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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1893)
mv j.Ab u tv.. mvjnmm oaitajli joubna, satubday, june 17, i8, j1 :. ' v . ' l r aw xAiT wunrxx. Jt..i?ffiteLlS'!S,i..2S! rn Line distance nil competition with . .. .u- .l,..lul tlria. fiat ML faWckwrta tid no ehatiw or i m.w ui.itaiiri riven anu is us mmW World' Fair roUto. 4-24-0t Clifford, matkmmn A Boston Boy's Eyesight Saved -Perhaps His Life By Hood's Sraparilla Blood Pol oaed by Canker, Read the following from a grateful mother s "My little boy had Bcarlet Ferer when 4 yean old, and It left Mm very weak and with Mood brae4 with eaaker. His eyes became so Inflamed that lilsVsuffflrings were Intense, and for seven weeks he Could Not Open Wwl lyes. I took him twice during that time to the Eye and Ear Infirmary on Charles, street, but their remedies failed to do him the faintest shadow of good. I commenced gtrtog him Hood's Barsnparllla and It soon cureu him. I have never doubted that It saved hi elxht, even It not kU rery life. You ssar use this testimonial In any way you choose. 1 am always ready to sound the praise of Hood's Sarsaparilla because of the wonderful Reed It did my von." Abbik P. HtACKM&r, 2888 Wash ington St., Boston, Mass. Oet HOOD'S. HOOD'S PlLLS are hand made, and are perfect la composition and proportion. BLOOD DISORDERS A New Remedy A im Specific a potltlre and permanent elimination fall poison from the blood, and a restoration of healthy tiger Wtfi timet II offered to sufferers far the first time is remedy which has been undergoing the ,mot severe ysi uiies, ana 11 wiu nsn iu, j.-.. for SyphJitlc poison and all blood diseases. Da you be Vevpitfi Seqd foe full particulars and proof fit, btop AUuw nw system with mercury and oilier poisons. ffiEtoaMKiy will curs you in so to oo day; without fall. wavguamate a our or refund the tnoaey, MOFFAT CHEMICAL CO., 17 Mt Street I'OBTLAND, OS. Spring Races! FAIR GROUNDS, SALEM, July 4, 5, 6 and 7. PRIZES $3,500.00. Trotting, Pacing ! Running CONTESTS. PROGRAMME. Tuesday, July 4(h. Manning, seven-eighths mile dash, purse WOO Rmyraee.tOOyde.lbestlna " WJ rentes not to exceed til bands high. Trotting, itiolars.a In S " av Trotting, 3-year-olds, mile du.. " 160 Paalng.lliWclasB.aiua.... " 260 Wednesday, July 5tb. Huanln?, oae-half mile, 3 yearolds, purse lWi Jtunnlng, one-hall mile aud lepeat, " sou Trolling. SfcSt class, 2 in a a&O Trottlug, tM elaw, a mile oath..... ' tuu Tktfrsttay, July 6th. Running, mile dash purse,$loa jumniug, nine uasu. ........ " sum ?rottDft.2A0olamain3 " SOU Fesing, 2-yer-oldB,tnllo dash. " 160 Friday, July 71I1. JUanlng, J- mile dash . puree, (100 Cranlrtmerva roadster raw 2lu3 " 100 Mnrnm without record, owners to drive Xtmtty runnlug Hce,0 tullee.. " 200 TMaraee la ter ladles, entraaoo fleet they aaa abastaa hones as often as ttiey wish. ADMISSION: Gentlemen, 60 cents, Itrfes, US els. Children over VI yearn, is eta. Gfaud nUutl, QSots. OKKICKllS. rmiaeat, H. w. cottlk. . V Vlee-freaideat, W J.KRWIN, ' ' Treasurer, I, U I'ATTEHBO ief4l4SF4sviile,aal aefer sale aaea hhm la aTC& rtiSrysSsj. flCr? "is - r "Sdreee . , 1" A. EincaLas in Land. Flwfimtl99akn twaSMaW.' THE CAPITAL JOVMAL. PUBLISHED DAILY, KXCKPT 8UNDAY, 1TTHI Capital Journal Publishing CpmMny. Tout Office Ulook. Comcaerclaljltreev HOFER BROTHERS, Editors. . iimIIv h. rinr. nr mnnth m Dally, by roall, per Jeafi Weealy,8 pages, per year 6.00 ETHICS OF JUURAALISM. About a month ago there was an ef fort of certain alleged newspapers to brand The Journal with the crime of blackmail. There was a (treat deal of talk about fulr,dea)BK with the public, and that the .community owed It to themselves to send ao editor who would commit such au oflense to the penitentiary, If the papen making these .charges were not treated upon the planeof decent journalism we should not refer to this matter, as It long slncejecame nauseous to our reader. .But as the? jrand jury has discharged 'Elmer Wor ick, and as The Journal publishers -were never called before It, and as the erm of court haa passed by ami no ac Hon. for criminal libel hao been brought It? Is -we'll tb ask where are4 these pub lishers at 7 It is admitted that anyone attempt ing to levy blackmail upon threat df exposing a criminal Bnouia do evereiy uunished. Hut 'what should be. done. with those who cbarge.innocent people with suoh a crime, and-the courts show that there was a damnable conspiracy to shield an oflender whose black rec ord Is perfectly established? Do these two newspapers at Balem that tried to blacken the reputation of The Jour nal to shield Bbaw still, pretend that his relations to Miss Ferris and Mrs. Joseph were upright? They have utterly failed to sustain their cbargo ugulnBt The Journal It never arose above the dignity of mean spite work, carried on from env and Jealousy of Its prestige and to build up their petty trafllc u nier-i'a reputa tions. Their warfure was contempti ble iu the eyes of all men who are wil ling to live aud let live. Now what Is their attitude toward public, morals in this case ? Is It not base and treacher ous? Have they not shielded a villain, whether for pay or free gratis, who has basely betrayed the confidence of two unprotected women? These newspapers have a greater crime to answer for than Mr. Bnnw. While he curried on private schemes of de bauchery, they are seeking to debauch public morals, so far as their influence goes. They will not only seek to Injure innocent persons when it is to their pecuniary interest to do so, but seem cheerfully willing to screen from the publlo gaze those bl who stand condemned of crimes against private morals aud publlo trusts. There never was a ranker otlonce against chastity and virtue committed In this city tnan that which these twoj alleged newspapers sot out to defend aud cover up iu the Shaw-Ferris case. There never wus a greater fraudCom tnlttcd by a real eslute ageut, in all the calauder of fraudn, than that perpetra ted on Mrs. Joseph, which they con ceal a;d gloss over. These iiro the newspapers that betray furnlly life and uphold the raukest real estate swindles, aside of which the bunco uiou In Polk county were knights of honor. They did not operate ou u feeble old widow Iu her dotage. Tuey gave value received iu comparison with Bhaw's worthless nou-iutercst-bear- lug iiou-uegotlublu notes. Jack the Ripper, who gushed the Loudon women of the. street into uurecogutzable heaps of Immunity, was a chevalier compared to a "friend of the family' who would get a young girl to come to a ft ran go city to attend school, boust lior Iu a disreputable lodging, visit her night after ulght at unseasonable hours, when under a doctor's care for u suspic ious disease, and be ejcotol from the building by follow lodgers. Let the PUbllo consider tho merest outlines of these enormities and tben consider that two alleged newspapers In 8atem have set out toohamplou them Iu print. We shall leave tho public to Inquire, why there has boon au utter fullqre'of Justice ao far to convict the only real offender. Tnw Journal la not police, Justice court, publlo prosecutor, grand Jury, nor is It actuated by motives of revenge, nor In tho pay of a villain Tho people must square their own ao oounts with nuy who have been delin quent iu duty, Including newspapers that betray public trusts for private emolument, PATARRH :. U IN CHILDtfKN For over two yean my little glrlVllf was made miserable by a case of Catarrh. The discharge from the nose was large, constant ana very Offensive. Her eyes became Inflamed, the lids sweUsa and vsrysamlHl. After tryir vvlew rem iKavehafBHBjsjBBBTheftnt bet le. seemed tfJHHw TY ad In a akert time she was earvd. i Da. L, S. Kitchcy, Maskty, IrA, Y Oar txwk oa Hao4 utd Bate IHississ maiU' swssr vtwxno w., Auanta, O. COMEDY ON THE STREET. Characters: Street Commissioner on bicycle, Councllmen In carriages, Citi zen on foot. Citizen 'on foot. That's a mighty line bicycle that you have got, what did it cost ? - BTKEET COMMlBSIONBK. Ouo. jiun dred and fifty dollars.' CIT17.BN on foot. I see that you have made s mighty Brie blcyele track at the lower end of Wilson Avenue. Strket Comi83Ionkr, Oh: . yes; these muchlues cost too-much money to have any thing but a flno track; e boys can't nflbrd to have them all stove up. Citizen oNFOeT.ti Who Is that with that fine team and Tcarr luge up at the other end of the avoaue ? "BTREBTi ' Commissioner. That Is Councilman Cross. Citizen on FopT.What do you sup- ppse a rig jikevtMt sests 7 i jSTRKifV poxMWSMNER. Oh that's a ftbelrlgcarrjagaosi-. about WOO, team $350. Citizen. Bee there, he has stopped and Is swearing like a tro.iper; wouder what's, toe (matter wiiu mm i commissioner. Juei's go up ana see, ' Grri3EN. HalIo Cross; what's the matter? Ckos8.j.H 11, fire and brimstone, what's all these boulders put on this street'tor?' This rig coat me $760, aud here'I am smashing it all up on these blamed rockur Citizen. "Who is that over there by the E ist ,BalEm school building with thst-fln'e'troiter ? Commissioner. 1 hat looks tike La f$ro wllli bis three minute horse. 'Citizen. .Yes, but what's a man like bltn.that Jjelqugs to the church swear ing so for? -Commissioner. Let's go over and top. Citizen. That's a three minute horse" I am told. Lafqub., Xes, but d n It, I have been three hours getting around this block. Citizen How so. Lafore. Trying to get over these boulders. D m such streets. Citizen. Yea, but you ought not to swear so. You will be put out of the church. Lafore, Not forswearing at such streets. That Is a privilege that all church members have. Citizen. I understand that this is screened gravel that the city is using, i Lafore. Yes, thut is the order of the council, and that Is what I suppose the tax payers are paying for. Citizen. How oliout the sanding? Lafore. Oh, that is all right, do you suppose that a 4 per cent dividend could be declared if the street commis sioner picked every one of these rocks up and sanded it like a painter sands a house? What are you talking about? Citizen. Wht do you mean by a 4 per cent dividend? Lafore. Go and ask Charlie Moores. CirizEN. Yes; but he does not be long to the council now. ' Lafore. Yes, but he did. You don't expect, a man to be in IniMneBs all his life do you? All successful men re lire in a few years. Citizen. Is there any more of the council that is expected to retire soon? Lafore. The building committee all expect to retire as soon as the city hall is completed. Citizen. Where Is that street com missioner? Lafore. Qh, he just went out of Blunt henlnd one of them oouiuers. Citizen. I hope that nothing I have said about a 4 per cent dividend oflended blm. Lafore. Oh, he's just that tired, that's all. Citizen. Goodbye. Goodbye. Lost. Bay mure, weight 000 lbs., black mane and tall, no white. Will pay for return of the animal. Thomas Holman, 670 High street, Balem. dw-tf Notice to Berry Growers. Do not order vour berry boxes aud crates until vou have seen samples and price list or Oregon Fruit A l'roduce (Jo., 177 Commercial 81 , Balem. . 0 8tdw tf CURE Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Inci dent to a bilious state ot the system, such a Dlulness. Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress arter eating, l'aln In the 8Me, &a. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing SICK Headache, yet CAwna'a Ltrru Ltvma Pltxa are equally valuable In Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the llrer and regulate the bowels. ICvea tf they only cured HEAD ehe they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this dlstressler complaint; but fortunately their goodnees does not end here, and those who once try them will rind these HHle pills valuable In so many ways that they will not be willing to do wtuioat them. Hut after all ale head .ACHE M the bane of so many Ursa that here Is where we make our great boast. Our aUk cure it while others do not. UABvaa'a Lrrru Uvea Pitt are very small aad very easy to Uke, Oos or two pWs make a does. They are strictly vegetable and do not tripe or purge; but by their gentle action ftUaeeailwbQUM ehenu In viakatSBCtata; SreferfM. Sold everywhere, or seat by audi camm tmtcara ., rat. UfiLsajsW Ufrk LKAVBB BAUHC fnim U. I, Dock at o'etoek a, m. every Wed- arttUy aad fcuiarday, LKAVB8 1H1RTLAKO tnmi theOaatralstoekat faot Al WmihluiAn sinwt every HttUdiy aud Thursday, LKAYaW rVVLIMf- far Albanv every Monday aad Tuesday, ro turnlix mill days, Ueueerulug trvfuUt and Maseager bualnew, oali o I he ageut, AL U JCRWtN , CARTER'S! f IvYr h Steamer Elwood. PLAGES TO BE FILLED. JHon T. J. Black, the new collector of easterns, will dispense considerable patronage In the next few weeks. Those under him are all nominated by him, aBd appointed by the 17. 8. treas urer. 'We publish the list even though it may add to the number of applicants for subordinate positiens: Per annum 1 depuly collector $2700 00 1 deputy collector 2200 00 1 deputy collector 1480 00 1 clerk 1600 00 2 clerks, each , 1200 00 1 examiner.. 1800 00 1 examiner 1400 00 1 examiner.- ., 1200 00 1 opeuerand packer 1000 00 Per diem 1 weleher and saucer $6 00 2 assistant weighers and gaugers, each 3 00 6 lnBpectors'(day),eacb.J 4 00 1 inspector (day), each 3 60 4 Inspectors (night), each 2 60 The Balem Democracy will undoubt edly no Handsomely, rememoeren. uoi. Black has no stuuncher friends or ad mirers than right here at the Capital City. Caution to Customers. Nothing ol original or superior merit but haalta imitations and counterfeit", even to Imperiling the bealtb of cummumUea. For this reason tho proprietors ol Hostetter'a Stomoch Bitters caution their patrons to scru tinize every bottle offered (and It U cold only In bottles) and Terlfy lta many marks of gen uaents8. Asumctent warning to those meditating fraud can be found In tbe unbroken line of Judicial decisions, exposing and severely pun Ishlne every one detected in counterfeiting me itinera, ana vne reaouoiea erions mu an belot made to protect I be publio from tbe de ceptlbn ot these unprincipled pirates. Remember tbe Bitter' Nsold In bottles only, never oy vne gauon or in nuic. Baby cried, Mother sighed, DoctoTpreacribed : Castoria CONSTIPATION la called the "Father of Diseases." It is caused by a Torpid Liver, and is generally accompanied with LOSS GF APPETITE, SICK HEADACHE, BAD BREATH, Etc. To treat constipation successfully It iB a mild laxative and a tonio to tho digestive organs. By taking Simmons Liver Regulator you promote digestion, bring on a reg ular habit of body and prevent Biliousnesa and Indigestion. "My wife was lerely distressed with Constipa tion and coughing, followed with Bleeding Plies. After four months use of Simmons Llrer Regulator she Is almost entirely relieved, gaining strength and flesh." W. B. LsSrax, Delaware, Ohio. "I have used Simmons Liver Regulator for Constipation of my Bowels, caused by temporary derangement of the liver, and always with de cided benefit." Huuu WAaxaa, Late Chief Justice of Georgia. Dr. Powell Reeves & Co, The Old Reliable Specialists, Late of New York Hospitals. Graduate with High Honors. Twenty years' experience as I'rofcfsor, Lecturer. Author and Specialist' In Chroulo Diseases. Catarrh, Bronohitis, Cough and Dlrfloultyof Breathing BuoceasfuJ ly treated withspeolf to remedies thoroughly tested and proved by the OLD DOCTOR Who is one of nature's noblemen, thoroughly devoted to his profession and ever ready to help the afilloted. NERYOUS DEBILITY J TJuat'Sffi middle aged men. Tbe awful efTtcta of early In. I.nul U.i l.hfiiiAlilia vajLllotl fttt If 1 M. 11000. night emissions, exhausting drains, bashtulnesj, loss ol energy, wcakuecs of both body aud brain, unfitting one for study, business and marriage, treated with never failing sucosss, Oet cured and be a man. BLOOD AND oKIM SSTaSiK syphllitlo taint, rheumatism, erupUooa. etc, of all kinds. bUnxl poison Irom any cause whaUrer. cured promptly, leaving the system pure and health luU KJDJEY AND URINARY ffiSbSnfc der. sedtmsut In urine, brick dust or whits: pain while urinating, frequency ol; Blight's dUease and alt dleeaiea ot the bladder of both sexes. PIT1RPU throat, lunirs, llver.dyspeps is, Indl bllaKHrl sc.tlun. and all diseaaeeaSecUuf the bowels, stomach, etc.; dlatrboea, dvsentery, ete. Troubles ol ihtscharacterreUevedatoaee; cures effected as soon as possible. pBlVlTP. diseases, gleet, gonorrhoea, syphilis, (MliatQ b)drcle. varlocele. teuderneas, swellings, weakness ol organs, aud piles, fistula, rupture, quit kly cured without any paluor de- eiauou irom ousiuesa, WRITE your trouble U living away from the III ID elty. ibousaads eured at home by oorrespondeuee and tnetllclnes sent seeure Irom observation, hucltue 10 cents In slais ps fer book on Sexual becrvta. Address, oR.pnwEU reeves; co K,w mM at m C'I St, Silei. HORSE TRAINING. Have had IS years esperleae tralalac ff tiaekorrurrUge. lerma nraauuble.t uses fbun tat WesUeott'aBUble.uraddreMHtUesa. elai JAMaM K1MU. m$i s. 'vja MRS. ELMIRA HATCH. HEART DISEASE 20 YEARS. Dr. XUet Xtdteat Co., BUsJwrt, Xnd. Dsan Bins: For 20 years I was troubled with heart dlaease. Would frequently have falling spells and smothering at night. Had to sit up or net out of bed to breathe, lied pain In my left side and back most ef the time ! at last I became dropsical. 1 was very nervous and nearly worn out. lha least excitement would cause me to THOUSANDS &h with fluttering. For the lrt fifteen years I could not sleep on my leftside or backnntU began taking your ears Cure. I bad not taken it very long until I felt much better, and X can now sleep en eitnsr sioe or uses unuuu, u, . v---- s tort. I have nopaln, smothering, dropsy, no wine -. i fl . II.. i i liln .TrmTitntTi. I US .kl. . At. .11 tiv tvmn hnil.wnrk DrlthOUS SilT trouble and consider myself cured. ,. Elkhart, Ind.. Jb88. Mas. Bum Ha ich. It Is now four yean sinco I have taken any medicine. Am In better health Uian I have beea XZbr1. XBFA CURED JsTessrS Cure saved ny life T.-aTwaatsi and made me a well woman. I am now n ysass of age, and am able to do a good day s work. iKy 2h, 1892. Mas- EMHBA HATCH. OLD ON A POSITIVC QUARANTKt. v TRY OR. MILES' PILLS, 50 DOSES 25 CTs! gold by D. J. Fry, drugtriat, Balem HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HEAVEN ON EARTH. LOVE AND BEAUTY MAKE HEAVEN. fin Int. im hnvn nnm tin irli . beautiful flowerf houses, bird-" may btnuttful women Every woman can De lovea, can ou ueauiuui. LOLA MONTEZ CREME the.KIS FOOD and TISSUE HUIIjUEi nmkes ladles beauti ful. Prevents wrin kles. Keen- skin In perfect condition. No mnuer wnai oiemim dlsflinrcHfaceorform Mis.Netllelliir I son's articles will cure, ask LrMhW KRED LEOO, TlrtiBglat, Patton Ulock, Balem, Ore, S lutu. win inn von a'l abont thm. bo sells them. Forany special or complicated blemish of lace or iorm, write MRS. NETTIE HARRISON, am erica 'a Bkatjty Docroa, 26 Geary tit., 8an Francisco, Cal Bupeifluons Hair Permanently Bemoved. MAKE NO MORE MISTAKES. CHARLES A. SMITH RONS Tie Rustler Wood Saw And he doesn't burn up half your wood. In fuel, wbenhe saws It. Make your contract wit h him personally orleaveoruereat VeaUSbs cfgar store Dearborn's book store,438 Hummer street, or aaarcss me ny man. u-ii n IMPORTANT NOTICE Owing to the fuct that we are over stocked, we will, until further notice. make tbe following sweeping reduc tions on iurrjuel: j. Rougb common -$10 per M Sidewalk -.. 10 " " Plnorlnc. Runtln. ntn.. Nn. 1 Vfl ' " Flooring, RUatlc, etc., No. 2 15 " Common 2d grade ,...'. 0 " Other clnsees of lumber in same pro portion, quality uot excelled in any market in theotate. CAPITAL LUMBERING CO. i-Vk)D Bulness Ol'ltJltTUNITY.-Owlngto x poor health the undersigned will trade na Dustness ana racioiy (or real estate on rea tonable terms . F. HKOIiH. &-20U Depot Bash and Door Factory, ttaiem. f OHr. Roan horse, ten years old, shod let JU ter"Il" tm ten f boulder. Weighs 11.V3. lost seen Tburslay uear Qeo Riches place 15 nines rtua umaitmi. neiurn vou. 1. nramonp, suuKiowuuu, ouiexn. vv HELP WANVKD.-AKenU paid agood com amissien: and WO00 dividend amone them next winter, 8pi-ctat attractions o be pushed this year for which we want the ser vice or di si ngents evory w ere. TUBCL'RTIt rUBLISHING CO., Room 3', Chronicle Ublldtmr, Hau rranclsoo. 31UHPAPBltlskeptonnieat K. U. Date's .' Advertising guney, 61 and 65 Merchants zchauge.Sau Franols o,' California, when conlrao'aroraavertli-lngcan heniade for li 0 HitldTlAN wciBtfoK-tLlterature of all i-usou wiieuixji i,iDry Btreet. 4-5-1 j ATTENTION.-t.'ash money paid for rags, bottlea.oldirouandall kinds of metals. a ao hide, at old Court House. Halem. l-ly ' I. TOLPOLAR. Authorized CabitAl 1500,000. CAPITAL NATItyjAl BANK Balem, Oregon, . W. A. CUS1CK, Pres. W. W. MARTIN, Vice Ire. J. H.ALUKRT, Cashier. State, County and City Warrants bought ut lr. dw . SMITH BROS., CONTRACTORS A PLASTERERS. ,.aTordrs at CotUe-Parkhurst " tS,Maleni, Oregon. ' STATE TREASURER'S FIFTH NOTICE 8Ute of Oregon, Treasury Department. , .. . . Halck, Junes. 1888. ob hand suttlclent to pa? all outstanding state ?j?.!w.aa KE5W oponprwuUitlon at ihts .jap, in. iTTS J.1 rapu will not be allowed after the date o this notice " ar l,HlIi.JKHA,uTraauw. .aBQUSftSa rtWv f W1SC0S1N CENTRAL LINES. (Northern Pacific R- R, Co., Uiits.) LATEST tlME CARD, 4 Two Through Train Dally. 0.25pinl ... Minn... a 7:16pm I Htl'aul KtSam S.30am IMOam 8anam M7pm 4:lfiprn Sitepm SfiOpm 1:30pm 10-lAam l0pm 7.16a rrt 4-IfipmlI.. Duluth-.B, 7.vpmll . AsblftBdj a 9t9urjf I ..( Tickets sold and baggage checked through to all tralnls In the United Hutes and Canada. Clone connection madeiln Chicago with all trains going East and Houth. '' Kor lull information apply to yonr neareat ticket ogent or JAM. O. FONI, linn Pass, and Tkt. Art, Ohlcneo. Ill Srnith Premier Typewriter.' Hold on easy payments, ForilRent- W. I. STALEY, Agent, Salem. H.N.BURPEE, Gen' l Agent, 101 Third lat, Portland. Bend for catalogue. CflflSrWOLZ, Proprietor of the GERMAN x MARKET South Commercial St., Balem. AU kinds Fresh, Belt and BmOked Meats aud Sausages. FREE DELIVERY. Thn twnrd of trustees of the OreeOD State in sane iisylum Invito eealed proposals for tbe furnUhlriir at tbe asylum near-nlein, ' legon, the following supplies ior me six.monius eau Ing January 1, 1894 : DRY GOODS. 60 yards cotton flannel, Nashua tXXX bmwn. 1 200 yards Amoskeag, mariners stripe, bluef ana wnne. ft. J yards PequotA sheetings, 36 Inch, un bleached 6U0 yards Lowmdale sheeting, 88 Inch, bleached. HU yards Continental, checked flannel. MO vards lilaas crash. It Inches wide. 7C3 yards bleached linen and French crash, 15 uicnes wiae 200 yards Amoskeag blue denim. W0 vards 9-t bleached sbeetlnir. Peauot. 100 yards superior satin damask 8 tlneh muc 200 yards Marseilles checks, York Mfg. 600 yards Dragon cloth astorted colors. VlAiz white stay binding inches wide. !5doz. ladlei' cotton hose. 6 dox. mystio Turkey red handkerchiefs, 31 incnes. 75 doz. No. 36 white (Coat's) thread. " 2 doz. No. 10 white (Coal'n) bread. 3 doz. No fO white (Coat's) thread. 2 d z No. 60 while tCoat'-) thread. 10 doz. No. M b uck (Coat 1 thieid. GO yards table oil cloth, best quality, light coior. 12 doz. papers pins. QROCERIhS. 10,000 pounds beans, small white. 6,000 lbs granuiated sugar. 6,000 lbsO.C augor. 6 1 00 lbs. rolled oats, In barrels, fresh ground, 3.000 bs cracked wheat. 4.C30 lbs Gold Dust corn meal (or as good) iresn ground in oarieis. 3.0U0 ibe hotulny, freah ground In barrels, 4.0CJ lbs choice Island rice. ' 200 gallons New Orleans molasses, best quimy. l,OX) lbs corn starch, Oswego, 6 000 lbs Llveroeol salt. 00 lbs cheese, Cranston's or aa good, full cream, 150 lbs C. it Co's A. & H. brand crb soda. 8f 0 lbs cream tartar. J. a. Fo ger's best. 20 gross Vulcan Superior Safety matches. 25 doz brooms. 2 doz whisk brooms. 15 doz. cans oysters, Blue Point, or aa good. 20 doz cans oysters, Melds. 10 doz. cm n. corn. ICO lbs. ptarlbirley. 713 lb. Bod crackers XXX fresh. 100 lbs. oyster crackers XXX lresh. 1C3 bs. Oswego gloss starch 20 boxes macaroni. OIL. 1C3 gallons kerosene, Pearl brand, In tanks. aOgallODs Alb iny spindle oil, 6 gallons Albany cylinder oil. FLOUR. 600 barrels more or less, best roller process, delivered as wanted. MEATS. 600 lbs per day, more or less of beef, as re quired In equal paru of tore., and hind quar- ivia. FISH. Fish as required, giving price per pound for luruiauiux me uiudrem tunus, , perfectly tresh UU MJUUU, SOAP, 3.C00 pounds Kirk's H&von or aa cood. 1,000 pounds Proctor & Gamble's Ivory, or as awv. DRIED FRUIT. 3,090 pounds apples, best quality. 1,-iee.ib, peaches. 1X38 lbs. prunes. 100 lbs. raisins, SPICES. 25 lbs. mace, ground 50 lbs. mnstari, ground, v Soo lbs. black pepper ground, 20 lbs cinnamon, ground, Su lbs gluger, ground. TEA. 1,000 lbs, Columbia brand, or as good, COFFEE. 4 000 lbs. Costa Rica, Alt grade. ajIbs.Government Java, flrstfrade, 15o lbs Real Mocha, r 6vo lbs. chicory. TOBACCO. l,6oo lbs. Blede Hammer brand. STATIONERY. 3rrosa nens. nillnti'a Nn sai 1 gross lead pencils rubber tip Ne. 2. 1 gross lead pencils, rubber tip No. , 1 box London Incandescent peas, No. 4 (gen- 1 txix London lacandescentpeac, No. 8 (gen ullt.e?)X Lo,do ,ncan(teat,p9aa, No. 7 (gen I ream legal.cap ppr (bxUtb good.) 1 Juurnal '"' 1 " ledger - fdox penboldrrs (ins fllllrt KAttlaa UanA.11. . e. wtMioifluiU. " - ynwm K dos quart battles fitajford's rosaBierel) Snuart bottles Saarord'scombUed'wriilaij CROCKKKY. lodns teacups. Indns saucers. 6 dox one quirt -oup bowls, 1 dox. odh , alien p.toher. fdo.oupptatie a,lne. 1 dos. ehaabecyota. Jy'-tyiayg JmBs v UssssssWlLsSsSsssslsSslr tt. sflsssssssssssssssZsTflftf SBssssssssssssSsiBssssssssssssssTt jJifissssssssP t Bids for Asylum .ippljcs. 3 dot ivrup pitchers, 1 pint, gists, lo dot. tumbiers. 1 dox. lantern globea. ldos. ibaker salts. PAINTS AND OILS. l,ooo pounds white lend. I barrel Unseed oil, boiled.' 1 barrel roof paint. Jo nations t'irpenllne, 3n pounds Venetian red. It pounds chrome green, dry la 1 pouad cans. 3 pounds chrome yellow, dry in 1 pound cans. v , "6 lbs raw nmber, In I pound cans. 6 lbs burnt umber, dry In 1 pound cans, i 6 lbs dry umber. In 1 pound cans. 4 cans rose pink, In 1 pound cans. 'J oau burnt sienna.- 1 paper broLte, H due, Adams brushes No, 3 A. O. JC H dos. round sash tool.i 3u lbs. French onhre dry.J 'J boxes glass 7x3o. 6 boxes glass IxJo. loo pounds putty. 2 papers glsilsrs points, PLUMBING. 4 ' 3 dog.clneS car metal for Laclanch batteries, Sdos yi flber washers. Hdiix.4 " " Odrs Lava tips, lricj Elba burner cocks. 1 di k. gas plllers. ldoz.jlcad '8'.' traps, leo pounds solder and K 4o (eel lie lead plp , 6 pounds. 4o feet 1H lead pipe 4 pounds. 4 pipe reamers, from & to . 6 pounds asbestos 1 Jackson's semper, S-lncb flue. 1 ill r Jaw each. 13 inch. IB-Inch an d 31-lnch. BtlHsou wrench. 2 ai s Jl ells. f, dux iK ells. kdoi Sells, M dos Mockets. dox 1 inch sockets. H di x 3 Inch sockets. y, ui.x 6 nange unions. 2 doxai( bushlrgs. 2d y,i bushings. 3dox t Jj bushings. 1 dos. yA Jenkins Bros, valves, movable dimes. ' y doc i JenKins Bros, valves, movable di KB. H dos. 2 JenKins Bros, valves, movable dinK. ,U doz Ji square head stop cocks. 1 dok t uilerhoee bibs flnlsbed. 1 dos Fuller 1 lain bibs finished. 1 dox 1 stop and waste. 1 doz Ji star and waste. i dox y. air cocks, y, dos Jjalr cocks. . HARDWARE. 8 dox. 4 Inch slim taper fllee. 8dfxr51nch ' 8doK8lnch " 1 each 7, U and 13 ox. riveting hammer. 1 one pouud 4 ox octagon ball pin hammer. 1,000 bm, each No. 18, 2o aud 33 galvanised sheet Iron, best brandi3oxS6. 2 boxes 2ox.S XXXX tin redlppedj 1 box 3ox28 XX tin redlpped. 8 pncKages 2 Ibi. tinned rivets. 12 d x boiler handles. 1 pair 7 B soldering coppers. 1 pair 5 B uolderlDg coppers, 2-o Sis SU flnlchlng nails. 2oo ft i ud finishing nails. 4oo lbs 8d comuiou nails. 4oo lbs lod common nails, loo lbs 4d wire nails 8 gross eauh screws 1 Inch No. lo and Ji Inch No 4 gross each screws , and 2 No 11 2 gross each screws brum K No. 4 No. 8 y, doz. papers each 4 and 6 ox. tacas. ,200 leel ground iron, Norway. lod feet7-ia round Iron, Norway, 76 feel round iron, Norway. tO feet Vti flat iron, Norway. loo feci iMjxU flat iron, Norw-iy, 6o feet x flat lion, Norway. Keg No 3 hind shoes (Burden's). li Keg NOT 3 (root shoe y. keg No. 6 front fhoes " keg No. 6 hind Nhots " it lbs Hweet American steel toe calsts No. 4. 116 inch rasp (Heller Bros) 1,000 tt best blacksmith's coal. lo lbs. X iron wosbere. lo lrs. 0 16 irn washers. loo feet angle steel . 1 olai.kmlin siook aud dies from 6-16 to 1 1 thread. 16, 2o, 24 and 33 to 1 Inch with 4 taps ud 4 dies. I 1 Hellwig's patent bolt clipper No. 3, boo feet y, tnanllla rope. 6 package and So, 8 copper rivets. 8 doz. each of 4 inch, 6 inch aud 6 Inch slim taper riles. SHOEMAKER'S SUPPLIES. U roll sole leather, Stockton extra heavy 25 to 27 lbs a nlrte. 3 sides oftklrllog, plump, 14 to 17 lbs, a side. 2 domestic oslf sales, brand H. B 3 buck sklna, ruealutn slxe bhftved. DRUGS. lo lbs absorbent cotton. 2Ibsncldum cirbolicum pure. 1 lb ncldum bo acluni. 1 lb acldutn murlatlcum C, P. 8 lbs acidum murlatlcum commercial. 1 lb acldutn tulphurlcum aromat. 6 lbs nqu Giuuioniae fort. 3 lbs chioroformum :qulbba. l,2oo empty capsules xso. 1, I.V00 empty capsules No 2. 1 lb fluid extraoucannabls lnd, Wyeth Bros. orP.D.A,Oo. f Slbs fluid (xtractbuchufFol. Wyeth Bros. or p; D, A Co.- 1 lb fluid extract zlngtberls Wyeth Bros, or P. D. A Co. 1 lb fluid extract hyoscyaml Wyeth Bros, or P. D.AI'o. 1 lb fluid extract glycyrrh. Wyeth Brew, or P. D. A t;o. ' 8 lbs. fluid extract Sarsap. Co. for syrup, wy eth BroH. or P. D. a Co. lib fluid extract senna Wyeth Bros, or P D, 31bsfluidxtraot prunlsVlrg, fyethBros. or P. dIauo. ' f " 6 gallons glycerine pure, 60 lbs. fl aiiced meal. 1 dozen medicine glasses K oz. 2 gallons ol. rlclni. 80Z.OI. lemon. H os. Ol.aurantll. . 1 fc pepsin Sao h. Falrchlld. y, tb Hhenacetlne Byer., , 1 dozen PHilltpsvEmul.'ol liver oU; laige size. 3 gro's pill boxes, assorted sizes. 1 lb Iulv. Iwveri. llbPulv. acaclae. 6 Bis. soda Borat. 2o lbs Potass. Biom, 2 Bh. Petass, citrus. 2 lbs. I'otos.ioddum. I PH. podophyllln, H grain caoh. fa ox,qulnlneHilph. K. A M. 6B4 sulphur sublim. & B, sodlt blcai b. 60 lbs 'sulph magneslae. 1 pound aclvoluntLB for syrup. 1 dox syringe Davidson's No 1. 6 pounds vaseline (XXX) reflned. 8 ox autlftbrin n5aJ?lpl, mJy."e Ben at the offloa ot board. 5JJJ2ii.n,ult.b"1.u,1.0 dame therewith, and SPJSffe orl,ln.fl Package when p sslble Ibe rifiwi r'.Jct a,,,y er bldaU reserved. SJeE' '?.upP'1 wlu he icqulred wl'hln ini? "ys.not reoracceptarcecf bid. A copy f, dv"rtl8'n,ent n,ut accompany each bid and the name of class of HupplIeVmuit be h.liHft.enve.lorl?' ?a,,fc b,l nu delude aU M.'.'iV.V10? tolu ln Juof.the respecUv; was, with the excepUons of flour, meat and flrmiSir'SSiria f?hn: !Ier,lTSVreolEjr55t and "f ansej'MMUH c iruutrSMf to a 1 pur chased "it , r w, Bids w4i,j9 JOMBed-at S o'eiock P. ta, Monday Pk TJ-'? tr-B-? " PHIL MfsiMSf AT WM A. MUN LY, tlerk oTb&tIl:01'' MONEY TO LOAN On Improved Real EeUte, tnanaonnts and lime to sulk No delay la oonidertog loans. FEAR fc FORD, rsoomlCitmivHankhlork. SI2dw THrWJtLAIIETTE, KjLLKM, QUMMON. rJ tsvasw-. . ' . . j- . Orewa lstttlWjssililii VJ1. A, I, WAGNER, Prop.