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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1892)
'TmmQ&t?rrif'i., rxpv.-wM. j- EVENING JOURNAL. i .' t.V.a silk. Jim VOIi. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPEB." SAXjEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANTJARY 21, 1892. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. IT. CAPITAL READY FOR 1892! PATTON'S State Street Book Store r' Displays this morning, an elegant line of B LA XT IS BOOKS, ; ' Memorandums, Receipts, Notes, Excelsior Diaries for 1892. Tnks, Mucilages and" OFFICE EQUIPMENTS GENERALLY. You will save money by selecting from this immense stock. Mens' Dress Shoes $1 45 Mens' Plow Shoes . 1 15 Mens' Heavy Boots 1 95 Mens' Rubber Boots . . . . , t 2 25 161 CommercialStreet. Harrstt -SUCCESSORS TO- WELLER BROS. -HEAD QUARTERS COMEBiaSS,S21I3 STAPK m HCI GROCERIES At the old Stand, next DINING Fancy Rockers AND ODD PIECES, Solid comfort in eveiy one. i B. MM & SOMETHING NEW! AT Pioneer Groeezy Store. (Established in 1857.) Having done a large credit business, for the last 34 years, and, as times have changed, making it necessary to sell groceries at a very low margin, I propose to adopt a new plan, commencing on January 1, 1892, and Bell for AT BEDROCK PRICES. NO MORE CREDIT, A general slaughter on crockery, imported china ware, glassware, lamps, etc. As I have an Immense stock of this line to arrive in March and April, I am compelled to make room by closing out the prepeut stock. Now U the time for the ladies to replenish their houses in this line, while they can get hargalns. All knowing themselves indebted to me are requested to call and set tle on the first of the year. JOHN G. WRIGHT, 227 and 229 Commercial St, Barr & Petzel , Pumbers and Tinners 247 Commercial street, Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete lino of Stoves and Tinware, Tin roofing and plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. You can get MUSIC,. Finest Line of Pianos, Organs, Banjos, Violins, Guitars and Mandolins, LOWEST PRICES - AT - EASTON'S, F. OSBURN - -CAN SAVE YOU ES O Ot S, Shoes THE FOLLOWING IS A . ..TirrTntffil1ffr.rrTrffrr.V1uT.,rr1rr Mcntin FOR RED 3TAR- -"srsSd.a3C. door to Post Office. CHAIRS THE - the latest I 8IO Oommorolal Street. rJend for Catalogue FRBB MONEY ON and Rubbers. FEW OF HIS PRICES: Ladies' Calf Shoes Ladies' Fine Shoes Childrens' Shoes Misses' Shoes nr DAoirx iWsm:i SOL LWiS fiJJ ii ill jlATVAr.A...A.. . .QNSJLa3sBjLsssllssssssssssWMlisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssB for Infants and Children. "Castorlais so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Accnxn, II. D., Ill 80. Oxford 6t, Brooklyn, N. T. "The use of 'Castoria'Is bo universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Fow are the intelligent families who do not keep Castorla within easy reach." Caelos Martyr, D.D., New York City, late Pastor Bloomlngdalo Reformed Church. Tnn CorrAun nTrT' " '""iiiBi iiaiMiBgBigBwapppgJSPnswHgi Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co. Sash, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. House Finishing made to order. New Dive KILN, by which we can always tceop a full supply of seasoned stock of all kluds. Agricultural Works, Corner of Trade and Hlen streets, Salem, Oregon. Sash and. Door Kactory Front' Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the best material used Salem Tnick'ft Dray Co. lem Iron works. Drays and trucks may be fouudithrougbout the day at tin corner of State and Commercial streets. B, F. DRAKE, Proprietor. T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent, SALKIM IRON WORKS, SALEM, ---- OREGON. Manufactures HTKAM KNGINEH, Mill Outfits, Water Wheel Governors, Fruit Drying OutflU, Traction Engines, Cresting, etc. Karm machinery made and repaired. General agents and manufactureis of the celebrated Wahlstrom Patent Middlings Purifier and Reels. Farm machinery made and repaired. REMOVED ! an enlarged stpek and is ottering his customers, old and new, greater bargains than ever. Repairing a specialty. BREWSTER & WHITE. Flonp, Feed, Hay, Straw and Barley Chop. LOWEST PKICES AND FilEE 91 COWtT STREET. M. L. CUAMBEItUN, O. M. HM ITU, President. Herretry. II. M. IIKANSON. OrX). II. BUUJtEHT, Vice President. Treasurer. UNION TITLE ABSTRACT CO. 375 Commercial Htreet. Makes the neatest and best Abstracts in the country. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OBJ2GON. Kates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Pay. The best bote! between Portland aid Ban Francisco. First-class Ja all It appoint ments. 1U tables am served with the Choicest Fruits Urown In tUo Willamette VaUey. A. I, .WAGNER, Prop. ,..;... '. ... . . .$1 1 1 15 45 35 00 otadt oiunL. Castorla cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructatjon, Kills Worms, circs sleep, and promotes d gestlon. Without injurious medication. ' For several years I hare reoommendec, your ' Castorla, ' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial result" Edwih P. Parpm. H. D,, "The Wlnthrop," 125th Street and Tth Are., New York City. Company, 77 Mdbbat Stbxxt, New York. B5 DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Sell and deliver wood, hay, coal and lumber. Of ilco State St., opposite Sa O. G. GIVEN, TIIE CASH SHOE Dealer has removed to 280 Com mercial street, one door north of Gilbert & Patterson, where bo has DELIVEYR E. C. CROSS, and Packer, State Bt. ana CoartHU The best meats delivered to all parts of thecltr. DUGAN BROS' o. ) Wholesale ana retail dealers Ja STEAM AND .PLUMBING GOODS. 309 Commercial street. TsUpkpacCNo, 83, afldHeatiiigC THE CAPITAL JOUBKAL H0FER BROTHERS, - Editors. UuLISIIKD DAILY.EXCETTSUNDAY, Caoltal Journal Publishing Company, (Incorporated.) Offlee, Commercial Street, in P. O. Building Kntered at the postofltce at Salem, Or., as serond-clur-B mntu-r. ritOTKCTION Oil FItEK TKADB WIIIUU t , Tlmes-Mountaiueer: Not in the United States alone is protection to homo Industries productive of great er prosperity to the inass of the people thuu Is givcu by free trade. Thu statistics of Franco bear like witness to those of our own country. Mr. John Morley,oue of Gladstone's stnunchest supporters in the British parliament, speaking to the Amal gamated Society of British Engi neers, declared: It. tfl fill nwflll fnnf rnnlli. nrtf short of awful that in this country, AvIfH fill Ha VtfOfslf ll If a Vnkf faanlimoa all Its power. 45 per cent. that is to W M VlllkUtllAJ mbw vaui V.V1 twy uturiy uau 01 mi mo persons Who reach tho age of GO are or have bt-eu pauj)ors. This terrible indictment of the condition of the English people under free trade is framed by au English free trader, and by the very one who is most likely to be leader of the Liberal party after the death of Gladstone Auolher English man, after quoting Mr. Mtaioy, says: ' Such Is the state of things in free Iu republican and prott'o tibnisl France we Hud a very diiler- enrtttntrt-iif 1 111 mm fwtutlmr fnr M De Fov.ille proves from Btatitlcs of ueatu uuties inuc ouiy iz per cent, of tho adult population who die fail to pay by their executors legacy duty to the government. Legaoy duty Ik paid iu Fiance for 450.000 out of every 570,000 deceased adu'te. That is to say, Mr. Morley con fesses that 45 per cent, of tho people who reach the nge of GO years in his free trade country are or have been paupors. M. Do Fovllle proves that 88 per cent, of all adults who dio in his protected country leave property behind them on which their suc cessors pay duty. THE ONLY FRABII1L.I: PLAN. If tho people of Eastern Oregon want an outlet for their crops they should not wait for Tho Pallea ship railway or ship canal, It will tako a generation to realize on those pro jects. A portage railway can l.o built so as to handle their crop of says: "Tho Salem jouhnal Is au earnest advocate of the portago rail way around the dalles obstructions, but in view of the fact that Ho man is chairman of the committee on appropriations and that his resolu tion, limiting appropriations by tho present congress to the actual neces sities of the government, has passed the house by the largo Democratic majority The JouKNAk thinks there is not 'the ghost of a chance' for an appropriation. It thinks the only relief for Eastern Oregon lies in nn extra session of the legislature, It can bo assembled by March 1st. In a two week's session it can pro vide for a portage railway at tho dalles and It can be built for the next full's crop. The Journal thinks there Is no doubt such a bill would pafs tho legislature almost unanimously. We have a profound drod that The Journal Is right as regards what may bo expected from the present congress and should be delighted to think that tho govornor would take tho matter in his own hande." IltI.T.8 OF IMPORTANCE. The following hlll3 have been in troduced iu the United States sonata by Hon. John Mitchell, of Oregen: 'That the same pensioua and benefits granted to the Mexican veterans by virtuo of the provisions of tho act of congress entitled 'An act grunting pensions to tho soldiers of (he Mexican war, and for other purposes,' and approved January 20th, 1S87, be, and the same are hereby, extended to the survivors of all Indian wars who served thirty days or more In any Indian war elnoo tho year 1845," "Thut the secretary of war bo, and is hereby, directed to construct and operate u military and commercial telegraph uloug the Oregon coast, commencing at Yuqiilna City, on Yuqulna hay, and extending to Port Orford, to connect with Now port, on Yuqulna bay; Alsea bay; Florence, on Siuslaw bay; Gardiner, on tho Umpquu river; Empire City and Murshfield, on ,Coos bay; and for such purpose there Is hereby up priuted, out of any money in tho treasury not otherwise appropriated, a sum Bufilclent to build and equip the same, not exceeding $50,000." the ro(vi:ii or monev, There is much useless talk About the power of money to opprei, etc Beyond tbe fact that money can be made more plenty or scarcer by leg islation, there is nothing Iu this talk hut demagogery. Tbe banker, the private money-lender, the farm er, or laborer, or widow, or orphan with money to louu are all ruled by the same universal law to get the bet terms they can. If It be Rothschild making u loan to an European government or a thrifty farmer to his poorer neighbor, each Is In absolute possession of his own add no just legislation can deprive him of it. It is Just ns well to talk Bense as nonsense on finance; tho' It is not as easy. NOT ENOAOKD IN RA1LUOAD UUlLOlNO. . Tho most vital defect in tho pro posal of Governor Pennoyer, to have congress appropriate (430,000 for a portage railroad at Tho Dalles, lies in the fact that congress is alto gether unlikely to add railroad building to IU list of Internal im provements. Tho OregouUn says: "Appeals to congress for construc tion of n portage railway at Tho Dailcs are futile. Tho government of the United States is not going to embark in the business of building railroads. Tho Btate of Oregon may put in this portage railway, but the United States never will. Should congress make tho appropriation asked by Governor Pennoyer, a thousand similar schemes would Instantly bo pressed. Then a billion dollar congress would soon bo n two billion dollar one. Tho only way to get an appropriation for a portage railway at Tho Dalles Is to go to tho legislature of Oregon for It. Will Governor Pennoyer recommend it in his next message?" Governor Pennoyer did recom meud a portage in his last message. Thu sennte passed it. It was op posed iu the house by friends of Seuatnr Mitchell, who believed it would detract from tho success of his large boat railway appropriations then before congress. It was also opposed by friends of Govornor Penuoyer, tho' probably without his knowledge. It Is hot necessary to wait for the governor to recommend this portage railway again. Tho tiling for all friends of au opon river is to pull together for a porUgo in time for the' next crop. SIIOOESTKI) OOMMKNT. The JouiWAi warnB the Cleve land papers not to "buck" against Hill too hard, or they may find themselves without a party. If tho Republican pres does not let up on personal abuso of Hill it will not only give him a consolf dated Deinuoratio party but may make him president. Senator Hill paid u visit to Presi- dent Harrison soon after taking his soat as senator, and Is credited with a cold, " liupaasl6rihto)rjnV,'ceriilihry not an ordinary faoo." Asterlan: We havo loug Blnce ceased to oxpect anything from tho Oregonian where Astoria is con cerned, but denial whero chicanery Is insufficient. With Aetrla it Is Dulcuda est Carthago, and tho only regret that tho Oregonian would have, were Astoria uuder twenty fathoms of water, would bo tho loss of a number of good paying sub scribers. Tho BwChlorldo of Gold club ot Oregon, composed of persons who buve been cured of liquor and other narcotlo diseases by thoKceley Gold remedies and treutmonthavooponed a free reading room at Forest Grove. Members of tho club or persons entitled to membership ure asked to bring this matter to the attention of all friends whom they think might wish to bo of help to us. If you wish to contribute books or money address secretary of club, Forest Grove. Portland Telegram: Tho late Senator Plumb was worth a million when ho died, but ho hud gained It by hard knocks, great Industry and the growth and development of the country in which ho lived not by adventitious good luck or coloysul railroad or stock operations, like Stanford or Brlce. Ho had "the courage of his convictions" too, and tho welfare of his constituents at heart, for although a Republican all his life he voted ugalust and de nounced tho McKinley bill. He was u more admirable man than tho sharp erudite and gallant iDgullc How Is Tuik? We offer One Hnudred Dollars re ward for any case of catarrh thut cannot be cured by taking Hull' Catarrh Cure. K.J. Cheney . Co., Vrorw, Toledo, Oulo, w,tliH uuder!gued, have known V. J. Clienoy for tltu last 15 years, and believe blin perfectly honorable In all business transactions, and Ituunclally ablu to curry out any oollrutlom inudo by their tlrui. West Truux, Wbolesat DruBtfUts Waldlnif Klnnan fc Marvin, Wbulesalo Toieao, umo. JJfUkkflsU, Toledo, Ohio, Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally, uctiug directly upon the blood and mucous surfuces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 7oo, per txntie. noiu ny an druggets. A Staple as Coflee. "Chamberlatu'n Cough Remedy Is as staple as coliee In this vlclulty, It has done an Immense amount of good since IU Introduction hero." A. M. Nordell, Maple Ridge, Mluu. For sale by G. K. Good, druggist. Iluoklen's Arsleralva, Tba Urtt rMlre In the world for CnU, Uralses. Korea, Ulcers, Halt itlutim. Few Korts, Teller, Chapped Hands, Chi l lulus, Corn and ail Hkln Kruptlout, and post. Uvely cures files, or on pay required. It ii (fuarauteed to Kir perfect sails taction nr mot-ay rsfundid. rrtoe. tt onls per fcex. Vor Mi by Dnrl J, rrjr, W Com t Highest of all in Leavening Power. Roy&l JS2if ABSOLUTELY PURE GENERAL NEWS NOTES. A gentleman in Portland In nn interview with tho Oregoniuu says: 'Chill has a respectable fleet of vessels suitable for lighting. Tho Arturo Plat and AJralrauto Coch rane aro vessels that would glvo our best war ships some trouble, and tho deck-protected cruiser Esmer alda and tho three latest additions to the Chilian navy aro equal to any ships we have. Tho torpedo flotilla of Chill is Infinitely superior to ours. Nine vessels of this class have a speed of twenty-two knots, three of twenty-ono and two of eighteen. Tho unarmed fleet of Chill consists of thirteen vessols of nil sizes. Only two of these have a speed of fourteen knots per hour. The men who command these vessels are of all . nationalities, or at least this used to be the caso when I was in tho ser vice of tho Chilian governments. Tho Chilians make very good sailors. They are quick and active and be have excellently uuder fire. As to tho outcome of any conflict between tho two countries it seems almost absurd to mention It. All that has to be done Is to go about tho business In a proper manner and throw euough men In behind Valparaiso. If our fleet is a mutch for tho Chil ian squadron a lauding can easily bo oifected at Algernon bay. Of course, an expedition of this kind will call for large transportation facilities, but If wo must go to war wo should havo everything neces sary to lusuro a victory. "I think, however, that thoro will be no war. There la u blunder somowhore, and. It will tako but a little tlmo to dis cover tho mistake. Chill ovldontly thinks that wO havo been dlscour teous.nud sho may havo been assisted in this belief by Intermeddlers. I do not think that tho prcsont gov ernment of Chill will refuso to apologize, as they would not want to enter into a war after Just emerg ing from a bloody conflict, TboyJ may havo grounds of complaint against us, . Tammany at Portland, tho follow ing offlcors wero oleetod: President, F. A. E. Starr; II rat vico-prcsldont, F, V. Holman; socond, Nat. Blum; third, J. P. Flnley; fourth, Thomas O'Day; secretary, M. M. Harris, treasurer, A. Roberts. All tho offi cers are woll known. Mr. Slarr, who has served two years iu tho presidency previous to tho retiring president, was chosen again to show that tho aooloty has confidence In him. This is ono result of tho con vention to organlzo a stato Demo cratic society, held recently, when certain delegates charged that Tam many and local Democratic organiz ations had schemed to put Mr. Starr iu tho presidency of the now society, Mr. Rlum, the second vice.presldout, Is connected with tho Dunbar Produce and Grocery Company, Ho Iiub lived In Oregon a number of years and is woll known throughout tho state. A voto of thanks was tendered to President Goldsmith, and other retiring olllcers for tho able manner In which thoy performed their duties, After tho election the society dlsousscd tho Australian ballot law at length. It is the in tention of Tammany to familiarize all Democrats with the law between now uud June, and Judge L. L. MoArthur uud E. W. Bingham, who drafted It, will deliver lectures explaining its workings beforo tho society In a week or so. All Demo crutlo societies In tho stato will he Invited to send representatives to tho lecture, and thoy In turn will explain to their fellow-Democrats on their return homo. Tho society has several oleotlou booths, which will bo on exhibition at Tammany hall In a few days. Pronounced Hopeless, Yet Saved. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd. of Greton, S. 1)., wo quete: "Was tuuen with u bad cold, which sottlod on my lungs, oougn set In and Anally terminated iu consump tion. Four doctors gave me up, Buy ing I could live but a short time. I guvo myself uo to my Saviour, de termined if I could not stay with my frlonds on earth, I would mpet my absent ones ubove. My husband wus advised to get Dr. King's Now Descovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, I guvo It atrial, took iu all, eight bottles; It has cured me. and thank Uod I urn now a well anu hearty woman." Trial bottle free at Daniel J. Fry's drugstore, regular blzo, olio, aim ti.uo, That tired, luoeuld reeling and dull head, ache ! very ultusreonbln. Take two et Carter's MUia Liver Tills before retlrloz and you will And relief. They never full to do good. They make one feel as though life was worth living. Take out of Carfr's Little Uver fills after eatlun It wilt relieve dyspepsia, aid dl(jetUm, Ktvn tone and vigor to the system. You pardly realize that It is rudldn, when Uklu- Csrtrs Uttle Liver nils; they are itrf small! no bad eOccU: all troubles from torpid fiver are rehired ty lf uv. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. Baking Powder issociated Press Report and Digestfl of all Important News oi To-Day. MISCELLANY. MAFIA SOCIETY. Topeica, Kan., Jan. 21,The sus picion that thero was nn organized conspiracy to kill Judge Botkln; Pitzcr, nn attorney; Sheriff Dunn, and two or three other persons iu Southwest Kansas, has been fully substantiated. Thoro wero three men residing in adjoining couutles who havo furnished information, and whoso forecasts havo always been correct. Whilo they are not ready at this tlmo to reveal the full enormity of this criminal organiza tion, they havo detailed enough of its workings to show that thk'ea separate oaths bind tho members to obey tho orders of the inner council, oven though these orders involve the taking of life. Tho members swear to obey these orders without question, oven though they may bo commanded to lake the life of their deurest relative. In tho counties of Haskell, Grant, Stevens and Seward, thero are Blxty-tlvo members, all of whose names havo been furnished Judge Botkln. These mou are taken only from the nllianco, and even tljeh tho utmost care Is used In se lecllng tho proper material. The meetings are held nt Springfield and Woodsdulo, whew tho three degrees aro conferred. j Tho first degree bluds tho mem bers to stand by each other, at the risk of llfo if necessary. The appli cant is pledged, under penalty of haviug his residence burned and ids stock and crop destroyed, never to reveal aught that may come to his luiowlcdgo concerning the actions socond degreo ho swoanv o JoItTauy" mombor or members in the protet tion of their rights or in resenting any personal affront or injury. If lie fulls in responding when called on, or reveals any contemplated action on the part of a fellow mem ber, his life may be declared for feited by tho action of tho council to which ho belongs. It will bo noticed in theso two degrees thero is no provision for enforcing the pen alty. Every member Is expected to take all threo degrees and is then fully prepared for tho final degreo. He placcB himself at tho disposal of tho inner council lu life and in death. He swears faithfully to exe cute any orders issued him by tho council, evon though ho be com manded to tako the life of his dear est friend or rolative. Ho is given to understand that the power of this Becrot order of Justice will be direct ed against tho enemies of ono or all of tho organization. Ho further swears that when ordered to destroy any member proven to be a traitor, or oven suspected of such, he will unhesitatingly obey such command. When called out by tho Inner council, or by ono member thereof, ho swears to obey, holding himself In readiness at all times to Join any party for the extermination of com mon enemies. Falling in any part of ills obligations, ho places his life at the disposal of his comrades. It has been learned that a meet ing of this organization was held In a deserted building at Springfield tho night beforo tho Dunn murder. Thero ure no rituals or written work. Tho oaths are udmlnlstored by one of tho men, who is now definitely located. Information comes from ono of three men who Joined the Bocloty, who gave Its contemplated action in two cases, and who have been spirited away to a place of safety. Theothor two are still lit tho county, apparently bitter ene mies of tho opposing factious, pur suing a course In which lies their only safety. Thoy are also enabled to strengthen tho evidouco which they will glvo as uoou as the proper time arrives. It was only yesterday thut parties were lo Topeka con nected with this murderous 'organi zation, but thoy may have no guarded their tracks that thy will escapo arrest and trial. Within two weeks tho plana of the prosecutor will bo so fully matured that ariwte will begin, when -alt duUlks will be given. Thoconsplratow, under tbe prcoeot lawe, aro rowwmbly eeoufe from trial for raunter, wbleh baa made them bold. If Uwy k&wl4 be tried tlieru. would set I mea enough Ju the entire (ttwtriet, tot alouo.tho county In whtyk Ue mm dor wiu ootatwIUea, tompiwf after tue peremptory etii !l tfr ,-WAt.'w-J J11