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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1893)
THE imW I JEWELS. REV. DR. COUftT ON THE 8UNDAY SCHOOL LE880N FOR JUNE 18. iflViDKiiro oajpitaIi .joxmvAhyMAmmbjkjri i&vkr .17,1 it-. Xb Coming Klng-Ia stfJUd ja'.and lttjchter of Bit TtopWilWrpng t The Itelgn of Big hteouanoaf-Htsrwil'i Slnfal Nuglcrt of tb Tribe or !. ( Golden TestyThey .shall be wine, salth lb Lord of JMSttiiaMt day-when I make LessontYlli.Jkv . ''Mlnefrafopuctstyiia n Mtlo that,floe.i not mean .'Waser propsets in iiMicr nronhrta In nnlnt nfliniu.n. tnctwi only raiUlr in rise. There Are 13 Vmwer prophe,"nnd of Utese Alakehl eomealist in Uit&'oenon ofiBMdpturWITf not a contraction t?te name MaMkhl means tny angel or meateegcr, the loagsr iorn Malaehliah meaning tho angel the last isf the inspirodpwphets; Abour-40(rrW before Cbrist'rnajrAe as Igncdas'itibteUi)herglTiitM about 807 D. C. Concerning this prophet nothing person al Is known; He describes n time of moral and social,corruption, bat thecprophcey of a Deliverer brightcustho'ndopts; a novel literary form. First ho states brief ly tho truth which ho desires to enforce; then follows tho controdiqtlon or objection which it is supposed to provoke; finally there comes tho prophet's reply, reasserting and substantiating his original position" (Driver). Our lesson exemplifies this form. See verses 7 and 8. Let tHe teacacr,road the whole book. It is only about the size of n column in a newspaper: I The Coming ICiko. (Verses t-4.) 1. Preparation, (a) In chapter 1, 11, there is a hint of a universal religion. Ttere tho coming of the promoter of that religion is predicted u one that is opining to judge The Hebrews ('that hod wearied "Jehovah with words,. saying, 'JWhere is the God of' ter inverse 17. God Himself takesjup their challenge', The God of the judgment is the . impartial judgo,"towhom it belongs by nature to judgo all men and things by an exact judgment, for Ills nature is equity itself, justice itself, providence itself and that most'just, most wlso. To Him it be longs to betthe judgo of hlljandito exercise" strict judgment upon all; and Uevlll exer cise lt'fulljroh that decislre'andlast day of tho world, which shall be tho horizon between this llfo and tho next, parting off time from eternity, heaven from hell. tho blessed from the lost forever, through Christ, whom He constituted judgo of all,' quick and dead" (Cornelius a Laplde). God here tells the complalners that Judgment would come ami would Include .them also. No one convinced of being a sinner would call for judgment, seeing that it would deal, with lilmtoo AuRiistlno pictures one' sayi ing to God, "Take away tho ungodly man." God answers, "Which?" To prepare men for this coming God sends His "messenger." The importance of this prediction is empha sized by the Hebrew word hinneh, trans lated behold. The verb is a participle Bending that is, "I am sending (about to sendX my messenger." It is the same word usually translated "angel."' The speaker is Jehovah, who came in the person of Jesus Christ. Hero He promises to send one before Him to prepare His way. They clamored for His coming, but they. were not, prepared to receive OHiro. ,HehcO,the raes-", ecnger is sent? to announce' "HIaf coming. Isaiah insllkorrmnner speaks of "the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God" (Isa. xl, 8). When John tho BaptlsUwas born, he was thus addressed, 'Thou, ohildi shalkhe called .the prophet; of the Highest, for thou shalt go, before the faco of' the Lord to prepare His way, itot give knowledge' of sal ivation unto His ,'pcople for the remission of their sins" (Luke i, 76). Now, we are sure that this refers to John the Baptist, for Jesus says, ("This is he of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger bo fore Thy faco; which shalj prepare tho way before Thee" (Math. x10; Luko, vil, 27;( Here the speaker is Identified., with Him before whom the messenger is' to'go, but Jehovah of Hosts is the speaker, so that Jehovah must have appeared in Jesus ..(Mark ii, 1-8). (b) "Suddenly appear" unexpectedly. "The Lord whom ye seek'' in (HcbMrj,Haadon (master, sovereign); title of Messiah, as the rabbisadmit. There' seems to be a covert irony in the phrase, "Whom ye seek, delight in." They were not properly seeking Him, nor would they do-' light in Him when -He should Appear. He Is to come suddenly to, ' 'His temple." Je hovah's templo isi thus called Messiah's temple Christ came to God's house and claimed to be Master. Ho is identified with the "Angel of the Covenant" the messenger of tho Lord, to the covenant peo plethe angel of tho face of Jehovah,. the manifoster of tho living God, who speaks as if he .were Jehovah. See Isa, Uill,t9; Ex. xxxlii, 14, IS. Here the Lord of all is called the Messenger of the' Covenant Lord of angels as of men. He is to come "suddenly." This does not mean "quick ly," but unexpectedly in a -very different 'way from that which tho Jews imagined. ic) 'Burely Ho will come, for Jehovah of Hosts, faithful, true and mighty, says, "Behold 'He shall come." .... 2. Messiah comts to purify bis people. (a) To Judge is tp separate the good from the bad. Who'snall DB,ableto bear such an inspection? Compare Joel ii, 11; Nab. i, 6; Rev. vl, 17. Jesus appeared 'tor judg ment (Math, ill, 10-12). (b) The two fig ures imply scouring of cloth and rcflnlna 'of metal. .A. fuller is n .scourer "so(fp"6f tho washers'! Hie phrase, hatuthus beep rendered.- fThtitfuniirlnfrnr.wanliin una done by stamping on the clothes with bare feet or pounding them with billets of, wood in water in wouwBome aucaune hi-, stance was mixed., , CMst'sfW'as a puK fler or rcAner-'-sepMting the evil froajfae' good, (c) The priests were vile (chapter il, 70). The sons of Levi represent tho mlnis ' ters of religion. Purified, they lead the peoplo,in holy "worship, (d) In the Chris tian' system ihe sacrifices are moral and spiritual. See Zech. xili, 0; Isa. I, 25; Isa. It, 4; I Pet 11, 5; Rora.xli.L 8. Christ renders His peoplerajptD!e: (a) Jtidah and Jerusalem represent God's people. They offer acceptable worship unto the Lord. "Pleasant" is "sweet" in He brew, that whipU is agKabhiAnd acoegU able to any one". Holy; aarvloea on the pari' of God's people, with aipyrifled mlnlstsp, are "sweet" unto Jehovah.- (b) When Israel, accordintr to the flesh, delighted in Jehovah, then God delighted in them. He recalls tb' y mis,. of past service to picture the pure strvlae of .jthe futare when hU Worship will beunlv.erpal,)baedon the work cf Christ. ueasBare; eewpier i. u. wive-iuc uuti nae Cares of thslr wmAlfe' H-rTB JOlffi Aa JCDOK. (Verses 5-7.) 1. A tUktrnfot wrea .(a) Kt all the people wHl Jm purged. Those that' cried, nrWik Um o4 Pf JudgmenU" will find religion (chapter jil, 17).r JThoy blosphcincd against Jehovah, ;but not He Himself, will come,' in the peffdn of thilangclidf the covenant, very near to (hem 16 Judge them, The priests wero Judged first, but now It is the people, (b) The Judgo is Hit own wit ness. Noons needs totltftnl nt.ln Ho knows all cases better than any witness can tell Him, Compare Ps. I, fl, 7. A "swift witness" means an "unexpected witness," testifying against living In tin and security, to confound them with, the evi dence of their guilt and to cut short ?,''. day of probation. Jesus rallt Himself' "the. faithful and, true witness." (Hev. Ill, 14). (c) The classes of criminals are named) 1. "Sorcerers"-the Jews, against their own tawhave been greatly given to this species of imposture and pro fanity. Josephua, the New Testament, Maimonidcs and Juvenal mention-Jewish BUH.VJWB. un wrcicaca jew in .wow Eng land calls himself by.thoname of the holy oraole given by' Jehovah 'to IsraeH-the Urim and Thummlm as a means of dis guising his real name while telling for' tunes. Bo in Juvenal wo read of Jowlsh fortunetellers In Home. 2. "Adulterers" this must bo token literally, although the word often is taken spiritually to signify idolatry. Compare chapter 11, 14-18. About .the time of Christ's coming there was great laxity as to divorce nnd ".breaches .of the seventh commandment. 8. In like manner profane and perjured swearing, with equiv ocations and other subterfuges, wa very frequent Compare Math, v, 03-37; xxiil, 18-23.' 4. To cheat laboring men oat of their wage is denounced as a heinous of fense. Compare Jos. v, 4. 8. The needy, weak and destltute-the widow, orphans, foreigners tt fanners are esoeciallvavencred upon those.-tbat fear. not tho just Judge the Lortlof hosw;(whb here appears as an avenger. 2. Jehovah is judge, (a) As the eternal God He is unchangeable in His views. What He says Ho will be sure to fulfill. This is a guarantee that His threatenings will bo fulfilled, (b) But as one of HUJpurposes is to preserve Israel; just because He is Jehovah, tho Unchangeable One, therefore the sons of Jacob are not consumed in spite of their rebellions and provocations they are preserved. Compare Rom. xl, 29; Ps. lxxxix, 28-07. 8. Departing from God (a) If Jehovah chauges not, kraclxshangea and changes for the bad' Through all the ages ffom tho days' of .your fathersf-yehavesbeen disobedi ent .apostates, departing ifrora mine ordi nances, breaking my commandments, wan dering from God and duty. HI The Reiqn of Riqiiteousness. (Verses 8-12. tl. Returning to God. (a) The first step is to return to God. Repentance was preached by John. Rcpentanco is here sets forth as the first step of reconciliation with God. (b) Tho .slgri'of rcpentanco--sorrow for having offended God is to pay God His! .due. 'Israel held the tenure of tho holy land from Jehovah, one of tho conditions' of this tenure being the support of the tribe of Levi as ministers of the worshlpt oi doaovan oy means oi titnes tne tenth. part of the produce of the soil. Tho Jews; had robbed God of these tithes, and had' come under His curse. Their willingness; to'pay their dugs would bo the best proof' of their repentance, (c) All tho nation was' involved In this sin. (d) All the tithes; were to be brought in. There were store houses about the temple to receive the goods. 3. A. blessing promfsed. (a) The windows ofiheaien are.tbo outlets of ,aunshino and ,ntai producing plenty. on earth. See Gen. vll, a; 11 Kings vll, 3, 10. "Till there be more than enough" this is tho meaning of verse 10. "The history of the Jews In the time of Hezekfah had already affprded an example of faithful ebedience: in the mat ter of tithes and offerings, in overflowing abundance, bestowed upon them by God" (II Chron. xxxi, 10) (Perowne). 8. The land blessed tiat honors God., (a) It will be preserVttd from "the devourer" insect pests, especially the locust being so called In a wider sense it means any worm or" insect that destroys -vlnes'or fruit tree or grain, (b) The vines would' not cast; their fruit before its time that U, they, will be saved from winds' 'and tempests or blights. (c)The land Is "delightsome" to Jehovah when it serves Him aright. "Hapi py" as regards the people, "delightsome" mm mm - - -- - - "i i -!-- -----'j-- ri luf Till in ni. ARE YOU MARRIED? It is the small annoyances, like a lost collais button, that fret and worry; Sour milk over night; no milkman in the morning; no cream for the coffee; no milloorthc baby. The GAIL BURDFH Ml BRAND Condensed Milk is always ready for use. Use it for tea, coffee and chocolate; for icecream, sum mer drinks and general cooking purposes, Yeur Grocer and Druggist soil it. This Country is full of fat, healthy babies raised on the Eagle brand. . j 'wi. .'i m m " MP 1W , w pb HOUBE PAINTING, PAPBIl HANGING, Natural Wood Flnlthlng, Oor, mh and Uhemeiet Street, No Bliies Here! THE CITY HALL WiLL.BE BUILT! Thousands of new "HAPPY 'JIOMES" yill bo bought this spring. We could bring hundreds ot testimonials who Have iiad "HAPPY HOMES," And made "HAPPY HOMES," By buying our "HAPPY HOME" Suits. But we will not do 'so as we are not a quock ductor. Come and' see them. A FIVE DOLLAR BOY'S SUIT, Extra pair of pants, and all for Geo, Fcndrisch, CASH MARKET Bestmeatand free delivery. 136 btatt Street. FRED A. ERl'XON, STONE AND BRICK CONTRACTOR. Estimates made on 'all kladsof work. KeMdenoeOor. lain and Belvlsw PL Nilm. Screen Doors AND JOMl'tNO-- ' Xwtoj) WliisfMnlpj-. Bhop el Stale street J. L. AS;H-BY. Meat, Market; - SOS Commercial Street, Oood msaU, I'rompt delivery. David McKil!op,i Leave orders at Balem Im provement Co., MStato, street J. K. Klllti'llV. Tild fp Sa'le Mk MdTHeYard' WOMTM JALfcM. Take It I EYIMMl JOUHNAU Onlyleentsa day delkefeelat your door ' JOiNi C,iMAMiNf ' Horseshoeing, BLAClteMlTHlNG. tate.Btreei, - - Ba'Iom. 1 1 BENNETT kM i". O. tsfoekt It. T. MPMtltUWim,! i wiiLiAni) rifabi, aB Oeu'l atrotrt. T."W, TH0RNBURG, The Upholsterer, Itemodels, re-eorert and rejlrs inn unholBtored furBlHire. ofawi work. ObemeketM strtei, Bute Insurance block. FOR SALE.- On.tas terms and cheap. A SO acre orchard ' on Sunny Side Mo. one. 3 miles houIU of Balem, 580-flUIw JOHN 11AUT. PHOFB63IONAL AND BUaiNESS OAItDS. r. it. d'arcv. ato. a. uinoiiax. S'AnoY A BINOllAM, Attorneys' at Law, Hoomsl.a and 3, JD'Arcy UullcHng. 141 le street. Special attention given to Dull ness la the supreme and circuit courts or tho state. Ill R V, BOIdE. Attorney at law, Balem, Ore son. Office 274 Commercial street. T1LMON FORD, Attorney at law, 6alero, Oregon. Offlce up stairs In l'ntton block. H J. B1QOKK, Altotney ni law.Salem, Ore Eon. Office over uusb's bauk. t J. 8 U AW. M.W.HUNT. HHAWAUUNT ijs hi law. uiure ovar japiuu ik, Halem, Oregon. I . Attomev National bank T. RIO HA HDSON, Attorney at law. or flee tin stairs In front rooms ol new Busb iook. corner 'Commercial and' Court streets. Halem, Oregon. Ilv JOHN A. OAR-JON, Attorney at law, rooms X and 4, Bush bank building, Balem, Or, B. f. BONUAM. W. H. HOLM KB. ON HAM HOLMES, Attorneys at law. Office In Bush block, between State and court, on Commercial street. Bc E. 't j PI ; r look before i'J you.Leapj FTHB fil V fQ f4 as regards uod such aland tpusttndeea be plensed. God Himself assuro Os hot that; "to honor and serve Jehovah Jiringil on s'an y land both temporal and spiritual prosperity, and every land will be so that Is submlv slve to Kins Messiah. RELIGIOUS, BRIEFS. &fr. Huxley' scouts the order of creation! in 'Genesis but' Sir J; W. Dawson, one of the most eminent living g.-ologists, says, "The order of creation as stated in Genesis ,is the light of modern science." The people In Indiana, f their Judges are representative of their sentiments, feel de termined j ta .preserve free speech. They have sentenced two of the assailants of the ex-prlest;Rudblph to lengthened periods of imprisonment. In the New Hebrides there are 14,000 con. verts, and every convert Is, a missionary. Protestants give on an Jarerage 87 cents each per annum for foreign missions. A boy in a mission school In India, in an ..mlniltAntMtAii flic "ntAf V.urrhtA nfl !" IM..VW KU.W. .- ..., tit follews: "Thet wrote as tie 'king of men' is wrongly 'applied to Agamemnon'; it belongs to Jesus Clmst"", who is king of all men." Dr. Hamlin of Washington testifies that among our public men there Is much "vital, practical piety." ,, The Thinker, in a noticeof Miss Dodge's aeiehsef of the Scriptures in ThejNorth 'American Review against the attack of Herbert Spencer, calls Miss Dodge "Mr, Gail Hamilton." Mr, Spencer asserted that 'theUiblegb.tjth'S lawfulness of lying. MlaaJ50die; with, much spirit, shows mat Ihe great agnostic was stating what was not true. Mr. Spencer has shown In making this charge a rashness, and an ignorance really sham.eful. It costs WO.eeO a year to tetep St! Peter's at Rome lit repair. , The New York Observer attained ita sevi eUeh. yu on Matf IU It the French Canadians leave the prov ince of Quebec In the same ratio as they ap pear to be leaving in April. Mar and June of this y Wcaliilated by the Montreal TWJW atjfl.iiOOpewons in less than a fdpzftt' yearj alt the Jrench Catholics in Canada win nave" bees deposited into tne United States and clUtfly into New England pa vast social and religion revolution. The first Bible in the language of the Gilbert Islanders was printed by the Amer lean Bible society last month. It oeeajted ot Itke .'prtafis, jmrg4 . by; . ChrH ; j lrteM iabWsi 84 ,eanoprefia.withUtn the tf P,Swb o tbelpeoy wA libjttan. '' General Booth of (tie Salvation Army baa under him 11,000 officers, 80 training garrl .sobs asihomes aos'sooUl agencies In W countriea, in which his soldiers preach sal vation la 91 languages. iuo mwmpmw ZZL "wZsZZ TiSiSK l W' eircaUU, ewspapi m POPULAR Happy Home Clothing 'fe & ce but oue In Halem, Oregon. l'OCUK, HU-nographfr and Tjpn- oesi equipped lypewnung or Oregon. Over Bush's bank. riTELLA HIIKUMAN.-Typowrltlne and jo oomme'rctnl stenograpliy, room 11, Gray block. ' Flrstr-clans work. Rates reasonable. A book coupon la printed in.lho Daily Journal every Saturday, whlh k numbered dinVrfeatlyeyfry'wcek. Bv 6, .of .these coupons (having different numbers, and sendUueJiUw.lth IJ.pJitftiflp.pAJ ilpoHtp, ttc, to tho Journal of flce, and your choice of the followln'irlwokH'wili'bVBent you. It Is' beet to make 1st, 2d and Sd choice, so iu case, out of tho flret we can send you the second or third. R Th'fBebookflrethe"hflt25 cent book Drinted and that means a ureat deal theso days of cheap books. Call and, seo them, or send your order by mall. W nunw iiiuj win iicboo juu, ay eiuiiiy uuiiiug nut mo coufKia id eacu oaiuiv day's Journaij arid enclosing 6 cento to pay iwstage and package we glveye each month free what would ccst during the year from 2.60 to f3.00, at aay. book store or news Btaud. 1 O. UROWNK, M. O., Physician and Hup )i goon. Offico, Mnrpby block;' reslUence, 5i, .ommerclul street. r C. HM1TH. UenttNt. 92' State street. Balem, Oregon. Finished dental opera .of every description, rainless .opera- tlohs a specialty.' DUs uons .i ir .1). 1'Uiitl, Architect, plans, specltlca- m , iioDH una superintendence . lor no classes ol buildings. Jtreavup stairs. Office 280 commercial CA. ROBERT, Architect, room 421, Mar , quoin building, Portland) Oreeon. Tlw'Prk 0- istleLowst, Sfr Tbo Qiality Is MMt CUAMNTEED TheFitiis always Perfect EVERY GARMENT 1$ SOLD WUH' A GUARANTEE iron tin MAKERS That, every garment'giving unsitjsfactory wear may'be'returned 7CMD THB TMSQNeV.atf ILL. BBRIPUND0.l ' WE ARE EXCLUSIVElAGJNTfl.FOR THIS VICINITY. SPRING -GOODS. Stobk unequalld tit Salem. Gents .Furnishing. Goods -in: the newest-, styles. Collars a rid Ties to perfection at halu trhat some dealers charge youi Come ;and' see for yourself and. see if we do not trea'ti our, customers as well. GEO. W. MNSON'4 SON, - - The-jPebple,' Clothiers. P, J. LARSEN & CO., Manufacturer of Wagons, Car riages, etc. Rvpatrlns a Specialty. T auop IS BUte street. tllOL'ttOL'ION LAiOQK NO. 2 A. O. U. W. X Meets In ttitr hall In rttate Insurance building, every Wednesday evening. ' A. W. IJENK1M. M. W, J,'A..8Et.WOOI. Reoorder. tr- RBMARKABLB DISTRIBUTION -OF- PREMIUM BOOKS -TO- JOURNAL READERS, Books can be seen at this ofllce. BOOK COUPON No. 14J Cut out this coupon, ami when you hav eflve ofdlOerent numbers send or bring tho Uve coupons with Scents (a nickel or stumps to cover cost of poataKe, clerical work, etc., io TiiK.TntiKNAi.. Rftlcni. Or., and atlV hoolc you select from the cutalog in this paper will be sent yon Free, po4polO. While we expect to be able to till all oraera ior any uouk, uib uuppiy ui times may be exhausted. -Because of this It will be better for you to give a second and third choice. If out of the first we will sond second; if out of both we will send third. , , , f Jivn i.nt.loimn number and title, write vourown namo ami auon yery plainly. Title of Book. number or Book, i Fjrst Choice . - ; Second Choice Third Choice My Name- Address You must send five coupons of different numbers nd fi cents (a nickel. L.tu.rU TLiiilardaIVBUllCrloert. U) UKO MlVBDlBire Ol lllis oner, r DHIMSSwi w0 - .r 03U8T IIHEf le ID urrearn l"r puigyiipupp WILLAMETT-B STABEES Coraiileted and ready to wait on custonWra. Howes boarded by fuvor wee, afSwSrprUa. W kwp fuHMB'6f'J,rUUk( Draya and -fcxpr-to HOWARD, House Mover, 451 Marion Street; lias the best fii'cllltlei tor moving and lals Inr houses. Jeave orders at Uruy Bros., or address Halem, Oreibn, ' J. H.HAAS, THE WAT GHMA K. B B 2iH Commircltl St, Elm, Ortgon, (Next door to Klein's.) Bpeelalty ot Speotaoles, and repaklag Clocks, Waichee and Jewelry. Deutscher Advocat. P0ST0FFICE BLOCK, - - SALEM, OR. Admitted to practice in all the courts. Special attention riven to German speak- JE and Ihe people and buiTnenu at the county an state offices. K. UOPKIl, NoUry 1'ubllc Called Back. ArttnterU;byF.duUoliK-Obey. ' UAdto.Beat. Maxtor of the Mine. Love's Martyr. r Case of Heubon Malschl. A Ktsht for a Fortuae. The Ma: span AIntlr. ' A Woman's Bacrince. Karma. A Uark Deed; A fale of tho P.asaat'a War; A House lVty. The Gray and the Blue. The Detect ve's Ky e, and Cecil's Fortune A Steel .Necklace, Jess. Hhe. King Solomon's Mines. Darlr Days. Death or Dishonor. The One Tiling Needful. The Kvll Genius. . .. .. ,, Fedora; or, The Tragedy In tholtuoito la Palx. Ufa of Henry Ward lleicucr. Allan Quanerraam. Only a Farmer's Daughter. A Commercial rrln. WestioftheMUxourl,' FuBt and Loose, A Modern rilrce. A Puritan Lover. As In a Looking aims. For Her Dally Gifadr ALuokyiYoqng Woman,. i Tho DUche. A Oi amity Mow. Dr Jexyll aud ,Mr. Hyde. , . j... Teaar's Itcvenge; or, North r against Houth, A Baton to' a Heart. Marriage and Dlv rco. Mnrpajthetlypsy Bride; The Great Heaper. Prlnoe Of the Blood. Jack and Three Jills. Mona's Choice. Anelma;or, InBplteorAll. , Marvel. The Btory of Antony Oraoo; AFalseBUit A Lite Interest, A Flurry la Diamonds. Barbara. ,' The Passenger lrom Bcotlond'Ysrd;-' Herr Pautus. ThePartners. The Wrong Boad. King or Knave, A Ileal Good Thing. , Napoleon and Marie LouJse. Chris. Old Blatar's Hero. L i. T'isciv, The Blues bait Gh'sts. Tho JttBterv oftt llaniom fiub.. 4, The Heir of Ltnno. By Misadventure, ljidy Hutlon'a.Ward. Ttacklngtbe Truth. ' , Mr, Mee son's' Will. Dr. Glennle'4 Daughteh ' ' In allHhttiH'S. Joe; A Kemarkable Case. Daiilru. ... Living or Dead. valeric; at, nan a Truth, . A Mere Child. Fairy Gold. Madam's War. The Htory of an Afr!c- a Ferm; The Unpopularl'ubllo. Tht Dream (Le Uevo), The Itogue. Miss Bretherton. A Dangerous OatspaW. i Italelgb Divers. Jack Dudley's Wife. The Maddoxes. Aism Bede. The Queen's Token. The Ladles' Gallery. The Englishman of the Rue Calai Is Marriage a Fatlurtr Atmedo. Mademoiselle Bolange. The Iteproach of Annesley. Three Years. Vere; The Leading Lady. The Girl from Malta. Cloopatra. The Ten's olBhotn. A Crooked Path. Marooned Could Ailgbt Atone. Tho Golgotha of the HoaiU ' in. wuoura jMoteuoox. ltoland Oliver. llbea:or,ThnCaseofDr. PJemea, , Mrs. Aunle Green. For Ltve of Her. At au's Wife. Ladv Clnncarty;nr, Wedded and Wooed 1 The Kalvatlon Army. Tro l lope's Dlleuima, Bllud Love. ,, , J'yrrhai A Htory of Two Crimes. The Duhvers Jewels, llayne Ilome. Trovat; Beatrice. , Burrltt Durand. ClolKtcr Wendhusen. KvolutlnofUodd." looking Further Forward. . WbO'OHandT From Darkness to. Light. Htatrsof saud. ' Kin nilok In die Zukunllf tiermaa inat'J ' latlonot"LooktugFurthwForwjrd.!' , Htorlrs ortbe Bone Call Field. "'r- "' A Fellow ol Trinity; ' Three Men In a Boat The Phantom 'ltlokahUw.' ' The Mai rlage at tea: The Burniali Treasure; ' Black' Ueauty, The Marriage of G.brlell, The Judge.- ' Barberlne ... Constance Winter's Choke.' ' The Light that Failed J-,. . , : A Marrlbge for Love. Houdwinkedi Hortense. . ,. t, . , Woe Willie Winkle, " ' " IdlK'JlmeTnlcn. ' .,, An Idral Kimutlo. An American Girl In Lend'B: il l ' uanin Trentworiby. Tho Slavos f Folly. ; UpTerruilu Mlvor, rf -,.- My I ady Nicotine. The Homance of a Child .:- A Little Hfbel. , What's Bred In ihe Bone; Hints lor the Mtllloni.o. ' , . Klste. Diana of the Cwsswttj .' ' A Matter of Hklll. Mlnjudged. ' t BttierDead A Importer's Romance. The Treasure Tower.' ' ' IH-Utv Young. i The MoDnrmnt? A UAUgbtarul harth. ' " ' .The lllurk Tulip, Mr. HPd Mm. Ilowir. TiomMiie; A tllrl of Uerok.- o j-i Ktuglllliyofliallitrnt . Death Valley, Illustrated; fielebes'ef,' M (Kit n Little Manx. . "A CIvBAN If you would'bo clean and have your clothes' done up in the neatest and dressiest mannor, take them to the SAIvE)lVI STEAM LAUNDRY -l where all work ib done by whi(;e labor and in thd most prompt manner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED, ,' Liberty Street. 3MDBK 1 --ggllYJBLRE 1TOTJ MIMJSLI? BET? nRCANDENSFlECTHIC mmt' WWJkmMm 11 AND'S BssV i Mf arlfB II ' irsT VM wmgr f weakness mm nMm&S&Wmm money JWnMMmmK rMSatwI&M&m "WmKMF t TMfim "Ij?rf i , -vfn.- iMm Jkt M ur marvetottt irDtf or bv excesses, or ilm USPENSO Ry roRjr CN AK WHO ARE DEBILITATED. AND SUFFERING FRC'NCWUS DtBlLljyjEMlHACjW NESa MoSSEftAINSf iMtqTENCYI Oft LOST MANHOOD. RHEUMATISM: LXNffi Back, KidneV Troubles. Nervousness pLEEPLESSNe55,Ft9RMEMORy.& GENERAL IllHeALTH . krcthive In your lenorance ol effects relief and core Vnd vitality -wtlak ta tyt(ea the cieroenu. inus strength and rij;or will toU cure or money refuaded. Dr.g4'SIcUle after sll .'other treatateata testify, aa4 Ufm auacf THB thefleti or wusaa, xcmi, frerrj ami exnoiare. v roc c swirsyi lloua iaventloM,Nhfch,esulfe but T, trial to .oonyla'ce throo tteMUkJ. i. or exnosure. vou miv have unduly drained vour BTSten of arvf) ttfct Isctrtotty aad tlwa cmm4 yow wMkaesapf Uck, of force. If you replace into yew drained, which aw requtred for rigorous atrehjrth; you will remove the cause, aad health, Jow at oace.and la 'jwturalway. This 11 our pta aad trMtmentf and wtggltafintia a Send ar nhwtraled rtMjtmt, sth ! tm. py, n, aWt h ' f c A Belt Is so exserlawsat. aaweasve Vitwedtn"Wiaa'tofrobajhUK wwi vW " failed, as can be shown by hundreds of cases throughout thle State, who wowW gJMto when wa, haw stroag letters' br tWthaoay to their' reswvery after useag mt. la a eaaUte rajraalc bMMry, 8ta4e (ate a UH M m U be aasik worn ckrtac wwk pnat mj, n4 It ClyMsootyolQatf.wijM mUchiiifMtli, or we.forWt $5.O0O. It has a Wrovaa (? ff, KmtMt bo2rer glvwTweaV m aad we warraat H to pur aay pf ,th abova waskaesaw. ad to enlarge i.t UasHjr IWfM GuiJl WMiZd. That ara'mM ! taswtiiirill t4aaMo Wf.tsnsi. la MS(-iKtd or old , -m m " - " T : . : ..-' T . i a a T." ft I.. .-' - ' i -'' ' lAMMK 1 & r , .) ' i 4 y W. i W' m ! ,-mii Mil' '"' ;&m. 'a r-'AM .4 m .: .wtV. ...ui . afcMfe, """if- Sit jLasHjma