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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1893)
r . Stjt IhP tAi Jkj V Jlwinf f""1" fffrnriritrrniifsrwfcn I ru iimi rr-iaiM.. .MSIQMCwM&uuuU HIE CAPITAL JOUMAL. Fill DA Y- in !"EIJ. 3, 1893. GILBELIT & PATTERSON, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. or.o. d. ooomiuE. k. gaiiill. WOOD AND COAL. It Is mi acknowledged fuct I bat Geo. D. Ooodliuo sells more Wood and Coal tuuti ull other deulers com bined. If you wuut fuel seo hloi, olllee 05 Btutu ntreut. GoOllHtTB & CAHIIili. Entiik Nous Dancinu Cluh. Ou Monday uigbt, February Gib, ruin or fehlot', comes oil' tbe lust dancluir parly, during tbo legisla ture, under tbc uuaplces of this fa mous Hneiul club, the closing society event of i btt seusou. A larjie attend ance N ulreudy insured from Poit lutid, Albany and other places. Tbe committee extend a veneral invita tlon to members and nlllcers of both bouses. It Is desired that ull intend ing to be present call on the man auers uuil procure their tickets by Monday noon. This club baa proven its ability to conduct the finest pur ties ever given in the state. The Portland orcbeitra P.irsons & Fleck has heeu engaged. It will discourse several line selections prior to (lie grand march. No pains oi expense will be spared to make this the crowning event of the season. Monmouth Hn.ii Lost. Sen ator Butler resumed his argument this morning fur the appropriation for the Monmouth Normal school. It is a flourishing popular institu ion ami the senator made tbe great est speech of his life. In spite of the excellent management of Pro fessor Campbell, fate seemed to frown upon the etrorts of Mr. But ler in its behalf. But it takes more than tbe able eloquence of an able lawyer to get ho big a slice even for a worthy cause in these days of close margin and high tuxes. Tbe bill may still pas With a smaller sum llxed for its support. Business Ckanqk. The firm of Gilbert & Patterson bus taken in a new partner In tbe person of Ray D Gdberr, son of the senior member, and the firm will hereafter be known as Gilbert, Patterson & Co. The new member liai been repre9entlug his father's interest in a business at La Gr,ande for over a year, and Is a well qualified young business man, who will add strength to an old and substantial firm. Citv Affaiks. The city council held a caucus last night ou the mat ter of disposing of fire department property. No agreement was reached and the council is about evenly divided ou accepting Mr. H )lmau's bids... ...Capital engine company held a meeting and adopted resolutions relating to turn lug over their property to the city. Wimj Not Bkt.iI It la doubtful if tbe city council will confirm the sale of tbe fire department property recently put up at auction. Several members say If It was their private property they would not let it go for that. Hakd to Ruit. A good many people who recall what occured when Ilirrieiou vlslled Oregon are sajing that Governor Peuuoyer seems to 'have, it in" for any and all Presidents, now that ho gave Grover Clevelatid such a merlciless s'ap. REMOVAL NOTICE. The nillro of this company has been removed from iiS3 Commercial street, to the Urf.trburu building, 240 Commercial Bireet, where we will continue to handle all business sul tultted tc u-t with the usual prompt ness and ex-ictuesa. If you wish to send a teleg'am call tliis olllif by telephone from your ofllce or place of business and a mes senger wl be sent to you to receive It. Telephone 40. Pacific Postal Tjjl.Cadi.e Co. Go to Btrnug'a restaurant. Go to Fear & Hamilton's for abort time loans. 1 3-3t The New York Racket Is selling a Hrxtt-Itihscair hhoe for &!60, Beat in ihoeity. Threap uml can table peru, 10 Oeiile, at Srw.t & GlleV. BUCIAR 1 E.VS- e iooH c uned 7wiitertiu, u BIueFrouU Go Ui Stntt'u fmiuurH'. C t ru' Our Hum c-nttit.riwi 1J)OT HAND TWINS mid WKlJ'niidMoKAYhJfiWteD KID BllOiftJ, I'M! BLiil dOATuiKl JMltfYKlD. OilGrain School Shoes All fro'ti tliu beat facloricfl niitl ovory pair WAttltAXTtSI). '"nro's colfjbr.iloti $2.50 lino Tb? Palace Dry Goods & Sho? Co., 337 Commercial Stioofc. WAR ON MOYER. DeinoQralic Slato Committee Adopts Resolution. DEMOCRATS ARE UP IN ARMS. They Resent ilic Governor's At tack on Cleveland. Tbo committee on resolutions re ported the followiug resolution, which was adopted. The commit tee consists of Herman Wise, Chun. H. Carter, John It Markloy, W. H. Parker and D R. Murphy: 'The state Democratic central committee of Oregon here assembled regret the attitude- taken by his ex cellency, Governor Peuuoyer.loward the le.uler of our party, President elect Grover Cleveland. 'The people have for a second time and by an overwhelming ma jority shown thWr confidence in President Cleveland, anil it ill be comes G ivernor Pemmjer, who has repeatedly been honored by tbe Democratic prty to attempt to throw slurs on Its greatest leuder. "We hereby renew our allegiance to the chosen chief executive of liio country ami consider G ivernor Peii noyer's utterances against him as unwarranted and kcusaiiuual." BhVI-.HE OJ I'ENMjYLH. The Democrats in the city express ed themselves very freely upon the Governors course. Editor tittles of the Aibiuy Djmicr.vt siys: "Adoz-ii men In Alb in y, ab ut hall Republicans and half Democrats discus-ting the governor's conduct, ugieed unamlously tnat no mm in th.' state could be found who could so successfully and c unpletily write himselt down as a dolt as the gov ernor did himself lu this matter. Clothed with a little brief authority, the governor shows himself an auto crat more dangerous than the czar of Russia had bo uot an intelligent public to beep an eye ou him. Few people in Oregon that will indorse the conduct of the governor in vent lug his spleen against a m m whom the governor foolishly imagines stood between blm and tbe presid ency." WHAT DhMOCHATS SAY. A comni tteo niiin: "The resolu tlnns c ndemuing Peuuoyer are very mild. The committee was un derstood to bo very favorable to (he governor, 'mere Is a strong prou abl ity that the matter will be brought up iu botli houses of the legislature." Adjutant-General R V. Mitchell says it is a matter he burnt his fingers on and did not care to say any thing, Brijjadier-General Compson; "1 have beard only one Democrat crit icise tbe governor fur his action." Judge Daly: "I am sorry for the thlug bappeulug. The governor does uot ivfl-ct the sentiments of the D'inooraoy of this state." Bob Thompsen: "It meet with disapprobation on the prt of every Democrat in Oregoti. It is treason to the party of tbe tilackesl huo lo use his official posltlou to slander the president." Senator Cegswell: "It was prop er to refuse to let the state cauuou3 be used for partisan purpose- at the expense of the state, but the gov ernor's manner lu referring to the president el ct dnej u t c import with the dignity of the i filce." Napoleon DivU: "The resulu tlous are very mild. There was general chagrin at the uutiou of the governor in so small a mutter." Herman Wise: "I diew the reso lutions. They are too mild If un. Ihin ." Dr. Mul Inlx: "Tlnro Is nut a De mocra In Or gou appiou-a the Gov ernor's course." Editor Sin til f Baker Demecrat: "The eoveincr cannot build him self up In the ectliirtllon of people by striking at utlnr men iu the par ty." Ri'P'esentative Tener: "Tbo gov ernor WHS elected by Democrats and should not t-trlku at them In the way he doe-i." Chairman Gorden: "The resolu tions were proper lu be adopted." The governor aaya ubout the reso lutions tbat they may do tbe origi nators some good and will do blm, tbe governor, no harm. They weie drawn up and pn&fced by the fus on nimuyeri. at Pol Hand. It would Ik lmMk-Ilie to print all that I said by pn.'iiiueul Democrats iu ajpp in of thitfu r-b.i.utioiiH. Go to Strong' rrttaiirant, t PEAKa-uhohirat HurtWtt.'JO SHOES! eoltl lit $2, All now ty1og. SUED FOR SLANDER. Mrs Tllllo bo Loon vs Ooo. S. Downing, Prison Suporln- tendont. For pcvtral years there Iiub been great feeling nud bitterness be tween H. B. Blmou, a cigar dealer and tobacconist at tialeiu, and Geo. 8. Downing, superintendent of the Btato penitentiary at Balem. It grew out of business relations. Out of this has grown a slander suit Implicating the name of a well known Balem lady, tbe wife of Cbai lea De Leon, a barber ou State street. For some time rumors have been current ou the streets, that a slau der suit would bo brought. Tbe papers In the suit were filed In the office or tbe clerk of the circuit court Thursday afternoon, for $10, U00 damage for slander. The title of the case Is Mrs. Til- lie De Leon vs. Geo. B. Downing, and the petition is as follews: "That on the 20th day of Janu ary, 1S93, at Balem, Oregon, the de fendant did, iu a convcisation had by blm with one C. B. Brown c-u the streets of wdd City of Salem, maliciously utter, publish and de elate of aud concerning this nlain titl the following false, scaudaloi,s and defamatory words, to-w It: " 'I have a letter iu my possession tb it provesthat Simon bus bten criminally intimate with De Leoii'f wife (the plalnlitt meaning). I waut you to tell Blmou (meaning one Henry S. Simon, then and now residing in said City nf Balem) that if he does not let up, I will nbow De Leon (meaning Charles De Leon, the husband of plaiutttl) tbe letter.' " "Aud for a further and separate cause of action against defendant, plaiutltl alleges, that later, on said :20th day of January, 1893, at Dan iel Fry's ding store on v.'ommetcial street, iu said City of Balem, defend ant in the presence uud hearing of said ('. B. Brown uud of (-aid Charles De Leon, and in answer to the following remarks made to him (defendant) by said De Leen: 'What do you mean by circula ting hucIi slauder iu regard to my faiiii)? (Meauing the slanderous aud defamatory words whion de fendant spoke of and concerning plalntiftas hereinbefore set foith, which were addressed to said C. B Brown.) To which question de feudatit maliciously replied, 'Well if this thlug comes to a point, I can prove it,' meaning thereby to say that the slanderous words spoken by defendant to said Brown, as herein before set forth, were true and be could prove it; ull of which wusaud is false and defamatory aud was proclaimed and published in the presence of said Browu and De Leon, for the purposo of defam iug aud injuring the ohuruoter of plaiutlfif ns a chaste and virtuous woman and wife and mother in tbe community where she resides, to her damage in tbe sum of $10,000 for which she prayB judgement against the defendant with the costs and disburoments." MK. UK I,KON was seen by the writer ibis morning aud said be had left the matter i n llrely with ids lawyer. He bail wauled to commence uctiou for criminal libel. Tho facts alleged could bo proven and tbc ease would lme ts take Its cource in court. Mr. Simon was wen and says, the only reason Downing ever said such u thing was because he (Simon) was making it hot for him before the legislature. The Du Leon's had been next door biisine.-s neighbors of his and lie hud always been on terms with them D-iwuimr hud denied having any such letter orullldavlt, as Brown sas he told him he bud, to several peisons. Moitfc Surra. L. Fllescbmau for $.-0, J. D. Gregolre $104. Paul Fuudmuii 432-5-160, these are new attachment suits begun today iigttlust the U. B. Banking Co. of Gervals. B.mker Reeves who con ducted the branch at McMluuviile bus also dl.upeured, APPLES choicest 1 gullou cans, 20 ceutH at BLUE FRON T. Two cans sugar peas 15 cents at Srout is, Gile'a. Go to Strong's restaurant. Buttercups fresh today at The Spa. For wedding and birthday rein emhraucc see Keller & Mai sit' lare stock. Fn-sb airaw berries Sroat & GHe h-vu 'cm. L'ordliig Jinus keeper, come and K our rclar iUUc4 lit i aimed! fiUlllld v-tUu. HMit fc Olio. IMAU aah rumMu (Its Olmlf today. W. W. I'ltRf. ft volenti bC lie J'oMiillitl liuf, wn rt liollct Vlslfof Jndiiy. .Fraiift U.tvy of ittcsl drove U In liioclt.v. liftnl Hliootllc U lit?BtlttHieM for clentiltl ahtl pfe?ili olotltPS. iflsh itlfiiilfiil lAylBon'(i in- tkt, It. T. JIiiniphrcyM, who tntii leeti considerably tintlcf llie wciillier of lnl, returned llny tnuu Oregon Oily, t'onslilet'rtb y liiipriivetl. Hlnce the tlefeiit nf I lie M'ltiniotilli Norma school ppwprlittlotii'ilt it Hetilliimnt Is growing ngnlnsl giving otlirr Ilk' InsUu.loUfl what is tv fused this one. Tho governor linn signed tho bll', by Klti', of Malheur, for distribu tion of tho G per cent Innd fund. W d game Duvlsoti's market. Reliability, purity and freshncfs are the malu things when you come to buy the necessities of life. These are strong points with J, A. Van Eitou, successor to Squire Farrar & Co. Dr. Irvlno bns moved to Portland, where lie will lake up tbo practice of his profession. It Is estimated tbat at least ten thousand signatures for uppulut ment were secured yesterduy at Hotel Wlllamettee. Price no object on rubber coab and gossamers. We must sell them. T. W. Davenport has Hied an other petition to sell real property lu the Keiiwnrthy estate. W. 8. Hurst, tho Aurora mill operator Is Iu the city. It Is a fact worth kuowlng that, m a household remedy, for chlldrei ami adults, Ayer's Pills are iuvalu able. Fine, fat Poultry, plenty or It, at D.visou'a court street market. J.J.Daly sayB no further ellori will be made to get uu appropriatlot for the Monmouth uonnal f-chuo'. Ho claims the benato is puni-hlni Monmouth Republicans for votluj for Butler. Ayer's Sarsapniilla purifies tin blood, and expels all poisonous eh inentH. Bold bv druggists. TUTl'B PILL5 cure sick hi a -ache. Eastern oysters Davidson's murk t. Bee those 10 cent fruits, at Sroat & Glle's. Stand caramels all the time at tl e Sp-i. Gallon apples 25 cents at Sroat & Glle's. CANNED FRUITB-Prlces way down ut BLUE FRON 1'. Money to loan o i city or firm se cuiity on long or short time. Feur & -Hamilton. 1-3-.U Call aud get C. Beak's pi Ices (U feed belore buying elsewhere, opt -sita.Sttte Insurance Co. Lace curtains and counterputes cheap, at the New York Ricket. Bnow a foot deep and fresh strw erries is the placard at Sroat A Glle's today. It pays to buy an outfit hi furni tU'e of Keller & Marsh. The make a great specialty lu this di rection. The Tax Bills. In the bouse the Luwton tax bill is at third reading aud will tin doubtedly pass. A poll of tbo senate on this Iioum olll, No. 125, which repeals th mortgage tux luw and deductiou foi Ind btedness clause, had the follow ing lesuit: AYES Bincroft, Gates, Smith, B ackmau, Hayes, Brelwer, Crosno, Maxwell, Woodard, Danny, McGinn, President, 17 Dodson, Haley. NOK3, Alley, Lonney, Veatch. ' Beckley, Matlock, Weatherford Cameron, Myers, . 10. Cogtwell, Vandenburg. 'Ibe other three are undecldeo. It 'o ili s as though tbe Luwton bib would pas-. The Testimonials Published ou behalf of Hold's Par saprilla areas reliable and as worthy your confidence, us If they came from your best and most trinltd neighbor. They stale only.tho sim ple facts in regard to uliiit iiood'r Kiirsnparllla hiudone, always within truth and reason. Conhtipatlon,uud all troubles with the directive organs uud the liver, ure cured by IIiM.d'a l'lll-. Uocijulltd as u dinner p)ll, NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that there will be n meeting of the (misled alumni of the Willamette univeiMiy at the conservatory p-irlors at 3 p. in., Biturday, Feb. 5th J693. All members ure requested lo be prtfc eut. II. A. Kkuuk, Pies. Mie Lulu M. hmitji, Sec. 3?c : ,."tzzz..jl .: jjj; ffirUflllo hffin4fiiftrt ivnuud riuoiiaiiui) U J a liii.iiiilmiii bai o if vnlnt,H elally ninoiifj womrti J f Hulffl irolii tii H fAmf llitr synli'lti .lid ftMltnlliidio oftfrilM ficfdfiilttrt il ifigcil. llm Mood grown Wfok niiit hit. itctNlieil, rttid lii'iifri "llmf llrixl leii i" ot billed nirttiy Hitiiilaln. I'df nil iicli nut!, ttaitu H Ho remedy c-rjttitf (u yttU SiifsntmHIIn. Take ho other "Suliio tlnifl rttfd 1 foiniil ItiV nc(Mu nllroly rtni ihiuii. I Imd a foolltig til uMintit fitlliiim nud Irtiiitiidf ntid very illtlo ninbltloii tot any A frlnilil nilvliil Inn ln ibllloti for any kind of rdcitl If Inttil ndrhed mo to tty Ayer's Sittitn- I'llrlllrt, .wliloli i lllll Willi tllD li-4t tl- itlli. It lin4 iioini tun mote good tliitu all other ineilliliici I lini-e ei'cf tucil - KiMiik Alelloivs, UlicWcn. Alum. " for tttnntli t wn nnlleloil will lii-rMMH proxtriiitoii.iveukiii'XH, Intipiinr 1 1 iii-ntl (leliilli.v.iiiiil ini'iiiiil ilrpreMlnii Itv Mirlfvlnn tint IiUhmI with AyitV Hiiriniirtrlllii, f was completely etiret'. '' Mrs. Mary BlevetM, Iiwoll, Mnxs. When troubled with Dlzxlhesi, Sleep-'e-isficss, or Had Dreams, tftko flyer's Sarsaparilla riitrAiitu nr Or. J. O. Aver U Co.. Lowell, Mass auUtall Druvulitt ml l)mlp la Mull tine Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed t Castoria Best crenmery and dairy butter at Clark & Eppley's. The newest thin x iu fancy stools at Keller & Marsh's. Church Directory. Kvanofmcai.. Cornor of Ltbcr'y and 'enter streets. Hunrtuy services Ift'iO a. in .ud 7:.'!0 p. in., Btinun y school 12 in,, Y. I'. !. h. 8:30 p. m.j Prayer mrntlriKTtiurMlay, :tdp. m. J, Kowersox, poster, rcsldeuci .27 Liberty B'reot. I'liEsnvTEuiAN. Cliurch street, botwecu Jtiemeketa unit Outer. PreuclilDg niorn 111; nml uvrnliif;; Siibbulb school at 12 in ' 1'. S. O. K. aiil.SO p. m.; prayer mrctli.y I'hiirsilny ut 7:;0p. in. Huv. K. II. Qwyuce i, U pastor. -oUTli Sai,km-M. K. church. Preach iU every sunil iy at IMM a. in, and 7 p a. Huitclny school at 3 p. in, l'inci Heeling Tliiirc1ay at 7 p. in. Iptnrtli .eagup, Frliluy ut 7 p. in. . c, pietor. UllMUKItLAND I'llRSllVTKItlAN. Sllleill, rejou.Ilue J K. Iililr, 1'iihtor. Suiidaj -hoot every Munnity, 10 u. in, l'rc.ichlu very Miurliir, 11 a. in. and 7::S0 p. in. Iiurcli 1'oiwo on lllah stieet, In twecu iiirlim and Unlou. livcryiiiuty welcomo U.Ni-rr.n llmmir.iiN. -Twc. blocks south fl of pihhcu er depot, i-ervlccs tvery ibbathut II o'clock, mul at 7: 10. Saiibalh liiMil al 10 i. in. Prayer nu cling tyvw it ud ly iiIkIiI at7:.'!D. Kveryi'Od) cordlulj lvlled, lttv. .1.8. Jonulius, Pastor. METiionisTKi'iMO'ii'Ai. HtirvlcesonKHli 'iilliatKt II and 7: t(J. suimlny t-elmol al J; ICpwnrlb Leagues at (i:15; Prayor ineet llf evory TtiuiMluy cvoului. HuV. U. L. vellcrmuu, p.istor. .st. JotErn's cmiiomc O'luncit. Che icKeta and Oottaue, Sunday t-ei vlcet: Low mkK7:;t0a in.; Iilgli muss II :W; hunduy hool ;i p. in ; vt-pers 7.00: weak duys, luw hiss 7 a. m. Huv, J. 8. Whllo, piinlur. Cosoiii'.aATioNAL. Corner Center and llicrty Services Kuuduy ut 10:30 a.m. and p. in ; Sunday school 12 :n., Y. I', 8 O, K l H.-o0p. in.; prayer mectlug 7:U0p.m.Thiirs uy. I:vanori. oat. Mission.; Corner Che icketuund 171 U blreels. SeivUo lu Ku i h evoiy uuduy evening ut 7:3'; Hunduy hool iit:i:(0 p iu.; prayer iiiLelin every Vvduesday uvoiilng ul7:'W. .-t. Paul Errscot'Ai. Ci-uucu. Oirner 'Iiurcli and OheineUeiu. Hh vices 10:30 a , ii:45 u. n..; ZZT l''m' ll0V'w-Lum1' Kl,T HAmsT-Llberty nnd Marlon. ervice iu-,11 u. m. mat 7:00 p. m j sundHy ciioot ij in.; young poopio'x intetiuK ut o . in.; jiruycr mectlnc 7:M Tliursday. ltov. tob-rtwhituker.piisuir. kkeb MtTiioprsT.-itev. v. k. pmaiic.v iiiNtor. Hervlces Hunday mornlns and -renins, SundHy schcHitnt 10 a in.; prayer necttng Friday nli;ut. Church uppotilte I irtu Huiem school. KitiKMM. At Highland parknn carltnc. frvlceH lOSiOn. in. and 7;!!0. . in.; Hunday , utiiKii 12 m.; christian Kndeavor u p. m,: ' .rnyer ra-tln '1 hureday 7:30 p. fti. llcv. V 1 ilu.h.. ...,L.. -, HI irAIjC, (lUBVUI . Th (i Clnir ii i)' i.od lintdn regular rci-vlco- In Hi i Oermui Uupllht church, n or hCoiliign Nlreut. Preaching i-unday tt V:W p. iu. Prayer meeting every TIium. uy evunliigui;: Ituv. , T.i.OllIot, Mister, Ueuma.v liAiTisT, Services In Onrman taptl.l chuich iiortll of t'otlngt kticet. uudUT m:Ihm1 iu lOn. in. PrtiichliK l It i in. Kv-enlngcrvlcuul7;30. ltuv. John Vchter, pahlor. ciniinriAN Hoiknck. atrvlce lu Unl ii rla u nail at lUOJii.m.uml 7::0 i . in,; bah nitli kuhool 12 in Jilblo study Tlnirni.ay vt-iiliu, U.vity f ll unci t.-Cor. ChPineketn and i)Uu,i;hlr-el nurvhf-H 10; 0a. in Hiid7:M) i. in. 'uu uy fcchool ut li, llev. T. W lluvin, ):iior. filiilKTl N. High and Center, Hunduy cIiimjI iUiii ; piext'tiilig JLI;'jO (i in,; )hm 't:o)u' ocli-t.v li 3d n. in,; preuchnu 7: 0 p. in ltov, W.K. WllJInnm, piur. t VAORl.lUAl. Corner oi Liberty und Center ktrtcu aermuti kervioj every nmt md third Uiidyn. J. II l'l.her, junior, KiiMAN l.vniKUAX Norll; UiltueaMt. ' lrvh-e on Ut hihI 31 hunday f cucli iiontli t t p in l(-v O, li. .VI i )er l(it r. TtiHi'KiiAKor. Union lidg ol (Jood rempli ill, liih fenipurii, N't tat nu't-H nv.-ry Krldyi '.ry Krldy i (j ii .ii. iruwiting iiuiii- ufrvuieuirululiy Invlud. A Kin can ilis.uoiiiHT, Nnr'ti Riitem I Hro.H' II II. in hd !rii. HI. KlIlidHy ctiooi ..t, i p, iii. , j, w. white. pumor, iiiiiinn m.H'i'iviiifneaiini,utiH5iiih. 'imt,ttivry i .ini.iyi.lU.r i-iliulJ.i'CI.Kk.1,,,,,, ,,., tt ,,, Din miwiiinrrw wllli OlIlilTHV f-t'lKXJK Until a- i-ervlcfii nt hvtjo'c.u k iivk-iynuuilu) ,ui ajii l.lberiy jrn-i, Ukkmik ItRfollMKn. Crltitnnd Marl in MlliillilV MI VII (I I M. Ill IMllllluV Mhlrfil JU4. in.; p'Hj.ii iii)iiii: Wfdiuituuy tm ji. in. 10 v I, iliielilxupt, 4i.lor. EiiCES Bakin vomer. n V,'1 fawa'Vrt j:m3 Jf Cii i C. O. Oivon, tho shoo nmount of 8t ck carried, nnd this is easily oxplnincd by tho on elosor martinis than any other houso. ANOTHER CUT IN BOOTS AND SHOH$ Has just boon announced, and many aro taking advantago of it Q ijon s is.ip ana un urain jdoois, oost Boys' " " " " . Mon's Working Shoes , Boys' " " ., Mon's Calf Shoes, rieatest stylos t. Ladies' Dougola Shoes, tipped Misses' " ' " Children's Dongola Diamond tip You cannot afford to miss PACIFIC LAND AND ORCHARD; FOR TOWN $2.00 fortho tlnoit llulshcd PUOlOUlt.VPlMlnthoclty. JIONTEB BROS., 1M Cuiniucrclnl Street, HOEYE & MILLS. PORCELAIN BATHS SHAVING I'AKLOW, Only l'oicolum HnthTubt In tho city. JAKJCoui Ht.,Hnleni,(ir. JOHN IRWIN, Carpenter and Builder, Shop (13 Htato street. StoroFittlnjrs a Specialty T. .5. UKI&S. 1IO US K I'AINTINO, l'Al'JSH HANOINQ, Natural Wood Finishing, v'or, -JUth nud Chemeketa blroot. Undertaking Q CENTS A DAY, Evening Journal. Pellveicdal Your Door. and tmbalmmg. Uoil li d .In In li . ti,,y, A..M.OLOUatI, - lOiBUitost. llow IIu Cmno There. Tlio defendant, who wna aa black as tbo nco of Bpades, boro tbo eu phemistic tmraamo of John White. Magistrate Donnelly laughed as ho asked : "Well, White, what black crimo arc you guilty of?" Whito Bhuftied his big foot uneasily, and Officer JNovius respended: "Stealin chickens, your honor. At least ho didn't got no chickens, but ho tried hard enough." Farmor Edwards, tho owner of tho honiiouso, was called and said, "Last Saturday night I seen this hero man Im" rnl1 7 hohoU?0nd"TT No, sab, yo' honah, sah ; ho didn't seo mo; it wuzSiLufty wothosoon," tho prisoner intorruptedj j aupposo you woron't near tho piac0 nt all," said tho magistrate, oharnlv ,-j nv, n , zi BaiJ , ., "How do you know Lufty was thoi'O?" "A frion1 donO tolo mo." "But, your honor, I'm Buro I seen tlila jnnii .' tho nrosecutor cried. . . "No, sah ; hit wuz Lufty. Knso yo' didn't look inter do chickou house, whar I wuz." "Oil, hoi" said tho judge. "So you wero thoro after all. Well, Whito, probably you cau toll us what you woro doing thoro?" Whito scratched hia head and said: "1 doan' strictly romombor how hit happened, jedgo; but some body knocked mo down und toted mo in and locked tho doah." Phlladol- phia Record. A Cruet Mlvtake. Tlio crudest casoof blight that I over heard was that of Fiorina Smith. An ofilcor of militia hod long been tho object of her youthful drauns, and sho looked in vnln for tho moment when ho Khould dcelaro tho passion which sho was convinced burned within mm. Tlio moment came at kwt: tho volcano burst into llaino. Ono morning sho received a lotU'r boginnitig, "My dear Jlisu (Joiitli " niwl rmiudiml In iinintr.tnlf. """ "" - ablo laiiKtiago. It wils bi'oiiirht bv a bov who wait- ...i r.. ,,,, ,, ,,...,, pl1(, ui.,.ct'(1 tlio CM 101 Ull UIlHWOr. C.110 H01U.W.U me neutest nheut of pink paper, poured forth a moduHt yet delighted us&ent uud her own liund. Then sho uwuitod tho t- V fc s .-f v u i liotiteiiant. BUo waited Unit day and the next. Ho camo not. BUo rofiiBod exotriht' aud remained at homo a third day, do came not. A week passed. Ho camo not. A fortnight, and ho camo uot At lost she ven tured to writo und ttho recoivod an answon Mr IlCAB MtM Hmith-U U All the fult of that boy. IU took lti letter to tho wrong tiouec I)iply an I rtgurd and repct you, 1 mukt not wiio-ul fitini lou that my letter wa Intcmlt-d for Hit- daughter of Colonel Hnilth, and 1 ummre Unit jou, who In your note mriil inn that my Impplntwi wiu tour oul' OiJr, will lw (iliul to lier tlwtltUftt Unl tceuniU. lni,)ourryiJtt:r'ly, - Alderman. It luw longlieen known that if m pk wmW only kwp tlwir uioutlm shut uad UruHthu through tiiw turn, wtwH ruiirur. thv would awaU licmaWlj Such are all our Statei in regard to and Prices. Salem Woolen Mill Below the Lowest. dottier, soils moro irooda tlmn these oflbrs. Terms, cash, C. G. LOTS- FRUIT TRACTS J.E. MURL'ILY. Tile for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, NOKT1I BALEM. Take It! EVENING JOURNAL, Only 2 cents a day dellvorcd nt your door. MARTIN & AARKINS, Horseshoeing, BLACKSMITHING. Btuto Street, - - Balcin, Capital Cily Bindi WUOLE4AlU AND ItETAIIi & MANUFACTURING STATIO Our account books are mudo of the most Bktllful labor, having patent FLAT,-und Hiiswurlnir every requirement for cotivetileitcei We mukeuBpeclultyofBUpplylug bubluesa huuncs, buuks,! niuciiiiH, etc. BALEM, - - - - - jIN AH RoadH Lead to Chicago. THECHICAGO.MILWAUKEE&ST, T XT' A TC5 Excursion Rates ESTABLISHED 1870. WILLIAM NILES Los Angolcs California. BREEDERS AND rn nvnnnrrniHi nn nv cAruniuiia ur NlleH lmmhv iWiniaiH Notice. Notice U hereby kIvbii, that for the pur. .jmjuf muUliu un t-xiiiiilutioiiof ull pur iUHwlion.u olltir iheiiuuUu-i ui Camil la leu lor Icvuhem of tuu KdnxjU ol ihin tiuiily, I wl.l hold n puhllo vxuiiiluulloii t uluni,Urou,utl o'clock WtducsOuy, ibiumyH, Utll Appi ciiiii Iit tuto communion Wilt t uinluidul tliekuiiintlmu. All pirmiiM iiitoiiduiK 10 upply for certin-ali- at inn) Hun), ulinuld uuiliy mo Uj ultor bufmo ihuuxumlnulloii. Htrdiuem will be rtqulled to produce vntenco of ijood inoiuluiuructer. Tho tun lor llie exumlil -.Hull U tl. Hiiird 1 hla lV(b dy or Junuury, ik3. .-UklaWiw J r.UHAIlAM, Co. bupt. AlurloaUo- rp'tlH i'AI'KIt la kept outlle at K U I. Ilrokd' AdverlUluB Ageucr. M una fl) MerolmutM Kxuhaniiv, Hun $ rsjolHO Oiilf'irulM, where conlrucU lor u. ((rllil-i md o mde for IU LEAVBf) BALEM 'r ro U. J'. Dork at 0 o'clock . in. ever iloudiy, Wcdndiy and Hutuiday. I.KAVH8 TOKTLAND rom tbe Central dokt fbotol Wahiff on trtt every 'X'uewUty, 'fliunnlay uno itwirjuv l CiHUMi-nluffrelnlit ad vff"r tui h4, au ou me aiceut, AiiHtnnan, WmM. m a4 ex 1 rK Steamer Elwood. town h K,Hf-h our Got nnv firm in ikl i'aot that ho Hull , '. va ltopaiiintc neatly GIVEN. AND FARMS. J. L. BBNNl CAN' Fruit A! p. o.'a Jim It. T. JlIJMi Cljrars b4 BIliLIARDi 843 Oor ' f T. W. THJ The Uf He moilels, re uiiholHten-d c1ii.m work. Cfc Mtutojnsuraii tho VERY BES.T hm;U, OI'EI.NG 1 - - - - 1893 - 'M nT'TJX IT A TvT., 't '1 to tho World's ft incoiipc & CO. t sr i-iitn linvrm 1111 riftii miiia in JlciliiroiFolaiiil-Cliiiiil Fancy Poultry, All Vari tggs for I Paclflo Coast !.' Illutritei, ou ivii -nENU FOlt CI II tNorthMn Pactfle R-rl LATEST Tfi Two Through Jlj Ittlpin liJupin tun-urn 1 &jpn 7.15"il Slttpm 7;wpin 1 lipm t tVall- i.M'ns I.TiillH vtiUwH a-i..i at. ftnld antil ' lhn.unUtnaUpolu.imi xuil Luuadu. . .ill cio.M ounneetlon is ,11 train ifillu tU"1 (orluiilLfuruiulloal eat llontl Kuv or uuu, i'uu,ai.d" Salary or ToagtwUloUftwOeJ 1QK ialUB rvmmt' novel luvrUltM) ihorou.uly in 1 lUHgtC. IMlUlSWl .HL-liia till ! t i.ut UjIium ua upMjljil ub HkiMUa. . l...u..,r urMltuit. Fur Sale at. .., U4 Irut.