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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1896)
'I'WPISWIPjPW Hlnijin.,iwnrnr- wrf3 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. L J ASSOCIATED PRESS DAILY SAL KM, OUEGON, TUJ5SDAV, JUJA' 21, 18. rt,. Ht no. mi York bus Just received a very largo ship ment (if goods direct from New York. n It ilii'y liuvc tlio latest stylo fur Fedora hats, and straw hats of all sizes. Summer underwear for ladles and gents, hosiery, ribbons, laccs.laee curtains, embroideries, table linen, bed spreads, towels, crash, table oil cloths, laundried, negligee and work shirts, suspenders, gloves, handker chiefs, overalls and Jackets. Wc al ways keep a lino line of clothing for men and boys, and the celebrated shoes of all kinds and sizes. All best grades warranted. Call and save 15 to 2f per cent. H iE.T.BARNES. Grand Silver Pionic LYONS, 'riday and Saturday, July 31 and August t ild Fashioned Barbae!?. Two oxen, several sheep and hogs will be served free in the best of style. Good Camping Grounds. Hilf fire on the O. C. & K. R. R. Speeches bv some of the best orator in die west. including Kt.Cnvemnr Pennnver. of Pertland: llofer.ol Salem; Hon. W. j, D'Arcy, of Salem: Hon. C. 11. Montacue. of Lebanon; Hon. Silrer Tongue Smith, of Linn; Hon. M. A. Miller, of Lebanon; Hon. I. J. Whitney, of AN Uni; Hon V. K. Bilyeu, of Albany; Hon. 11. F. Romp, of Albany; Hon. T. I. Mnclary, of Ohm. and meny others. Good music by a first-class baud and choir Everybody are in- rued lo come and camp with us, and enjoy a Ewmic Com-J. 1'. Qucencr. John Haley. O. E GOLO SHAPED, flhe Reserve Ten- Millions Short Again, HEAVY DRAFTS ON UNCLE SAM I But the New York Bankers Promise to Help Out. NEW Yokk. Jnlv 21 The with. dravvals of gold from the subtreasury export today, to Germany, aggre- row 13,030,000, or which amount, "AlO.ooowasln One gold bars, and In coin. The nmireifatc lthdrawals amounted m nlvmt "100,000 Including strttn firm loin u Canadian banks, and reduced the j "asury free gold to about $90,000,. 000. The strenetli nf ti. i Jand the prospect of further heavy . inroads utK)n IIia !.,,.. -i. ,.t M as resulted In a number of In- ; na conferences between treasury 1 J" clearlnB-houso oillclals and the i Jn of the national banks In rc- i ra.w protect! v ,r.o. a rumored that President 1 Racket. X o o II OREGON, Hon. I. 1). Waldo, ol MadeflV. Hon. E. grand cood time. lOHN HALEY. Chief Marshal. S htayton. S. W. Mitchell. S. A. Landis. Frederick W. Tuppan, of the Gallatin National bank, had received the sig natures of other bank otllclals to an agreement to turn over to the sub treasury $10,000,000 in gold in cx chungo for legal tender notes, and that from $10,000,000 to $J5,000,000 ad ditional will be secured. It was ad mitted that the conference had taken place, but tlio report or actual sig natures to any specific amount was denied. President W. II. Cannon, who, wjth President Tuppan and J. Edward Simmons, of the Fourth National bank, has been especially active In tlio movement, said teday: "It can bo said that if the treasury should need gold the New York banks would bo prepared to furnish a very considerable amount. Nothing has been signed, however, and undue excitement should bo depreciated, as tho treasury holds now $90,000,000 In gold. Money Is easy und there Is no Just reason for alarm." Of the amount withdrawn Heidel bach, Ickelhelmer & Co., will ship $380,000; L. Van Hoffman &.Co., $300, 000; Lazard Freres, $800,000 and Knauth Nachod It, Kuhne, $200,000. American Horse Won. London, July 20. P. Lorrillard's American horse Maglcla won the Wlgstou 2-year-old selling plate, worth 160 sovereigns, at Leicester. Mr. Taylor Sharon's Red Nob was sec ond and Lord Qrewe's Mrs. Proudy third. ft BRYAN TIDAL WAVE St. Louis Conventions Sure to Be for Him, RADICAL POPULISTS MAY BOLT But the Conservatives All Favor a Union Tickot. St. Louis, July 21.--The llryan Managers confidently claimed this morning that they had passed t le Rubicon and that their contrcl of the convention Is practically assured. There arc conditions and details yet to be worked out but they believe they have won the main victory, the nomlnatatlon or endorsement of the Chicago ticket. Although they claim the victory, they bcllcvo there will be a bolt of the radicals and par adoxical as It may seem, this Is what some of the most level-headed desire. They claim the allegiance of soino of these men could do tho ticket infin itely more harm than good. Tlio battle, of course, will come on the lloor convention, and no one doubts there will bo a general display of bad blood. The national commit tee will wrestle with tho question of organization today. Tliu Bryan men have put forward General Weaver for temporary chair man. This Is a shrewd move. They do not believe the opposition will enro to make a fight against their lato standard-bearer. "Cyclone" Davis of Texas, will ask the convention to ndopt a resolution to unite with the Democrats on one set of doctors In each state, which is the sentiment of tho middle-of-the-road Populists. SILVKK MKN. St. Louis, July 21. Congressman Towue, ofMlnnesola, one of tho silver Republicans who walked out of tlio St. Louis convention and announced tho severance of his allegiance to the Republican party, arrived hero today. The "silver movement In Minnesota," said he, "Is growing by leaps nnd bounds. Among Republicans I was amazed at tho widespread defections in fnvorof free silver. Republicans and Populists are enthusiastically for Bryan. An Independent nomination, In my opinion, Is Impracticable. Bryan should bo endorsed. I am for Bryan." WILL BUI'POIIT I1UYAN. Atlanta, Ga., July 21. Tho At lanta Journal, which led tho fight In Georgia, against frco and unlimited coinage of sliver, said In Its leading editorial today, while It cannot ap prove of nil of the Chicago platform It will support Bryan nnd Sowall. CALIFORNIA'S TIIJtKAT. Kansas City, July 20 While en route to tho national Populist con vention, the California delegation, ao strong, last night Issued an open let ter to the Democratic presidential nominee, William J. Bryan, urging him to go before tho country as tho uomineo of tho Populist party. Tho letter was composed and dispatched while the delegation was waiting for the train to St. Louis. Dr. G. W. Daywalt, of San Francisco, being chosen secretary and Instructed to write It. The letter says In part: "If you will accept the nomination, from the Populist party, declaring yourself a Populist, you will becomo the leader to whom will rush every reformer, be ho sllverlte, Democrat or Republican, and not only Iks elected yourself, but also elect a congress, the law-making power. This Is the op portunity of your life, which, If taken advantage or, will bend your name down In history as the saviour of our country by tho means of Populism, If you don't do It, we must, In defense of our principles, put another nominee I in the field. Can you thus bo elected?" WEST VIUQINIA DELEGATION. St. Louis, JulV 21. --Colonel Nat Ward Fitzgerald, who ran against Wllllnin'L. WlWon.for congress four years ago,arrIved this f (crnoon. He Islho member or tho nlitloual com mittee from West Virginia, and said the delegation of that sfate, as far as heard from, were for Bryijn. W. J. UUYAN'S MAIL. Nnh.. JulV 211. Ill COIISC- , , -. quence or the tremendous mall Bryan Is receiving he has given out tho fol fel fol eowing: "To the Public: My dally mall has grown so large that I find It Impossi ble to reply at length to each. Those who arc Interested In tho success of our cause will appreciate the altutalon and pardon nic for making tho follow ing suggestiens: "First As tims will not permit a full discussion of the principal ques tions In so largo a number of private letters, I shall, In order to avoid dis crimination, reserve all such discus sions for public occasslons. "Second -All offers of services and suggestions as to tho conduct of tho campaign should be made to the national committee representing various states and territories. All re quests for campaign literature should bo addressed to tho secretary of tho national committee at headquarters as fooii as headquarters are opened. If my friends will bo kind (enough to observe theso suggestions, i shall be able to devote my time more fully to the work or tho campaign. W. J. Bryan." UOLD STANDARD DKMOOlUTS. Omaha, July 21. Tho soind money wing of tho Democratic party In Nebraska is now somewhat undecided what course to purstio In the coming campaign. That they will not sup port Brynn and frco silver Is tho only thing that Is definitely decided upou. Just what form their opposition will take, according to Euclid Martin, the recognized leader among them, Is ns yet iindccldcd.'No'fornilil'conf'oronccs have yet been held, and nond hnvo been called, but that such meetings will bo held In tho near futuro Is a certainty. Ono of the things that Is causing the delay Is the convention to be held at St. Louis this week. Euclid Martin goes east today to con fer wlthcnstcrn delegates. IIo thinks the west will stnrt the revolt. POPULIST COMMITTKK. St. Louis, July 21. The Populist national committee met at 12 o'clock. Tnubeacck occupied the chair. The principal work before tho ccmmlttco Is the selection of temporary otllcers and tho settlement of contests, but theso matters were postponed. The Texas delegation was Increased from 93 to to 103. The representation of each territory and District or Colum bia, except Oklahoma, was Increased from four to six. Oklahoma was put on n basis of state, and given nlno votes becauso or the largo Populist vote cast there. The committee took a recess until 2 o'clock. New Cruiser. Madmd, .July 21. The Spanish patriotic leuguo or Argentine, offers to present tho Spanish government a crusicr of 4500 tons displacement, costing an approximate of 8,000,000 pasetas. Tlio league representative, Senor Gonzales Salnsa, was inter viewed by the government yesterday on the subject. The crusler will prob ably bo built at Glasgow. Tremendous Rainfall. Kansas City, July 21. Nearly seven Inches of rain lias- fallen In Kansas City and vicinity wlthlu three days. The storm was a record-breaker Tho Missouri and Kaw rivers are both high, The Central-avenue bridge across the Kaw In Kansas Cty, Kan., a double-decker used by the "L" road and the city,' has been damaged, and Is In danger of being -washed away. Twenty-Eight Rounds. Memphis. July 21. Billy O'Donncl I and Lawson, the "Terrible Swede," ' timt in the Auditorium last night in ft i finish fight, and the Swced'rf seconds threw up the sponge after 28 rounds of fighting. POPULISTKNOCK-OUT Middle -of-the -Road Men Have an Open Revolt. MARK HANNA'S MONEY DID IT A Movo to Drop Sowall for a Southern Populist, St. Louis, July 21. Tho nilddle-or-the-road Populists held 11 spirited meeting today. A delcgato from Ok lahoma named Albright pointed out a man seated In front or the chairman, nnd declared that ho had boon around the various hotels distributing Mark Ilanna't? money for tho purpose of preventing the endorsement of Brynn and defeating tho silver party. The man was Silas Boss, or Buffalo, N Y Ross denied emphatically that he had been engaged In any such busi ness or ever seen tho Oklahoma man before. Then occurred a row because men with Bryan badges wero In tho room. It was claimed by tho middle-of-the-road Populists that tho Brynn men should cither get out or declare themselves Tor the middle-of-the-road ticket. Thoro were several quarrels. A motion was finally adopted request ing Bryan mou to leave tho hall. A German Populist from St. Louis said It was not a Populist, but a Re publican meeting. Thero were loud cries ot "put him out," "down with tho traitor." "Sit down," said tho chairman. "I wont sit down," said tho Mis sourlan. "You can't- mnko mo sit down." Tho chairman told somo one to put him out. Tho Gorman showed light. A Minnesota man jumped In with fists doubled. Others Interfered to prevent hostilities, nnd the Mlssour lan was hustled toward tho door TO DltOPBKWALL. St Louis, July 21. A quiet meet ing took place at Senator Butlor's room today, which will, If tho claims of those present arc realized, havo tho effect of creating consternation In tho ranks of tho Bryan and Sowall follow ers. It was the adoption of n plan to endorse Bryan and placo upon tho ticket with him a southern Populist. When tho meeting adjourned tho claim was miido that 688 votes would bo received for this plan south of Mason and Dixon's line. This Is ap proaching very near n majority of tho convention. Two Draws Fought. Nkw Yoitic, July 21. Kid Lavlgnc, lightweight champion of tho world, and Charley McKeovcr, of Philadel phia, fought six rounds to a draw at Madlson-Square garden. Lavlgno hud an easy tlmo until the last round, when McKcever woka up In wonder ful manner, and did considerable damage to his adversary. Philadklphia, July 21. Henry Bo- ker, of Chicago, and Frank Slavln, of Australia, fought six rounds to a draw at the Caledonian club. Slavln was the aggressor thoughout, but the Chicago lad displayed very clever dodging tactics, and landed somo very heavy blows on Slnvln's neck. Imphomptu Exbuoises. A d m I re rs of tho companions of Burns, the Scotch poet, will commemorate tho centenlnl of the poet.s death by hold ing Impromptu exercises at the state house tonight. The exercises will bo held In the parlor of the governors suite of rooms, but should tho crowd bo too large moro spacious quarters will bo nrovlded. Prof. J. B. Horner, of the Coryallls Agricultural college, and Judge Burnett, ofCorvnllls, will bo in attendance and participate In tho exercises, as will also Alexander Shlves, an enthusiastic Scotchman from Buena Vista. All admirers of the poet are invited to come out this evening. California has shipped -140 cars of fruit against 459. at tho samo time last year. A MUTINY AT SEA. Cnpt. Nash, His Wire and First Mate Murdered. Halifax, N. S., July 21. The barkcntlno Herbert Fuller, Captain Nash, from Boston for Rosarlo, put Into Hnllfx this morning. There had been a mutiny on board. Tho captain, his wife and the first mate wero killed In their berths in the night. -- Object of Li's Tour. London, July 21. The Paris cor respondent of the Times, commenting upon tho report that Lt Hung Cluing had visited tlio Credit Lyonnalse and had declared that China Intended to secure a grc.t loan, but that It de sired to treat direct with the banks without Intermediaries, suggests that It Is posslblo that the chief mm of Li's tour Is to got a loan on cheap terms. Dody Found. Taooma, July 21. Tlie remains of Ed Moran, nged 40, of Coyote, Oregon, was found floating In tno Puyallup river at Puyallup. Tlio body was badly decomposed, and had been In the water for threo weeks. Ho said In Puyallup Juno .".0 that he had been robbed In Taconia of $400 nnd was go ing to drown himself. Postmaster Skips Out, Vancouvuu.B. C., July 20. A. B. Bute, postmaster at Lytton, has skipped out and Is' bcllovcd to have crossed ho boundary. Hols said to bo about $5000 short In his accounts nnd also owes personal dobts for a consldorublo amoiint,havng burrowed from every 0110 he could. Writs wore Issued ut the Instance or several creditors. f Sound Argument Tor the Oold Platform. Salem Statesman. Tho Associated Press Is a cold and unfeeling organization. On his way to St. Louis, making n mllo 11 minute by tho revolution of tho sliver whcols In his head, our own Iiofcr stopped at Forsythc, Montana, long enough to put thlsiucssugo on tho wires: "Four state bimetallic and Populist dole gates are on board tho tialn, and fa vorablo to you. Hon. E. Iloror, delc gato from Oregon." Ho didn't sny whether ho was a blmotalllo or n Pop ulist delegate from Oregon, but It Is reasonable to presume that he Is both. Ho Is tho boss of the friends of tho cart-wheel dollar In Oregon. IIo car ries their proxies In his hip pocket. That Is tho seatof power of tho forces of repudiation In Oregon. But this is not what wo started to say. Theso aro facts so well known that thoy aro commonplace anyway. Wo started out to register a dun colored kick against the unfeeling Associated Press. Onc'Of tlio agents ot that soul less corporation got hold of tlio (lis patch and made news of it, but when lt appeared In all tho dally newspapers throughout tho laud tho signature was plain E. Iiofcr. It should nover bo written that way. It used to bo Col. E. Iloror. That local connoisseur, Landlord Wagner, of tho Willamette, gave him that title. Tho handlo of "Hon." ho earned hlmsolf in tho ser vice or his constituents In tlio Oregon legislature. Wo sincerely hope that his friends will not again bo pained in this man nor, by tho minions of tho grinding corporation with no soul to save. Bucklen's Arnica Salva The best Salve in the world for Cuti, Sorei, Boies, Ulcers, Salt Klieum. 1 Fever and all Tetter. Chapped hands, Chilblains, Unit liltn Vrurttlnna nnd riMtttu1is nrii Piles or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to Price 25 cents a box. For sale by Fred A LegK Sunday Excursions. Beginning with Sunday, Juno 21, und on each succeeding Sunduy, it special excursion train will leavo Al bany at 7 a. in., Corvallls 7:30 a. in., arriving at Ynqulna at 11:15 u. 111. Returning, boat leaves Newport at 0:30 p. in. Train leaves Yunulna at 7 p. m., nrrlving ut Corvallfs at 10 p. 111. nnd Albany at 10:30 p. in. Fare, good on this train only, from Corvullis, Albany and Philomath to Newport and rcturn,8l.60. II. L. Waldkn, II. B. Lowman, Agent, Albany. Agcnt.Corvallls. Edwin Stonk, Manager, Corvallls. Corvanis, Juno 17, iw. Highest of all in Leavening Power Dr6vl A, t, mm. ABSOLUTELY PUKE CAMPAIGN OUTLINED Republicans Will Open in.the . Western States, o SOUND MONEY LITERATURE Will Bo Used, to Flood tho Silver Stotes. CHiOAOO,.Iuly2l. Mark-Hanfia has arrived In L'hlcngo, und iiatlonnMle publican headquarters aro to bo opened us toon ns the executive com mittee selects quarters. While nominal chargo of tho West ern coinmlttce's work will 1x3 In the hands of Haiina himself, the commit tee which will havo to do with tho actual work will bo Messrs. Payne, Durbln and Lcland. Tho distribu tion or literature throughout tho West will bo one or tho llrstnlmsof the committee. Tho Republican campaign In tho West will bo opened In Mlnnnesota and Nebraska, with speeches by Sena tor Burrows and Roswoll P. Poor, of Minnesota. Roforo leaving tonight, Ilnnua said ho was not seriously disturbed by the iipparant growth of the free-sliver wntlmcut In tho Wcstorn states. "Wo will Innugurato tlio campnlgn at once." ho said, "by distributing sound-mouoy literature nnd sondlng sound-monoy speakers Into tho silver strongholds." m'kinlky'b Tnip. Canton, O., July 21, Mnjor and Mrs. McKlnlcy started forGlevclaud Monday nt 12:30. This Is Mnor Mc Klnloy'a first trip from Cauton slnco his nomination. A crowd assembled at tho station to bid them good-byo morely as neighbors and follow-cltl-zens. IIo Is expected to return Thurs day next, nnd will como via Alliance, 20 miles cast of Canton. IIo Is a motnber of tho board of directors of Mount Union collcgo thero, nnd may possibly niako an address to tho students. A Parallel. WI1011 Lincoln mado tho momnrablo campaign for tho United States sen ato ho was beaten by Douglas. But tho principle for which Old Abo fought lived nnd two years subse quently ho was nominated and elected president, nnd ho bcatoti Douglas ho would nover havo been chief magis trate. Two years ago Wm. J. Bryan mado a canvass for tlio United States sen ate. IIo was turned down. But tho principle for which ho battled was right and tho sentiment In Its favor grow and grow until Inst wcok ho was nominated by tlio greatest convention over held for president of tho United States. Lincoln, who had espoused tho cause of tho negro, said that this re public could not endure half slave and half free. Ho was chosen president. The shackles ot tho black man foil. Tho republic lived. Bryan took up tho ciiuso of the suffering masses against tho money changers, the centralization of wealth, and said that this pcoplo shall not bo crucified on tho cross of gold. That sentiment, mado tho slogan of tho advocates of frco sliver und already heard In overy voting precinct In this broad land, will lead tho great young commoner of Nebraska's plains on to victory us noblo and grand and endur ing as that which crowned tho Im mortal Lincoln. Tho money power will bo forever broken. Tho ropubllo will live, and then will tho parallel found luTilncolu and Uryan ho comploto. Exchange, Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder HM fit ;4 i 1 I ftf