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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1893)
- - 1 " "iiftr ""Tf ffJ"' HARD TIMES OFFER, Why pay $l'88 to $8 BO n, month for Daily Paper wfaon you -run gat tho Dally Journal by Mall for 85 cU. , Month? ONE CEfiT DAILY! 88 eta, ssentk h? Mtt Prepaid Is Advance. No Papers Seat Wlte Time la Oat. CAPITAL JOURNAL VOL. 6. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." HAIiEW, OREGON. TUESDAY,, JUNE U7, 1898. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 1G0. -ir The Question is Often Asked Why the Th? N?W York Racket Has such a lively trade, while it appears dull in many places? That question is easily answered, they -buy their shoes from one of the most reliable cash shoe fact ones in St. Louis, paying cash for them, thereby getting their stock at the lowest price. Then selling for cash, they haye no allowance to make for bad accounts. That ex plains why they sell shoes cheap. In other lines, such as Hats, "White Shirts, Black Sateen, and light Dress Shirts, Pants, Overalls, Underwear of alt kinds for ladies, and gents Hosiery, Laces, Embroideries. I ace Curtains, Ribbons, Gloves. Mitts, Table Linen, Linen Tablecloths, Napkins, Crash, jECammocks, Brushes and notions of all kinds in New York, and iollowmg that line, (cash) trora lactory to consumer, they can aitord to Bell at low prices. They ask an examination of their stock and prices. t. barne: Keeping Pace With the Times. Have your business accounts kept In PERFECT books, such are The Frey Patent Flat Opening' Books. Books tbat are worthy of the patronage and praise of the Government Of ficials of the State of Oregon, and the greater portion of the merchantile men of the State, are Burely deserving of a trial by everyone. Manufactured in Oregon ONLY by The Meaton-Dygert Book Mfg. Co., Proprietors ot THE CAPITAL CITY BINDEKY. Binders to the State of Oregon, Printers and Lithographers, Salem, Oregon. H. W. COTTLE & CO., General Insurance Agency. Representing tke following well-known and reliable Cempanies: BTATE IN8URA.N0K Cf., .Etna Insurance Co., Traders' Insurance Co., Hun Insurance Co., National Insurance Co., Westchester Kire Ins.'Co., Lion Kire Insurance Co., Imperial Fire Insurance Co., London s. Lancashire Fire Ins. 8oc, London A ssurance corporation, Alliance Assurance Co., Norwich Union Fire Ins.Soo. Oldest and Leading Firm in the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance. J. W. TliORNBORG, THE UPHOLSTERER. Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. ,Xong Experience in the trade enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to give estimates. State Insurance block, Cbemeketa street. CHURCHILLl Spraying, (Mits, 8 103 BURROUGHS State Street. F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL 8TBEET. Lamoureux's Stables, At the Commercial street bridge near Willamette Hotel. New stock and ve hicles being added constantly. Only the best service rendered. No shabby rigs nor poor horsts. H. L. LAMOUREUX, Proprietor. Ed. C. BAGGAGE SALE. The undersigned will (til at the Bargeant Lodging House in Opera House block, Jul 15, 18m. Any one having baggage there U re quested to get same before sale. 6-19-Sw WM. 8AKOEANT FOE SALE. On easy terms and cheap. A 10 acre orchard on Sunny Hide No. one. 3 miles south of Uaiem. .. MMUlw JOHN HART. HORSE TRAINING. Have bad 18 years experience training far track or carriage. Terms reasonable. Can be found at WeoUoott's stable, or addrea Ralem. 6-0-lm jAUKd K1NU. . THE. PACIFIC, DETECTIVE ANI (MECTING BUREAU SXbEM, . Oregon Private work a specialty. C.B.CLXM&KT, Manager. LEADING MERCHANT ' TAILOR. Cross Choice jo. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats or hII Kinds 95 Court and 110 State Streets. Electric Lights On Veter System, TO CONSUMERS : The Balem Light and Power Company at E-eal expense bare equipped their Eieetne Ight plant with the n mi modern apparatus and are now able lo oiler the public a beli.r light than any system and at a rat lower than any city on the Mast. Arc and Incandescent Light ing. Electric Meters itw all purposes where newer is re lea quired. Residences can be wired for as many llgbU as desired and the consumers pay for only such lights s are tued. Tuts being registered by an idectne Meter. Office 179 Commercial St which are all bought for cash State Ins. Block. Alliance Picnic At the school and alliance picnic, near Victor Point, between Silverton and sublimity, last Saturday, the presiding offlcer was Mr. Htvunk, thoAumsville miller. In his speech that gentleman predicted be fore the present crisis was over every bank in the Union would fail, and fur ther, that to protect himself, he would close the doors of hla mill on Monday morning. The picnio was a pleasant aflair. ORDER FOR INSPECTION. Armory Company B. 2d Regt. Infy. Balem, Oregon, June 24, 1892. J Orders.No. 8. 1. In compliance with orders No. 10, C. 8., Headquarters 2nd Regiment In fantry, B. Company will parade at the Armory on Tuesday, June 27, 18D3, for muster and inspection, assembly at 8 o'clock p. m. All state and govern ment property in possession of mem bers of the company must bo strictly accounted for and members absent without leave will subject themselves to the penalties imposed by the regu lations. 2. In compliance with paragraph 81, Regulations, all uniforms of this com pany will hereafter be kept in the lock ers in the armory arid members having tbelr uniforms in their possession will see tbat they'are immediately returned to the armory. 6-20-2t I. W. Berry, 2nd Lieut. Comdg, Company. 77 running sore for t lam lerentv-senn vein old and hare had my age renewed ,at least twenty years by the ust ot s wtit's speanc wyiooi and lev to bit ' knee was a and lei to my knee was a running It could s for two Tears, acd physician said not be cured. After taking bfteea small bottles S.S.S. there isnot a sore onmylimhs,and I tESaKS. YEARS OLD of your wonderful remedy. Ika P. Btiim, Palmer, Kansas City. IS A WONDERFUL REMEDY-especUUr foi old people. It builds up the ffeaeral healtou Treat ion the blood nuul I free. SWIFT SPCIFIC COMPANY, AtUatfcOa. ItKW ADVEKTI8EMKNT8. ADVENTIST. Regular Beventh Dy Adventist services at old Unitarian Hull opposite opera bauso, 8a. lem. Batur ays. Sunday school at lo a. m., followed by Ulblo reading and other services. July 271b FARM FOR SALE. A BARGAIN lfo acres with ImnroremenU over half under cultivation, rest pasture and some good timber. Terms very easy. Ad- a i ens u. u. njiin, 6-37-lm-dw Wheatland, Or. rlt HALE. 2 choice lota, 4 blooiti south of M. E. cburcb, Ba em. Big bargain, or will trade for span of hones. A DARK, 6-17 01 South Balem. TTtfANXEL). Single horse and buggy to hire i ror a lew weeKS. Aaaress "u. mnoi- flee, giving term. 0 778t IJlOR BALE AT A BAItGAlN.-Hntel con l talnlnr 2o rooms, all furnished. In a izood town, size ot lot looxlftt feet, price f tooo cash, balance on easy naimenu. ror particulars luoulreof PIUL.K. fKETZ. over Columbia BhoeHtore, llflatateBt. 0-20 TVY OP AND BAVK COSTU-AH persons X owing me, notes or accounts mat are overdue, of t5oo or under, please pay up and save coU. JOliN BAVAOh!, Br. p-ai-owiw- 17OK BALK. A very nicely located lot. with 1 boose, on Mill street south ol Willamette university For terms and particulars, please inquire at this omoe. MS-laa mills I'ArEll 1 kept on file at K. C. Dace's L Advertising a gency , W and 65 Merchants Exchange. Ban Kraudaro, California, where contract for advertising can be made for lu TTEI.P WANTBD. Agents paid good com H mission, and tMOOO dividend among item next winter. Special attractions to be pushed this year for which we want the ser vice of best agents everywhere. itoom 5 1, Chronicle Bbtlding, Ban franclsco. CURI8T1AN KJIKNCE-Llterature of all kinds on sale at 8 Liberty street. 4-e-ly AITKNTION-Oab money paid for raw, bottles, old iron and all kto& of metals, .so hides, at old Court Houe.Um. 1-JC-ly L TOL1-OLAK. . K0TICE OF DISSOLUTHW. VTOTICEWHKRKBV GIVEN, TUATTHK IN partnership hretofore eiUUng between j.V.lFawkaaod.C.Levar UlbU day die solved by mutual oonnt : V. ,U. UifMJttJ allbllls doe aad pay out standing 5u against the Arm. dlw.l&l IS. Wall Street Situation Com plicated. SILVER ISSUES FLAT IN LONDON, Sifter Dollars' Decline to 5834 Cents! SENATOR DOLPH INTERVIEWED. Repeal of tho Sherman Law Would Be Disastrous. Li The Silver Crisis. London, June 27. Stocks closed ir regular. All allyer issues flat. Silver question unsettles business and caused bear selling. Correspondence between government of India and Indian office which led up to suspenslon.of free coin ago of silver by Indian mints la made public Council in letter written in. June advises if International monetary conference at Brussels ails and direot agreement between Jridla and United States cannot be attained, mints of .In dia bo closed to free coinage of silver and gold standard be introduced. Bar bour, financial secretary of India, op posed stoppage of free coinage, until it becomes evident the United States will not adopt free coinage. In New York.. New York, June 27. The situation In WulfStreet Is further complicated by latest developments in silver. This Btarted a renewed liquidation yesterday. The great majority of Wall Street peo ple are antl-sllverites. Their interest lies In repealiug the Sherman law. Conservative bouses are doing every thing in their power to limit trading for reason that leading Arms do not care to charge clients more than legal rate of Interest. After reviewing the situation Wall Street is content to go slow until congress shows the way Jn the silver matter, and the money mar ket returns to something like a normal condition. At Washington. Wabhinqton, June 27.-One effect of action of government of India has been to renew demand for early session of congress. Secretary Carlisle received cablegram from Loudon announcing further decline in price of stiver to 36 d. At this price silver dollars are worth 69 cents. DOLI'II INTERVIEWED. Senator Polph, of Oregon, only Pa ciflo slope senator in tho city said this merning: "lam lu favor of maintain ing all currenoy. on a par with gold, but it seems to me this action of the Indian government will diminish Instead of Increase the prospect of passing the re peal of the Sherman law by the senate. I think the eflect will be to make thoughtful members of congress hesi tate before they further depreciate the value of silver by suddonly throw ing upon the market of the world four million five-hundred thousand ounces of silver, equivalent to nearly the whole American product now pur chased and In stock by the govern ment. I do not know tbat anything better than to repeal the Sherman act can be done to relieve the situation, but I am fearful repeal of that act would bo disastrous to finances of the govern ment and silver." The senator further desired to correct a published statement tbat be wduld not be present at a special session of congress. He probably will be a better supporter of Cleveland's financial measures than a majority of Democratic senators. President and Cabinet. Washington, June 27. Two hours were consumed by tho president and bis cabinet today discussing the new phase of the silver question. Although the discussion it Is said took a wide range, It was necessarily brought back to one Important, unmanageable point, tbat the executive had no power In the premises, congress alone being alio to .deal with measures for relief. As the president has decided to call congress together In the early part of Beptember the project of an earlier ses sion of congress, it is understood, U dropped. Bo far as continuances of purchases of silver and the Sherman law are concerned, It was pointed out that little, more than two months remained before coagrsu would convene in extra session, and during the intervening time silver lots purchased would bo comparatively small In amount In view of previous purchases. Banks Resuming. Lob Angeles, Cal., June 27. Tho Broadway bank opened its doors this morning. Tho University, First Na tional and Southern California Nation al will be opened in a few days. Con fidence Is reatorednd business ploklng up. SUSPENSION OF COINAGE Of Silver in the Indian Mints How it is Considered. Wabhinqton, June 27. The presi dent, Secretary Carlisle and finanolal officers of the government generally, received their first authentic news of the startling action of the government of India in suspending silver coinage through press dispatches. Carlisle im mediately went to the White House and for nearly two hours discussed the bearings of the action with tho presi dent. The conference was renewed at the president's suburban retreat later in the eveniug and protracted far into the night Circumstances are regarded as too serious to permit of any autbentio ex pression of opinion as to the future policy of the United States, until all tho facts are fully digested. This niuob, however, can bo stated with absolute confidence; that the aotlon of the In dian government is regarded by tho United States as doing away with the necessity of reconvening the interna tional money conference, which was to meet again in Brussels this fall. It is not believed that this aotlon was taken without express orders from tho British government, which has general super vision and control over Indlau oflairp. The market price of silver today reached the lowest point In the history of that product. On Saturday tho Lon don price, which guides the director of the mint In purchases for tho govern ment was 37 pence or about 81.8 cents In this country. This morning the price In London wa 80 pence er about 78 8 cents In New York. Tho cause of the depression Is assigned by Mr. Pres ton, the acting director of the mint, as due to the rumor, which is probably true, that India, ono of the largest sil ver consuming countries in the world, is about to close Its mints against the white metal. Cowboy Race Over. CincAao, III., June 27. Thecowboy race was ended today, thn'first man in was John Berry, riding under protest of other contestants. Euimott Albright followed two hours later. GUlespIo has arrived. He Is said to be the real winner, having compiled with all conditions. A High Honor. Boston, June 27. General Nelson A. Miles was elected president of the Society of the Army of the Potomac. No Market for Iron or Labor. Ibupeminq, Mich., June 27. Three thousand Iron ore miners have been discharged In this district in the last thirty days, and 100 more will be laid off Friday, there being no market for the ore already mined. Hops and Crops. Salem, Or., June 27. Ban Francisco quotations continue 13 to 10, according to quality. At Salem nothing las been done, buyers'4 advising sellers to warehouse until money Is easier. St. Louis quotatiens: Prime New York at 2324o; Paclflo Coast at 22 23c; foreign at 4860o. Special from Laae OoB&ty. Euqenk, June 27. The condition in regard to the coming crop remains the same. Lice show up In nearly all the yards. Spraying has commenced in the Nets yards, tbey are using the Puy. allup Boiler sprayer and speak highly of Its work. Some yards lack growth of vine and unless the weather changes for the better there will undoubtedly be some short crops again this season, The market Is quiet, no transactions of late. The growers that are holding their '02s are firm in tbelr belief that prices will advance before the new crop comes on. Geary Law. Philadelphia, Jubs 27. BJx Chi namen were arraigned today, charged with being In the country in violation of the Geary exol'jslon act of 1802. For bllllousnsss and headache Sim mons Liver Regulator Is the best medi cine the world ever saw. II. H. Jces, Macon, Ga. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report RoYal .asag? ABSOLUTELY PURE IMPORTANT PORTLAND NEWS. Union Pacific Fast Mail Train Wrecked. MIRACDLODS ESCAPE OF PASSENGERS Kosulaud, tho Pioneer Wool Mer chant, Discharged. ' ! U. P. Train Wreck. Poiitland, June 27. The Union Pa clflo fast mall train was wrecked this morning about six miles from this city. One passenger, C. O. Chase, was killed, and two others injured. Whou com ing out of a cut and rounding a curve at a high rate of speed the train collided with a cow. The entire train, with the exception of the rear sleeper was thrown from tha track. Cars were piled up and thrown about in suoh a manner thattohayo escaped with loss of only ono life seems miraculous. The dead man was Identified by letters found upon him. He boarded the train at Pendleton. Tho engineer aud fireman were thrown through the cab window and alighted oa the locomotive unhurt. All passengers were brought to the city by relief train. It Is now stated no one is seriously hurt. Chase, tho man killed, is supposed to be a tramp. Koshland Discharged. Portland, Juno 27. The case of M. Koshland, the pioneer wool mer chant, under Indictment for issuing fraudulent- warehouse receipt, was brought to an end toduy by being thrown out of court on grouhd of in dictment lyjing defective. A Great Link. Wo have just re. celved the second letter, written by E. M. Walto from Chicago, but as ho has now returned, it seems out of place to publish It. It la dated Juno Oth. Where It has been delayed wo cannot tell, but the following In regard to tho Union Pacific railroad will bear publicatien: Icanuottoo strongly recommoud the Union Paclflo to persous going .East from Oregon. Since I came over the road oomo se veu years ago great chauges have taken place, not only in the care and attention paid to tho passengers over the line, but in its fine equipment and gentlemanly and obliging officers. Whero but a tow years ago was bleak and barren pralrie,tbrlvlng towns have sprung up, many branohes have been built, largely Increasing tho truflloof this road. From the foot of the Rocky mountains oa the east to Chicago the lino runs through a beautiful couutry, at this tlmo looking llko ono vast gar den, the whole landscape being one of interest aud pleasure to tho eye. I shall roturn over the same line, and I think on tho "Overland Flyer," which makes the distance from Port land to Chicago In 8 days. This train Is composed of Pullmau aud Wagnor cars exclusively, to which Is added of courso a luxurious dining car, baggage and express car. To think that this vast extent of country can be coyored in so short a space of time, aud tbat too, amid not only comfort but luxury, speak volumes for the enterprise aud excellent management of this popular line." Lota uuJ liuslusw. "Miss Florry," e&ld tho traveler, loan ing pver tho countor in tho shop, whero his samples woro spread out for display, and speaking to tho fair girl behind it in low, eager, passionate tones, "now that old Hanks has gono to tho front to wait on a custoraor I may tell you how I havo looked forward for tho last 80 days to ii. timA wnAn t Rinnia niiva ino uniiui- bms of seeing you again and hearing irom your own near tips uuit you unv not forgotten mo, may I not? While I have been on my dreary rounds from town to town or passing tho leaden hours in walling for trains at llttlo railway stations the thought of your lovely faco has thrilled me to tho heart's core. Yon have been to me the beacon light of kope, the inspiration of every striped goods like these, Miss Baxter, are worth tl shillings a dozen. I can't make them a peany leas," be said In a lutrd, busl sMssllke tone. Old Hunks had returned to tue pock part of tho shop. Tit-Blts. j , 1 F'.. tir Baking" Powder Bid HOTEL FALLS. Four Story Brick With One Hundred Occupants. FottT Scott, Kansas, June 20. The Tremont hotel collapsed at balfpast nlno o'clock this morning without warding with 100 occupants in it It Is believed 6 or 0 are burled In the debris. Tho house was brick, Istorlea bight The entire east wall fell.followed by three floors and lower occupants. Danger of other parts of the building fulling prevouts a. thorough search for bodies in tho ruins. There were 27 oc cupants taken from the second story on west sido by means of ladders and oth ers escaped through regular exits. En sio Colwell and Ida Morgan, just taken from the. wreck, are badly hurt but not fatally. The mechanics are at work strengthening the walls so search can bo made. It is believed the accident was caused by addition of a mansard roof which wan too heavy for the foun dations. A QUARRELING BISHOP. Monsignore Satolll Brings Him to Iask.,.. ... Omaita, Neb., Juno 20. .The. stipu lations which Monsignore Satolll com pelled Bishop Bonaoum to sign bring , about only u temporary settlement of tho quarrel between the bishop and his pries ts The bishop was made to promise that pending the real trial ot the long series of charges, which will come before Archbishop Hennessey,, of Dubuque, at a dato yet to he set, be would treat his priests with respect and woujd appoint to missions Fathers Crowley, Turgeon, Scbricfle and Conn; that he would restore two Slaters of the Visitation to their order, and cease his threats and annoyance toward the sis ters of the monastery at Hastings. The obargeson which tho bishop will be tried at Dubuque allege tyranny, sus pension of priests on frivolous charges, refusing to obey orders from Rome for tho restoration of priests, collecting large sums of money which he foolishly expended, extorting money by threats, being guilty of falsehood, saying that six of bis priests were notorious crimin als, speculating and bad financial man agement. istherhmttimo lor every Dody tp urinic HSuVRoot jl in wBeeri A temperance drink. . A home-made drink. A health-giving drink. A thirst-ouenchine drink. I A drink that is popular everywhere. Delicious, Sparkling:, Effervescent. )A 5 cent pickig makes J nlloas cf tbUl dcllclout Ixvetaf c llon'l b dtctlrcd If a dtsltf , I kind I "Just cood M fajj. No Lmiutioa m a goou iav gcouw iuam SMITH BROS., CONTRACTORS A FLASTERER8. Leaveorders atOottle-I'arkkuratblockprooaa U, Halom, Oregon. LKAVE3 8ALKM from U. 1. Dock at 8 o'elook a. m. every Wed nesday ana Haiurday, LKAVK3 l'OHTLAMD irom the Central ock at foot of Wahllo street every Unnday andTUarsday. LKAVK3 SALKlt for Albanr every Monday and Tafay, re turning same dys, . Opucoruiusfreffc-nt and paajwiMr MM, call on tbe agent. - AL KKMMHI, MAKE NO MORE .MISTAKE?, CHAKLE8 A. SMITH HUKS The Hustler M Saw And be doesn't bam up half yoar wee, fuel, when be saws It. Haka your enatossM wltb blm personally or Uave orders sAVsatssss cigar store Dearbota'e book stor,M Harsisr street, or (Uru me by mall, S-4-t W ffi V NIO Steamer Elwood.