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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1895)
CAPITAL a J' u T" sfk A 'ir uU2. a Efc ..." "- ., VOL. a. DAILY EDITION. HAliIfiM, OJtEGON, TUESDAY, JTTN1C SB, 1805. LL. DALLY .EDITION. NO. 9ff ECONOMIZE Money is scarce and you want tho yory boat goods you cnn got for you. If yoU trade with the m HE ? nil i w you can get pood gat low prices, We lojk well and 5 are warranted to be made of solid leather. Wo will save you 15 to 25 ppr cent oi shoes, clothing, hats, shirts, hosiery, und'-rwear and all household ncfiosbiiies. B.T.BARNES i Oi ft J g 0 t & s s l 1 Li 0s ill KB IIS, 51 MTATW VTvF j:J. ifMMM mv, a- llflrdwnro, WajjonB, Crl, Road Machlnory ANIi AOWJJmA lMJ"MMWr. IUllHJWwlllIVJ yijPllfi fjte.i. f f fV,i HMiWlHpiMmitilViPlI miijwn'jpwm" i"itipi ' . a ooojjaws. COBURO LUMBER YARD, m iiliT T I nn rrn m kmi Wivery sell wear o o .SeJ C3 o ss bO CD'S" og 8? ns a a) a o Ol a a S3 02 h1 d 05 Q O 8 S o J w ... s T3 Sw w a eft m mf . ? o S.9 r , r1 r5& 3-e n r ') T., MArjM, FASTEST TIWE fit b MJivdN IL KlM (MJif, fr(,d wcwLrm r.rr Ml I f ,. Mfflg.,. Iftoes that well. The SHOES H V -d m i oa -rf i i J J, gl w S"1? I n f"I J -1 I . w ! NEW P11E MINISTER The Only Whiskered One in 30!) Years. HE IS GREAT ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS Prc-omincnt Aiuoiir Tories A Tjplcnl Aristocrat. Windsor, June 25. The Marquis of HallHbury bus foruiully uccopted the premletslilp made vacuut tiy the resignation of Lord Jlosoborry. It Ih nunounced that tho Rt. Hon. JoHepli Cbamberlulu, unluulnt leader of tho boutoof commons, Iibh haen appointed to Huoceed tbo Murtjula of Itipon as Beontiry ofatntofor tbo coIoiiIch, mid that tho Ut. Hon. A-. J. Balfour will bo flrHt lord of the trenHiiry, In huccobsIou to XiJid RoBuburry. HKIU'CIt OK HALISJlUltV. London, Juno lift. Lord HallHbury Is the flrHt prime mlnlnter of England eluce his ancestor, Robert Cecil, Eurl of Burleigh, lord keeper of Lheuicatacal under Queeu ISII.ibeth, wliu has worn a board. The fughlon of wearing beards went out In England at tho beuluulug of tho seventeenth century, and has never qulto come la ngulu among that oUes of men from whom prime minis torsuru drawn. The lllolul olubsusa rule weur only hlu whlsUurn. Mr. aia(ltt)i)P, Lord lieueonsllehl, Lord Russell, Lard I'ulmerson, Lord Derby, Lord Aberdeen, Sir Robert 1'eel, tho Duke of Wellington, Lord Melbourne uud all the other prime mlnUtum of thu uluttteonth eeulury wore only tilde whisker, while bt-furu their time, for tw Uinturlos, the custom was to shave o.. Lord Halltbury Is thu only prims minister who has worn u Ixurd for just MM) ytur. And suuh h beard as Itlwl It It were not for his great, bulbous forehead and long uggresslve nosu his beard would stem to cover tho wliolu (Mt of (he man and ;ontllui his whole Judlvlduallly, Willi lis sturdy buihlneM and total disregard ofiwit' rentloual Ideas, It Is Jmltd very chsrautenHo of hlni, The Duke of Dsvoiishlrv, who a I') wears beard, if ksld to hsve more "you lie dmeJtft" alxju him than my othsr nobleuisu In Kfighuid, Jiut Lri Hillsbury ruu hlmtrioM, Jls Islhevtry lyiwofthu strong-llcsdwl, bulhhraded, gixxl Miiui'vrttd iCnglUli ardtoiirsti jtud he shows It lit his inurmtit as muuh as In his words and mU Lord rillbury hasilwHt4 UUumlt Ui hoins nlfahs, and 4.e1oly in ohursh iMMtlon, hut Dltrsell dl;ri tnj in him K't twtitu mUiWvr, Hy wttof lllug itiwtpimHy In IU$m, )W)H( nl hlni l (hs mrfetvtmuf (lis (-own n( UuiiisiiMiioiv, wilhout i itrUju Uiiiun, i iiiiliir I'lsulltMlaiy, ut kii fliMinWy Mm irM it awuIlM hltnn4f writ (fifel Its ewjtilrt Mt Olis Klloks klllHMt ui itun with i)n m mtntut liriH jmwius- im4mu wmmnw his ww ImIAIsA tUm i'ntm IHM ilins uuiH DUmm AvlU In m, (i (WO Huft'llJtM M9 f Hviti fiMi Jiibthip, i wlm ths wlimfvf Mv fw)iy ( " wllli lntmr" IsW MilMwu4 lUv ft I hM of Wlw iwi h Hwiwtw, Umti minimi mid yytntuumrit t&iwfuil bt mm I K )u ih t4uWtu ttf Ut Uawiy' UHIti'lHijf- A i Imm, UU 114 &UiiW!f Vfty MWiWM MWlMJd. Iw I'M hnr iJ iwjv(fUy in tiitkHil' hhmum, 'Jim Mivtt?Uy mwWhffiH& Onll Borden uyAtm him, und tho grent-mnps of the work logmon have n genuine ndmnatlon of him. But tho lower mlddlonlnss, tho Binall tradcsmeif yind the mero mob do not llko him ufhli. As for him, ho de spises theni too uhciirtlly to have any resentment against them, and he Ih too proud to innUo 5ny ellbrt to couelllate them. HcMievcrBurlnkc from exprest- llttr lila .(iiiif jnfilt.lf.r ilt. i.i .itwl fll.nlr ylowa of publlo jllfc, and he Ih ut :uiy tlmo ready to re Ire rather than to bo Ld.'bted to thou tor a eluulo vote, lie la not; at nil nn eloquent speaker, but ho'iseo.bold and. clear, and In dealing with hhroppanentB hu bus such a tut ting wit, that his speeches arc ulways eagerly listened to and read. He Is not uncomly cbargod with bud taste In his epigrams, u for lusluuce when he Bald, apropos of WIIIIaiu O'llikn and Dll Ion's il'gbt from ball uud Purnull's catastrephe: "It Is u curious thing nbotit Irish Nationalist leaders that they lire always CRcuplug. Sometimes they escape by water aud sometimes by the lire escape," But he cares nothing for tuch accusations. He huvh whatever hu pleafle, and If his foes don't llko it, so much the worse for them. Tho Gold Balance Wabiunoton, Juno iifl. Although the books of thu trcahury department do not fIiow It, tho gold reserve Ih praothinlly ttbovo tho M 00,000,000 murk for thu first tlmo since liiet December, when It was foiced to that point us a result of the Iskue of yokl IwuiIb. Ao oordiug to thu trcuuunr's statement to day the gold buluoco Ih (00 817,303, but this statement does not Include a con signment of J.1,226,000 In bar gold brought to Now York Ly the Campania on Saturday for August Belmont &, Co,, on account of tho government syndl. cute. Thu gold wan taken lo the Niw York ttSKu olllfo fur examination uud In a day or I wo vv be deposited In the U. H. treasury In jwmiuit of bonds, A Chilian" Disaster. Wahiiimi'ion, Juno iifi. MliiUter Hlrobfl ut Huiiilsgo has tent the slat department thu follewing: "I regret to report the iltnlrucllon by flrooflhu building occupUd by the house of coii grihs. Tim idlllco won regarded us the flni'st In Chill and but little of thu fiirmluie or uruhlves werp saved, Tliu loMlst'slfiuttted at aUut ft it million dollsuln Uiillwl Hint gold." J)lf i-aud Case. Ukhyhh, June , A Miif lo the 'JIiiim from HsiiU V, H, M. "l! "I'm (he Ulillod HtaltNi Isnil oourt (oilay (he JWttlU rislm, (or twelve mlllioii rw In AH'nu, was )rnouiiud fraud slid trtij. James A. JVfsita JUavl, olslliiaiil, was llillildla(ly jilawd undsr arrni, Uorbtt V, ttorMt, h'ww Yjhh, Juiih Sift, Judge Mo AiUm hii)4y mil the lilvuim null ut kUt, Ollis Ut rttAi gais J J, (JiilMl, txtm, Jrmi MiJidsUriiiliiiiihtilssuM, Miwrlklu lml mimiuI uf Uunny, It my, th ilM is wM(M U, A livy WariK. lawn, Juim m,Vium HwiHuti iUWtU, ItoV-u ut Al umuw ut JfJlliT iluimli. ul ilMlV. WdJ lin.ltli,! ' Mm H Um OHtih yf IH, Ui'hiwJ. iUHjj-, mk tw TKttiiiH la lUUmn II tim UiUmtmmk tUu fitter ut iht VWt Hi ' UM'HtU JWM A- W19 All4HV itun&l w lb mub vm iwl, n,w iv h Uav Mmi iMs4 Umtf n iji Urn ) w ik iM flt ytm, A Mutiny y,uui, t4Htl IWmAM MIS&1 hw litis mim m w nip yj luiiiwi Vim ut) in m t Ymm m, ' MJtfW lw win Biti hijiHmii u n u, in Um my. ! ymitu imm UhB mmy Ut iut ) g$m . mmmm lt turn HJT DEMOCRATS Struggling Over Cleveland or Silver Money. A GOLD RESOLUTION'S COMMITTEE B it SUVorhos Got tho Temporary ' Cli a Inn nn. Tho 'Kentucky Democrats. Loui3vim,k, Juue 115.- Hon. Jas. B. McCreary, chairman of tho house com mlttco on foreign affairs, Is hore to at tend tho Democratic st-ito convontlon and Is running agalUBt Senator Black- b jru for chairman of the commlttoo on resolutions, McCreary was a member of tho inter nu'.loual monetary conferencu that mot at Brus'cls In 1802. When teen by a representative of tho Associated Press hu stated that his experience with Eugllsh members of that confer encu gives him uHsurunco that In tbo udvent ol u Salisbury ministry It will bo to tho Interest of blmotallisiri, as Lord Salisbury, Balfour aud others aro more favorable than Rosebery and his ussoclutcH wuro for such coufcronce, McCreary suld hu wus more hopeful now for uu lutoruatlouat action that would net Ho tho ratio between tho metals. . LOM8VIM.K, Ky,, Juno 25. Tho Democrat lo delegutos from 11 con gressional districts met at 10 a, m, to choose mombcrs of tho dlfloreut com mute Every place on each committee was shurply contested, especially those for tho committee on resolutions, rules aud order of business. Tho hottest fight was In (he seventh congressional district whore Senator Bluekbiiru wus ben ten for tho member of tho committee on resolutiens: Fol- Inivlni Is Hid (Vinimltln nn rnailitlliu. Klrnt dlslilut, August Coulter, silver: seixmd, W. I. Kills, silver; third, joiiii iviiou, silver; louiin, i 1)) Walker, wmseryatlveiflfth J,N, Ather liin, geld: sixth, R, A. Klllston, geld: Mfventh, J'rof, Arthur Yesger, geld: eighth, James B. McCrarry, gold) ninth, John J', JfKor, geld: teutli, John J'. Hlayer, goldj eloyeMlfj. It, M, Jaukwiii, voiiserVKtlvo, TIIMI'OHAUy VHAIUUAH, When the sUta oonvcndon was. ottllwl o itidtr tho names ut Kx-Cou grrssmaii W J. Htoije and Judgt W, ti. llwlmvr who ntmuUA for Uinpor try iilmlriuaii, JUsultofroll oall wan announced as follews: Buoklier, iiH Htone m iiMMsry to eholos 00, Tits clootlon of ifuckuer wm inada unanimous, Ths result was taiwn4 with dIimis, a dlrtet adysiitugM wm gtJjJ (u (his fur i(srdnsiid Indlroody an advaniavt for lh(llvir men, Hand Mown Olf, hYimn, Juut 'jfi.-hU. JfanrklHi.of Albany, while Idlny In a bunny jitar (hl yv, ywiorda, J;wJ his rh IisimJ liruy hiU y IUhhaA, iMl dniM$ ut M n,uu, vrhlvlt lit ut wrylw In a Uuwy. A fliy Wii lim Albau wn iJiejibi turnwUmUU ttlvl ampuuilon wm IuhI Ut nthtry, MnU Vfmt flty, Umi VMmum, turn t4,-l'hm M bit at lh AiwM-ii thUWhli. liitflftiik AmtM ! iwnoiu jtyis fmpBl f)tiW .fyt yiL nfij(. mnbim lu ll fur jwmIbw, Tiisv tf mMf VlwviiHH nvttuwUi HH$l AwMumU, Wajuiijwivw. itm to. Jl'hMluw UUth4hLf Jta ItHfU amliituj In lh iteUm yf HUiM Vrt Al IwVlwk MflMimi)lli9UtM ' H. 5, Mlf h I - mmr THE OREGON OONFERENOE Of the United Brothers Ohurchfor 1895. Philomath, Juno 25. The business Bosslons of tho Unltod Brethren confer ence closed Saturday, evonlng. The discussions during tho sessions were animated and interesting. Tho re ports from the various Holds of labor showed a slight decrease of finance oerhut year, but notwithstanding a lack of proper financial support the general intorost of tho church has beon advanced. On Thursday evening Bishop Dillon preached a very Inter- estlujt and. iustruotlvo aormoii from Matthow 8-20. On Friday evening the graduating exerclies of the College of Philomath were held, an excellent musical and literary program was rendered after which Bishop DUlou D. D. dellvored an address before the class and pre sented tho diplomas and conferred de grees upon the following named per eons: L. B Baldwin, B. A; Mrs. M. O. Gragg, and G. H. Wagner, B. B. Commercial diplomas were awarded to H. O. and W. T. Wyatt, John E. Log gan and N. E. Watklns. Miss M. H. Goomlaalso reoelved a diploma from the musical department Baturday afternoon tho stationing ominltteo reported as follows; Willamette dlstrlot, P. tE. Rov. E. O. Wyatt. Philomath circuit Rev. J. Freeman. Yamhill clroult-Roy. J.A. Konoyet. Halem clrcult-Rov. Walter Ronolds. Maoleay circuit Rov.H. G. Barkley. Marlon circuit Rov. C. B. Davis. Lauo clrcult-Rov. R. Miller. Portland olrcult-Rev.L. F. Clark. Washington circuit Rov. C. II. Merryman, OregonClty-Roy. J. W. Eldrledgo. Columbia clrcult-Rov. W.J. Gossett. Nolmlem olroult-lter. W, II. Pui mcr. Kttlama circuit Rev. R. Guln. LaoenUr clrotilt Rev- Manning, Umpqua district- P. E.-Rsv. Win. Stewart, Coos circuit-Rev, Wm. etewart, Myrtle Polut circuit-Rev, D. L. Mo- Clam. Coast Ulon-IUv. W, D. Church, JloMburg olrniilt-Jtev, W, ir, Mo Clalu, Drain circuit Jtev, Ji, h, aorshllne, 0, Com it v, Herniary, ! Ooutily Hews. JSvoknk, June W.-IUv. j, n,i)tSit had narrow cjw tram dwth on hl form near (Ills cjy, hy ll;jg MOrJ by a hull, The animal got Drlytr against a harh wire ho, goring film Wght fuljy, and laeeraUng Jils lj ou ti1(1 barbs, hut ha l not oousfdered daiigep ouijy InJoriMj, Hi V, Hsyw Lhirvd wild in.i wllh lili ii(h, hM mii laksg t i'all Owk vrliwto wJlllMvirlliulna HWlNtlon Unity, of (he uoronsr Im t$wd Uj lhu f mt uouu dull! hill fu,r at blln Wlkr ibmM uolhlog jHdpaiinx foul ,,y. w, um im ffm) mUt fliofhs hrj, OaHa AttXu, Havana, jh m,Au IwwUut mwmml Jim lkj ,W! m ji plalloM ut Hn in, tmr Jiaof, pwlim ut lhnt Ulm, 'I'hti nuf. t Iwhr, (,'mIIJIo, im Mil HIM d hit My it MmujimJ, pitt imf. put )( i mm fcJwj m ,(fcd hut mmitlmUml ihnimiiutuihit l wiiii hiM, n ium lylimtl Jui nmiy ilud ml wotimlwi. 'I h MM in nw In IUkUI, TtltrtlM kf 'hi laUMI A I. IU I Uifff V ir fij Jlusjl ky JMluus w"7r;'':rl'7r ,',7'", iji"" """""., tiw.,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,, Wl&hHl bf ii ih m,rmi i im4 i i; . i iUii EG! Responds to Call From Gover nor Altgeld. TO ARBITRATE PULLMAN RATES And to Abolish Justice Shop Almso3. SPitiNQFiEU), June 25. Tho Illi nois legislature assembled in special session, today, In response to the call of Governor Altgeld, to consider arbltra. Hon of Pullman sleeping car rates, the Chicago Juatlco Bhop abuses, ohlld labor, atato finances and othor toploa A message from Governor Altgeld was submitted, but, contrary to tho some general expecttttloufl, It was not caustic or of a sensational character. MADE TO RE8PE0T THE FLAG. Italians Are Taught That America's Banner Must Bo '.Respected. Subi'knsion Bhidqe, N. Y June 25. Tho construction of thn t.rnllw lino along tho Amorioau bunk of the Niagara river has retfultod In tho con tractors bringing In several hundred Italian laborers lo llvo In camps along tho routo between this city and Lewis ton. Over them tho Italians havo hoisted tho llsg of their native country, giving little heed to the Stars and Stripes. Tho promlnencogl von Italy's Hag and tho apparent Insult to the Stars and Stripes wob tho objoct of more thau one comment. Tho Italia ns wore advised to change tho fUgs, hut they paid nn attention. Orlando 15. Wllaon, a veteran of the civil war, who wears a medal for' bravery, in company with four m named Michael Fitzgerald, John Calla han, James Hlokey and Edmund Flanders, marched to (he camp, Ar riving there (hey demanded that tb Kalian Hag be lowered. The Italians wre m little disposed to heed this re. quest as were all others that had been made, Take that llsg down," said WlhwM, or I'll shoot It down." Theo words wsre serious, The faces of the Italians became more sobtr, Thers wa a chattering In (heir natly tongus, after which one, apparently (he leader of (he camp, gavu (he word to pull (he flag down, As (he Italian twblem oamo down wltlilu rracw of upllfUd hands, the malleus grabbed it and showDred klwes upon It In hJr worship of (heir oomilry's (Ujf, WIIsoh andhls (Kimradti jiald no afUwHou in (his hut, satUflod (hut (ho Kallaus w oi)lwJ thUo ilg mut fluftt lilghtr than (he Stars ami HtrjH in lhl eounlry, (liiy iiuUlly rellicd, Jwivles; the Jlalfans In a very nry "'rua HMiKufiT 'hi U. A.'hu tmtlluu uf thu fMWlof fli HluW AMriuullMfal iuf H tf fHi (ttdsy iWiuij (he kU Utinlmm ut UuYHhtir lonl umi iiua. 'llw Ihfuuiii, l,tH AWHHItM W, J $W,li( MkNoiI, vm uUy aiiinM miw y lit III stale Itwtta ut MUuui Jau,l DiinMuiitti in piswfcf Jodv Viim kltihll tin. Mjijdy ue Kwf lifulu ut liaWih ;tJ &$ fiw( u I.aIuL kiuI al lint Lui.1 ,,il.. .. - w . 9iu,4i " I HUMU.ut 1U ILLINOIS LEGISLATOR! Hi 1 f: : i ; 1 i lMtm4 HW yw MHj4 I Hliltild mm uiAnu d.i i,i l,u HMWVJV Pf$ tote? tote Hmif'i!Lttt 'w mmmmm ttwrtmtVSiito ii a k s spiPRPU e sW W W wKtW9f M'lWIWfj. p )Muh&mBlm&Wtt ,? .1'. t mmmi " rBiMm