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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1893)
zxz -"-'- -Jsi &VmiXG CAPITAL JOTTHKAL, THTTBSDAT, AUGUST 81, 193, ".iaHbwW!w' f ft Al T you Imp mat if rei R f Will 1 Y trs mi CO su ua gr to 80 t; Si 3 K w R b b THE- CAPITAL JOIIMAL. PUBLISHED DAILY, EXCEPT 80NDAY, BTTIIS Capital journal Publishing Company, Postofflc Block, Commercial Strict; HOFER BROTHERS, - Editors. Dally, by carrier, per months Dally; br" mall, per year, Weekly, 8 pages, per year,- J060 aoo -L60 THE DEAD GUARDSMAN. fA tribute paid to Lieutenant Charles E. Nelson, ol company -A. Klrt Infantry, OfW "Where li Mr JtfVlson.jspsT ' Idoa'tseenlmanyniore;. Why do you dose" tbe shutters? , ' Ahl there's crape upon the door. ,, "I jct climbed blablgh cbalr, papa. And took Hester by tbe handA And he ay, 'Don't bother, HonU, f Yon're too young to uhdentssd.' 3 'Why are you all so buy t That you can't attend to met Mr. Nelson didn't act to, lie always toel: me on his knee. "And he'd tell me oi hlo soldiers, AU about the mlm to fight; And arm me with the duster, Call me little Hildlerand say 'eyes right,' 'Papa, was Mr. Nelson naughty T . Didn't he his duty do? I hope you haven t locked him up, As your papa did you." Blowly down the lather's cheek A single teardrop ran, With trembling bands ho clasped him, 'Come hero, my little mldler man. "Nelson told you to be bravo In battle, ' To always lace tbe foe; Are you brave to bear grpat sorrow? Shall I tell you all 1 know?" "Not don't hold me, papa, Let me like a soldier stand; Just as my lieutenant placed me, With the dnsterln my hand. Ilarkl I hear tbe music. And tbe soldiers' martial tread. why do you look so solemn? Is my good lieutenant dead? "Let me 'break ranks,' papa. Lilt me high upon bis chair; Why are all the drums so m'uffledr B5et his coma's on tho caisson there." Blowly dropped the hand that pointed. Brought the duster "to salute," Drew himself up stralghler, And for moments be was mute, "Lift the shutters, papa; Take the crape from off the door; Let me keep the duster, papa, Be will play at soldier man no more. ' T. MtranAY Hpknckr. I OUTING OVER. Renewed in Body and Mind, Return ing From Oregon's Famous Resorts. People are now returning at a rapid rata from tbeaeaaldo and mountain re sorts. Tho red face, tbe brouzed bands and ravenous appetites are tbe characteris tics of many valley peoplo who, a fvy woeka ago left their various occupa tions with Ballow complexions and hag gard looks to enjoy a needed rest. There aro few if any countries whose people relish summer outings more than those of the Willamette valley, or that patronize their summer resorts as freely. Business mon and olerlts of the East usually take their vacation, but an out ing, a real summer outing, suoti as en Joyed by the hundreds In Oregon, Is unknown to them. Hero In Oregon with something llko SOO miles of sea coast, with its beautiful harbors and numerous attractions, and extending through the stato two glorious ranges of mountains whose forests abound In game and streams teem with llsh, with her gorgeous sconory aud many miner al springs, the temptation is Irresistible and summer outings havo become a so oond nature to peoplo of tho Willamette valloy. The custom has become so flud that people havo their business so arranged as to take a few days or weeks annual leave without any appreciable loss. White the summer outing Is a luxury It is au actual requirement that is bene floUl to all, and Indlspenslblo to the businessman or woman of care. To visit a resort In Oregon Is to throw dull oaraaway, and the change of water. d et, atmosphere, tho completo change of envlroutneuts.the Inspiration gather ed rroio the scenio splendors of laud or Bea is of Incalculable benefit. It gives one new life, new energies, new im pulses and the business man cornea back to his work with a buoyanoy of spirit, and the wire aud daughter with brighter smiles, and life is rendered al togeiksr mors agreeable from a sum mer's outing. Tbsn theeocletyof these outings is highly desirable. There are no mora social people to be found than Oregon lana. They are not clannish and there is very llttlo of the "exclusive" society among theaa aud this Is largely due to culture received at outings. The resorts la summer are usually thronged with people who meet on a common level for a common purpose extending ac quaintances aud enjoying the society of nwly made friends. It Is not alone lbs rich that eujoy tbe ocean breeze or earan at mineral springs in Oregon. Those) wbo don't feel able to deplete (Mr purst) by paying nut railroad fare, How's Your Liver? Is the Oriental salutation, -faiowing that good health! cannot exist without a healthy Liver. "WKenflto" Liver is torpid tho Bow els are Bluggish and con Btipated, the food lies in tho etomach undi- festcd, poisoning tho lood; freauent headache ensues a feeling of lassi- tudc, despondency and? nervouBne&3i"dicaelioTr tie whole eastern -is do-( ranged. .SnnmorfrXiver Regulator hair beeStha; jneanB of reaforinexnore oeoolo to health and happiness by giving them vji healthy Liver than any agency Known on eaira. It acts with extraor dinary power and efficacy. NEVCR BEEN DISAPPOINTED, As a gsnirsl family remedy for drsptpils. Torpid Xlrer, Constlpstlon, etc, I hardly ever tie anything else-and bare never been die sppolnted in tbe effect prodaeed; it seems to be almost a perfect core for aU diseases of tbe Btosasdksaa Bowels. "1 W. i. HcBlbot, Xacsa.G. u i ' 4 8U8UE8TED COMMENT. Tbe Portland Telegram calls this s "drunken congress," and as a Demo cratic authority it is no doubt posted. I ' ; The Baker City Democrat puts it mildly by Baying that in bis recent speech Dave Hill with Cleveland." 'did not wholly agree The Dispatch says the editor of tbe Oregonlan Is one of the directors, so It Is said, of the Oregon National bank, which, no doubt, in a measure,accoun(s for the repeated notices made of tbe condition of that bank, even if it ha to be done at tbe expense of others. Possessors of orchards Bhould exam ine their apple trees now and take steps toward tbe extermination of tbe teni caterpillar. This is tbe proper time to do this. Tbe eggs will be found in a black band around tbe twigs near the end. Each nest will hatch out next spring into a company of caterpillars that will weave webs or "tents" around tbe twigs and devour the leaves. Sometimes several rings can be found on a single twig, and by cutting these off now and burning them, whole armies of prospective caterpillars will bo destroyed. Tbe Morning Oregonlan says: "Copies of the Congressional Record Indicate that nearly all tbe house speeches were mado by the free-coinage men. Tho re pealers didn't want to make speeches." The explanation is plain. The silver men had something to say; the other fellows didn't. Tbe silver men bad ar gument on their sldeand tbeothers had none. The. "repealers" had" formed their conspiracy and relied on the pur chasing power of gold to carry their measure. Like all conspirators, thev wanted to suppress talk and publicity and proceed with their organized plan of robbery. Telegram. The people or Oregon who have children of school age will reoice to learn that tho late berated legislators passed ono law, at least, that will save them Bomo money. Formerly the coun ty school superintendents held an elec tion every four years for the purpose of deciding upon text books to bo used in tho public schools of tho state for tbe eusulng four years, but at the last ses sion this law was changed so that elec tion's for this purpose will hereafter be hold only overy six years. There, was to havo beou an election for this pur pose this year but under the new law this was changed and there will be no selection of text books' until 1895, Ex. FROM BROOKS. Dr. Reynolds was iu these parts uu day. Mrs, M. D. Jones' sister and daugh ter are visiting In this vicinity. Bruce Jones and Jay Bardenlok were the guests of Mr. Chapman (Sunday. Rev. Btrayer preached in the Grove Sunday. There will be servloes eyery two weeks. Cba. Shelly came down with a four- horse load of lumber. Hey. Myers and family returned from conference Monday after a weeks' stay, Rav. Myers will soon leave us, he. goes to jeuersou ror the next year. Dr, J. A Larrabee of Salem was hero baturday looklug for a location, The Basinets Age. Friend Why didn't you exhibit at the World's fair? Manufacturer Business, old boy, busi ness.? 8ee?f "Humph! I don't see." "Yon are awayjbeb1ndthe age. By refusinsr to exhibit I got half the papers to denouncing me and tbe other half to defending me, until I're had aboaT 11,000,000 worth of first class adrertis- IrigVlnd itliasn't'cdsfme ft cent. Kew York Weekly. A DogFrom Kentucky. Tbe late Senator Beck always stood up for Kentucky, hd matter what the ctrenm stances. A western senator was telling him one day about the superiority of his pointer dog. "That's nothing to the pointers we have in Kentucky," said Beck. "Why. I had a dog that one day as I was walking along the streets of Louls-rille Iwpaa to point at a man who was looking In at a shop window. The canine refused to more, and my cariosity being aroused I asked the man his name. 'Partridge,' be replied. I tell you Kentnc?y pointers can't be ex-celled."-St. Louis Globe-Democrat. TVUllcs; to Hatnor Iter. Doctor You say yon always burn this lamp in your room all night? "Woman Always. I can't sleep without a lamp. Doctor My dear madam, I can give yon a few simple chemicals which yon can eas ily mix before retiring. They -will give off just as much blood poisoning and sleep In ducing gas as a lamp and won't be half so muchtronble. Xetr York Weekly. Lord Salisbury's Picture Gallery. At Hatfield House, the residence of Lord Salisbury, in the James II picture gallery, there Is preserved the garden hat worn by Qneen Elliabttb add apair of her majesty's silken hose. The room is also remarkable for beautiful alabaster sculptures, and It Is tho rule for every royal visitor to leave be hind a photograph, to which is added an autograph of the donor. Exchange. Sparring: For an Opening:. Guest (after struggling valiantly but un availing some time with fowl) Waiter, what kind of a bird is this? "Canvasback duck, sir." "No Wonder I couldn't do anything with It. Run and get me the scissors." Truth. Tutfs Pills will save tbe dyspeptic from cassy days of misery, and eaable bite to esvs whatever be. vflsbes., TticypreveBt . Sick Headache, eaRse tbe food t assimilate and robt lab tto body, clve been appetite, nd Develop Plesli ad solid XBBscle. Elegantly sugar eeated. Jftrlce.aflets. per box. . SOLD EVERYWHERE, .., ST. PAUL'S ACADEMY, St. Paul, Marion County, Oregon. Conducted by the "letere of tbe Holy Names ol Jesus and Mary. Tbe location affords all that nu be desired for bealtbful outdoor exercise st. Haul can be easily reached by boats on tbe Willamette. Tbe building ts newand supplied with all the modfrn Improvements. The course of Btudy Is complete. Stenography and Typewriting Taught. Terms moderate. For further partlcu'ara apply to Ulster Buper lor. 8-1-1 mdAw Conservatory of Music. Willamette University, Balem, Or., School of rnuslo for piano, organ, violin, singing, orchestral Instruments, Harmo ny, counterpoint, fugue, orchestration and higher musical composition, JNo better grade of work done west of the Rooky mountains. Prices low. Soven teachers. Next term begins 8epL 4th, Bend for annual year book or address, Z. M. Parvin, Mus. Doctor, musical director. 8 0 2md&w Willamette University FIFTIETH YEAR. Oldest, Highest and Most Extended Institution of Learning In the Pacific Northwest. 81xteen coursea of Instruction, from Grammar, through Academic and Col lege, to Theology, Law and Medicine. Splendid Courses for Training In Teaching, Business, Art, Elocution and Music. Several Post Graduate Courses, Stronger and better than ever. It's Woman's College affords an deal home for young ladles with unsurpassed ini'imiCT ior mwr oaro anu training. The school year opens 8ept. 4, 1803. For Year Book and all Information relating to school management and course of study, address, President fJEQ, WHITAKER, D.D. For flnanolal information, address, Rev. J. S. KOORE, Agent, 8-22-d&w Saleai, Oregon. DS.L.L.CABKEB. Stricken Down with Heart Disease BrM Xt&eat Co., XlkkartiXn. Gciruxn: I feel It my duty, as well as a rwrft .Dimu &ndi comDUeaUoBi. anmid ttulse vary- tag fttwa M -to IM beats pe minute, thoklng; or bexnicc serration la the wind pipe, oppression THOUSANDS sJoa of the heart aad below tower rib, pain In tho tag, thortaeas of breath. sleerlefnnes, weakness BEd reneral debility. The arteries In my neck wonMtbsobTtalenuy.the throbbingof myhesrt could be heard across a Urge room sad would shake my wools body. I was so nervous that I could not hold my band steady. JC hato oeen un d rr th treatment cf eminent ph y Heiant, and. have ta&rm gallon op Patent MtxHeine Krtt&rwt fienefu. A friend recom mended yrrar remedies, she was cored by Dr. Wiles' remedies Ihavetaken , inrn ihrea boUles of your KewCilJRC.IJ Nervine, t pnlse tsJionnU. I tuwsfao-saer) violent throbbing or ins neon, i ihawiu man. I sincerely recommend every ono with symptoms of Heart DUes8 to take Xr. Mile' Setter Hr Rm4tt ond be cured. Gypsum City, Kans. L. L. Cuum. SOLD ON A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. TRY DR. MILES' PILLS, GO DOSES 25 CT8. Jold by D. J. Fry, druggist, Saleml Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Castoria TODAY'S MARKETS. Prices Current by Telegraph Local and Portland Quotations. Salkm, August 81, 4 p. m.Ofllce Daily Capital Journal. Quota tions for day and up to hour of going to press were as follews: 8AUKM PRODUCE MARKET, raurr. Apples 75o to $1.00 a bushel. Blackberries wild oOcts. a gallon; tamo 5 eta. a box. Peaches 85c to $1.00 a box. BUTCHER STOCK. Veals dressed 6 cts. Hogs dressed 6J to 6. Live cattle 2 to 2. Sheep alive $1.50 to $2.00. Spring lambs $1.60 to $2.00. MILL PRICES. Salem Milling Co. quetes: Flour, in wholesale lots $3.20. Retail $3.60.' Bran $17 bulk, $18 sacked. Shorts $19 and $20. Chop feed $19 and $20. WnEAT. Old wheat on storage 48 cents. New wheat 60 cents. HAY AND GRAIN. Oats old, 38'to 40c, new 30c. Hay Baled, new $8 to$12: old S10 to $14. Wild In bulk, $0 to $8. Barley Brewing, at Salem. No. 1, 95 to $1.00 per owt. No. 2, 70 to 85 cts. FARM PRODUCTS. Peas and beans-8 to 10 cents a gallon. Wool Best. 10c. Hops Small sale, 16J to 17c. Eegs Cash, 20 cents. Butter Best dairy, 25; fancy creamery, 80. Cheese 12 to 15 cts. Farm smoked meats Bacon 12; hams, 13; shoulders, 10. Potatoes new, 50o. to GOc. Onions 1 J to 2 cents. Beeswax 34c. Caraway seed. 18c Anise seed, 26c Ginseng, $1.40, HIDE3 AND PELTS. Green, 2 els; drv 4 cts; sheep pelts, 75 cts to $1.25. No quotations on furs. LIVE POULTRY. ' Chickens 8 to 10 cts; broilers lOtc-12; ducks, 12; turkeys, slow sale, choice, 10 cts; geese alow. PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain, Feed, etc. Flour Standard, $3.40; Walla Walla, $3.40; graham, $3.00; superfine, $2.50 per barrel, Oats Old white,40o per bu.j grey, S6e: U..I.W, iu m(,o, v.wu,uu, WUIOU, tvj)Va); cases, o to. Hay Best, $1015 per ton. Wool valley, 10 to 12c Mlllstufls Bran, $18.00; shorts, $21; ground barley, $2223; chop feed, $18 per ton; whole feed, barley, 8085 per cental; middling, $2328 perton; brow. ing barley, uocguoo per cental: onlckea wheat. $1.251.25 per cental. Hops--Old, 10 to )6c, new 15 to 17. DAIRY PRODUCE. Hoots and Shoes. Boots are supposed to have been the In vention of the Carlnns. They were men tioned by Homer, 907 B. O. Grecian wom en possessed 23 kinds of footgear, which may bo classed as those which cover all the foot up to the ankle and those which sim ply tied on the top of the foot with wide ribbons or straps. The practice -of shoe and sandal wearing can be traced back for some thousands of years and is probably of eastern origin. Frequent mention is made of the shoe in the Bible, from the book of Exodus to the Acts, and there is mention mode of a shoo latchet as early as the time of Abraham. Washington Star. Indulging; a Genius. Onr ancestors were more indulgent and respectful to the eccentricities of men of genius than aro the present generation. Byron was accepted and patiently tolerated when he chose to sit in moody silence throughout a dinner party given in his honor, scowling contemptuously at the dt licious plats before him, while he sipped vinegar and munched a cracker. Youth's Companion. The Cheapest Form of Traetlon. Electric traction is cheaper than any form of steam propulsion or the uso of horses, and theru is little doubt that th passenger traffic of the Bteam roods will ultimately be largely diverted to the electric roads for short distance travel in all parts t of the country. New York Telegram. Not a Good Plan. One Rich Father I think it is the best plan for your son to marry my daughter, and in that way we can keep the money in' the family. The Other It. F. My dear friend, you don't know my son. Detroit Free Press. When Queen VJctoria travels by rail, she pays the companies 7s. Cd. per mile for her ftelf and first class fare for every one else in the royal train. This Is supposed to make good the loss entailed by the temporary stoppage of traffic. A man was seen loafing about a building that was being painted at Belfast, Me. When asked it he wanted a job, he said that he was orfly waiting for the men to be paid off, as be wanted to borrow a dollar. On the plantation of Nicholas Colvin, near Halsellvllle, Chester county, S. C, there is a hole 10 Inches in diameter and of unknown depth from which smoke con stantly arises. The annual agricultural product of the world is valued at $30,000,000,000. It repre sents a capital of $234,000,000,000 and occu pies the attention of 280,000,000 men. A father's aims should be bigger in the eyes of the boj s than the home. Their con fidence Bhould bo in that place of refuge. Hood's Cures Mr. J. A. Wheeler tt During the War I was taken ill with spinal disease and rheu matism. When I came home my trouble was sUll with me. and I was eonnned to my bed, unable to help myself, for 22 months. After taking seven bottles of Hood's Sana, parllla I was well, have not been troubled with my old complaints. My wife was In 111 health, sufferlnc with headache, dizziness and dyspepsia. She took two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparlila and feels like si new wemsn." J. A. Wheeler, 1000 Division BL. Baltimore! Hood's. Pills act easily, yet promptly and efficiently, on the Uver and bowels. Before Going to the Woild's Pair Enquire About The Limited Express trains of the Chi cago, Milwaukee & Bt. Paul Railway between Bt. Paul and Chicago and Omaha and Chicago. These trains are vestlbuled. electric lighted and steam heated, with the flu eat Dining and Sleeping Car Service In the world, Tbe Electric reading light in each berth Is the successful novelty of this progressive ace. and Is hitrhlv nnnnlnf. ed by all regular patrons of thin line. We wish others to kuow its merits, as the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way Is the onlv line in the wpst nnlnv. Inp tho exclusive use of this patent. For further Information apply to nearest coupon ticket agent, or address C. J. EDDY. General Aeent. J. W. OABEY.Trav.Pass. Agt. 225 Stark Bt,, Portland, Or. tf ?' -r tt m for Infants and Children. "CaaterUIssoven adapted to chBdrea that I recommend Has superior to anyprescrietlon known Wine.'44 tt At Akanta, fcrJ., " MIR Oxford St,Brcoaya,K.-T. "The use of 'Outerta' Is so universal and IU merits so well knows thutlt seems al work of sirpereroraUon to endorse It Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Costorl within easyreaoh." Cablos Hiimt, D.D , New York City, Late Pastor Bloomlpgdalo Bef onsfed Church. Cast aria enrsa OoHo. rvutfi W$83S& rectictt.ei n - t "Wl-Aoul lfisTM taedleaUoa, W J m - U " lor srrcral rears I hua ToarJ Castoria. and shall always sttkTbvarlahlyiwwsSi.j inwnf V f . J MTrjavlntta,"tth8tretn4TAl irta Ts CerrAca CoKT-urr, 77 Uukbav tSmjcsr, Hsv To I i Tal i': I it It H ' I' THE NEW WILLAMETTE, STABIES v-.s..vwmpMuiwuj w nam uu UUOluiAJCJ. XlUlrjra UUttrUM QY Q4V W i ov iEuubuio piiws. kh'p a iuu line of ituckb, Airays and Eib meet all demands. " Also bceb1 tbe' finest Staillntfs'Itf thlcouHi. mJl Bam and residence 2 block south of postofllce. ' ' RYAl'A M . -W-i u If you would-be clean and Have your clothes donet tne neatest and dressiest manner, take them to the SALK1M STEAM LAUNDRY where all work is done by white labor and, in the most pre manner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED Liberty Stra n 1" , m NQE THE LEADING INDEPE REPUBLICAN PAPER OF THE VALLEY. CHEAPEST Iffiii I K Repeiyiog all the. Associated, Press Dispatches, i DAILY BY MAIL PER YE l li il a .Double Newspaper Oregon State Fair Butter Oregon fancy creamerv.221ra 26c; fanoy dairy. aft'2Jc: fair to Vood. DOWN OO TKE KATL'SI 1 ne social given by the ladles of the Tbe Union Paelfla now 1p.,ia in, - -. fi I T ---. wm SJ- oi., r,. ouuroo, proved to be uot only i uuoea niwa 10 eastern points, and tbelr very pleasant but profitable as well. !"?? g" ,,frLr,rnri!S?"eu' Jn!IS?',5 J. W. SIiaQer came In on tbe 8:30 sleeiHsrs. free rccllnlnir chair or .,h train Monday nlgUU f 't time, make It tbe Best time to trav- Mis, Rose Dlanton Is sick with iung ' .'a.lyYtUTm.S Tn. ST )Ven iratetiare now within reach of all, and Geo, Massev. II. W. Jaum nA t ur ! everybody should take &tlvantm nf Shatter atteuded lodgo at Gervala '' them to v,sIt tue world's fair and their Thursday eveulno. t friends In tbo east. &nd for hi and MImTC riiiakiiaii t Q..i ...... I schedules of trains, and do not nnrrii. iwwr puraa uy paying out rauroau rare, .,Vir7.rr...r .:.".". "?,cui vwiea- tikt until rtF ,n.,,iii;,b.,"7 . ; .., ,,. .i.. .,, j I wm ujciiuh n mis vioiuuv a ruw riava i.r. - .w,.,u uunn es swuwni imsuj nun iuo wuuiv inuiiiyoaui i. week -k-j jurar, asenw. oaiem. Kit. j ... I I ' srp - fo w m woutuaiM or seaside and live rly m ciw ply m at homn, E. K. Bhaw bad a team awamr tlM Jake Baturday. ' la I W. iL HnHr.BriB-r Asa't Gen'lRM. Ajreot, U. P., JPartkaJ, Or, lnftlTio Mn.An UtnlRn.. ..n.l. u.u, vunwvD A AW fJi w, vail forula. 35fSl44o per roll. Cheeso Oregon, 12; Eastern twins, 16c; Young American, 14o put per pound; California flats, Ho. liggs Oregon. 15 to 100 per doseo. Poultry Chlckeus,old,f4.00; brollera, lane, f2003.0u; ducks, old, H60 8 00; young, f2i04.00; geese, 8.oq turkeys, live, 14o. BAN FRANCISCO MAKKET. Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, 10a 10c; do Inferior, 89c; do valley, 12 16c Hops 1821o. Potatoes Enrly Rose. 30&). Bur. oanss, s. 407So per cental. Onions 7685o per cental for i&L and t.6O0OOoTor sllversklns. Barley IVed, 70o per cental for good quality andSUo lor cfeotee: 0W-kiLllB, ILdOLS). Under tbe management of the State xsoara or Agriculture, on Mm Htnta Fair Grouuds near 8alem, commeno IngBeptember 11th, 1893, and con tinuing one week. MORE THAN $15,000 IN CASH Will be paid as prennnms for Ploor, Pttaltrr. Snj Aerlouiiural ProdaoU, FrulU. NsUve Woods, iltneraU. Works -f Art and Fmct Work, .nd for ttUls or speed. Seduced Kate of Tare and Frelgfatf ob AU Transportatloa Unaa. PA VIlil1 'N ODen tour nmilnn itnrin.ii.. week, with Koodmuslo In attendanoe. THKNKW QHANU MTAND and the new IteculaUon Traos; am nn..nni1rl in h. .- the most oomlorUb e and Uie best on tbe Pa. HfXjKNDTD OONTRHT fltr MPrrti M.w Jsy.Th'rels enteied rurjbeee oonteetatbe hurt KaU t .1 in . . .i . l . ..... . UW, mu jW iuu m, Deeaoa U kronads ror many sMns, VjiljjaWefcad Lnaom8 (mproTesatnU baTObeeninadeontbeioaadsandbaUAuixc PflEMIUM LIST. StthttjSS"1 PWT4to the credit Kntrtes lor Premlams close atSpm. the rst day orihe Fair, and Exhibits must be la ptaostjrlOp.m.orsaldUy uiia PRIOPJJ (9 Itmiccinv e . 7w..r T"") rMHSIt.Ji WHOteoVbtrTlekM- 2 Uoe Track Tickets. lS;; iSt1? Lto seria7 at Hwtla tor a JPresa, . AMSJt, IJ,T,MU,arfIJffl Ihese low hard times rates enable every farmer tot bis daily paper and know the state of, the market and ill news of the world. Editorial comment is feariess and independent. "- 'a " ) rT by its publishers to secure good government for tbe able to deal justly and fairly with all. CompleteJTeiegraphicyjState, Capital, eigrv Market and Crop News. TRY THE. "QNE QEHJ PAILYi 25 Cents a IVTomti. $1,00 for A Montj d Q a. Year, Postpaid. The Only One Cent NewsDarjer on the Coast. Mr8 than any six weeklies that cost $9 to $12 a yeitf. No papers sent after time h out. HOPBR BROTHERS, Editors and Publiib T . .. IkklaW; & jAiSiisfciii;