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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1895)
i i m arjt.ii mm. mi mman oh awl ittAtbf AHO WMHttU I TnUncbmtn M dlftfcf M IB w4'tr'wiwil)ww'i".i ii wft fan tHUm MMM ttUfl frill wt HWFRn nrwrrnnmii i tttnimg (torn 4 oV llr, fidfiftrw '.ffliarrtMMinhr tHf it ! ArAnt K! work or ih rttftx4Hil((jf 6 (Itff n-mirriMrilhr. lf U MHtoMut A yUlNM lWyHtyXltflf. on Monday and rvwdodaaBtib Vhmli mi M(r dififtYl,oii,'' "'" "' tiH MNV. In Aflf.iiAjt I tft A If .MOifcM I '" " """" ! " !- t .l M.r.M m(m ml If. I . if h Hnl lh huttJy tcfitf 'Jiwtm ltw lf.f .t ,(.,"' ef aoIIm. itt. KnlRbl I ( 9rt In Mil ell llJof wfllhf mrt. Ift bM ltmii tk4$HfQ and lrnlf mor (ft! what t one fil In lrrirrfwmfii tt !-') l; tltct tntkw tW:fwl iJf orrtlv In ttinitlt wliluro!y ufc (J miuiM, iyir for H tt$iialy. Thl waller ought in t e4tdtiplrt forty eight brar. Krc.m what t knor of th IriMllutleti, Km operation lb (t lhre jeara and Ida character of It management, I bHT Hto f kkk1 Inmlment for rr on with money can b found, i Uilava It will U a aee financially." Mr. Wallacwa manager of the YVal lace ettnto sntl m prrairfeot of the Wlttn Water company Iim evinced coed financial Judgment, lie Iim pot ttoe Water company own a sound buM hm b, and U not a man wbo In datftealn theories. When he oflew lo put f 1,000 into an enterprise It la be nimmi butln4 proposition It Is a aura thine;. What Salem needs la more turn like Mr. Wallace Just now. With the allgni of nevera! failures on our town tmtlneM people are dlacountged. Salem b bad co fAliurea through all Ibe panics, and the two failures vre now Have we believe will pay out dollar (or dollar, liut wa repeat that Just at this time It behooves mooeyeu men wbo have their all at Bslem.aod wbo expect to make their money in the future out of this community, to con sider the merit or the Woolen Mill company's proposition. It is not a gift tbat Is asked. They ask citizens to pot in 25,000 acainst tbe company's 175,000, tbelr buslneas all worked op, tbelr reputation and experience. Bucb a proposition would be considered a prime oppoitunlty for Investment. and pfojffly Ibat lias iH ' trtntflt to (he lwii. &tu ll(ii wlti the wefld Itafti (hat (be mefJ wlw off fi It aralha trus itri afir all HIS LATfiflT 30HCMR. WBJLT OKEQOX NEEDS. It Is more appropriations to open tbe riven and harbors. Tbe general government made its first river and harbor Improvement appropriation for tbe Pacific coast In I 1852. From that time to the year 1S90 tbo record according to government census Is as follews: Oall'om'a. from till to 1890 Ujtmwa OJ Or fun. from IBM to 1KO fitdiCOOJ Wasblogton, Irom IBta to IS 0 HUO9 00 ATacoma man writes to tbo Ledger on these facta as follows; "Tbe pro portions will remain In the same Juxta position to each other Just so long as tbe people of this state permit tbelr representatives to leg for every scheme under tbe sun that Is proposed in con gress having no direct bearing on local interests whilo tbe representatives from tbo state adjoining us on tbe south devote almost tbelr entire time and energlea as they havo done for years to securing government money to be used in tbe development of tbat commonwealth. Tbat U why Oregon can and does brag about ber solid foundation. Her citizens, many of them through government contracts, have become rich and the state has flourished for nearly thirty yeam on capital furnished by tbe general government." Those who talk of shelving men like Hermann, Ellis and Mitchell, merely to make places for others do not con sider tbe true interest of the people of thb etate. Those men should be re tarsvd to congress regardless ot all other Interests. Bowling is said to be the most pop ular winter sport In New York City. There are 60,000 men and women who bowl at ten-pins. Lucky this town didn't go to build ing tbat 110,000 creamery I We ueed all our reserve power now to rebuild the woolen mill. Salem Is tbe beat towit In Oregon. m9M)k.MWmM lofaot He<b S m SENT FREE It b rrutttr or vit ImpotUne la motfwf. Th nunuiwturcrt ot itvt OAIL ItOftDkW KAOLU UUAND CONDUN5CU MUX ek uu.urophl1.ntitW-iSFANTIIEAI.71l." fa iu:nukiuuitfucnTrnf. aiujiu, new YORK CONDENStD MILK CO., 71 Hulwa g Sunt, Ktw York. 2 KfgsmdXttKSft&Kll Oiovsr Cleveland, by the gra X God and the mIMaktn eotirldeuce of the Amflcn piple. Hie pmldenl o tbe Onill titatr. U slltl cooilsteotlj If nut coDKlcotlotisly working In tin lotereit of tbe gold gambler, and against tbe welfare of the people. No content with btl&g Implicated In tbi hut botjd swindle his con nee Hot Iberswlth proving him to be either tciundrel or a foot the president pro poeea to recommend the retirement of tbe greenbacks greenbacks, throngb whoe Instrumentality thU Nation wa sayed an a united and Indivisible factoi among tbe couutrlesof the earth, aud which have been the people's currency. 4ven though Cangreate dominated by tbe money power have permitted them to be ued to rob the people wblltt still further enriching the Wall Btreet gharks. Tne part which greenbacks played In swindling tbe people is In tbe past; tbe part which tbey are playing as a friend to tbo working classes of th country is In tbe present. Tbey can probably no longer be used with the advantage In daye of, and Just follow ing, tbe war, to tbe gold gamblers which tbey were and now, when tbey are moit nseful to tbe people, to tbe masses and not to the classed, President Graver Cleveland wanta tbem retired He wants tbem retired "In favor of a new Imuo of Government bonds, to ru n at a low rate of Interest." Btill tbe same old scheme Government bonds at interest. Cleveland's administra tion has made tbe very name of Gov ernment bonds bated, and yet be wants to grind out more and more. There Is absolutely no reason why greenbacks should be retired, save that under the present system It is thought to be necessary to maintain an Im mense gold reserve in order to be al ways ready to redeem these greenbacks whenever presented. Tbe argument offered by Cleveland In favor of tbe to tirement of greenbacks is that It wculd do away with tbe clumsy t&etbod now In vogue at tbe United States Treas ury tbo redemption of these green backs in gold at tbe Treasury when ever presented, and the Immediate re Issue of these notes as soon as they are paid Into tbe Treasury, thus forming "tbe endless chain of gold depletion." Why should these greenbacks be re. deemed? Wbo wants tbem redeemed? Certainly not the people, and most certainly those gamblers in tbe Na tionals currency whose only business is to speculate In tbat In which no specu lation should be allowed tbe money of tbe people. If we bad proper laws In this country, punishing for felony all wbo dared to depreciate any kind of money or currency stamped by tbe faith and credit of tbe Nation, we would not be bothered by these con stant schemes by Presidents, by Cabi nets, and by Congresses, to contln ually sift and alter tbe currency laws In the Interest of the gamblers In the people's money. Sacramento Bee. HWawHiilii'ttf (I niiTfiiimlu'wiiiijTriiiijdiitrimiiTiffTOiniifiii'rtiir aifciiiiiiiimMjff'ij"l Ptn Wflls H lb fatat hftftttr to kill A Mr br, JUf. MiralrVd of Jjfsln pf?hw1 In a Urg ullfw, The Ghffttan timttit Ut Hunday Md A. 1. IJH'Mtadofi, Mm, Mf f1ftbftt and If. (I. iin illt ti lh f4Hrfitlft at Ite-nbiifrf, Ne. fl. Attirr, )!. M. Oik Is li (Mfti wood saw champion, Alon he al 8 wrds of wood wlc Ihrrrtigii In $ Imit and 21 minute. VOMIIIMVIM.K. J. Ih floors has im eMatal vice gfhd,of Oflonfal ledge. Mr. II. A. Longhary has lfi mads honorary president of (he KUaI Bof fraae scaootailoti, Mrs. P. W, Itxlmend and daughter are hm freni a visit fo Milein. l'ewetl A, Oampb4l and lilted A IUkxIm, advrrtM tneney to kna. Mr. Nettle UagormtM vldted Cor' vatll Woman' It-Mtef C-ore and tbe Aarletfllural collexe. KHa It, WkhI, and AlvW X. Appef- aon of the Ltdlet Gulhl of tbe Kpltoo- pal etiuroh ak eetitrlbtillens on Thanka;lvitig day fur Otxd tiamarltau Il04plUl. t& tnt gyri lo (he elty twf wAfdt, pmimlMH Mi intmmiHmmmmt) 8 Mrt (ff And alleys Arm a tMfls ui n(y tot th tr nm and rredlt of th etty. U U afaled lint fHtnktr Jolia It. AINrl will railra from ell politic. IMaiMWaaanaavaaisMSkavaMiJOSMMB Th Palurday Jnvmt au will hr twopIM6f o?UI nw a tmial, fi ' -" " WlllamU ctrilrjf football Uam ie ljii named the Bnaler " Ktigene Field beara the dialluctlon of Having Ia Hi ehlldren's pot. ! 1 Tflwina U talking f trying to sll heoltvball. It I a luxury. 1iy all lm alde and let's rebuild bv woHen mill. Href la ta'd to be very chapal 1'uget Mind market 8lem dub. should alto have a woman's WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. Social Happenings Noted Bj x Stu dent. Fred Bcott, who a few weeks since ustalned a fracture of the collar bone, returned lo school Tuesday morning. He still carrlea the Irjured member In jllng, however. The Joint Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. merting at 3 o'clock Hunday afternoon, 4rlll be conducted by Miss Helen Uattbews. Special musical will be lven by tbe male quartette and an enjoyable meeting b assured tboee wiio atcend. C. O Kast rrclled In chapel WcIne dsy morning. Carl Morris Is absent from school owing to a broken collar bone wblcb fracture he accidentally sustained Tuesday evening. Ills many friends will bope for his return to school as soon as possible. As Is usual at tbe c'oue of each school term the Pbllodoriau and Pbiloaoelan Mdetles will bold a joint meeting at tbe university Friday evening. These ineetlngB are enjoyable alTalrs at whlcb lime new students become more thoroughly acquainted with tbe school life and tbe social featnre of tbe school is tbertby developed. All students are Invited to attend this social Friday evening. New pupils entering the Willamette tte past week are Charlotte Bennett, M. H. Savage and E. C. Judd, ot dalem; Bessie Colllsor, of LGrande. Miss Collison Is a sister or Mrs. G. M. Irwin, of this city. Thin iocreamr the enrollment la tbo literary ritpartnirnt i W COLLEGE OP M05IC of Ibe Wiliamefle Uniuersify, UNDER NISW MAMAOIZMKH'V. W fit (jff.riV. tr,tJ, r " M $ 100 Keward iltn Tbe raiders of tali piper will be pleated leaia tkit tbtre U et leirt mt itttdtA dliive tkat tcteoce hi been aWe to cure In all iu Macet, and that ( CaUirh, Hall's Calardi Care Is the onl petklr cars known to the medical ttttttttoy. Catarrh being a eoaMttatiocval treatmrat Hill's Cilircb Care 1 taken internill, aetiag directly upeu the blood and macoai sarface of the dbeaie. and giring the patient strength by ballding up the constitadoa and asiistiag nalnre in doing iu work. The proprietors bve so much (aitb in its caratlre powers that tbey offer One Handred DolUrs lor any caic that it fills to care. Send for list of testitioniils. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Or. SoM by Druggists, 75c. miles of railroad in rails used to Tbere are 177755 the United States. There are 66,835,SS0 cover tins ground. Tbere are 633,265,000 ties used to bind these rails together, but no such amount, however, Is required to bind the hearts of tbe traveling nubile to the tact that the Wisconsin Central How furnish superior facilities on all tbelr trains between til. raul and Chicago which form close connections with all lines to tbe east and south. Make a note of It, As an Athlete It U ! ry that tnyarsbrm ahoeid k In first elm eeadlltem. W)tbr In train tog tt rti nn In J, parriaf or amy wrlM jf sting, t always btxln by taking Heed's mraaparMa. It kwr my sysUro lo txl eendltlen and f gladly rfmmnd H" I O. Jxqvnn, Wo 11th ., aaa'lraBefee. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is tha only Trae Bleod i'arlos Pretnl neatly In th Tablfe Ky. rt IIOOD-H lWlM!f ummmhz, Hood's PillsS t IMS. RtMtl rnr eeaitsr aas. mmmmmmmm -MrM&w ' FIKKT NATIONAL HANK Mll I'lNT). KJm, m W. I. STAI.BV, lalMifi fawl re fnttm tft'H. Und'nu a w h i nmt er J. H. HAAS, WATC-HM'KK AMU JCwntDK, H ki a r4'tr ni r n nrr w,, run Ttoraaaeiorki.etMSMCnminntfat CWH. mtiir itHtt i u u mm (mf ! Mrt H ptrtIHf HH fmM mmm Nt (Hlf,1 MtiQtM tuft ( lHmiwwrwii yMinfwi mnm SMr'Hih nftrt tmiMrt MeHi fw this iiMit(ar urn w war k nm i Tim i Bui'navs, Shoflbflnd, Typewriting, Ponmanihlp ar d Enghh Thl U rIUly lha only- "J" W 'A-'Crsioa Itwldtnu .Mll.tAxncKT. UMblr. Capital OF SALEM.. TraBweua csmaral banainc basin". RED FRONT LIVERY AND STAOK UMSt. BT Rt Kront Llreir and Bonllnc KUbltl rslctaj In erery rtMptct. frleca raaaonabla. R II. WKSTACorr, proprietor. DAILY TACB LINES. Foliowlns sUcea airlre and depart dally, except Man il j-; Hlltfrtoo iucarriTraBt 19 a. roleaTtal 1:14 p.m. Fare 73 cent. IXsUaasUft, arrlreaat 10a. m., learn all Independence stare arrlrra at IdsS) a. m., leave at 2 r. ni. lctd bMlfraitrffiaiiam Hi U inifremMKnlfaiMfl yiomni .m rijimHralHi". Wrter rati at ?tilt oWia I striwt rwll iHf-wwSno rMltUfnr.Mf slid, ntl-i.f tnsswn.t MfMlfllnM ttm. 1 bit , -EXCELSIOR - STABLE. JS. C, HANSEN, MANAOEK- Only good horses mod. Sfttiafnction gunrnntood. back of SUto Insurnnco liloc.k. SliMci IR. CONTRTS, A Few Cents Oxly. It orls you but a few amis to call a nie&spnger aud have blm deliver your package or notes for you King up the blue boxes. the college of music lisw an enrollment or nearly .100 In Its varlom departmetiU The Balem city hall Is now safe from fire. It Is fire proof. It should not be filled with Inflammable material. i. , , , ,1 9 The state fair managers did well to Ket rid of the county exhibits. It was simply a bid for small Jobbery. I. l..i ; ' There should bo a large vote at the Republican primaries In each ward, and four good men put up. Help yourself and tbo commuulty you make a living In by helping to rebuild tbe woolen mills For Younger Men. Chiqaoo, Nov. 21. A special from Washington says: Benator Dubois, upon his arrival here began I1L1 fljbt far the recognl Hon of tbe young msn In the mmate. rjlnce Idaho became a state and Dubois ft AnrAP tk ft an Anrla'aWiirl In naln r. of Willamette university to 163, wl.llJbreak turoUlJU the traditions of tbe soae wbleb require that all the good places shall b given to older men.and, LOOAL NEWS. , In company wltb Dtvld R. Hill, has 1 nnusuarat-Ml more than one battle uorresponaents in western Oregon Towns. DAYTON. E. A. Alderman la the flot mayor under tbe new charter. Tbe other city ofllccra are O. M. Harris, treasurer; J. Parker, maishal; for recorder 8. IL Baxter and G. 1-1 Deilnering, each got 43. vote. Coiincll men for two years, N. Bradley, J. W. Kisbburn; for one year John Branch, C. W. Kreltz, O. W. Powsll, J. Mauts. EIH1KNU. B. D. Pain, L. M. Konev and Geo. Roberts havo returned from a big bunting trip to the Pine openings Joe. Morrls.Jr. and wife, Attorney E. E. Benedict and F. F. Cushman have returned from a visit to Florence. W. W. Haines Is building mi ad dition to the west side of bid Unnery. Mrs. G. H. French Is conducting a family boarding bouse. , Mrs. Martin wife of George Martin, aged 5, died on the lOtli Fuueral Thursday, Rev. Gilbert olllclallng. ALUANY. Mrs. Mary Cooledge, formerly of, Englewood, Iowa, died at tbe homn or her daughter. Mrs. T. Wandell, No vember, 17. Ben Johnson is ured by bis friends to run for alderman. Lizzie A. Crow is drilling a I cam of L. O. T. M. for Installation. Doctors H. E. and O. K. Beers moved tbelr offloo over tbe postofflce. royal with this eud In view. Tbe senate Just now happens to have a large Infusion of young blood, and for this reason tbe fight next month Is likely to be as ruuoh between tbe young men and old men as political parties. For many years tbo control of the senate has been In tbe bands or half a dozen men on each side and the newer senators propose to break up this practice If it is possible. 5 J V. aV 1 UM h-) if Is A Gentle Corrective is what you need when your liver becomes inactive. It's Ttbat you get when you take Dr Fierce a Fleasant Pellets. tbey re free from the violence ami iuc gnpmg mat come with the ordinary pill Tbe best medical authorities agTee tbat in regulating the bowels mild methods are pref. erable. For every de rangement of tbe liver, stomach and bowels. these tiny, sugar coated JParlortt Over Graj Brns. C. GRIFFITH, Office: Corner Court 'and COommercul u. npttalrs. All work gaaraniMd. irtcoi low a tha low-eat. tlU MONEY TO LOAN I On city or farm property. T. K. FORD, Over Bush's Bank. J, COBURG TWELFTH C. GOODALE, LUMBER YARD, STREET, NEAR DEPOT All grade ami dimensions of Buldlng Lumber. Large! utocfc and Uu.t "'. J. R. BAKER. Manager The Willanfttfe Hotel LEADING HOTEL OK THE CITY Reduced rates). lie Dulldlng nd polnta patrons. Management liberal. Electric cars leave hotel rw 'i of Interest. Hpeclal rates will be given to pern i A. I. WAGNER, fnCAT -THE BUFFET CAR ROUTE NrVyThe Shortest and Quickest Line E.M.1VAITEPBINTINGC0., t r T BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS dl-ajL VjabC rouics St. Paul and the East. Crrv,Uiti. UrOs,vadeandUe Itock Uonnuina In cUy'.lsht, aito-olns pawent 1 m opportunity or viemnsltho Grandest Scenery in America! AND Letal Blank Publishers, Huh' Nw Brtekrver tfiabank.Ooinl ti HUIE WING SANG CO. IMPORTERS Japanese Kancy Goods, alt kinds ot alike tm brolderT.nrnamtni. China wtri beat teas ol all Xlnd MttMnts nnd underwear. KTery. bins xMllnr vers cheap. 112 Court atieet. iwilem.Or loa-m WOLZ'S MARKET. Fresh, salted and smoked iteaU and' Ran. saeea. ait-Itetrlcerator tneau In best shape. K'Ptlaan Allceeneat, eutern atyta. Krta dellferr Hoathiiomtnprri.iiiwt M OH A3 WllLZ-Pron. POLAND CHINA HOGS. The nndentmrd ha m. rmllr.n 1 ivt.. Chin boar. uiVAoemaker," nd about SO 7q."tars and sows rrom Peacemaker, and """'"y i'"uBv,uiiu mwj, wuicn r ot tered for aila ebeip. John Marnoeb, on Independence road, ner Holmes' hop yard lOH-lui dw ills arc most ejfectii. y p work in an cas rbey about tbelr iv and f.. ... ... .. .1 iit.i. good lasts. Once used, they are nhvnrs In fa vor. Beine composed or tbe choicest, concen trated vegetable ex tracts, tbey cost much more than other pills found in tbe market, vet irom forty to forty. four are put up in each sealed Klasa vial, as V Mj bave cheaper made nills. " Pleasant Pellets " cure biliousness, sick tat 3 lit 11 SMS a ttA1aklA 1I!iiaca ontllt'A. Mrs. P. B. Southwlck, of Balem, ness, or constipation, sour stomach, loss of atateorganlierofLatlleH Woodman of appetite, coated tongue, Indigestion, ordys. .. . ..i 11 ..11 11 1 pepsia, windy belcliiiiga, 'beart-burn," the orld, la organlilng a lodge here. fn and distress after eating, and kindred imqrnmm oerangementa or the liver, atomacb and jtasuiiiKti. bowels. Put un in sealed class vials, there. D, 8. K. Bulck Is advertising Butbey fore always fresh and reliable, whether lillrlnn in Vnrth H wol.n r as a laxative, or in larger doses, as a gently luitton in xsoriit utseuu;. iin- k,,. .-,1,1., 7L,ii.,r.i ti,... ntn. ..fe M M.VMI, UMH...V, .. .....V MONEY TO LOAN On &rm Und security. Hpeclal rates""- on large loans, toana considered without delay. . . HAMILTOX A MOIIt KT1!?lDlr4.'ifJl5:.r7?!?lrortUwn'1:'!T,0lUau, Vt Seattle, and one at 8. n p. ,. us Lit. ...rf ,..,... rl.jri:rj"::r -""a n ua uuu norjrr cirssri nurni nr ci it.nct cnairs, etc. The tntirQiri-nnwin overr Itondav and Krld ? v nr llit ,,., : ,--- --" "..v.vM-. mm .,i,ii,ii ,u cviuiirii iu tiiii iqi irc t lurui oy n eel cbttut rldo tro rrom tbe heat and dust For tickets or general Informatloa ci I oa and coiurbit,cootalnlDr bath roo-n. barber shop, easy '.JL"n l JP ""orthweai" nnd ".Northland." leave iJulntb '?; , ictoMS Maud, Uetrolt, i.levtlend and HtirTtio 1 Joy n del-ghtf ut ride rrea rrom tbe heat and BOZORTH BROS 21s n.ta BTEVENH, O W. P. A. 61 1 Kront sU, Seattle, Wash. COMMERCrAL STBEKr, SALEM. OR. A. B. C. DVSSMIQS, C 1' a . At 121 Third at., I'orl.iaJ. 0 J Miss Balk's SollOollEast and South 3PENKU IS- CBTAJmiXG HALL, tlSLliUirc!!T9.c.hlIdreu ,TOm Syr upwards. hLaK,J',ttenLu,n.J0 "lonew. All de-lred branches ror the oMer pnplU tne draw I DP. modt Inr. mn.l. Tkl.l- .-- artistic Boedlawors:. All work doS on h L.H?03' p !!? In whlcl each thlld Is ad vanordaeenrdlnv in 11. ,.. .. .., Twentleih and Chemeanta ! J". J. HABKINS, HORSE. SHOEINQ Shop at 100 UhemekeU street, near Com merelal. Hpeclal attention to InUrferlnx and SALEM WATER CO. ": Office: Willamette Hotel Building A twaUr service apply at offlce, BllUrar. aplerwonthly In advanceu Make' aU com plalnu at the office Kn,f plct to Pevent rreexlnr, positively pronlblled Care thonld be ukn Ifladanrer or rreeil bg to have stop aud waslo eate cIomI .. "54?. roles and retulat'on, Nodednc tlon in bills will be allowed lor absence or for any cause whatever nnleas water U cutofl Irom premises. . '"" addition in North R tsebux Dr. Coll man bai Samuel r3med uearly well from bU fall. R. M. Couklln bau bcu III und lias recovered In care of Dr. BradNy, Mre, Glllilard U rcjrirt-d very nick, ELKTOX. Felicia" are uneaualed. As a "dinner pill," to promote digestion, take one each day after dinner. To relieve tbe distress arising from over-eating, noth ing equals one of these little "Pellets." They are tiny, sugar-coated, auti-bilious granules. Any cuna reaouy taiccs lucm. Accent no substitute that may be recom atra. ira wens uas iien naviutr a htm ahfii.r mfit hm h Children Crvfor Pltohtr's CatorI visit rum her sop, Mr, Jlawley, f Cut. lape Grove B. Ilurd vund wlfa luva lost tbelr four.year old child. mended to be "lust aa good." It maybe belter for the dealer, because or paying uiin a oetier proht, but ne ta not iuc 01 who needs heln. A free aampfe (4 to 7 doses) en trial, is mailed to any address, post-paid, ou receipt of name and address on postal card. Address World's DisrKNSA&Y MKOtCAt, Association, Buffalo, Jf, V. GEO. FEXBRICWS MEAT MARKET. 3Z1 Commercial st. (Cattle block. (8uc4esMr to U. U. ilcckCo. it meala In tha city, PromptdaJ Lo Conservatory Worlc. Dr. Parvln, director and teacberTr Piano, Italian elnglug harmony and rilasa teanblng. Ablated byMlsj Anua Krebs, teacher or piano, organ, guitar, violin and zither.' Mri J. JR.' Sharp! teacber or ptanb, organ and alnsing M"sI rooms at the residence of J. R. Sharp, Balem. Leave orders at tbe Allen's or Wills' music store. j -VIA- THE orlASTA ROUiE or sne Southern Pacific Carno. . CALiror:Acxi-Kr5s tkain-hn -. a TWEIQf HOBTrAND AND H. r oouin. 1 60 p.m. 10:15 a.m. t.v. i.v. At. Portland Balem Ban Fran. Ar. l.v M.H.UJ KOJS-U txp.CI Above trains stop at liul Punwnd. Or egon City, WooUburn. Balem. Turaer,Uno. Jedenou, Albany, Albany Junction, Irnni, Kugene, Creswell.brain and all suJonanom ltortniir to Ashutnd Inclusive . German Lessons airn by a qualified tescber, naUve or Germany, ciawe. ror children on H tnrchiynichannlnlltiir Uy Jlra. Rspcev. Si Marion St, BANJO LESSONS. Given on reasonable term; by an experienced tso rum. 11 00 a. m 31 p.m. UuixiiuiuiMATl.IiAlLV, , I.v. Portland Ar M P." Lv Salem Lv I MJP- Ar. HoKBiinre lt I h.-o) Bouth' 4.-10 p. m. 6: 15 p. in. SAUUI PAKIKMOKK. I Lv. PorUand. Ar. I I Ar. Kilem. Lvl or.h ftis-ui 8,-OUaw. W.A.KAPEY. iil Marion st. nt l ln allvury Remember Cy Stewart , The Coooer. outb 01 un.'. mill. Bomb tWrnT'VuSSS How T0T.p Fortune Dining nrn on Ogdou Kouto POLLEN Bf FET SLEEPS ah Second Class Slrjeoin" Cars- Attacbsd to all lhruuh tralnt. iVtsiSidt. DJTisioD. Betwwa hrN tid GerTallii: DA1I.V I EXCEPT StmOAV 1M u. in. 1 i.v. 1100 ca ror every sio Invented can be made hT I P-uul Ar. our new miemniiA win T-PA DX . . .H H, w-jwuiaiHia. l)fL4iua DorvHlllt or, tv. (, up.M aip.ll. mil?-.00 ,nd mOT0 n,ale daily on small invo a wlaRietftSi0 ISIiV" w. o- ;iwSSdSf Op.uBoarade At Albany and (Jorvallls oonnjei "!7 tralnsofUrooCenlr.l4 Kastero lUliros KXIKC1UTU.1N (DAILY SSXCJTOJIPAV t:5 p, m. I 7SSp.ra. I t.v. Ar. IMrtlaud McHinnvlile Ar. I.v. afiarj To !tpoin6fa tT.e'uU.ra Btat.s. Can nd Knropa cun bo obtained at tow WL rrom rw. w. hkinkkb. AcinUfi"j S. XOaUUJCR, afaaasar'