ferry street. 2-17-3t.t Chair Cars Between Portland and Albany, Comfortnblo upholstered revolving chairs, observation ends, attractive smoking rooms, tirst class In every particular, 25 cents Portlund to Salem, 60 conts Portland to Albiiny. Car on rear cud of train. These cars will be run throughout the session of the legislature. 1-17-td. Enjoyment Secured. We are nil seeking enjoyment and while It Js hardly possible ror all to obtain continuous plcasuse a great many enjoy an hour or more each day whllu taking their meals at tho white house rcsturant by J. K. Harnett. e o d. A Diamond Ring Free, Tho finest Carbouctto Photos aro now made by Sporry, tho Artist, at a cut ratouiid Included chance on a 2-20-31 boatlful diamond ring. WHEAT MARKET, lly Annooliilril l'ren to the Journnl. Cuioaoo, Feb. 20. May $721; cash No. 2 red 72. San Fkanoisoo, Feb. 20. May 1.171 cash 1.16. A Now Town, To Becomo Railroad Ter minus in Alaska- llr Anoulnti't1 Prom to tlin Journnl. Tacoma, Feb. 20. A now town, called Taku.hus been located on Tuku bay, Alaska, four mites abovn the mouth of the Tuku river, about 25 miles from Juneau, and Istobacomo tho terminus of a railroad In which Eastern capitalists aro Intorcstol. THREE SQUARE MILES And a Chair Factory Burned in Wisconsin. lly AHuoiilntiMl I'hm to tlio Journnl. Pout Washington, Wis,, Feb. 20. Lust night's lire, which" destroyed the plunt of tho Wisconsin Chair Company, .covering two blocks laid waste three additional square miles. Loss three hundred thousand, Six hundred men out of employment, thirty fainlllotiloat homos. job; Out-Done, SPRING ATTRACTIONS. We Expect To receive this week muny linos of Springtime Noyoltlus. NEW TRIMMINGS. NEW BELTS. NEW BUCKLES, NEW RIBBONS. NEW ORGANDIES. NEW DRESS GOODS. NEW' DOMESTICS. NEW PRINTS. NEW DRAPERIES. NEW HOSIERY. NEW UNDERWEAR. Our Percales Aro going fast. Wo havo dupll cutcd bouie numbers. They aru lovely and tho quality grand ror 12 l-2c, New Crashes Plain and Fancy. Buy that skirt pattorn uarly and have It made und ready for the first nprlng day. 10 to 20c per yard, Meyers & Sonsi oVal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum fcikinp powders are tlie rreatett mtnacers to health of the prewStday. QTAi DAKtua rowocn ca, mw vodk. Was Drowned at Portland While On Her Way to Salem, Pioperty In Tacoma Knocked Down it Onc-Fifthof Its Alleged Value. lly Aaioolntcil I'raa to the Journal. Portland, Ore., Feb. 20. Mrs. Howe, or Grcshnm near here, .was drowned early this morning ;at the foot of Taylor street. She had come to Portland beforo daylight to take tho steamer for Salem. Sho boarded tho boat and whllo standing near tho edge of the lower deck turned to spoak to a friend ortlilo wharf, missed her footing, and fell overboard. A passenger standing near grabbed ut hoc, only succeeding in tearing her shawl from hor shoul ders. Tho body was found a half hour later on the wheel of another steamer which was lying near. - Tacoma. Fob. 20. Michael Mllano, proprietor of a boot blacking estab lishment, committed sutcldo thlft morning. Family troublo was tho cause. Tacoma, Fob. 20. A sheriff's salo of tho Tacoma Land Company's prop erty, assessed nt threo millions, oc curred this morning. Tho proporty was bought by Provident Life &Trut Company of Philadelphia for 033,000. Ayer's Never. New Suits New Overcoats Mmammmmmm '"IMI GRESHAM WOMaT ( One bottle of ? 1 aflB I oarsapariiia j will do the work of ; I three bottles of the j j ordinary kind. S Celebrated HART, SUHAFFNEU f & MARX and the VITALS brand, J oroioiuing. Classic Authority What was It Emorsin said about ulothos V He said "thut'tho reeling ofholng well drcssod, teat Is In II, K X M i.iiriunnta vvnnlil irlrn it rnnn u senso or luwurd peace that religion 2 r..ii ... ..,...... ', Si 11,113 til UWHIITi New Gordons Wo claim and can prove that,j thorn Is moro valuo in a GQRiJOlTf. V hat at turoo dollars man uny other hat at any price. $3, New Puff Tics Have you soen the rtevv,' beauties? The most varlud und perfect assort. uicnt yet shown, , 50c and 75: Quullty Is tho password bargains abound, Spring speolulUes vurou and beautiful. vy! t m i a; I" ne anu prices. jou," .Sroat & Wilson) ;aum's Grisatkt Stqie). Or. MJUj"Niriruwrasa atklianugM w ".iwf,