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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1892)
MUtt Hi ipm&A Investigation of tuejalloraln thomlndaof theealloruof W crimen ll not enftblo liim tliecniuan nnvy ami uie popuincc ,ny jaore pntlsfaetory ac- of Valparaiso are bo abundant and of hs origin than between various as to leave no uouut in me ifctti naSfom. Ho then quota mind of anyone who will examine I Ifcrttwiony of Apprentice Tiil'iott the papers mibuiltted, as it maul- liie trouble originated in a feated llsoir 111 tne tnreatcniiig anu i wllor'a spitting In Talbotfs insulting gestures toward our men tot whtithTalliott knocked blm ' as they pawed tho Chilian men-of- jHMHw. KlJlL iti iwimu TiHjn followed the general o Talbott and Rkglo, with tmmW already known. to nothing In tho report Chilian investigation made to KerIouly inipeachen this to ti lt appears from the Chilian that almost Instantly, with uncus that strongly Implies station and preparation, a mob, by the p llce authorities, at m time td bo tho number of 2000 at another 1000, engaged in an t on the sailors, who are repre- d as replying with stones, clubs Wm sldearms. The report or the in- nto of October 30th states that Ught began at 0 p. m., in three U which are named; that In- .....l.... ... .ArtAlnwl At tllfl Iffl. nmuuu woo ictwr "" "- laencia ai u:io, unu mat iuu iwuce arrived on the sane at 0:30, fully jlf an hour after tho assault began &t tnai lime, no Bays, a muu ui ww hkn had collected, and that for seye M squares there was the appearance fa battle-field. The scenes at this feint ure very graphically set before jaby the Chilian testimony. The auerlcau sailors, who, after bo long examination, had not been Sund Kullty of any breach of the ce, go far as the Chilian author!- a w.ra nliln in (ilsrvivur. unarmed 4nd defenseless, are fleeing for their iilvm nnrnii(il tiv overwhulmiui! ..-, " - mbera, and tlghtlog only to gain ir escape from death or succor whosj llfo was in a greater II. Eighteen of them are brutally Hn'd and beaten, while one Han B-m8 from the report to iuvu suffered some luiurv. but how wrkUfl, or with what diameter ol pou, or wnoiuor oy m issue or wn by our men or by some ol iltfe fellow rioters, is unascertained. "JJfee preteuso that our men wete htlugwith stones, clubs or sldi ife, in view of those facts, Is In- Kwodlble. It la further refuted b-, ito fact that the prisoners, when Marched, were absolutely without arms, only seven penknives being found in the possession of tho men Mrrcsted, whilo then were received by olir men nioro than thirty stab woun Is, every ono of which was Inflicted in tho buck. Almost every contused wouud was on the back of tho head. The evi.lenco of (ho ship' oifltrof the day Is tliut oven the icfe-knfes of tho men were taken ,from them before leaving the ship. As to the brutal nature of the treut- Bient received by our men, tho presi dent quotes nu extract from an oc- )0ount given of tho atlalr by Lit tmnnot bo regarded as too friendly. it tells how our meii wore pursued with stones and missiles and beaten down, as has already been told many times. Tho tuosaago continues that ao Amount of evasion or subterfuge jta abb to cloud or clear tho vision of this brutil work. It should be un titled in this connection tho Ameri can Bailors arrested, ufterau oxuinln- jtilon, wore during four days follow ing arrest every ono discharged, no ciiango of any breuuh or other crlin- lim-l oondnet luviug been sustained against a single ono of them. Judge nf Crimen Foster In n nolo to tho Intendeute, uuder duto of t October 23, btforo tho dispatch from una government oi iuu loiiuwiug day, which uroiucd Ilia authorities ,f Chill to a bttter Heusu of tho gravity of nilMrs, sny: 'Having provided nvor this court temporarily in regard to the Bvuiiutii yl tho United Btutes cruiser Dultl- ;ore, wno liuvo been tiled on no- count of the deplorablo conduct which took p'aoe, etc.' Tho noticeable point here Is that our sallow had been tiled before the JJ of October ami the dial resulted iu their acquttUil and return to the vMel, Itlttnulto remurkublo and Hecharaoterlhtlu of the niumigo. ut of this uilalr of tho trial ofthe Cdlltau pollco tiuthorllles that we pitould now bo ndvhed that ticamau Vldsori, of tho llitllliuori', had toen Included In an Imlloiiuoiit. A.TfLu nfltknhi ItllK. Ll .ttaiij f liiitm IX'tiwn abla to ascertain, that ho at- r O.4'!101' to uruntl ,l Rlilpumtv against ma assailant who was Hlnklng him wkh a knife. A Krfeot vludkuitlon 'ik CVIIK ffttAll IU rilMlliltlfil llU llll 1-ik mjPWH vmu '"ij in ium n will umw guilty or a criminal tutiit and JUukt foe an net clearly JustllU-d. Ah uie part lauen uy mo police in Hllulr, tho ctuio made by Chili is t far from. satisfactory. The itolut ltlgglu w killed U only tuluutc' walk from the police UtloH. and pot moro than twlco bat vi!taucc from tho lutoudenela, 'MMl yot, according to thulr ufllelai Hfxirt, full half nu hour paused after 8u!t began twruro tho Millco on tho ferxumd. It has been that all nut two or our men liHW?polloedld their duty. evidence taken at Maio lalutul m, tutt irsuoli ati'temeut was fiom our nun, it wa pluhfd by requiring them to writing in a lauguogo luy mt understand, and by thvlr tation mat U was a I war In their boats, and the derisive and abusive epithets with which thev creeled every annearance of the American snlfora. On tne even ing of the riot Captain Bchlcy reports that boats from tho Chilian warships several times went out of their conrse to croe tho bows of ins boats, Compelling them to back water. lie complained of the dls courtesy, and It was corrected. That this feeling was shared by men of higher rank is shown oy the incident related by Burgeon Btltt, of tho Baltimore, after the battle of rincllla, where he w Ith other medical officers of the war vestals In tho harbor were giving voluntary assistance to tbo wounded In the hospjtuls. The son of a Chilian army officer of high rauk was under his care,and when the fatherdiscoveiedlthofiew Into a passion, and said ho would rather have his son dfo than have Americans touch him, and at olice had Ids son removed from the ward riil feeling was not well concealed dl the dispatches of the foreign ifilcc, and had quite an open expres .ilon in disrespectful treatment of 'ho American legation. Tho Chilian bout men, In a barcfaoed manner, refused, oven after large ofiers of money, to return our sailors, who crowded tho mole, to their ship when they were endeavoring toe .jnpo from the city on the night of tho assault. A market boat of the Oaltlmoro was threatened, and even qutto reconlly the gig of commander KvaiiH, ofthe Yorktown, wan stoned whilo walling Tor him at tho mole. Tho ovldeiico of our sailors clearly allows tho attack was expected oy he Chilian people, that threats bad been made against our men, and that in ono cane somewhat early io tho afternoon the keeper of a house Into which some of our men had gone, closed tils establishment in anticipation of an attack, which ho advised them would bo made upon them as darkness cunio on. In the report of Captain Bchley t tho navy department ho says: "In tho only interview that I had with Judge Foster, who was Investigating tho caso ro'ativo to tho disturbance, be fore ho waf aware of the entire grav ity of tho matter, he Informed mo the assault upon my men was the outcome of hatred for our peoplo among tho lower classes, becauso they thought wo sympathized with Ilahuaceda, on account of tho Ituta matter, whether with reason or without, ho could of course, not M'lnilt. but Hiirh. hn thought was tho explanation of tho assault. At that time several of our men sought security from tho mob as such com ploto or partial changes In their dress as would conceal tho fact of their being soamou of tho Baltimore, oud found It thou possible to walk tho streets without molestation. Those incidents couclushely estab lish that tho attack upon tho uni form of tho nationality, and upon the men tho origin of tills feeling was probably found In the rofusul of i this govornmout to give recognition to tho congressional party before It had established itself; in tho seizure of tho Itata for alleged violation of neutrality, In tho cablu Incident and lu tho charge that Admiral Ilruwn had conveyed Information to Val paraiso of tho landing at Qulntoroa It Ih not my purpose to enter her o any defense of tho notion of this government lu these matters. Mmimsmimfm& m liihflftri EaflttU atam"-' fflPRK'QPflVnflNPl? Imiwrtancotook place at the meeting VUIUUMI yiWiflW). I wtmlever relative to tho Chilian IIe(o Correspondence. NOTHING OFFICIAL FROM CHILI YET. The Committees on Foreign Af fairs Hold Sessions but Nothing is Done. Other News, Etc i" CUTS THK THIIOAT OK ANOTlllIK, M km I'll IB, Jun. O.Mlfs Alice Mitchell yesterday aftoruooh mur dered Mlw Freda Ward, by cutting her throat with u rsmr. Tho tit od was done lu u oro wd A street, Both young hulli'h were Oaugktcra of wealthy and Influential parents. It Is believed that "Mlsa Mitchell committed the crhuo becauso she hid heard allegations to the cllect that Miss Ward, her former friend, had made remutJtiH of a deeldedlv iinconipllmoutary naturo regarding her. AM. UUlMHNtt AND MA.S ABS'N. Cimoaoo, Ills., Jan. 20. St. Paul Bjcclal sayw: Tho Btato Bank ICxaiulner has reported to tho gov ernor on tho uUalro of thu American Uuildiug and Loan ussoetatiou hav ing OHsotH alleged to reauh eloven millions, and has patrons located In every htalo of tho Uiiluu. Tho Ex aminer report is to tho elloct that (ho nmuttuto of tho association Is held at u llellelous value, Tho re port also aaya extensive loans have bieu niado ou Washington state realty, which lo-uin tv with ncu. mulated Interest lu oxcckh of the awM'A valuatlou of tho jroperty. niHAKTjuniH vim:. Coi.trjimm, Ohio, Jan, ftt. Tho matt dls&slrou 11 ro Columbus has ever experienced, occurred this morning. A small blum started lu tho largo brlok building un tho cor uorofllleh ami High streets, nud by uoon tho entire bbn-k from Illch strvet to Walnut, and from High to Wall wn fliul lYiviul WVMiMnlmiutl- IllVr j , , " .!"' tlmtthoy had taken no """" ai muug, wcnpiou vj -jnniii,i a iruiuci nunc ami JIOOfeB WANTS AVU WASHiNaxoN, Jau. i. In tho houso this morning, Breckenrldgo of Kentucky, asked for Immediate consideration of the resolution ask' ing the president to communicate to tbo house all tho correspondence ofthe United States, ita minister to Chill and tho Chilian government, n t communicated ta congress with the message heretofore sent in. NOTHING- VV-TO 11 A. M. Washington, Jan. 20. Up to 11 o'clock this morning Becretary B aino has not received any word from Chill as reported lu the )us( 8 intlago dispatch to have been sent from that country. It is expected tobocommunlcatedthrougliMiiilster Montt who has not yet called or been heard from on the subject Tho delay is however perfectly ex plicablo by tho amount of lime required to translate the cipher dis patch. Into ordinary Spanish and then into Eugllsh and also by the fact olllolal calls are nob commonly miida in Washington before the middle of tho day. CHIM 1IACKH IHIV7N. Santiago dk Chjm, Jan. 20. The i.liiltnn govciunieut nascent a reply U tiio ulllmatuui of the United States. The reply isiu etlect as follews: Chill agrees to withdraw tho ottVnMvfMioto fent bv Mmla to all Chilian ministers ubuma, nud acknowledges that its ishoaoce was due t an error of Judj'riieiii, Chill also withdraws lit utiiun for the withdrawal of United BUtcs JMInl? lor Ettau. In addition io this, the Chilian government In jiuswu", pro poses that tho uilalr of the attack on the Baltimore sailors In Valparaiso bo submitted to tho arbitration of some netitinl nation. If hls propo sition Is notacceptaUe to liie United States tho Chilian jcovorni aent sug gests that tho loatter bo submitted to thn supremo court of tho United Btatc. tiik OAniNin atKirr.iNO. Washington, Jan. 20. Tho cab inet met promptly at 11:80 toduy, and devoted nearly the ontlro ten sion to the discussion of the Chllau controversy. AH tho niembers wero present excjt Elltlus and Foster. That tl Chlliuu pialter was under coiniwbratfon Is proved by the fact that. i mexsenger from tho stato deparliuent brought about i dozon coplevf tho on tiro Chilian correspoudonco to tho White houso about nooii and they wero taken Into the nabluet room at once. ScorotasyBlrdno was aaketl if a reply to tlte president's ultimatum iiad beou received from Chill, and he BaW nouo yot had been received to. fttr as ho was aware. , U Urn dUlurbanoa. itwwiiit ifcCrea, who ocUd as sr, Miysiu hU uvldfuco that i Mir wMtoiK wrexttinued he- tUt eowrt the qubjeit of the f thu itnlfiv Una iftA mn. VteMhtbe ivponed Ihe wh nuy in.umi. to Captain galley on lit rvtutn 4Vt fimA, Kv(eirjes of the I n o Ihf Oregon Inm CoBipany'a iun&lfv Inu-ntii mir list OB tmtm two. hoo fautyary. Tho Audover House was ihuiiexlono Io txini. A large force of women tt employed in the building, and Imd u narrow ea Cttixj from death, 'tvtnl lose, over 9t n!Bo(Mty towotd wti rr'' list H.t lwo' WIIX1NG to sumiir. Nrw Yohic, Jou. 20. A private dlspatuli scut at 0:45 a. in. today to Valparaiso Is there anything ofllclal confirming the arbitration ? Produced this reply: Yes wo nro willing to forego tho descisiou of tho Valparaiso Judge and submit to Ihe supremo court at Watulugtou without further resort or to arbitration. NOTHING OFFICIAL. Washington, Jan. 20. Tho latest phase of the Chilian situation as described In last night's dle- patohs from Santiago is tho solo topic of discussion among membera of congress today. There Is u general feeling of relief on all hands on what Is looked upon as Uie begin ning of a peaceful ending of the controversy. In the absence of ofllclul informa tion, many souatora uud representa tives went chary of expressing their view sou the matter. The funeral ctiucousug of opinion waa that the answer pubmtltcd If authentic was satisfactory to thu United Status nud all that could bo demanded. Tho only point mentioned lu out ultimatum not covered by the dig- patch as the demand for an unol ogy ou this point thotulmwxlou that Matta'a note was an error of Judg ment and tho promise of Its with drawal Is cout-ldered to bo lu tho nature nf an apology. It U gouerally conceded the propo sition to refer to foreign arbitiatlon or to tho decision of the United MtutiWI ulltiMIIIM iwiMtrl Ittit UlttiPak libit-1 lliiatri) inulilmit. In ti nrutOftItltinl which eauuot la well rejected, by this government. There was one jKiltit lu the dispatch from Santiago, however that is boniowlutt mystify lug to alt, and that is why the Chil ian government should deem It iitveNiury to recede from Us request for the withdrawal of MluUter Egn, tluce that is not one of the demauds contained In thenltunntuui of the United States, thlcouc!slou was not exectvd, OOMUtTTK ON VOKKION AVPAIKS. W.vsiiinoton, Jan 20, The u. ate ciuumlttiHi ou forvku relntlousl held a short luforiiml Mtwuoa thU . . . utatter. It is under t'od If any re- Tfio HoHse Asks for tiio Com-'iHlndeTeerioTruwiiimX i ' " doiie until the president receives an answer to his demand made In his ultimatum to Chili. Washington, Jan. 20, At the request of the tnemljcrs of the hnuce foreign iitfulrs committee, aspeclsl meeting was called today for the purKo of considering the jirff.1 deut's message on the Chilian eon trovcryr and accouinaiiyingoorrts IKindeucc. There was an informal dlKCosslouof a very general charac ter but no conclusion was reached. MOKK COKHEBPONlJEKCg. Washington, Jan. 20.--The lact pari of the correspondence between Allnliler Egan and this government win Ivpii ut yesterday. Januiirv 20th, Egan reported that I be minister of foreign aflalre prom Ned blm, in the course of an Inter view several days before, regarding tbo withdrawal of Matta'a dispatch, to consult with his colleagues and return the reply in another inter view. He aays this prom!s6 Is not yet fulfilled, and asks whether th3 telegram has beep withdrawn in Washington in terms entirely satis factory to President Harrison and Mr. Blaine, ns tiio correspondent of the Xew York Herald and so told the under secretary. On January 21st Becretary Blaine telegraphed to Egan the president's conclusions upon the whole case, which are quoted in the president's ines-iage to congress. Tho dispatch said: We have given every oppor tunity to tho government of Chill to prrtent any explanatory or mitigat ing facts, and have had duo regard o the fact that the government of Chili was for u considerable part of the time, since October Will, upon a provisional basis. I am further di rected by the president to say that his attention has been culled to the note of Instruci Ions sent by Malta, secretary of foreign nilalrs, to you. Mr. Montt vcrj j-rudently, and I mustfeuppose, frcm a just fee use of t he offensive nature of the dlpatches, refrained from communicating It officially to this government, I ut, in view of tho fact that Moutt vas directid to give it to the pies of this country, and it was given the widest possible publicity through out the world, this government must take notice of it. You are Iherpfnro directed to fay to the Chil ian government that the expression therein importing untruth aud in sincerity to the president aud to the secretary of the navy in their ofil clal communications to the congress of the United States aro in tho high est degree oflensivo to this govern ment. The president was disposed to regtird the dispatches referred to as Indicating a purpose to bring nlmnt, a suspension of diplomatic relations. I am now, however, di recled by the president to eay that if the ofleuslve parts of the dispatch of the 10th of December are nut at onto withdrawn, aud Hiltnble apol ogy offered with the samo publlcliy given to tho ofleuslve oppression, be will have no other course open to him except to termluato diplomatic lelalloiis with tlo government of Chili. Mr. Montt, lu his note of Jau. 20th, advised that lie had been dincttd by his government to in form tiio government of tho United States, you aro not persona grata to tho government of Chile, aud to request your recall. 8KNATIJ IMIHCKKMNGS. Washington, Jan. 20. It was evident at the ceuato end of the capitol yesteidoy that a largo num ber of American citizens had come to tho conclusion that they could "sulfl" tho battle from afar, as there was a very largo attendance lu the galleries when assembled. U. inline business was proceeded with until tlieprosldent's message was received. Ordinarily a presidential communi cation attracts but little attention, but things were different yesterday. Twouty-tlve Democratic a n d twenty-six Hepubllcuu senator were lu their heats. The report confirming the title of Chilton, of Texas, was handed in by Hoar. Turple repotted a resolu tlon declaring Call, of Florida ou tilled to his seat. Remarks in eulogy of tlr late Justice llradley wero nuule by Mo- l'licrvon anil Hoar, and then In token of respect to his mem ry, the Kcuato adjourned. TO I.NOUUASK THK NAVY. Wakiiinowx, Jan. 20, Tho bill Introduced by Senator Hale yester day Is of medal Interest In view ol the Chill Imbroglio. Fur the pur poso of Increasing tho naval tttab lUhmcut the bill authorized the president to have constructed by contract, three battle bhlps of 7500 to 10,000 tons displacement, two armored coast defense vessels; ilvi guuhoata of 00 to 1200 tons (Its rank with the declaration of policy which made Monroe's name famous. Among Bepublican nations of this continent, It will be interpreted as n earnest of more vigorous and resolute diplomacy than has lieen known at Washington durlug re cent ears. There is nothing that can be submitted to arbitration ex cept the amount of Indemnity. Electric Hitters Tills remedy Is Incoming so well known aud so jmpular as to need no wwlnl mention. All Who liaVC used Ebctric Buters sing the same song of praise A purer memeiu ,1,K., ,,..t nrUt. nnd It is euaruilteetl tn rin nil that is clslmed. Electric Bitters will cure all dif-cases of the nor ,.nii Itldtiers. will remove pimples, boll-), salt rheum and other aflectfon caused by Impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Ma larial fevers. For cure of headache, coustliKillon and Indigestion try Elec'rio Bitters Eutire satisfaction guarateed, or money refunded. 1'rice 60 cents and $1.00 per loit!e at Daniel Fry's drugstore, 225 Com mercial street. La Grippe Tho tendency of this disease to ward pneumonia Is what makes it dangeious, La Grippe requires pre cisely the same treatmentas a severe cold. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is famous for Its cures of severe colds. This remedy effectually counter acts the tendency of tho disease to result in pneumonia, provided that nroner care be taken to avoid ex posure when recovering from the at lack. Cartful Inquiry amoug the many thousands who have used this lemedy during the epidemics of the past two years has failed to discover a single case that has not recovered or Hint has resulted in pneumonia 50 cent and $1 bottles for sale by G. 13. Good, druggist. Yonrj .Min's Republican Club. To all Bepublicaus of Salem: A meeting ofthe Young Men's Repub lican club Is called for Tuesday evening, the 20th Inst., at 8 p. m. at their hall, for the purpose of electing delegates to the state convention to be held on the 28th Inst. A general invitation is extended to all Republicans, young and old, to be present it this meeting in order that they may h.ear the club system explained. An opportunity will be given to Join the club. A large attendance Is desired as Salem and Marion county should no fully represented at the convention Every county south is planning to send full delegations, wo should not be behind. By Oitonu of Tin: Pkksidknt. 1-25 2t Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Caatoria' yspepsis .Makes many people miserable, ana oftr le.uU to sell-Uestructloii. Distress ufn e.ttlug, sour stomach, sick lieadacne, ac.n bum, loss of appetite, a i:unt, "all gon ecllng, bail taste, coated tonguo, ami in nj ularlty or tiio bowels, m DlStrOSS tiio more common sji:.. Aftor ton's. Dyspepsia does i. f. ., Ret well of ItsoH. It n Eating quires c.iretui, perslttei attention, and a remedy like Hood's S n . parllla, which acts gently et silicic t' It tones tho stomach ai.d oilier oil, ' regulates the digestion, cie.ttes a gout a; appetite, and, by thus 51 jvurcoinliig tho local J1 sjmptoms, euros tho hoadaoilf. acadaclio, and refreshes tho tired iiiuh "I have, beon troubled vlt!i i!.mj e.'.si . had but little appetite, ami l..M 1 ii. Hon ft- c:i' oMroMl imt, o; d. nwuri mo llttlo pKid. After i i UUrn ing i m-uiii ejpcrlei i lliiUiess, or tired, all gono feeliuc. a liuugh 1 not eaten anything. M roulle, 1 think, was awr.twited by n nuiuesii, iHilutlUK, and from bolng more esa kliutuplnarouin v.ith Sour rsh ilut. I-st spring . , I took Hood':) Sarsiiparllla SiOlliaCrt aid It did mo an Immense amount of pcxm .1 garu mo an apixtlto, and my t nln' slicdund satMUnl the era' ; 1 1. l r .lou.lyexperleiui'd." Gttui.bK A. 1'aci Wateitow'ii, itnu. K. H. If you derltlo tit ko Hood's B r niuiUladoiiot uoluduceUlul)U luiyi.t: Wood's Sarsaparil!r . I, HOOUJt I O..AyoO,t.c-i.ei.l..,,l ,.'.... asl Mm (II (Ct. tjlws. W"ol, of the "Oerman Market," win uniier eu ror Otwii ouly una hti lrlr wilt bo tho lowcwU rr n iffl) Bits la? O&RTFlft tHTTLE ?SiQ3: m ive'p tfmMi 1 PULLS. B Protects evary ponon iusumda tlmt state, so that ho cannot loose his money in case of misfortune as is thu case with other states. You may fugot your policy but the policy won't forget you. It is the safest and best. -. . T -,wl ntwtillfl Til if. II 1C Every man ought to carry msiinuiuu unu iu. rv money where he can't looso it. EVERY POLICY IN Til IS STATE HAS CASH and PAlfr UP YAIlES GDAKANTEED MAKING IT BANKABLE IF DESIRED. SEE ,1. L. MITCHELL Oil THE GEN'L AGT. OF THE MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. For the thildren. "In buying a cough medicine for children," says II. A. Walker, a prominent druggist of Ogden, Utah, "never be afraid to buy Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy. There U no danger from it and relief is always sure to follow. I particularly recom mend Chamberlain's because I have found it to be safe and reliable. 50 cent bottles for sale by G. E Goode, druggist. Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Incl dent to a bilious suite of the system, such at Dizziness, Naii'oa. Drowsiiness, Distress aftei eating. Pain In the Side c While their most remarkable bucccv lias len shown in curing & fif a s? n N-& Ileadac, a, yet CAtm-it's T.ittle Lrven Pilu are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preienting this annoylnecomplaint, while uhey also correct all disorders of the stomach, timulato the liver and regulate the bowels, iven If they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless to those, nho suiter from this distressing complaint; mt fortunately their coodness does not end here, and those who once try them will find meso nnio puis vaniaoio in so many ways mac they will not bo willing to do without them. But after all slclc head ACHE s tho bane of so many lives that here Is where tre make our great boast. Our pIUs cure it while others do not. Carter's Ijitlb Liter Tills are verv Btnall and very easy to take. One or two pills make doso. Thev are strictlv vegetable and do not jrnpe or purge, but by their gentle action oltwse all who use them. In vlala at 25 cents; Ivo for SI, Sold everywhere, or sent by mall CAETE2 UISICKS CO., llsw 7ctt kill Pill Small Doss. Small Pries. A WARNING-D0NT USE BIG WORRb In promulgating esoteric cogllntlons or ait dilating superficial sentimentalities unu puilosopulcnlor psychological obser. vatlons.bcwureofplatudlnousprmderosl'y Let yourstatementspossessnclnrltled con. rlscness, compacted comprehenslbleness, mnlescent consistency and a concentra- tea cogency, eschew nil conglaineratlons of flatulent gurrullty. Jejune babblement and aslnlno ailectlons. In trying t Im- iiruss upon oiuers liie superiority or tli. Wlscoiihln Central Ltnes. nnd xvhv von and bo many others use this thoroughlnre iniinni. ruut mm -Minneapolis nna DciUHIi and Ashland to Milwaukee, Chicago and piiuia matiiuu buuill, H is DOT. neCeHPftn to use lawbreakers. Let your extempora neous ueeantlngs nnd unpremeditated HXIUltloll- llllVelntelllr-ltillltr vcmr-lnm. vl. vnclty, without rhcdomouLubleor thraso Icul bombast. Beduluusly avoid all poly, syllublo p'ofundlty, pslltaeeous ncHily. cuw iiu(ui.i .ciuuiij' Him Minauonuent VllntdltV. hhlin riollhlnentiimlraa nrnrlotit Joeiwitynrrt pestiferous profanity, obsrn- ivn. n iiipiiriii, in owicr worus, talK plainly, i a Ui rally, sensibly, nnd truthful- i) . wiy won isconsin teniral Lines Is tiik routn. ai d tint ends It. llOly KwtWo mi Ban in I SALEM, OREGON. GENERAL BANKING NAPOLEON DAVIS. Ur.J. UKYNOLIW John atom President. -Vice Prealdeut. Cashier WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,00u Transact a general banking business in all lu branches. OKO. WILLIAMS.. WM. riKUUANM . HUOU MeNAltYl - Presldon -Vice I'resldenl .Cashier To SlnnvbciTy Growers. k II VV M.kv...u isi-uitt . i , tiMii . t-mCTui, niu f tl lilt bsft, AuiumvU1. WurrnnHMl pure stcv-r unit lttnUttrk-tM. OUuk-vu frte. nmi The undersigned, bus wnlruoled for tarut qimntlly oftlm Jewle, (sweiwtuke priz wlnnwr utrfnlem lrawbrry fair) ami Trl omplie do Gaud, (bi jliider and Jnot rnitllable lain berry In Malem tnarket.l iruiii it. . rwivngr, riin, hiiu j. w. 1111. (kmIo I Mints. Towuril the construc tion of thexe vessel, nitli their engines, boilers nnd maehlnery, fa.OOO.tXX) In njmirlnteil, ami to wards armnnient (1,000,000. SOMK OPINIONS. Wasui.nown, Jau. M. Bookless Jerry, ICunwia, thought It ridiculous aud n ilUgntcu for the country to go to war ou the pretext given In the evidence. The nieasage mu tided like n RiHwlal plea to get the Irish vote, lie thought the nrvoldeut Fmrtemtxr Auarvu ll. Also leu other arletie K. HOFhlt, Kuleni, Orvon Conservatory of Jlusle. iriI.LAMlTK UNIVKRSITV.niiM uifrloriidviilagrt to studeuu at iiiu1o. Ktve tenetim. l.Htet methods, vtxial ud Instrumental muto Uught tn innignei pnuioteury. ruuHKtungetwt lo study iuulc rlxpcno) iHorraip lllphtmos glen tin coinptrUou of course Next lermlMYlna tMv I. lut Z. Jl. PA It V IN. Mt sI'Ml Dlrx-cior. Geo willlams.Wm. Kng ilUUlUU, liutKcmiu 'auJ, Or. J. A. Itlchardson, J. ' J. A. llaker. Jn Exchange block onjon, Oregon Land Company's Price List. 10 acres of land 5 milts south of Salem (po.stnffice) best fruit land, nearly all cultivated. There will be 100 acres set to fruit, immediately adjoining this tract, this spring; pi ice, 50 per acre, 100 cash, balance easy pay ments. Choice of four ten acre fruit tracts five miles south ol Salem (postoffice) one all in cultivation, very sightly; two othe three-iourths m cultivation, balance good timber; one three-fourths in cultivation balance in pasture, 845.00 per acre, cash, balance easy payment and long time. Choice of 40 ten acre fruit tracts six miles south of Salem (postoffice) best fruit land, very desirable location; springs and running water, adjoining The Oregon Land Company's model 100 acre orchard farm, three miles from steamer landing. First choice G0 per acre, cash, balance on eight years time, enabling purchaser to pay for land out of the fruit crop. This land will he set out to fruit trees and cultivated two years in a first-class manner, by the Willamette Valley Fruit Growing company so that a two year old orchard, complete in every respect, will cost the purchaser $125 per acre, including a good fence around it. The Willamette Valley Fruit Growing company has now more than 300 acres set out in this way, and will take pleasure in showing anyone, who takes an interest in fruit growing in the Willamette Valley, what they are doing and how their orchards look. The people of Salem and their visiting friends are cordially invited to call at the office of the Willamette Valley Fruit Growing com pany, in the Gray building with the Oregon Land com pany and take a ride to Sunnyside and see what is being done in the way of fruit raising in the vicinity of Salem, Oregon. You will enjov the ride to Sunnvside and see something worth seems-. Thirty acres best garden and hay land, good two story house of nine rooms, hard finished, good barn, good orchard, springs and running water, 2 miles from Turner, price $2500. Kni35 a?reof timbei; land 2 m,,es from Turner, ?20 per acre, J- cash, balance in three equal annual payments. JH 'ISIf8 cu,t,vated ,u,nd with "'"we, spring nnd orchard 3 miles i K $G0 per uS'f i'a9h on'nnce in three equal annual payments. nr J0;100 iUCkC's, ctllt vated ,aud witu bnrn and runnJni? water, $-15 will be takeiiln vSk three eqU!l' aUUU"1 paj'Iueuts- First Pent caslSpVin m ?ult'ivat(;d 'and, ruuning tvater on land, $40 per acre, f work. eq llUUUaI I)UJ'mijuts- Fitf payment taken in. &!?t&Z$'M Iand- 6 fruit tracts ranging from 12 to 14 acres each, all cultivated "00 fiult AlB,'ZuS,crvrUnyU8S0rfeug8ie3 tak-n '"Part Piiymenton tudl t&XA$l & or other MAIL LETTIJSTGS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Post Washington, D. C, Jan. 15, 1892. PROPOSALS will be leceived at the Contract Olilce of this Depart ment until 4 p. in. of March 24th 1892, for carrying the mails of the uuueu btates uiwn the routes, and according to the schedule of arrival anl departure specitied by the De partment, in the utate of Oregon ro? 1?' 1S92 t0 June so'. 18J1. List of routes, wltli,n.i of arrivals aud departures, instrtic- MUUB l" uluuers with forms, for cou tracts aud bonds, and ail other necessary Information, win i... ,... uished upon application to the Sec ond Assistant Postmaster nn..i JOHX WANAM A Tfwn iM-IMtm i,,af... . ' ' JL llllllfl I -m Ulinn. I WA I'UOIl, Architect. Plans, Specl. ii .f. 5,' P,5? superintendence lor .... wuoi-t.-. ui uuuuinEa. merclal St., up stairs, Office 290 Coin. D A,,S0Bi?1. Archl,ect. roon U. Mar J. quam building, Portland. Oregon. EJ,i?FAl?TI,ND.Clvll Sanitary and ,..,iI,ydrau110 Engineer. U. S. Ueputy -- tfc( uk'ui, urrftjon, W " VOUNG, M. D.. Office formerly liL nnrtc,.'?icd. by Br- lowland, corner i Pbert' 0ttreets. Telephone No. 4o. Offlce heurs: 8 a. in, to 12- 2 to m in PENSIONS (Founded in 180S.) Lai iusli, Bank 5R j IRON BUILDING, SAUKM, ... ORUQON waa tletilrousof getting un a row to ...... . " - noruiuguevotei:owierexeuanBB;nicure! renotuluatlon. If he could of plulou auioupit thotwuatora rJ-'notg't It by other means. The Krtllugtheiirtldent,auieijuKaiHl proper coure to purue was to up MetvruMiiylui Clillmu cornwpou- nint n coiniulwlou to Inventlgate deuce. A meuiUr uf tht comtutUw tho whole subject. utatctl that no itctlou was taken ou The New York Trlbuue; rntbldent fiSiSf ,ob ivruUn5t, iatf' i cofjvjpoDau?e uq uotning or iiarruoir tueftuge U uesuiKd to MnuaVrtaUr eia. Orvw PRINTING. ANKOKTHK L.UGhilT 1WTA1HJHII. UtuonU u lb Hutu. Liwr rnU1 iban I ihUnd. Lurtrtl uvk Ji hUur tr I lU9ut,ao viifi uu.-onni. nm Tranmct lUnktng Uuitue IvaVktUVUl, In all de ll luonrntarr mki In Ortvon, Wi onlan, aud cumi connectlAntt au Qlncton. id&hn ...h wrrxnduu lu mi ihTJ .rtnei,altowur of IteKT". U Uon uutde throuhiwt the 5iino uSS JUmm or Extern baukg taksn at .. Sret.Sl,l,y ffu",'ora?ri.SiISu nt wtth cunnilTe Unklm: iffii torlbtAnhl&rlXrt"n T?ur tluncUr ftoof .'i,f" :s .---. . ...a met Nonh Wru and the l in lh ' tin dw Strawberries and Grapes. t" ,.r.-.rLry,5W'l 4Jnnl s u I firSKiWinraw i iruiu.imuiui HrtkunM.t. MHM D.C.SHERMAN. isas: VKOrES3IOyAI, CAItDi gu.h'ii bank. ' 0mce 0,er lJtd d P'&lPl&W h""d ,lttlnsanaUtiJ?h.,j'rJ1 Oregon. eoumriartlrtBorManon flfl. they ui? fpeiuinl'S?'k lnex oi '"IniUBtltiwtortilS L?' lor ex. MU will r5W ""tau. depaff - - ""VMinjij s. ssaejss. i.w. ? I lyr flaruoniJoaisL0' ttn gtat "Tvlt. W. S. WOIT, physician nnd sur. In 5re!?on,,n P--1lfe Btoca, 'K itn'lu,. ' 0fflee hours i0 to 12 a. in. TasEi5k5,i)2: S&!f 1S X enervniiu .:..' 'i""0" .' uiwum 11-3 tf. ' nd fro'n 2 to 6 p. m. DI!"W n'A-5VI3' Office hours. DILthe wifnSS! l)e?t,5t- Offleaovw merclal streets Uru'-,r urt and Com- Dl"iem8oW?'9 8tate 8tree'. tfens of IJen Hn,'f,Uea ,?'tal opera! 'Ions a specialty. lpllon- x u'ules8 opem- PSIXKl3 CAItDS. 'MVwdn"!-,'"'"-" IjnwifJIJPtoyed. Opposite fetote 1R,iepVir1n81n,dCrk,r,tUi- " u our employ i hrJ ?.?. wo- We have uorsnoer. Oluia trial I,ro,eslloa' i-U ESsairat 1U.K IBSSIS tUielbot'aMgJglj fe'BWj;. Shop ' ", oalem, Oregon. P. "."anuracture of all A. i'BImlentLs?:-,,i0?,LracJ?. Sewer M All ok pr0mnfuJt, tcuvaUn(i:, Lvord.iiVTO.P,',pBet Salem, or. -."wuirauBros. 4ilMra ffKiS1 kf a . Pectalty ot keo 0 and ruln "4?r "y'lB" carpeu &i 5 U puc-ika to k. uofiifv T&stogiSS: 11 . MMI.J.All. jg J'OdHttlrreMln 0aramerBi.r.ti2?.e?.t lh It the dtv. mB J "MX7 ""wwrtsasji' ' - vti.oaifcm " - 4 & ""$ H. ; MrjNrvJ': , ff )". v aM,,lln.tlWilWMl-lftWWIWliW - JOS-?r3!X' -A- ''&.! 1.1 -Antain. "wwDjft " ' -