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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1895)
"W Off if '1.LJ. . , i T" iiiin in- i i V)Ji. UAILY EDITION. SALEM, OREGON, WEDOTS&DAY, JUNE 550, 18i5. PAIIiT EDITION. j ' .i ' NO. !G ( '1 A PIT AT if ". "Hr""v'ffii )k t a - V -S JL- -A -jLm . MUST-- MUST-- MUST-- iKENTUCKY DEMOCRACY This is a genuine closing pale and oyer y thing must go. 90.UK xnmuiou nam arc soiling as low ns 51. CHILDREN'S HATS 10c and 1 The 5 c. 50 to 75 Per Cent Off on All Millinery AT D. B. FISK & CO.'s Full Proceedings of Lust Night's Session. REPORT OF PLATFORM COMMITTEE Asks EndorHcniLMit of Clovclnntl or Itimolulism. esse1 0 CL o z W 0 W rt u a c fC M. rt d to 2 5 a 1. ? o) 0 K.S -'-' - t: tc ) W o Ph o I w o Q D O tw H I a rt rt o rj a - 9 S 02 W . D H j c '; S m rt O -t-t 5.8 lamwvMMWMMnMraim Hh.4 ttlKl lllV'1 HI! ), u.. ,1.1,! MXMO lirilNOMY If W'J'J'O W! WIS, '. (5i HTATtf KT BAJJCM. minify JiMwr miu yiw4vriiiwiw r tli JH iwiidmJIW f fa" ()4iit uimuuli HHHimi IHIIIUIIIJI .IIIMHIiHHIlKWIIjllllll HI I ' II """ FASTEST TIME iiiml ii m. irliiltM mr- &ty At l" M, W MUM. ! ldnlwarr( Wflgom, Carte, Road Mwhlntry Mt IturM uwta w ,,''l l,Li MJMiJL 'Umu,..!. -- LouiBViLi.K, Ky., Juno 20. On re nfibciiiOlltiK ut 8 p. m., UiHt night, tho boxiHttt iuuhIu luill weio tilled wltb lutlicH In brllllunl drcHS, and the crowd In tlio gul lor let) wore uven Kuter tbau during tboduy. Tho lieat was nlruoat unbeuriiblu A resolution duuounclng 1 ho A P. A. wua oilered, and acorn niotinu wua caused by-s'the cfiortB to ndopt it without reference. Tlio reso lutlon wuh defeated. Tho conimltteo on noruitvuout orcainzatlou reported A. 8. IJeny for pormiuient chairman, uud other cllleerH.were elected. Mr. Berry niado u vlfcoruuH epeecli upon taking nig thuchulr. Tho convention puused the wholo uymilng wulllng for thu committee on urt'doiitlnls Ij repoit. Tho majority lupoit of tho committee on reeolutlona wqh held, awnltlng tho (IvuIbIou of tlio orodetithilH coinmltUo. Tho majority rojKirt declaroH for an liuni'Ht money p!i iik and Ind r.(w Clvvuluud. Two minority rupor.ri hate huon prepttrcd. O ioduinii Ih frco culimyo utltitol, uuil the (tlier Mlmply rualllruiH the p'uTurmbf IWU. 'I'!i ooinmitli 011 crcdviitlulH eluned up itkt wnik Bluntly alter midnight uuil vm oil lit fvor of thu llHtdili dili-giit(H l'i lnUvlll mid Newport dlw iiut'i m io llittK-wioof disorder had 4hlnrt oHili'i. hiiitly lieluio. u'olook, (lit iipMNtr mill omifu.ioii be osiiio kiioli lhat L'IiuImiiiiii Uoiry io uUihI ll. wiiiVMilluii uiljuunidd III) " o'uUmk loiuorrow. TiiH uuMiurini: mii'imrrf. Tim fuujorlty fvpoit of IIhcoiiiiiiIII') on iiwiliithniH animiM without junllli oalloiiiof Uiu prliiclplt- and polleli-n ilfuluri'd by thu imtlonul JJuiuourullo plulfuriii of JW)J, and dtolurin our prriit J)ii)Wirtl tdmlnUtrutlon In iuiIUIimI lo the lliuliku ol the (rnily for liln humid, (WiiruK'" xiid kUiimiuiillkv niuimu IIKIltllf plll-lfo UllMlfC ft'ld WO iXpifM our iindliiiliiUliwJ oonlliJuiiuo In (lie l)uuioitry mid jmUlollii) it( J'rldDiil (Jrovir Cluvtluiid uud liltf dUlin. (julnhid uij dvlor Mini Mfmlury Jolm U. t''IUIa. 'Jim iiiluorliy ijort llml whllifllipy iloijot mmw In lu YlnMttlnm Im ihv lunlutlly fM uUm, mr In lite vIkv vnmoii In hn (immtdutiun wltMt lUiy mUnilt ilii W nviuilnd MUvo It U hv tlytf ttf in IhimtmiUt 'H Ut ty p ! dwi wiwl HiiiiiililjjKiii umm. Mwy MtlwH U MUtwiuw U i numM m Uw ihmbf f U mk i l Ht Urf, mmI wv lUH Ml ! I Vtklt&b Hit) itUMj AuuuMU '- la iiiaiMliiliflfU I4u I.! t turn M'$rWmWv 11 hM Mfi N4 UtffaM coin ago of both Kola und silver as primary money of our country into legal tender dollars, receivable In payment for nil its debts, public nud private The Democratlo state conveutlou re assembled today. After disuusslug for au hour nud n half the motion to sub. tituto tho minority report ou creden tials for tbo majority report, a call of tho counties bcuan. Tho veto resulted: Ayes, 448; nays, 426 There was loud cheer lilt' by Clay men. liardln men rushed to tho platform, charging fulso counting nnd fraud. This created u tumultous scene. Thu was finally checked by crowding Senator Lindsay through tho fighters to the front plat form, whou ho opened anot'ner hot contest by presenting tbo majority report of the committee on resolutions. The uamos of President Cleveland nnd Secretary Carlisle were received wltb applause. Ex-Congressman W. T. Ellis, presented a minority leporl. John 8. Rhea offered u second or sup plemental minority report which sim ply reafilrmed tho national platform of 1892. OLKVKIiAND IS ENOOHSKI). The final vote ou substituting tho minority report for tho majority report on resolutions had only 2Jayes. When tho minority report oh well as tho sup p'emeut was lost, the question recurred ou tho adoption of tho majority report. Although previous votes showed the maorlty report was ovorwhelmmglj adapted, still the silver men demanded a call by counties, whluh proceeded till uftr 3 p. ui. Tho vo' was announced 0i7ayiM, 2;i3 nujs. The volo was re eel veil with great uppluuso. Tho con vt'ii'lou lakes a recess until 7:!i0. A Bovoro litorm. AmjickkoN, Ind., JuneW. Mudlson county wns vUlttd by u very destruc tive llro today. In this city a number of hoiiM-H were unroofed, trios blown down, lightening whuttcred tuo doint of tho hluh seliool, buljdlng. It uUo Ignited tlio building "f! wi'll, wljloli oiinnnt bo wiiilronWr Crop fJtatUtlcs, Wahiiowk, Juno iOJ.Tlio uhslgti' iiuiiit f iltlo agents of tho new sjnU-iii of gathering crop (fliUlsllc Iiiih lueti nearly coiiipleU-il, Tho auont Ut Oallfornlv, Oregon, WuNliiiigtoii ui.d Idahn In Jlwlu K. Hmlth, of C'sllfornlu, A Oliillau Oriroo. Vaj.I'AHaiho, Juno 'M, litt $i hols Hnwuvr, 1111 Anirrlcnn iltl.ou who (iniu lure from HpokmiP, WmhIi,, w iiiurderixl, Huiurduy, lwut k iKsguc from fullfuw, tawu clow (0 (lilt icily, ItobUry wm ihv motlw, yftr Wltlj IluitU, lH)ti, Juno 2J,-HncUI din (Miteliu limn Hhiti'Kl"i y Wit wull liifoiuiwl oUnUIn VKpwf ihv opinion Hint ur tadttren iiuwU mid J)n, ustr OuriM, will hrmb ;ui Uforo I In mid of iiiiMi miilm. ' nuJ!tl i'MHIKAIiIi. Ji ?rL "fir ir 'ii bl VTMIH V H VliAMnmu., mt rH. it , ll.ll. TMK MAIiKIJlTII. Jum jw.-Whi!, wU Ui iimt yn fcSiWW tJ(,((i mi ihtU !'! hunt. wlmi iMtwijuH in iiifUntiHi ny oimumi it ii;tfipii!fhii'id ii((liiiMui Mt, UlUfMiHit, PIM'UWOIU UUIllj wl ttll UUlUI llillM d wad tiuwwwi v Mhvf itMmm v'tmw&rrtm m JS pi4SffflBS!P' , O, OOOPAUt COBURO LUMBER YARD ItWi I jlMMf. 'WW A UimH Iil.k J'liiMttl IJk LkUM. M .flf tlXI W m Hf Jt J(,)M( M fo, ,4 WLJ J UnJliJ.Utf(WH JWI Mil lA W (HjJiM I (i iW(i ftft4 fHJt tJlWiM iH J FlHi feU liW fi ( ktn m I , U f Miv iw l.A,WikL iMMBi FIT X w rrhmm mmh, VALLEY LOOAIi NEWS. Marion. Strawberry nnd ico cream social nt A. II. Hunt's on tho 27th. A cordial in vitation to all. Haying will commonco about July 4, Tho outlook is good for n heavy crop. Reverends Franklin and Mary Mori deth, of Moorsvlilo, Iua., havo boon spending a few duyB hero, holding meetings, und visiting with somo of their old tlmo friends. Also Allen Jay, of Richmond, Ind., preached ut Friends' church on tho oveuing of tho 21st. Tho Domorcst contest of tho 18h was gl on to u crowded house. Tho con testants.wero Misses Hu worth, Dalley, Wulkor and Rllzi, uud Mr, Oscar OIo 801). Thosubjdot was a good ouo uud well rendered by all tho parties, llut Mr. Olesou carried oft tho silver medal and will, of course, alwuys bo u sliver mun. The medal wub presented ufter somo noppropriato remarks by Rev. Wbltomau, ouo of tho Judges of Turner II. P. iiinshuw, our genial B, P. ugeut with Mrs. Hlushaw uro visiting ut Portland uud Newberg and wilt tako In tho yearly meeting of Frleuds church, this weok, A young mau, Mr. Cox, Is ut tho helm during Mr. Hlusuaw's absence. Mrs. Nathan Morrls.Mr. N J. Ileus ley and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ueorgo will attoud the yearly meeting at Ncv- b.-rg this week. Also lluv. Iluworth. Bennett reiiruun, of Marion, Is build ing a new resldenco lu Jtfierbon where he expects to rtuido in tho uear future. Will Fresh uud Mark Ellis of this p'ueo are doing tho work. Horry to I040 Biother Peurbon fiom our midst. On tho 22ud there 'vas imlto n uuiu ber of the sporting men camo together at Marlon to witness (ho bursa nice, uud some of tho citizens of this plaab that was 111 able to lowolt uot rolloyod of some of their loose cush. littler not play with llro If you don't want to ml your linger burned. John Christopher Is hauling hit wheat to theBtuytoii mills ut Go onis per bushul, Mr. Kwank, of AiiiiwvIIIp, (reportHsuy) has hou puylugOO ctuls od Is thereforo tho farmers' friend but lias goon bauk on It, finding tint It uo.tH loo inuoli Im hi tin furnmr'h filuud. Wonder If It won't bu (UK all along tho line, whim Ilia I'ojn gt haki of Uiu Miif? Mr, H. N';rtoi)buNitpiecouf tliyliuttl epilog win ut we havo neon In Marion ooiiuty, Mr. Ilartlofcowed II. . Jlw. lisnjimiii Wlilto pleached ut Krluuda' uhiiruli ut I1 a. in. uud 1 p. 111, tlio iiinl liikt (Iruiidiuu Touillimoil liuu guiio (0 r)oit4 MIIN011 11 yl'H. Hho' oxpc-ul lu return 1 1 liur homo In thu ott soon. Mrs. Huuiuul ToinlliiHuii, who Iihn muii vnry ululi for.Koveral dayv, U 011 tho nind and hois uro eiilerlulnul of nwdy rfooycry. MABION OOUHXY TEAOHBItS. WASUINai'ON HOP CROP. Willi JJroQko. JCIsii HIihw niteiit Huiiduy friundson Mlulon JJotlon, MIm Ivy lisrviidrluk ruluruiwl (0 WhestUnd Hundity nftorit thruo wauh'n ylt Willi filunds In Jlrooks, J'ttthfr Liliik ifliiniiMJ lininufrmo tfw ICrflTuifcdny. '1 lid Hunduy wikxI plunlo ut limki wns wvll utli'iidwl, A gtxxl prttgmiij w ni)i)winj by ih jriiwm) dillWwu uhwlN, Hlmimi inlri0tliig addfWM wm Hvm by PMidvii( Jlitwlvyoruie Wll JKiiiPlId uulvutiiy, Mr. (Jhurllti tdwtf wm m mwti fur J'ur(iMitf) Tuiy 'I'lmdttll Uw mt fjull viwmm Tin fifmv4 mipJUyl'l Ut f M, htiy Wllffl t-Wbuf 0 jjvrij Hi irlM flmpMtlMt dl, , fAUhl'4K UwUlt Mlhituis Willi Ihv wlHwjitiiy munU ui (Im jiriMi wniHK' W. i'ili J(fiJ nd rmlly .jiji HKdy Midi Mil llMil sffiil l MtM MitinJv Wtdf MuhimJ Ut Im MtMim Hh HimMu HUmuimi Mm Nrly Two Hundred Instructors in Attendance. Tuesday was Ukan up with tho usual roiUlutt work of tho classes. Tho fol lowing short musical aud literary program woo glvon after tho noon heur: Instrumental music Miss Gortrudo Btahloy. Recitation Miss Rooswcll. Bong Luko Lynn. Bong Prof. 55. M. Parvlu. President W. C. Hawloy, of Wll lamete university, tuon gave an I pier ce tin;; account of tho formation of tbo constitution of tho United Stales. A complete list of tho teachers reg istered with tho county superin tendent, Is printed below. There uro a number of commissioned teachers in tho county who have as yet tailed to attend tho luxtltulo. Tlio registered list of teachers Is us follews: Florence Cutterllu, Laura Howard, Mcdu E. Hubart, Clara M. Klrkpat rlek, Oltvo Currlu, R. O. Wotzol, E. F. Frlzaell, Mary Chllders, Johu W. Rey nolds, Elton Bhuw, Lldu Thompson, Arthur Winches, 11. H. Smith, Floy CummlngH, Nellie Durfco, A. W. Mlr.o, Noah Welch, Wm. Simpson, Minnie Wade, Allco Ackersou, L. B. YoUer, W, L. Cummlugs, Ermluo Bushnoll, Maggio Taylor, Laura Prescott, Lula Rossell, W. 1). Frcoamu, T. L. Am bler, Mary P. Millard, Anna L. Haas, Oru Bltoud, Walter M. Bmlth', B. W. nlulkey, Margaret J, Cosjwr, Carrie lJuiitley, Mrs. M. B. Nichols, Ida E. Bmlth, Mary lfl. Itoynoids, Mary V.iu Wnguer, Muttiu AloNury, Alleuu Mel lon, Li.Kio JaKe, MoltM Davis, Rosu K. Mooie, M. Kits. Currlu, E. T. Moore, It. K Hodges, O. B. Miles, Watson Lmnsoud, J. K. Hull, R. K. Rlugo, v E. oiuviur, Johu 11. Uoddos, Phuuuo ivtastil, Mis. Maitlo Mers, F. A, Mi en, Lnku Lyuii, 1. W. Voedor, R, L. iJwwt'fuiaij, Jay BlettUoy, W. A. Al hi in, J. u. Itit.iLt, L. W. Kduilstor, Lorf U. Weicii, 1,-ieltu Kyior, R. T. nn.illi, M n L t.wcll, W. A. White, itiiih Mi t ik, (luui Ueud, Margaret . M. i:uii.4U, V. A. Mail- 1 . Kiuu.i i, Aiuu V. Aldsr It. A, fil Tmu i 1. lu i, ji.Aiu Alau .-, . .;im . It. BiKUtuiid, W, ... L. Lt ui u, H W. Lop. 1 rjnutii, Oial; 1', Mklrviu, J. L t..ulj-tuj, K. ti AucUarU, 1, u, Knn,l. L, Uuviou.L. L, ifjmtltr, ff.VttfdpUN, J. IK JJwjOf , Jui., Alicu JJurrovVit.'Ittrtrf Murr, Mtii.i.' 1... iij, Liaii. !'. VriuU, Muphia A., ( mr K wiu, Uaum Wll Vu, ti' liti '. iiwm SVhtiluu, Uojk U.1IJM, U .u 'A ' uvtri, Auuii Allttll, Mia l!u '1'a.uu,, turu AiiUvrnuii, Cool. AltirU4ll. K ll.t i'lulior, IaiIm it, Jtoyul, A. L illKi, Mury A. iUlly, Alum (Jurducr, Mlublw lruin, Uurilo Brad' uiiw, Ktom JobM, Auim UuNdUruw Jllliiir, KuiiUM i&Wu, Hum Muiltli, Auoh JiwUon, K, IJ. Ajud;oii, 0, M. Kvtuj, A. W. KvsiMj, A. J. Uuriitnd, Mm. A. J. UrlMtl, W. If. l)rur,Onri itttMt) Uww Joua, It L, Young, 11. llivkumu, A. W. 4tg, i. i, KrujM, Urn. A. ftwblM, A. U. UHtil t, U. lh Moofw, Muriel Vmtkm, lnwm JUhli'-K, T. K. MlinMI, A. W, VimmM, T. 0. Jury, J4 Uutly, (hum Mmvmv, Kvu I Hutu U, Alio iMImuu, lMUtlhkitlL, 14s Kily, Hit. Alt 14tl. L4liu ArwM, t ''i it-Kl, K, li, UiUtiM, Utu HiM.-i.i, W, U, Uu, Mum Ui, Kilyn llii-r, wiywhiM, ' i ivtifN 4mvmM) iii Umt 1 llf MM "' iNMIIMMf, llM W- WMUM Aits44 -J'fwf, IJw, a. Tto f l tr Pitf, M, ,H. 4u4m m '' Am VlMMMiif brtury U ui Uit Wsrf t yh Uv4y MmImimi" wm Mtl 6MMf !-, 'lu i,!!, win 0$m4 MsJ" lii'.., IN I- 't mk J , II. I Dili 1 I' 1 K , I.. 1.) UlliUI , k. 1- Iti . , A at . 1 U J. 1 , In.. L' Puynllup Citizen 21tt. H. E. McGowan. contracted for 200 bales of hops yesterday for n Now York firm. Thoro aro now but 60 bales stored for shipment in tbo N. P. R. R. ware hohse, and 180 in Llllenthal's. Sluco Friday 182 bales havo been shipped to Now York. No other ship ments from this polut have gouo over tbo N. P, R. R. H. E. McGown shipped 7o bales ot bops over tho Great Northora railroad to Pior Bros., Now York City, New York, Friday. Training nnd spraying is going du Thoro are pleuty of lico, nud where thoro is no thought of abandoning tho crop, a hard fight is being mado with them. But comparatively fow bops look woll for ooruo cause or another, a largo amount of tbo acreago has beon abandoned or plowod up and it can safely bo estimated that Washington will not produco over 20,000 bales, un less thoro is a market chaugo to encour ago thoso who hayo about made up their mind to abandon thoir crop, to stloktotho business until after pick lug. Puynllup Commerce 21bL Tho rates on hops, It has been authoritatively announced nt tho Northern Puollto ofilces, will not bo advuueed, aud the old rata of $1.70 will still apply. Tho notification will sot at rest numerous dealers iu hops who woro approbousivo of a ohangv. There is no Immedlato prospect of a raise iu tho rates, Yakima Republic seys: A careful slimming up of tho condi tion of this year's hops at tho present tlmo shows it to bo fulrfy favorable. Thoro Is, It is btitod by purtics in u position to know, about tho samo acre age lu tho country us last year, There will not bo au many hops, tiowover, by u largo pur cent, for iho reason that many of the yards uro not receiving the necessary attention. Chuhalls Beo says: About L'liuliulia mo condition of the growing crop is ult luaicuu.d bu ex pected. Lico uru iiiurcieiug, uud curt wiuraulo npruyiug will no uouu before (no unit ot tlio iiioutn. "1 M fc.tfrtf 1 1 n Ui IUU mm? b ammu tf Ui WMttH) warn y m an. 'if 1 fit, uu mtk Bdm M it " '.. Mtmi wiuums km tip'' ' tkidmmyl9t,m, fHw tmu im-t nM M(i "- mtii v win m fotmmti, ith mm mu iHUiimybm miv'f "n- i I w 4 1 M4 H&m '" iMmftfJi. - Tho Woodburn Oolobratioa. There will bu no uelebratluu to speak of ou thu west wide, but WooUburu will hnvo u liummur. , Uraud paradu In ohurgu of thu (J. A, Runout ut 10 a. 111. from tho. depot. -kJtiou. T. 'P. (Jt;or uud Hon, W..T. Rlgdon uru tho orutor or tlio day uuof will umuse uud lustrum you, Tliuy uru thu two bout oir-iiitiid puoiiy speuU vm in the county. Muslu by the Hllvurtou uud Wood burn baiius, uud llrflt-ulHW winging con ducted by lit, Cathy. MiksitoWtfuu I'fMttuf ForubtUrovu will read tlio Ooelurutioii of JtigliU. Miss i'rall is thu liroaiwp ruaUwrin (ri'guii. A iJuiuoriml iuihIu! iwnttwit takes place at U p, 111. Jiluyulu mid Jiowu rat- lu iho ufiur- ItOOII, JfisvrtilwH Mini iuiilu tlimiwr ut I'asIi'h groVK. JSvurynody Is w uleouiu ui Uumo uuil enjoy IuuiiisuIvm. Tiw Y, Z P,T(I ThuyouuiudiM4l tn itt 1V lyirtn uhuntii KHutHUwiinmyiHr Pit, uud lr, li, i. nsmtt1 tmuumi mm Hud t;rouuU un umif thu, tiuVltH HMMit, tin W !! jy vyM, jwlHl niusw iy tne n, a. i, IwhI-mw (dm tti ihv vvnux, Tho Mfiuy, wumu wmi W1hwi mH Uium, htm uw wit. Judj J Jig W iiM ImtJ nil nut Mill im, th-t. aiw UuWIy U immtun Mt ihv 4mmn, IliuimUt, H4UU nUtllullUHuti, '( IHVillUlit Will MMbJtiMl KU, 4u44i nmUw, lit mpnin, Uy 9nn, Um, MiMiui4iii in n Hum 4 Ut lit iwmim wi (wmi(4 Utrl UiVttur Yto.-l'Uv mtvm TinYi h nm)m ttum iw imnmt Uwy HmUi wijiii Urn m sh m mi&n etUmvit niflmsn $jtttm ! MM. Ut mt Umtmf m 4 Uumn; i u ay id -iH'.ii J.i i HUUitiliHumuhtttl t mt mint t Urn im . myttltt Httui M 4-- wvutt, ytd m4mwiu tNi l tm0nmn unit & Uuti Mltsi.' rfliM'W TlMM t.4 WM - MHiMUtIIMMf i'i A, U, U. W. IfiUU ""lNrf oi mi i, '. iMWMHHMrMMH ' lW li tf . Vii M tiL. JP ' ,' i r Bakmcr ' -V1 -I -i.a 1 f5 1 ii 1 I! fl i prrr,jn7WifraTajrnp e m 'wwpvm. tjriiuir?y. : Pewdter: ''taim1 'VM.llmwuAiM mm (m4 mmmk! mm fl'MM wmmiM wwmmQm A NUIWW KITJK HkM, Mmmmmx.m l lfU4 BMlfl' ri.aHmEfiEttesiriil i . vsv vismw IB