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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1896)
Merit ..Merit Ulkatho T I -A intrinsic value of l f Hood'sBarsaparilla. ! Merit In mcdlcino means tho power to cure. Hood's Baraaparilla possesses actual nd unequalled curative power and there fore H lias true morlt. When you buy Hood's Sarsaparll!a,and tako It according to directions, to purify your blood, or coroaiiyof the many blood diseases, you ro morally certain to rocolvo bonoflt. Tho power to euro Is there. You aro not trying an experiment. It will make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus drive out tho germs ot disease, strengthen tho nerves and build up tho whole system. Hood's Sarsaparilla Hthe best, In fact tho Oiio Truo Blood Puriner. rrtiurcil only by C I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. it i mil,. Ho not purge, naln nOOU s rmo Krlpe. II itrnggfcM. FARM NEWS. A late clutch of chickens usually come In Hue about Christmas time. Cows are like men. There Isnlwnys a cause cither Imaginary or real for lick I ii,'. Put some kind or a lly not on your linrse, even though It is not a thing of Iwauty. Cullforiila has shipped 440 cars of fruit against 451) at the same time Inst year. There Is not so much money In live stock as In a very highly watered arti cle these days. The wheat gamblers say there will Icjust 470,000,000 bushels of wlieat ijrown la this country. The peach orchards of Trimble county Kentucky will this year yelld 400,000 bushels of that luscious fruit. The recent icportsof cattle dying in Arizona from want or water are only too true. They have been veri fied. The shipment of cherries from Cali fornia last year amounted to 178 cars. This year they will only abrogate 81 cirs, liaron lllrsch's widow has donated j jCI.000,000 I $20,000,000) to promote the : emigration of Russian Jews to Argentina It Is of utmost importance to have a goodly supply of salt, ashes, charcoal f and other condiments for your live stock. Washington farmers aro bulsly cn iMKCd holding fanners' Institutes, Oreiron furiuots are holding down wa ulile ruttii!cs. .Soutliorn Iowa is no small factor In the fruit market. Thousands of acres of apple orchards have been planted in recent years, In the heat of tho presidential cam paign and the oppressive. bent of tho bid, don't forget to give tho faithful Innse plenty of rof rcshment. Juwlstlie tlmotho dairyman who bad forethought enough to provide some corn fodder for green food for Ills ailry cows is getting In his work. The weed harvest will soon bo readv ior me sickle. Thero Is no irrcat linage to cut It a llttlo too green. Better u little too soon tlmn not at all. The uew process of worklnir tho I ater and buttermilk out of butter 'by centrifugal form, lonviim t im tatter la Its perfect granular state. The American Fruit Growers' I "nion, which was organized this winter lias decided! n favor of selling wirtrwUfriilt on tho .motion plan, Wmpoc nillStard rrnworfl urn In t.lin thick of their harvest work. A full WPb says tho Record, Lampoc, Calif., mi; In a very few Instances can bo Med for, Prune trees have mnrin niiAiintiilnnl JtOWtll this SUlllliirr nrwl tlm nnw pooi has a good healthy nnnenranco " next yearn iimvunmn ..,,. k Need. for. J l ' Thelonirdrv hpiiti trm la-!.,,. LUS.deadly work on thc Potatoes, hniVl. "PPcnrs tliat about the F7 Potatoes will be those raised by ""i. cultivation. The patient, tniiin.. i ... ham .: ",.,B uujoo win more "wnren.iv im . ... ut -i "VJ,-U31' u a suuaoie ny ai and von win I,- ... Z.!nowlnK y have done a very iie act for once. tarty ninn.n.i .... i!tuir , . ,. ' inocs win oo ,m h. ,fil,Iure and thoso that aro 'ff late planted have only Zl .n "wiy. Tho present ,s ior a good price. Tfeedlnif iu ......... fouhlMnti "' cuubes more 'ronetHlW!iirybU9,nt,,n "Iwunlclentn, V "earner aim .. -"'"'"whiui iresu annK- Tco r tomes next In bad effect. tWua2ei?riaer" enUre,J net',cct - juB uorscs ror last be ground lnt dust by the millstones ot depression. (Jims. Ellis of los Gntos was gored t.j death last Saturday by a vicious b.ill. He was tethering thc animal when It made a wild rush at him, In lllctlng Injuries from which lie died a low hours liMer. Fifteen thousand sheep are held In iiiiriinllm at Yellowstone range by Montana aiithoililes. The IK) days quarantine will considerably toll up the range and will discourage driving sheep to Montana. Ther.' Is an Immense peach crop along the Ohio river this year us well ns in many other portions of the East and peaches are selling In towns and cities along tho Ohio river as low as live cents per peel:. It ought to be every farmer's aim to contribute to the dellolcncy In the egg market of this country. Make your liens lay when the other fellow's hens don't and you will not have been an entire failure In the poultry business. Now Is tho time every extra pre caution In the way of cleanliness nnd comfort will tell nnd every Judicious swineherd practices It. Disinfect, niiikn shades and preparations for nrtiliclal baths If not whore they have access to a creek. Every man who owns a horso should enforce the strictest sanitary measures In tho. barn by keeping It scrupulously clean. Put up a screenc and keep out as many of thc Illcs as possible. It will be money In your pocket to 'the feed bin. On the farm of D. P. Klngery of Yamhill county, is a freak of nature In tho shape of a chicken with four legs.he two natural ones, undone com ing out under a wing and one coming out nt the back. Aside from the stir plus of legs, the chicken is as spry and healthy iih nny of its companions. Many ofour prominent farmers my tho hot dry weather of tho past week has materially Injured the wlieat pros pect and most lato sown grain will be very short and much of It will not oven mnke hay. The oat crop espec ially will be very light. In all, It will be the shortest general crop over experienced In the Wlllamctc valley. Tho use of "preservallno" in the dairy business should not bo counte nanced. One of tho greatest troubles to those buying milk arrises from the fact that tho milk has not been properly arcated. Milk should never bo put Into tho can warm from thc cpw. It should bo properly arcated llrst. Some do nrcatc but with water. A. D. Hoppln of Bangor, Van Huron county, New York, has a 1000-trce ap ple orchard -which has not produced a barrel of fruit slnco 1831. lie tnd planned to destroy the'orchaid this year, but something prevented, and ho Is now glad that It did." for tho trees aro so loaded with choice apples us to be In danger of breaking down when the fruit ripens. Twenty yoars ago the 22,000,000 cat tle in Argentine Republic were raised entirely for their llcsli, horns, tallow nnd hides, and It wns nearly impossi ble to find a milch cow. Thc milk used was Illinois condensed, nnd butter was almost unknown; cheese came from Europe. Within the past few years the native cattle have been crossed with tho Durhamsaiid Dovons (a peculiar bit of dairy breeding, by the way), and dairies aro now found In all parts of tho country. Fresh milk is every where, and butter of flno qual ity can bo obtained at from 30 to 40 cents a pound. In 1803 147 tons of butter and 54 tons of cheese were exported. MfcdkMMta. BJMPMMjui4rijJJhJBMMBtiMBMWMBMjBrMMBMBMMM im.Vwxysisas&Sssa'S fl PEOPLE'S PAPER 5cS for Bnfants and Children. yenrV observation of Cnatorla arttli ih patronage of OrateM Women Write Us Letters. yrotn every corner of the country cpmo thankful letters written by those who have been lifted into cheerful, vlg orous, healthy strength by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Thousauds on thousands of women have been relieved of the nerve-nagging drag of weakness and pain. Tl.ey have been made better wives and better mothers by having perfect health restored, and without the humiliating exposure of examinations so generally insisted on by physicians.' The stereotyped treatment by "local applications" is seldom necessary, and there is no reason why modest, sensitive women heed submit to them. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is of purely vegetable composition and is perfectly harmless in any condition of the system. It exerts a -wonderful sooth JW, healing and strengthening power over woman's delicate organism. It is an invigorating tonic for the whole sys tem, and is almost au infallib e specific for the peculiar weaknesses,, irregulari ties and painful derangements of woman. To these causes may be traced the ) !ri. nervous, irritable, vorn. out women. Careless, casy.golng doctors , users Thi. u uou ireauemiy jrw uc" ui",w t .....-. tan, " ,coutryl8 already mil1 MUpunicm, nervousness, dyspepsia, liver rt!ElJ!!fA' ' too short' UVA, Z!Z Hre a:r W,Ul an 0X'teara a,t d MP till ihSy made nibethn?,? ier yeap Paww there perfretly strong and healthy in both usandsoflessonsineconomy Structure l? .w.l"ch " bT&b -i .me mose Who do nntvBtiu'tff ut m aue -A ' J .T tf Possible ecannnl ?:Wr Pierce's Favorite I"rlon. BBHIRTY LI aUllIona of pononii, permit u o upcnlt of It wUhoiit gnostlntr. It Is nnqnogtlonauly th host romody for Infant nad Chlldron the worlil linn cvpf linucnu It la liarmlo. Chlldron Ilho It. It gtves them hoaltii. It will wavo tholr Uvoi. In It MoUmm haa eomothine Tchloli la iVbtolutoTy nnfo anil pr.xotloally pcrfoot n n ciiiliVm inndlobip. Cnstorlq doatroya Wjorms. Catnrlft allnya Fovorlihaein. Caitorla prevuntw vomttlnp; Soar Cnrd. Cnstorio, cnro Plnrrlicoa nnd Wind Colic Cnntoi-la rallevea Teotldng Tronhlci. Cnstorla enroa Constlpntlon nnd Flatnlonoy. Caitorla nnntrnllgca tho cgcota of cnrlionJo ncld g of poLionona nlr, Caatoriq dooa not contain raorpMno, optnin.or other nnrootlo proporty. Caitorla nsMml.'fitoa tho food, rocnlaton tho atomnch nnd howola. Blrlng healthy nnd natnrnl aleep. Caatorla la pnt np In ono-aijo PotUoa only. It 1 not sold In pnllf. Don't allow any ono to aell yon anything olao on tho plea or proinlaa that It la ' Jnat aa good" and "trill answer ovory purpose." Coo that yon trot C-A-S-T0-R-IA. Tho fau-atmllo aicnatnro of 2&Z& " la on every wrapper. L Children Cry for Fttcher'o Castovla. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. MONMOUTH, OREGON. A training school for teachers. Senior year wholly professional. Twenty weelts ci Fschology, mid pcncral nnd special methodi; twenty weeks of teaching In training depart ment. Tinining school of nine grades, with two hundred children. Uegular normal course of three years The Normal Diploma is recognired by law as a state life certificate to leach. Light expenses, hoard at Normal Dining Hall $1.59 per week. Furnished roows wlih light and fire, 75c to $1 per week. Hoard and lodging In private families $3.50 to $3.50 per weelc. Tuition! Sub. Normal $5 per term ot ten weeks normal. 6.2 ncr term of ten i. - .., r , .. . . v r . . .. wccks. uraucs irom repuianic scnoois accepicu. catalogue cneerlully lurnlsliea on cation. Address P. L. CAiVlPBELL, Or W. A. WANN, Sec. of Faculty. n appll- President. 7 17 tf LAWN MOWEUS. HAY RAKES, GRAY BROS., MACHINE Ullii and AXLE GREASE Hafdwafe Stoves and Tinware, GARDEN HOSE, oat-entv -vi- BICYCLES. LAWN SPRINKLERS.' SA.LE;VI, OR, SUNDRIES. The Willamette Hotel. The Great One Cent Silver Daily The Only Associated Press Silver Daily. Daily Capital Journal $3 a Year---Weekly $1. POST THIS BILL LEADlNt HOTEL o OF THE CITY. Cut this out nnd post up In u coiiHplcuoim plnco wlioro It will be sren. All tho associated press papers In OrcRon, except THE JOURNAL, aro published In tho Interest of tho ohl standard. Send 2T)C In silver for tho dally ono month. The Oregon Press Monopoly "Will not treat tho restoration of silver fairly. It will not tell the people the truth. It dare not, Tnko n fair paper' that gives the people's sido as well ns tho Willi street side. Are You a Patriot? Help your country by clrculntltiK tho only Associated Tress Daily in Oreiron that advocates Independent Bimetallism. All tho news of tho great battle of tho peoplo catcs tho Ulniotalllc union or for silver. Advo- nils who nro opposed to tho slnglo gold standard. Do You Favor .Unity and Harmony as tho watchword of tho people of Oreiio? Subscribe for the Capital Journal I Daily thtrty days for a. silver quarter. Each Issue a coniplcto history of tho day and n Kittling gnu of arguments for tho pcoplo's cause. READ! READ! READ! The peoplo tiro chargcd'wltli lgnonuieo by tho gold press. This is n false charge. Wheicvcr tho cause of free coinage of gold nnd silver 10 to 1 Is moro dlBcnssed and best understood It Is most pop ular and strongest with tho people. Sixty Days for 50 Cents If you can't talk or wrlto for silver read nnd mark articles and send tlioin to your neighbors nnd friends sixty hot shot for COo. Cheapest political iimmuiiltloii In tho country, bond a Bllvor quarter or half dollar and try It. Tho people must bo educated nnd it Is your duty to holp do this work for humanity. Rcduced'rates. Management liberal. Electric cars leave hotel (or alliJpubllcBbulldlnci nu pomis oipmcrcsr. special rates win t given to permanent patrons. A. 51. WAGNER, -BXCBLSIOR - STABLE- E. CJHANSEN, MANAGER. Onlvcood horseslused. Satisfaction Runranteed. Stablo back of State Insurance block The spot where Custer fell Is within plain view of the Dur lington route's track. The monument that marks his last resting place Is little, if any, more man a nine uisianc. You get a good view of it aj the train whirls eastward over the tolidost. the smoothett.the best track ever built west of Chicago. A pretty booklet, giving a brief account of the Inttle in which Custer lost his life will bo mailed to any one who' will ask for it. Write (or a copy. Write also for information about rates and trains via the Uurling ton Route to Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and all other southern and south, eastern cities. A.C.SHELDON, G.A., Poitland.Or. WYHm$ IPA&IFie J&Mr E3iiil.Hl J&"- oni -juli size of cox POZZONPS COMPLEXION POWDER I bit txxn tho UodtrJ for forlr yean and U mora popular lotuy uu oior ueiure. ! FOZZOXl'S i i. h Ma1 vnnDl)xion cowder bMuUfrliir. refrcMn. clealr. bealthfol nd btrmltuu . I A dellot. InvUlMB proMction to uw laco. ytHUeverykoxot VXZSVHammgr 4 mX t Klreu froo ol charge. 1 AT DEUaOIBTS sn FANCY BTOHES. RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars EloganUDinin Cars Tourist Sleooino Can To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, I'orgo, 'hand Forks, Crookston, Winnipeg, Helena and Uutte, THROUGH TICKEl-S To Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, New York, lioston, and all Points East and South For information, lime Jcards, -maps anJ tickets, call on or wrlto r THOMAS, WATT & CO. AGENTS, 1 365 Commercial srreel, Salem, Or. A. D. Charlton, Asst. Gen'l. Pass. Agt., Morrison St.. corner Third Portland, Or, WE DON'T WANT GOLD .rhino, hut wo want both sold and sliver. There Is not gold enough In our country to pay ono-twentleth of .tliodobis owlntr in this country. If you want ronudliitlon mlvocatp tho Blnglo gold , atnnunru. in currency, destruction of viilucs, nnd repudiation. Inycstlgnto and you will bo convinced. means contraction of our HOFER BROS Publishers. Salem, Or. Ghica go, k Si. I ! 1 mm MIH -Paul By., lW Ml, 1 IMr IV.IKII4II r.iuMiy i'.r uunurruu: CVBKa1xA I'K'. "P rmnioirritos, rtulutu,. VS ?,'; ''?R.H' " uiiiut. iraii. linioiiuti vt ulr- rninu muilii. tiii 1. iieou. rucn. ImtfusCHUieiico. """ , -'. or mux In pUlo rKr, 11. ,ui LCUIBSUTLO. U.S.1. tr ipn;w, pfeplJ. foi tfJDO. or LoltlM. tJ.7. (Xrfulor vlit ou rmiuoM For Delicacy, for parity, and (or Improvement of tho com plexion nothing equali Ponoar'a t'owpga. ai-f, PAUL 1 111 i"1- Ti s VwV 'Kl O W A T i GLANCE ATI HlSfiiWi Of Ibe Chicago, Milwaukee 'and JSl. Paul Railway and note its connection with all transcontinental line at St. Paul and Omaha, and remember when going east that iti tru'ni are lighted with electricity and heated by iteam. It equipment it .superb. Kiegant Buffet, library, smoking and sleeping can, with free reclining ehalr. Each ileeplng car teith haj an electric reading lamp, and li ainlnf cart are the best in the world, Oiher line are loneer than this, but none ae sWr and no Xr r. the .bole lE hoggage checked ll.rough to ail point, urlous accommodations, 'Hiwe e sufficient ltMt'aransIer charges reawns for the popularity of 'Tho Mllwau. f fu '. de,aAU ca,,0?iT". ' kee." Coupon ticket agenU In every rail, road office will give yon further Information, or addrcsi . . . KDDY. Uenerai Agenr, CASEY, Trav. l'ass. Agent. Ionian u C. T. V J. W,( 0. R. k N. CO. E. ,M'NE1LL,RECEIVER. TO THE LEAST GIVESg THE CHOIC -OF- Two Transcontinental Rouiec. IBVIa Spokane Minneapo:; at'Paul and Den ver Omaha and Kansas Cliy.feLow rates to eastern cltle-u Tortland San Fjanclsco.JICi Steamers leave AInsworlh dock, Portland May 17, 22, 2J and June 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26 Fare Cabin, $55 steerage, n WILIJVMFTTE RIVER PfVISIOlQf Through Tickets TOJTHE EAST! VIA THE Union Pacific System. rrhrough Pullman Palaco Sleepers. bieepera ana between Tourlt Free; Reclining Chain dally Portlanu-iiugene. Steamers Ruth and Elmore for .Portland daily except Sunday at lo a, m, For Corvallli dolly except Sunday kat 2130 P'JP' , . nn -. .., lowest freight and passenger rates. Round trip ticket very cheap, tickets oia arm Uarkcr agents, Sal.m,0,eniorfddre.uRT Gen'J Pai. Agt. Portiann, or For full detah,ciloonor.ddreUEKS( Foot of Tradest. LxJ ' Portland to Chicago; Our trains are heated bv iteam and ca lighted by Pintsch light. Time to Chicago, 3 l-i day Time to New York, 4 1-2 day. Which Is many houra quicker than com petitor. For rates, time table and full Information apply to JWISE fc BARKEXtt Agents, Sa1, Of. K. W BAXTER, C. E. BROWN, General Agent Dlst. Pas. Agt I3S Third Street, Portland. Th RoV FrwhHin And velvety sottcea of tho skin 1 (bw 1 nauix oojatuwi ur iooh nuw um 4tvkm-s I CompUxlou lower. ill I 1 ! 1 I ! j ulciwuuiu iu frescriDea ior ju ' -