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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1893)
UfllimmVM IHWIini, I t-4 ill n 1 I. I- ii wiiaimwwww " ii i Stimrrrep IHWHIl ill'Kl f IW W etUI SPECIAL attention 1 ottf fine Una of SUMMER GOODS. Pongee Silk Waists, Sateen Waists, Swiss Waists, etc. ttiSrTWO GIFTS. Etejrant Ladl' Gold Watch and Beautiful set of Silver ware given away September lat Our shoe stock I ititl golnjr at cost. All new goods and good quality. THE PALACE 307 Commercial Street -if - Yoa r Eotncto build or mtkeny Hndof Improvement, call oa lhi uaCtr goal tor material, tv'e bare a com plete deck, and are ni&j tn (apply any prepared contract, arwer frork, padiny, etc Salem Improvement Co. Foliowjncj JknnessS. The dea.b of Leland Stanford from apoplexy, and, It la charged, gross oycrfiedlng, revives Interest in the question of accumu lating an overburden of flesh. Presi dent Cleveland Is said to be threatened with increased weight and is trying a new system. As a rule persons of small bone, light muscles and sedentary habits acquire excessive avoirdupois. Since Misa Jennesa was in Salem sev eral gentlemen have, by reading her book and following its exercises, re duced their fatness, elongated their waists and suppressed their "busts" sot a little. Obeoon'b Greatest Industry. The state Horticultural society meet at Salem July 11th, 12. th and 13tb, when public sessions will be held which must be of interest to every grower of fruit as well as to every businessman. It is difficult to realize .be great im portance of the fruit business herein the coming years. In the near future thousands of loads of fruit wi'l be mar keted here every year, and tbe public should not neglect tbe great induetry. The Cannery. This lustltution ran nine days up to Saturday night and re ceived about five thousand quarts of strawberries a day. It will finish its pack this week. Tbe fruit Is fine and cool weather now prolongs tbe season another week. Mills StakteO. Tbe Salem Mills and Willamette Valley mills started up this morning, giving employment to quite a largo number of people. They will run for some time. Indications of prosperous times are found on all sides. Married. Jacob Smith was mar ried to Miss Cora Carnahan, of Port land and camo to Salem yesterday on tbe Elwood with his bride. They will rralde at Salem, and are stopping for the present at Chas. Mason's, on church street. Real Gypsies. At the social to be given on Mrs. Plamondon's lawn this evening, corner Center and Winter streets, there will be a real Gypsy for tune teller with her family, and as re freshments will bo served in true Gypsy style a novel entertainment cau be expected. Everybody Invited. Hop Poles. E. Cox, of this city is about to go up to tbe cedar flats near MU JffTereon and cut hop poles to be shipped Into this valley on the Oregon Pacific. There is a scarcity of good poles hereabouts, and Mr. Cox will be able to work up quite an industry In this line. W. C. T. U. Members are notified that there is very Important business to come up at tbe Tuesday's meeting, and a full attendance is desired at 2:30 p. m. Hal Paiie. The S. P. railroad will sell half-fare round trip tickets for tbe Balem races from all points between Portland and Eugene. The tickets will be on sale beginning the 4th and will be good to return until the Sth. 6-98-tf More for a cent At the Capital City Lunch Counter Tba any place in town. Burnett's, Adolph block. Board Mer-tino, Regular monthly Meeting of the Y. M. C. A. boardof dl iekrs In the association parlors at 8:30 tbta evening. Tkosb JAOKErs We are selling so aheap are Now York's best. The prices WMOHt from one-fourth to one-third. Come and see, T, Hbjveraon Co. St HARD TlMH8.-Tbe pnee of flour wm WseJownsittanow, and the Ra- .Wu FkwirluK Mills turn out tbe best MWJucj evcflcDOW Jut thofSRip. .- i,niiniiiiLMi KWV"'J 1 Vf ' " " "" '"'"WI" "Hg ' -I" at Last ! WOTTED, HTKII'JSD, PLAID AND PLAI2f WHITE Swisses. DRY GOODS AND SHOE COMPANY, PEESONAL AND LOCAL. Just received at tbe New York Ricket, a new lot of shoes of all kinds. Prices low. Call and see. Assistant State Treasurer F. E. Hodgkln spent Sunday at Albany on Y. M. C. A. business, A. dinger started for tbe Bound this morning. He will also visit bis son J. B., tbe operator at Chehalis, before re turning. Miss Anna Parmenter, who bas been bookkeeper for Summerfleld & Co., manufacturing jewelers at Portland, spent Sunday in tbe city. Wm. H. Armstrong, deputy collector, baa returned to Portland. He says Black, bis Democratic superior, will go slow about removals, but Wm. being a strong Republican is not expecting much. The county treasury is well supplied with funds to run until July 1st, when warrants will be endorsed. No en dorsed warrants are being paid. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Wright spent Sunday with their son atMcMlnnville. Mrs. P. S. Knight and daughter Lena returned home this morning from their year spent in tbe East. Miss O. Ballou bas returned from Chicago, to spend her vacation in Sa lem, preparatory to resuming tbe kin dergarten work next fall. Geo. Allen, four miles east of Salem, says crops are immense especially winter wheat. The loyal town of Woodburn will celebrate and ex-Mayor P. H. D'Arcy, of Salem bas been selected as orator of tbe day. Tbe people will bear a patri otic and eloquent address. Gypsy party on Mrs. Plamondon's lawn tonight. Everything in real Gyp sy style, and a genuine fortune teller. Everybody invited. Dr. A. G. Deardorf, of Fresno, Call., an old-time Salemlte, is the guest of C. B. Moores. John W. Roland, of Jefferson, is in the city. Mrs. E. K. Davidson and children, of Portland, are tho guests of Mrs. E. Johnson, In the Cottle block. - Mies Minnie and Nellie Lansing start (or the World's Fair tomorrow and will be away three months In Ohio, Cauadu and other partB of the east. Mr. Lan sing accompanied them as far as Port land. Inducements extraordinary this week at tbe auction sale in Easton's music store. Tbe goods held back by J. Straus, receiver, for Albany arrived here this morning, and as we go to press the old warborse Is closing them out to a bouse full of ladles and the chances are he will remain all week. He informs us there will be five elegant presents given away free of charge at each 2 o'clock sale to tlio ladies, and three handsome presents given away each evening to the gentlemen, at 8 p. m. Crowd) of sportsmen are at Morning side shooting grounds practicing for to morrow's shoot. Attorney Jeffreys of Corvallis Is in the city attending court. He says tbe bauk failure has paralyzed business ut that towu. The college board had ad vertised for bids on the new building and loss of money In Job's bank makes it Impossible to go ahead. Treasurer Shipley will probably have to put up 18,000. Tho Westacott & Shoup livery barn la receiving a now shingle roof. In the Corvallis failure tbe Masons lose tho funds with which tbey hoped to erect a new Masonic ball for which the foundation was already dug, The two bankers were Masons. One of the wonderful phonographs will talk to tho people at tbe Gpysy party on Mrs. Plamoudon's lawn to night. Everybody welcome. I I " A tent will be erected en Mrs motidou's lawn tonight for tbe real Gypsy fortune teller, and those who have beard her say she ia au excellent type of tbe old-time fortuue-monger. cau save m per cent, ouying stamps aud seals from F, 8. Dearborn,, the stationer. Do uot pay traveling agents exorbitant prices. -. aa a. a i KVJiittXQ 0A1ITAL JOUltKAL, MONDAY, JUNE 20, lbtfa. STATES PICNIC NUM. MMMM Great Fonrlli ofJnlj Picnic b .States. ORGANIZATION! BT STATiSTO BE FORMED Permanent Committees Appointed from Each State State Fair Orotuds Dedication Ex ercises. Tbe states picnic held at Salem two years ago at tbe state fair grounds on tbe Fourth of July was one of tbe most popular and Interesting events tbat ever took place. A movement bas been started ratber late to have a similar re union of people by states at tbe same place this year and make a permanent organization of the colonies by states. PERMANENT ORGANIZATIONS will be formed this year in tbe grove, at tbe state fair grounds. A general committee bas been appointed and sub committees will be announced from each state to take charge- Officers will be elected for a perfect organization. There can be nothing more appropri ate than these reunions once a year by families of all tbe immigration by states. PIONEERS AND NATIVES. A pleasant feature two years ago was tbe reunion of Oregon pioneeis and this year tbey will be represented in full force. Kansas, Iowa and one or two other states equalled and surpassed tbe Oregonians iu numbers then. This should stimulate tbem to turn out. A committee of tbe native sons and daughters will be created this year and their gathering will be an interesting event. MEE1ING TONIGHT. This Monday evening at 8 o'clock there will be a meeting of business men aud representatives of the state at tbe parlors of Hotel Willamette to appoint a general committee and sub-commit tees. Let all interested attend. Van, Van, Van, Eaton Is tbe man Who leads the race as grocer. Price's Fruit Flavors and Extracts And newest table delicacies. Police Coiibt. Recorder Edes did a big busines today. Three hobos, two drunks and two aasault and battery cases were disposed of. 8. J. Dugan and J. Wilson going to jail for tbe lat ter. M. L. Jones, of Brooks, has sworn nut a complaint of perjury against L. M. Hensell, hearing set for Wednes day at 1 p. m. Sing Hong and Sing One were asked to put up $100 each on charge of lottery gambling. Insane. A man from Oakland by name of Frank Pike who was once sun- struck, is a tobacco fiend and moderate drinker, at times Incomes violent, and believes be is Jesus Christ and bas pow er over everything, was brought to tbe asylum today. m We are In it for to stay. We always lead tbe way, For teas, fruits, cheese, and house keeper's happiness try Clark & Eppley, Court street grocers. A Close Call. The price we are naming on our jackets. They continue to move, aud it you want a bargain. Come at once. T. Holverson & Co. 2t What Shall the Harvest Be ? Why I What can It be. but suffering and t-orrow, disease aud death, if you neg'ect the sy interna or a disordered liver ? Take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medl cal Discovery. It outsells all other remedies. Hold uuder condition that it must either benefit or cure tbe patient or tbe money paid for it will be prompt ly returned. It cures all diseases aris inc from deranged liver, or from im pure blood, as bllliou9nes8, " liver com plaint," all skin and Bcalp diseases. saH-rheum, tetter, scrofulous sores and swellings, fever-sores, hip joint disease aud kindred ailments. BTJPfiEME OOUBT. SALEU, June 27, 1893. A. E. Jensen, respondent vs. J. S. Foss, et al, appellants, appeal from Multnomah county. Judgment of tbe lower court affirmed, Opinion per cu riam. Joshua Ilcudy Machine Works, re spondent W. The Pacific Cable Con struction Co., The Portland Cable Rail way Co. and Tho Portland Savings Bank appellants. Appeal from Mult nomah county; Judgment of the lower court reversed. Oplulon per curiam. J. H. Upton, respondent vs. R. D. Hume, appellant. Appeal from Curry county; argued and submitted. Wm. M, Kaiser, attorney for respondent. 8, H. Hagard attorney for appellant. Are Yoa Nervous, Are you all tired out, da you have tbat tired reeling or sick headache? You can be relieved of all these symptoms by tukliicr TTfwt'a Kni-AnnArlllii whIMi ltAa , . .0 -. ,. ..,-...., W-. Q....W nerve, mental ana ooauy strength auu thoroughly purifies the blood. It also creates a good appetite, cures Indiges- "uu c"UUfU 'UU"',"IIM'- oUon and8Ureln efl&t, 2Sxnbox. . jor water brash and, sour stomach take Bltninona Liver Regulator. niMin j. ii is Bin raav iu iukd. huv hi FK DATS PROCIUil Oregon Stnto Sportsmen's Tour nament at Salem. SI50 BICTCLB MATCH TUESDAY Program for tho Day Immense String of Prizes. Tuesday, June 27th, the sportsmen of Oregon take possession of Salem for three days. Tbe Mornlngside shooting grounds will be a scene of great activity all this week. Tbe Salem Rod and Gun club will entertain the Slate Sportsmen's as sociation of Oregon with contests fur $1500 in prizes and a number of purses besides. The Salem Motor Railway Co., will have extra electric cars run logout to tbe grounds all day. Ad mission to tbe grounds and to witness tbe matches free. PROGRAM MATCH NO 1. Ten Single blue rocks. Entrance $1.00; birds extra. match no. 2. Twenty-five single -blue rock. En trance $2.00; birds extra. First Prize One Imperial safety $150 00 Second Prize Whitney Safety Hammer 12-guage shot gun.. 6-5 (X) And 40 per cent of entrance Third Prizem7bfn7tTo"n7" Suckling colt, 50 00 One hundred Nitro Powder Cartridges, 3 50 And 30 percent of entrance money Fourth Prize One Fhhlng Rod One Stetson Hat, Box Cigars. And 20 per cent of entrance money Fifth Prize One Parasol, Year's Subscription American Field, Buggy Robe, And 10 per cent of entrance money 81xth Prize Schiller Cigars Bed-room toilet set, 8eventh Prize Double Chime Bell, Shooting glasses 10 uo 5 00 4 MATCH NO. 3. Twenty single blue Rocks, Entrance $1.50; birds extra. First Prize Ithaca 16-guage Hammer shot gun $ 35 00 And 40 per cent of entrance Second Prize Framed Picture of Tournament One thousand Business Cards, And 30 per cent of entrance money Third Prize One Pair Trousers to order, One Lamp, And 20 per cent, of entrance money Fourth Prize One-half dozen 20 00 3 50 15 00 3 50 white shirts 9 00 Coach whip And 10 per cent, of en trace money Fifth Prize-One Mable-Todd gold pen and bolder 5 00 Two bundled "Enreka" car tridges 4 00 Sixth Prize One pair shoes 5 00 Washbowl aud Pitcher 1 25 Seventh Prize Box Cigars 3 00 THJ3 CHICAGO DERBx. Boundless Wins $50,000 Details of the Bace. Chicago, June 26 The horses were started after tbe most outrageous and vexatious delay of 70 minutes at tbe post ever seen on the running turf There was nothing to prevent the race being strictly on its merits,and tbe best horse carried off tbe prize. Whether Bouudless could win over Bucb a field again, when a prompt start was made, is another matter, but be won and won houestly. The grandstand, betting ring, clubhouse aud lawns swarmed with 75,000 people. Carriages, four-in-bauds and other conveyances by tbe hundreds were packed Inside tbe track. Before tbe race started several thousand left tbe grounds tired of waiting. The worst of It was, there was no excuse for the delay at the post. At 4:20 the horses bnke to a beauti ful start, but they were called back aud kept at tbe post 70 minutes, till some of them were in no condition to do as well as tbey mluht otherwise have done. Uouudleas.tliougU not the favorite, was, with his stable companion, Lookout, well backed, aud his victory was by no means unpopular. DETAILS OP THE FINISH. At tbe three-quarters pole Plutus had his bead in front, with Aldebaran mov ing easily by his side, followed a length away by St. Croix and Ingomar. Then came Johnson, Lookcut and Clifford. Tbe others followed as before. As tbe horses rushed down toward the stand Lookout moved out of tbe bunch and took first place, Aldebaran secoud a length and a half ahead of Plutus, be hind whom camo bt. Croix, Johnson, CI I (lord, Ingomar and Boundless. In tbe run from the grand stand to tbe quarter pole 8t. Leonard pulled up to too third place, a three-quarters length from Lookout and Aldebaran, amid frantio cheers from the backers of Ta ral who rode him; but tbe crowd failed to notice tbat Boundless followed Bt. D&PRICES ftp.altt Baking The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Tmd in Millions of Homis40 Years the Standard Leonard In the advance at twnlenjrlhi' rilfilatice- Itigoiiiar, Chorister And Jolihftoti Migrated lioiiDdle from St. jeonard. doing along io the hair ByomllfM wm hindered considerably, and Osfrlon kept hi mount back to avoid tiug oeketcd. IKlUMDf.nw TO THE PltQNT. In the Meantime Lookout dropped out and Aldebaran was lending nt the end of tbe first mile. St. Leonard was athl girth, with Jmgomnr n length away, L'iioristir aud Clifford were next, but suddenly Oarrlvin saw nn op cnlng and shot Boundless forward. Martin drew bis whip and suntClliTurd after him, and the greut struggle was on In earnest. Taral saw them coming and drew ahead of Aldebaran. Fho order a they swung Into tbe stretch was: St.L-onard, Clifford, Aldebaran. Boundless, Imgomar, Chorister and St Croix. Down tbe course they came amid cries from the grand stand. A sixteenth of a mile from home Bound less passed St. Leonard and Clifford as though tbey were standing still. The crow o was breathless with surprise for a brief momrnt and then tbe cheers for Boundless broke into pandemonium. Boundless went under tbe wire at least six lengths ahead, with plenty of run left, in 2:36, while St. Leonard beat Clifford three lengths for tde place. Aldebaran was fourth, four lengths away; Chorister fifth; Johnson sixth: Ingomar seventh; Tyro eighth: St. Croix ninth; Plutus 10th; Ramapo 11th Don Alonzol2tb, Lookout 13th, Oporto 14th and Strathrose lat. AFTEB THE RACE. There was nothing stingy in tbe ap plause which greeted Boundless. Tbe vast concourse stood up and shouted for five minutes. Even tbe Wasbibg ton Park officials smiled almost audibly upon their realization that the rich prize was to stay In tbe West, J. M. Gushing, owner of Boundless, rushed up and threw bis arms about tbe ani mal's neck. He was invited into tbe judge's stand and given a $-50,000 check He waved tbe paper to the crowd, h s race being the picture or uncontrollable joy, and tbe crowd cheered back as though it had an interest in the stake. It Is understood uarrison was given $5000 for winning tbe mount. He was picked up on the shoulders of tbe spec tators ana borne to his dressing-room. Boundless1 victory has established tbe fact that Morello is king of the 3-year- olds. inasmuch as morello beat .Bound less at even weights in the Hawthorne ueroy. SUMMARY. American derby, a sweepstakes for 3 year-olds, association to add an amount smfScient to make tbe value of tbe race $50,000 to the first, $7000 to the sec ond and $3000 to the third. 1 miles lioundless, br. c, by Harry U'Jballon Endless, (Garrison) 1 St Leonard (Taral) 2 Clifford (Martin) 3 Time, 2:26. Betting Don Alonzo, 3 to 1; St. Leonard s and Chorister, 3 to 1; Bound lit and Lookout, 4 to 1; Cliflord, 4 to 1; Ramapo, 15 to 1; St Croix, 30 to 1; PlutU3, 60 to 1; G. W. Johnson, 15 to 1; AJdebaram, 20 to 1; Tyro, 25 to 1; Ingo mar, 200 to 1. Deafness Cannot be Cored by local applications, as they cannot reach the deceased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of tbe mucous lining of tbe Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling round or imperfect bearing, ana when it is entirely closed Deafness is the re sult, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, bearing will be de stroyed forever; nine cases out of teu are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) tbat cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY, & Co., Toledo, O. CSTSold by Druggists. 75c MAlUtlKD. DRAKE-LANG LEY. At the office of County Judue Hubbard, Mies Ella Drake and Ro&coe Laugley, both of Silverton. WHITE LEDGERWOOD. At tbe borne of tbe brid? near Stayton. June 25th, Miss Mae White to Prof. W. H. Ledgerwood, Rev. Geo. Ashby offi ciating. Tbe parents of both and other friends and relatives were present to witness the ceremonies. SATE AND EFFECTIVE. Braudreth's Pills are the safest and most effective remedy for indigestion, irregularity of tbe bowels, constipation, biliousness, headache, dizziness, ma laria, or any disease arising from an impure state of tbe blood. They have been In use in ibis country for over fifty years, and tbe thousands of unim peachable testimonials from those wbo have used tbem, aud their constantly Increasing sale, is incontrovertible evi dence that tb?y perform all tbat is claimed for them. Sold in every drug and medicine store, either plain or sugar coated. Prompt relief In ilckneadacbe. dizziness. nauaea, contlpatlou. pain In the ilde. guar anteed to iboce ualng Carter"! LltUe Liver mu. une a aose. email pnc, small dose. omau pill. Are free from all crude and Irritating mat. ter. Concentrated medicine only carter! Little Liver 1111a. Very email; very eaiy to mc; uu jjjuii; no griping; ao purging. Try tbem. MlnUter. lawyers, Teacher", and others whose occupation glvea but little ezerclie, should nn (irter'i. LltUe Liver lilts for torpid liver and billotuneas. One la a do. Try them. lUiUiJJLLli. , JH "iJHaB,'jjaaitJLU!i!!!. i-L BEARING UP. Some Btoroi nro having great dificulty in bearing up in such times as tncso. Good tones! flom? Made Goods At low prices enables tho SALEM, WOOLEN MILL STORE J&Mfo&A to bear up and increase the VSfjmlWV bu-iness every year. v, Vi'v&Vr.LiWxiiiJVT SPECIAL 1LIMI SALE! For One Week. IMS' FINE French Chip, Tuscan Braid, English Milans, all colors, includ ing a line of pretty plaques, every one cheap a $4.50, will be sold for WO m SEE SHOW WINDOW. If LI! NEW GOODS ! New lot, summer styles, elegant shapes, beautifully and artistically trimmed, cheap at $3.00, will be sold for $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 CHILDREN'S BATS. New and stylish, just the thing for summer wear, assorted colors, pretty and daintily trimmed, every one cheap for $1.50, will be sold for 50 cents 50 25 doten Ladies', Misses' and 25 cents 25 25 dozen Children's 25 cents 25 10 dozen Ladies' Bun Hats, 25 cents 25 SPECIAL LOT. 5 dozen only Ladies' Rough 15 CentS 15 Real, genuine, big-hearted, bankable values; just what the people want, and to be appreciated must be seen. FOR - ONE - WEEK. MRS. S. G. REED, 265 Commercial Street. MEN'S and BOY'S BTirrfL PANTS and VESTS. OVERSHIRTS. UNDERWEAR, COLLARS and CUFFS, NECKWEAR, 8USPENDERS, HATS andCAPa HOSIERY and NOTIONS. For Good Values and Low Prices Call on WIICIS BROTHERS & CO. OPEiUOyai! CORNER, - Agent for X.6G. Corsets Seat In th, tbe mm coUoMda paata la th market. Agent focIUckO. Corsets Seat in JIH 1 J. .mill i: .1 21? Av&?. '. H v 5,L7Jv5lW '$- w OREGON, TRIMMED ITS. cents 50 cents Children's fine nntrlmmed bats, cents 25 cents Trimmed Sailors, cents 25 cpnta assorted colors, cheap for $1.00, cents 25-emits and Ready White b'aliors, Cents 1 nonfo - - - BALEM, OREGON. the world. Ascita for Rail SmscImb" tSft. fc Xii'' B rv Jl fcw'M.M ?y-2Mvy "Hfli. i -SrPiK M