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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1893)
imt tHi. ueiT pmmhi mn !tflalrt,t M Mff v( ni ftofflntt A ll Ifwtf ho it ItcMffrlftft WW N A Ittll'rfUm hW win if Mtid lrw h y Injury "Tody1 Vkmmim, Uffitlt W lit HMHi ww w, ,y n hulking Mk MRN JIW Httll M WrttW H frteW fw i'w IW hf WIM ttMlfll 110 ttfNM. tWrt, fkJ, tflmiHV fwrfflf MtMl rllll ten rt lo Wfrk ftfHi Mr. writ niHHit Jim IrtWHwi irimtiiic wlwl liml m- Mf Um 1MW Im'1, for Iw ttM to Ihj mi, On uiftkliiir a enrol Mi. IlfUnfltoM wm to t the mm liawile tna Wftfei the nve lion, He wm Afoot hi work In n wont war. Awwjiln the ttdor with 111 broom, which he liy "shooed" Into Hit face mrtontehed llotm wlieuover of thm twine Anywhere near T1m KMlmfllM were ovldontly at the irtrtn'K utter fiitllf- toUiatn UiM tliey kept hud' in one corner until linns io clean out tlmt imrtlculnr i f tiiu pt9. They were uncere- tv evicted Willi tlto nolo or btoom nd they rsc&mpered utterly forgetful of their dtenitv. J&itnllton never expected to tntui come out alivo, na ho Mw'anltnaw would attack tts soon mi he Parted to luavo 'He hastily cot Home of the ' ImumIh together, nml then lie or- tw German to como out or The fellow wonted to fin Job and laughed at the Idea nuaaM uurunc nun, out ne tryed orders, and got out of i Wituout n Heratcli. ; prevented tho nnlmaliifrom aim to pieces in n myfitory, lydaroa onur the cnira in theee particular lions are. as re a wavflge, unruly lot. Tho of tuo deed must lmvo on d the Hontt, nnd liia Bteody ueo Hui broom, which won poked in hhuifM nvnrv now nml limn. i 'T MAWIMA ffc,. rrivlt,.,.1 tw.. 4ltr.iw IhmI to do with Bomo now Hpocica of . .!'... i i 1 , ana mat unuor mo circum utitwrotlon wft tho hotter nart In&ve, V.K hV 4 il.v. lB lmrAMA. 4Ii m ffJP W bviijiu liliiu injiiiiv fciiu Ulilll , m oonvlncotl of tho rrrcat dan 1 mi bal been in and poreunded to ilM ratcea that are nlwavH uued iteuihK out tho insklcH of tho Theeenro providod with long and tlio man Ubiuir them can tiifly out of nil dangor whllo fk work. Now York Tribune VitlrHitworthjr Malec i in one thing I hnto to do . thus anything oluo. it ia to Wan, "remarked a Griawold dealer the other dnv. t'two objectlonn to it," he ue ouereu to treat tuo s'In the flrot placo. a mor l't rcalizo that ho U losiusr ! two wuvb. BuppoBe you tMM Hick' for a quarter's i of elgaru. He promibca to pay qa laturdny. Batuj-day comes, jour- man uoesn c ixo uau to tmrMrtant miistlinn yours fout of your way. Ho will four blocks out of tho way to t your store and proyont incot- 1 you, aud buys the cigars down VUkt ne woum uavo uouglit jrow It he didn't oayo you. You f not only ioso tuo money ho inn, but his custom foruvor AirWacd. No, sirt if a man asks 1 vwttt I give him what ho wants, 1 trust him."Dotrolt Jour- - " T1." -7... m Wk nmtn tytmnk tftip wii4(ft, rHiii Hurt i DMWw m iw)R m W9 d iimiwf wtt mr itmw r MviitAlM tttfnfatm, wWwt in tfHi lilii mw i.-j.m ll.iii u.v Mkin wMihUfit)f(y .....,,, .11-4 (Awm IWWWWWlliifinii twnw """"Hjufit-Jrii MM a mm ffC Mtf Mhif tint of hat fliiwliw lw6C ll in Itw cr.iw cflil 6f lior wmnwi tun, Mm rival btllrtdf ilio ntnok ViuiktMti liml lilt liur m xthttU wllh Aflmti (' MnpliNffeftfifrfjMhMM haired, afid m a eiill Warning. ltat nlm wan j;ny iwvM-UieleM. A ctowd of tiidor!olii iioliwnMMM eiKKtoti llmootiHTftf Tlilft)MHjmd tireet. Ak film walWwl by on callwl (Mi fo lien "Mack court iilflfllof lw wrpefl- !.." niui Yo' ii from do wood, yo In," wa &Uy answer, wWh a look In to be ww of ellpfeme tmrn, in style. An am i ttH) llflll tililod "Can't ro' e 1'sw goln to Rtaydar, too, or bust WVir wotild do contrsH bo, chile, If I wore black, an wot would tny cotn'jtto'noti be If dar WflMi't nocontrfls'. aayt Yo' U frow do woods."-Now York Bun. An Amtiint MmtmtUtr, Ilore Is AHtory for which Clmunroj M. Deimw is resnonsibloi Up in Pookskfll wo had at onotlmo that Mlllerltooxcltomcnt which wont ovor tho country, when Miller pro dieted that on n certain night, at 12 0 CIOCK, tlio wonu wouiu como w nn end. A very gmnl and pious man, n shoemaker of our village bollovcd In Millor'H doctrine Ho loft hi bul ncas early on tho last day, locked uj his store and prepared himsulf and family for tho dread event. Whon 12 o'clock had pawic1 and it got to bo I o'clock, tho shoemaker folt that ho must apioal to somu higher power than Mr. Miller. Ho said : "0 Lord, if tho millennium is to como, let it como now, nnd thou I shall 1)0 translated at ouce to a land whoro tho peoplo wuar no shoes nnd shocmakors uro happy in doing noth ings but if it is to bo postiwncd, lot mo know now, bocauso I must get ready Mrs. Brown's shoes for Hunday morning church or lose tho best cus tomer I linvo." Now York World. fmiT ITATWI, H UN, M tf Hrf to, .rl-t . u lll h ilm KwmM iumt, nf Inwsfil V'n$TjL!LH lfM Wfly, MWW IIVM ft Klif If fn ff BW nHB"WSW .it,.. ,JA l,.t.....i l.i l..w(.,i..i liilflA yrum Urtmlm, wiifMM.ini t(ltl .,.,.. H irt ,.. i,iom ifffflrara'H ttwimm villus itml Mllffwi4 iwm (rfiWWl nil tlio KfirtiiHl ifcllll-l ,.,.., ,.,', , ..I ...a i . ,., , TITIIII IIIIII III IIIIIMI llll'l "! " '"'II lilliiti foiiiiil It iiM'n-sury to tin in I'tiMlfilid fit flMllll'lll UtU'HM Miiiii'tutii'H firf iiflcii iw twiinr lliffim WM'k f'Mifii viry um nt tln' Swt I1 Vs-Vetio from faloa. m) oW. church at Palos thoro muauvr of small ox-votos or ttirar, representing arms, man, a nuu, tho oyoa. etc., V(M the altar. Bomo of are said to bo of groat , A recent visitor found a va, where they are still ffckl, and purchased for the it the university n sot of ting objects identim in Uie chureh when) Co- wonhiped, - Philadelphia Mm ill advised person who igftfeBunlHghablt tvadaabook. It tM ud tlrat, turtiH Iwck t, tuna into the middle lly hi thwaud thither vm like a puff of of iaterestincr Indian iM ia iKsuMwsJou of a nl- FPWKtWtou. Or. Theywero a year ago ou Umg u LttM Oolumbia river, buried fttfftl -UtaW there were 310 (JhM-tnaii papers. .MSaamtinaviau, lOBiwu I roliMi, and i each lu i aiul Cherukee, A nitlrnl Cure for Fright. Tliougli tho idea still Hngors that brandy koops out tho cold, n writer on mountaineering ropcatsthat it has tho opposite effect, and adds that ua u euro for criddluefs alcohol is also vnluokmi. Tlio broad path is tho only retni'dyforgiddlno'w. Another which was onco tried may bo efllcuciouH enough, but is only mentioned, with out being recommended, in tho fol lowing Rtoryt A party of four wero rntorlng on n narrow ictigo, wnon one or tlto trnvolers declared that ho was giddy and could not move. Tho leader, ono of tho two most famous Oberland men of tho time (nearly thirty years ngo), merely turned to tho second guido with tho brief command, "Push him over." His ordors woro always beyond question, aud tho traveler was straightway lowored ovor tho precipico, and aftor dan (ding ou tho rope for a fow second was duvwn back with nil his powers of climbing restored, Wlmt Trvuaura I In KiicUml. Treohuro trove, nccouling to tho authorities on Cnglish common law that is, monoy, coin, gold and sil vor plate or bullion all bolong to tho crown. Only gold and Bllvor Is treasure, bo that if ono finds antiquo bronzes, nn old Roman sword, a Coltlo battloax, or any triflo of that nnturo, ho mny keop It without fear of inourrlhg tlio poualtles attachecl to concculmeut of treasure. And such poualtics aro still in existence Formerly the punishment was no less than death, now It la only fino and Imprisonment, although it mny bo doubted whothor any jury could bo found to convict of such an of fonso, which most pooplo would cou foss to bo capable of thumsolvea committing should tho occasion hap pily arise. All the Year Hound. A Wnril fur I lis Wire I'enee. Wo lmvo heard n groat deal of strong language against tho wire fouco, ospeclally by those who have nothing to do with tho expense of in closing land, Certainly it is not pie turesquo, and wo should lamout its substitution for tho hclgcrows which are so lovely a feature hi English lauiwcape. uut it noa its advantages. It 1 cheap; It takes up little room, and an lugenlous land owner at Mel bourne hits discovered an additional bwiefit connected with its two; he employs the ton wire of the fences as a telephone, by which meaus ev ery part of it lurgo ratatu la connect ed with the rami buildings, and a considerable cuviug of timo effectetl. Aiutrnlia Is rivaling America in atnartiuwa, Saln'a Jourual. rtiwor trH U, The rtrtliit hi jih linn WM nit (( Wtcrnl Wi-Med m fom trtuTrtripJtiof Plsli Hi Molllf.llW. hi tlitf lKnk!i nf tliu Mffpil lukp w!iiit U h(w tli yIIIw of thim brlrt, Afti Mutnplito ntM Cliflrt (Ian tlir) rwowti of IM iiioiiiiiiH'iiM iUh) tinny, aih! wIioii H rtslicit Hie nirnm wert romovwl to wrvu In Irtilldlnx Cnlro Oifl colottM ro mnlnwl to our day, It Imvlng bci-n (io mrvtx uiiilcr tlio wiml, niiJ on iK'liift lliii'riHlKHl by Cnvlglin nl llm Islti nlng of tlio century wiw foiiml to riMinin'iil Kfttostllslti lilMyotilli 'llio colowiim tins l?eii vlsltcil by moMt tourists in I'xypt. It lny on tho winds near tluMKilin of Ikiln liitlui In n hollow (ilU'li. nnd wns covered with wntor during the ttiiui ilutlon. Thuremiiins of thnteiuiile uilght Isj traced along the lake, which Is still represented by n do privwlun In thegniund, covcicd wllii wheal fields. Of Intoyciunfluuernl KUphetiHon and Major Utignold, II KL. Iiiivc flxclttdiil the waters from thecoloHMim, ralHcd It ou tlnilsir sup istrts aNivc the giotind nnd mir niunded It by a brick wall On pay nielli of two piastres, liowever, II i-nn k'Hcen by the curious M MiwjH'ro. the grout ISgj'ptolo gist, relates In n French coiitomio mry that I ho Arabs had formerly n groat nwo of this, which they culled Abotl'l Hoi. the "futhorof fiiglit,"ns thy do the Hphinx. Tho ancient Egyptians, ho assures us, believed that Mtntues, divine or human, were animated by a spirit or "double" do tachod from the soul of the peivon they represented 'flits double ate. drank and spoke or delivered orn cles. lu Inter times tlio double was credited with playing ovil tucks on those who approached the statue, aud even with killing thorn. His xwer could lie dostroywl by break lug the statue, ot nt least tlio fea tures; hence It is that so many fctat lies of the phamaliH have been mil ti luted by the Arabs Tlio spirit of itumeses II was sup posed U) haunt the palms at night, mid M Musporo relatoH tlmt every time lie passed liy in tlio ovening toward dusk the driver of his would mutter his prayer and hurry on his Is-iist. One ovening M Mas jHini asked him if lie was afraid of some "nfnto." and the driver begged him not to speak of such tilings or some harm would befall linn. Pres ently M. Musporo was thrown from the ass hi tho middle of tho wood, anil tho incident was regarded by the driver us a punishment for his not speaking respectfully of tho spirit of the statue. Egypt is full of such superstitious dating from tho fur punt -Loudou Olobu. Wlin I'lreil ttie I'lrtt (liuiT As wo understand it tho statement of Ootiorul Beauregard and Colonel Chisolin does not cotilhct at all with Mr. W. H Oihbes'cliiim to have fired the signal gun for tlio bombuidment of Fori Humter tn IHlil. Colonel (Insulin hays only that Captain James oflored the honor of firing the tiivt gun to Ilogor A Pryor, who do eluieil it, and that Captain James IntiMifi'M In rcftfttMif on tliti lrtlil ttnlii liuit liccoiilil gi-t. rtiul UilH win oiiu tlmt in vn fin bly litmlcd liiin ftl Ms slut Ion m l(i( m II o'clock, As lc wart not In the- Icnst In ft con itliloii 1'iwiilk liotiiii It wiw nwcfwif nvcry night for the local ll very Mililc kocpci lo lininciw n norm and tnkf him hoiiio ThH wont on iinlll tlic llvciystitblo l(ceH'Pcsolvol that Hi' mini must ls ruuionstriit1! wllh Tliorcforo, the gontlcitiHii liiivliinr rlvnl one night from Portland it I Hip tifltiiil hour and in tho usual comll Hon, mid the horse having Is'en put into tho conveyance and tho mini loaded lu, ns tiHtiul, tho livery stable kooMir itirnod to his isissonger nnd romalkctl shrewdly liHib bete, wjuirol If you don't quit tins kind ' business pretty wkmi there'll 1st slnglii down to your house some day, nuu, begad, you won't hear a word of It I" Bon.othiug about this admonition -the grim jiictunwUoiiosM of It sir liaM--caiised it to sink Into the mnn's mind, mid lie loft off his tris Ki Port iuiiil for some time. Boston Trim script l,n II n Here In South Amerlrit. If Noitli America is the adopted homo of the Teutonic races, not less no Is Booth America the goal for which the Uitln peoples make. Tlio great prejiouderaucoof English, Irish and Ucruuiu which we sou In tho northern continent lias no existence in the southern It is to Italy. Portu gal and Hpaiu that theoouutriessouth of the equator look for their re-en-foi cements Twetity years ago tho foicign born Portuguese in Urnzil wore 411 8 per cent, of tho whole, the Oonnans IK B. but of Into years tho relative numbers have undergone n cuiiuge Tho ovet (lowing population of Italy has olns-eu Ihuzil for its hottlement with surprising results. From 1803 to 1 887 tlio Italian Immigrant were :t:i f per cent of the whole uuniber: tlio Portuguese come next with 2:i.O, and the (ioniums have dropped tofi.Q per cent., being almost equaled by the Spaniards with 1.7 In Argentina the Italian ascendency is even more nuu ked From IB7i to 1888. 07 4 jier cent ot the immigrants were Ital ians, III :i were Spaniards. 8.11 French men and but 1 7 Englishmen. In 1887 tho population of (iOO.tioi) in round Ag in cm contained no less than 280. 000 Italians, and in IB'.MulouoM. 122 were ndded to it. Edinburgh Review. Illilii'l Olijrrt to the General. Colonel Burrows, of Toxas, was at the Oroiit Northern yesterday and was indulging in some reininiM'eueea of the late uuplcusantuoss while ho was m (Junorul Magrudor's com maud "We were all hungry ono morning." .said lie. "and Ouuerul Magruder, going up on a hill, saw a white house in the distance. He sent an aid to ask the mistress of tlio house if she could not oblige him with a meal tor himself and staff. one uie won an. w no wnu n then said that he would not : offer it I mwhvni Hyjuputhir-er. was preparing to any other man. Co one Chiso m "i. .,.i ,.!,..., """i"Mlub thou left Fort Johnson, whe.v this ' niimi , Jfi" a. ul'asTr oonven.ition occurred, and was no, I K nV' wi" a? So present when the gun was tired a lit tie while afterwanl. Mr. dibbos' claim is that ns the lieutenant lu command of tho tiring tmttei-y he was intrusted with the duty or firing the gun and pulled tho lanyard with his own hiiud. and it is not mutrudictcd by either (lonural Beauregard or Colonel Chisohn. Tlio explntiationnpiH'ai'sto lwsimply tlmt Captain Jainosdid not offerthe honor tunny other man, but left it to he per foriiuxl by tlio officer on duty, who Inipis'iiisl to bo Lieutenant Oihhtu Chailwton News i tho who k for bar- Tb iNUfaia shoe is g, tau ia grally ; Ut tlvumttoti. r.wlMW the work tkat a MbWuitkl The UeliteU Mll. "Bomo jHHjplo seem to think that alumitilmn is tho ihthtoat tnutnl in the world," said a gentlemen who deans in nil tho fancy RrticJea now made of that commodity, "but that U a mistake. The upecltle wuight of magnesium U only ouothtnl of that of hlumtuluin, and Is even harder aad more durable, Itls not m useful however, as it catches fire very ea. I ily, even at tho oik'h hearth. It U I ot dttaetl to crowd the popularity of alumlnluiH, although unto a slunt Ue agt it was oven tho cheaiier ot the twoN".-Ciaclnuatl OomnirdU. )Uitipeiiraiire ol Wlml mill Wnter Mill. The old rushinucd wind mid water mills which dot tho landscnpe so pleasantly have during the past ten years iKHtnne unprotuanie lu oouso queuce of the gniwing stress of i-om Htittou rnim what are known as roller mills. Tho.o uglier upsturts an nn American invention, and they produce a very white Hour which bakers prefer, ami which has evcu hit the taste of country ptopie. ul tliough millers who um the old fash lotied gnndstoue say that theiv is It- nutritnent in roller made Hour. The couictitlou Ls now so htning that iUHtances utv iiiuuorous of tlio ukiudoument of the picturesque wlud and wnter mills of England, some iH'iug ullowtsi to rot us they Infonned that tho meal was being prepared for the gen eral and his staff 'If there's any thing tor you when they dumb.' sho said, 'you me welcome to it." Tho Virginian, who was a man of good family, waited humbly till tho ex pected guests arrived and then crowded In beside the ireueml uud begun to oat Magruder turned to him u little shin ply and said. 'Doyou know with whom you are citing, sirf 'No. said the private. '1 don't Before the war. sir. I was very care ful with whom 1 associated, but now I tluu t cure u darti. "-Chicago Inter Omiu, Wnntetl Two (1mmI Murderer. Bonieourious letters passed between Oarrick and a man named Stono. The latter was employed to gut ro emits for the low parts of thodruum, nnd ono nl-jht he wrote tn Oarrick. "Sir The Bishop or Winchester is gettunt drunk nt the Bear nnd swears ho will not play tonight " At first sight this seems peculiar conduct for u bUhop. but it should bo explained that tho communication only refers to the man engaged to take that ohimicter iu the play of "11. ury VIII." On uuntbor occasion (hirivk wrote ir to mono -ii you can get me two good murderers I will jay you hand Kiimi'lv tkii tli'iil'ii-K-tin. .i.,i. ;.... r.l stntiil. others Mug pulled down for ; low who keeps the tipple stnll on lufNiHKiu uie uncus nuu materials , Ttiwor i rnie iut in i.u r. i f which they are comxcd won nt-nits. Imu A t'MreUker uf Srlimtlt. Tlio fulhiwiug stury relates to Ru sriutoudont nantels, or the Maiden juilihe s'booU A row duys agu one of l In immury M'hnlarti in the dud siu sclitHil came home nnd Kiid "Mamma, u al uti-o uld gentleman came in today aud hoard us read. I gintw he must have Ikhui the janitor, for some of the children said he hail the care of all th schools."-Boston Ttttvulkr S JI1I-H just the thing Pick me up an Alder uuiii or two fui Iticlmnl if yuu iu. uud I have uu objtvtion to treat with you Tor a itnuely mayor." -Chum hers' Jourual. ititwi. Mr Blinks- Who hits lieen horof Mrs. Blinks No one, Mr. Uhnks Huh I Wlm'a boon sniuUiug those cigars you gavoute Uhri-tuitist Mrs, Blinks-No one. my dear Tho lump was turned up too high ttatVi all. -Now York Weekly. BrtUrtlwma Government Bend, Wghw raU of inUniit. indomnity in old nge r t death, You oannot low a dolUr in a MamoluiMtU company. Cash and paid up vain guraittd aaolt yaar, Mr. ir, 0, Colton, Gen'l Aixt of the Mauachu H KUal Life iMuraitoe ooMnaiy, ta la the oity and if yon ar thinking of curry is laMUMee 1m will W gkU t g you. Call at tiw Willamette Hotel or at the offio f MITCHELL LUNN, eeiJat Aettt. M i(l9 tmUll (i n AMM tvovt i.l an miIhwmM a KKl 'I.Mfvaiiii(ff.iH'nnlil irtfirco' will fnil .ffirittiiiw It down nnln rt mmMw iy tliidnf fnvfttl'!'' diinlliiiifiH Ii nl'M7 pIkiwn l n tctrf.fl ff""i H,;"i"lii( rjPtim llml n full fifowii ''leplirtiil liroho lh twiM f "'" rrW tmr the Ofclwm dnll". "'" ',(", Molly wftlhwl Aimi llw Hun Mf iha rnlN Tim irmll triilti if Mn Jl.4 .Ix.KlltMiflAfWSMl llllt III IIS HP inrntiM.ntil. ffi1it'ii-l ly Hi nolwi nnd tlm itfrrk from Urn slnck. jw Atdtilmril iumihI find cluiri It im known niitaK'ifiiit. Tim twill m on (lit truck, but tlm nifli atlnokor wns imwhorn It wns swept nwiiy wllh such forco tlmt tlm cnri'nsM was luulol down tlm emlmiikinciil with tin skull ctusIimI In. An elephnlit of lingo ! Will wclttli iiIkiiiI lliren or four ton, and. If lids particular ono liiul iittalnod any sjh'oiI lu thnolmrgo which proved no (Ilsnstrcitw l Its vnilnnt, career, tlio collision must lmvo Is'oii n inwl eorl otis one. An eleplinnt with a thin ukull can hardly lutjieet Ui lo vlctorb otis lu a conflict of this kind, noyor thelcss, thoe-wpoof the train wltlo out Injur' wns very fortunata Kx change There Is nothing better than tho hair pillow Fuitlier, the pillow la for the head, not for the shoulders, To rest the shoulders on theiilllow defeats tho very end for which It Is used. Jrl!k iw? "tttnStM (s EIK SPA3K1B A DAY. Or. miea Medical Co , Elkhart, Imt. OrTtEMrv: I never Wo an opponunlty to coumcnJ lir. lllf' I cMorollve Nirvlne t'i anf p , fiionllllotedwliliiicrvouiii mplnlnti ir' "h villi ''io iismrancc tlmt it will nm " ' ""ill u rntint Hum When our ! jv&t I't'enf 'nn iji(ll;T4solticl.C(lwnhio'cn' ti s -it unia iio would lmvo live or hi u-jwlnmli i;i.)dy v;r miro mnt pyi jNijwiTHiuT tcncrir: fin.Hr our 'lniKitlii ).nuo 'ClIRr D vine NVotrlco b tl o, iitil ' H" (ould tea Unit vWAi rNcriTro rqu Tft rmsT ootc. We id ii . Iioiilos. ami I am lijpp7iu wit the mil wiw FNTIRIfLY CURED Wotucdnr iir r nicujr, anil tiia euro Is complete. Ue li fESTHOUSANDS ylieiillliy. You are at liberty to usomynmeln aoUHOINQ THE FRAI1C Or THIS WONDlRFUl "'"OY. S. C. nEACOX. Agent FaclUc i-'ipreu Co. Uattlcgj, Nebruka, April Cth, 18W. Dr. Miles' Nervine, HOST CERTAIN CUBE FOB HEADACHE, NEDBALQIA, NEBVOUS PE08- IBATION, DIZZINESS, BPABMB, BEEEPLES3. MESS, DULLNESS, BLDES, and OPIUM HABIT, SOLD ON A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. TRY DR. MILES' PILLS, SO DOSES 23 CTS. Hold by D. J. Fry, dm'M, lpin Dr. Powell Reeyes S Co., Tho Old Rollablo Specialists, kte of New York Hospltnln. nmilnate wltb. Illgh Ilounri. Tentj )cara exierienco m I'ruleMHir, Lecimer, Anthur aud SocvUlUt lu Chroulu DIteiuci. Catarrh, Bronchitis, Cough and Difficulty of Breathing Successful ly treated with specif lo romedies thrrniiohlw tested and proved by the nm nnrTfin X 11WUII """ uwuiwu wno is ono ot nwuro's noblemen, thoroutjhly devoted to his p-ofession nnrl nvnr rnnrlu tr Vtu1t un iTii j VDDVnitO ht?DII ITU nf fu.tK ....- . ii T(Y9T9BftKLv xv -vimmn i 01 both mien. rrj nililiHv ai;va iue-1 1 he bh 1 efl"vlaoiUr'riT"i!l'! dUcrelloii, prmluclni: oejkiiew. Ln,T viVv. IIOOII. niglit einltoloiia, exlm itluj drolm. IIOOII. niglil einltoloiia, exlm itluj drolm. tMhlulneM. ou nl euirgy, weaknci ol both. lJ auabruln.uiillltliiK,iueriirtuily,biiiliicYa Mild niarriime tieiiiiM with iH!erllllb(;ucceM Oel cured nml be a man " w BLOOD AND m flSTSSRSr hiStuiii;", ,g ibe ,)im i"" ""i 1 1 Kiuitirrr liiiucia:: lml., (inula. au iaiu,r du Cnrv-1 m hotae by rnnaiD H.dhi;, i'.riS.i: wellluc. etufn,.i.n;ti, ., ilirv.iui tliriiMl without, t iillnn I Mm lititlni-M, ntfiJITtt " r..inf,f uin. nbaenatl ii. a. lu mi.u iuTii,. H twok ou twaual fricrrta. AddN-. l ,u' UR. PnmELL REEVES & CO. Now LociteJ at 216 Coni'l St, Sab, Htfllth rL :.!. K 7f mm r'V A (If tut Knot A I'tfrVwi mA Advlc Sld Comfort Destroyed f.y IIia list ftf P" f $W MVtf' fill Mid iMMtffff llMl ll4 flelM IN ,r.VH llifMllll All IM ClMWQM limn nml nlnil nil !mWl"lil IJMckwill'i null JmImih Smoking WHY? Hid Aw(,fAwyimmt fi"f' tttnul llllt tW6 HUH WIJM.W "Irtlk," li'i . (ti HMtlmW mevifiindilulnliiiffotofjw. if von smoki von slioiilil imu Bull Durham A.flalliallwk TOIJACCO CO,, . IjURIIAM, M 0 A t OT (HCllrt(l(lll TtlM Ctmp IteMl II II ftfcn r w US Si1 -""itWJJ II 0 iks'imj WmJ'm i Bfti'iptoi H. F. BROER, I'fopflotor f I lie DEPOT SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, All louwfliillillitf Mnlcrlnl uinito lo order nt tlio lowrnl I'ortlniid priced, HioiMk'foruyoiibiiy, MtCIIIB HASMN. A, II. SMITH 2iaCj3LgSOIW AS3MCXX3EC General - Contractors, Htrwt Work, Ht-wcrlng, Excnvnlliiff, Concrete iuhI;Miwoh Work, i'llliiK'i Ac All work promptly (tone. SALEM, OREGON. CLEAN! Ir you would bo clean aud hayo your clothes done up n tho neatest and dressiest manner, takelhem to the SAUKtf STEAM LAUNDRY 'here all work is done by white labor and in the most jrompt manner. COLON El, J. OJ -MSTED 1 ilipriy Sfrpoi, AST AND SOUTH E. K. HALL, -VJA- THE SHASTA ROUTE of the Southern Pacific Company, OALlrOKNIA KXPHKHM TRAIN-BDN DAIM BETWEEN POKTLAND ANDS.r. Paper Hangerand Decorator, Offlt oat Chan. Cal erfa Mllllunery aUjre naltini, Oregon. rtiuili. .J.u. i. in. p. in. rt-15 .Lin. Nuril .y. I'ortlaud Ar.l 7.J011. 11 Vi' m l""' Lv( 6' Ar. riitn rmn, Lv.l 7.00 11. in Ahinu UllillSKUllKllllv U lullOttlllv Mil yi'un Uliy. ttooilbuin, ou em. Allium ruiigeul. Ueaih. lluly . llurrlaburw Jiiiutlmimtyirwiiit uud jjigejie. ' wnuuHUaAU.IIAUr, .3J a. in. 11:17 a. m ' W P. III. l.v. rurilunil Ar.l f.i) u, ,u Lv Balein Lv. I 1 M p. m' Ar. Uoseburg Lv. 7.00 11. m llmy Local, Pally KTCBnt Hundttyi 11,1 1 11 a u) 11. 111 7 52 I), in. 1U p. 111. ft: i::,,r'!i,ud AM!E Ar! Alto'i, K'i Capital ll Jas. Batchefor, Prop'r, Warm Mat All flours oilfieDaj Nnni hn i,ii. i.t MbllaUiSSnU ""w""',rl in thl. cliwfiiylo meai " fe,,1 !n am rwenty-n ve centu per meiil R B D KRriMfr cvri atret: between Opera Houn. aud -tlllMIH lilVPIf Mining Cai-s ou OgUou ltou.o PULLMAN BOFFET SLEEPERS AND Second Class Sleeping Cars Attached to nil ihrmiui. .. i. M Side Division, Between Portland anil Comllls! "A1LY (nLK)TBUWDAYl 7.auu.iu Ulld p. Ill T.v7 Ar. !lgv.illla Cv.'lllfffrii:- -iiu!Uni;a ffilSI IW Ix&iAwXrtt.Akl hi wm&uy n THRntifiH L ONLY LINE RUNNING 1 DAILY I'l m 111 I I "ir 1 1 UtSijArffln'S;.',,! f. TIIUOUUII TICUIXS f,.,l . " "rKI.NNMi, tr. (IUMKK3. Ai n v "'""iWhii k) Froa Tuniaat or lotcrior Pdiats the ... l m - .. wMiiiniicliitioai "m line 10 uka To all Paints East and South. TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8:45 A. M. 7:30 P, M. DAYS TO '2S CHICAGO 7 Hours Quicker to St, Paul, 16 HnllrC fill rln. fL!. ' 40 How Quicker to Oma and .tJffirftffin CARS. DININR i.ADomi" ntiorauilrVif11 ,en,!ra,.lulu"uatlna call -.iviiiii l'IU. . .. .. ' "". UllWIO'., ELl 4, XJ .Wrii-?T.T-. 41.16 BEL'r KWfi. 35r3pfipLSiE,' VCf . F"W1B UnSTPATIHTS rnctr IMfMVHKIITS. jITN ritCT. tHr. yfcrn.r.-i'?-s KlffiSffm.,t - -- ..ii,,Mr iT- Wlil AND CHIOIGO i.m . ,i,uc'nei)rcani.i TOURIST Sleeping Cars, sasaaSSSaS l "Y COACHES. SSMW I l I 1 1 1 b. a WW 1j. r. " wnofciVJ OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD " Uiii limn i, ni i "rj""f ti-r, a 'M&n u IliruuKli rit??J olllel '"Hte. Kim "''ESCHWUlLlKin.M !vrAimnr . . Latltiri.ilfi.. 1JV, .. .. Irrir. v; .""'" .... !"."' ' O'rvallu B.4i a u 'v. AlUnjr . .. . ' !ftAit Nl U,M TOnD t AlbMy M0 SBiaasssssg mm n f , b lyuuiuu-i m GO SO CD CO CD r a O m T5 O mmm i CO go CD i!fc.,,.Ul'" "UunaeflT i.wW a i . I I fu. iZv!f A'l Uun , s'hMHuS.'i.'g'. . . - i'VI