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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1894)
JL 6 PAPERS A WEEK! 25cts. a month by Mail Prepaid In Advance No Papers Sent When Time la Out. $S.0 n Tear. ADVJEJRTISBES Tho Journal has a Larger Olr dilation In Salem and Mario County than any Salora awpa per. Bee onr lists. HOFKR BROS Fnlrilshers. OArl X J3JLJ SALEM, OREGON, MOINDAY, JANUARY 15, LHH4. DAILY EDITION. VOL. 7. DAILYEDITIOIST. NO. 10. JOURNAL Great Reduction On all Iciuds of UNDERWEAR at the m i Our Stock Consists of all wool, and mixed underwear, for Ladies, Geuts and Children, of all styles, and with us a reduction brings the price very low, of thosu things that are already marked low at full price. We have a fine line of all wool scarlet underwear, for rheumatics,. Call and save money while you can. All other kinds of goods in our line at very low prices. E.T. Barnes, State Insurance Block:. Ed. C. n-ittlE3P9HHaMRrc'f9aH'$P v CHURCHILL AND BURROUGHS TUB x'EW WILLAMETTE STABLES Completed aud ready to watt on customers. Horses boarded by day or week at reasonable prices. Wo keep a full line of Truck. Drays and Express to meet all demands. Also keep the finest Stallions in this county, for w-rvice. " Barn and residence 2 block south of postotllce. RYAN & UJ. J. RUBINSTEIN, FIIOEBEL SCHOOLS 4th Year. MM Infant, Connecting and Primary classes every week day from 9 a. in. to i2 m. except Saturday. MISS 0. BALLOU, -- Principal. TRAINING CLA8SE3 for teachets' dally practice work from 0 a. m. to 12 m. in Kindergarten. Ou Mondav, Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 4 p. ni. Classes meet for study of Froebel system. Mrs. P. B. Knight, Principal. MOTHER'S CLASS. Meets Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. with training class, conducted by Mrs. Kulghtand MIssBallou. Forterrusor Information apply at Kindergarten .rooms, corner Court and Liberty M reels. THE WILLAMETTE, SJLEJT, OREGON. Bates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Diiy Tha belt hotel betwenn Portlaud and Bn Kraucisou. Flrst-cla In all lu appolnlineul. It. tables are served with the Choicest Fruits Urovrn lu tun Willamette- Valley A. I. WAGNFR. Prop. OLINGER & RIGDON, Undertakers and Embataers. Cabinet work and repairing. Court btreict, Uppoalle Opera llouie, Palkm, - - Oregon BURTON BROTHERS Manuiactare Standard Presaed Brick, Molded Brick In all Patterna for front and aopply the brick tortbe New Halem Cltr Mall and umrlr all ton flao building erected KINDERGARTEN ?a! Mwl.pJW.f on the .noted. affected." RACKET! Cross Choice B. Wholesale and Retail Denier in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of a lKimls 95 Court and 110 State Streets. MERCHANT TAILOR. Suits Made to Order. E. M. WAITE PRINTING CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS AND . Legal BlanlcPuullshcra. Bush's New Brlolc,over tho bank. Com'l street DR. GUM'S IMPEOVED LIVER PILLS A MILD PHYSIC ONE PILL FOR A DOSE. K movomant of the bowel each day,Ianeoaary .or health. These pills aupply what tha aystem laoHa to snake It recular. Cure Ueadaebe. brighten the Eje and clear the Complexion better than losmetloi. Tber act mildly, neither tripe nor lloken a other pill. do. To convtnoe you of their aerlte we mrll eamplea free, or full box 2fio. 8Md Terywher. Boaanko MedLCo, Philadelphia. Pa. Ho'd by Bf-kett A Vnn -Slype. The consolidated electric cars Mere delayed In Eemlewood this morning by too much water hut are now ruuuing. Of Iiterest to Athletes. James R lblnson, the athletic tralBer at Princeton College, Princeiou, N. J says: 'I have found It Imperative to have sure and simple remelles on hand in case of cuts, bruise, strains, sprains, colds, rheumatism, etc. Shortly after entering upon my profession, I dls covered such a remedy in Allcock's Porous Plasters. I tried other planters, but found them too harsh and irritat ing. Allcock's Porous Plasters give al most Instantaneous relief, and their strengthening power Is remarkable. In ease of weak hack put two plasters on tbt small or the back and in a short time you will be capable or quite severe exercise. In "sprint," and "distance" races and Jumping, the muscles or ten dons iu the lejit unt eH rwmetlmrs weaken. Till can Invariably lw r llfved by cutting the nlasttr In narrow tirinu an ax lo L'lve lrw mnuon. aim Mea (39 1 fa V ( 1 b5S- f DETHRONED f GOOD Queen Lill's Cause For ever Abandoned OREGON SPOILS NOT HALF Divided Carlisle Wants the Treasury Relieved at Once. THE MITCHELL -- CORBETT MELEE. Details of tho Fight Bein& Fully Arranged. In tho House. Washington, Jan. 15. Representa tive Holman today said: "I will not present my Hawaiian resolution, for the members of the foreign committee are acting very fairly trying to solve the problem. One thing is certain. The question of restoring Lllluokalanl to the throne is for all time abandoned, not only in executive but in congress ional circles. It will never be heard of again." Before the house resolved itself into a committee of the whole for the consid eration of tho tariff bill, Boutelle made another fruitless attempt to bring forward his Hawaiian resolution. Read lng of the tarifl bill then began. In the Senate. Washington, D. C, Jan. 15. At the opening of the senate this morning there was the unusual flood of petitions protesting against Ihe passage of the Wilson tariff bill. After transacting some business of minor importance, the senate went into executive session on Hornblower's nomination. The ways and means committee com pleted its amendments, which it will propose to the tariff" bill. They do not change Its general scope, being alt of a minor character. Not Half Appointed. Washington, Jan. 15. A table made tip from tho latest blue books containing a list of persons holding positions in the various departments, shows that Oregon has but 34, and is entitled to 75, while Washington has 23, aud is entitled to 83. v Carlisle Wants Belief. Washington, Jan. 14. Carlisle has written a letter to Voorbees, in which be makes a statement of tho condition of the treasury, and of the necessity for measures for its relief. He sayB the time of the house has been assigned to the tariff bill until tho 20th, lust, and for this reason he appeals to the senate to take the iniatitlve in a measure to re plenish the treasury. He adds that lr prompt action is not takeu by congresB it will be necessary for blm to issue bonds under existing laws. THE OORBETT MITCHELL MATOH Associated Press Details of tha Fight. Jacksonvillk, Fla. Jan. 1ft. In the preparations for the flstlo battle be tween James Corbett, champion pug ilist of the world, aud Charles Mitchell the British boxing champion, the ques tion or who will act as referes was set tled without, a wrangle. Corbett and Mitchell and President Mason of the Daval Athletic Club mutually agreed upun John Kelly of New York, better known as Honoit John, which title he gtiued when be was umpire for the Ivage Baseball Association. Kelly was the official time keeper of the Granite Athletic Club In which Jake Kilraln and Frank Blavin fought for f 10,000 aud he has been referee of several glor e contests. It has always been the custom fur the referee to stand in the ring and separ ate the contestants when they clinched, which is contrary to the Quceanbury rules. In the Corbett and Mltuhell contest, according to the articles, the referee will not be allowed iu the ring, but will take bis position outside the rones. This will be a great advantage 1 1 both of the coutettanU for la case of a protGted struggle should cither clinch or close, the referee will not be tn the spot to ru.U btwa tfae tired i , boxers aud often was a detriment to the weaker man. ' Mitchell, wnjo has been training steadily by spells snue tho match was arranged,. arrived in Jacksonville on December &8. Corbett was also promptly on Che grouud and began training at May port. In regard to the place for holding tho light, now arrangements have bten made. The Management will return to Us first hoboy, and the old building on tho fair grounds will be remodelled and enlarged to 250x400 In size and will Beat nearlyl4,000 spectators. In the center if the theatre will be a raised platform upon which the men will fight, in slz9 24x24 feet, aud three feet six inches : aboyo the fl )or level . About this on ail four sides will be the press tables and' desks and the accom modations for the telegraph operators, tho whole filling a space eight feet in width. The arena seats will compriso 24 tiers, commencing even with the level of the boxes ami ranging gradually up ward to a heigbtt of 22 foot. The arena on three sides will extend back from the boxes 4') feel and on the north side 45 feet. There will also be two galleries above the aiona'ronoat each end of the building. The 'total seating capacity will be divided as follewg: Arena 8952, boxes 5039, galleries 1243, total 12.238. The $20,000 which the Duval club was to put up for the ftght was deposited in a Jacksonville bauk Saturday. The commander of the state militia has been stirring about considerably but seems to have no authority to interrupt the fight. PEISON 'iTEMS. The rains have raised the waters of the Santlarci, which flow through the penitentiary yard, until the southern end theoeof is pretty well Hooded. Word h'is been given out to "the talent" composing the O. S. P. com pany of minstrels aud specialists to pull themselves together for a perform auco ou Washington's birthday, Thurs day, 22d proximo. An entire change of program, aud added accessories aro proposed. No Work, No Register. The Chiuese say they will register when they can earn some money. There are no Chinese employed about Salem at prerent to speak of. Geo. Sunsujs: "Cleveland heap good to Chinamen. Not good for w I'Ulneman. mm Insane. N. H. AuUerson, aged 48 yt-urs, was today committed to the asylum from Coos county. NEWS NOTES. F. M. Reld, of Wenatcneo, Wa-b.. is the inventor a new hay loader. Ex City Treasurer Murphey of Baker City, has been placed under a $4000 bond. Some determined burglar at Long Beach, Wash., in order to rob a house broke n hole through the chimney flue. An exohango says: The postofflce at Walla Walla, Wash., sIiowh an In crease of $70,931, over 1892. This must be an error. Fifteen men aro at work sotting out the second one hundred acres of trees in the Excelsior prune orchard near Monroe. Strong's restaurant serves the bets meals In Oregon for 25 cents. Self Praise. Self praise is uo recommendation, but there ure times when one naiat Kermit h person to tell the truth about iinself. When what he saysissuu ported by the testimony of others no reasonable man will doubt his word. Now, to say that Allcooic's Poitous Plabtkus are the only genuine and reliable porous plasters made Is not self pralte lu tue sugniedi aegree. rnoy have stood r he test for over thirty years aud lu proof of their merits It Is only necesr-ary to cull attention to the cure? they have effected and to the voluutary testimonials of thoee who have used (hem. Beware of imitations, and do not be deceived by misrepresentation. Ask for AM-Cocic'ri, aud let no follollatlon or explanation luduce you to accept a sulmltute. To My Friends. As you are well aware that I would not reccommend that which I did not believe to be go-xl, I desire to siy to all who need a good, reliable, family med icine, that I believe one bottle of Hul phur Bitters will (In you more good than any other remedy I ever biw. Rey. Cephas Houl. If You Wish Toeploy good health, and prevent the seeds of disease from ripening in your system, you should u the best mfdlclue iu the world, Kulphur HI Iters, which will prevent yoursyi'tem from being all run down by making it strong and vigorous. Rev, W.R. tiuow. liu&h tbetn apart, which QUEEN REPOSED AMNESTY. Revolutionists Must Bo 'Behead ed AH. AND THEIR PROPERTY CONFISCATED Iu Case tho Hawaiian Quoon is Restored. THK WITHDRAWN DISl'ATCHES. Willis' dispatch of Nov. 10th, with held by the president in his message of December I81I1, was included today. It states that Monday, Nov. 13th, by appointment, the queou, accompanied by the royal chamberlain, called at the legation. No one was present at the interview but Willis and tho queeu. After a formal greeting, tho queeu was Informed the president of the United States had an Important communica tion to make to her and was asked ll she was willing to receive the mluistoi alone, She answered iu the aliirma tive. Willis, continuing, said: "I then made known to her tho presi dent's sincere regret that, through tin unauthorized Intervention of the Uuh eil States, she had been obliged to sur reuder her sovereignty, and that th president hoped, with her couseut au her co-oporatlon, tho wrong done tt her aud herpeoplo might be redressed. Iho bowed an acknowledgement. 1 then Bald: 'The president expects and bollves that when reinstated you will show forgiveness and maguanlmlty: thatyou will wish to bo queen of all tut people, both native and foreign; that you whi mako haste to secure thel. love and loyalty ; to establ Ish poact friendship aud good government.' Bb made no reply. After wultlug a mo ineut, I continued : 'The president uoi only tenders you sympathy, but wlshe to heln vou. Beforo fully inaklu known to you his purposes, I desire t know whether you are willing to au swer certain questions, which it is m duty to ask you.' "She auswered, 'I am wllllug.' "I then asked her : 'Should you b restored to the throne, would you gran full amnesty, as to life and property, l all those persons who have been or an now iu the provisional government, oi were instrumental in tho overthrow ot your government?' "She hesitated u moment and thei said : ,There are certain laws of m. government by which I shall abide. My decision would bo at the law directs, that suuh persom should be beheudei and their property copilrfcated to tht government.' "I then said, repeating her words : 'It Is your feeling that these poupli should be beheaded aud their property confiscated ?' "She replied : 'It Is.' "Inquiring If sho fully understood the meaning of what I said to her and her replies, she answered : 'I under Btand and mean all I said, but I might leave my decision to my ministers.' "To this I replied : 'Suppose it wen necessary to make the decision befon you appointed any ministers, and you wero asked to Issue a royal proclamation of geueral amnesty, would you do It?' "She auswered: 'I have no legal right to do that, and I would not do it, these people wero the cause of the rev olution and the constitution of 1887. There will never bo auy peace whllt they are hero. They must be sent oui of tho country or punished and theh property co till seated." "I then told her I had no rurtnei communication to muke, mid would have none until I heard from my gov ernment. I asked her to give mo tlu names of four of her most truBttrt friends, as I might, iu a duy or so, con sldor It my duty to hold a consultation witli them In my presence. She named J. O. Carter, John Richardson, Joeph Nuwalhul aud B. C. McFarlune, I in quired Ifshe hud auy fears of her sufot at her present reddenco, Washington t-quure. She replied she did have some fears, for while sho had trusty friendk who guarded her house every tilghl thoy were armed only with clubs, and shabbily dressed men were often seen prowling about the adjoluing premises, I Informed her I was authorized by the president to oiler her protection, either on oneof our wurshlps or at tho lega tion, aud desired her to accept the ollei at once. Pile declined, saying she be lieved It beat for her at present to re main at her own residence. I then told her (hat at uny moment, day or ulght, this nfler of our government was open toiler. The Interview thereupon, after some jwrsjual remarks, was brought to a close." Willis then states he concluded for the pretwut not to hold any consulta Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Rc&fed ABSOLUTELY PURE tion with the queen's fiionds, for he foared her declaration might become public, to her detriment, if uot danger, and iuterrupt the plans ot his govern ment, Reviewing tha queen's friends, Willis states that Carter and MuaFur lane are the only two to whom minis terial bureaus could be safely ontrusted. Cuntiuulcg, Willis says: "lam satisfied there will bo a con certed movomtiut, In the ovont of res toration, for tho overthrow of the con stitution of 1887, which would mean the absolute dominion of the queeu. I need hardly add, in o inclusion, thtt tho promptest aotlon Is necosaary to prevent disastrous consequences. I sent a cipher telegram, asking that Blount's report be withheld for the present and another telegram that th' 'ylews of the first party are s extreme R3 to require further instructions.' " DOLE'S KKPIiY TO WILLIS. President Dole reviews the political events in Hawaii for a number of yours past, and concludes his reply to Minis ter Willis as follows; "No man oau correctly say that the jueeu owed her downfall to the Inter ference of the Amerloan foroes. The revolution was carried through by ren- rjsentatlvos, now largely reinforced, of tho same public sentiment which forced he monarchy to Its knees In 1837, sup pressed the lns'irrootion of 1880 and .vhioli for 20 years has been battling for i representative governmout In this oouu try. If the American forces hud bodn absent the revolution would have taken place for sufllcleut' causo, for It tad nothing to do with thoir presence. I thorefore, in all friendship for the .rovernmont of the United States, vhlch you roprosont, aud desiring to cherish tho good will of tho rreat American people, submit the uiswer of my govornraant to your imposition, and usk thatyou will trans nit tl)u same to the presidiut of tho United States for his consideration Though tho provisional government Is far from belug a groat power, and could not long resist tho forces of the Uulted States In a hostile attaok, wo deem our pisitlon to be tmpregnablo under all Idgal precedents,, under tho principles tf diplomatic intercourso, aud lu the form of Conscience. We huvo done our government no wroug, uo o urge if discourtesy Is or can be brought against us. Our only issue with your pjople has been that because wo re vered Its institutions of civil liberty, we nuvo desired to have them extended to our own distracted country, aud bo causo we honor Its fltg and deeming that its beuolioient aud authoritative presence would bo for the best iuterosts of all of our people, wo havo stood ready to add our country as a new star to its glory, and to consummate a union which we believed would bo as much for tho bonetlt of your country ai ours. If this is an offonso, wo plead guilty to it. "I am Instructed to inform you, Mr. Minister, that tho provisional govern ment of tho Hawaiian Islands respect fully and unhesitatingly deollues to en tertuln tho proposition of the president of tho United Stutes that it should sur render Its authority to tho ex queou, Tills answer is made not only upou the grounds hereinbefore set forth, but up- in our sense of duty and loyulity to tho brave men whose commission we hold who havo faithfully stood by us In our hour of trial, and whoso will Is the only earthly authority wo reoogiilzs. Wo cannot betray the sacred trust thoy have placed in our hands, the trust which represents the canso of Clirlsllaii umiiztiioti in tue interests or the whole people of these Islands," Another Engagemant. Rto Du Jankkio, Jan. 15. Tliore has been another engagement between the rebel ships and tho government forts, but have to encounter desultory firing, It being at long rang No seri ous damage was done on either a'd . Life is Misery To many people who huvo (he taint of scrofula in their blood. The agonies caused by (he dreadful running sores aud other manifestations of this dlsaue are beyond description. There Is no other remedy equal to Hood's Harnrpa rllla for Hornfula, salt rheum and every form of blood dlscuse. It U reasonably sure to beuullt all who give It a fair trial. Baking Powder A FATAL RAILWAY COLLISION Two Passenger Trains in tho Fog. Collide TilE COACHES ARE TELESCOPED Many Lives Last and Sore Wounded. art New Yohic, N. Y., Jan. 15. An ac cident occurred this morntug at Hack ensack brldgo on tho Delaware, Laoka wnnnu aud Wesiorn road, near Jerssy dty. Two passenger trains collided In tho fog with ratal results. Two cars were tolesoopod aud fifteen people killed. There are twenty-five Injured. The following killed aro Identified : Mr. Ferguson, auditor of tho Western Union Telegraph, Edward Kolslo, We J. Turner, bookkeeper for Field) Chandler & Seymour, J. H, Rimer, cashier F. W. Buboook & Co., Edwin Morel. The man named Resting was fatally injured, also the men named Timmons, John Fish, H. A. Rohas, Patrick Ryan, D. Hoffman, John Bruudhlll, T. J. Regan, Dr, John Doty, W. L. Glllandeau, trafflo manager of the Old Dominion Steamship company. Thoodoro Whlto, jr., D. Cameron, J. Durlntou, A.T. Vok03, W, R. Adamr, J. Purrlngton, Mr. Frazler, Mr. Rich, all of New Jorsoy. Thososorlously injured as faraa ascer tained are as follews: Fred Ferguson, will probably die; Miss Ferguson, W. M. Ii irolifTd, Louis Bidlno, Blward Plerson, Frank Snhultz. The Docor express train left Rossvllle at 8 a, in., followed four mlnutee later by a regular commutation train, Ap proaching the H-iakcn9ack bridge, tha ouglueer of the express slowed up, the fog preventing him from seeing the signals. The commutation train fol lowing did uot slow up, and crashed Into tho roar end of the express train, completely wrecking tho last two can. Both were mil or pussougora, who were crushed to death, or terribly mangled. Tho engineer or tho commutation train Is missing und ia supposed to be among tho killed. THE MARKETS. San Fuancisco, Jun. 14. Wimt May $1.00. Chicago, Jan 14, Cash, CO; May 65). Portland, Jan. 14. Wheat valley $.92; Walla Walla .80B2j. A 10 pound boy was born lo Mre. Jossph Faunmlllor, of Walla WHi Wash, "As old u thohill3"and never excell ed. "Triod and proven" iB tho verdict of millions. Simmons Liver Eogu lator ia tno -- . law i-7"f-fyn only Liver A-v4vv anc and Kidney modicina to which you can pin your faith for a euro, i A mild laxa tivo, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on tho Liver and Kid- Than Pills novB. Try it Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or inPowdw to bo taken dry orraadeintoa tea. I ham used yoar&lmMOMLWar lUry lator and oan cooMleneloaahr " kln ofnll liver rodlefMareMaYH aoM,Taooiaa,Walatto. , j jffKvwmx rAOKJUwea Wae tfc X "' 9R