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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1893)
EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL 'b S3E9 VOU. 0. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPEH." HALEM, OKEGON, FRIDAY, JANtTAltY 10, 18a. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TOJ)AY. IT IS NOT ALL OVER WITH ! The holiday rush at OSB URN'S RACKET STORE this year was novor boforo equalled, in fact thoir very low prices brought scores of now buyors every day. WHAT IS To FOLLOW. Since this great holiday rush is OAer all goods in the store are being pushed off at lower prices than was over known in Salern. SPECIAL CUT on Albums, Dolls, and all the remaining holiday stock. Jh OSBURN " m Commercial-Street. Sash. and. Door Factory Fronti Street, Salem, Oregon. The beBt class of work in our line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the best material used. C.N. CHURCHILL CHURCHILL & BURROUGHS, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents for the celebrated economic force and lift Pump. 100 Chemeketa Btieet. Salem- Truck & Dray cra Iron works. Drays and trucks may be found throughout tho dav at tho corner f State and Commercial streets. F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. THE Mini Capita : -IT All the And does not pervert, disguise or cover up what the public is interested to know. At tho same time it does not resort to sensationalism. If you want A foe, Clean At the time of day when eyeryone has the' most liesure to read, have the JOURNAL left at your door. . Only 2 Cents a Day-. THE CAPITAL Will bo found laboring earnestly 'for practical reforms in eity, county, state, and national government. It believes in making tho burdens of taxation ' upon the people as' light as possible. It does not believe in rings, bosses or political machines monopolizing the political powers that belong solely to the people. The disinterested and patri- T S. BURROUGHS Co. DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Sell and deliver wood, hay, coal and lumber. Of fice State St.. onooslte Sa LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. HAS - News -.- ij Joiiraa Newspaper, TMIM NEWTON TANNER. White & Tanner's Livery, (Successors to Livery, back and feed stable A lull Horses boarded by day, week or month, streets, south of Willamette hotel Ed. C. INERd 130 STATE STREET. TINWARE, ROOFING, STOVES,- Crcaincry and Dairy Sup plies, bteel Ranges, Parlor Heaters in all Styles a Spe cialty. CLOTHES WRINGERS AND WAJDERS S&"Ihe best on earth, call. Give us a 10:3tf. White's No. 60, SALEM'S FINEST TRUCK, N w ready for business. Careful 'work a sp clalty. J. F. WHITE. For Rent. Now house of 4 rooms, North Salem, on car Hue, two blocks north of school 17.00 a month In advance. Geo. Esclistruth, 12-ttMin. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN. South of WlllimU Hotel, aCIwUIWI ... ORBOON WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, aU Sabscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking business in all its branches. GEO. WILLIAMS President Wm.EN GLAND Vice Presiden UUQUMcNAilY C'ashlor. DIRECTORS: Geo. Williams, Wm. Eng land, Dr. I. A. Richardson, J. W. llodson, J. A linker. Bank in new Exchange block on Com mercial street. 8:la-U J. H. HAAS, TELE WATCELMAKER, 213 Ccmnnrclil 81, iiltm, OrtgoR, (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty ot Spectacles, and repalrlns Clocks. Watcbe and Jewelry. B. K. HALL, Paper Hangerand Decorator. OJBee at Chs. Oalvert'JMUIlOBr7 store, ttaleta. Ortwiio. M. T. RINEMAN MALM 1 JSSBflfir maBmEHmL &&QhSSSWrmilF: sp J. F. WHITE. Kills & Whitley.) supply of horses and bueslos on hand um cb at stable, Commercial and, Trade Cross, t Wholesale antl Retail nnfilm in KVas.1i- Suit, mill irviliv. .., - .---. v) MlIlilll.lK OS Court anil 110 State Streets. Ten acrrs of good garden lnnd near 8a. lera. Apply ut once to UOFUltliutw, JoUltNAl. ofllce. W. Taylor, Douse Cleaner, Gardner and Gmeral Jobber CAfiTET LAYING AND CLEANING, WHITE WASHING AND WINDOW CLEANING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders at Thomas Johnson's Commercial street. 160 THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OBXGON. Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The best hotel between Portland audBai Francisco. IMrst-class In all Its appoint ments. Its tables are served with tht Choicest JTruits Grown In the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER. Prop. MONEY TO LOAN inn Time to loans. suit. No delay In conelderlng FEAR & HAMILTON, Itoom H, Buvb Hank block. S 12lw Authorized Capital (500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Halom, Oregon. W. A. CUHICK, Pres. 'W. W. MARTIN, VicePres. J. H. ALBElir, Cashier. Btate, Countyand City Warrants bought at Par. dw Residence 382 Church St. J. J. MUTTON, SIGN AND HOUSE PALMER, Decorator, KnlHomluer unci Pa per Hauger. Leave ordeis at A. n. Iluren A Bon's Fur nlture store or Broat&Glle, Grocers. 15 Good garden land three miles southeatt of i lie penitentiary on Mucicjy road J250 douu una ba uni-oou & lo 11 years tune. Or trade for city property, D. A. HtinU, eaiem. ix-u u Notice of Dissolution. THE giocery Ann of H. Karrar & I'o, Is tul day liUsoived by mutual consent, bqulra Kurrur 'etirlmr fiom raid buliess, aud John A. Van Eaion continuing the buklnexs ut the same pluc. All persons owing .aid firm can settle thHrarouiutH with cither Kqulre Vuirmr or J A. Van Eaton. halem, Oregon, Jan. 7, lB9i. I-ltWl H, F.iJlRAU A CO. Our Little Meu aud Womcu. KOR I803 Is made eiprrwly tor the younger boys ande.rln, who i nad their maguxlnottl home aud iu frchuol k.vtry number will contain stories, spir ited plcturMi.noeHis.vcrsifsandJIuglwtud pleee to spMk Iu choo " llldeull tbrto there will ne the fullowlng serial: Three Utile Gold-Dlicgeni. I); Olive liar, pur. All about the remarkable ad ei lure ot some children who mlli-d arouudCup Horn to Oallfiirnla. '1 he ilousa W Lire In, Ily (ovinia H. Goodwin All about our 'bd, bands, and tb rt ol u;" not Ilia studylig jruyHii"Ky, A. Litlla i Columbian Oranlpapa' Mr yar. lburyitvwloina UHljr wtMtity if tits dJii H OrlU bUaMif Choice eats. AW IMtOFESSIONAL AND 11U81NWSS ADS mil.MUN I'OUI), attorney nt law. BAlem, I Oregon, unico utulra In l'fttum's block. K, CONN, Attorney at law, room 7. , Murphy llloik. HJ. HtOOKIt, Attorney hi law, Hftlfm, . Oregon, OiUku over Ludd A Hush's bunk. 1 J.HMAW, H. W. HUNT. HHAW A V . HUNT, attorneys ntlnw. Olllco oVor Capital Mntloiuil U.nik.Bnlom, Oregon. T. MOIIAKIHON, Attorney At low, olllco ill. tnlrln front room nf miw VA uh block, corner Commercial and Oourl slreols, Salem, Oregon, JOHN A. OAHSON, Attorney nt law. KooniR 3 una 1, Luda A Hush's bank building, Bnlein, Oregon. 8 1 tyr U. K. HONHAM. W. II. HOLMES. Bonham & Jlot.MM. Attorneys nt law. Olllco In Hush's l.loctt, between State and Court, on Com'l iU ME. lOflUK, Stenographer and Type , wrlllst, Hest equipped typewriting (itliio, but one, In Urugou. Over Ladd at Mush's bank, Hulem, Oregon. Bll. UltADaiiAW, PHYSICIAN AND , Burgeon, Milcm, Oregon. UIllco In inuli-llreymuu block, upslnlrs Rosldcnce corner UtateandB. E coinur Inter street. pvK. W. H. MOJ.T, physician and sur- lem, Oregon i to4p. m. S KVUU. yjlilVV IU .IUI111KU JJIUUK, OH- Olllco hours 10 to 12 a.m. D1U T. O. SMITH, Dentist, W Slate street, hulem, Or. Mulshed doutal opera turns of every description. Painless opera tions n specialty. VY . Ilcatlous' and superintendence lor r 11 Urirllf Amhlful t,tn..a Un..Al usees of buildings. Olllco 2X1 Com- iMerciai si., up stairs, CA. UOHEBT, Architect, room 424, Mar , quam building, rortlaud, Oregon. DW.TOWN8KND, Civil Euglneerand . Hurveyor. Ofllce with Oregon Land m , Bdlein, Oiegon. P J. LAItSEN CO,, Manufacture of nil L . kludtiof vehicles. ItepulrlUK a special y. hhop 45Wnt slreet. PR )TECTIONLOUGBN0 2.A.O U.W. Meets In their hull In estate Insurance uulidlug, every vVednehduy evening. H. A. JMCKAUUU.N, M. W. J. A HELWOOD, Hecorder. JII'KOVED OHDEK OF HED MEN. 1 Kamlakun Tribe No. 8, Halem. Uolds counull every Thumday oveulng, at 7.80 Wigwam In state lUHurance hall, F. C. BAKEH. Prophet. KRANK C, vt ATKRM. Chief of Uecordh The Pacific Detective and Collecting Bureau. SALIENT, ... Oregon. C. B. CLEMENT, Manager. OIIIcb room 8. Oiay block. Rates reasonable. Public and private work done. EDUCATIONAL. Go to the Best. Tho place'.'lorj young' ladles and gentle men to Hocuro athorougb"eduoatlon Is tho old,bulevorinow. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. Louz and still the leading Institution ol the North West. IVetter than ever I New course of Instruction In Oratory, Thrology and Post-Graduated. Ml UDlEH. Normal, Business, Academy, College, aud Law courses greatly enlarged and Improved. l'urullles Increased and Improved. For Catalogue of College of Law write Dean H -P If L'un A. .....(..unu... ao. , For Catalueuo of O Haiem, or. For Catalueuo of College of Medical and Pharmacy write Dean UK Tchmond Kolly.M. O.. Portland, Or. ,. I'C For ccneral Catalogue write Rev. Geo. WhlUiker, D. D., I'renldent, Halom, Or. 7-H.Wm-dw FRIENDS POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Will bo oneued to sludeuts Hoot. IX 1K92. Oflors the most practical courses of study olutiy slIiooI In Hie Htato. viz: Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical hngluierlug, Academlo and Grammar si'huol courses Students practice dally in wood shop, machine shop, and labora tories. Tuition and Hoard per Year, J1BO. Special Inducements to a few young men who wish to work for tliolr board and tui tion during vacations, Forprospectusund further information, address EDWIN MORRISON, M.S. Presdeut, Salem, Or. JIiss Ballou's KINDERGARTEN. THIRD YEAR Opens Monday, Heptem'uer 10th, at Kin dorgarleu Hall, opjioslto operu houso, Children received at th-ee years of age and over, a connecting o'ass will be es tub.ii.hed lor advanced Kindergarten pu- Slls und lliot.0 beginning primary work, nly the best modern Kindergarten meth ods employed. Prang's system oi drawing and color work iuttoduced. ENGINE AND BOILER rrtOIt sale. The boiler Is an 8-borseun L right tubular. und the engine a (Mi rse tioriz jnt-l. Ito'.h are Iu good condition, und ookt ;00 when new ApnlyUiA.H.KOItsTNEHA OO.pjio- iiuinrt.iuuuai iwui. JAPANESE PI LB CURE a new and Complete Treatment, consist lug of uppuIU)rUit ointment Iu capsules, also a box aud plll; a jw,ltlie oura for ex. torual. Internal, blind or bleeding, itching, chronic, recent or hereditary Piles, ana nuinr other dUtsttM and female weak UMtas: It Is always a treat beiisAl to the general hmlth The first dtsoovory of m luiuicwi cure rendering an opermiiou wiiu It' knife uau'fxmtif heraaltar. This reiuady has it-vr been kouwa U fall. 91 v!m I t' (Mil. 01 rruMiibU i en ; tout uy loan, wayoupaf THE CAPITAL JOOIMt. H0FER BROTHERS, Editors, I'IMLIBUKDDAILY.KXUKI'THUNDAY, BY TIIIC Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Orrioo, Commercial Hlrcct, In l'.O. llulUlIng Knterod at tho postofllco at Halcm,Or.,as f triu" -i Inif. ti situ. TIIR Si'ItlNOKR KLKCriDN 1111,1.. Tho Springer election bill has met with llttlo opposition Hiiy where mul with a great deal of favornblo com. raent everywhere. Nothing could show uioro conclusively thnt the publlainlud has lieou prepared for some changes In tho method of electing presidents and members of congress. For several years this Bentlmcut has been growing und it has now reached that stage or growth where tho public listens at tentively to proposed changes. Thero are some serious objections Jo tho Springer bill and thero Is no likelihood of it passing without modifications, but iu Its general fea tures it seems to be an excellent measure, containing much that the people can aud will heartily ap prove. The first change proposed is that tho presldlut shall be elected for a term of six years instead of four and that he shall be ineligible for the term next succeeding his own. To conform with this chango members of congress shall be elected for three years, Instead of two, as is now the case, and tho terms of all congress-J men shall expire in December in stead of Maroh. Ths electoral col lege, as nbw constituted, and its machinery, Is to be abolished. The number of electoral votes Is to be re tained by each state, but Instead of voting for presidential electors, the voters shall vote directly for can didates for president and vice presi dent. 'After the vote has been counted the electoral votes of each state shall be given to tho parties according to the voto cast for each party. That is, if tho Republican party receives two-thirds or three fifths of the total vote cast, it will receive two-thirds or three-fifths of the total representation in the elec toral college. Aud if the Democratic party re ceives two-flfths of the voto iu any state It shall receive that proportion of the electoral votes to which the state is entitled, Bupposo that the total vote cast iu a state was 1,000, 000, of which tho Republican can didates received 000,000, the Demo cratic, 850,000, and the Populists 50,000 votes, and the electoral votes to which tho state la entitled was 20. Tho total voto would bo divided by L'0, which would give 60,000 votes foruu elector and tho did'urent par ties would then be giveu as many electoral votes as they had times 60,000 votes. This would give the Republican party in this particular state twelve votes, tho Democratic party seven votes and tho Popullsu one vote, Instead of giving tho Re publican party the 20 votes as is done under tho present electoral system, To say tho least, this method of electing presidents would be fuirer than by a direct voto of tho people, uuder which a fradulcnt mujorlty In one state might overcome an honest majority in another. In states like Illinois und New York tho Springer method would break upon tho pre ponderance of lulluenco now held by the lower wards, which ure able to swing a whole state for a given cundldute and in this way a few hundred voters in those wards have been Known to decide tho fato of candidates voted for by the whole country, Tho Springer method would also give u minority party something to work fur in, presiden tial elections. Another Important change Is lengthening tho term of cougresH moa from two to three years. This Is on tho theory that It takes a con gressman ull of his first term to learn the fundamentals of legislation aud that under the present system be fore he Is fairly equipped for hl work ho has to go through another election. The terms of the congress men shall beglu on tho first Motiduy in Decembor, instead of the 4thof March, Tho latter chungo Is urged for several reasond. Quo is that It would make the new congress (he olllclul cunvassor of tho voto cast ut a presidential election and that it would also expedite tho carrying into effect of the will of tho people, instead of waiting more than u year as uuder the present system. MONuTOLY. "Ilo not deceived. Evil comma nlcatlons corrupt good manners." This Is truth, and therefore holy Scripture. It Is assumed aud as serted that those engaged In what are called "the protected industrlee" monopllze busluww and profits, de frauding the people and doing wrong to their workmen being worse than other In time Hieeit, In thle Is deceit, but uo truth, Am for monop fl'i Highest of nil In Leavening Power. Latest U, S O&ftl ABSOLUTELY PURE men ublo tomoirow to invest $100, 000,003 In these Industries If they chose, and nono ciould say nay, aud nolaw stands in their way. Neither aro tho colossal fortunes thosoof manufacturers, protected or not. Hero are most of thoso vast proper ties of individuals, apprpximately correet: William W. ABtor $160,000 000 Jay Gould 100,000,00:1 John D. Rockefeller 00,000,000 Cornollus Vnnderbllt 00,000,000 William K. Vanderbllt 80,000,000 John J. Astor 70,000,000 H. M. Flngler 00,000,000 John I. Blulr 60,000,000 L. Stanford 60,000,000 O. P. Huntington 60,000,000 Iu this list are Democrats and Re publicans, but rtro no "protected monopolists." There are rich manu facturers, men who have tho fore sight and genius for wealth, but none approach those, on this list. Andrew CarnegUJ comes nearest, but his wealth has not beenwholly from his iron and steel profits. Peoria (III.) Journal. D1SFKAN0IIISINU UNION SULD1KRS. Tho St. Louis Republio seems to be an houest paper in expressing its couvlotious. In discussing tho questlou of pensions It says: But it is said that soldiers go out to battle wlillo others remain at homo iu safety. This, however, gives the soldier no Bpeclal claim, for those thut remain at home, are ever more necessary for the com mon welfare than is tho soldier. Tho country does not owe theBo meu a free living. They have no right to livo without work, unless public aid Is given to them us paup ers, and in suoh a way that it will disfranchise them. That ought to pleaso the Southern brigadiers immensely. Thero is no, doubt that every man who was on the other side In tho great contro versy between tho Union and tho rebel confederacy will endorse tho statement that tho fellows who stayed at home during the war were better men and deserve more credit than the mon who went to the front and shot the rebellion to death. 1 Tho South would no doubt endorso a policy which would pension the meu who stayed at home Instead of the men who wont Into the war aud becamo disabled iu the servlco of their country. Another thing that the South would endorse is the dis franchising of every man who woro the blue. There was a time when tho question of disfranchising those who had taken up arms against tho government was sorlously consid ered, but so fur have wo progressed away from genuiuo patriotism thut now the party that is in power is talking ubout disfranchising the other fellows, tho men who fought for instead of against tho govern ment. Iowa Stuto Register. A HAPPY LETTER. . Dallas, Jan. 10. 1803. Ed. Jeutnal: I wish to get an epitome of the doings of the .Legis lature during tho session, und the general laws passed by them. I luoloso you u "money order business" of tho reputed value of of $100, which, by tho way, cost me $1.03 Hut us wo aro soon to be blessed with Cleveland, und 'Tarlll'for Re venuo Only," wo muy expeot to have this gulling tux of three pur cent removed ufter tho 4lh of Murcb, when wo ure promised "everything cheap und money plenty." Under such favorable ausplcoy, I Icel that I muy risk bo muyh of my worldlj poseesaloua in sampling your news, tspeclully os I still cling to bqiuo fulth iu tho "Republican Tyruuny" which you advocate "in your blind ness," notwithstanding tho hluck eyo It hus so recently received. Send me ouo whole dollar's worth of your goods, und stop when the purchuslug power of thut sum huu ceused, until I grcuso your machine, with somu more of my estute. Yours, ' J. I). Colli nh, How's This We ofier One Hundred Dollars Reward for uny cuseot Catarrh that can uot be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo Ohio. We tho undersigned, have kuown F, J, Cheny for the lust 15 years, mid believe him (xirfectly honorable In all business transactions and fin uuulully able to carry out uuy obli gations mudo by their firm, Wet Jc Truux, VholHtile DrugglsU Toledo, O., WaldltiK, Kiunati k Co, WliuleMaie Jjruggwts Tuiyun. uiiio. Hall's CaiarrU Curele taken iu terually, aetlug directly upou the blood und iiiuwm euriWcfe if ibt svkteui. Prle 7o. nr tKiitW. Hkl Baki Powde HEARD ATjrHCv HOTEL Blio Had Tilings All Her Owm W07 I n uonruer intersex!, Slio had kopt it un for two 1 ings. Sho had been hwrbiiitr m ' sumo old subject, the thmteandtt nution of tho old theme. Mtd mornings I had been awakearfj o'clock by hor high pitched wMrf iuy ruum uujomcu ners ut MM toi, out tuo othor part of the loguo enmo in such rnttm' thnt I could only jruese at H marks mndo by her husband!5 tho drift of her own conve "You know ho didn't tMl right," sho began again, "tibl least should havo deferwo 4oj opinion nnd not hrtvo spota uo aid ootoro an thoso peopW- a tnuuicu nnswor. 4 'Provoko nothing I My realy 1 nil right. Of eoursoit'ia juet M ! Rnul. Tlin rniitnr " ,. " " o " J. ".uow do 1 know? How do I kanf H nnvtliintr? How does anvtuvlw Wr" any thing anyway? Why "shouldn't" it l)n? Of tvmrsn If la fli a. , ideal - , ij "What's that you say? Ho hmkdJ rl no itiHiiltr Meant I It was apparent $ ouougn what ho meant, and I should think that you as a self re : specting man would resent such $ am uiit to your wuo. uuc you uoa i. s Any miBuanu "A friend bf yours? And he didn't mean anything, nnd I don't undwC stand, nnd you can't see whi Pm" making such a fusn about? Anymtur ;; with common senso could see ttuUk t You havo uo spirit, John, absolutrfsfi' uo spirit, or you'd nevor let Rnybodjty treat your wxto liiro that It wm l insult his snapping mo up so, all 1 causo 1 said n guitar was a m instrument. Of course it's a'mti instrument. I'd liko to know wl it ia t vo ikhju piaymg on au wm: months if it's not an mstnunnfc. :i I ii. ; ti 1 s .. . 1, -, w What does that follow suppose it tat A machine, an agricultural imple- -ment or a pieeo of bric-a-brac. M t uuv m nuuii iiuuv iu uiu iinuunm t instrument. ,, "I didn't understand what he ' driving at, and I don't want tot stand. A man has no more boom & to say that tho guitar ianotanilwlMI' ment. But it isn't that I am ohj0t ing to. I don't euro whether ft thinks it on instrument or not I didn't liko tho way ho snapped i un. Tlmt's what I'm furious aitt And to think you would sit tiMBYtl calmly flirting with another y wliilo that man was insulting 'Jlr 1 wife. Why, ho tho same as toM tM-i I didn't havo any sense I" ffl "what's that? You guess bewMftj nuout right I" Hero she ttstgj screamed. "You do, do yoal l should think you'd bo ashamed of t yourself to talk liko that TotWaT I over married you a man that"- Hero tho conversation was brongJit to a short stop. A door across hall opened nnd an angry v&ioeUWsV dered: 1 ' "For heaven's sako, make thfli ft sorial)" Now York Herald. ' An Old Trick Revived. Berlin papers aro full of he dds)ft of n cortain crafty clothes hawl who is in tho habit of sticking into tho pockets of his stock is 1 by way of tempting unwary i ors into buying a worthless artsoltW a tancy pneo. jno lower warn dozen purses woro lately bouM him for this purpose-. 'I'mmarfi bo true, but it certainly is ,wi as a similar dovico was adopttd ago by an old clothes dealer m arcades of tho Muhlendamm. This lionost tradesman used tl odd coppers into tho lining of ' coats, etc.. hung out for sale. whon showing tho garmetts te-i customoi-s ho did it in styok ' that tho latter could not fail I tho hidden treasure and opw tho said coins could be no than Fredericks d'or or thoy took tho bait, paid mx thoir puicliasonnd went'otf ing. Ailgomoiuo Zoitung. A Chilly Time. When girte got together' wsfj say things, Ono of them ww 1 of a "buckboard party" in ' hnd participatetl. "And got back," said she. "we ' through. So wliilo the toft smoko wo sat and hugged tmi "Well," exclaimed Uw the bit; blue eves. "I tttinkJ havo hugged the boys MsSIlt ; stovo do tho smoking. '' Journal. t VERTIGO Persons oBuarentiy ii (Wu troubled WIU &sm . fulloir. It ytulta fts s I tot T t tea l la tsi atliuUiuu. Ttibusmh k VuiruttS mttUvtloa m mkOKmEsSf'' WJ o4ati always Bjt'jsjmdinj: THE JOURNAL. UKW1S IU CkMk IM BX 1'L-1 brnw a"mm wsw m vmws oly ot buelmee, the way la opa for by all DrugtfM. "Mfmrnhk tnm. I VWVWt .