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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1892)
ti 'Si m MAT f i- - T fc' tiff I ? 1' H 37 i .r.i H ?! . I 8 lt hi? j E" I ,; fREGON SOEEP. Malaa Pb(s an Embargo Against There Other News, Etc ANOTHER TORNADO. Buildisgs Destroyed, Heavy Loss or Life, Wires Down. Mankato, Minn., June 16. One of the Worst d .'sisters that ever visit 1 Foathern Minnesota occurred here yesterday afternoon, a funnel shapj tornado t-wvpt over the land and laid waste i cores of happy norms and ..en i l'oityor fifty souls 'into eternity. Theextentof country devastated is grenWtban ever befon known iu the history of this statp. Starting near Jackson on the South em Minnesota road, tde cyclon swept eastward four miles, south Minnesota lake.then took a broad cir cnit to the south, and passed seul: of Wells. Two miles north of Sherburne it struck a district school in which u the teacher and eighteen chlldrn the building was demolished. . Ti teacher and fifteen ocholars we: killed. At Eastou Iu ldit., were destroyed aud several injured At Linden many houses were ton from their sites. Alog house of a Bohemian family at Bowen mill, Minnesota lake wa laterally swept from the earth. Th family consis log of a man, wife am. tlx children spent the night in rai and cold without shelter. The storm passed on eastward de stroying farm houses, barns an everything in its path. Four inilf rouili of Minnesota Lake five farn houses are utterly demolished, fou are killed. The body of one Johi Brown was taken from atinneso1 LaPc this morning. His wife, hire' uvtn aud a school teacher wei injured. Much damage was dor si urh of Wells. It is reported fort;, are killed south and west of th,i vSIIjge. Reports are slow comini. in. Air at time seen stifling it seemei like ya, everything is filled wit h 7. It Is impossible to get a list the killed aud wounded. It 's prob ably uot leu than one hundred in jii'ed, mostly in the country distant front medical aid. Ail along tin Milwaukee road from Jackson t Minnesota lake the s-eene is one ot devastation. Tsui evry hous-e wu ta-:iii but so mahy d-jstroyed the scene is pitiable. It is one of the richest sections of tiif state. Wire are all down, telegraph poles and trees are everywhere blown over. Trains on all other roads are grtath delayed. Murdered for His Money, Pittsuoro, Pa., June 16. Last Thursday night "William Huges, widely known nmontr sporting men as "Sparrow" Huges, joined a part of disreputable character, who had chartered a steamer for a trip down the Ohio river, When the party re turned Friday morning, it was au nounced that Huges had fallen over board. Yesterday his body was found 22 miles west of Pittsburg. Marks on his face and head, and the fact that he had been robbed of hi watch, money and diamoud pin, have convinced the authorities that ho was murdered. Hugos was wealthy, and, notwithstanding thv fact that he was a liberal patron of sports and not always careful in his choice of companions, was largely interested in business euterpribti'. The district attorney has been in vcstigaiing the cabo since the dis appearance of Huges was aunouuc ed. Ho has already secured evi dence that there was n free-for-all tight on the boat and that Huges, who always had large sums of mon ey on his person, seemed to bo the general object of attack. All the leaders of the excursion are under surveillance. Kansas People Party. Wichita, Kn , June 10, After nominating D. Welling for gov ernor, early thin morning the Peo ple's party convention chose W. D. Vincent forlleut. governor by accla mation. Vincent declined to run aud no attempt was made to nomi nate another candidate. .St. Louis platform was endorsed with the fol lowing among other conditiens: That the government should pro vido iiuMIo telephones and tele graph Hues, postal currency aud nearly as practicable free delivery of mull to all people. It favors pen Mods for disabled railroad employee to be paid by the companies and be first lelu on their pioperty. A reso lution In favor of woman's guflrngc was adopted. To Keep Our Sheep Away. IIklkni. Mont., Juuo 10. (Jover nor Toole has Issued a proclamation forbidding the brinuiug of sheep In In Molilalia from Oregon, Nevada California, Washington, Idaho or Utah. The proclamation was issued on the showing made by Veterinary Burgeon Holloway that sheep from thestaUs named were infected with Hcab; from 4000 to 6000 sheep from outside points are held by Holloway at Butte, Montana; sheep Imve put Lew alleetod with scab or other dis ease and it I the Intention of the authorities to kep them upon their good record. Feoplo's Paily Gain. CoiisioanaIVx., June 10, Latest tf returns malco jirobablo tho elw'tlon (tt I. a, Barber, Third party cmdl- ( l MetBchflti, Balem; giand hecre date to Roger Q. Mill vacaut wat tary, S. F. CI adwlck, Hnleui; gnind vwr Judgo 13. L. Anthony Dem. - treasunr, D. 0. MiKvicktr, Port- LATER ACCOUNT OF TEE Fall of a Bridge In Course of Con .tnr, Cincinnati. Jnoel6. -a wualts. aiiKti llimu-a o rati nrvr n i Timlin ! Itv nrf .nd a thrill of horror through the civilized world, hap - pened on Licking the? between Xevrnort and Covimrfon. Kv- yes - torn,, mnrnlno. A wneon and . j . .- -T5 street railway bridge was in course ;of construction between the Iwm cities. The conira-tors for the Iron work were Baird Brothers, of Pitts burg. They were Andrew aud Robert Baird, and they both went down to death with their score or more of workmen. The bridge wa i strong wrought iron structure. The stone piers on each side of th-Jl-pioaches are massive. The span between the two piers is about 300 feet. The height of the truss which was to form the brtdee span be tween the Diers was sixty fivelftet above the water. The false work ii. the piling and timbers had been con structed In tl.e river on top of this false work the construction of the iron truss began, u'dway between two pier, anl vork was pushe from the middle ot .oth way-. Five sections of ponderot" run nau been construcita. on i"p f bis wasau apparatus known t ridge men as a "traveler,"' whic'i ustd to extend the siruetur. fn m he ends. The -'traveler" was fo i f men at 10:30 this morning, an t ome were r.ear the top, nea ly Hn feet above the watar of the Licking -Ivor. The timbers of the fal-e wur -iere beams about ten inches sfjuar Id and wea' her beaten, and evi dently used before. It was a ma if irmi weighing hundred." up-, . tiundrels of tons that overmatches them, wrought ruin, and gathere I an awful harvest for death. Thirtj nx men were on the "traveler" ifhen the awful crish came, and u tne can te'l how many were wort iun below. The crash came like a oolt from heaven. Suddenly the over-tixed beims of piie broke and crashed into the river below, a moss of ruins, under which a score or more of lives went out. Debris fill -d the deep stream from biuk to bank, people filled both shares, the stream was soon full of skills, and the work of rescuing livis Us gan without a directing head. This work was kept up all day, aud is still going on tonight. At the hour of the acoideut there were few other workmen on the bridge near the scence, which leaves few survivors among tbrvictims as the only ones to tell the story. At a cottage uot 200 yards from the bridge lay the dead bodies of John J. Roby and brother, William Roby, Mrs. Katherine Baer, occupant of the house, was mother in-law of John Roby, who leaves a widow and two children. Two brothers were takeu there to! die. Xever in houses of royalty, was there more real mourning than , , ,, In that house tonight. John died flrat. HIa dying brother said tn the weeping widow, "don't cry, Auuie; John will get well." Wlien told that John was dead, he said: "Then I want to die." These were ids last words. A VIOLENT STORM. Small Steamer Filled With Pass engers Upset by the Wind. Bancjeh, Me., June 16. A vio lent wind swept over this setion at 5:30 o'clock blowing from the frouth west. It came on the lipels of the hottest weather on record here for this mouth, the mercury ranging from 02 to 00 iu the phade. The little river riteamer Annie was cap sized within 1000 feet of her wharf. She ha J u number of paeugers on board, mostly women, who had been down the river to e-icape the exces sive heat. The wind lifted the boat completely out of the water, turned her over auil plunged her bows down beneath thesurfjee. Through tho heroic ellorts of Engineer Gerry and J in nes Callahan, a p.itfengcr, 15 were saved. It Is impossible to tell how many were drowned. One hotly, that of Magdellnu Adam", aged 18, daughter of Jame-i AdaiiH, hits been recovered. She was on board with her brother, Dr. C. K. Adtitui, instructor of physical cul ture of .Michigan university, who was caved. The Cnptalu U the on ly man who known how many were on board, and his condition i kui-Ii that lie is unable to tell. Women have been walking tho wharves siiav the accident, tearfully iuquir ins; for relatives they think have bi'cn lust. Iu llampdeu dwellings wore leveled and their oeciiuuts seriously injured, though none fa tally, as fur n- reported. In Banger i-uii nrowMur i lew nouses were wrecked, hundreds of chiiiiiuns carried away, and uuiuenius windows smashed, lie houses along tho liver were destroy ed, and the roof of ouo was carried t-onib distance and danhed agalust a largo pulp mill iu Brewer. Lumber from Brewer was distributed all over that town, some of it floating through the air at a haight of 60 feet Tho lumber niui paper mills at Orono were heavily damaged. Masonic Qraud Lodge. Portland, Juno IC Tho grand lodge of Oregon A. 1 and A. M., in kcswIoii here today, eletttd tlie fol lowing grand oiHcent lor tlieeusu. Ingywir: .Master F, A. Moore, St. Helens; deputy mtieter, J. M. D. Clillord, Baker Citj; Junior warden, Maul. una. A BOIES BOOM. - xte iowa ueiegauon nas Amvea at uaicaro in orce. CniCAOO.Juise 16Iowa's uee. - Ration to the national democratic convention is first to open bead ' quarters in Chicago. Colonel L. M. Martin, delegate at large; Dr. E. T. ! Lkw. of DesMoine. chairman of tustocecutivecorutnittee of thedemo- , ... ..J i crane suuu ceuinu uuiuuimw, ouu II- C. Schaver. of Des Moines, ar rived in tbe city and at once estab lished headquarters; at the Palmer House. This party was reinforced jes'erday by J. H. Shields, chair man of the Iowa delegation; M. M. Hatum, ei-member of the national '-ouitnittee; Judge Kiune, of the Inwa supume court, and Chairman Fulleu, of the democratic state com mitUe. .No sooner had Colonel Martin and his colleague. arrived than they started a Boise boom Thevare of the opinion that it will develop until their candidate is ma.1e the ncmlnee of the deineratic con vention. "Boise," said Colonel Martin, "U the candidate of the Iowa democracy. Of course we are enthusiastic for him, and so is every democrat in Iowa." "Who is your seond choice?" was a-iked. "Second choice? There isn't a demociat in Iowa who has thought of that. We haven't any second choice. We are for Bo;es. He is the available man of the hoar, and e haveeuje down to Chicaco to present him to the- national conven tion and we are going to nominate him." Republican Chairmanship. Ohicaoo Ills., June 16. A state ment is published here that the chairmanship of the Republican national committee ha been otTered to Laud Commissioner Carter. A dispatch from St. Louis states: E. D. Weed, U. S. district attorney for Montana to th" same effect and says the oiler was made by Hanison him--elf. ! 2skw York, Juue 16. A dispatch quotes John C. New as saying Gen eral Horace Porter, of New York, will probably be the man. To bucceed Simpson. Kingman, Kan., June 10. The Republicans of Jerry Simpson's dis trict have nominated for congrei1; v.. i. xjuu, oi .ucunjine u oge, jer - . T T .. r .-... t- f ry's home. Wharton to Get It. CniCAGO.Juue 1(5. A Washimr. ton social say.: It i announced at the slate department that the Prei- dent has decided to appoint Assist - ant Secretary Wharton to feucceed Blaine at the head of the state dt- partment until March -1, 1593. THE ELECTRIC ROAD. - . ., , . ... j lUjUUHIUU OljlUUlCUl, bU UC XLCdlU Today. By agreement among the attorneys I it is exacted that the validity of tlie temporary injunction against the flouiric road going up State stri-et will be argued before Judge Boise this afternoon. Tlie electric company is very anxious to proceed with its work of construction aud for this reason is having a survey made today up Ferry street. Thus they will beable to put men at work on eiMier mute a soon as the case is decided. Tlie hore car people expect to win on the ground that they have au exclusive fran chise on State street and on tlie theory that the electric company has not acquired sutliclent author ity to proceed with construction. The electric people at the same time hope to dissolve the temporary in junction on exactly the opposite claim. It i-t to be hoped this knotty question will be tiled soon unit thai tlie work of construction may proceed without delay. CIRCUIT COURT. In the oireult court yesterday the following tiuslnes1. was transaeted in addition to what was reported yesterday. 2-Ella C. B.tker v.. Thomas Baker; divorce; John O'Sliea, referee; ontluued, 4 Tliomas Taylor & Co. v. Metz gerife Mislug(r; action for money; continued. 0 Arnold Wink vs. Clarpiic Brown, et al.; foreclosure; continued ftl - R ilph Swltzer vs. Ann tswit- wr; divorce; dlsmi-sed fur want of prosicutlon. 70 Sarah SKirvin vs John Skir- viu; divorw; decree for dlvorct and cn-loily of child. 00-C Oiltert Wtieeler vs. P. O. Bokki'ln; action for motiev; de- iiinrrer to complaint. 1 in-State vs. It. M. Thompson; bvllng liquoj without a licence; ar raigned. li'1-0. W. Vetlder vs. Marion county; inundate; remanded t" county court in obedience to niau- date from tho supremu court. J UNRIG, 121 State vs. John Deitrleh, lar ceny; pleads guilty aud Is henteuced to one year iu prison. This afternoon the case of A. B Mulr tt al. vs. S. V. Jones was taken up, aud the electric car injunction will be argued. Notice t3 Contractors and Builders. Wo are now gelling wind for bus iness liou-u-i at $1 per load; redden! houses In city limits (125 per load, and other prices in tqual proiortion payab o at tho eud of every month. We tire (ho lowest und give the best accommodations. O'lS-tf Goodhue i&CAHILL. i- MtMMMMW I lib.U. ESTATI MOVEMENTS. , "'"'"'' ."- 'f 7k it;""T"f "",:" r-,',;.; ir.Mlt .... ,r.... lr C"?. en Atitll frnii'ffra lfiifiOO 2fl , May transfers 94.432 75 June to date... 60,874 00 JUNK 16. J W Thomas and wife to Mary E Cramer, 14 acres, sec 10, t 9 s, r 1 w, $300. II A Ihomas aud wife toG W Waterbury, its 7 to 17, blk aud Its In blk 37, SI. Deserving Praise We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. KiDg's New Discovery for Con sumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, BuckWs Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfact ion. We do not hesitate to guaran tee them every time, and we stand r-ady to refuud the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their us. Thes remedies have won thf ir great popularity purely on their rn'ri!s. Dan'l. J. Fry, Drug gist, 225 Com.l St. j Eemoval Notice. ' Dr. E. B. Pbilbrook has removed his rtsldenee from Court street to 181 State, oppo-lte Court House' wiuare. His otlice will also be there on and alter June 2d. 6 1 td Absolatrlr tbe Dest. "I never heitate to recommend Chamberlain's Coucb Itemedy as absolutely tbe Ixst," siys Mr, F. B. Kemp,r distant busints? manacerol the Youngfetown, Ohio, Daily Teleg ram nueitftbe most iutluential and valuable newspapers in the Buckeye stale. Mr. Kemp also says: "I have found it a certain cure for the cough usually following au attack of the grinpe, aud always keep a bottle ol it in the house." 50 cent bottles for sale by G. E. Good, Druggist. Call and see our new patent leth er Bluchers at Krausse Bros. 11UW I KKbf. AVhy, two years ago I was just about crazy, and no wonder that my wife and children were afraid of me. You just want to suffer with neural gia with no relief as I did until I ! Used . Sulphur BitteiS. They cured me, and uow my wife says I am as ' t-ieik as a lamb. Bolert Davis, American H-juse, Boston. 20 PER Ci-.NT Mabr : Farmers, and gardeners can make j 2 Pfer c-01 on tu invealment by 1 ""S thtir laud. Best tile in the J fitate- Sliipped to all points on the s- P. rail way. J. E. Murphy. Kortb Salem Brick and Tile Works. C-Mi-w HOW TO HEAD your doctor's prescriptions. Send three 2-ccnt stamps, to pay postage aud receive Dr. Kaufmanu's great treaties on diseases; illustrated in colors; it gives their signs and abbre viations. Address A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass. jbiioq ouo SSSOQ OO! otk 'IIs"! ,f 3iiqioiv "oo " a-x;i -i o sjncclesjES s,pooi auioipajt junnon.1 aqj io3 oj ojne Gi. suoinaudaj.l joqio .iui oj paappui aq J oa '.?i.ouioj -nuii-j anion j u s-uaooaqi' posn 33U0 sin a-f't-W "ar"""J 1 wsfrpn Kuoure sujca ii oouapuuoa aqi ii( ivnnaa J ?j qinoui c ;!! (it a sno--a.Jip oi 3rr .ploaDonaJit:iriincJujrc;t.yooj joa,.f " ..'";Uoa auO sasoa 001 ,. P!s oq i.TJ. lea tpntt ;o uopsiiilaiil .,io oqi i Ji auiouooo puu ijiiuajii sii uj juicw?I h BUMBdBS42S stpooH inunoD aqi ia ko ub S'i'rn.0 s ssaaansouicioiix jajiJKd( ;q j ? ; tdvsiusi3tj:oucucic ijiud - s$., ; jo oiom (as kjsj33rup (ia.'7 5n'.. 'a- -i v II oiantt'-sscj'C'ii.iU'ri ujiiir !..'" !k'-s qans 'aujoq jc ssaoans pauicilnn :a-1 .; GUGdBSJGS StpOO TnDisJs aqj iln spunq 'aujaJJc ne siinai 'Siqiaaj paiix is'll souioaiaAO isv -ujod laApi pur iaupiji tasiivanj 'quuico 'jCllliqaa (ciauan ut;, ," 'aqarpuaii ajg 'ssausnoinu ri 1 . 'sjouinjj hc 'saiduij.i 'sjioa 'uin.. "j i 'rinjoiag sama n 'lamind poo; ;. .,j BIJMBdeSJBS SjROGt': IinjBiaqioaiaqAvtajnDoiTicm ik; . II saupnwm jaino .in (.. ! ' mttrnl aAjiuma cmjcdB.n-g s.po ; 1 1 -.q3 'ssaaoid (iuu 'uoniwlu I 'un'i : ivnnao.1 c i Saipamai ajqviiiv . pun u-uou-HOtt jaqio puu S-opi hj j 'CAxassisdi.i jijo(i 'ai"tp!: -j.. 'i- . ciiliuduwcg tuoij paicJaiJ in: .. ) 21H4BdCSGS SpOOH Executrix XoUce. VTOTK'K U hereby elven that tbe under 1 slKiitit lias thu ilHy len appoint ed by the Hon. County Court or Murlon county, eiecutrlx of I he last will nnrt tet t'.menl of Cliarle I'luler, deoeni-ed. till par. rons having bllU ap.tun mid etale me rwjuested u present them to me at my reldeniivrner lnnd llib i.tretg, Kncle wood addition to rtalem, properly erined within blx months from thl dale, utui nil pviou knowing theuueles ludtbtwl to i Mild txinte are reiucicl to mare immedl atepainent. MJMA.N I'lUI.KK. AprflK,li Hctu K. llAXUKit, Attorney for Admin ntrlx. 1 1 Citation. In the County Court, for tueCouuly of M rlon, Bute of Oregon In the mailer of emtate of I ,,,. Keliue Cox. deceased JUUIIon. To all iln hell Of tald n.U(. , kiioa or unknown, UKKKTINU in tne name at ttieMHteof .jr'iiou. are Hereby cit.-d aud reou rJ -.j m iw. In l! lh.uuty otur.of the Mat oi ireKn fur J'.aruin on .M.inilay tl.e Itl) aay oi juiy, ink at IU ocl.vfe lutlKlnrr Duouol that Uoy. then and cauw. If auy there be wh) an order thi.uld uol be made authurlzlug aud tniiow.'rlni; tbe ttduilulktralorof ka.d etate to ell the rcnl property uIuul'Idl- to kaid -lato. whicb Udew:rlbrdafa low to-wiu Iaiu ! s. V. 10 and 11 In block Nn. k si ilmiru ..n ihe ameuded plat of ixpilal Park uddlUnn Can obtain to the Lily ot salem la Marlon (Xmnty o,SV.hei,, PERMANCNT CUFE of themuuty court, of ttio Uiteoi uiccim. . ..,. for the Hiunly of -Marlon with the eni of al.t court antx, thU lth dav of June, lA'A Attest: D U. HHfltllAN.Olert. Sir KIlANK W. WATEJU, Deputy. tEAL) i wim iBjratoPACIFlC LAND AND ORCHAR C O prevalent, csiH.-ci.iJij au. ng women c- results from oreru. m the sysicm. Tlie assimilative orga-u. tccoming de range J, the blood gro's weak and Im porcrished, and hence that tired feel ing" of which many complain. For all inch case.', there is co remedr equal to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Take no other "'Some time a?o I fonnd mv srstein -nlirel.r run down. I had a feelinB ot constant fatigue and languor and very little ambition for auy kind of effort. A. friend advised me to try Ayer's Sarsa- parilbv which 1 did witb the best rc olts. It has done me more good than s'l other !neIlcine.s I have eer useil." Krauk Mellows, Chelsea, Mass. " For months I was afflicted with nervous prostration, weakness, languor, rneral debility, and mental dcpreMou. By purifying the blood with Ayer's Saroparflla, I was completely cured." Mrs. Mary Stevens, Lowell, "Mavs. When troublel with Dizziness, Sleep- csssess, or Bad Dreams, take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Dr. J. C. Ayer Ic Co., Lowell, Mass olJ bjr JI Drtjjim 3i IValer la Mtdlcice CARTERS ITTLF, JVER nn i n i-JkUO. ck HeadarV ar 1 reliore all tbe troubles ind .fr.t :oa -., .-, tw cf the STttem, such aj JizanirsK. hj. r,T . xines' Vistnst afo-i eaun?. Pain in ti e -, 'e. 4e While their mo& remarkable iucc , .s leeu shown in curing Hcadaoi-a. jcX C Ijtttj: Lircn Pnit ire equallr n'nv e In rontbiation. curing ind prevented: n in complaint whik hey also correct ah disorders of the stomach timulate the iirer and regulat the bowels CTen if they only cured Iche they would be almot rricelwi to thca ho suffer from thii distresjlng comiilalnt ut fortunately their goodness 3os not end hre. and t vwe wV t r-rc Uy them will And tiese littl pil! rtluaole In o manr wayR that .lev mil n -t be -Illin to do wiUiout theia Hut after all sick bead J 'JX s the har. of so nanr Utcs that here Is irhere re majOiir creat boast Our pills cure ii while oth"!' do n it, C'astkk's I-it-: Ltvntt Pitts are Tery small an-1 T-ry ear to take One or two rills make dose. Tlttr fiie Ftrictlr Teettabland do I not erino or d jre. but bv thpir penile artJon i feaje til wfc ? ue them. In vials at 25 cwita. CtlZZZ ::!23 C5., ITtw 7ci. &U R U B Shall & How' s Yi if Ft 5C -O 7". 5- ft iSi Is the Oiien1".! v'ion. knowing thtitg;.j t ' ealth cannot exidt m it ..out a lieal thy Liver. JAvkjt is ij:; eb ? . 2 :" . ' Etijid!, t..j Y'- !. n the ; .c- Bow nJ con- fv.oJ lies in tho ::cj!i itnli- gested, poisonir c Jie bloed: freqi. -. hj . lache ensue: a of ln;i tucle, despon Itny and nervou?nes3 in 1; ;;ite how the whole syste a is de ranged. Siijiiio.ns Liver Regulator 1. -. hi on tlie ineaiis Oi' riTtorn more people to li't;i and Iiappine5bv ''iving them a healthy Liver than any agency knovu on earth. It acts with extraor dinary power and ellicaQy. NEVER OEEN DISAPPOINTED, A a jreirfrl family remedy f.-r dyrep?' Torpid I.ircr, Coi't pal ion, etc. 1 han'.lv (m ate anrtbiG e'-, and hae ncrerbeuu appoiniisd iu V 'Be'-t pr 4nceo; 't-e.'"-I almo'I a f. .- i-ur fr ai! (J 'jl- . Stoniach n, i. . DUGAN BROS' inffCo., M W 0 W roleeate and;retall d tUcrs In STEA3! AND PLUMBING GOODS. 2J9 ( ommerclal street. Telephone No. Si For Sale. Three lots in Xo'thValera on street rar line, alfcOJ seres irutt land about .Ku'-ili east of Salem. C.llon ('. 0.G.1BRIGLSOX, htate Insurance OClce NEW DAILY 3IAIL STAGE Uetft cen Aurora, J!ut tcvillc, C hanipiji St. Paul and PnlriUd. !. es urora dally i ia30 a. m. Ar- ivi- at ralrneld s p. m. lUtu.niui.- kove p"nrneld at 4 p. m teld at 4 p. m. Arrive t t hanitei: 1 1 , :u. l.tveCtiuuip.-i;ta.m. Arrte tt uiin. -i ltutlevule. Nth a. m. ion rct with inoioiug.S. I. Co. traloH t.'oli)P D-Hinniidtouth. l'ueni,-er, u.f jnue ano (relpht triid ut regular ratw. BorMcw betitna Monday, March 17, USri. ' LW.HOKKEK, I'ropr. TSJPHOVKD OltDER OF ItFJ) MEN. 1 KamUtuu TrIUa.Vo. g, tlem. Hold imuucII WMT Thurday evening, at "SJu NMtfuam In Mate lukurance ball, V. C. HAKEtt. Prophet. Kit NK O. Al EIW, t huf of lUwrdi. Those Afflicted ! With thehablij)i tulns to exec, ! LIQUOR, OPIUM Oil TOBACCO KEELEY INSTITUTE 9.rjt Orove, Or.. Call writ. BtrlcUr mi U &W&a rEs. k miZ2 r&.B2iif t rrfrfcL in a FOR TOWN 2.00 i'trdoren forlhe flnwt flnlfbeJ IUOT001tAPH intbeclty. MONTEE BROS., lsyiOommercUl StrcA. F. B. SOCTIIWICK, Coiitractur ami Builticr. Salem, - - Oregon. T. J. CIIKSS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPKR HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor. 3Jt bacd CbeuieVtta Street JOHN M. PAYNE i CO., Real Estate and Insurance. Klrt stairway north of.Busb bank. jokn unvix. Carpenter and Bnildcr, Shop (5 State street Store Fittings a Specialty MRS. Leading 'JUj 25c Want Column.; Xotlce inserted for ONE CENT PER WORD EACH INSERTION. No adver tisement inserted In this column for lest than 'enty-flve rents. WANTED To tent house of Mi or eight room with barn preferred. Ad- drs I. KUERTEN, Uxk Rex ;1 Ort-gnn Llty, Or. -;o-u TTtJR 8AI.E. At nncti n household fur F niture, on Wedno'ty. June 22, at 1 ovlocl-p m opposite I"aik chool on 12 h, fcirjei, l ew rarr B-l-e-ol T OST. A bar hore. blind In the right Return If Li eye, from 12 to II years old. found to Janies Londeriran.5 miles east of salem, or lv ve word at this offl"e. A Ub- eral reward will be paid. e-:i-3t-iw WAITED. A situation In a small family by a married lady, whoe husband if away for the summer .Sirs. Emma Cooper, Salem. trU-.' JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Faints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Fa- per and Border, Artists' 3Ia- terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and i Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence! Fosts. Grass Seeds, Etc, NEW AUVEKTfcjEJtENTS- Proposals for Bids. VTOTICE Is hereby elven that f ealed bld IN will be received by the city ol balem. jrcgou, untu ociock p. m. oi June -jj. ifj'j.ana atsm ume vm tie openea Dy the undersigned comiulut--. for the erad- ltr, curbing, iniiradnrulzlLf.', draining and .ii-l-iovln, accoruing t- the plaUA and pecjfl -atlons on fll- in theoKlce ol the street cuintul-slouerof the cltj' of alPm. Jrefion, all that pan oi Commercial street between tho bridge acivs tout h Mill ere k to Ihe north tide of IVwr -.trKt, aud all that txirt ol Court street bet Jretn the east ddeof High street nncl the ea-t Mde of Front street and nit that part ol Mate street betwren the catlde of High street and the eait side of Krunt street, all tint ildeof Kerry street between the east side ji Front sireet and the east side of Liberty street. A certificate ol depos it In some bank of tbe city of Sa lem, OrogOD, In faor of the city of Salem, Ortgon, for tbe sum of five bun dled dollar must accompany each bid and Ti J be payable U the city of balem. Ore gon, as fixed, settled and liquidated dam ages In cao the bidder shall not execute the contract, bond and undertaking and give good and sulllcleni su'et'es satisfac tory to tbe mayor of the citj of r-alem, Oregon, In case said work 1 awarded or otlered to said bidder. BKnk form of con tract, bond and undertaking 1- on file in tbe ofilce ol the street oommts-iouer The city of balem reserven the right to reject any or all bids. Don by order of the com mon council of the city of !-alem. M. V. HUNT, C. B. MOOHKS. H L. LAMOUUEUX, Committee on fclrefts ?nd Public Proptrtj- bUld Columbia Poultry Yards, J. M. BRENTS, Manager. Lock Bos 1210, Seattle, Wa-sh Breeders oiTborousbSred Poultry of fol lowing varieties: B.C. White Le,'horns,i-, C. Brown Leg horns, White Plymouth Hocks, Barred Plymouth Hocks, Pit Games, Black Lang sham.iiLigbt; Brabauus, liufl" Cochins, Partridge CochlnsBronze Turkeys. rtnd ,or Circular and Price List. I J, M, Needham HOUSE PAINTING KALSO MINING, PAPER HANGING NATURAL WOOD FINISHING. Leave orders J Irwin e, iear of Mnlth Stclner'a drug btoiv. TRUCK Af.'D EXPRESS. Ifr.'o No. 60, IKi O SALEM'S FINEST TRUCK, Nuw rendy for bailum. pccUlty. Cartrful work a J.F. WHITE. S U T T 0 N & S-0 X, Expr (; s s and IJ u jr a e. IV hauling and quick delivery to all part of the city ulth prompiue and nre. Leave onler at K. M.vadtii:i LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. ELLIS & WHTLEY, LIVERYMEN. South cfWIUarntt Hotel, 8AI.EM - - - OBKOCN LOTS, FRUIT TRACTS AND FARMS :a. h. forstner t co. i Machine Shop, Gods, ! Sportiog Golds, Etc., j ? Commercial iMrt. JRADABAGGII k EPLEY. I Livery Feed and i Boardintr Stable. J. J. DAUK1KS, Scientific Horseshoeing. OlM'OSITK FOUNDKV On State RICE & Horseshoers, General Blacksmithing, -IT Stote Street the Salem JIackman is tl fctnte Street. STEEVES BROS., Califo rn ia Kakcrif. THE 13 EST. 101 Coart Ktreet. ii, ron Li:. Best Line in the City. Court Street. M. E. WILSON, Salem Modiste. Commercial S:. Works in North Salem. A. II. CLOUGH, riulertukiiij: and Cabinet Work, 17 State Street. 3IKS. K. . KOXCO. Baths for Ladies, HAIR DItESSIXa PARLOItS, 124 Court Slreet. Tf i ii Has just placed Oil Y A a! llMu'ii SUNNYSIDB No. 11, C miles south of Salem. This tract as fine fruit land, i wel' drained aud will be sold in any sized tracts on the most favorable terms. I We still have a few teu acre tracts iu SUXNYSIDE No. 10, 0 miies south of Salem. 150 acres of No. 10 is under contract to be planted to orchards iu the fall of 1&92. O Also two 10 acre tracts aud one 15 acre tract in SUNN YblDE No. S, ." miles south of dalem. Over 100 acres of No. S was planted to fruit tfees luring the pt sea-ou, and 50 acres more will be plauted tbe coming all. Aud 12S acre? iu SUNNYSIDE No. 5, 3 miles southwest, of Turner, over 10 acres in young orchard, mo-tly cleared and in crop, will t-ell any part or all, very cheap for cah, or . ill give time on part. -O- On any of the above lauds we will 1 time ou tlie balance, or will take part pavmeut In stoc-K or iroou city projiertv. Iu addition to the above we have for sale TOWN PROPERTY, small tracts near the City aud Farm Land-. It costs you uotbing to see our property, and We may have just what you want. Office in the New Gray Block on State Street. Ftemoved to 140 State. siis&nop &co., erchant Tailors. Spring suit $16 worth SJ; pants f50) worth f7XU, Everything cheap. If clothes don't lit customers need not take same. all and look over goods, 6-1-lm For Sale, Cheap. A number of trios of this sprints PlymJ out h ltock. Black Lan-ban, W bite Leg horn, and Partridge Cx-hlns, all thorough bred stock. Buy early, save txpresa charges and eet the pick ot the season. $i to 3 per trio, boxed for shipment. Addrs K. HOFKK, &alem, Or. Berries Wanted! THE SALEM CANNING CO. Will llecvive CHERRIES AND STRAWBER RIES AND GOOSEBERRIES on and after Wednesday, June S, 1392. tlw-tf Proposals for Wood. Sealed bids will be recei ed at the olRceo theckrkof schoil dlstrti-t JJo. si. rjom-l, Jlurnbr block.until 12 ociock m..Tue.,la. June 31, lift;. HI la will be opened at the nguiar meeting or me Doard or directors at 'J o'clock p. tn.of said 2'tday of June.fcr tbe delivery ol wood beiore Hep einoer 1, 1VJ. ut tne followlmr Park .wrhool, 15 cord i rvik, l-i eir Ji oi rlr. Cen tral Knooi ;'J ixird.-or cwk, 15crdi f nr, Kat School i-ord of ok. lii rd f rl . North School 12 oordsot iKikijoorJ. of dr. All wood iost be l iet In K sill, re. sonably straight aud corded clelr. tne nr mut te larse or ooay w uj ana tbe oak must be r ' "-ik und not grub uood Tbe board rettrvo. tbu r'ehi t.. Ject any or all b J. Done uy oraer ot tne nora. jup 7, im Attest K. M. W V.n, Board of 1 i.rvctoi. WYMEa.MOORES, DUtnct Clerk. tl T. BURROWS AHKIK8 a fuli llneoftaplr and 'ancv B Ciioceries, Presh VerU.b.t. aud Be.- lies in season, nutter nud Lgs nl wuyon bund. 226 Com I St. Fur Sale or Trade, Fifty-two acres Jmtjruveil farm. -10 acre Ju crop, good orohrd, four ndlttj fc'ouih of Salem, Turner road. Will trade for nronertv near towu. C-S-lm JOHN HOLM. oca J. L fiENNElT I l CANDIES, Fruit and Cigara, P O. Block. Street. i IiOSS, n. t. iinirimnv. Cigars and Tobacco BILLIARD PAKLOU. 23 Com 1 Street BOSTON Coffee Hous 5c LUNCH. Open all NlRht J. E. 31UKPHY. j r. JT. BLl'XJJJSLL. Brick and THe,j3Icnt "ry an i in JiarKol, Insurance Block. on the market -O- take one-fourth cash aud trive lonir purchase price in work or a part Taken Up. A red nnd white spotted cow witn ca C. Buh ears slit, and branded on ritht uip. 0.rnercan get same by seillicg wlib 5-K-Iw CH.VS Ml IH.IAnkenr. M.T. RINEMAN DEALER IX Staple and Fancy Gruseries, Crockery, Glassware, Ijmp, Woede" and Willow ware. All kinds or udufei '. Also el:etableaod fruit in their s-ato . "Highest Price paid for country" prouues." Wesollcl a 6bare of your patronage, 0- 1S3 state atree' Hernia and Chronic Diseases DR'S. SHIMP & HOUPER, Devote special attention to Nervous C.i' urrbai, Asthmatic and Throat Trou le. Hernia (rupture) cured without J n ar de'etition from buslue&3 and Guiranteti i Kvfr Case. Kvery variety of Female and Clirr 4icas treated by the mot ndm 1 methods known to Electrical and Me"' I science. Twenty years experience In gerj- and the application of e'ec r . iiflw'VW rvimmfrclal street., Busi.-B' min Bleck. Salem. t?Pf.t,7J3f BSRGOZiES gas and Oasolina ENGINES "" " ' - rj( Ifars fewer parts. Bad tn'tr.l M IimIt In trvtOut oioTjericanany otner iu3 or Ka&o. ce engines wr t j lu Just light the burner, tura u whn.1, SiA li rits all day. HAKES XO SjrELL OK DIET. Ifo dooDle or false exrkislon!, so frequest with tta uur r liable spuk. ror Simplicity It BeaU the TVorld. It Oils Itself Automatically, 'o Batteries or Eloctrlo Bpark. It runs wlthbCheaper Grade of Gosollae thaaaa ctler o;ine. TOR BESCBirTIVE CIBCVIACS JLTTI.T TO PALMER & REY, Manufacturciii S13 Frcsesa, ti oi TtfioA, Cr. AWDEN S3 .ca psc l a .' UTESTPATEHTS WITH EUCTR3- BEST WPSDYEMEHTS. MASNETI" SUSPEKSCBY. s.; k truinr Wllif.l u 1m. rer' :-" CTeruifcliftB tit triia. Dr.r Lttt.cttrtt et ufsitilitftftUa, irtim.. I. l.n .... letr.. Utfir. rtbbfcU.B kidbfj ... t ca&t&lftU && but laisLfn iciai es. rtmTi I .Il.r 11 FF vc Mm 1 ti, 55? onruvT-" 7vjif m i thl. lcuicblt oosula. w4rfl lairn' ' bJIil.r,ftB4 rl. a cfirrrctust U UfiABi r I i utrtrtftrclifS,uuo, ul lll cr ii' ' tfUcut 1 ar J. Tt6ttit. tut eBrtd Tt lot. loTf Btloa ftfur 1 tiac r rtKtdU fs clTcfcs?4rt4. cIIuUbmUIiib ill. .i t uwi.rrU larsuitu it-inni! mh. trtMlWnTref.rdMiii,H K WITH il I Ui.'tli4drUru.truUIlJiaulUDialJi 6l4uilluuwirasfllU, ' faWV2xxirir xxx7BCrmxc3 co.. No, 173 Flrt St., PORTLAND, OR& VUiUiUCU'lKI Blacksmith, .,rVn