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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1895)
W mr: nuntta iTTTTT a yM month, piillt Capital ifviiMiitt- i- VOlu H, DAILY JBDITIOK, ATiflMrOUKaON JfltlJJAV, lOVHJMlMflif ', 7M, DAIfiY XIIU'WON, M' ! WV1 1 1 A.JL J U U KJN AJL ASSOCIATED l0l41ESffl DAILY, 101)11 i --OK - I) (i RBDYIN6 II) IIMIJI Jl for- SPOT - liavo mado tho old rogulnr credit firms a buck number in tho business world. liuying mid Boil ing for cash has mado i Iff IK m a decided success. ,,Our cu3tomorB appreciate our plan of business, because wo rave them monoy. Wo aro just receiving a very largo lino of now goods in all department, and aro prepared to suit all tastes. E. T.BARNES GRAY I, HUM II Road Machinery and Agricultural Implements. Latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prlceo. j N W. Cor. Slate and liberty Sti. SALEM OREGON'. UK .nd Save Money in want to buy. 274 COMMERCIAL ST. HERE IS A GOOD THING PUSH IT ANY SUIT OR OVERCOAT f&lO.OO?- ANY SUIT OR OVERCOAT $10 (- Tustl77iin7e of It. Just ThlnJc of It. $14, $15.1 $10.5O, $20,$22,S0and$25. They alllgo for $10. We Jiavo no excuse for this great feast. Only wo must have the money in our flat before yon talce the clothes, We've' fust rcccivcy 25 Prince Albert suits, murlictl $20. They yo ilnrlngthis sale'at $10. . W. JOHNSON & SON. ii IS J J CASH ( nnn BROS,. f EA m ffiTC Don'i READ but ao TO- This THE) - FAIR ALONG. - 00 They're pAIR TiMsWsVBGBr?!!5S nm n x iit WO The Hpmilnrilrf Aro Com willing Alrocl!l( WAS A COLD I1M0DED-HASSAGHB. Women and Children tlio Victims or FIciiiIIbIi Ferocity. TAMPA, VIA., NOV. 22.-ColODel Fcr. tmtulo Kuorgodo, ttio Cuban lender of this oliy, 1 In rccolpt of n letter from Havana giving details of atroclllts committed by tipnnlards In Matanzss proylnco. Colonel Motion, who commands a Bpnnlsh rcglment.rcoently encountered fio tdvntico guard of Gome-.'s army In M'ttnnziB nnd waa defeated, While tho soldiers under Mellno woro In re treat, they mota group of women and children tienr a little town called Cay optuo. As tho soldiers passed one of the women mado a sneering remark about tho Bpanlards. Tho remark waa overheard by tho solders, nnd bo en ruged thorn that tboy fell upon" tho women and ohltdron and butchored every ono of them. Thero were 10 women and about 12 children. The lottor says tho Spanl. ardH,aflor shooting down tholr vlotlms, stabbed them with bayonets, inflicting most horrlblo wounds. One baby was killed at IU mother's breast and the bullet that passed through the Infant alio killed tho mother. Colonel Mollno mado no report of the butohery, but It happoned that the women Were wives of Spaniards en gaged in the sawmill business .In Muntan7As. Whon tho husbands learned how their families hud been butchered, thoy went to DeCatupos, In forming him of tuouflair, and asked that Colonel Moliuo bo punished. It Is said that Campos ordored Mellno court-martialed, and it Is thought the butcher will bo Boutonced to death, as tho maesacro is coudemned as bitterly by the (Spaniards as by tho Cubans. Havana, Nov. 22. Thero have beon eoveral skirmishes In tho province of Sautlugo do Cuba, during which tho Insurgents had 15 killed, four wounded and lost ono prisoner. The troops lost ono killed and 13 wounded. Havana, Nov. 22. General Maximo uomez, mo msugent leader, uas cap tured fort Palyco, on tho river Zaza, Jn tho province of Banta Clara. While the train conveying General Buarez Valdcz was nearing Santa Rita, In the province of Santa Clara, today, Insurgents fired a dynamito shell at It, blowing up four wagons and tho engine. Two soldiers woro serausly In Jured. and 12 slightly wounded. The oar In whloh the general was riding was not injured. Ho went on horse back to Esperanza. New York, Nor. 22. By lotter from Nassau Island, In tho Bahamas, comes a cry from four citizens of New York, Geraldo Domonech, Boverino Gulvez, Branllo Pena and Anthony M. Ruiz, who olalm that they are illeg ally held on board a British man-of-war. They aro accused of planning a military expedition to Cuba. Thoy protest their innocence. Tho letter was written by Ruiz, to a friend in Brooklyn. When, with his three friends, be ar rived at Inagua, the commander of the British warship Partridge, he writes, sent a force to take them on board and carried them to Nassau. At the time of writing they had beeu In Nassau morotban two weeks, but their case bad not come up for .trial. Mr. Ruiz Is a member of the Citizens' League, in Brooklyn, and was active in the overthrow of John Y. McKane. Be foro he came to this couutry he was a captain In the Cuban army, which fact leads his friends to suspect that hit) dc partuie from New York was reported by Spanish spies. They claim they were simply viMtlng tbo country that Ml. DAI) . lli-y iiitri MfiKri ft IioiiHa mi llifl iftltHirf of I tug Hit, nliiHIiat llijr Inloiid-d in pprhil fouie (fill llfirft fl-lilng hik Inmtlfttf. i i,ATMirtfk(ftfijMfiw, domtAHitttwltt, Nov, 22 -A dlfl. patch ((om AldpK May (ha greattid alarm prevails 'titer. I Hurried hud frtqititit eouiioll of mliiM-reafebelriglioIrt at tho palace, ft lid noma plain IflngUsia Issald to have boott mod by (lit Julian. That tlip sweeping out of lliopfott cabinet Is contemplated nobody tioubbt. Tho British fl-et lajttlll at Halotiltm, and the French and Italian fleets at 8iuyrna,about 200 nilfoi from Balonlcn. PaiiiS, Nov. 22.At tho cabinet oounoll this morning, (Minister of For. elgn Affairs M, Brlbejlot said In forma tfon he had from Various sources did not justify the alartnwt reports of tho French press Tho agreement between tho powers, he added, was revealing ltnolf with the utwiwt clearnoss and perslsteaoy, 1 London, Nov. StJ A dispatch to tho Times, from Constantinople, says the Austrian, Italian, Russian nnd British repre6BtaltVM thero hnvo applied to thesullab tor firmans allow Ing a passage through tho Dardanelles of a second boat to U attached to each of tholr respective embassies. Buda-Pest, Nov?. 22. In the diet today, replying to aljueatlon regarding tho tdtuatton in Asfa' Minor, Premier Baron Bunffy eald tho porto had dis played an earnest Intention to restore tranquility in the disturbed districts, and to protect tho Christians. The pre mier added compete unanimity prevail ed among the powers. They determined that poaco must be restored, and to this end their fleote had been sent to the Levant. Baron jBanlly cencluded: "Wo have the reassuring hopo that Turkey will succeed' in restoring order, In whloh task hercOorta will certainly bo supported by all the powers, which without exception, attach' great impor tunce to the maintenance of a peaceful state of things." Unlawful Canning. Euobnb, Nov. 22. Constable Lin ton has started for Florence with war. rauts for tho arrest of proprietors of tbo two salmon canneries at tho mouth of the Sluslaw, who aro chargod with violating tho lawb icgulatlug tho taking of salmon at certain seasons. Tho close seasoa on that river com menced November 1, but information reaohed tbo ofUoers hore that the law was being violated aud that the can nerlcs were In operation. After ac cumulating evidence supposed to bo sufllciont for convlctlou, warrants were Issuod, alleging specific violation of the law since Novombor 1. It Is prob able that many of tho flshcrmon sup plying the canneries will bo arrested. Ail Both. DB'JVeh, Nov. 22. Joseph Murry, the United States commissioner of fisheries In Alaska, and speolal ngont of tho treasury, Is on his way from Alaska Jto Washington, having been summonned by the president to report upon the boundary suryoy. He says: "Published reports about tho excite ment In Alaska of British seizures and building of forts aro all bosh. There will bo no trouble. Thero are no armed forces thero. New Oomet. Genera, N. Y Nov. 22. Professor Brooks, director of tho Smith conser vatory, discovered a new comet this morning in constellation hydra, posi tlon eight ascensions 0 hours, 61 minu tes and GO seconds; declination south 17 degrees 40 minutes. The comet is large, round and bright, with northerly motion. This Is tho twentieth comet discovered by Professor Brooks. Venezuela. Washington, Nov, 22. It Is thought a reply of the British govern ment,concernlng America's representa tion end the 'Monroe doctrine In the Venezuela boundary dispute, will not be received In time to admit of treat ment in the president's annual mes sago. Children Cry for l)tohr' Cattrf- 'fllllOTMAfl AT HAMI? uiiuuiiiinu mi u iiv, taMfe. . (JlifcnK'i Hcniiilliinvliuin Grofirt llio Dmu TWENTY MILLIONS OF PROPERTY JroiMriUswl Ily n Jtcront Onlcr oi Uonir. ClUCAOO, Nev. 22. About 600 H weed-, NorwelgAtis nnd Danes left hern today to -pond Chrlitmas In their mother countries. Less Wine And More Brino, Washington, Nov. 22. A speolal says Uoiiutor Pcfl-r, of Kansas, will rarly In tho coming scs-Ion advocate a complete chnngo In tho methods of congressional funerals. Ho wnntr the costs reduced, lens campaign and more trars. A Severe Order. Nkw Yohk, Nov. 22. Tho Amerl can owned sugar property in Cuba Is worth twenty million dollar. It Is Jeopardized by General Maximo Go mez's reooot order t destroy eyory estate whoso owner tries to make sugar this winter. Jose Martl'a Fate. Santiago, Nov. 22. Da Cuba spe cial says, it now seems that J ono Marti, lato leader of tho Insurgents, was not shot by tbo Spaniards, bu'. by somo of tbo Insurgents of General Macco's body guard, due to frlotton and jealousy amomg Insurgents. Ooatly Blaze. Chicago, Nov. 22. A disastrous fire broke out on Van Buren and Market street) this morning. Tho building was owned by K'lp, .Nathan & Fleoher. Several persons woro In jured. Nelllo Turner and KlttloLnud graf Jumped from a fourth story window, were Internally Injured, and will probably die. Harry Nell, Jumped from tho fourth story nnd Is Internally Injured; may die. Tbo first nud eocond floors wore occupied by Stotn & Blsrrs, clothiers, third nud fourth by Henry Nowmann, clothing with Amazon clothing Co. Sixth, Fallows & com pany, collars aud cutis; soventh Town send & Gale, clothing aud drygoods and National thread company. The building cost 9150,000, Insurance 9120, 000 probably a total lau. Tho loss on the building and to ten ants la estimated at from 1850,000 to (400,000. A fow minutes before 1 o'clock the second and third floors fell, carrying with them tbo first, on whloh Lieutenant MoDonand and foar line men wero working. They were buried in the basetmnt nnd it is bolleved wero killed. Tholr names aro Patrick Mo Donald, Martin Down, John Pronder goat. David MoNnlly, and Martin Bberrick. Kittle Landgraf who fell, is also pead, MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Salem and Eastern Quotations Cor rected Dally. Chicago Nor. 22 Wheat, cuUMJio. ; Dee MX. Nkw Yojc, Nov.zJ.-silver, wjc; lead, 13.83. BAN FKAH0180O MAKKKT. Bam KWA.WCISOO, Nor Zl Wheat;6Vf, Wol-Oregon, oholoo, 7019c; Inferior, 07o; Howi-QuoUble at 83. l'oiatoeo-25 to 40o per sack Bnrbanks 6O00o er Mok. Oat- Milling "KM3. fORTiiAND MAKKKT.: I'obtlawu. Nor 21 Wheat Taller fil Aft Walla .Valla, 47aU Klour Portland, st.70 Beaton county, ll.'O rrabam J2S5; uperflne,fi,V6per bbl, OaU-Wbtta. 2loa2ta grey, lftsjaO; rolled, In bmn.$L7e&5.' b-.rreli,ljI)7COj eaaes, ri.7S. l'otato-N"W Oron, Ma0o per sack. lly..Onod. S6S W rtou. Wool-Valley, i uai UU'etuat Bran.lKWO, ehorU, ttliSO: ebon (eediiopertoo; rye sua pero. Ill.iea reD, Mlted, uo Ibs.KUo; uuderJOO lbi 77Ko iheep pelt-, 107nc, , Hops New Oregon.labo Uutter Oregon fauoy oreimory.l nllt taaey dslry, ISl7fo; rlr UK001,l3i(j)15o common, lOo. uueese virego-n iuu creani, iju kt M Orecou. as pr dot. Poultry Ctilokens. 81.50i4 en. ll.bml 00 per doz; duoks . Jfl.0Oa7.OOi turkeva. live C3009U0 geese. S0,0o7.y0; AlOc; dre-sed. Via. i ueei iopui-er,'i4 a a per fl: isir to eooa steers, 2a. 8 6r, onws, 2WulJo; dressed boo lafiUo, Multnn Best beef, S1.7&12.00; choice ewes. $1,75; dressed, to. Ilogs-Oholce. heavy, 8,4oa3,S0; light and ceders.fl.iffl: dressed, otA . Veal-WmRll, enoloe, Sad:; large, 8a o V A, HlglMit of flit lit iAvanlnjf, I'owcfr m -m w m MfWFll win mma iksfmM AmQWmiM JtHUK TUIJ JJANDOUILI.O LOST. Oapt. Wlnnnt, of Howport, Drowned Mia (tody Rsdovorsd. Ban FnAHOMfio, Nor.2a,TlioMr' olmnl's KxohaMgo m n mosngo from Kmplro City, Or., sitting that the toauior llandorlllo is ashore, south of Kmplro bnr. Cnptnln Wlnant Is drowned. Ills body Imabeen recovered. Empmr Cl-n, Or., Nov. 22. Tho stoam sohoonor llandorlllo, a couBtlug vessel, which loft Ban Francisco ou October 22, for Astoria, nnd thenco wont towards Empire City, broko her rudder chain on tho Emplro bar yes. terday and broko to pieces on the bar. The Htorm nnd wind of tho Inst few days rondo heavy seas, and Captain J. Vinaut, who waa on duty, was washed overboard by buavy seas and drowned. Nino sailors and ono pasaengor were saved after hours of work by the life saving crow, who run out a Ufa line. The body of Captain Wlnaut was re covered. Ho was ono of tho best known skippers on the coast. Captain Charles Wlnaut was u woll known and enterprising shipowner of Yaqulna Bay. He was one of tho pioneors in navigating from that har bor, and was well known at Salem, Portland nud nil Paolflo coast points, for his many storllng qualities. Ed. J. No Bend Issue. WAaiiiNOTON, Nov. 22. At tho treasury department uo preparations nro making for another bond iesuo,and It can bo stated on authority none Is in contemplation. Tho gold reserve at noon tod ay lis $82,300,250. Qolc Shipment. New Yohk, Nov. 22. Tho shipment to Europe tomorrow amount (5,000,000. gold Will tho great virtue of gonuino "Fibre - Chamois." They would insist, liko Lil lian RussgH, in havinc; it in their now drosses. Wo havo it in natural, drab, brown, black, also tho Orienta . . . The cheaper quality, 25 cents per yard. Jackets Somo ot duplicated. tho best numbers $4.00 to $20.00. Fur - Trimming A full assortment. 25c per yd. and up. J. J. DALRYMfLE & CO, . . jmit Baking Powder mm TOWNS BURN And nil fritinlitf am(h Mwsflerd k Ilcpo. ' THE KURDS ON THE EOPlttffr Amerfctm nn1 Olher MlwttHiwiw In Danger. Pahib, Nov, 22, A drgpatefe to Um Matin from Constantinople, pubtfobeJ today, says that twenty village have been burned in the northwestern portion of the district of Aleppo, atxi that tho inhabitants are waoaaers. Tho Kurds aro gathering on the berd erj of tho Euphrates, preparing to march into Syria for tho purpose f taatsacrcolng chrlntlanp. MISSIONARIES IN DANOKIt. Conbtantinoplh, Nov. 22. (Copy righted 1805, by A. P.) The general situation In this couutry continue to insplro tho gravest fears. Telegram rcoolved hero from Marash late yes terday, nppaiontly couBldorably by Turkish ofllclals, say tho Americas and other missionaries ro again In the greatest dauger. Durrant Arraigned. 3an Francisco, Nov. 22. Durrant was arraigned for sentence today, but tbo matter of sentence and a motion for a new trial went over until next Wednesday at the request of the de fendant's attorneys, who wanted further tlmo to prepare affidavits m which to baso a motion for a new trial. IB? 5ticK To it When you buy a Haooy Home suit, it is with a guarantee from the factory that it -will give satisfaction. "Wo stick to that guarantee. Try (MA ono of thofio suits nfc....J)IU Overcoats . . A lot of cur "Famous" canto tho other day. Nearly 0 ull gono $H Underwear . Showing a lino, heavy ribbwl and fleeced inside, Pr. rfi pa suit. . , tjHiOi Hosiery Best values in Fino Cask- mero. 2Gv, ilVc, UOc, SQc, r. Furnishing - Goods New lino today. New KV-, Do Joinvilles , . , . DJQ Ul&A V, 8, Oev'fc Krt pm w Uriic SSTaS -a .aB? ,MI .1 HI I r ',. v. i .