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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1895)
mrmm l Wsyww ' '" tm CAPITA! ) URN AL. J VOL. a. DAILY EDITION. SALEMOItEGON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE IS, 18!r. DAILY EDITION. NO. S3 J( SALEM, OBEGON, AGENTS FOR Gendfon and Gresceo OUR PRICES FOR GENDRONS ARE A.S FOLLOWS No. 10 80 cash. Specials $90 cash, Highest Type ' of 1895 fftUHV P o fa CO t I IS Q W o o H P 5! Q M w o rH 0 0 BICYCLE Z ft AT STATE FAIR GROUND, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, '95. iM uutUr l A. VV. mlw, i ii in i' i ' RACES rwi. n flnlili on nw, I '. 0l( 0IM A' 4wi, J, Oimm) fUixl it xtoM-xr Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinoiy AND AOmOWUVUHAU ;MJ"LMN'J' tot, ! tMr Itii AM' 0'IW0',, . WJJ&&& 5s 00.3 iicycle& to 05 o o 1 m cs CQ s o o o g o T3 o Qi 5 ss o a 0 a d o 0 ai 0 a fcr. i o H3 n .2 00 '. w fl 4 s P O B V 3 C 1 if a JT u P to o 3 o 'cS ii o a o tc 8 4) 1 w 8 rt a A a a rt tc c a o a m O d rt ft wx&wm.. RACES SOME SILVER M Details of the Memphis Convention. A BIG NATIONAL GATHERING For the Purpose of Discussing a Single Subject. A GREAT MORAL TIDAL WAVE Muy Land Stephen B. JBlklns in the White House. Memphis, Tenn., June 12. The largest meeting ever held In this coun try for the discussion of a si ncrle eco nomic question, convened at the Auditorium of this city today. Cer tainly no such an outpouring of men of all classes, representing all polkloal parties, but unanimous at least upon one principle of governmental policy, has ever been seen in the south. While an overwhelming majority of the delegates to today's "Honest Money" convention called in the interest of free and unlimited coinage of silver at a ratio of 10 to 1, come from this sec tion of the country, the representation Includes almost every state south of the Ohio riyer and west of the Mississippi. iTbe promoters of the conference suy this spontaneous manifestation of a strong aud growing public sentiment may be traced directly to the conven tion of May 23, at which Secretary Carlisle was the guest of honor. Tuk ing their cue from that gathering, an Invitation was extended to friends of free silver to participate In a counter demonstration, with the result that fur exceeds the expectations of any of the leaders of the movement. iiuaa'fl opinion. Chicago, June 12 Hugh Wallace, nitloiittl Democmtio committeeman, ofTucomu, Wellington, passsd through Cnlcago yt'Ntcrday, Ho wttld freo silver would probably receive the endorse ment of the Democrats, ltopubllcaus and I'opullsls In (ho next campaign. waknkh'h opinion. IUmvhi-anu, Oi, Juno 12, General A, J, Warner litu arrived home from tlib I'ttdlflu (itmit. In lolltrlott friend in this oily hunajw "Nobody but uu out-cii-'iiji ulvtr man can turry any slnulofetttlo w tof Mluiourl rlvor noxt ytr," MUIUUII VUU KI.KINM, Wiiihi.ii., W. V., Juno J2.-Kx-HeiuKir K II, Hotl, lialliinsl t'iul ((.iiiiiiiltutiiuii, lii an lutrvivw liMiltMfl fur Hlvj'hen Jl. Jlblni Air pMMiaviit. "Kikln "f WvkI Virginia w) lw nuiiwl mi Hjm jikwiiiJ Imllot," Mill HuM. "I Imvo Moil wmI nciiil' . il fuiiuij iiiliiiuiit ovrrywlivro tr liim, I prtdxil (hat om itiv llrst ballot JC ulns Mil Im v wll'J ilJtftluu from CfalKufliln. Arii)iik, Now Mrilw, Uli Ktv'U, Wyomllitf, Waliliitf ton. C'crformJu jiud m MJowIiim III Um, Wl'Mkk ud (ho Dahulti y,)r Hwurl 'lw en ()' Hvfoi J rvrr wy mi( WMfprji Hiiii," Hiitor rtu Uw I'lkiforiii lu UwUiu wltli JWklii' ;4iiMy mrtvl Hi or Miilhiirul. H-iillUlH ('if till MJIIIHrlf irwmmHj i in.! IMy. I not dmUrlitf uiuul i mn mi t iiiniiBiianl M iwmilWHlH Ipfapt Healtb I filUff I'llllll 1 t S1TI1N1 I TUB CONVENTION MKKTS. Memphis, Turin., Junn 12. At 2:15 p. en. President W. N. Urowtfof the Central bliaettalllo League of Memphis, rapped to ordor and Introduced Hon. Casey Younjr, ex-congreseman from this district, who welcomed the dele gates to the city. Oolonel Casey Young exteuded the usual greetings to the con vol Hon aud ealuted the dele gates as theadvancQRtiardaofa mighty army to overthrow' power more ruth less and rapacious, aud more hurtful to human happiness and prosperity thau any despot that ever shackled .iherty and oppressed manlllud. Colonel Young his been the leader of looal silver forces for years having mado a contest for Colonel Patterson's seat in congress onj that issue in the ii i it t r.. II m i last eiucuou. jeluuib ui luuuesseo ineii nominated Senator Turplo, of Iudlauu, permanent chairman. The Indiana senator was cordially received. He made an extended address. LOS ANGELES MUKDJGR. Inquest on the Body of the Dead Detective. LosAnoeles, June 12. The inquest on the body of the murdered detective, A. B. Lawson, was held lust night. Tho jury, after a few moments' delib eration, brought In a verdict that the deceased had come to his death from wounds Inillcted with a pistol at the hands of Ferdinand B. Kennett. Tho remains of Lawson were tukun north tonight to be buried In Oakland, his birthplace. Alfred Lawson, tho son of the dead detective, denies that his father owed Kennett a cent, aud says h ) has receipts showing that ho did not. Young Lawson further said: "I do not blame Kennett, for ho was urged on to do what ho did, There is another partyjbapk of it all. Father never said Kennett was drunk at the time he burled his wife. He was out of town and did not roturn for several dayB after MrgjItonnQtt'fl funeral aQd I remember of bra remark ing at tho supper table, when ho hoard that Keunelt's wlfo was deud: 'Poor fel!ow,he is having a hard tlmo of it.' " Kennett has employed counsel to do fend him and now refuses to bo Inter flowed or malio further statements to the public. I Ho was formally arrulguod In Judue Yjudk's court this inornlnj', and his examination is Bet for next Stturday, It is understood that tho plea for tho defense will hn Insaulty. At tho wjueat of Dotectfyo usley, Police Surgeon Bryaut oxamlmd Kuiuiett after tho burial of his wlfo And unnouuwd htm mentally un balanced aud advised that ho bo lcupt at home, A HUvorton Man's Troubles. I'ohtiani, Or., Juno 12. Louis Hmlthle, conllnwl hi tho county Jail awaiting (ho notion of tlio grand Jury on a churice of klosllng a now, has win fttsted to tho murder of Goo, W, Youiiu Hirwi yrrn an" at Molt, a kinall pluen nar Duiikriiulr, (-'ul, Tlio Ury us told by Hinltlilo that rivo yt-ars ago Iim vunl U Hllvrton, Marion oouuiy, winrn no ikmiuiiio uiw 4UmIiiUI with (M. Vouug, who with hi wlfo and four tihlldrvii wat raiding at thkt plnutiNliil Wkk millliiK wood (or living. An luiliiikoy kpruiig ii,i Im twoou Hiiiltliloaii'l Mm, Young, Tim parlli'k utterwariiii wsiii mi nitnour, Cal. On lli way Young nollM how faiilllfkr Hnillltlw ami lU wlfti hud Ut tviiiiv ami III )il'Uy liuinino arouHwl (OkUt'll kl) kfldll Hikt liu llirituiHd o huit Hmithlt). Kl ni.ll v It tvkk duttinnliiiMj hy uiilltv luiiliilu tu iut Young out ut IhH wny (mw. AiwofiJiHKlyMni, Vwmig w lMriiMl, Jiinluding klx or m$u iiikilo an kpiwioiiiiwit wild hkrhuk "'Wi A iJUmoijd rlnyyaiurd band to itt lif itUHprJni;njUviMikiiongniktlilnK lout. Hodft tffkkk. Youiitf Minn imI WllKII , '""' lit wm killing " Hiv bank of iliv oiwK , A lyn wimpnnim tmyn liU wlfo tM ul I'Vhlod bin ami , Mr. IhnM Hlinly wllh Mi (wo on?i IM liold ut ma- HiMiiliht llmiilMr. Jogli jy Miid Wr, Work ;fHlkiii pluuH VuU m liU Imi, Killing M M H'kulli KfliillftMialut twklvv lilm, ')i W)y mm tbkil twiiKrainJ.ifnilwfinniikruvJIIki whl llivai young wm iiiltJ I" tli fivigliiwr , ifmimit hiikd, Th c,oit nM but i-plti w lliat Ut hd , hkvlog fw4im n Mm krluuliurol vjy .i.....i,.ii.t i.u luifu mid uu uiariih wu. Willi lion land. IMIPIIMWHl"! tir " ri- - -.wr n,, hm m III ! A liny on Hiolil'ik' wiWkIhii Hhr y1 thw m)lhll turn, IK A log M Mr Ukviiloo dm! uk now (mil fiimiiwwni Jll hwhIUhm wrt t,'WnU, wrfm z't?!, rfff vf P0PULIST3 IN IOWA. Tho State Convention of tho PeopleB Party. Dks Moines, la., Juno 12. Tho Pop. ullst ttate convention favored the nom ination of a full t ckot. After a speech by Tempor r Chi r mm A. It. Starrett came the appoint ment of committers and tho raising of funds to liquidate Indtb odness and carrying on of the campalgu. In the afternoun session, tho follow ing nominations for state oftlcers wore imd: Governor Sylvester Crane, of Daven port; llcutunuiit governor, A. B. 8ter- rott, of Humboli; supreme judge, I. W. Ivory, of Mills county; superintendent T public instruction, E. J. Stanson, of Slox City. Tho platform reatllrms tho principles of the Omulia platform, denounces the laieneuisiou oi me supremo court on the iucumo tax; the recent acts of the govorntneut by Injunction in tho inter ests of corporate wealth, aud tho Issue of interest beariug bonds. On the tiuanciat question, it says. "Kocognlzlug with sutlsfaotlon tho expression of Individual opinions among citizens, Irrespective ot party, In fayor of restoration of sliver toils constlluttouul place In tho coluage of the country, ut tho ratio of 10 to 1, wo extend tho right hand of fellowship to all men who are willing tojoiu with us In the dethronement or tho money power of Wull street aud Europe, and tho emancipation of the producing Classen of tho world. "We further demand that until suoh tlmo as a govornmout system of lluauces can bo established, all banking Institutions, natloual.stato aud private, be required to give security to deposi tors for all money received for deposit." Tho platform also favors a gradual stale lux upon incomes; also a state J Inheritance tax, slmllur to thoso of New York und Illinois; demands a stuto tax of 10 per cont upon all future contracts mado payable in gold, tho huiuo to bo paid by tho holder; and also calls for tho adoption ot tho initlativo uud reoreudum. Jowa'a Oorn Crop. Aijiia, la., Juno 12. A sovero storm struck this town Sunday night, Itcamofrom tho west, and tho wind could bo heard a distance of two miles. Sovcral houses and barns wore un roofed, but no serious damago was bus tallied, and no loss of Jlfo, A soaking rain followed tho wind. Farmers aav It Insures tho largest corn crop In Iowa for 20 years. Lane Oounty News. Kuuknk, Or,, Juuo 12. Tho grand Jury returned u truo bill agalnkt Jack Jlrown, who Is charged with 'attempt lug a criminal ussault U)wti two school uliUafcw weeks ago, They also w porlod a truo hill auttltikt H, M. file vi on u (jhargo of burglary, A groat deal of JnUireot Is Ulng uiuulfdktud among tho students of tho kluto uulvuiklly In tho matttr of prvp. arulloii for thu atlilello oouUkla to Uk pltttw on tho (Miiipus on field day, noxt 'J'liDNlay, A hoautlful niwlnl wan uoIvikI lodky, wliluh will I prwwnUd Ut thu ono nikkliig (ho lilglitiit Ktiwritl uvrMfc-o In the kjiorln of tho day, 'J'llU IWlnC tit K. MUMblllian. Ilbmr fctodtt villi), whloii wun IvurntM HoinJay HHJinug was iiisurtiu in mo tUi for W hmI w Mi th tiwilture, 'm Us wan vumxl ut liaj.ryyi- 'i'i1M h,u wuglitMiiN fluo wlillv $uinr w i'whk gimuii, nvwy m lh Nriinuiv .....,..-,.-,., rtmltl kM( ilivir uitiM gi nm Ui UfrJ U Mill SVflkluM ,, Pimn ki kf'jtiflkljw U a ii mi tut hurt. (i'ih miwI Wiikifwil tot Mm Ul uf f tUttMtn$ ut pli t, T U lmi If"' ,fw" "M,M m UWHMWM 4'HL kUtlL Ul or, ftMnemni mum I'uwthr THE ELKINS BOOM. StevoB. Elklus, of Star Route fame and a watered-stock corporation pluto crat, Is today boomed lor president. Mr. Elklns has been mado a million aire by manipulation aud wrecking of corporation properties. Ho Is the Olney and Brico In ono of tho Republl can party. His political reputation is bad only. If tho Republican party so far forgets its high mission as to nominate a mero cut throat corporation wrecker for pres ident it will bo wiped out of existence. LON SWARTZ INDICTED. For Murder in tho First Doirrao- Othor Trials. The grand Jury found a truo bill against Alonzo Bwartz for murder In tho first degree, that he did, on tho 21st day of April, 1895, kill Edward dwartz with a knifo by stabbing and cutting him. Ho was arraljrned at tho close of tho Garrison trial. THE JAIL ASSAULT CASE. Tho trial In tho case of the State vs. Frank 8. Garrison, Indicted for tho assault of Sherlfl Knlirht. In tho R.ilnni Jail, Fob. 11, 1805, was next called. J. H. Towusend, ot Dallas, aud O. Irwin, of McMlunvIUo, aro attorneys for the defence Tbo case wont to trial at 0:80, and was closed to the jury by District At torney MoCain at 2 o'clock, consisting ui Yrigm,rosnay, win. Hulllyan, P. Kennedy, James Pomroy, P. Ray mond, Chas. Cannon, L. S. Thomas, W. T. Bell, H. Von Behren, Colonel Colo, Fenmau Bouuey, Ellas Colbath. ino witnesses wero John Kolght, sheriff; W. S. Kline, J. J. Becker, F T. WrlgbtniMi, Dr. J. N. Smith. DOCKET UNTIUES. A. L. Pearson ot al vs. A. Do Green, dofault and Judgmont with ordor to sell attached property. Jessie A. Rohror ys. Isabel Simon, demurrer to now mutter In answer overruled. Ruth E. Sayro vs. A. Wlminn ,in. murrer sustained as to new matter in answer pleaded as cstopol. Chamberlain vs. Salem Consolidated Street Railway Co., demurrer sus tained, judgmonc for defendant. Jounlo E. Hewitt- vs. E. E. Hewitt, continued. BWAIITK AVII.L 1'LKAD. Counsol for Lon Swartz will bo ready to plead Thursday ufternoou. - . ., v.u, u- Medical Studknth.-TIio medical anddontal students of Balom mot and organized a socloty for tho atudv nf anatomy. Eighteen youmz studouts and physicians onterod as o barter rnembors, W, P. Peck was elected president, George Hooyo, vlco-presl-dont, and Hugh Thompson, soorotary, Committees on constitution. Iiv.Ihu,.. etc., woro appointed, and tho society arranged to hold semi wookjy mootlngs. The Latest Uecelvor. Dknvkh, Col Juno 12.-John M, Kgan arrived In Denver lust nluM. ur. It truo that you will not act as receiver of tho Short Lino In connection wild Bancroft'" was asked, Kgan oyadod tho quoktlou, liaviijg tho thought that tho trust oompany would deoldo upon progranitno at an early dalo, Town WJucdToufc. Vinvv VJaihk, liid., Juuo J2. fjnya, a thriving lltllo town thin v. olghtiullw kouth of tills city, in ,o OWlIro of tllkgas bolt, was ontlndv .la. ktroyed by flro last night, JJcl to Jail, ihiiaAiiQ, Juno ia.-;s, v, imm pra. knM lilmsolf at tho i;int HUUtf inarkhfcl' oflloo Ml lie. m, today fit,r hkvlug mn Umt it) tho ut limit ft kluoa liooii ytU-rdMV. DuU mv. i, wnttoklo atM WeinJ'k IioiiuimuiI wm not MWMbvned tmill till morning. Ho will lo talton to Jill, tm HKimnm Outturn. iw JaL-Whwii, 0l nu uy 747, ihmi.AHlh Juno IZ.-Wliwl Vilii v m i vvmiim wmii m. Ham VluiMi,lMWtsymU Wj Hkw Yum, Jmii j-biiyfe tm IVouly I'm UutiL TU milt ut iioi-k hi m UiAuinljla gf. Typul imr.-mHi. dTwuiynl mo rrw ara viiinrv mm ijhiiiiiimm m yr MriiMin unni July UAU. ml WW niiiiiiiininiminin ' ' ii .i.iii 1 gtriM..rtiiM..i.ii..iiM Illtfml fit H In i.ii. j J'v - BLu MtftKJNHrwijmR mRm KtW W w PBrr offk I j THE SALEM OELEBRATIOK. All Details Bottled, and Organiaattai Perfected. At a public meeting held Tuesday evening all minor details forthegi Salem celebration wero settled. ThocommUtoo today announce th following president aud yloe-presldenU: PRESIDENT OE THE DAY. His Excolloncv Governor wm t Lord. vice rnEainuNTa. Woodburn-J. H. Settlomier, Hon H. L. Burkley. Sllvorton Mayor Geo. Cuslter, A. L. Coolidgo, Turner Hon. R. O. Thnmnn o n Cornelius. Jeflerson-R. B. Huddleson, Hon. David H. Looney. Stayton-Hon. W. H. Hobson, Hon. W. W. Elder. Hubbard Ronresentatlvn t t, !- vort. Macleay Hon. David Craig, Hon. Warren Cranston, Hon. T. T. Geer. Buttevillo-Capt. Wm. Hendershott. Dallas-J. J. Daloy, M. M. EIIIb. Indopoudonce J. S. Cooper, W. p Cquaway, F. A. Patterson. McMlnnvllle-Hon. Wm. Galloway. Sheridan Hon. Henry Guild. Monmouth Prof. P. T. iiamr..j J. E. McCaustland, J. H. Hawley, Ira F. Smith. " Marlon B. 0. Piercer. Aurora Hon. Stephen Smith. Scotia MUIs-J. H. Douglass. Gervals-L. H. PouJade, B, Natli mar, N. Goodman. Mehama G. P. Terrell. Bnlniiilfnvni. ncni. t...i , Bean, VVolverton, Secretary of State pm.m' F0?' Q- m Irwlu. Measurer a m'L Met"CUttU. , tt Printer Leeds, Attorney General Idleman. ' TUB BTANDINQ COMMITTEES. HFrjfL0nu8om?;,.U0rOB8'Ed-0,It-r. Ladles' Commltteo-Mrs. OIlvo En. 8 n&Hl ' now,to appoint assistants. Docorutlons-W. L. Wado, Frank Dearborh, A. 1). Smith. Sneaker and Literary -E. H. Flagg, F. it. Anson, E. P. McCormaok. ' ParadeW. J. Culver, A. O. Condlt, D. C. Sherman. ' Publlcltv nnil rr Downing, N. J. Judah, J. W. TnomaS; Program-Mrs. Olive England.E. O. Cross, W. L. Wade. Ed. t?. TCrtiT ' P. McOoruack, E. H. Flagg, W. J. Culver, Honry Downing. F. it. Anson. A comploto program of tho beet cele bration hold In Oregou this year will appear In a fow days. Maaonlc Officials Tho following new oflloors A. F. A A. M. for Oregon, were elected at Port land yesterday: Grand Chapter: J. Hodson of Port land, G. H. i.j j. H. irvine, Canby, D. a. II, P.; L. W. Rouoy, Eugeue, O. K.; H. S. Strango, Oregon City, O. H.; G, P. Mason, Albauy, G. T. J, F. Rob Inson, Eugene, G. H- O. 0, Hodaon, MoM.lnnvlllo, G. 0. of II.; 8. L. 1W Portland, grand lecturer, High Priesthood! W. 0, Crawford, of Portland, President; L. 0. Marshal, Albany, vloo preslaont; P, 0. Borg, Heppuor, chaplain; Andrew Robwts, Portland, treasurer; J, If, RoljerteoH, Kugono, Ilocorder; J. W. TayJor, Port, laud, M. of 0,; O, 0, Hodsou, Mo Mluiivlllo, conductors Honry U, ThW- aon, Jtlokroal, horald; Morrl tocV, Portland, steward, Hpoaklug of tho work exemplified by tho Ohadwlok chapter of Halem bfoNi tho Grand ohaptor In Portlatid 4 oyonlng tho Hull payu Liwt evening thu Oiiailwlck cliajiuif, of Hwluin.oiio of (ho youngkkt organlKa lions within (ho Orogon iurlsdlotion. oxonipllllMi tho cliatlor work. Th CJIiadwJuk ohaptor lion got Ihln&s to kiiou a (jwgroo of porfcotloii (hat tlivy ned not inubo any uo of tho rlluaU during thu work. 'Win florul work wm tiKoiripliniMl by (ho ofllovrs of blyrll cliepiur. At HtUvtuon, That itiXvrwn it a jwnuUr vtenlv town wmmIiowu iy HioHettlietJlW iwraons Mllendoit (ho lolfl glymj by tho Jkilvraoti KulghUof tliv Hwbm alMllhir'k nrovo iir that oily 'J'u ly. Th omiiooii vivruitbt uonfeiaUrti ofkjklng, mihI MiUkl;yiJdM' hrnui Nijd ut luiivmt, Anwiig h Kkintaof tho MfUriooii wm tho tho tuX'vt'Mr wuUu, 't'h Allny tMm PfovwJ klrongvr tlikii iliel of UUmm. Hit null Ikkllflg kVVKU lulliuu, auil (ho ihimn't ouiiiuifH iuo turn UuVMlllk III M HonfMl IMIflg (W mill' niw. Jtmy body in itndkt:u sii m In high tkniikof flit nikuiirnii tthjik nu iMiiiMiwt mw w wwa. .1 n 1 nv.wi.pra. .( JJ M Oyy', H-epal AmMHUwxxM mmn WWFf P rf " wW