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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1893)
??i 5V v W ' -. r A V: 3. B'K FAIUJRB Ju lHtf Mwtf WttlfcltaW am am. ftrttfrt tke M" $nmokL lAKK rAILS. XV XAftk FAllwre, MmtAi tfeb., Jriii. 2.-Tli rtUltftg (MtiMmneMHeiil of the Capt M l?M4ftftl lHk wad iDfldelaM 4ftr4, MH witli It erne llio -Ulc Mt (b slate trcanurerwm fotkeerMh to tlio extent fMM, If Is iitaed tbo failure In r4p4ttl Uut tlie exact condltloi. HjMto Ht be Ascertained ,': (( amount to 1025,000 'HMefthki amount be t ween fl7, 400 kM iW,CKK) are ilato fundw, fi. A" tytfob tV tond of tlie treasurur wll If Hy tumble. Tbo capital utocl HW,bWr all paid up. Cnnlile HMIialtfttated that the rusctg wotili tbe depositor, but there l Mprewed on to the correct WfUw statement. BUteTrett Baftley In out of the city. an hk , imepnmion or the exact ntnnun pf Hm dtate funds ou deposit can b jriiiiiiiiMii t 3tKXf, Neb,, Jnn. 23. Tb flttol JfHtloiml hank failure In tin (Mia Wle of cniiveraittloti. Hun ' 4ttopt people nurrounded the banl H tbe morning, but the door re WHtt'wed tljrlitly closed. Tlie bank numbers) tlinusatnln ol ' i1fotHn. Many of small iueau wt(l tow five huudrcd to two thou ' mud dollars each. 1'rcHldunt Mo '' yrtemii of the First Nutlonal, aalo i4y, he believed tbo bank would pay Mil depositors la full, but tin rtrth holders will bo oompullcd t jUrt Hp ?are uiiiountu Imiiiedlutuly - ,T1 enuee of the failure la dut to Mw'ttet that the atato troaaiirei , MM8d the Capital National thai ;b toould require u $100,000 within ; .ft week. Treabiirer Hartley urrlved tWewofuIujf and states that Urns the governor, kecrotary ol Attorney general approved tbtd of Mother oud Outcalt, ,000, under the law which effect when ho took ' H ebt of tke state fuiiila.lio and h'c u'tf IM)MImhm are rulciuod from all lla ! J' " IttftM, which will fall upon the Egyptian Matters. tioKUON, Juu. 23. The Kgypllan 011 U ttHsiiniliitr Kravlty whtob tor tbe time pitta all other Ismuih In ItMO Wokijrouud. TI10 foreign otllo 1mm reeelved n telegram from Lord tiMmer naylng the Khudlvo Intlm Md an Intention to refer to Turkey . a4 the treaty powors, the action of ! XctgtaRd In oauslue the illsmissal ol -V iw-iitHii unuiuui. .nuiivva nn xelted thau at any lime nlnw PMm fHitbreuk under Arlol ratlin. I ; FmaeeiiM given notice to Qreal iNittaH that while refraining from oiatlpii to Ilia l'aNhn as premier, y BPiiin w ut 1110 uiiip lattMlKalalit tin. vtt.tit .ktli.-. ll . Mf t ohooae bU mlnUtun. OMWKWiU Fisht. 0nCUWO,Jaii.38-C!itiinploiiJaniei. J, OorbeW, who has been rather suv ' rltWel during the past few (brkkcouree lu IiuIhIIukoii u feet before taklni; ou auotlf 4ff m44i fr tke world's champion tMfr tMtay gave out an Interview In WttUk k ilefmds hU poslllou ami WlllUfc h eonoludca with a sweep lag9 &)& to llht auyuue, MiitM Jaeksvtu preferred, tin Wft t Nm uhw next fall for a ' ; BWieUead. rBpjpff-!",?"""".' HUhop Uh Uathollo bUhoj) ol k (lead. Ikoeka Dead. .jim.j-iiw!hi. l'hiui!- hilM kf tbU inorulti iptliwe, imijgki -jo u kf ttAWKUlUK, WtC rir. ImI., Jan, a.-Mtte-OUkwue' works burtml iMMIwi. Natural Wx kwudrvd Itieu Kkrfwww Wall, a to utttk. Jmi. 8. Tkt rirtM ewloH at tkede-nk kty ttwMigkjr ftlM ftpWMfc An mtt n ih Osurt; w&inSLa AW0Af I Wi, ftiiM ol loiii M98i tiB llmltfKl exrewt, weHKind on (Ite OieVelatHlf t'olHmbm, Clfidti Mail k. Ht. UuU road, title here al ft o'ftloek gaiUfday taoftifiifff '" Into an bpcti awlleht four mile east of fiHe, eatiolbrf the death of En ultiwf llo nndljilflugiyefdl jms mngvtnt The pftntengef (rain was lute and was running at (he rate 10 mile u hour. Approaching Wnmi atalfori. tho coulno ran through all open switch and crashed into n train of freight cars standing on the siding The locomotive spill the caboose of the freight train, and ilowcd Its way through several 'relght cars, rieveral oil tanks ox tilodcd, and scattered oil over the reck, which caught lire. The A iiuea quickly spread, and, before boy were drawn away, four freight ur, three oil tanks, the baggage ar, smoker and locomotive of tin dxpress train wcro completely des roytd. Just before the collision 00 urrcd tho fireman of tho express mgliio leaped to Ihe ground and es Mped with slight Injuries. Engl ieer W D. Iloss.of this city, remain id In bis cab, and was carried brough tho wreck. Ho wus plum d 11 betweon the tender and bollei oid covered with oil from tho burn ing tanks, being literally boiled to leath. Passengers 011 tbe exprt-s ruin received more or less shaking ip, but none were seriously hurl, Pho crew of the freight tral ho approaching locomotive In time to escapo from the caboose Jo safety. A special train, currying surgeons mil a wrecking crew, left hero at 0 ('clock, and were sooti at the sceuo f tho aooldent. The track Is budly olocked, and trulllc will not be re turned until tonight, l'ussengers ire, however, transferred to other dues. Tbo material loss by tbo A-reok Is nearly $ HK),000. A cor pno In tliu baggage car was entirely consumed In the tiro orlgl (luting from tho wreck. At noon, while n largo gang of workmen wcro engaged In clearing iway tbe wreck, tbu II lines reached 1 gasoline tank, which exploded, catterltig blazing nil In all direc tions. Tlie vicinity of tbu wreck was crowded witti spectators watching too worunioii, una tuey were Irouohcd with oil, many being re- orted seriously burned, Joseph FItxpatrIck titid Andrew McMillan, tecllou men, were badly burned and lakun homo to Html Bt, Louis. Tim othy lfoullhaD,uunther section man, va.i ho badly burned that hlsdeath Is "xpoctcd. It Is reported nearly CO ipenlntora were nioroor loss Injured by the bund tin oil, and many were carried In wagons to neighboring farmhouses, where they received luodlcal tittcntlou, ANOT1IKII HKI'OIIT. Sr. Louie, Mo,, Jan. 23 A wreck which, In consequence, Is one of tho most appalling and disastrous, oo ourrcd between Wuun and Alton Junction, Illlnotd Biiturday. Tho Cleveland, Columbus, Clcluuatl and dl, Louis tiUUthweHtorn limited pas eugor train, oousUtlugofau engine and four coaches which loft here Saturday morning for the Hast run into an open switch a half mile north of Wuun and crashed Into u iralu coiikUtlug of soeu tank cars standing there, The result was a tire and afloi wards an explosion which already has oust six person's lives, fatally injured several mom, seriously hurt others, und caused rfruat proiwrty loss to the couimuy, rtio dead are: Webb lWt, Mt loon, Ills., engineer of tbe limited; lllram Cornelius, of Iowa; l'Mward Miller, Altuujuuctloii and twouul duntllled awn and one boy, uaiuu unknown. All were burned to death, The following were fata ly buriicd; William Hhatluck, Upper Alton; Frank Bcullln, Alton; JovpU tlerumn, Alton; John Wilki-sou, Alton; John Frvd, Kdwardsvllle uroMlug, Ills.; Charlie llurrls, Al ton; John Louk,Altou; A.T, Fnuer, est, Lout; Kdward Moupln, Allou, All were futully burned uUmt the head aud Ixnly, OUiers lojutvl are: V. U. Harrison, Wauu; Heury rouuliiKtou; Wauu; L juis iKitiMVle Moutreal, CauuiU; Heury lMgrlai, Alton; JoepU Luttervll, Alleu: Wm. K, ltlclurdsou, Alton; Hcr utau Katke, Altou; Fruuk lUrtlett, Hmufiwrd, Caouds; Hwrge HtapliT, uwhwiuwh, ivf,;4iauH!iuue rwuii line, I'tilUOelnklst Wm, MoCarty, Altot; CtwrWa HawHtoMd, AItou JuMwtUm, Tke kkutkwterH Hut l4U dttt Wsmh at 8;M, N ftfaik trU mm tW, Uit about a kail wife kyAtl at AUa J)tHrUHi tkN KM teveivl awUck, The 9khmiltlntTm tot IN ( fabij aittl ike oflleers ate tibvf etttehlMK" h klm He ed durlfcg the iltfsl aecfrliit. More VleMms. A10H, llf.i Jmt, 2S. Three more ikatLis lhl morning Increased the death roll of Saturday' horror to 30. The additional dead are J, N. Mur ray, county rtsciHor) Chan, llaller, farmer; Joseph Herman, child, i'hyslcfans exiect 12 more of tho In jured (0 die within a few hours. Bailors' Union. VanooUVBIi, U, 0., Jan. 23-The union men whokldnopped the crew of the steamer collier ituwnmoor, at Nanalmo, Wednesday night, were captured In the sloop Minnie, off dower point, fifteen miles from here. Three of the union men had tho five sailors In the sloop, Tbty had left Nanalmo Friday night and were making for Vancouver, Officer Mo Kill no noticed the sloop had disap peared so he took passage on the Cltch, a regular steamer to Nanalmo and overtook them. No resistance was offered. The men aud sloop were taken back to Nanalmo. Tho prov incial government otlered (200 re ward yesterday for tholr conviction. Footpad Fooled. PoitTbAM), Jan. 23. Oflcer Hulchlns was ou his way about 10 '('clock when ho was accosted by u man at tbo corner of tiecoud and .Main streets and told to hold up ids bauds. Instead of comply ing with tho demand, be imme diately drew his rovolver and placed tho footpad uuder arrest. Hutch I us wore a silk hat aud mackintosh and carried a valise in his hand which (rave him tho appearanco of being u stranger In tho city, aud the footpud little thought he was holding up one of the city detective force. The man gave his name as II. J. Thompson. DInnorto Satolll. Washington, Jan. 23. IJIshop Keauo, rector of the Catholic univer sity here.where Monslgnoro Satolll's permanent headquarters are estab lished, gave a special dinner In hon or of the designation of MotiBlgnoro Butolll as permanent apostohu dele gate to tbe United Slates. Tlio guests Included Dr. McQIynn and his friend Uishop Moore, of Bt. Au gustine, Pla., und the faculty of tbo university. Washington Sonatorsuip. OiA'MHA, Win, Jau.23.-Oii tho 2J51II ballot Bhadle, of Plorce, wt nt back to Turner, giving Allen 61, Turner 25, Griggs 27 and Teats 0; 2(lth ballot immo. Washington Mattors. Washington, D. C Jan. 23. Benator Washburn said this morn, lug bo would usk tbe senato to re main In session today till a vote was reached on tho autl-optlon bill, and Indications are, n vote will be taken. Opponents will not (minister against It. Washburn la confident tbo bill will pas, und opponents 'are almost willing to concede the claim. OAIIINBT 003311'. Teller, of Colorado, Is quoted as saying that J ml go arealiam would either be a member of Cleveland's cabinet or a member of tho Supreme Court. Hlaokford and Field of the Supremo Ilench will soon retire ou account of age, and Lunar who Is lucaiiacltuted by Illness, will be pen sioned and retired. Nomination. Washington, Jan. 23. The presi dent iiomliiated Frauk C. Partrldce, of Veimont, minister to Veueiuo:a, Blaine Weaker. Washimiton, Jan, 23. That Mr. ltlalne is weaker Is the only know ledge the physicians have gained of any change lu his condition yestco day. Ho Is apparently ubout tho same as ho has been for several days pott. He retains eousclousuehs and doea not appear to bo lietter or worse, tmt the doctors note a slight los of strength each day. Tho doc tors vUlted Mr. lllalue at 9:30 ami report no matetlal change In bis ooudlttou. If anything, however,' he I slightly weaker. Tho home was closed for the night at 11 o'clock. Blalntt's Ooaditlon. Washington, D. U Jan. S3. There U no change lu Blaine's ovu dltlou tbU afternoon. 8U-er &lxkt4. Han Khancmco, Cab, Jaw. 9k Tke oHl ekeouer Volaut baa been rlgklvU. In tke eablti wan ftHithl tbe bety ofoueoftke erew. Itklkeogkt wwe UhJW wIH W Mud. Tke Yakut ertUUew bf w uwu, of wktw uotkUn k bM keettit I,"- L-'---- - 0alt watc kt good tot falHng Mtt Tli slecplBg tox ca(ckc9 tio poultry Areometers wore first described ij ljauino in 1709. Ilrtut, tlio Lntln Shakespeare, was the son of a freodnian, A tree kept well thinned out at tlio top grows tho fnirwt fruit. Vomtu mostly commit suldile by drowning and by shooting. Tlio Hiarrloge of minors are 0 pet tent, of the whole number. Tlie thinnest tnnn In congresn Is James D. Klcliardson, of Tennessee. In 1000 Gilbert recorded that other bodies besides amber had electric prop erties, Of every hundred baby girls that nro bom in China about thirty aro put to death. Tbo man who picks up a rcdhot stove lifter and is badly burned Is apt to get on his sear. Electric lights wcro Introduced In tho government arsenal at Woolwich, Eng land, In 1878. Woman Is seldom color blind; hence hor preference for looking on tho bright sldo of things. Tlio truth that is aimed straight at tho dovil will bo snro to muko somo liighly respectable people dodge. Tho heaviest man in congress is John W. Rlfo, of Pennsylvania. A special chair is provided for lu3 uao. In 1889 Kansas had u whoat acreage of 1089 than 2,000,000 acres. Last year she Is said to havo 4,000,000 acres. Four-fiftlis of tho engines now work ing In tho world havo been constructed during tho last twenty-fivo years. Every student nt tho Chicago univer sity Is compelled to tako at least one hour of physical cxerciso every day. Marriages aro mado in heavon, which probably accounts for tho Bummer en gagements novcr amounting to anytliing. An oak treo was recently cut on a farm near Bedford, Ind., which yieldod a log 40 feet in length, 0 feet in diamotor and 41 feet at tho top. Tho log is without knot or blomlsh of any kind aud will bo exldbitod at tho World's fair. Shopping Philosophy. Thero wcro two young women in a sil versmith's on Broadway'bearing in their hands tho listo of tho happy beings who wcro to bo remombercd with gifts and on their faces tho anxiety of Christinas Bhonoers. "Say, Nell," said ouo as they forced their way to tho pluco where penholders woro displayed, "why don't you givo your father n ponholdorr "Well," said Nell thoughtfully, "as ho dictates oven his loiters to mamma to his typewriter, I don't know what uso ho could innko of one But you might got ono for Walter." "Walter has one. Why don't you get a silver framed calendar?" "Too expensive I believe I'll get Louisou set of btuds. Enameled ones aro protty, aren't tlioy'r" "Yes, but Louise has somo sho bought in Paris last cpring." "Oh, suro euough. Well say, Nell, I want n now hatpin for myself. Como on and lot's (jet it." They did so, and then Nell remem'ber cd that oho needed some lacepins and bought them. After theso purchases tho young shoppers said thoy felt too tired to buy any more that day and drifted down tho street, planning to buy father and Walter and Louise gifts iu tlio future "That," said a woman who was con scientiously struggling with her list, "that Is true philosophy. I wish I had strength enough of mind to do the samo thing." Now York World. NltH'plns Hor Lift) Arny. Tho German villago of Grambke is greatly excited over ti caso of persistent Bomnolency In tho person of tho daugh ter of one of tho town officials. Tho girl, a pretty, Blonder child of wnno thirteen years of age, has been in 11 continual sleop since tho r,ecoud woelc in May, and oven now does not show tho least trace of arousing from her protraetod slum ber. Diirin,; tho first week of her en forced sleep the family seemed grioved to tho verge of distraction nnd all was mourning In tho houso where tho child lay In tho embrace of "death's twin brother." After nwhlle, however, when it was noticed that ulio would swallow liquid nourishment, their fears for hor safety seemed to abate to n certain degree, and now, after 11 lapse of more than half a year, tho family go about their daily labors as if tho little maid were really diMd and half forgotten. Highest medi cal authorities havo lieeu consulted, but all efforts to keep her awake havo re sulted in total failures, St. Louis Re public. A Nlcw Whjt or .Milking T. To those who get sleepletwneus from tea let mo recommend a most delicate way of making It. Fill a perforated silver kill with dry tea and swing it through a cup of boiling water. Tho ball can re main long enough In the water to pro duce a mobt delicious infusion, but there will bo none or very little of tho tannin, that astringent element of tea which is bo injurious. Itevent scientific inquiries into tho nualitlreof thonecnlinrnou-nrnf tea, which has tended to it bo high In popular esteem, claim for it a calm, placid, benignant exhilaration, greatly stimulating the stomach, but if it is al lowed to tteep long it becomes a poison. Harper's liizox. A LoaJel llvrrlUt, Tlio ocean mariner dreads a derelict and U gniWful when our government gets fresh traek of these dangerous old vugrauts aud tells tho imirtn.. u-.wi.i about where they drift. There U cue ! ship wanderiug around that has become i-wous. one u tuo American steamer ' Wyer O. Sargent, abandoned March ai. 1801, laden wilh $30,000 worth of nw-be-jrauy. Sho was fnan Mexico bound for New York. shui ,i...i.. .ii..i since being abandoned oft! Capo Hatteras ever 8,000 lahVs. Detroit Journal. rjght)cl(lt Orgrer Hrlow Zeru. Tlio coldest known pot ou tlio earth's surface, is ou U10 E-wtern slope, h shelving mountain that runs iIqwh to near tho wnter'b edgw, oa tke uuteni bank of tho Lcuh riyr, in uortlwW SkKri, Tke )Kt 1b qwMtfoit KlftQ and a. fourth, mllea (row Sx-kwvHcK)f, nlmvit latitude T north awl kwiritu4 15-t tttt Dr. Wolkoff, dlrvetwrof tbe RusnUu MeUoruloiriviil wnric, givw the nUuiiuuxu totuittv the tibca Clifford lllackman A Boston Boy's Eyesight Savod Porhaps His Llfo By Hood's Barsaparllla Blood rot . soned by Canker. Head tho following from a grateful mother t "My llttlo boy had Scarlet Fever when years old, and It left htm very weak and with blood poNoncd wllh ennUcr. His eyes became so Inflamed that his sufferings wero intense, and for seven weeks ho Could Not Open His Eyos I took film twice during that time to tho Eye and Ear Infirmary on Charlci street, but their remedies failed to do him the faintest shadow 0! good. I commenced giving him Hood's Barsaparilla and It soon cured him. I havo never doubted that it saTed hif sight, even If not hl -cry life. You may uso this testimonial In any way you choose. X am always ready to sound tho praise of Hood's Sarsaparilla becauso of tho wonderful good It did my son." Anntr. F. Elackma-v 2888 Wash ington St., lloston, Mass. Get HOOD S. HOOD'8 PILL8 hand made, and ara perfect la coapoiltlon and proportion. Mines Burning. ' Hazleton, l'a., Jan. 23.-x fire has been rasing Bince Sunday night In tbe Evan's & Go's Beavtr Meadow mines. The loss will be heavy. Carnegie Home. New Yohk, Jan. :s. Andrew Carnegie arrived from Europe this morning. It U understood he In tends to go nt onco to Pittsburg to adjust the troubles growing out of the Homestead strike. MARKETS. PoiitIjAnd, Jan. 23. Wheat valley, $1.15, Walla Walla, $1.03 $1.07J. Pan Francisco, Jan.2L Wheat, May 1.33J. Chicago, Jan. 21. Wheat, .73. To My Patrons. All accounts due mo must be set tled at mice as I shall place all that are not paid tor collectiou nn Feb 1st, 1893. I carry a large stock and must liave the money. All work and goods in my line at reusoiuiblt .rloia aud satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. D. L. Fikstkic. l-2-lm Tho Court street milliner. Wood, Wood. Plenty of it sawed ind ready for delivery. Leave youi irders at Ryan's stable, corner ol Kerry and Liberty. dlO-lOtf yimmnus Liver Regulator always (nri'H null prevents indigestion m dyppepiln. Preventing Future Misery. inhere In, la tlilsviile nttenr, n more rulino itourco of misery th in the rheum Ho twluuej we huvoyel to liuirollt 1'eo n'ear' biru wlthn tendeucy to rlieuma tlm,JutnMthi-y aro wli bone to ronuni Ion or to scrofula. Slight causes may d. velop thin. An toon n the aenulzlng mm p'tt'nt n'anlletta I'aelf, recourse should be nd to Hc)teit''r'Btonm('ti Hitters, wlilcb oheckn Its fu'ther Inroads nnd banlshen tbe rbeumutto ixlnn from ibe system rills h Hlement tallies exactly wlitt tbe lestlmonr of physlnlans wbo nave employ e1 thtsflae blood depurent In their private practice. There Is also the am Iet profes ilonal ond Keneral lestl mony as to tbe eHlu neyoflbo llltierii for m ilwrla. liver com plaint, ooi'tlpatlon. lndletlon, klduy Irouli'e, nervousness, andlosof npppilte and llesb. After a wettln, whetlipr follow ed hy aco'rt 01 not, the IlUlers Is useful ns a preventive ol the Initial attack of rheu matism. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON. Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The best hotel between IortIand asdBan Krauolico. KlrsKUss in all Its appoint ment, lu tables are served with the Choicest Evu its Grown In tho Willamette Valley. A, I. WAGNER, Prop. Rcsltienco S82 Church Bt. J. J. MUTTON, SIGS AND HOUSE PAINTER, Decorator, Ivalsoniiner aud Pa per llauger. Leave orders at A. II. Buren A Son's Fur nlluw stor or sroal Olle, Grocers. Notice or Dissolution. f JMIK grocerr Ami of H. I--rnr .IUI. 1 till day dissolved by mutual ronni MudJuUiiA. V Eam ivutlnuing tbo bu.lue.sat ibe same plao All roni owmg uid firm can Mill, their actuals with either Sijulre FarVa? or J. A, Van litou. ' ,v'"ir 8lm, OrtTfon, Jan. 7, V x',s FAUIlAItACO. OHr Llttlo Men ami lVouieu. kok xaoa . It mad cxpreulj l.w th youncer borm aSdttlS0.''1 ,UeU 5ta'w2S 1. K.rSf7. BUm'' w eoataln storlwu ,wr. IU4 llut.pou,vWs, andjingwijind TUw UIU lk-lMHj 11011., A UjOis CuututU ra,1n. u. ttl wir Crwiy.wvwthy U bli TSL u4 j3ss.iiraL?i' j?i.?oti. h' -,, 1 I . ..Willi SI ISIS ' "'" """ " I sUOOESfED I llOMMBSt Oreoti!atU This cotitily of Mill nomah would save 30,000 a year I thefep fljstem were abolished ami officials put on proper salaries. And matiV other counties wouiu b. from' 16000 In $10.000 apiece. 11 will be a mistake ou the part of the mem bers of the legislature irtlieynuow themselves to suppose that the pen pie are not watching their colirto on this question. The governor believes that the .int.. IhihnI of eriuullzallon tins really proven to be "a board of Inequitable HsstMiiieiU," and bus done more harm than benefit. Bo far as tbe work of tbe board for this year U concerned that Islrti". Wasco News: A paragraph has been published staling that Judge lJolse Is lu favor of the repeal of the mortgage lax law. Thejudgedeiilts tblsstatemetit through thet'Al'iTAl. Journal. Ho favors allowing no exemption for indeblednef-s except such as Is n matter of record and cau lie definitely as-certained. Tlie confectionary firm of Jones & Uernardl has dissolved. Mr. Ikruardlls goiugto California for his health. Cliiitclt Directory. KV.VSOBMCAI.. Corner of Llbcr'y and Ceuter streets. Hnnday services 10:30 n. m. .ml 7: JO p. m., Sunday BChool 12 m., Y !.. 0. K. t:30 p. in.; t'rayer meeting Thurday, --.. p, rn. J. Bowersox, paster, residence U7 liberty s'reet. i'i:i:iuvTEiiiAN. Church street, between Cluii-'kelauud Ctnter. Preiicblng morn ing ai.u uvcnlngj Babbatb bchool ut 11! in.; Y 1'. . O K. ut :S0 p. in.; prayer meeting 1'Unri.duy at 7:10 p. m. Kov. P. U. Qwynae, L), 1) panlor. hoUTit Halkm-M. E. church. L'reacb ng every Sunday at 10:30 . in, aud 7 p. m. Huuday school at 3 p. m. I'taycr meeting Thursday at 7 p. ra. Kpworlh League, Friday at 7 p. m. Key. Chas. II. .to, pastor. COMBKBLAND PUEsBYTBBIAN. Salelll, ireou, Ucv J. E. lilalr, l'ustor. Sunday cbool every Suuc ay, 10 u. in. Preaching very Huudiiy, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ;burcu bouse on High street, between ilarlou and Uulon. Everybody welcome. Unitkd Bbktukiim. Two blocks south west of passenger depot. Services every abbatb ut 11 o'clock, nnd at 7:30. Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Prayer meeting every atjrday night at 7:30. Everybodycordluly nvlted. Itev. J.S. JeDnlngs. Pastor. METHODiSTEejscol'Ai.. Services onSab alh ut 10: -0 nnd 7:30. Sunday school at i2; Epwortb .Leagues at 6:15; Prayer ineet ug every TUursday evening. Kev, C. L. Ivellennan, ppitor. Sr. Joseph's Cvtiiouc Cnur.cit.-Cbe- iiieKeUi and Cottage. Sunday services: Ixw uass 7:30 u. m.; high mass 10:30; bunday '.cbool 8 p. m ; vespers 7.0J; week daj s, low mass 7 a. m. Kov. J. S. W bite, pastor, Conoukoational. Corner Center and Liberty Services Sunday at 10.30a.m. and p. m.; Suuday school 12 in., Y. P. a. C. E it (UjO p.m.; prayer nitetlng7:o0p.m.Thurs day. Kvaoklicvl Mission.; Corner Cbe uekOluuud lTtli stieets. Service In Ems .1U every unday evening at 7;30; buuuay tuhool ut 3.30 p iu ; prayer meetiug every Wcduesday evening ut 7.30. Bt. Paol El'liCOPAL Cruaai. Corner Church and Cbemekeia. 8eilces 10.30 u in. aud 7 p.m.; Sunday school 11:45 a. in.; .ervlee TUursday 7.30 p. in. Hev. W. Lund, ector. Fiujt Baiiist. Liberty and Marlon, ervlces 10-Jj a. m. aud 7:00 p. m ; Sunday -cbool U m.; young eople's meeting at B P. in.; prayer meeting 7:30 Thursday. Hev. ttobert Wbituker, pastor. Kkke MkTiiooisT. Kev. B. K. Smalley pastor. Services Sunday morning und otenlug, Suuday school at 10 a in.; prujer meeting Friday night. Church wpposile N'orth Bulem school. FniKNDS. At Highland park on car line. Services 10:30 a. m and 7.30 p. in.; huudaj .chool 13 rn.; Christian Endeavor 0 p m.: praj er meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. Hev K. M. Ueorge, pastor. Tbe Church of God holds regular ser vices In the German Buptist church, on Nonh Cottage street. Preaching Sunday at 3:30 p. in. Prayer meeting every Tburs .lay evening ul 7:i0 p. in. ltv. , TA.GIIlet, pastor. Geiiman ilAiTisr.-Servlces In German BaptUt church north ol Cottage stieet. auuday school at 10 a.m. Preuchln- ut U a in. Evculng service ut7;S0. Hev. John Fecbtcr, pastor. OuuisTiAN bciENCK.-8ervices in Unl. lurmu nun at iwju a.m.aud 7:S0 p. m bab bath school I J m Bible study Thursduy evening. U.NiTAi.K.-Cor Chemeketuand Uluh street, suuday services lu: 0 undA iunuayscboolutlS. T. W. Ila "en, put CiiKisTtAN.Hlgh and Center. Sunday school 12 ui.; preaching 10-.U) a. m.; yoiin Evasokucal -corner of Liberty and Center streets. German service every drst and third Sundays. J. B. Fl.ber, pastor. UEI1UAN LUTIIEKAN.-North CottflrHI Services on Ut uud SU huuday ,.1 Slf,: moutb ut 2 p. m. itev. G. JSeruX IKJU-KKAM'K. CniOO LnAvn m n Templars. No. t mtcti ev?n- kvd uihlt ilruuL-e Hal 1. IwveuLe mw',? o.Ts ure cvrdiuliy luUted. g m Hollue-s and liviue lieallmr ntmm k l1Tlttv-pr.v v.. .. "A sWafifis, -ffiS- 1 lEegular serlees ysuudaj.ataa Libert street. -55" S2.QO Perdoieo fortheflne.1 flnlibed I'tlOI-oailAPUsmthecliy. MONTEE BROS., 1M CommicUt htrttt. pacTficUd SIlAVtk. T. J.KIIESS. HOUSE PALNTIXO, PAPER HAXQiKo Nlhinl W.J r, . .. ' Carpenter ShOD ..:;;sr,5uv StorePituaaSpecIa Undertaki ing IN 1893 All KoihIb Load l (.lilciio. THECHICAGO.MILWAUKEE&ST.PAULR'Y Excursion Kates to tlio WorM'B Fair. NEW AUVKIITI8KMKNT8. norM)-A pnlrof tortolieihell rlmryp KKl.w. owner cm get same by call lug at tbo JnultNAL oillce. ljll Notice. Notice U hereby glveu, that tot the 1 pur pose of tuukiiii no txa"""-':0" 0,f,B,uur. SmIs whu u.ay oiler JheiuhOlves ui taudl dates lor leniheriof tuo frbools ol this ut Hlin,Oieio;i,atl o'clock Weducsday, KApia wuii ki state commissions will be eiainlurdht tbemmolliue. A persons mtendiUK to apply for certifl rate" ut tbis time, should iiolliy me by utter betme the examination. .., hiri.u4ers will be riquued U) produce evideuce of good moial ebaiucter. n'. .. ru in. iIim AviiiiilliHtlun Is SI. L)led ibis lllth day of Jamiury, ISM. ROdJtwHw J f. OHAUAM, Co. hupt. Alorlou Co- MEXICAN WAR SOLDIERS, 1NCHEASE OF PENSIONS. Under Act ol January 5, 1S03, are entitled to lucrease. Apply to B. C.SUEHMAN, Hoora 11, Gray's Block, Claim Attorney' Llbeity 81. Salem, Ore. KOlin rnfllS PAPEIl Is kept on rile at K. C. X Orake's Advertising Ageuo' , M und uj ..lerebuuis r.xcnauge, bun j raiUso, CulllorulH, wbere conlruuls lor at. H rtlbli.g cau be made lor It. A STEADY sober young man would like to put some money lu grocery niuiuud hveu steady position. Address. A Care J oUKNA u Ml)- I NollCl'. I Notice Is hereby given, that theCoramll- i Uunuhiieeta aud Public properly ol the i utyoi auleiu, Oregon, win sell at publio j uucilun lu iroui 01 the city's uuliuiug now . occupieu by apiiul ivuluecouiuu uud . olciUtr dtcounumuu usugroceiy store, ut tbe ooruur ol Llbeity uuu rune sirteis, lu me cuy 01 n.uciu, m. iwo ocioca p. m , v luuts jhj. Juuuury tt.lJl, tbuiuilowing de.cilbed piepeit: ill leel cll'ol tbu l.ust cud ol LuUu.ti, Ulock No. 47, lu tbe City ol oiilem, .Munou couulj, Uru0ou, known as tbe butlutug now cccupled by lbs Tiger Jbugiuu Lompauy. Aisjtuoi ityofrfalem's property on the H t, curnor ol Liberty uud State streets, coinu.euclui; ul the iNoriii East corner of ..loc-K. No. il), 111 Hie city 01 bulem, Munon cuuui, urcgon; ibeuce soutneiiy uluug tbuucsllineofsuldUlouH'JU.leUlceiil'bnce eu-teio iwrulie. w lib tbe uortbliuuolsald li.oCii.vU Icei. TUeuce uoribeil, parallel Willi tbu vust boundary llnool balu i'.iotk, lOJleei. loli.o noitb boundary Hue of said Unuh; Tueui-e Wes.eny to 1110 pluoi ul bc giuului;. now occupieu by siein er i Buuuemun grocery, 1 upllul iingiue co. und clo Jail. Tcim of tuie One balf cash on occert Ubuu of b,d by cuy council of ibo cay of -alem.iitiu me buiuuce ut tbe expirullou ol six luoulhs, wlib luteiesiut tbe rale of s per ecu l, peiuuuum. Tbe i.gbl to reject uuyuciciiiu blus Is hereby ittercd. A. Jvl.l-.. 1 olon.l J. Olmsted. OEi. u.UIUV, Coinmlttceoi Siicelsuuu Property 1-1 td Notice. No'ice Is hereby given that tho City ol Sulem will receive seal, d pioposjls lor u silolorlbe coiitempluled new oily baliuu iu li o'clock noon. ol ibe tb duv 01 Juno SSSfiasrssfffS su o lo the illy 10 tbe committee ou slieeis uud public propem, giving uu uccurute uesciiptum ollbe premises, 'ibe rigblto uj ei any unuuu proposals Is nereby re sento. A. Klein. A. Klein. IOLO.M1L J Olmsted, GtO. U. UltAY. 1-12-td School T.tx NoUco. Tbe school la of district No 24 for the JenrlhW is uowdue una payable ut tbe ".m4,N,".A- Muu'es, ditna cler"! -oom J, No -J37 lomintrciul street, Sulem U,tg(iU' llleKiii.ewlll be dtemc'd oelln' queut unless paid belme Aiarcb V, ,8jj. 1-7-dw-Sw District Clerk. i3i w va"-"u" 1893 tui; country Gentleman TIIEBLSTOFTHE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES, x arm Crops and Processes, Horticuuuroand xVuh-GrowIne arm uueUfoaVuu "'AT S"',?' reuulnj.uomeslio econoa.y uuri ? mury 01 tbe news ol wik li U'"" aet reports are uuusn..ic..s' i,s """" muibVttenuon is uam ? M,0Mp,me' " the crops, us thrown Ir l?HMB,.,lrohWcU of tbe misi imiir,,. f.? Kt. upon one of W hen 10 bu uud whui 1.. ""..lUekllons eruby UiusuiuS' ',. "S.1" J t . H U lib- meui. conuilus moii ti udn .. T..,:,.111?6 eer btlure. Tbe Lk.mV'1. UUtr,tUun 'oOpcriedV.but we ,mlou Hlie Is auction iu our ' a BPtclal re L'LtlH II1TPJ r-.... Two Subscriptions. 'U uneiemlttubCH A iii Si. K.. !...:.-. 1. v t Twelve Subscriptions, " " 0 .1,!'"." A"" sutsc-rlbers for im. JH -ooeciuien ,i ,.,,! 'l' Without cbarte. LUTHtR tucklr & mTZL Albttny, N. Y, . ...OC.J, jmm HOEYF mii 10 KHWJKLAKf BATHS j-m -AS " lur Brick and Tile AURTH BALES!. JUSIBV1N'. I ' ' Take It J and Builder, M.SIal. EVENING JOURNAL Dnl. ... ',Z& J. W. WEST I'roprlotor of tho g:rman market On Commercial 8t. and tbe CASH MARKET On titato Street. Good Meats, Bausnge. Lard, Hntns, B. con.aud oven thing hept Iu a flrst-clati rstablishment. 1S!3. HARPER'S WEEKLY. ILLUSTKATED. Harper's Weekly Is acknowledged si standing first among Illustrated weekly pg. riodlcalsln An erlcn. It occupies a plae between lhatof the burned dailypnpr rand tbHtor the less timely mnguzlne. It In. eludes both liternry and news, ami presents with equal forcHandfellclty tbo real event of current history and the Imaginative themes of fiction. Onucountof Its crr complcto series of lllustiations if tht World's Fair, It will be not only the best Kiildoto the great, exposition, but also lu bebt souvenir. Every publio event of gen eral Interest will be luliy Uiuttated Intu pages, lis contributions being from the best writers and arfsts in tho country, it will routluue to excel In literature, newj, und illustrations, all other publications of Its class. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year: HARPER'S MAGAZINE $1 00 HAHPEU'S WEEKLY 4 00 HAKPEH'S UAZAH 4 00 I1AHPEH'J YOUNM PEOPLE 2 00 I't stage free to all subscribers in the United Slates, Canada, und Mexico. Tbe volumes of tho Weekly brgl ih ibe litst number lor Juuuury or cuo tur, W lim no time is ientloueU, sublurlphtnt will beglu ultli tho number curientutthe time of lecelpt of order. Bound volume ol Harper's Weekly for three years tuuk.ln neut cloth bludine, will be bent by mull, p stugo paid or by express, free 01 expense (provided the lreiKhi dots not exceed one dollar per vol ume), for 87.00 per volume. Clotti ciihis loreucb volomo, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, post-paid, on lecelpt ot 1.00 each. Hemlttancts bhould be mnde by Pott ofllce money order or diolt, to avoid cliunre ol loss, Newspapers are not to copy this adver tisement without tbe express 01 derof Har per & Uiolhers. Address: HAHPER&BKOT11ER8, Hew York, 183. HARPER'S BAZAR. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Bazar isu journal for the home. luttst information iibouV fuBlilons.hnd Its nuu.erous illustra tions, Puns destgU8,und taltem-sbeetbup-pleiueuts ure ludlbpem-uble alllie to the noiiis drest-muli r uud tbe professional n.odisle. No expense Is spuud to muke its unistlc atlruuiiveness t.l tbe blbtst ( dor Its brkrli t stories, umuaimr ..iiIpii- ,wi tVr.Z.f.T.:,"": '.""'"'"."'"? "' 1.......... :.. .j..r ,. -----' an lasies, budget ot etlv lkiipa everj tbiug is iucluded which Is ot intertst to wuineu 'Jbe senuls lor 1KU3 will ba wrltteubv Wuliei Btsuutund EdmLyall. Christine Terbuue ii nica win furnish a piaclical series, entitled "At ibo 'J'oiiet." Oi-uceKng.o le i borne Jililer.uLd Cnn diueWbteiei will beliequtiitcontrlbmois. Ibe work of uomenlu ihe Columbian Ex IWblnou will be luliy represent, d with many Illustrations. T. W. IlieKmwin, in 'Women und Aleu," wiilpleuseucuitlvatedi uudietiCe. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year: HAUPEB'8 MAGAZINE M 00 UAItPEU'S V, EEKLV t 00 U.UtPEK'H B.IZAU " i 00 IUUPEIl'S YtJUNQ PEOPLE I 2 t0 i.nSirt6? to a11 subscribrrs In tho united otates, Canada, and Mexico. flmnutribSn0' lTbe liazal b?8ln with tbe nnt number for Junuary 01 each jear. ben no timn u t ., ,i...,..j . ..S:S., un I i lofe' c,xwed one dollar per vol umej,iorJ7 per volume, bluahi'u-m Ur ww, volume, suitable for repfVl lT1 by U",U' I"1'!"4"1' 0Q ouKorvCln0"'l.bS'e,by,rKS.. 01 loss --v.ui uiuiijiuuvuiacuusie t&&itt!!' per A brotbert. -i-"- '" ui .a.- Address: HAIU'EIl 4 BUOTHEnS. Mew Yurie. "aleof Marsb, k.Biow B0.' eent "r ,h0 Hi x.iiTiV iiZ,1 thciro Alugnetlo iods for or "l vJiW?11 tri''ei or locating Gold talniv tiuT... . .1JU1H instrunn-ut is er- - - - .., (UiuiniUUUU UUUItna DR. H. SMITH, Salem, Oregon. for Locating Mines ORCHARDCO. ,lm. J- E. SlUKPUY. . T 1 mn'iTPTT i. pat 0. u. DfiiMDii ot am oaie, Yard, CANDIES. Fruit and Cigars, P. O. Blooic " ' K. 1. liLMI'IIKKYS, Cigar a ad Tebaeee. BILLIARD PARLOR, -3 Osm'l trt. 'omsADAY.'iiiKliiiffi" L I tosaVr wt ib T, W, THORNBli.RG,