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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1893)
CAPITAL JOURNAL. EVENING SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY 12, 180. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." m VOL. 6. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." JfcJ aaasaancss THE TEST HAS BEEN MADE. The BLUE FRONT has closed a heavy year's business, and on invoicing finds that it has been a most, successful year. Everybody who has bought goods there proclaims their methods of doing business- Spot casii, ouy and sell and' their prices, to be the most acceptable ever introduced. THE admit that the a success. No All hands business is DAMON Sash and Door Factory Front. Street, Salem, Oregon. The beHt class of work in our line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the best material used C. N. CHURCHILL m T S. BU RROUGHS CHUBOHILIj & BURROUGHS, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; . SHEET . METAL WORKERS. Agents for the celebrated economic force and lift Pump. 100 Ghemeketa Street. Said Truck ft Drav Co. m Iron works. Drays and trucks may be found throughout the dav at tb corner of State aud Commercial Btreeta. F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. THE Eveiiing Hal -IT All the And does not pervert, disguise p ib lie is interested to know. not resort to sensationalism. A Live, Clean Newspaper At tho time of day when eyeryone has the most Hesure to read, have the JOURNAL left at your door. Only 2 Cents a Day. Til -:- Will be found laboring earnestly for practical reiorms in city, county, state, and national government It believes in. making the burdens of taxation upon the people as ! ii. !U1 Tf Anna nnf. political machines monopolizing the political powers tbat belong solaly to the people. The disinterested and patri- PROOF OF customeis get the most satisfactory results, and the records reasonable person can help seeing the point. Wo lead on LOW PRICES. BROS.. - - 335 Commercial Street. DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Soil and deliver wood, hav. coal aud lumber. Of fice State 8t opposite 8a- LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. HAS - News or cover up what the time it does At the same If you want hftlifiVfi m imSS. DO680B Or Journal, GAPITAL -:- J01M THE PUDDING. NEWTON TANNER. White & Tanner's Livery, (Successors to Mils ft Whitley.) j tA a full Kimrilvof horses and buggies on r.lvprv. hapk nnnni titurrinri he tlllV. WPek Of mnnih streets, south of Willamette hotel Ed. C. (S 180 STATE STREET. TINWARE, ROOFING, STOVES,- Crenmery and Dairy Sup plies, bteel Ranges, I'arlor Heaters in all Styles a Spe cialty. CLOTUES WBINGHIS AND WASHERS " The best on earth, call. Give us a 10:3lf. White's No, 60, SALVEM'S FINEST TRUCK, Ni w reody for business. 8i clalty. Careful work a J. K. WH1TK. For Rent. New bouse of A roomx. North Halern. on &r line, I wo biocki north of school J7.00 amnnin in aavanco. ueo. jscusiruiu. 110 lui. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN, South ofWlllamotte I-fotal, SAbBM ... ORBOON WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking business In all Its branches. GEO. WILliIAMB. Wu.KN OUANU UUUUMOJN'AMY... .President .Vice i'reslden Cashier. DIREGTOKB: Geo. WillUmi.Wm. Eng land.Ur. I. A. Ulchardson, J. w, Hudson, J, A Halcer. . , . Bank In now Kxchange block on Oom taercUl street. &U-U J. H. HAAS, THE WATOHMAKBIl, 2I5K Commsrclil St, EUm, Oregon. (Next door to Klein's.) HpeeiAltr ol SpecUcles, aad reflrlnf Cloeks. Watches aad Jewelry. E. K. HALL, Paper Kangerand Decorator. OSee at Cbu. OslvsrtV.MlJIleftWT Hert, Hla. Orstfoo. M. T. RINEMAN of the year 7 everything, and especially J. F. WHITE. hand nmnn at stable. Couimeiuiai ana irauu .,,' j ....-. -- o,- r . , , ... Wholesale unil Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt ami Smoked Stents of ullKiiids OS Court and 110 State Streets. Ten ncrps of (rood eardeu lnd near Sa. lem. Apply at onco to HOFKK BlU H, 11 ' joumnai. office. W. Taylor, Hoihe Cleaner, Gardner and G (Deral Jobber CARPET LAYING AND CLEANING, WHITE WASHING AND WINDOW CLEANING A SPECIALTY. .1 y Leave orders at Thomas & Johnson's commercial Btreet. 2CB THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OIIMGON. Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Bay The best hotel between Portland andBati Francisco. Klrst-class in all Us appoint ments. Its tables are served with tht CJiotvest Fruits Qrowu In the Willamette Valley. A, I. WAGNER, Prop. MONEY TO LOAN On improved Real Etat. In amounts a'id time to suit. JNo delay In considering loans. FEAR & HAMILTON, Poom U, Bush Uank block. 6 12dw Authorized Capital 5500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Half ru, Oregon. W. A. CUSICK. l'rcs. W. W. MAKTIN, Vice 1'ies. J. H. Al.HKUT, Cashier. Btate, Conntyland City Warrants bought at l'ur dw Residence 382 Church St. J. J. MUTTON, SIGN AM) HOUSE PAINTER, Decorator, Knlsomluer and Pa per Hauger. Leave orders at A. U. Buren 4 Bon's Fur niture store or Hroai & Olle, Grocers. 15 flood trarden Isnd three miles southeast Of the penitentiary on Maclejy road 1280 aown una uu'uaieuu a 10 u join iiu. Or trade for city property. U. A. Hun is. Balem. 1W Notice of Dissolution. TUE grocery Arm of 8. Korrar &l. Is tl.U day uhsoived by mutual consent, houlra Kurrar letlrlni; from fcald biinliieas, aiiUJubnA. Van Jui on continuing tbo busliiessatlhesamepltto. AH persons owing kald firm can settle lulracuuls with tither Bqulre Kurrur or J. A. Van Kalon, baleui. uregou, Jan. 7, 1SBJ. UMI . FAUHAB4CO. fur Little Men and Women. itok laoo U made exprewly lor the youncer boys andgirU, who iad their inagaxlne at home andla tebool Every auaiber will ooalaln stories, spir ited pleturM.peews.vcrsesaudJinglMBd 'vluets to s piak la eao-." ctwldtxt all these there will fee the following serial: Three UlUe UM-lHnKru, Hj Olive IUr pur. All abtHitthsreuisrksblesdfei. tares olseauiefcliaraR who iwtUed areuudCup Horn iu Callfornl. .... TheHouM WaUve la. Hf Ivlnla . Qoodwla All about oar "lisad, bands, and the ri ol us:" not Hie stndylug A Utits'uoluwblaa Qmolpapa. Br OftUnrr. gtustufyoiaboywitawnfc r WMTMIJ ut at SISW Cross, Choice Meats, AM I'llOFKSSIONAIi AND I1U8INK89 ADS miLMON ruitti. attorney at' law. Balem, I. Oregon, unlco urtalm In ration's block. L. K. CONN, Attorney at law, room 7, Murphy Mock. U J. HlUOKIt, Attorney at law, Pntdin, urcgoil, uniuo over i aiuu a jiusivs 2Mf bunk. JJ.HIIAW, itl. W. HUNT. HIIAW A , I1UMT, attorney at law. Ufflceover Capital Nittloual bank, Halem, Oregon, fj T. HIOUAHIMON, AttOrnoy M law, Q. oillce up .talrs In fnmt roomi of new Hindi block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Saleui, Oregon. JOHNaTcakhOn7 Attorney at law. llooms S ana i, LmClo. a hush's bank building, Balem, Uregcn. 8 1 lyr U. K. UONIIA.Vf. W. II. IIOLMKB. BoNHAii A IIoi.mkh. Attorneys at law. Ollko In Hush's lilock, between State and Court, onOom'lHt. ME. fOOUK, Stenographer and Type , wrlllst- Most equipped lypewrhlug uiu.u. but one. In Uieguu. Uver Ladd ot Dunn's bank, 8nletn, Oregon. Bit, lilt A.DS11 AW, PHYSICIAN AND , Burgeon, Mlem, Oregon, uillco In bu.b-Ureyman block, upstairs Residence corner Htateand a. K corner Inter Btreet. Dlt. W. S. MOTT, physician aud sur geon. Ollleo In hldrldgo Woolt, 8a ieui,Uiegn. uillco bourn 10 to 12 a, m. JKHp, 111. T. C. HMlTfl. Uentlst.M State stieot, Kniom. Dr. Finished dental ooora- UOI1S ( of every deborlutlou. Painless oiwra- llonau specialty. WD.POUH, Architect, Plans, 8peol . ticuilons and superintendence lor all donees or buildings. Oillce aw Com mercial St., up stairs, r A, HOUKKT, Architect, room 421, Mar j. quam building, Portland, Oregon. DW.TOWNSKN1). Civil Englnt-erand . Mirveyor. OUlce with Oregon Land lo , Salem, Oregon I J J. liARSEN&CO,, Manufacture of all . kinds ot vehicle. Hopalrlng a special' j . shop 45 Mato Rtteet, PH ITECTI0NL0DGKN0 2.A.0 U.W. Meets In their hall In Mtiito Insurance ouhdlng, every Wednesday evening. H. A. MoKAUUJtN , il. W. J. A bEIjWOOD, Recorder. IMPKOVED OUDER OP UEU iMKN, 1 Kuinlukun Tribe No, 0, Hulem. Holds council every Thurxdny eVeulng, at 7:S0. V, Igvvuiu in state Insurance hall, V. 0. UiVKKK, Prophet. KHANK 0. WATKKH, Chter of Kecords The Pacific Detective and Collecting Bureau, 3A.LKM, - Oregon. C. B. CLEMENT, Mwager. Oillce room 3. Qmy lllock. Rates roaBonablo. I'ubllo and private work done. EDUCATIONAL. Go to the Best, The place"for' yonng indies and gentle men to t.eenre a:thorough.educatlou Is the old,uutcversnuw. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. I,one and ctlll tho leading Institution of the North West. Hotter than ever! New course of instruction In Oratory, Theology aud l'ost-Oruduated. MTUOIKS. Noi ma', Business, Acadomy. College, aud Iaw greatly enlarged unrt Improved. , . Faf uliles Increased and Improved. For CalulOKue of College of Law write Dean S T. Itleuarason, usq , naiem, ur, For Catolorue of College of Medical and l'harmac? write Dean HichmondKolly,M. U.Portland, Or. treneral L Whltaker, 1). D.. l'rehldent, Halem, Or. 7-25-Jm-dw FRIENDS POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Will be opened to students Hept. IS, 1K92. Oilers iliii most practical courses of Btudy ot any schojl Iu the Slate, viz: Mechanical iJligineiTiHK. u'vii r.uBiHieiiuK, cin-uiuu KnitlneerlriK. Auidfinlo tmif Grammar snhuol coiiisis Bludeuts practice dally in wood shop, machluo shop, and labora tories. Tuition and notril per Year. 5160, Special lndncemeutH to a fw young men who wish to work for their board and tui tion durlmr vacations. For prospectus and further lultirmatlon, address KUW1W MUHIUaON.M.H, l'tcsdent,Htilein, Or. Miss Bailor's KINDERGARTEN. THIRD YEAR Opens Monday, Beptemuer 19th, at Kin dergarten Hall, opposite opera bouse. Children received at three years of ago and over. A connecting class will be es tablished lor advanced Kindergarten pu Silo and those beginning primary work, iily the best modem Kindergarten meth od" employed. Frame's system ol drawing and color work liilroduoea. ENGINE AND BOILER nVMi sale. The boiler Is nn 8-horse up JL right luhular. laud the engine a (J-h in hunzjnl!. Uo'.h are In ood condition, and ct 1700 when new.' Apply to A. 11, KOltnTNKK A UO.ppo stte Kirst National Jtauk. a JAPANESE CURE n nut and rVminlMc TTeuluieul. consul- Ug of suppositories, ointment In capsules, al box aud pill: a positive eure fores. . l I.I.Mt.r Lllnrf ii. IJuillBtf IfAilllW ehroafo. reoent'or hereditary rtt, and many othsr dims and .frtnale weak. immm; It Is always a groat heusslt to the general health The Brst discovery of m wed leal ears rsndsrlng su operaUoa with i he knife unnMwtxtry urittr. Tnl rdy hs nsver bit known to fall. VI fllOt hum IbU Umlbto sUMfM WMU SfUni.lWBKiWkKaHHH "". THE CAPITAL JOURNAL HOFER BROTHERS, - - Editors. PUllUHIIKUDAIliY.KXCEITHUNDAY, iir tiik Capital Journal Publishing Company, (Incorporated.) Orilco, Commercial (Street, In P. O. Building Entered at the postofflco at Balem, Or., as nconf-clats n ntttr Ol'KN THE WILIiAMKTTE LOCKS. Tho Republicans of this lcglsln turo cnu Bcorc a ten strike by Inking up t8 a party question tbo oponlng of tho lochs of tbo Willamette to tbo free tiso of tho people, or at least to such nao a will merely pay for operating expenses. It Is wrong to luuvo tho gates of the great riyer of this great valley lb tbo bauds of a private corporation as a toll-gatherer. Already Senator Raley bos taken tho portage railway bill iu band, and If be succeeds In passing tbat measuro will claim It as a Democratic victory in behalf of tho people, Governor Pennoyer shows how tho state Will lose alt Its rights over the locks of tbo Willamette unless they are exercised now. Will tuo no- publican leaders in both bouses sit idly by aud allow tbelr opponents to steal tbelr political thunder and make party capital by. promoting these popular measures that appeal to the favor of the produnlug masses. It is the duty of the majority in power in the legislature to give the people the second portage at the Columbia, as it gavo the flrflt, and to open tbo looks aud canal at Oregon City iu tho name of the stato aud on behalf of the people of Oregon. THE SUllUOh UUUK QUESTION. Seattle Telegraph: The demand tbat tbo state shall furuish school books free to pupils is growing. Like many another suggestion which bas the merit of novelty, it Is adopted by many without very great consideration. The cost of school books nt present is very great. We do not desire to intimate that auy inducements are held out to anybody to lead them to make the number and cost of books greater than necessary, although the fre queut changes for no appareut rea son at first sight suggested some such explauat,lqnv Tofurnish books free to every pupil would Involve a large outlay and one that It would be difficult to regulate. Doubtlets many porouls would prefer to buy books for tbelr children. Clean new books are very attractive to pupils and really are a stimulus to study. Unless the stale undertook to fur nish to each pupil a full set of new books at tho beginning of each year and new books as required, old books would bo given out iu many cases and tboro are objections to handling out books to pupils. The question needs to bo examined from the practical standpoint, and this we suggest Is one of tbo practical things to bo considered in connec tion with it. In tbe great majority of cases if school books were furnish ed at cost parents would bo very well satisfied. If tills1 were done, then children whose parents could notuflbrd to pay oven tbo small cost price of books could bo given new books and the total expense would not be great. As at present advised we Inclluo to somo such ar rangement us this, AT THE WUIILD'd I'AIU. If tho members of tbe legislature would chop off" half a dozen com missions, lopp ol! all useless clerk ships and expenditures for cod en, supremo court reports, junketing trips and private snaps they could have plenty of money to make a fine representation for Oregou at the world's fair. It Is barely poBstble at this late day that Oregon Bhall be fitly reprt- seuted iu the (treat sisterhood of states displaying their resources at tbe Columbian exposition. Rut If old states like Massachusetts, Ohio and Mississippi can allurd to make a dsplay of their industries certainly Oregon with her unexplored em pires cannot afford to remain In obscurity. -Let us all go to tho fair in state. IMMUS VS. UUAINUAUS. Tho farmers of Oregon need bettor roads much more than cheaper grain bags. The $200,000. or $300,000 that a jute mill will cost had better be spent giving tbe farmer a chance to get bis crop to market. Had roads blockade the farmer at home nearly half tbe year, shut up tbe mills, paralyze the merchants' buslnesa and keep the people Igno rant and In poverty. The farmer cannot sell his products where tbe market Is best for,hltn on account of bad roads. Before Oregon spends a quarter of a million to give the farmer a quar ter tt a oent saving on hl gralubage, let the etale spend tbat nun to give the farmer ope market to sell wbeobeean often save tea eeisie a Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latest Ui 5 0W1 1 X s&m ABSOLUTELY PURE THE BALLOT LAW1 Judge Bean, of tbo Oregon supremo court, makes Bo veral timely suggest ions in regiVrd to our now ballot law. The legislature will probalily modify tbo present reading of Ibo bill bo as to mako it plain on these doubtful portions. Ono of tho most Important points is tbat of a candi date's namo being printed twice on tho same ballot. To tbe impartial mind it would seoru rather a severe ruling tbat a man's name could ap pear but once. Conditions may often ariso where n popular aud highly respected man is nominated by more than one party for a position and jet not be put forward in fuslou con vention. One man could separately Le tile candidate of democrats, re publicans, popullBts, and prohlliliou Ists, or two of themj without what is called fusion. Under the old stvlo when different ballots were cast, if the same name was on them us a candidate for the1 same pluce, i hey were all counted. Now tht samo thing should be true with all candidates on tbe same ballot be cause no voter can vote for tho same man twice, aud ono iiiau cannot run for twd positions. Of course what is fair for one is fair for all, but the law should bo natural in its meth ods. The failure to designate tbo form of tbo ballots by an illustration was a peculiar oversight, and it Is almost amusing that with so many legal luminaries iu the legislature this should bavo occured. There Is also great responsibility on the shoulders of countv clerks aud by errors of their ' own tho people must not bo deprived of their franchises, and it Is right that they should be held re sponsible. Tbo last trial is hardly a fair test because it was tbo first tlmo they have prepared ballots for so important an election since tbe law was passed. They will probably do better in tbe future, whether a penalty Is imposed or not. Experience is always tbe best teaober, and there is no reason now why the legislature should not amend or improve tho present ballot law so as to mako it satisfactory hi every particular. Represeutive Ormsby, of this county, will lutroduco a bill to re medy the defecls of this law as far as possible. How's This We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any cuBeot Catarrh that, can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. -Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo Ohio. We tho uuders!p;uod, have known P. J. Cheny for the last 15 year, and believe him perfectly hortoranle In all business transactions aud lln anoially able to carry out any obli gating made by their firm. West & Truiix, Wholesale Druggists Toledo, O., Waldlnir, Ktnnau & Co, Wholesale Druggists Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Calurrh Curo Is takeu lu ernally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. FROM PROSPECT HILL. Mibs Alma Ca6e, late of Nebraska, closed a winter term at Prospect Hill school Tuesday eveulug, with an exhibition, cohabiting of decla mations, dialogues aud tableaux, by tho pupils, who did their teacher credit. A musical program enliven ed the evening, uud a full houno re plenished tho treasury. The Pros pect hill school has a lino organ, purchased by tho cnterprlo of the young folks, iu giving eutertaln uients, and have furulHhed limps aud useful appllauces for the assist ance of the scholars. Miss Case, during the term, fol lowed tbo example of tho city teach ers lu reading to the pupils the pop ular cquinostory of "Black Beauty." The FirBt Law of Nature. This self-nreservatlou Is acknowledged to be. and neonlo who adopt ugulnst the encroaches of disease a genuine mtdlcloal safeguard, accredited by experience umi tho sanction ol physicians, alford a bapp) Illustration of thu wisdom of the saylug, lu the health they restore aud continue to oiilov. Atnouir maladies, against tbo growth oi which llostetter's Htoimtoh bit urs htrjrds enielent protection, dU-aes ot ii. k tutiavi unit blunder aro Irauuht With lis utmu.1 ptrll fd exbibitgreut otxtlu- auy Wlien ouposea uy uiuiumj mwu, ltitlilUerso4H uud will subdue Hutu. .No testimony Is stroiger llisu lhl. Used at the ouuiaudpersuteuU,lhs best re sults may U) ext-titd. The uisdleiue aUv) urudloilBS liver oomplalul, oou.tlpatlon. tysposla. mabulJ, rheutnatUsu and nervousness, Buby crleil, Mbtber sighed, Dootor vmsmnHLssI 1 Caeewta Bakii Powd Hunt Lott Artlel. Fow women shoppers 'in their i for bargains Btop to think of ttaei bor of things that are lott by great army of bargain lnmtem day. Pushing and nuluncat other as they do in their attmn got near Bomo special bargain, ttal noticed dropping of a ha pockotbook or fan Is a , currenco. Tho manager of a Wr Sixth avonuo Bays there i f 1 company of women who, do else but patrol tho store on I out for articles and money shoppers. , 5' Most of theso women, mi well known to the floor detectives, but'os they break not and occasionally make small chases thoy nro'not moleoted. At C o deck each night,) to his story, or when they meet thou ' 'office ' and make a general vision of their moils, to the unlc bitritl it is no Uncommon thing: to dl vido $100 worth of goods rs the prOM coods of a uuy s persistent eearob. Of course- thoy closelypxamine 1 poraonnl columns of the paper. if a largo enough reward is tho persons who loso things stand i pretty good chnnco of having vm ro turned. Now York World. Disappearance of Wild Plants." Tho report of tho committee of i British association on tho disar auco of wild plants from thoir natil hubitata mentioned fifty of the 1 common wild plantB of the west i Scotland which had been gretith duced in number in recent yeani 1 natural and other causes. The i ral causoa woro duo to agrieult drainngo, industry and thegrowtha towns aud villages, and seemed w outsiuo of tho seopo of pro measui-es. In many cases diaap ttneo is attnbutablo to the rem of specimens by colloctore'tfor formdtion of horbariuma, iasl planta with showy flower, and I ror saio, - vjpv i Herbariums aro essential studv of botany, but the con thought thoir multiplication itttfhi. ', bomado unnecessary by 'the fonMa tiou of local collections for refereoBsV Collections for ealo might ,be (s vented by tho intervention of, projll ctors. But It is difficult to miffMt any courso of prohibitive i In tho discussion tho too designation of places where nlants can bo found was dep as malting access to them too unscrupulous eearchors. Po Rninru-H Monthlv. ' rl Mrs. folk's Escape. ''-' When Polk was member ol COty'l gross ho and his wifo were rwing n jtjtnnit in frnnTinaanft Jy ( Tho driver ventured into a wJ5Bslf Btream. whoro presontlrthe MMil cot boyond thoir depth aud cams mouced swimming. A little a and tho coach would have beea fittta rrulfed. At that moment a camo up tho bank on horseback Bhoutod to tho driver to stop, ' Tho dangor scorned imminesit, i Mr. Polk, who could not swim, out from his Beat inside the. offering any amount of money to) ono who would eavo his wwa. man on horseback socmeai vonturo to tbo rcscuo, but Mr, 1 villo Pillow, who was Bitunf Mrs. Polk, throw off his flrtsV; claiming, "I will take y madam I" Ho Bwam to tho bank, tho man to civo un his howe,'i cd, jilungcd into tho rapW OM camo un behind the stage aatl Mm. Polk to sten on the high wheel, and thenco upon tkai nt tlm linrun. Ho hold lief fl his arms and boro bor iMf,t bank. Exchunge, i A Tribute. "Ro Mrs. F. is dead." mid a of society to ono of her Wtisftl other dav. "Well. tk Reed record. I uever aaw kv timo that Bho was ot dressed. I do not think (& guilty of an unladylike aettaa Ilfo, and sho was certauwy w ost Icniats woman or ner mw If n could all doat tiiat we ought to be cooBaot." "I am told bhe wan ble," supplemented the yos, I believe ahe waa," friaml. rather yhbwAt. can be charitable, but it t one that can be grand Ai to her very linger tip ttfcf -New York Trtwum i .i i 1 1 i t - M. Gaaton TJaeauUf dMfsfi i iioa to wltat he oalto '1 irae." Three yewe m; av nhatrjirrauhMIUtmni rrff -- - ... i Osvy, ami on cwttmum found to biaaurprtsts1 of Varna Ul totuei ihVM eiM-riT liiiiTliriif 7H1B J0UIINAL, 'Xmt. rr r w r" tc if WMmnz hmtmma