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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1892)
- immm'WlrT "' lim iwbw i wm"jjM ' '"''",r iWF'nt'TyfWiV'Ttgw-wryt WMyy vsbetup- ypvii.lBpff!7T0,y'J,,'l'g'Mrwj irfrp,ipwwwrw w "$tsrn" EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM. OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 1892. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO, 20. 0 $100.00 In Cash to be Given. Away. NO LOTTERY SCHEME. N0J.AFFLE. But a Straishtforward'Do nation of $100, 00. in Cash to our Customers. With each Dollar's worth of goods purchased for Cash at our store, we will yivo a Cash Coupon, good for Five Cents in Cash, and when One Dollar's worth, or twenty of these Coupons aro presented to our store by any one person, we will cash the-iu, paying One Dollar in Silver for same. We want everybody to take advantage of this grand donation. Weare headquarters for all goods in our line, and our prices are "rock bottom." Come and see us and bring your friends and neighbors. Ask for a "Cash Coupon with your purchase. T. McF. PATTON, 98 State Street, Salem, Oregon. Mens' Dress Shoes $1 45 Mens' Plow Shoes 1 15 Mens' Heavy Boots 1 95 Mens' Rubber Boots 2 25 161 Commercial Street. riarntt -SUCCESSORS TO- WELLER BROS. -HEAD QUARTERS SUHI 11 FANCY GROCERIES. At the old Stand, next We To say that people who patronize us save money in lines, but especially on UNDERTAKING. We are not in the trust and no combine makes our prices. We buy all stock and supplies of the manufac turies and supply work at the lowest living prices. 18 years experience. A. B. BUREN k SON. OMETHING NEW! AT THE Pioneer Grocery Stor; (Established In 1857.) Having done a largo credit business, for the last 34 years, and, as times have changed, making it necessary to sell groceries at a very low margin, I propose to adopt a new plnn, commencing on Jauuary 1, 1892, and sell for GASH 03srx."5r9 AT BEDROCK PRICES. NO MORE CREDIT, A general slaughter on crockery, imported china ware, glassware, lamps, etc. Ab I have an immense stock of this line to arrive in March and April, I am compelled lomiiko room by closing out the present Block,. Now Is the time for the ladies to replenish their houses in this line, while they can get bargains. All knowiug themselves indebted to me are requested to call and set tle on th& first of the year. JOHN G. WRIGHT, 227 and 229 Commercial St Ban ( Potzrf Plumbers and Tinners, 247 Commercial street, Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete hue of Stoves and Tinware, Tin roofing and plumbing it oeecialty. Estimate for Tinning and Plumblug Furnished. You can get the latest MUSIC Finest Line of Pianos, Organs, Banjos, Violins, Guitars and Mando'ins, LOWEST PRICES - AT - EASTON'S, iAHEW DEPARTURE!: SOMETHING FOR NOTHING ! EX F. OSBURN CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON Boots. Shoes and Rubbers. THE FOLLOWING IS A FEW OF HIS PRICES: ' Mclntire, FOR RED STAR- door to Post Office. all 1 alOOommerolal Street. Bend tor CotalosU KREE Undertake Ladies' Calf Shoes Ladies' Pine Shoes Ohildrens Shoos Misses' Shoes ET for infants " Cantor! rt la go well adapted to children that I recommend ltss superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Arcttth, M. D., 1U So. Oxford BL, BrooMrn, N. T. "The use of 'Castoria' Is so universal and Its merits so well known that It seems u work of supererogation to endorse It Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos SUbtys, D.D., New York City. Late Factor BlooHilngdate Reformed Church. Tins Csntauh THE RACK Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co Sash, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. House Finishing mode to order. New DUI KILN, by whlnh we can always keep a Aill supply of seasoned stock of al' kinds. Agricultural Works, Corner of Trade and HIgn streets, Salem, Oregon. Sasti and. Door Factory Fronti Street, Salem, Oregon. The best, class of work in our- line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the best material used Salem Tract 4 Bray Co. lem Iron works. Drays and trttcfcs may bo fouudjthrcughout the day ut tha corner of State aud Commercial streets. B. F. DRAKE, Proprietor. SALEM IRON WORKS, SA.LH5M, Manufactures HTEAM EN01NE8, Mill Outfits, Water Wheel Governors, Fruit Drying Outfits, Traction Engines, Cresting, etc. Farm machinery made and repaired. General agents and manufacture! of the celebrated Wahlstrom Patent Middling I'urltter and Heels. Farm inuchlnery made and repaired. EMOVED ! an enlarged stock and is offering hla customers, old and new, greater bargains than ever. Repairing a specialty. BREWSTER & WHITE. Hour, Feed, Hay, Straw and Barley Chop. LOWEST PRICES AND FREE DELIVEYR 01 COlIJtT STREET. M. L. CilAMllKItLIN, O. M. HMITH, President. Secretary. It. M. BUANWON. UKO.H.HOUUKUl', Vice President. Treasurer. UNION TITLE ABSTRACT CO. 376 Commercial HtrccU Makes the neatest and test Abstracts In the country. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OJtJSGOX. Dates, $2.50 (o $5.00 per Day. The brat bntl between Portland aadPan Frsneikcv. Klrst-cUs In all tu aptolnl. menu. 1U table are served wllli tbr Choicest Fruits grown In I be Willamette Valley. A. I, WAGNER, Prop. '. . . .$1 15 1 45 ; 35 '. 1 00 STORE. and Children. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes d pestlon, Without injurious medication. " For several years I hare recommendec your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial rauiu." Edwin F. rinDiE. M. D., (' " Tho Wlnthrop," 125th Street and 7th Are., New York City Company, 77 Muriut Street, New Yore. DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Sell aud deliver wood, hay, coal and lumber. Of fice Btato St.. onnoalle Sa T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent. OREGON C. G. GIVEN, THE CASH SHOE Dealer lias removed to 289 Com mercial street, ono door north of Gilbert & Patterson, where be hits E. C. CItOSS, and Packer, HtateHt.anConrt:Ht,-Tbe best meat delivered to all parts of tbecltr. DUGAN BROS' o Wholesale and retail dealers In STEAM AND PLUMBING GOODS, .e ComracrcUl Utef T4pUcmeJNo, ?t and IieatiDg C Til CAPITAL JODBJUL H0FER BROTHERS, Editors, Ulll.lSUKD UAILY.EXCEITSUNUAY, at TUE Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Otrtce, Commercial btreet, In P. O. Building Lnterea at the postoffleo at Salem, Or., n scronn-clns n ntni. THE COUNCIL. AND OAriTAIi. The pretout cltv council must not bo Judged upon the few nets of lib meetings so fur held. Really ouly ono business session has been held and Hi" people of this city must not bo hasty In pnssltig judgment. Oil the one hand this council has been Influenced by tho complaints of people living along tho North Mill creek race. On the other baud the unanimous petltlou of our business interests bus taken sides with the milling company. A hasty judg ment of the city council upon this one matter should be avoided by our readers. The people aro all sorry to see the mills shut down. These mills have behind them an enor mous capltt). They aro part of a system of mills and warehouses that practically cover tho valley. The way capital is organized nowadays, no city like this can successfully carry on hostilities with it and not sufler. But tho peoplo of this city should not be hasty in condemning this council. At its lirst business session it is true it refused to consider nuy of the friendly overtures of the Milling Co. This syndicate, of which Mr. Wilcox is tho head, in tho past year iuvested $100,000 In rialem,"Btarted mills to running day and night that had been Idle for .nears, Invested $200,000 of cnpital in handling the raw material and out put of tho lulll, employed a force of skilled laborers to ruu the mill day and night, which now, owing to causes which It is believed by tho mass of Salem peoplo could havo been avoided, aro unemployed. Capital can lay idle easier than men. Men and their families must have broad and live. Tho city ftels tho blow of the mills stopping keenly, and the ond is not yet. Whoever is to blame, no hasty judgments should bo formed. The present council was elected upon pledges to advance Salem bu-lness Interests and Salem public Improve ments, There has hardly been time to determine what tho policy of tho council shall bo in these respects. Tho people of this city can havo but ono judgment to pas3 If tho council shall fall to meet their expectations on these two points, hut It Is hardly time to pass that judgment. At its last session tho council' granted two franchises to erect and establish lire-alarms, messenger and call-box systems. Theso corpora tions will set men to work putting up poles aud wires all over tho city. These favors will glvo somo employ ment aud the council is to bo com mended for Its liberal spirit hi favor ing all enterprises that glvo employ ment to labor or advauco our city's business Interests and gives our citi zens tho benefit of these modern in ventions. Tho same council will not strike down capital that Is seek ing investment at Salem. At least will not do so knowingly, aud peo ple should not be hasty in condemn ing its course. BIIALL TIIKK12 III! WAK ? The United States and Chili may havo n war. There are muny things conspiring to bring on that calamity. On tho other hand, nothing appears moro unlikely than that this nation of over sixty millions should havo a war with a nation of two or three million people seven thousand miles away. Yet It Is tho unexpected that happens, and u Chilian war Is not impossible. What favors tho calamity ? The United Stutes is ambitious to up build her navy and strengthen her standing among foreign powers. Nothing could Anther this ond more than a foreign war, A foreign war would glvo us a pretext for u navy, coast defences and a standing army that continuous peace will uovor juslity. Tho extension of commerce, the rule of the seust tho domluatlou of (lie North American continent, aro excuses for ambitious statesmen and designing politicians, and It is well known that President Harrison and Secretary of State Blalno aro strongly actuated by theso Ideas, und the president's mesxugo Is anxiously awaited. It Is also quite certain that tho killing of American sailors is an outrage Uwn the very Idea of our national existence. The time must aud will come when no country shall daro moh'St, or much less kill, un American citizen. The soouer our country is put In that attitude the better. The wxiner It is established that American citizens will bo pro tected by the runj.'flty and strength of this great nation, through tho armies of ltd government, and that a blow struck, or an outrage on one of its citizens by a foreign power will be ri'felsUvl aud resented, the ttter. The greatest obstacle to a war is the question whothur, after all the acts complulmd of, were not the act of an Irresponsible mob, which after complete investigation tho Chilian government will renounce. In uc of n war it doubtful if nuy American soldiers would ever be landed ou Chilian soil. With an army of nearly Blxly thousand men ready to take the Hold, it would be folly fur this government to send less than ono hundred thousand meu to Chill. Our navy could be sent to attaok her seaports and Chill could retaliate. All commerce between tho two countries woutd be at nn oud aud tho course of tho struggle would bo ditlloult to predi cate. Whether England and Ger many would becomo involved de pend upon wisdom or unwisdom of diplomatic management. The mes sage of the president and tho corre spondence alone can throw light on tho possibility of war. ANOTHER MOTOK LINK. The purchase of tho Salem street railway means the construction of another motor street railway in Salem. The indications aro that this will not bo an electrlo motor lino but a noiseless, smokeless steam motor, to tako tho placo of tho horse car line. It may tako Beveral months to bring this about, as tho property is still partially involved in litigation. But tho new com pany, at tho head of which Mr. Park hurst stnndi; has made all arrangements to put ou tho steam motors aud expend from 50,000 to $100,000 in developing tho presont plant iuto a lirst class system for city and suburban transportation. Tho importance of tho extension of theso street car ByttriuB to Salem cannot bo over estimated. Next to the development of our manufactur ing and commercial lutcrests, the building of btreet car systems for prompt, regular und rapid inter course between all parts of tho city, is of the greatest moment. Tho sure and steady growth of tho capi tal city aud tho popularity of thp modern motor lines mako this olasa of Investments, when once properly developed, of tho surest kind. Tholr successful establishment at Salem marks tho evolution of tho city from tho rural commuuity. Tho modern city is impossible without these improved motor lines and our city is to bo congratulated upon tho acquisition of another possible motor system. IOWA POLITICS. The Hepubllcaps of Iowa aro not making progress very fast towards redeeming that state from tho Dem ocratic party. Tho selection of Mr. Cumtniuts, of Des Moines, ono of a firm of corporation bosses, as chair man for the next state convention, tho appointment of Mr. MoDUl on tho interstate commorco commission, a C. B. & Q. attornoy who was refused reappointment on tho Iowa railroad commission by Governor Larrabec all theso aro signs that do not augur well for upbuilding tho party in Iowa. Tho prevalonco of certain policies in future will as certainly tend to keep Iowa in tho Democrallo ranks as tho same ten dencies in the past. Tho alienation of confidence among tho rural voters was at tho bottom of Iowa politics. How in Tills? Wo ofl'or Ono Hundred Dollars re ward for any case of catarrh that cannot bo cured by taking Hull's Catarrh Curo. K.J. OhenoyACo., l'rops, Toledo, Ohio. We, tho uiiderilKiied, 'jivo known F. J. Cheney for the lust 15 years, and bellove him perfectly honorable In all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations mado by their arm. West Truux, Wholcsulo Druggists Toledo, Ohio. Wald I uk K Inn nn A Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio, Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system, Testimonials sent free. Price 75c, per bottle. Sold by all druggist. For (lie Children. "In buying a cough medicine for children," says II. A, Walker, u prominent druggist of Ogdeu, Utah, "never bo afraid to buy Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it und relief is always sure to follow. I particularly recom mend Chamberlain's because I have found It to ho safe und rollablo. 60 cent bottles for sale by G. E. Goodo, druggist. (1R.NEHAL NKWH NOTKS. At Lebanon they havo finished und now havo in operation a woolen mill that cost $120,000. It will be of lasting benefit to all that country. The keel for the seventy-fourth veaicl built at Port Jilukeloy is now being laid, Pugct sound lumber has been used In tho construction of all these vessels. Mr George Nohn, at Dufur, re ports affairs in his vicinity in a very prospererous coudlttou. Cattle find abundant feed on tho hills, and fanners will commence spring plow ing in a few days. Parties from Sherman county say that the ground U cleur of snow, and south hillsides are tn from front. Farmers have begun plowing and a large area will be planted in grain If the present flue weather continues. Mm. Max Bnumelster, Walla Walla, met with an accident last Friday that came near resulting Highest of all in Leavening Power. RoYal a3gr ABSOLUTELY PURE fatally. She had gouo out into the barn lot to drive their cow into tho barn, when the animal, usually a vory kind aud gentlo bruto, mado a dash for her and struck hor with her horn, knocking Mrs. Baumelstcr down. Tho cow then began to tramp on the prostrate lady and would undoubtedly have trampled her to death, had not a neighbor who witnessed the aflalr, came promptly to hor relief. Baker City Blade: Major Olm stead has already received letters from different sections of this state and Idaho requesting to bo rep resented in in proposed regi ment of cavalry, for tho Chilian sorvice. Six companies have been tendered him and no doubt the regiment could bo filled lu a very few days. It is not likely that land troops will bo called into service for somo tlmo yet, but when tho call is ls8ued,cavalry troops will bo in groat demand, as the surfaco of tho Chilian country Is such that Infantry and artillery cannot do eflectlve campaign work. East Oregonlau : Chiefs Peo, Ya-ten-e-oults aud No-Shirt returned Wednesday night from their visit to tho grand wigwam of tho white fathor In Washington. No-Shirt, who created boiho sousation at tho capital, has been strutting about slnco in all tho glory of his stylish whito blanket nod feather trim mings, for It is Bomothlng to tako a trip to Washington. Tho chiefs ac complished tholr main object, they say, being restored to tho rights and privileges of chieftainship, of which they hud been deprived by an or der from tho commissioner. Dalles Itomlzor; Tho Syrons came hero forty years ago and settled in tho Bed pralrlo commuuity. On tho 25 of Jost September Grandpa Byron was 102 years old, and at midnight of Jauuary 17 his light went out and on Tuesday tho children and friends put him away among other pioneers at Pleasant Hill church, For a number of years he had stayed around among his sous, aud always Insisted upon working to tha full extent of his btrcngth: No other citizen of tho county over reached that ripe age, and It is doubtful If another does within tbo noxt 100 years. In the Nlokot Time. Tho nick of tlmo to stop thecoursoof bladder ana lcldney complaints is wlion tho organs concerned exhibit a tendenoy to grow inactive. Tho healthful Impulse toward activity that they rocelvo from Hostetter'sBtomaoh Hitters rescues them from impending danger, und averts such dangerous maladies as llrlgbt's disease and diabetes. Hlurclshness el the kldnevs Increases a liability to chronlo rheuma tism, goui ana aropsy, aua s'neo tne blood is filtered by these ortrans In Its passage through tuoin. the operation of ino timers serves a aouoiy nappy purpose Tho medicine acts without exoltlnir. like the fiery stimulants of commerce. Mil iaria!, ayspeptic, coustinatea ana nervous Invalids ure thoroughly relieved by it. H'neo tho advent of thttt shooklnir mafadv. la grippe, It has been widely demonstrat ing us useiumess us a uurauvo ana pre ventive of It. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Castoria! La Urlppp. Tho tendency of this disease to ward pneumonia is what makes it dangorous, La Grippe requires pre cisely tho same treatment as a sovoro cold. Chamberlain's Cough. Remedy is famous for its cures of severe coldB. This remedy effectually counter acts the tendenoy of the disease to result In pneumonia, provided that proper caro bo token to avoid ex posure whon recovering from the at tack. Careful inquiry among tho many thousands who havo used this remedy during tho epidemics of the past two years has failed to discover u single case that hits not recovered or that has resulted in pneumonia, 50 cent and $1 bottles for sale by G. K. Good, druggist. That tired, languid feeling and dull head auho 1 very disagreeable, Tuke two el Carter's Little Liver l'llls before retiring and you will find relief. They never fall to do good. They make one feel as though life was worth living. Take one of Carter's Little Liver l'llls after eating; It will relieve dyspepsia, aid digestion, glvo tons and vigor to the system. You pardly real lie that It Is medicine, when taking Otrter's Little Liver nil: they are very small: no bad effects: all troublr from torpid fiver ore relieved by their use. i i i .. i . As Staple a Ccite. "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is as staple as cofleo in this vicinity. It has done an Immense amount of good since its Introduction hero." A. M. Nordull, Maplo Ridge, Minn. For gale by Q.HL Good, druggist, HuckUa's AnilcaHsUe, The Best BaIvo In tha world for Out. BruUes, Mores, Ulcers, Bull liueuui. Fever norea, leiier. t;nappea lianas, vuneiains, Cora and all Hkln KrupUons, aud post Uvely cures files, or Bt pay require. It la guarantee to glvo tterfwot sallsiaeUos N. "or salt by Uan'l J , Fry, a 0 S ilrnffr Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. Baking Powder TELEGRAPDIC DISPATCHES issociatcd Press Reperi and Digests of all Important Nows oi Te-Day. MISCELLANY. AWAIT1NQ THE REPLY. Washington, Jan. 25. Tho state ment that an ultimatum h&4 been sent to the Uttlo republlo is now a recognized fact. President Harrison Is awaiting witk great Impatience Chili's response to our demand as to whether alio proposes apologising and making reparation for the Valporalsn affair. Thi demand was sont to Minister Egan Friday last In addition to the foregoing con ditions, it included a declaration that tho offensive Matta note should bo also disavowed. Minister Moult had a protracted Interview with Secretary Blaine aud it is under stood that bo had laid before tbe secretary Chile's position in the j matter. This report is rather un likely, Inasmuch as the administra tion expects to receive its Informa tion through Minister Egan, and not through Minister Montt. Color la given to this belief by tho aotion of Presldont Harrison, who sent a special messenger from tho White house over to Mr. Blaine's restdenee on Lafuyotto square at 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon to learn what Information that gentleman had received from Chili. He Was told that up to that time nothing of ma terial interest had arrived, and the presldont settled down to the con vlotlon that another day must necessarily elapse before he will be apprised of Chill's intentions, If Chill shall, through Mr. Egau, in form tho Harrison administration that It purposes giving ue the satis faction wo demand, aud stating speolflcallyjust what that satisfac tion will bo, aud how and when it will bo made, It is 'not likely that tho president will make tbe- Chilian correspondence public for the pre out at least, or that he will send hls special message to congress, Ou thoothor band, if Chill continues to pursue a shifting course both the message and tho correspondence will undoubtedly bo laid before con gress today, and the legislative branch of tho government will then bo expected to give tho administra tion tho boueflt of its advice and support. A PIKOB OP NONSENSE. New Yonic, Jan. 25.--The Her ald's Washington dispatch reassert that Chili has formally demanded tho withdrawal from Santiago of , Minister Egan. The dispatch adita that tho United States steamship Philadelphia, Admiral Gherardl'a flagship, which left the Barbados a few days ago, will bo heard from next lu or near tho straits of Gibral tar, her errand thero being to look out for tho formidable new Chilian war vessel, tho Capltau Pratt. It would take the Philadelphia about fourteen days to reach Gibraltar, and if in tho meantime congreas has recelycd such Information from tho president, or events have shaped themselves as to necessitate a decla ration of war, It Is easy to see tbe great strategic Importance of hay ing ono of our best ships on band at tho stalts of Gibraltar to Intercept tho cruiser, which forma the main reliance of tho Chilians, and which by common consent Is acknowledged to bo ono of the most powerful and formidable vessels afloat. The Capi tan Pratt Is now receiving her finish ing touakes at La Zinc, uearToulon, France, aud consequently muet pas) through the straits of Gibraltar be fore reaching the Atlantic. It has beeu stated by. Secretary Traoy that tho Capltan Pratt could not he completed or furnished aud equipped before April next While this is true, it Is also a fact that she could be made ready for depurturo from France in a partly iucoiuplftte ' condition in a very abort time, and If tho course of cveHt should reu-. der such baste desirable, It k likely that she would he dispatched from Toulon before entirely oompMed. In such a ooudltlon It (s highly pro bable that she could he captured, or crippled, by the Philadelphia, be cause ll:o has a fMesi efevr, btr heavy guu have aei hm suppled to her, and her mcWf- baa not been llmbmd up. Yfbew fully equipped and ready for aetioct al would undoubtedly be wott thai) match for a veasel of the rWUdsU phla's type. To send a single venae! of thin claw to astgag her bj eotnbat would fee a fooJh HMvuMDt that the 4rt4 westld u4 b