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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1896)
" .JUJifWH Tf mrrirywi -, '(-jjs-. -, " I', "tt", 'V hi MBtfKLvtf'dftw Daily Capital Journal.!! BY HOfltR BROTHERS. I FORTY-FOURTH ANNIVERSARY COUNTY REPUBLICAN CLUBS. MONDAY, JULY 20, 1800. Of the First Congregational Church Was Observed Sunday. Sunday morning Rev. "W. C. Knnt- ncr. pastor of I lie First ConRrcffa- tlonul church, conducted services In recognition of the forty-fourth mini X" RAYS. JOURNAL Directed Upon Persons and Things by the Oood Natured Man. Jim Lotan cannot stund the ropudlL tlon of free silver. Work of Organisation for the Campaign Completed. The committee on credentials ie ported the following delegates: Salem Kepubllcan club-Claud Gatcli, G. l lingers, V. I. Gabrclson, 13. C.GIltner, G. M. Grllley, M. 13. WMMTrTrriT T-'""1 vers.-irvof the organization of that -- -,.-- !... r x . church. The church had been decor- (ioociell, ueorge rearce, u. u. m-nrj, atcd Willi Ivy, while Just over the pill- Thos. Jloliunn, M. "W. Hunt, A. A. pit were suspended the two, J. C. Johnson, Harvey S. Jor-"-11" formed from I lie beautiful ly. dan, O..IL KniusM.', I3d Keenc, A.T. I Molllt, V. T. Hell. C. 1 IJIsliop, u. Since when Is (he Kepiiblkiin parly the cnliimlty party' - McKlnley's Iwast Is that he re sembles Napoleon; but alas, he Is so olJ. Halcm has u magnlllceut city hall, If It Is bcl tig built on "sound money" ideas. .. A parity Is wanted between the wages of the working man and the salaries of nubile oillcials. Tim Gold Hill l I ner has been dis continued and merged Into the Monitor-Miner of Medronl. i is I linllfitillnn Ink li It tn dnt tt tfil I tl UIIU IIIUI.HIIIIK LIIU lllllllirvi Wl J11I7, that had pus-sccl since tlie church's ,G. Brown, ILL. Brown, Prince Byrne, organlzntlon. Choice llowors also oc cupied conspicuous placos upon I he I p.., iv f.iri M. U. Priilk. 11. A. Cms sun.U W. Davis, It. O. Donaldson, Charley Moon will Join the llrst voter's club. Must be lie wants togct. a freslistait in the science ot politic. Of course G rover cannot take the stump for the llepubllcan ticket, but then his boys can furnish the powder. Tiio Cleveland-Carlisle llepubllcan organ of tills city Is very uneasy ulxitil the down-trodden laboring man. Editor Irvine has joined the Work ingmun'8 Club. lie can tell the boys how to "work" a Jul) for all there is In ll. lr a few Populist ill St. Louis can be bought up to make a spilt, the gold managers would declare . them patriots, If Salem could have expended the amount in that new city hull for lulMirou streets it would have Im'cii ii more pmtltabio debt. Salem has good strcets.bad side walks.tlie best wider service in Oregon, u good lire department,uii economical council, u magnlllceut city hall, an elegant court house and good busl ncss all the time. tt w The. Statesman in otllcliilly uotlllcd that the tar) IT Isn't the Issue. The Oregon Ian has said It, but the Kiiloni organ still rchasiies its protection twaddle. Perhaps It Is waiting for more boiler plates on the M cent dol lar. It would bo refreshing to tcu our llepubllcan friends act upon the reso lution of the Marlon county -club to reduce- salaries. Too many favor raising salaries, and among tlio balance there arc only a few who dare net to reduce olllchd emoluments, Carlisle's gold speeches are Inilng used as Itcpupllcan campaign litera ture tills year. Scores of men who havo been loyal llopupllcaus since tho party was born cannot stomach usuuli work. Might as well send out the samo man's frco trado Ideas to feed llupubllcaus on. Tlio gold rcservo lias fallen below tho $100,000,000 mark and tuoro bonds will havo to Ira sold to replenish the treasury. If this country had a tarllT In effect that would bring in more money than Is paid nut there would bo no need of further going Into dobt. lloppnor Gazette. Why has it been necessary to Issuo bonds to three times the amount of tlio doflolcuoyy You g Solicitor Say, kid, Join (ho llrst voters' club, won't you? Young Student, No, 1 don't think 1 oaro to. Y. 8. Yes, I thought you was a di Populist. Y, S. No, 1 mu u llopuhllean, hut I won't bo old enough to vote for nearly two yours. rostrum. As an Introduction to his address, Ilcv. Kuntner read n brief quotation from the original tlrst rcconl book of the church in which was stated that It was orgnnlzed Saturday, July 10, lfeoU, with four charter members. Dr. Kuntner chose in n text Luke 105: "So He Called Everyone of His Lord's Debtors Unur Him and Said Unto the First, How Much Owest Thou un to my Lord." The address was not to bean nnulvcrsaiy sermon but simply a few remarks in recognition of the forty-fourth anniversary of the oruaiiizatlon of the church. The church had been :i means of salvation since Its organization. It had been an instrument of comfort in timcol sorrow. What do we owe our Lord? We owe it to religion; llrst that we are whin we are; second that the standard of Immorality has been re duced; third -that we know so much of God and sacred truth; fourth that we can llml com fort In lime of sorrow and sickness; llftli that the future Is lighted up. What Is religion worth to you and mcf it should he worth more than all the comfort's of life. A great many cnplc have renounced all com forts at home and conscretated them selves to Christ by going Into foreign fields as missionaries. Religion should be worth more to us than all personal comforts. Many have given up their life rather than deny their faith. It should be worth Just as much as the luxuries of life and Just as much us our Imaginary wants. JesiH taught that religion was more Important than all else. Religion should be worth something of great value to us, Concluding ills remarks, the pastor . stated that the church had a debt of about $1000 that he should llko to seo annihilated be fore January 1. The -I lib year hurt now been completed and we are en tering upon the l.'th. Why not enter with a clean record. Accordingly subscriptions were asked for and a liberal response was met with. The loyal members of this church subscribed $711!) at the morning service. Tho matter of raising tlio remaining $201 was placed in the hands of a committee who will no doubt succeed in raising the amount oro another Sunday arrives. For a congregation to pledge $800 In the midst of hard times through which wo are now passing, Is a certainly a comtucudablo act. Preceding tlio address by Dr. Kant n er, Mrs. Ilalllo-J'ariish-Illnges sang most beautifully a seclcctlou entitled "I lien nl the Voice of Jesus Say." Mrs. II luges' singing Sunday was greatly enjoyed. Contrary to previous custom of tills church, services will bo held during tho month of August. Services will bo held ovory morning but tho oven lug services will probably lie discon tinued. The other departments of tho church work will bo kept in operation throughout the summer. Ministers Should Use Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. free Pills. KqIiiI your address to II. 13. Uuoklen & Co.. Chicago, and got a free sample box of Dr. King's New Llfo Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits These pills are easy In action and are particularly effective In tlio euro or Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they havo been proved Invaluable. They are guaranteed to bo perfectly freo from every deleterious substance and to bo mirelv veuotable. Thoy do not weaken by their notion, but by giving tone to stomach uud bowels greatly invogmto tlio system. Regular alto lUo. per box. hold uy rati A. Legg, druggist. You'll bo surprised when you try I loo Cake soap, uud wish wo hud told you sooner. It Is inado by patented process. J t tf There's no clay, (lour, starch or nther worthless tilling In 4,IIoo Cako" uud no free alkali to burn the hands. John Hughes. J 0 tf I lflW'H"P ll WIW Children, Cry for pitcher's Caitoria. THERQ 19 NO PROFESSION, whone labors so severely tax tho ncrvoiu y tain, as that of tho rutnUtry. Tlio de rangement ot tho nervo con torn ot tho brulu by over work frequently brim on attack of heart trouble, ami uorvous prostration. llov. J, P Kostor, M. I)., Pastor II. II, church, Loudon Mills, 111., himself a physt clan, wrltos fob. so, l$wi "Heart affection and nervous prostration hud become so serious last fall that u llttlo over work In tho pulpit would no completely proatmto mo tit MflPC' diat It seemed certain I "l uuw Wut rollnquUU tho work Heart Cure u, wimstry entirety, n . Heart palpitation Wcatuo KeStOreS so bad that my auditors Wm It ll would ask mo If 1 did not rlCUllllooit bare hoart dlseaso. Last Novombor I commenced talcing Dr. Mile' Now Heart Ouro alternately with Dr. Mhos' Norvlua and derived tho greatest pcastbla boueflu I liao Jmtclowd rovlval work of 10 weeks, proachlns uoarly overy nlsht and tvricoon tho Sabbath. I csusiwak for hours without sufforluc as formerly did. Hard working lulnUtom should koop Dr. MUos' Brand itnuodle on baud," Dr. Mile' Heart Curo Is sold on Bnorantoo, tt bottlo will beneflt or wouoy reunite. Ed N. Kdcs, E. M. Klghtllngcr, T. M. Klrby, C. W. Knox, James M. Kyle.C. II. Lane, D. F. Lane, E. M. LaForc, A. A. Lee, G. P. Litchfield, Walter Lyon, D. W. Mathews, Wlllurd Mar tin, Frank Meredith, II. G. Meyer, C. IJ. Moorcs, J. II. McNary, Stevo Mc Faddcn, W. E. McElroy, J.W.McKln ncy, John McCourt.J. II. McCormlck, Al. Ollnger, Wm. Chcrington, A. O. Coudlt, 'A. M. Parvln, E. C. Patton, A. E. Parker, G. A. Peebles, II. AV. Prcs- cott, J. N. Smith, E. IJ. I'liilbrook, F. F. Post, M. E. Pogue, A. J. Prultt, P. H. Itaymond, John lleyuolds, C. II. Ilobcrtson, C. A. Itoblln, W. II. Savage, E. J. Swatrord.II. H'Spauldlng.Frank Savage, LeeStclncr, A. J. llasey, M. S. Skllf, L. K. Stlnson, II. G. Sonuc mann, Gideon Stolz, F. B. Southwlck, John Knight, A. 11. Smith, Charles Townsend, F, F. Toovs, F. A. Turner, J. A. Van Eaton, A. T. Wain, It. E. Wain, W. L. Wade, Basil II. Wagner, Boss Moorcs, A. AV. Long, D. AV. Yoder, by D. AV. Tarpley, Harry Sta pleton, Frank Waters, Frank Hollis, and W. J. Culver. First Aroters' club, Salem-L. T. Beynolds, G. W. Jones, W. J. AVI1 Hams, W. T. Stolz by It. AV. Holiimn proxy, F. S. AVIIIiains, J. E. Thomp son, AMrgll Johnson, W. J. Baftcr, Luke Linn, Al. Hopf. McKlnley club, Turner W. M. Smith, J. A. Smith, II. AV. Smith, N. W. Silver, A. McFarlanc, E. II. Bel knap, B. F. Bobertson by N. AV. Sliver proxy, Bobert Wltzcll by J. A. Smith proxy, G. C. Brown, Fred Bobertson by E. II. Belknap proxy, John M. AVntsoii by G. C. Brown proxy. Knlgt club, Sublimity Win. Mitch ell, W. II. King, F. J. AVrlglitnmn, II. Dee, all by W. II. Smith proxy, AV. II. Smith, Charles Merrilleld, F. Glover, II. Schellbcrg. Mehaina club J. M. Eskew by G. P. Terrell -proxjy W. M. Bushey, W. P. Mulkey, G. P. Terrell, II. llobson, Tlios. Pomeroy. McKiuleyclub, Geryals-Scott Jones. Jos. Goodman, AV. J. Clarke, Joseph Bubens, B. DeGardlne.L. II. Poujiule, McKlnley Mitchell, Geo. B. Miller. Sllvcrlon- L. B. Geer, II. Mowers, J. A. Hunt, Warren Cranston, L. J. Adams, S. T. Hobart by L. J. Adams, proxy, T. B. Blackcrby, J. E. Ham mond, L. .. Bower, G. Hanes, T. W. Blelies, E. llardesty, F. Davenport, A. C. Cobb, C. Bamsby. McKlnley club, Lincoln precinct E. T.Judd, I). AV. Smith, II, O. Por ter, F. L. Pound, M. McKlnley, II, Gibson, Abner Lewis, J. E. Lewis, S AV. Bard, J. D. Moorcs, J. J. AVcaver, C. E. VanNuybO, M. C. Goode, II. Crawford. Young Men's club, Jeirerson AV. E. Blcharson by J. F. Stelwer proxy, W. L. Jones, J. C. Selgmuud, I). II, Looney, Dr. J. C. Smith, Bennett Pearson, J. T. Jones by C. M. Smltli proxy, AVm. Anderson, AV.'B. Doty.T. B. Sackett, I). C. Toombs, A. Belf, J. C. Colleo by J. L. Stelwer proxy. Yew Park Bopubllcan club.-AV. II. Simpson, J. C. Booth, C. D. Mlnton by C. B. Irvine, proxy, J. C. Peobles, U. C. Haley, AV..I. Irwin, E. J. How ard, I). S. Knln, W. B. Boss, J. A, Carson, 1). M. Krausso. McKlnley and Hobart cl uh, Wood-burn-B. H. Miller, Amos Beach, C. L. Ogle, A. L. Cornwall, Henry Hall, W. L. Tooze, AV. W. Hall, Frank Sottlemler, Frank Olrard, F. M. Cain nialk, J. II. SettJomclr. AVorklnginen's club, Salem Bev. J no. Parsons, E.-A. Graham, Jas. Har rington, Earl Bace, AV. S. Bcckner, L. Blckel, AV. L. Wado.E. J. Simmons, Samuel Hughes, J. A. Evans, J. Evans, Jos.Schlndler, II. Pohlo, C. A Murpliy, A. Ollnger, G. B. Maker, Nelson Jones, C. A. Bort, J. W. Hub erts, J. P. Fonus, L. P. Adams, C. B. Irvine, McKlnley club, East Salem-Frank Culver, AVm. Humphrey, J, D, Hor ner, J. Boweriuan, C. D. Jack, Ben Gesnor, Louis Folsom, J. B. Pnrteh. Marlon llepubllcan sclub Leonard AValker.S. II. Bussell, AV.J. Hadley, AY, A. Kulhorford, J. AV. Ilruwn, lUchanl AVnlker by Homer Butlier ford. Stayton L. Hobson. AVhllo awaiting other matters. Stephen Stools a former Democrat, entertained tho convention with sonio good-natured aMuarks. He is a good off-hand speaker. Tho permanent organization se lected tho following otllccK M. II. Looney president, C. B, Mooros svero- tnry Geo. Rogers, assistant secretary; F. O. INirrlne, treasuivr. Kxecutivo board, SnjemL. Honry; First Voters-AV, J. Williams: Ewt Salem W. 11, Humphrey I I IE y M vP tP 9 ! P M (I B ' I'hUI'I) lit '1 1 .i, illliityii i, v i Jjr f You will flnl one coupon Inside each t ounce bat and two coupons Inside ench 4 ounce bag, Buy a lag. read th? coupon and see bow to get your ahare of IJW.ltt) In prcarnU. Mxfrlil.lUiia.1444444- This is the very best Smoking Tobacco niade0 : j H. ir-nn-;TJ jL 'J." ;'l"'''-lJ-"'"",l'',Jw"5'VJ':"; C H". MACK. - DENTIST. - Sucicor to Dr. J. M.fKreni-, ..Id Mnu Cotner, Salem, Or. Potties dcslrli g ,uprtlor operations nt modcrnlv fees in nny brnntii are in especial request. I "Oiua Blackweli's Genuine HAM BUR i Knlghtclub.Sublimlty W.II.Smlth, Turner E. II. Belknap; Marlon-J. AV. Brown; AVorkliigincn, Salem-AV. M. Clierrlngton; AVoodburn-AV. W. Hall; M.chiiinu-G. P. Terrell; A'ew Park John A Carson; Jcircrson-J. C. Joncs;'Me,Klnley club of Lincoln pre cinct E. T. Judd; Sllverton AV. Cranston; McKlnley club, G-ervais McKlnley Mitchell; Stayton-L. Hob 3on. Tho following resolutions were adopted with cheers: Besolvcd, That we, the Beimbllcans or Mnrlon county, aemblcd In con vention, hereby reiterate and realllrm our belief In the vital principles of Bcpubllcanlsin as enunciated In the St. Louis platform, and we heartily endorse the nominees of said conven tion, believing Hon. Win. McKlnley, Jr., of Ohio, to be our greatest Ameri can citizen nud the mighty exponent of tho Bcpubllcan protective system upon which depends the success of tlio laborers and producers of America and. that In Garrett A. Hobart we recognize ulo an able exponent of Bepubllcan sentiments and loyal to the masses of the people. Resolved, That we, demand of the coming legislature the abolishment of nil useless commissions and the plac ing of all county and state olllccrs on reasonable salaries. Resolved, That we, tho loyal united Republicans of Marlon county, Ore gon, do hereby pledgo ourselves to the support of McKlnley and Hobart and to labor earnestly and faithfully from now until the election In November for tho success or our ticket; believing that the very salvation or our national honor and credit depends upon the success of our nomiuoes.' A good Bepubllcan speech was made In tho evening by Hon. Schuyler C. Spencer, lato or Indiana. It was well received, but tho audience was small owing to the very warm weather. How's This. We olTer One Hundred Dollars rewaul for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CllttNEY & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known 1'. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and lelleve him perfectly honorable in nil business Iramaclion and financially able to carry oui any ooucai'oos maue uy incir mm. West & Tkuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Wai.dino. Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Drugplst, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood nnd mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials, sent free. Pdce 75 c, per Iwlde. Sold by nil druggists. Notice. In pursuance or the requirements or the law approved February 23, 1889, notice is hereby given Unit tiio follow ing list of countv warrants Issued seven years prior to July J, 1890, have not been presented for payment and those enclosed in parenthesis having been uncalled for and still remaining in my hand and custody, and unless so presented for payment at the olllcc or the county tieasurer, or Marlon county, Oregon, on or heroic August 29. 1890, said warrants will be can celled and payment therein will be rerused, all in accordance with the re qulremcntsof said law. f980, Capital Adventure Co., July, 1888, $0.70. (1129, S.AV. Morgan, July, 18SS, $8.10. 7271), AVIlson I) McNary, December, 1888, $3. 7491, W. B. Simpson, January, 1889, 83. 7718. B. l'helps: January. ISal), $:!(). 7781, J. W. Thomas, February, JH.S9, $3. 83J0, D. W. Yoder, May, 1889, $2.73. (WAIUIANT8 UNUAM.KM FOIL) (8159, L.A. Vermech.Marcli 18, 1889 $3.10.) (7833, AV.II. Trullinger; February 7, a On it (7.V19, Dan Rogers. January 11, 1889, 28.70.) ((HiU7, uscar Kuiinels, October , 1888.$!.) (0317, L. I). Pitman, October 3, 1883, (8001, Alice A. Omcg, May 13, 1889, $2.90.) (0101, John A. Mclutlre, August 8, 1888, $2.) (0338, Gad Miller, September?, 1838, $1.) 389. licnrctta Lato, December 8 Peter G, Norgren, (Formerly with I. J. Larsen & Co ) Carriage and wagon shop, 320 Commercial street. Hrlng on yoar work, old', and have It done with a guarantee of satisfaction. O 20d&w tf DEPOT EXPRESS. Meots all mail and passenger trains Hag. cugc nnd express to all parts of the city. Prompt service, Telephone No. 70 1AMES RADER FOL'NTAiTSf, Capital Transfer Co. HARRY TOWN, PROP. Express, bnggogi done promptly. I. storo. ;e and all kinds cl work .cave orders at l'allon's 12 iONEYTOLOAN On farm land security. Special rates on large loans. Loans considcicd without delay HAMILTON & MOIit Hank buildinti. Hush MONEY "TO LOAN I 1 87 Commercial strt ,0, JIM'VN ---- Mi. f. "'"I Rich's Raspberry Syriip; au wr It at I. 5. s, ... " .' . "" wsii On city qr farm property. Over Hush's hank, T. K. FORD) F. VAN DER 1JAAN, Carpenter, 'Builder and Jobber, 481 Winter street. fJ7IIard limes prices always. I C. H. .LANE), IfUl III GTFREE DELIVERY WOLZ & MIESCKE, hot Dealars to all kinds of fre.hlU. .... i ijr ircn sauHpn a ,Kclll,T j . '71 COMMERCIAL ST EAST AND SOUTH .VIA Shasta Route, OP THE in Cvrmvehl st., Stlfit lr ry-JJiilH $15 upwards, l'nntst upw.mjs'j 188S, 91.70.) SO, II. F, Holliday, July 0, X. Glrard, Marcli 1), IH, (01 $1.70.) (8222, 1, $l.f,0.) (8(t:il, Gillies Fischer, May 81.70.) (OSrw,. Job n Flynn, October f, $1.) (i:to7, A. Ecler, September 7, $1.) (lillO. Chns. Uaulleld, Soptcmbcr 10, 1888, 1880, 1881), 1888, 1888, Hurtman, February 8, 1888. 81.) (7843, Lewis 1881). $1.50.) (7510, "Win. llrown, January 11, 1889, 81.70.) (OIlol, Hamard Burtonshnw, Septem ber ". 1888, $1.70.) Dated this ,'iOth day of June, A. D., 1800. L. V.EHLKN, Clork, j.-- . 1 1 ... Wien Baby was slolr, wo gavo her Costorla, Wien Um was a Cldtd, slio crtad for Costorla. MTun tlio bocaiuo Mks, slie clung to Coatorl. Vben klio bad Children, she gave them Castor! JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in groceries, paints, oils, window class, varnishes, and the most complete stocc of brushes of all kinds in the state. Artists' materials, lime, hair, cement and shinples. and finest quality of srass seeds, IVolIVs Mind hwi llimiARn, OREGON. I he rnolr-st mineral water in tlic slate. Sil'm surplied bv C M. Eppby. at the Etrctric Grocery, East State st. WHAT IS SAID. Some say wc give the best meal in town for 15c. We say try us and scs. HOI RESTAURANT! S. RICHARDSON. PROP. FJpvSecnnd doo- north of Hctcl Willamette. SALEM WATER CO. Officei Willamette Hotel BuH(iinr For water service apply at office. Hill payable monthly in advance. Make n complaints at the olficc. There will be no deduction in water rate on account of' temporary absence from th city unless notico is left at the office. Hereafter water for Irrigation will only lie furnished to regular consumers using watei for domestic purpose. Contractors for std walks, brick work and plastering wljl nlea read "under building purposes" page 17 ! schedule of rates for 1893. Apply nt olhr for copy. Southern Pacific Co, California Eipress fraln Ron Jm, Utrm Portland and San FrinriscJ. Above trains stop at Katl'oribnJ,0i City, Wo dliurn, Salem, Tuttirr, Mam IcIWson, Alb.ny. Allrany iinclion. Inm Shedds. llaUcy, lartlburg, Junca lit Eujjcnc, Crwwull, Drain, atnl ill otu from Ko-.eburn to Ashlan.l, inclatirt. KOSKUURO MAIL DAtlY. "South ', nfuruT" 8::io a. 111 11:00 a.m. 5:20 p.m. Iv.I'oitlandar. Iv. Hiilciu lr. ar. Hoseb'K lv. 8Wl3.m. SAI.KM l'ASSENQEB. South h'ortl?" "4:00 p.m. lv. Portland ar. IU:io a.m. 0:15 p.m. I ar. Salem lv. 8:00 tin. DINING CARS ON OGDEN RWfE PULLNIAN IfUFT'Bf HtKKPfiS and seconl Ll.iisleeitinsciriU'v-vrjtll tliruuh iraiiM. WKaT-SIDE DIVISION, between Portland and Comllis, iiti in cept Sunday.) 7:30 a tn.rrv Portland, Ar I6:wp.n. I2M5P in.) Ar. Corvalli. Lvjl:35P.". SALEM i 1 inn NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BIDS FOR WOOD, Sealed bids for furnishing wood for tlio court honso vll bo recolvad at tlio olllco of tho county cjork until 2 o'clock p.m. on tho nth day of August, A. 1)., 1890, as follews: For "0 cortls 11 poio oaK.anu uncords or good, clear, largo body tir. Hlds, however, will not 1h received from one party or linn for more than from ll vo to llftccn cords of pole oak, or for more than live cords of largo tir. Hy order of tho county court of tills 10th Marlon county. Orouon. Dated, Oregon, day of July, IBM. - 10 1,,, ... l" V' K"LH.N, -10 dot wat t'lerk. WEAK EOR SALE Gentle family hotse and good top bugjjy-cheap. Apply to C. W.Scnber, "WMiu wnmicmui nit 1 1 ( W0D WANTP.DTeH"o7ds"oT prime bif tir, len cords of grub oak and ten cordu split ash. Address, with price, XXX, care this 0j: I4U THE OREGON TEACH BITTERS Is now reduced to $0.50 per doien if the cash ac companies ihe order, Per bottle 75 cents. Send direct lo the manufactuier, H. Klas. Aumsvillc, Or. '79 ,m ' IIEKIi'i VOUR fUANCll.-A proprietor" wants to trade a good weekly newspaper office n good town for unincumbered Immoral Sa tern property. No opposition. Good rea. u. iniormation at tais ollice. 6 18 if toll SALEv-utiving mare lor sale at a ba'r gan; weiftht about 1160; good traveler, In quire of Wm. llrown it Co! 30 ,f run SAl.U-At a bargain, tine residence n1!,.1"r,n.erl,0,' ?ear S"- Ff father t- mhuhh iiinuirc at ims otlice TOR SALE I am prepared to do all kinds of work in wood nnd Iron. Repairing machinery of any kind or making ami repairing stone cut ters, tools and edged tools of any kind made and repaired; wagous nnd bufjfes repaired, and new ones made to order. Ilorseshoelng, tne oest mat can bo done In town-hand madeohoes. Pistes and running shoes care, fully attended to. Call at my stand, at loo Chemcketa street, back of New York Racket store. It. T. IIERSCHIJACD, 0 Gent ON THE DOLLAR. Ti i.if 11 up. rv 1 m fM. -- ....., u HVIM miib oui. raniy nmroved. wnnA 6-23 If land an am 13 CURED AS IF BY MAGIC. Ictlms of Lost Manhood ehould send at uuiu ior a HOOK thntoxidaluabow full lnnnly vtjror la CAslly, quickly and permanently restored, h'omau Buitorlnir from weakness can af. fonl to Ignore tbU timely nd vice. llOOk tolls hntv full BtreDRth, do vcloiuaont and tone oro Imparted to every proofs (seled)re to any man on application! -40 acres land 5 pasture, good bouse, large barn, a acres beriog orchard.lot of snufl frult.good water. Vlqgd stunipagc can be had. Dot 145, &ien; PAS 1 UKE-I'lrst clasi i,.. tn. i..r or cattle Just vouth of Mornlngside. i i ?"!"lh' t grass and water. Inquire a? jf.As.owce. 68 1 mo. iijmc t(UAKU.-.Good Ed, S, Lamport lov Commercial $t balem, Or,, Has bought the Frank E Shafx fer and the M, Beamer harness stocks at forced sale. $4,000 worth ot goods will be disposed of at 50 cents on the dollar. ign of the White Horse, table hnmvA!.. 7" TT '-"' """" w" ---... ,n,li, scivco m wrauy sty e, only U a week. 105 Commercial street. UUPEP PAPEU-Urge lot ot heavy Jn5lBofficePUUta,t Under CiUpe,$- Ca M I- H. HAAS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. ERIEEJWLOO.lIUFFALO,H?YjThtkaVcK1 Salem Steam Laundry Please notice the cut in prices on the following! Shirts, plain 10 cents under drawers 5 to 10 cents under shirts e 10 m cents At Albany and Oorvallis connect wii , I Irn.m of Oregon Central ,fc Eisttm Ri;lu. Exprcv train daily except Sandsjr 4:45 nni I Lv. Portland Ar j 8:J5.B. 7125 P. m f Ar.McMinTilltl.Tl syt. Til ROUGH TICKETS lo all points in the Eaitcm Sister, Cmi and Europe can lie ob'ained st losot a from WAV. SKINNER, Aeent, si. E.P, ROGERS. Ast. hSP.A H ' IVriUtk. ft R. KOEHLER. Manager. OREGON CENTRAL: .AND Easte-n R, K. Company (.YAQUINA BAV K0UTE. -"Connecting ut Yaquini wy j Francisco & Yaquln allay SteamshT C v ctpampu "FARALLOJ" . ... Sails from Yaquini every 3 djj ", ,1 Francisco. Coo. llay, Port Orford. Tr I and JInmbolt llay. . .-.nauj. 1 n. , ,n,.iuJiioni siTf7 ,i Shes.7ou,ebe,vecn,'- ond Califjinla. -esttoSa Fare from Allan j or poi w Francisce: Cabin. Jo; "??' &1I Bay and Port Offorf.ebi l Bav, cabin $8; round trip. gJ .!V,Sm..K bteamers-'Aiu-iu "-. jir. eips , newly furnished, leave .Sijcm ' j HamrJajs at ll a m.. ""WBW j iu !"" "- ."' S... .. .Mie si b-ave Portland same uar f - arrivine atSaUm P -r.m. Or. : cn!U MinaiTcri w - tiuwi oiw '---"r.: j-- . MAYO, supi. im "", siwailW '. BLDWIN,LoeslAi'.A"w fel Salem, .. ninnapuiMS n Socks, per pair .3 cenU ivin,! m arm?nfMlTYiuMiTvr I A arauusHLdfiMtfSf B'mrttoMrriiri'iriiHi5 sesess sar tBr?" Handkerchiefs . . . 1 rent ailk handkerchiefs . . . 1 rnt ' Slieets and pillow slips all cent's per dozen, ' and other wnA- In n,n,.ii.. r i Flannels and other work inJJ tclhgently washed by hand. j Col J, Olmsted Prop, I Bp..KS!!E.fflS &3mttB5Bmi 1$W&&&& alfcq?.faiS5&a,r. iaCC LndlosWh J . , loust V "T. j.! A.. 1 ill." ''