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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1895)
m m m m w I Proclamat I ON WHEREAS, Thoro having appeared in tho corner win d iw of J. J. Dulryinplo & Co., a beautiful lino of printed DisTiitios, and Wli ERICAS, Said assortment being so comi)lete and quoted at the oxtromo low prieo of 10c per yard, bo it RESOLVED, That ovory lady desiring a dross of this dainty fabric visit tho aforementioned J. J. Dairy niplo k Co. whilo this assortment is unbrokon, (Signed) Investigating Committer. KMMI HBJiHJll.ll) U U I'M III J. 'II 1 J '-' I'JH HJSJMUHHlfWIJ.1 l 1". Do you use the London Incan descent Pens? Il not, drop in and get a sample of No. 4, F. S. Dearborn, Book seller, Agent. if imw"!1 ) J un.un.mwn .mi Caps Our capo trailo has carried oil 11 good many good thing-. Wo hnvo it 1111111 ber yet on hand, I'rlcee uro cut to will, Wo don't, toll you "coat" or 'Mean than coBt." You know value when you seo them. Home flno Jnokots In tho lino. T. IIOIiVKKSO.V Jb 0. BtHi our chitugeahlo Glorlit IHhlrh. Tho 60-caiit HUMMRIl (J0H8HTH. How It does go, ii.. ' j 1 ii 1 1 ji'iiw ll wy 1' 11 ratooNALu. Mm. 'A. V. Moody In vIsIUiik relatives In I'ortluud. W. T, Hoiisor vitnt to I'ortluud on tho morning overland. Mm, lit it. Holland was a passenger In I'ortluud this morning. W. Jl, L'kwlor, of Midiama, look tlm J HO locul for tho mutropollH. Hliurlll John Knlulit wan it passen ger In Allmiiy 011 tlm morning local. MIm KrunMtt 1'arkhurst was a par Kingur to I'ortluud on tho nlternooii loual, Jtev. I. II, I'lslmr returned hlsnfur noon from it (rip up tho valley in Albany. Mrs, JC, Jl, J'hllbrook relumed Mou day morning from an extended visit In California, Hmii J. Jl, Dlinluk, of Hubbard, wan Halnni visitor May, mi business be fore Ihotilruult ootirl. i'rank Mtiudtnhall, who haw been the guest nf Harlan While over Hun day, mlnmed In Marlon (hi morning. (topi. John Jl. Hume, of the asylum fom, Is laklng it abort vacation, and will next week vUll tlm slate eiiuaiup iijent. 1)1$. K. A. MeKenjftJe ami William Join, of Ihe I'oMlaud Juttipllal, ale In Ilia (illy wllm on iliu HwarU mur der (wm. Hll Kitpt. II. M Jrwlii wmitUi Portland (III litoriilug Mini Mill attend lh ooinhiu('lfltiit iiaW of HI. Mary' fttdmy and twlligiv W 'J' Jtfgitwli nllulitM HID pUnln at Jefl'eiaoil May givwii uinUr Iheatu li(oMh ItlilgliUuf lbs MansU fthfj dWIVPlwl all addle Jim Wfcodiwii, iiiv oliawt4tHi mut mile Jtnni. MiHliiiK, t iMyl Ut th my uh HMtuMl ut ili HIiivi III! Ulrf, MM AMm W'wAml). J(t W. V HtHtlUM cad NHlHlar- ilng jHwr mm liwKM'U'"tiii Mm 9 ihi HatcW fiflifl itj Huh Ih I1m M ( A. imttn IhmI IHtftMlig, IhityJ muuui u m ih u BjUIIDImIhII NMimHi iiUH) Hh I VftiidMyn aid hl mmi V, Vaudwyw umlfr ih (Urn Ham d Vndnyn, hIh Kiwlil' All UiHiiiul im)hm )HHiiM ly iUHttiUl Hll 'iil 1111 WHmW. li-J J', J4MllW, Win AJHMiWK id wuinuw ul Hbr Mmmmi) wimt Ut VmUu i Mt UtoHm. i Mtolid iJm (ftntmummm wiiwhilwiwhwiwiwiup wmwhwi hi i nmnn mi 'UUD I'M I' (mi9 nit )ill'Jin. mrnw Wf hiP 4M UWi nl liww4'lMl4 ft llV)j 'MlWJOl 1(40 lM rtwJlMj0 Hw' tetM$yi4i W im verity ikwmij mttoHiii U) A. I), Hmlth, of (ho Hatom Improve ment company, went (0 Qimrlzvllle, li the mining district abovo Mehams this morning for tho purpose of looking after the building of a road from Gales to Qunrtzvlllo, n distance of twenty miles, over which muuhlnery In to lx hauled to tho mines for mining pur poses. Win. Bulllvan of Mill City, I- In Saturn on tho Jury, nnd ho roportu mat nrn much Improved up In tho Hantlam 0 tuntry. ifo says tho Bautlam mill at Mill City, tho Hull mill at Gatesvlllc md tho Luedy Mills lit Mlnto, uro run ilng In full hlnHt, nnd roparts that tl e Niagara mill will start up soon. Work la Improving nnd business of all kinds Ih picking up. AN Acoidknt.Tiio litrgo crowd who uttendml tho couduutora picnic ui dalem Hunday wiih aafoly cured fin both In Bulcm and whlloou tho tntliin. Hut 0110 accident occurred throughout the day, While returning from tin fair groiindt and when near 17th ntrcol, a young man from Wuthlngtou con 11 1 loat lua hat. ilo Jumped from Hit ilreet car to nscuro II but struck a pole near tho truck with full force. Jilt fnco waa budly cut nnd bruised uud whon picked up waa uucoubcIoiih, Thn unfortunnto young mituwriHcar rled Into thorortldeucoof W. T. Hon nut near by, whuro ho wh properly cured for and placed 11 board tho train fm homo. Kamimaii. Kvorybody, whether he drlnka It or not, Ih familiar with Epi cure tea, Why? Jlecaimo It la the bol in tho market. .For aalo by Ull bnrt & I'nttoraou only. CASH XALKH, Our onflro Moats of ptwlt (( iml vanned (footln, Tvn uiul Hjtlc.HH will bo ofl'twvd for nalo at cohI, br(hnilnf jloiidai, May U7, and tnwu tlitnu t'l it (t'tiatli reduced jtrttWH. Don't foi'tot the jdaee, Mltlor'n Odd Cent (Jrocei'i, intl State ut. 'I'llii MiMONM.Mi, (Jo, Jl, (Inty Mra, IS M, l.uforo, Mm, 1'. A. Tumor, Mm, Itlannr, Mim Allm Htolnorunda number of otlwr mumbvra of Uhad wluk uhapler of (ho A, K. and A. M, nl Halm, went In 1'orlluud till aflo.noon In nKeiid the aunilal oofulon of the lUMttrn Mlur. Tint Halem tuam tixam lililm tho word Iwfora the grand ohap r tonhrht. Captain M, V, Hunt W. T. Wllllaniaou and AUorney John llayup, dtlt!ual from Halirm lodge Xiiti A. V. nnd a, M., wont down Ihla HfiurniNiii in utteml Ilia Ihlriy Ik tl uunuttl wmI-mi of Ihu Orruuii Kialid uliaplar of Ilia I loyal Aruh Ma oii now in mvmIoii in the midmiMiiii A Vot of Thau i, , Al irgiilar lilrsllng of Hdgwluk ll JhiptfHuisM of Oregon II, A. Jl JUIIWlQ, JM ft volu of Uuoi w elvmilo lbt() ti.U. and IJlvio soel. 141m and y u and itiiii tat y Miwrijuii in 'lbratiijg ii. a. IhxMtttMttij l)y, (I.W. IMVI JN tSuiu, U, W, HMII 11. AilJuliwL Jlsayy DJisouut. A ft h.; Mil. iUnhmiiI hii all sUmk HHUUttly UkJi, at llf()HiuW lit kliifM, llkktttiiL mmI Jlitmy IMle: I'M untune gradw J him Mill. J y rials M, un mills ut liftnils, Own HH fjsrtKSIIl jlini mi Bt l-WII, i(f Hi liuntJ ami I'sjfiiww hi tmiUHl CttyWstt'sl ti-ll-U lUnusr r Jib M I l-llf IWJH04 (JrWM WUH )MMf mixmMM-n'A Isjl Hssal ! j4 IUn Ui Hh4 UH I tUHUi U mUuUlT. iMil Mllkl miuHlTt, Ul WUkl SMS) W H4 httlUtft tl-lU (be Mil, - .--. , --1 --.- --u l'lif H4W Mf Mi Willi U mm II K. A SPECIALTY ! (tiUm mmJ Ttvu, Wlww Um u" t VJMilsM Am) Jarfif yvnr Umi. Utir ) I md, WImM av, nt . 1 iiiiiiiliiiri FOR A OBEA.T BIO rOnHTH. Parade, Excrclso?, Bicycle Races, Firework! and Fun, A meeting, for the further considera tion of a Fourth of July celebration at dalem waa hold at the council chamber with a very creditable attendance of Rntom lillalriittta ninn Tn tlm altonnrn I of President Willis, Secretary Westa-J cott called the meeting to order and 1 wwuraed tho chair, Ed. N. Kdes, nedre tary. Mr. Kden, chairman of thecommltteo on bands, military companies, Goddess of Liberty, etc., made a report to the efloct that teveral bands bad been beard from that were willing to play for stated nums; that some of the mil. Itary companies nnd tho exempt fire men wero willing to tuko nart under certain conditions. The finance committee reported sub sonpiionsou nnun. $1000, witu moro In projpeo. Ojmothn It was ordered that the comiiltteo on bands bo authorized to employ tho following bands; Indo- pouiieucc, Turner, Hllverton, tho H. A 0. bund nnd tho Becond ilegimunt band of Ha!cm, Ht specified amounts, aggregating $350. On motion, ordered that (250 bo set aside for llroworks; $200 for blcyclex an I minor sports; (50 for decoration; t2j for ex (tenses of speaker; $40 for committee of ladlea to furnish music and tableau. Ordered that the following comtnlt-t3-', conolsthig of three members each, bo appointed by tho chair: On bauds, fireworks, blcyo'es nnd minor sports, sp aker and render, decorations, prade, tratuporlutlon, ladles' committee, pub llclty and promotion; uud that the llnunce committee bo miulo tho execu tlvo committee fur the payment of ncc )U ills, Moved that lib bo appropriated lo tho onmmlttoo on publicity. Carried. Ordered that tho cliulrmun of tho tho sovcrul committees bu considered a committee on progium. J. H. Kluiig, chairmnn of tho com m tteo on spcuker und reader, reported that Hon. Thou. 11. Tongue of Jill's boro, hud been secured us orator of tho day; ulso thut W, J. D'Arcy of Hulom, had been secured to read the Declaration of Independence. A letter from Mr. Tongue was road accenting tho post of orator of tho day. C! airman Weatioott announced tho following commlttevs, tho remuinder to bo appointed Inter. Transport ttlonK. Jt. Anson, 1'hll. Motsuhaii, John U. Wrlbt. Jlauds-id, N. Kdes, K. 1 Infer, J. II. Fletcher. Illoyclev uud Minor sports K, I'. MeL'oruaek, llul 1). Fulton, f, J,, I'ui terson. Till: I'KOdltAM Is to Include mi Inriuxlrlal purudo with military and lire department, from four to six bands, uud formal Independence- day nxerclses ut Murlnn sijuuro. Dinner. At I p, 111. lo -I p, in. firemen's con tent, uud Fourth of July shirts In the mty. Jlli lioyclo races from 6 to 7 l. 111, at the state fair grounds under thuimplce of tho Capital City Cycling Club. I no tivsuiiig 10 uouuiiKin Willi fir works In lint olty. This program In uoiym aiiopiiu aim may nu uiiangeii, I It Is rKirUnl that private parties an working up u halloou ascension and raiTsal Ihu fair grounds on that date also, AllfilJ'liiNAI, I'lruwurlu -III Jl, il. Houiifinau. (xii urn inw. , W, ICd, tultnir, Ladles' t iniiiultloMrs. OJivn Jin gsiid,with Miwr lo appoint uulntauls, iJooorall'iii W, I., Wade, J'rank )rliru, A I). Hinlili. HiMMtknr and l,llnrary-K Jl, I'lagr, V. Jt, A 11111. JC, J'. M(!uriuaik, I'arailM-W, J. fulvr. A. I), Coudll, ll.V, Hhi-rmaii. J'ubllslty and rroiiiiitloii.-Miiun D.iMiilng. N. J, JiiiUli, J, V. TIioiiihs l'rKioiii. Mr. oiv JCuglMnd,f, c, Cr, W. U Wadw, ICil H. Jiilw, Jt, 1' Mii'wriiaiK, ll . I'MgM. V. J lkivr, lUury DbwiiImk, I', Tl. Anii It UNIT ON IIMK. A mhed ear-fond of fur niture reueied I'ortluud UMtiu'duy uud me urereetde luiouriorllon, Wit In fife you tu mill uml nee the new tiling In boult einum, hide- boued anil etilfinlnri Kit hi. ml NOW, I HO tit tile. Wi't AU'rMMu -'JV mm h' mtntmif Ui bv Un built l U UmiIm imM huU imi Iim bf ill rfii1 nil, uui IJ im4 (m 1 it'll I Mi yl. TUffwH Uit li) WniUtw wn tmty Mil nm sW Ut mmm and im IMM4 11 ky lst prmMi rV Irtjftf bad teut MUto m 4v MlUt U mtm. Ut Mia -IImI mi iMMf. iiw k haw ttMt 11 tftoiMrlNiM tM$mk Uinivtiiu a4 Hnmu Htmtf um m w Utmk mtttttUm iimmgkml tn 4y A ttmM.ti A It ftaitfUf ! Ui 4 0ef4iar mm' fussv MalMMkf Ms Urn 4 H bmm. m ml MUm4 I (jp -Mil mm f MINOR LOCAL NEWS. Uampmeetlng nt Turner begins June 21. Tho smell of new mown hay Is In tho air. Who shall bo fialem's Goddess of Liberty? The deafmute children are going to occupy their new home In the country, The bicycle tournament on July 4th will bo a drawing card. G. U. Hoyt ot Jeflerson, Is agent for the Im erlal and Pacific. Circulate good roads literature, The Good Boads Jouknax,. The Workmen order will give a gruud picnic atJJefleriian June 20. Hunday was our first really warm day, but the Hta-breeze came at 3 p. m. There will be no gate entrance fee charged nt tho Halem Fourth of July celebration. Tho C. P. campmeetlng begins at Bodavllle June 20, and continues about two weeks. Tho Populists of this county have decided to bold their Fourth of July picnic at Turner. Send to Secretary E. E. Balcomb, Monmouth, .for circular if you wish to attend a Teacher's Summer school. Tho Tncoma rose and strawberry show will be held June 13, 14 and 1G, a week earllor than was first announced. A publio school board should em ploy teachers solely on their record of experience ,iud professional attainment. In Thos. H. Tongue Salem will havo a Fourth of July orator who Is confessedly tho smoothest and most elo quent man in Oregon. Forty-six young Sulom peoplo rIU sttrt out in life with a Grammer school diploma n good start if they soe fit to make good use of it. Tho season Is ut hand to have ytur winter's wood well dried by summer heat. Buy n supply, have It sawed up and lot It dry for GO days. Hon. J. N. Dolph of Portland has uccepted au Invitation from thoSilver- Do you pay from 12 to 20 cents per pound for irmcuroni when you can buy the best at our store for IO oents, or 3 for S53 cents. Do you pay from 15 to 20 cents pei pr und for honey, whon you can get the pure, white aiticlo of us for IO cents, ext) acted, or 3L2 cent for comb. Do you pay 20 cents for French Birdinrs, w'l n wchoII thorn at 2 f-r 25 cents. TJIK FINEST Wilson strawberries supp'ied ny us ii-l'hu uany at "Y quart boxes. P. 0. Grocery, mi mupuimm un jm .jmi.jiiju, ju I'm IXvpubllvuii oluli to addroas the ulllen's of Hllvrrtnu In the near fu. ttir '. Tho Insurance ujautt of ISijiena ludd h iiii'ullnu and pvrftHilod a irnm uoiit iirKMiilratluu of u loual Ixiard to prnlrut Ihtdr btislunw In Lana wmnty, II J'. Durils was ultHilud prtttldeut, K. M, Wllklusvliw prtvldttiit and U, N. ('uakuriluasitireUry mid trvaurtr Anfri)utlv (wmunllli!', omnMlntr nf tha )ilrliUut and vIimi prtnlilfnl, (lea. It i..... I, K..ft I . ...I . r r, i-mrr it, piuaiurpiivy nun fll, J UamplMill wria lM!lvd w Ii (tower lo apMdHt a ifrlvii(iuoiiimlltj, TliuJastlwo years Jiava Imhhi a holy Uuitit lollu (Hitinlry iiiwpaiMi publUbw. Had wo known half lhal wa hay vndurnl III lbs M lhlit and half ytmit, wn most surely WMUld MWM llUVDMUMIt hvi. Jlul, HioijkIi it I skiiw awiniiiK, wo llillik lbl Is 1 ureal future fur litis lull of Oregon hie darkwi huiir l said In t'lld Jus( tVelwfftliellalilof day. VVi Iijm bl this villi Lw iruu Ui and Hut this Mluii u jwH mi lh tv of a neneral (sseMlHir, dim) If Ihu ttuuulry ennls l"bMMHi," ws shall not iry In slop iliMiyM U Hibk "Jlliis fairly IimwI." IViilag tiwe ItallM leader. www 1 mm uMiimii i IflKlicil Hujior-W0rJJ' JVIr, Atsdsj.MIJwIiilfrlVlr. DR; F CHKAM Te W W CPWB" eBff w e BAKING POWKR 4 Vfi lii mfiili OIROUIT COURT. I O I f No" aeoHBurnrtJhninGr ' fl D fl 1,001100 IN THE Department Judge. THE CRIMINAL DOCKET. James Butler, (colored) assault with a dangerous weapon on a steamboat mate, James Gordon, comm fed to Jail March 7th by City Recorder Edes, O E Jones, burglary, four charges, omml'ted March 16th by Justice H. A. Johnson. Alonzo Swarlz, murder, committed April 27th by Justice II. A. Johnson. James Red ford, larceny, of horses, committed April 16th by Jutlce Wm. Hurst, of Aurora. Wm. Redford, larceny of horses, com milted April 10th. Esther Tripp, larceny, committed April 10th oy City Recorder Edes, on three charges. Willis Jordan, larceny, committed May 26tb by City Recorder Edes. John Jarzen, assault, committed May 27th by City Recorder Edes. James Botcher, Tug Wilson, Walter Hendrick and James Hughes, for gambling, held to answer by Justice Johnson on March 7th. Wm. Hepburn, two charges, assault with a dangerous weapon and larceny, bound over by City Recorder Edes. J. C. Perrin. I). E. Evans, O. R. Levens and John Patterson, gambling, bound over by Uity itecoruer .hueo. CIVIL THE DOCKET. A. L. Pearson ot al., ys. A. DeGreen; service by publication. J. Wolford vs. A. J. Coblelgb et al., action for meney: settled. M. M. Ellis vs. F. J. Ford, action for meney: continued. Heness Bros. vs. Searle & Dean; same. bnell, Heltscbu & Woodard vs. H. W. Cox, action for money; continued for service. Jennio E. Molcher vs. State Insur ance Co. (a corporation), action tor money; motion to strike out part of plalntttrs reply sustained as to first, third and fmir'ti assignments and over ruled as to m-cmd Wood Hnri'i-'lng Co, vs. T. J. Chandler, net I 11 lor money; continued for service. - Paul J. G. Kl"j,in vs. J. K. I other ford, au od damnum; settled. E. C. KlrkpMiiicU vs. Horst Bros., action fur monev, continued by stlpu latloti. John ticbaror vs. Fred and Bertha Kaser, action for m tuey; judgment by default with order to sell attached propei ty. 8. L Hnyden vs. Frank und Mar Delckman, action for money set: ea I cunts per crate of UAWUTT & LAWRENCE. uh aiiiuiiiumi ujijn M. J I. Harriett vs. W. K. Ohm, H. D. Ktxilit and John Hhellliamwr, uetlon for mmioyt dtfsult and judgment, John Havairo, Hr vn Uustavo Hick ellilcrstol,, aotlun for money 1 dufault ' iieieiiiiiiiit, MuukIu MuMetikiu entered, ilemurrer of doiuuiulaiit Hick, stiller lo complaint overruled uud ludtfineut axaliiht defeiidauts as de manded lu the complaint with order tosvllatiaihed priiny, J. Jl. Vmidale vs. (has. W, Hurley, action f.T money; at bue, John Huuhes v. (I, A. Hleyuiis. miIIoii (or money, aettlfd. JC, . I.tiu.liiu v, J'.uiiiuwr A Ault nd Jl, HiiIiImi, huIIiiii for iiiuiibv: iiiollmi to lrike out nsris of uuuiiilslni. rtlaleofOri-Kon Vs. (.'. A, Wilis, P, llrebiii ami K, h. (ioriluu; t uo, j. 11. iimHMiud t. Jl. A. Thoiii-is, mwHwy ut leal etlule uuil dsuisu...; M I'. A l'4teliraii vn. J, . Hsker. Anu sKti luoiuii in strike out mutter uver Ultnl, II. IMlrrjioryAi, v, T. Jl aHmy U n al . anthiii fur niuiie) , hhhIuu i Ulke mil (Mil. 1 of swiiipUiui hhuhh, 1 HHhsflrue On m. T. U. (4we., sMifur nwuejj iiemuner li eum Halm e.nir.wwf with (neve m HI. IIhiimInI stHiiinliiliii ulilui. u ,.. i HfVM 00 llfu(uaii lnu ,4l.UY. aiisueiliiit isuiifliia J. W, iliiUbaull i t 1 .UL. ,j .., llu rin tun OiOWMii tur uioijtty , iimUmii Ut atrfk vr rtfUHH -illdal rtllwH Rjllway UuTimiuZ Hve, 1 spiral im Mill un Jv 11011' UUUHJ, HI Jl. A 'fl'"" plslnl. JU IIUlll'. i.ll.. t-UJiOfef l IftJUl" IIIV UVAW l.iU.UL u..... OH.- ..... ' .. T"" "" ,, W,J ifohx,rQ "1 ". n. hoimwi He e IMF liJMJlilill Iwiif,.!,. . . a" h4 irwirTsusrrif wor (ljlMlll ilw cWK?war sfy. ,"" " '! JlJ mJ J vvrnt !, WViiiG. a iivi vvuiinr. While the largo stock of Dry Goods is rapidly going at Clearance Prices, wo are receiving a now line of LADIES' SHOES. Elegant cloth and kid top hand turned goods, from a A to E widths received today. The newest styles. Call early P. S. Tan oxfords, with hose o match, a specialty. The Palace. GREAT SNAP! Having bought a large line of Dress Goods (the lost season) at a great sacrifice,"we will offer the same for four days Wednesday, Thursday, at a snap price. Tho goods will anive on Wednesday. They will consist of mixtures, plain and plaidp. S. M. & E. 115 STATE TJ UST RECEIVED: A SHIRTS 10c! SHIRTS 10c! SHIRTS 10c Shirts, plain front, 10c, and other work in pioportion. We want to double our present working force, or have 50 peo ple on our pay-roll by July 1. By our new process we are handling flannels and delicate colored goods to perfection, 'lhese prices will be for the month of June 1895, but will be continued if practicable. Give us a trial this month. THE SALEM STEAM Col. j. Olmstead, Shirts 10c ! Shirts 10c I Tllinon Ford, George G. ningham, Webntur Holmes, Mr. McCulloch, John Hayne. BIWINI) IJAV-J1JNK 11. . J',V , WIllsjou, H, M. Van Avery nod A. Klein were examined for p'ulntlit In the case of Hyan vs. 8. J'. Co., when the railroad couipuny attorney llltd a motbiu fur non-suit, This was argued ot length until quite lute lu the afurnoon, ..... , IKWKUT KNTIIIliU, Gilbert Jlros, vs. W. ll. niiii.r. rvillMllltMif CitP kurulti ' l'rauk Jros. Co, vs. Jt J. WhsiUin: intluued, ' W, W. Kimball Co. v. I. ir u.. Mahou;eouiluutd. I U. H, Jteld vs. l,owry A Bavuge; ludgmeiu for waul of answer against Jlttrtletl vs. Ohm, I'.Kiht uud r tell hainer; default, JU.Igiiieut as lo Ohm dh'sllbSif.""" ' Uy lM,m " ,u ii'.mV!.,,l.,u,,,Hf"f1 Vi- J 'vy; motion Ui strike pert of uiisuer oynrrtilwl; deniurit.r .. new iu,, , UII.V J'olk Count) luus y. j eoiiiiiitMal. H'lHIIIIKI T. Murphy, I he grand lury reiuul aye (rue bills agaliwl OhsriM 14. Joi U Jsr. Muieelu dweiil.,,,.,11 Hits Jl? M M" J he grand nry Uas n. i ii ,lBillWj i naye dUp- hh ,J Jru,i..i li.ALjTr:1 T " w" ug liluiurlu ..,.. ----..- ..m,. sHr was uyiug UeiH lliaiij I hi Ulutv Weflnes t.LrLz:.77'r:y.r w rw rIVOIUriWrMM amy imi rMuro a bill day iiMirHliiir. ,. HuMili -Ii'1.""" '"V Was guilty Z .i,,,JKi TJf.1" "lfUnii m irsiu n ws mJIowkJ II(WHH for H llODlllll mJ mi was kvu 1 at IM"N woUIvb, ,, .iy ar'a IWj IMTSlilSt ya nixDHinrti a a 1 ; i'!' ! iMWll Jllllli M ' """Mi - " " f I M I I of the Friday, and Saturday H. STOCK STREET. full line of all-wool crepes. LAUNDRY, Prop. Shirts 10c! A HOOD HlflVCK ISAIOOOn 1IIINO AMI MUUI.U llKl'UhllKI) MAitiU, KVKHY WIOMINKNT JIIOVCWoT 1NTUK IVAU.KV. UHJS STEINER'S RUB-DOWN miAIIK MAIIIC JIKOWmiKI),) i',u' ',1M!'ll"lf lliem ;io lake Idiiv mid luid rldw wiiliouf Ulns Queued MuJbeliii 'r ia. - . .. 1 . 1 .. ni Or r it Mm uy UZi It UWnlajin. 1.1......1. .. ., tilay llrui bluui 11 ' 'V"i" ir Niriiiit il J &.u..i'm 1. 1. ..;.!.. . ..... . v, 0, M lj,ikHoarl7lyHeli Aiiaaiipr.i.olMMeroiel,1 M, I 1 tiortm, Steinor's Drug Store, Ml I U .11 uu au, tiikh lies OK THIS ill un Jlli I1U1 fMlJliUjiHir iiiaiofiM sl, W14H imJu ihjhUmhh, wuilUijiH'- - s Jl a 11)1 MlUJNHir Oamy, lU i imtk'm D. B, FISK & CO, MfM Hm A Mi tll m Hl(7 ln JnlwMlllls7, V2 KW