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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1892)
r'"ym&iKwff&? 1 i I f ' n?r ! w . -J M,2 EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. 1 -, X J .,j. 33$ VOL. 5. 'TILE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JTJNE 15, 1892. m TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. J4V l S HURD'S LATEST STATIONERY. 3 Large Cases Just ReceivedWe have the following styles: FIRST EMPIRE, TITIAN, OXFORD, POMPADOUR, IMPERIAL, COURTIER, ROYAL PURPLE, ALEXIA, POLONAISE, CLARICE. Wc invite the ladies of Salem to call and inspect this stock. We have a fine line to show you. This paper is all the rage in IN ew x ork. PATTOM'S stat Bteget Book PLEASANT Home You can buy property in on any terms. It is high and dry and cars and city water. Kemember it is within Postoffice or Court House. Over thirty lots sold this a e i One-half block south win Harritt -SUCCESSORS TO WELLER BROS. HEAD QUARTERS STAPLE ID MCI GROCERIES, At the old Stand, next door to Post Office.j H. GLASSFORD. CARPENTER, BUILDER AND CABINET MAKER, BANKS, STORES AND OFFICES FITTED UP IN, Georg'a Pine, Walnut, Cherry, Red Wood, Eic. MANTELS, BUTCHERS' AND FAMILY ICE BOXES, VIRE SCREENS. JOBBING ATTENDED TO. Rearof 2G0 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. NAILS LOCKS ! BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT Barr (I Pezel 214 & 21G Commercial St.. Salem. Garden Hose and Luwn Sprinklers. A complete line of Stoves and Tinware, Tin roollug and plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. PAPER HANGERS. HEAD QUARTERS. Allare jnvited to call at 143 Court street and look at all the late patterns in Wall Paper and get prices for same on the wall. E. C. SNOW, Decorator, with E. E. SNOW, House, Sign and Car riage PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Paper Hanging, Kalsorolning, Wall Tinting, etc. Varnishing and Natural Wood Finish. Only First-lass Work. E. E. S?OW. Remember the plane, 143 Court Street. f" A M fU f The place to get a Saddle horse, Livery r I II I ly S I rifr. Express, Dray or Truck, Wood, Hay, I VUIVLS Mill fee(1 or sooct well rotted Manure, load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on Ryan & Co., back of Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. RYAN & CO. Salem Truck & Bray Go, lem Iron works. Drays and truck- tho corner or maw auu uhuuwioihi !"""" B, F. DRAKE, Proprietor. SALEM IRON "WORKS, .... - OREGON. Purifier and fteels. Karm machinery infldt and repaired. C.N.CHIRCH.LL. T S. BURROUGHS. cnuitcmiiij & BURROUGHS, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. 100 Chemeketa Stieet. Sash and Door Factory Fronts Street, Salem, Oregon. The best- class of work in our line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the boat material used. B this most popular Addition has the advantage of street ten minutes walk of the spring. Call on iwj i a e lb of Bush's bank, up stairs. FOR RED STAR- ' HINGES Audition Mclntire. Plumbers and Tinners, DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for order. Bell and deliver wood, hay, coul and lumber. Of fi.m k!t,i(n Ht-.. nnnnilta Ka- may b found, throughout tin- day a T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent GET THE J.&M. LAWNMOWER In Three Sfccs. ALSO AN IMMENSE STOCK OF BUILDER'S HARD WARE AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS AT GRAY BROTHERS, N. W. CORNER STATE AND LIBERTY BTS., SALEM, OREGON. wmmpBiuiaBaawKiJi ce Cho Ed. C. Cross, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all Kinds, Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prmpt delivery to all parts of the city. i)o Court and 110 State Streets. bfl3S -SUCCESSOR TO- J. C. BROWN & CO. Have Re-opened at the Old Stand with the most complete stock in Salem of HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE, ROAD CARTS. -BUILDER'S HARDWARE 'A SPECIALTY - Contractors and builders can find here every article they need, in the most approyed and modern patterns. SUPERIOR STOVES All tho former customers of this House and the general trade are invited to G3SCJ!1lS.. dw J. M, Needham, HOUSE PAINTING, KALSO MINING, PAPER HANGING, NATURAL WOOD FINISHING. Leave orders J. Irwin's, roarofdmllh Bteluer's drug store. DUGAN BROS' HUM lUlUi U1IU JIUUU11C VVll u u Wholesale and retail dealim In STEAM AND PLUMBING GOODS. t) Commercial urcet. Telephone No. 33 For Sale. TlireelotH in Norlh ralem on street car line, lo 21 acres lrult lund about 3 mile" t.ifct of Balein. Call on 0. 1. (MBKIELSO.V, Htato Insurance Olllce NEW DAILY MAIL STAGE Between Aurora, lintteville, Cliuinpocg, St. Paul and Fairfield. Leaves Aurora dally at lth30 a. m. Ar. rive at KalrflHd a P. in. Iliturnlng leave Kasrdeld al 1 p. rn. Arrive at Chainpoe at Xurora. via Hutlevllle.atS a. m. Loa jock Wlthinorulnjw, f.Co. train eoluif north and south. luengtx, haunto and freight carried at regular ratwi. rvlc.beMdayjicMT Store. ivieats. KqspwwoewBiiOBiav n mith AND RANGES. call. We will treat you Avell. SgEMBZXTCBL, 248 Commercial Htreet. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 'franract a genoral banking busluesn lu all Its branclieH. GKO. WILLIAMH ITeslden Wu. RNULAMJ Vlco I'resldent JiUUll iluNAHY Cashier DIKKCrOKS: Geo. Wllllamfi.Wm. Kng land, Dr. J. A. Hlclmrdnon, J. W. llodHon. J, A. linker. Hank In new KxcuanK block on Com mercial street. H-1M! Authorized Capital $600,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Halem, Oregon. W. A. CUsrciC. l'reH. V. V. MAHTIN, Vlco l'rts. J. Ji. Al'UKUr, Cannier. Htato, County and Olty WurranU bought atl'.ir. dw tmi'iiovi:i) oitoi:ii ok nun mkn. J Kilial.ikun IrlbeNo.H, Halem. JlolilH council every Thuntday evening, at 7.30. Wigwam In Mttta InKunmca hall, K. C. liAKKIt, I'rophet. K114NK (1. WATKHH, thief of IteoordK. Those Afflicted With thchabli;ol ulng to excean, LIQUOR, OPIUM OR TOBACCO Can obtain a COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE AT Til K KEELEY INSTITUTE Komit drove, Or., Cr.U write. Htrlctlr conndentlul D.C.SHERMAN, U, H, fen ik n ana Claim agent. f.O Box 5bl,abu), Oreou. Deputy UouUy ClerV Vrtli :or bla-iki. w VKOrKSSIONAI CARDS. J J. SHAW, t. W. HUNT. 8IIAW A , HUM", attorneys at lnw. Offleoover Capital National bank, Salem, Oregon. GEO. II. MUUNETT, Attorney at lnw, Salem, Oregon. OIllco over Ladd A Bush's bank. 1 T.IUCIIAIIDSON, Attorney nt lnw, ), olllce up stairs In front rooms of new urIi block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Halem, Oregon. JOHN A. CARSON, Attorney nt lnw. Kooms 3 ana 4, Lndd & Hush's bnnk building, Salem, Uregeu. 8 1 lyr B. F. 110KUAM. W. U. HOLMha. BoNliAU & II01.MKS. Attorneys nt law. Olllce In Hush's block, between suto nud Court, onC'om'ltjt, rillLMON KOKU, nttorncy nt law, Salem, L Oregon. Ufllce up-eUilrs In ration's block. BH. BUAD?UAV,1'IIY8I0IAN AND . Siirpeon, b.ilem, Oregon, ouico In Kiarldgo block, upvtnlrs over Williams -ft Kuelnud'g bnnk. itesldence corner male und a. K. corner Winter street. T7- II. YOUNG, it. V., Olllce formerly V . occupied by Dr. itowlnud, corner Court nud Liberty streets. Telephone. No. 45. Ufllce heurs: 8 a. m. to 12; 2 to 4 p. m., nnd 7 to 9 p. in. ltesldeuco lMli street on electrlo car Hue. Tclcphono No. 0, M OAFISH A HHOOKS. l'hyslclnus and Burgeons, Murphy block, up stairs, Commercial street, iMilcin, Or. TK. W. S. MOfT, pbelclnu nnd sur J geon. Ofllro In Lldrldgo Ulock, Sr turn, Oregon. OIllco hours 10 to in a. in, 2 to 4 p. in. 1 H.l,HlLUUOOK,M.D.,Hoineopathlst. U, OUlco 155 Court stietlj KeMduiico 317 High street. OeLoiul practice. Special nttontlon clveu to dlseabou of Women and children. DH. MINTA 8. A. DAVIS. OIllco hours, n. m. toll ii. in.; 2 p. m, lo & p. in, luy or night callH promptly attended to. Special attention given to dli-ciscs of wom en and children. Olllce lu Amr Hunk lllk., M Commerelul street. ItCNldiuce same. DU. T. O. BMITII. Dentlst.OJ Blnle strcot, Salem, Or. Finished dental opera tions ol every description. Painless opera tions a specialty. T D.rUQH, Architect, l'Jnns, Spec! VV . Ucitlons and supcrlntoudence lot all classes of bulldlugs. OIllco Sh) Com- merclal bt., up slnli-x. OA, ItOUKHT, Archittct,ioom421,tar . quam building, Portland, Oregou. nu.-iiNi:-y OAllIM. HOKYE & MILIA, l'roprletors the 1'orco lain Hathnndshalugl'.irlor8, Have tlie only Porcelain Bath Thus lu tho olty. aw Commercial street, halem, Oregon. CJPKAGUK & ALLKN. Blacksmiths nnd O horcshoclug and repairing. Only the best workmen employed. Opposito State Insurance building B.BSIlTlIACO-.Coulinctors, Sewor A. lne. Cement Hldewnlks, Kxcivatlnj, Etc: All work promptly done, Salem, Or. Leave orders with Dusau Bros. 4:16-lin PJ. LAIISKN A CO,. Manufacture of nil . kluds of vehicles. Itcpalrlng a special ly. Shop 45 Utato street. OAKPET-LAYING. 1 make a specialty ot carpet-sewing nnd laying; carpels taken up and rolaid with great aire. Lcnvo oitfera with Burcn&Bcn r Whlto Corner. J. G.LUHUMAM. JOHN KNIGHT, Jlaeksmltli. Horso shoeing and repairing a specialty. Shop H the foot of Liberty street, Salem, Ore iron. 2.SUSf MONEY TO LOAN. Spec lal Inducements for tho next 30 days on good farm loans. FEAR & HAMILTON, Boom 14, Hush Hank block. 5 12dw Capital City lldnt Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r, WarmMeak at All Hours ol the flay None but whlto labor employed lu thb establishment. A good substantial meal cooked In first. class style Twenty-five ceuts per meal, T-t JC D irRON T Conn Mrut, between Opera .House and Mlnto's Livery THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OliEGOm Kates, $2.50 toM3.00 ior Day. The best hotel between Portlnud and San Francisco. Flrst-ilnM lu all 1U apiiolut' menu. 1U tables are herved vltu the Choicest limits Urown'Jn tho Wllbimctto Volly. A, I, WAGNER, Prop. .7APANJSST?, ran l,e CURB AnewnndC)mj)leto J'nalmunl, utnslst Ing of suppositories, ointment In cijihiiIcs, also a box aud pills; a kmIUo euro for ex ternal, Internal, blind or bliudlng. Itching, chronic, recent or hereditary l'llee, and many other dUeasts and female weak liesues it Is always a great benefit lo tho general health. 11m llrst (lUunery ol n medical etiru rendering an oratl(m with the knife unni-rcHsury herealler. This remedy has never bemi kitowii to full, II per box. U for (5; ben I by mall. Why suffer from this terrlblo dlseusu when a written guarantee Is given with u boxes, to refund the money II not cured Hcud stamp for Irec sample. Uuurp nice Issued by Wooimud, Cj.akkk & Co., wholesale unci retail drug glsU, sole agents, Portland, Or. 6 S-l)-Iw J. H. HAAS, TILE V-ATOnrAKER, 2IJX Ccmmorclil St., ilm, Oregon, (Next door to Klein's.) Hpcclalty ol Hiiectaclox, and repairing ClorkH. vvaiches aud Jewelry. E. O. CROSS, and Packer IMale HU anil Court Bt-Thn best meat delivered to all partt of the city. JED. K!. Ed-A-LL, PaDer HanKorand Decorator, Ufhce at CbssTUalyert's illlllonwy ait, nuiciu, vifgon THE CAPITAL JODBHL HOFER BROTHERS, - Editors, PUBLISHED DAILY.EXCEFVSUNDAY BY TUB Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Offlce, Commercial Street, In P. O. Building butercd at the postoffloo nt Salem, Or., as sitond-clcs matter. LITERARY NOTES. Olio of tho interestiuR literary nunuuucuuiouts of tho sprlug Beasoti Is that of ii uow novel by Dorothea Gerard, the popular author of Ortho dox, etc., aud the jolut author of A Sensitivo Plaut nud Reatn. The now book, which bears tho Btriklug tltlo of A Queen of Curds aud Cream will bo published Bhortly iu Apple tons Town aud Country Library. Tho twenty-seventh volume of tho Magazine of American History closes with tho June issue, bringing Its customary elaborate Index for the benellt of scholars. Edward F. do Laucey writes one of tho best ar ticles lu the current number, entitled "Kiug George's personal policy lu England, which forced his subjects lu America, against their wishes, Into a successful revolution." This scholarly paper Is worth careful study as showing how easily au ar bitrary aud injudicious ruler can wreck a prosperous government. George III. was young and head strong, aud he meant to govern, not merely reign. He kept British allalrs in toustaut turmoil to carry oat his ideas of absolute power, by which means ho lost h'is American colonies forever. Tho departments aro well tilled, and the index illus trates the remarkable success of this magnziue lu its choice f precious material for permanent preservation Subscription price, 5.00 a jear. Published at 743 Broadway, New York. With their usual appreciation of tho demands of their patrons, Messrs. A. McDowell & Co., aro still work ing hard lo further Improve their fashion journals and to bring them closer, if possible, in touch with Paris aud its latest styles. Willi this end In view Mr. A. McDowell has just left for Europe Intending fully to spare neither time nor money iu adding uow features to tho firm's publications, "Paris Album of Fash ion" and "La Mode do Paris;" with Uheso two a premium Is given to all subscribers for ono year paying $3.60 in advance, In tho form of a highly useful work, called "Dressmaking Simplified." These journals In con junction with tholr others, "La Couturiero" and "La Modo," make a list of publications that nro be. youd competition, because tholr styles are not reproductions but orig inals mado up in Paris and como out ono month earlier than other fashion journals. Messrs. A. McDowell & Co., 4 West 14th street, New York, bog to call attention to tho now nud artistic covers they have lind de signed for their journals; these aro thu best work of their best artists, aud wo havo no hesitation iu say ing that tho contents of these jour nals being of fiiich a very high class make the exceptionally lino covers very appropriate. Tho message to pupils recently Is sued by tho oxccutlvo committee- of tho National Columbian Public School Celebration speaks n vigorous word lo every ono of tho several million American boys nud girls. How far the word will havo ellect depetids upon each Individual boy aud girl. Onco onllstcd In tho movement they will feel tho stimu lus that comes from being lu a great movement, oiu of a mighty mass, working for a common end. When that end Is the glory of such a coun try us ours, Ih It not worth a little wicrillco? Wo hope that the pupils lu our public schools will bo as enter prising lu moving In this matter as those In any other placo in tho stnto. Our schools should move with equal step on that day with all other school throughout tho Republic. Falluro to participate In this na tional demonstration will doubtless bo causu for regret In later years to nil pupils who permit themselves to bo left nut. Fruit Culture. Delivered atO.ilc Plain Orange, No. 0, June II, IhW. By J, L. WIkIo, There Is no branch of labor of forty years ago of which the system then, or thu practical ktiowledgo of that ago will compare with thu same brunches of labor, lt system nnd the practical knowledge of those en gaged In that bruuuh of labor at tho present day, except It bo tho culture of fruit. Thu products of tho farm nnd tho comfort derived from furm labor havo kept paco with tho Improve ments used for feeding and harvest ing In tho labors of tho field, The Htockmun cud show better grades of stock, and with his Improved grade he presents to us too, u care for them In proportion to tho grade, Our school rooms uro better, better school books, showing that with tho advancement cf Intellect, tho Intel lectual culture keeps upace, Thu nursery gives us new variety of fruits more plcusaut to look upon, richer fruits, than of forty years ago, but hlas when wo walk in the orchard Highest of all in Leavening Power. s&m ABSOLUTELY PURE nud see tho dying trees, tho un pruned, or worse, if possible, tho llly-pruncd trees, tho fact is mani fest. Tho model farmer delights In walkiug over his farm, nailing on a board, opening a ditch, casting out everything that Is a hlndrauco to beauty nud usefulness. Tho stook tnaii Is dally seen with his flocks feeding them, caring for them, nud even fondling them, nnd if ono In the llock receives not his attention, that ono brings him no protlt. Tho mind of tho youth Is fed, petted and trained, but the mind that re ceives no attention, no care, no tralnlug, how deplorable tho fact, how unfortuuato that human sou), n drone In socloty, a vacuum in humau klud, or a fiend among men. Is It n painted picture I ofler to your view today, or is it a fact proven in all of tho branches that be only Is successful, who gives his at tention to his employment which receives the husbandman's care, that Is feeding tho moving millions. Is there n key to successful labor? Doe.i It not consist in the mind being lu harmony with tho labor? Is It not true that tho mind that is not working In harmony with tho hand caunot produco n fruit that will show in tho market, with his whole heart aud hand Is iu his business? Tho orohardist who loves his or chard, will make his dally walks among his trees. If there Is a blight or decay, he will search out the enemy, If n tree Is lenniug, ho will prune tho heavy bUIo nud stake it. If an improper growth Is noted from tho roots, or elBowhore, ho will re move It. Does n tree droop ho will prune to nn Inner bud, and thus In cline it upward, does It grow too stately ho prunes to an outward hud, and makes it into n top mpro spread ing. Is there an over abundance of fruit, ho thins out tho Interior, is there a barrenness, he keeps tho branches well cut back preparatory for another year, Is there n tree void of growth or fruit ho will look for tho cause, oven to tho digging up of tho tree, removing the old soil, prun ing tho roots, nnd filling in with now soil. All theso things nnd mora will bo attended to. Every thing that Is detrimental to the growth nnd fruiting of a treo, his care sees to, avoiding ranking bruises and ugly wounds, whlou nro slow to heal. Brothers do you lovo your or chutds? If not give thorn over to some who does. Unless you can learn to lovo thu business, you will uover glvo It tho proper care, nnd yourcilorts will bo n continued fail ure. Better glvo tho orchard field Into other hands, nud yournttentlon to uomo employment where heart and hand are a unit. Deserving frniso Wo desire to say to our citizens, that for years wo havo neon selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Buckleu's Arnica Salvo and Electrlo Bitters, and hnvo never handled remedied that soil as well, or that havo given such universal satisfact ion. Wo do not hesitate to guarau too thorn every tlmo, und wo staud ready to refund tho purchase price, If satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies hnvo won tholr great popularity purely on their merlin. Dan'l. J. Fry, Drug gist, 2H5 Com.l St. Notlco to Ooutractora and Builders. Wo are now Bulling sand for bus iness houses at $1 per load; resident houses in elty limits f 12.5 per load, aud other prices In equal proportion payable at tho end of every month. Wo uro tho lowest nnd glvo tho best accommodations. o-13-tf Goedhui: & Caiiill. - Removal Notlco. Dr. K, B. Phllbrook has removed ills residence from Court street to 181 State, opposite Court House square. Ills ofilco will also bo there on and utter Juno 2d. 0 1 td Absolutely (lie llest. "I novor hesitnto to recommend Chumberlulu's Cough Remedy as absolutely tho best," says air, F, B. Kemp,asslstant business manager of tho Youugstown, Ohio, Dally Telog ram ono of tho most Influential aud valuable newspapers In tho Jluokoyo statu. Mr. Kemp nlso says; "I havo found it a certain cure for thu cough usually following an attack of tho grippe, and always keep u bottle of it in thu house." 60 cent bottles for sale by G. E. Good, Druggist. Ilupkleu's Arulca Half e. Tho Best Salve U tho world for CuU, llruuei, Horts. Ulcers, Salt Jtheum, Fever Bores, TtlU'r,C'binpa J lands, Chilblains, Corns and all bUu Bruplloiu, und posi tively cure Piles, or no pay required. It U guaranteed to L'tve pertoet sutUOetloa or money refunded. Price, 'J6 cento Vr box, JTor sale by Dan'l J. Pry, aw CoialiH. Latest U. S. Gov't Food X Baking Powder m A NARROW ESCAPE-' TIio Mare Island Acciilcwt The Claims Against Chili. EXCITING RACE TOR LITE. Fanic-Stricken Passengers on Bowrd a Sinking Steamer. New York, Juno 15. Tho side. wheel steamboat John C. Euimou Bnult at the pier nt College Point, Long Island, Sunday night, while on tho way from Whltestone to tbto city with a party of excursionist. Those on board tbo steamer bd narrow escape from drowning, ami , had it not been for the presence of mind of Captain William Clapper, many of those on the Emmone would have undonbtedly gone to the bottom. Sunday morning the Sm monB started out with 50 excursion ists aboard, bound for Whlteston. Tho steamboat was rapidly skim ming over the water on the return trip and had reached a point on the sound half way between Whltestone and College Point when she struck a -rock. A holo wus'cut hi tho bottoinj and she begau to fill rapidly. Those ou board were panicky, and created considerable confusion nnd fright In their efforts to get Hfe-preservere. Captain Clapper nud his crew handed out life-preservers, aud helped many of tho nervous persona aboard to adjust them. Tho life bonts nnd life-rafts of the steamer were made ready for launching. Tho steamcj had been cutting through the water, and was rapidly getting in sight of College Point when it was noticed she was begin-, nlng to settle. The water began; to ponr over the free board, setting -the deck furnishing floating about. Tho steamer was going uuder a -full head of steam. Her passengers recognized that It was a racejbt ' tween life and .death life if thevee sel managed to make College Point dock, death at least to some if she fell short of her destination. Thoee on board calmly watched their" im pending fato. Nearer and nearer approached the steamer to the pier, until she was within 50 feet of .It. AU tho timosho had been sinking deeper into the water; the hissing of steam was heard as the water rushed down into tho engine-room, pro claiming that there was only a few seconds to spare. The Emmons reached the dock, allowing sufficient tlmo for tho passengers and crew to disembark before sinking. The smokestack nnd pilot-house alone re-, malned abovo water. The Mare Island Accident, c San Fiiancisco, Juno 15. En sign J. L, Jayne, formerly of the Charleston, late of tbo Iroquois, end now on detached duty en route too Portland to Join tho coast survey lleot, said last night: - :, "In my opinion, tho cause of the explosion at Mare Island will' never bo known. Tho shells for the Bos ton were oval in form. They ere hollow of courso. aud the apertuw through which tho powder, k 'in troduced Is nt tbo top or oval end "of thu shell, tho base being solid. The shells aro rnado to enrry Jusfeo much powder, and this 1b measured out and poured Into them. SoBte times it happens that the powder needs a slight packing in order that the full required quantity may ' be loaded Into tho shell, When this is (ho enso tho powder is packed with n wooden rammer. When the shell Is filled tho aperture Is closed by percussion fuse, tho cap of which Is so arranged that it cannot be s ploded without first being turned 'so as to connect with the fuse. ''This cap Is uover turned until the shell t loaded into tho gun, so if the shell was dropped tweuty times it could.. not bo exploded unlesn the omf should bo acctuentaiiy turned. TBtt is hardly posslblo, owing to the ns ' chunical arrangement of the esp. Now ubout tho men loading tits shells. They go into the nlUac room of thu magazine In charge of thu gunner, a warrant officer of 'Um vessel. They are examined let rvint,fina nr ntlifir nvnlnolOxui &im going Into the magazine. It mejre'('i1 that a seaman in ramming the dor lu the shell caused the exi by friction, but I dou't think so. $yj havo no theory to oflr.' The Claims Agal&st OUU. Ban Fuanoisoo, June 16. F. . leyne Orr, the attorney selor of this olty, who has the cases of a number of l of the cruiser Baltlmoe, who Imprisoned aud otherwise i ed iu Chill duriug the iu that eewitry, km Tilwrxsl , WashlugwB, whew be 1 .- ? ,j