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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1892)
, 8a&wa;'fft'irtlMiHWlBWIi fil & Mw ? S ? 4. f-;-. K. i NMnMiMWHMy mmmmmmstmmKmmaii.!?!'mmmi?!m- " - ffl rftr line been made for It, aud tbot WcJoti'toxjcct any," 10118 JNAUUUMATKU If M0JNB8, Jnn. 20 The Inr Itcstconwiureein the history of the slate wltneewd the Innuguratlou of Govurubr JJofcs this afternoon. TJttf CATTLE LOfefl. Dallas, Tex., Jan. 20.-Froru re ports received from ranchmen, It Is 11ioih1iI tho ioss to them of cattle, .feecttune of I ho prweui cold weutiier, will tw a million dollars. A TRAPPER'S STORY. THE CHILIAN AFFAIR. N) Message, No War, Prepara tions a Mistake. THE COLD WEATHER EAST. hi Found n Strngn Oeenpant In Hlo 1 Cnbln nnil flitted ti I Ate. "Sunday wan cotdhnd wet," Fftld the manaor" of n woll known lumber com ptiny Uio othor clay, "and I had a dreary tliuo of it up In fluntevillo. We gathered around the flro In the rain, Mid tried to shorten time by telling tories of tho wood chlclly, as most utorles are In tho back country. One Old trapper, a character In his way, but not of a romancing disposition, told u a story something liko this: U'A good many years ago, When trapping waa a better business than It k now, I did a good deal of work In the district back of Fenelon falls. One summer 1 built a camp really a wigwam like an Indian's and stored nway my traps. It was on tho bank of ft stream and In the course of the sum mer when I passod up and down In my canoo 1 sometimes stopped over night and !ept there. Ouo night, as dusk was changing Into dark, I cm no down tho stream on the way to Fenelon falls, eomo twonty miles away. I folt tired and decided to sleep at tho camp and ago that my traps wero all right. " 'As I camo up to tho wigwam I no' tlced something While lusldo. It was 0 dark that I could not tell what It was, but I concluded It was some anl Mia! that had crept In and made a den for Itself. In that wild country tho thought never struck me that It could be a human being, and, besides, It lay stretched along tho ground Just as a wolf would bo. I had my revolver In my belt, and raised It to shoot, but lowered my hand again. A second ' timo and a third I took aim, but some thing seemed to koop mo from drawing tho trlggor. Then 1 lit a piece of bark and went up to tho camp. " 'A woman lay thero with a whlto dress all torn to shreds, with ono shoo and stocking gone and tho other In rags, but with thrco miignlflcont rings on her Angers. Sho was almost dead, and though sho looked In my faco gavo no answer to my questions. Sho was dying of hunger I saw at onoo, and running out I started a fire. WhUo It kindled 1 gavo hor blsoult and other re freshments that I had. Then I cooked somo fish, and tho first sign of life she gavo was to point at tho fish and to her mouth. Sho was ravonous and ato till I was afraid to givo her moro. But what to do with horf Sho could not stay there In tho woods and was fast becoming delirious. I tied her feet to gether and did tho somo with her arms so that sho could not mo vo or Jump up and upsot tho oanoo. " 'Laying her down In tho bottom as comfortably as I could I sot out for Fenolon Falls, and you may bo suro I paddled that night at my best spood. Sho was reoognlzod at Fonolon Falls as tho daughter of a, wealthy American visitor and carefully tendod. After ward wo loomed that sho had been out boating, and landing, had wandered into tho woods and lost herself. Hor boat was found and It was supposed sho was drownod. Sho had been six days In tho woods whon sho found hor way to my camp.'" Toronto Qlobo. Secretary Blaine, Democratic Con vention, Duko Clarence, In the House, Short Session, Boies In augurated, Sliding to Death, In the Senate, State and Foreign News, Etc. IVhero 1'erfiimei Coma l'ruui. Ambergris comes from tho sporma ooti whalo, and Is generally found Hoat Ingln tho waters wlioro these lovlathans disport themselves. An ounco of this jyeclous product costs twenty-live dol lars, considerably moro than tho samo weight of silver. Neroll Is an ossontlal oil derived from bitter oraugo blossoms. Tho vanilla bean comes from Moiloo and Central America; oil of lavondor from England and France. Patchouly is Imported from China, It Is largely used to perfume Miawls. Sandalwood Is from a tree Indlgonous to India, America is not behind tho Old 'World In producing somo scents usod by perfumers. Tho best jumper mint oil In tho world comes from "Wayno county, N. Y. Long Island Is noted for Its tuberoses, Florida and California coutrlbuto groat Hiantlt!cs of orango blossoms, Tho opopouax blossom, used for cor tain combinations, oomos from tho southern statos, Now York livening Sun, A Short Way with Uunt. In former times, when tho Highland chieftains wero not so prompt in their payment, a tradesman from tho low country, Impatient for his monoy, found, with somo dlflloulty, tho way to ono of their castles. Arriving at night, We had his supper and was put to bod. On looking out in tho morning ho ob served, opposite to his window, n man hanging on a tree. Asking a servant tho reason of It, ho wm told ho was a Glasgow merchant, who had the bnpudouco to oomo buro Md, dun tho laird, Tho tradesman, JsHtuodlately calling for his boots, wont ok without unfolding his errand. Tho fckW ImuI eaubod. tho etllgy at . man to 1m ktutg up hi tho night, ami liutructod hi iwryant what to say, which had tlM dtatlml effect RcQtUslt American. A Good Xeou. Ma social gathering a vldow did hot tvgiijfl bt tripping tho light fanta i to. A npnUMHAii Approached live "Aweaffetaffto danco this oveu- "Jfe Matt ftltwr midnight," inhMut iodav la tk luvMVcnuLrv iMtWMWV .." :Toiiu MtaWar. 'I Ntt't why yem Uko turn jro. Jltw IcorrdlnatotUULi'ntleiuaU Ihc NO WAR. Washington, Jan, 20. There Is decidedly a diminution In war talk around tho navy department this morning and a moro peaceful state of affairs prevailed. Secretary Tracy had a conference with Sena tors Cameron and MoL'tierniu of the senate naval conunltteo and it Is understood tho secretary laid before them a statement of the ex peudlturcs ho has recently lucuned in his preparations for a miviil demonstration In southern waters aud asked that when his estimate for appropriations should be sub milted ho should receive the support it tho committee, u week ugo la alleged to have said thine prepara tlous seemed to bo absolutely uecefc tury, but ho nov believed there would bo no war. This expression )ti tho part of tho secretary as a oclluf that the crisis has pawed Is liken as an Indication of coucllin iwry di8j)utches from (Chilian govern ment, regarding hs paving tho wuj for the ultimate act of reparation on the part of Chill. A very accurate .ndex of popular sentiment is ob .alned through tho letters that pour In upoti thoseerolory of the treasury from all parts of tho country, where as ten days ago theo Indications developed a decided wur spirit, to day I here mciiii to bo a change In the tono and there Is a growing ills p isitlou to urge the becrotary to u conciliatory course. It Is quite ui parent congress will not bo en lightened on tho Chilian contro versy for at least two or thiee days, for mi announcement Is mode at the state department the correspondence will not bo eout In tomorrow. No date Is ilxed for tho submission of the tuctsago and documents. NOTHING WIIiLBTOl1 TIIKH. Wahiiinoi-on, Jun. 20. In speak ing of tho Chilian dispute n naval ellkersiild: "There uro three Chilian war ves ids In the Straits of Magellan. They are not obstructing that Im portant highway against the vessels of itny nation, but there Is an under stuudlng between tho stato depart tueut and navy department that tho preseuce of tho Chilian vessels is Intended us a menace against the na8JMgo of uny moro war vessels of tho United ytites from tho Atlantic to tho l'aclllo. Iiiuldti of ten days tho Mlantounmoh, one of the strong est warships In tho world, will start for Valparaiso In company with tho Newark. At Montevideo thu At lanta and Chicago will Join them. TIicbo vessels, accompanied by the crulsor llenuiiiKton, are not only going to the Btrulla of Magellan, but they are going right on through. If tluro Is uny obstruction It will be swept out of tho way. They uro going to Vulpurulso aud nothing will stop thorn. WHAT Dt-MOOIIATH BAYB. Washington, Jan. 0.Vulla tho talk yesterday won favorable to poace, many Democratic luomberH bald plainly that If lighting did como they wero In favor of pushing tho war vigorously aud relentlessly, omitting no measure to glvu Chill n severe lesson. Should tho president recommend congress to declare war against Chill, tho vote of congress would belononf tho most umphatlu aillriuatlves over recorded In the capital, but thero wouldbon. minority, and thero tho maker of htatory will llnd t,wo alliance seunlnz Kvlo aud Poller. What Irby would "say wero ho hero Is not kuowix. Iv.lo thinks war with Chill would bo national uisgrnco; tnai tuo liH;w of going to war with so auudl u ooontry la crlm Inolly rldloulwts, IViVersaldi "The iwrverted dootrluh f patriotism Is responsible for tho war feeling Thu Idea that tlu 'troublo at Vftllar- nuo eonBHiuu u cause for war springs fnuu , mistaken sense of Imnbr," wdd t'hls Kunsui senator. "A lot of our willow, most of them probably Intoxicated, became par ties to. n brrwlt and because to or throo or tliMn were killed wo must brlug nbr.ut an euormous expoiiM) aud death of maiiA of our people. The proposition is perfect foolish- nesa.1 U Is harued otllclally that the preldunt'a mewagu will not Ih sent to congrtwa tomorrow, While olll olul lutormatlou on tho jioiut does not extend beyond tomorrow, thero oru stromt turfuco Indications that tho pwwldent hua practically deter- tnlnedto Kwtpono llnul action on tho mutter until next week, and thia xlvea color to tho belief that conciliatory dUtchcs have Already licon reco vrd, nul more, are ex IMrcted, A 1'UVURtIlt.KTAI.K. Washington, Jan, 20, Au !u trvtlng talk was had with n Chilian with regard to tho recent act of th mlnliterof foreign ullalm lu Inform ing Minister Kgiiti that tho refugees now mi the Vorktoui would bo IIhUo to leur should the vessel on wbluU they wuru to leave Chill for Kuri-im touili at uny of thu Jotl Ac-1 wiy. Inference to bo drawn from tho action of the minister of foreign attain is that tbo Chilian govern ment really meant It for fie benefit of the refugees Instead of an at tempt to secure their prisoners. Thu Chilian government, ho salih never asked their delivery from the legation and never oflered to give them safe guard out of the country. They traveled In coucea'ment from Santiago to Valparalso,aud although tho government vtm fully aware of this, It wai ofllcluly Ignorant of circumstances, but was afterwards Informed ol It oulclally. They then boarded tho Yorktown aud in tended salting for Europe qn a steamer touching nt Chilian ports. Tha government was compelled ti take cognizance of this fact, ami then notify Egiu that tho refugee would bo liable to siezure, If found on such morobaut vessel in a Chi lean port. It wa to avert tills slezuro that tho minister of foreign affaire, with friendly Intentions, reported to tho American' minister what might be expected to lntppea. Tho government could nol luterfer. lu the process ofcourts which would have caused the am-ut of tho refugees. THKV VflhV APOUIGIZK. Nkw Yokk, Jan. 20. .Peruvian Consul E, Percy Levela&eo says he does not think war with Chill will occur. Chilians will probably apolo gize. Tho United States dynamite cruiser Vesuvius will bo ready for ncllve service In forty days. ALIi BUSTLE. Philadelphia, Penn., Jan. 20. Everything bustle at Crumps Ship Yard whero the armored erulner Corsair aud battlo ships Massachu setts and Indiana uro undergoing construction. THE NAVY. Washington, Jnn. 20. Com mander Evhna of the Yorktown Informed tho navy department that the Chilian Bto.aner Esmeralda left Valparaiso yesterday morning to go to tho asslhtanco of the British mail steamer John Alder, reported athoro 160 miles south of Valparaiso. It Is learned tbat tho Balmacedn refugees wero on tho Yorktown, aud conse quently lu no dauber of foil lug Into the hands of the Chilians by reason of tho wreck of tho Btpauisblp John Alder. Tho ftatement tbat they wero placed on that vessel lu dis' guiso nt Valparaiso Is therefore Incorrect. Word was received in Washing ton that tho Philadelphia, llagship of Admiral Ghcradl, has sailed from Barbados for Montevideo This Is Indicated as of gonernl naval Importance. Tberu la considerable speculation us to who would be placed In command of tho naval force In tho J'liclfluiu caso of war, but tho general opinion Is upon Admiral Iflniuorly, who Is at the head of tho aotlv'o list. T1U.5 CHILIAN MATTUU. Wabuengton, Jan. 20. There Is a. lull In tho talk with reference to thu Chilian matter. On the VtoiiBo side of tho capltol. tho dis position wiiH to await tho receipt of tho ' president's message before en deavoring to form a decided opinion on the Btibject. Tho feeling was expressed by nearly all dlsbllef in war as us tho probable outcome of tho troublo, A number of Demo cratic representatives wlio wero talked with deprecated war with so small a nation as Chill, and tho United Btutes Is largo aud strong enough to overlook a great many thlugarather than proceed to ex tremities. During yesterday after noon a report was lu circulation that tho situation hud assumed a moro pucltln character. It was rumored that Great Britain had intervened her good ofllces to tiring about u peaceful adjustment of tho relations between the two countries. No ollU'lnl continuation of the lumur could bo obtained. A dif ference of opinion was lnablfci-tcil as to whether or not tho United Stairs ought to accept tho media- lieu of any third party without mi expression from Chill of regret at lawless acts of her citizens and a disavowal us connection or sympa thy with tlisin. Many members took thu view that tin Chill In compara tively of small size this government need not at all be rkorous In Its requirements, I 1IOATS 11KINO TKSTKI). Ban Fuancisco, Jau.20. Amnng Pacltlo Mull steamship otltolals tbo most absorbing topic or interest at present la tho cpeed test of tho ves sels of that line, uudcr thu new mall contracts. Last Friday, at noon, the steamship City of New York stilled from San Francisco direct for Panama having on board tho malls. Tho steamer Is in tlrst oliu-a condi tion, having Just eom oil the dry dock. A new propeller has liven put lu, and tho smokestack consid erably lengthened. Just enough cargo has been taken to ballast tho vessel well, aud to hold her steady. The purpose of the company Is to put tho steamer "on her mettle" this trip, and to make a fair test of her spmllug qualities. The lln-t test will be mado over tho slxty- inllo ooutvo from Pigeon Point to Point Star, aud the otUolal time will be taken over the fotiMullo course In the Santa Barbara cliau uel, over which the Uulted States cruisers Charleston and San Frau clsco were speeded. HAN VHANCI8CO HAnUOH. 8ak Francisco, Jan. SO, In view of the warlike toue of the dispatches In regard to Chilian attain and of the repeated assertion of Ban Fran cltoo'a danger o bombardiueut by a Culllau lleet, the following stats. went by b attuv officer high a authority, and perhaps as well in formed as any man In the service, on the subject of our ability to resist an attack will bo very reassuring: "I think," wild the officer, who pre ferred that his name should nut le used, "that with our resources we could withstand any attack made by any fleet Chill could send. Our present armament III Fort Wlnfleld Scoltaud on tho hills above consists of nbout thirty 8-inch rlfletl cannon converted fronilO-lnch smooth-bores, about ten mounted and and fourteen unmounted 15-luch smooth-bori guns, nnd thirty-two mounted and llfty five unmounted old 10-Incli smooth-bore gutiB. Besides this, there are about 100 various old guus In the booeyard, many of willed Could be made to. do good service at short range. Fifteen-Inch guns flro a projectile weighing 450 pounds about three miles with effectiveness and will penetrate ten Inches of Iron nt 1000 yards. Tho 8-Inch rifled gun Is very eflectlve for about two mile and will carry a 180 pound projectile four and oue-half miles nnd peue trute armor eight inches lu thickness at a distance of 1000 yards. There are also some guus nt Black Point and Alcutniz. The Chilian navy has no vessels which could wlthstitid uch pro jectiles as could bo flrud from even our present guns. For this reason I don't think any Chilian cruiser could enter our harbor. But It Is hardly a supposablo case that a fleet would appear off our coast simultaneously with the declara tion of war, and In all probability It would be a month or moro at least alter such a declaration before tills city would be attacked. By or before that lime extemporized for tifications would be made thut would, I think, prevent any fleet getting near oven to the entrance of the bay. The government has some high-power rifled guus and mortars just unlsued. nuu more nearly po, whose delivery could be hastened If circumstances de ninuded. Wo could have them ready a week after they arrived lu this city. If the batteries of these guns nnd mortars were located just back of tho Clin" House and ou Point Bonlta, I do not think a fleet would daro approach near enough to flholl tho city. Wo could also put up within a couple of weeks uu extemporized bay torpedo system that could blow up uny vesnels thut might perform the mlruclo of pass ing tho butteries along tho shcre of tho Golden Gate." CHARLESTON HEADY. San Dieoo, Jan, 20. Cipher dls pinches received from Washington by Admiral Brown appear to change plans In regard to tho movement ol tlm Charleston, which was expected to sail for San Francisco yesterday morning. At any rate, the Charles ton Is making preparations to move. icsterday afternoon a diver was tvent down to examine the cruiser's bottom. His report to Captain Itcmey Is that the vessel Is cleaner than was expected. Tho engineer also reported tho machinery in good condition, and not In need of over hauling. The ammunition brought hero by tho San Francisco giyes the Charleston a complete store. l'KAVEU'KOH guidance. Washington, Jan. 20. Kveiy wbero In the capltol the Chilian question Is tho topic of conversation, In his prayer, the ohupluin of the house asked for divine guidance for tho president and his tulvlters aud members of tho two houses In the present crisis, in that all shall be advised, decided upon and done for tho safety, honor, dignity aud wel. faro of tlie nation, hi a spirit of Justice und conciliation to all other nations, and shall have the sanction aud blessing of tho Prince of K1ds. COLD WEATHUH. PiTTdJiuno, J un.20. The mercury huH dropped to four degrees below zero, the lowest point reached lu years. Itcports from tho surround ing towns Indicate even colder weather. All trains uro from one to three hours lute. 1ndianaiolis, Jun 20. Tho mer cury this morning was ten degrees below zero, aud there Is nearly a foot of snow ou tho ground. All tho streams are fiozeu to a depth of from twelve to llfteeu Inches. Sr. Paul, Jan. 20. The cold weather has moderated somewhat throughout this state. Itcports from North Dakota state that there wat- a blizzard nt Devil's Lake and Moor head, Minn., yesterday, and milder weather Is resulting today. At Jamestown, N. D,, a heavy snow storm and high wind are reported. Moiw cold weather for Thursday h predicted. TAHLKqUAii, I. T., Jan. 20. Deep snow covers tho ground here and the mercury is about tendegreef U'low zero, the coldest it has been In live yeara. Stock on tho rutiget. is sullVriog terribly, and a wood famine exists here. 8KCHKTAHY 1ILAINK. Washington, Jan. 20, Secretary Blalue Issuttlelently.reoovetvd this morning from his slight Illness of yesterday to do considerable work, DKUOCKATIC CO.NVHNTIOW. Wabhinoton, Jau. 20. The con. teat for tho Democrat lo national convention U becomlug lutenso. Tho delegation from Milwaukee headed by Governor Peck U the largest, Tho chief argument urged against Iudluuapolls Is It has had a presidential asplraut in ex-Qov. eruor Gray, but Iudluuapolls says there U nothing lu this. DUKE CLAUKNCO. Lonuin, Jan. 20. Brief survives were held at tho Parish church at ' slon the casket was placed upon the I train for London. Bemalus will be accompanied by the Prince, and Princess Wales and family. IN THE HOUSE. Washington, Jan. 20. Mr. Cummings, of New orK, iniro inpl In the house yesterday a bill prepared by the recent meeting of the fourth clafs postmusiers in mo cltY to fix the compensation of all fourth class Ktmasters upon the ba&'s of couiniisylous; upon the amount of postage stamps, stamped envelopes, postal cards, newspapers und periodical stamps canceled on intipr aetuallv mailed at their .Aires; ou postage stamps actually tlllxcd and canceled; on matter on railway postal curs, and credited to i heir respective offices, ana on i mounts received for waste-paper, dead printed mutter, at the follow. lug rates: Ou the ilrst 100, ana less per quarter, 100 per centum; on the next 100 or less, CO pef centum; on the next J200 or less per quarter, 60 per centum; and on the balance, 40 per centum, and-ln addi tion to such commitslons postmas ters are to be entitled to nil box rents received ut their office. Unanimous consent was asked to discharge tho committee on judici ary from further consideration. A resolution Instructing thut the committee Investigate the action of the Pinkerton Detective Agency was objected to. The house then resumed consld oration of tho bill providing for public printing aud binding aud distribution of public documents, After a loug debate the houso de feated the bill. The committee on rules was then given leave to have its report printed. It is believed the new rules will be submitted to the fall committee today aud to the houee Thursday. The house then udjourned. short session. Washington, Jan. 20. Tho session of tho house was short, and after a few bills, among them Springer's free wool bill, were Intro duced, the house adjourned. IN THE SENATE. Washington, Jau. 20. In the senate today, when tho bill appro priatlug $100,000, for a public build ing at The Dalles, Or., was reached, a lengthy debate started, which is still lu progress. SLIDING TO DEATH. St. Louis, Jau. 20. A Missouri Pacillc truln run Into a sleighing party in the suburbs of this city Tuesday night, aud killed seven or eight persons. The accident occurred at Forestvllle, six miles west of this city. At that place there Is a steep bill, which hos been uved by persons in the neighborhood duriug the nrovulllnir cold snap as a sort of toboggau slide. The road down the hill lead across the railroad tracks. This evening thore was a party of twenty-four on a sled, wbo hud been Indulging In the sport for some tlmo. But lliudly their merry-making came to un abrupt and sad end ing. As their sled, a pair of bobs connected by a long plunk, struck the railroad tracks a train dashed iuto it, killing seven of its occupants and maimlug many others. Not ono of tho twenty-four is said to have escaped Injury. An ambulance corps immediately left tho city for tho scene of the accident. So fur as can be learned the following Is a list of tho killed: Frederick Neu bert, J. C. Schieille, Gustavo Neti bert, William Krone, James Con nors, E. Vonbehreu, Al Miller. Andy , Stephenson, the colored driver, was Injured, and Charles Frey hud both legs broken, aud was terribly cut about the head und body. THEllOAD RUNNING. PiTTsnuiia, Peniiit., Jan. 20. With the aid of tho police official, tho electric Hue was enabled to open up their road tliU morning, and ruu n number of curs, after an almost complete suspension of traffic, since last Friday. Up to noon no trouble was roported. ItIG ItAHN DUIINED, Portland, Jan. 20. The magni ficent bam of W. S. Ladd's mam moth GOO-acro farm, north of Sunny shle, was totally destroyed by lire yesterday. The loss Is estimated at f 32,000; In sured to the extent of 75,000, two thirds of which Is held by the Com mercial Union Insurance Company, and tho remaluder was carried by Sun. The main building was 200 feet long aud Blxty feet wide, with an extreme height of Beyeuty feet. It was uhh! for feed storage and cattle housing. It was built In 1SS4, at a cost of $10,000, aud reateel on a heavy brick aud stone foundation. The addition was forty feet high, 100 feet long, and thirty feet wide, und wtisut-ed forstoriug agricultural tmpllmeiits, herding su iueatid cool ing fowl for the animals. It i,t J8000 and wus built six years ago. STAGE KOnilKH IDENTIFIED. Oloiik, A. T, Jau. 20. Sherltl m Thompson, of Gila county, arretted Harvey Blevius, of Upper Salt river, ou suspicion of being the man who held up the Itlverslde stage a fe days ago'and eoured the imu tents of the Well Furgo box aud I200 In sliver bullion. Bleviu has been idoutilled by the stage driver as the rlnht tuati aud 1 lodped lu Jail. WEATHER REPORT, id ... llij if that Stftto, so that he case of misfortune as is tne Protects every parson insured in cannot loose his money in You may f-rget your policy out, It is the s'tlest ana uu&e. case with other statos. the policy won't forget yotu Every man ought to carry Insurance and should put his money where lie can't loose it. KVERY POLICY IN THIS STATE HAS CASH and PAID UP VALUES GUARANTEED MAKING IT BANKABLE IE DESIRED. SEE ,1. L. MITCHELL OR THE GEN'L AGT. OF THE MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. MARKETS. Portland, Jon. 20. Wheat val ley. $1.02 $1.05; Walia Walla $1,571 $1.00. Chicago, Jan. 20. Wheat, season 1.73. San Fkancisco, Jan. 20. At close wheat wus strong; cash .88; May '92 J. Bare in thu Midst or Danger. This would feeni u contradiction Is so, in fact, to tho eye. iJut experience has nrovea its posMbillly. Take the caso ol the Individual who dwellR in a malarious region A robust constitution is no cer tain defrnco ujtulnst the dreaded chills Whnt Is? Recorded tesllmony, covering a period little short or hair a century, proves that Hosteller's stoiiiach Bitters lj precisely this. This contlnen,. does not Omit the Meld wlure the medicine, has proved Its elBcacy. lu South America, the Isthmus of l'anama. Mexico, every where in tact wbero niiaf ma-uoru d'see takPS on its most ohstinateand formidable types, the Jltttc'b Is a recognized specific in illimitable demnd, and prescribed by physicians of repute, l'olent. too is tt In disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels and ngilnst that destroyer, la grippe it Improves nppetito nud sleep, neuirauzw rheumatism nnd kidney onvlalnts. Wonderful 3S lesults tho uso of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Severe cases of scrofula, uon which other prep arations have been powerless yield to the peculiar curative powers of tUU medicine. Distressing cases of dyspepsia, excruciat ing complaints of the kidneys and liter. agonizing Itch and pain ot salt rheum, disagree able cases ot catarrh, and aches and pains of rheumatism, are cured by Hood's Sar saparilla. It purifies the blood, and at the sniie tlmo tones the stomach, creates En :pclitc, ami gives strength toeieryf unc lou of tho body. Give it a trial. General Debility "For four years my wilo su3ered with largo tumor bunches on the glands under tho arms, und general debQity of the nhole system. Slio became so poor In health that we were on the Terge of despair regarding her recovery. Physicians did not seem to understand her ease; at all events sho never derived any benefit from their treatment. She finally concluded to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. The immediate effect was so marked and satisfactory tbat sho continued to take It, and till.' e the result: Sho has gained lu weight From 84 to 111 Pounds and Is stronger and In better health than sho has been for years. The bunches under her arms li.ive diminished, and wo believe Hood's Sarsaparilla will bo too much for them In time." J. J. Nor.caoss 226 Com mercial Street, Boston, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by drtiigiats. 81 j tlxforfi. Prepared by a I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mast. IOO Doses One Dollar The Oregon Land Co., WITHiPRINOIPAL OFFICE IN SALEM, The Beautiful Capital C'ty of Oregon, and County Seat ot 'Marion County. Is engaged in selling farming, stock and fruit lands in the Willamette Valley. If you arc looking for land do notTfailito call on us at Salem or our agent in Port laud. The Willamette Valley is very far ahead of any other place on?the Pacific Coast as a farming, stock and fruit country, and i the most delightful place in the World for a home. Office in Gray Block, Cor, State and Libertv Sts., Salem,0r. 8ALKM MAHKKT KKl'OKT. A Synopsis of the Markets Iluylngtand Selling l'rlces. KEVISEDjQUOTATIONS. KETAILIPRICES. Hhoulders.8ugar cured.per lb,10. llrcakfast bncou 15 Hams Suirar cured, per lbJltKc. Heef-B12$ ! . iti Pork Si in Mutton K912WC. Veal-lQ12Kc Timothy scud Ier pound,c:rselllng tied clover seed I'er pound, lie. W hlte clover seed I'er pound, 20c. " Alslke-lSc per pound. ' lied toj lue per pound, Lincoln Gnisn 12Vc per pound,! Kye Gross 10c per pound. Orchard GniMl7o per pound. New potatoes -lOo per bushel. n, i """r-1 c2?ucs' :rapncot, g 00; black berries, ft; corn, best grades W 00; tomatoes 1 SO: utrlng btans tl SO: green peas Jl s; per do. In two lb cans! Iresh eiretubtes. Potatoes Wrrmrmu 60c: parsnips 75c; onions 3c per lb. rtsh Salmon ftainenorlh- Hinr.u u Toper lb-small flsb lOo per lb; gait salmon, 7(pl0o per lb. ' BUY1HO PRICKS. Wheat Cash. STc,, utorage 85c w.ur7,1,er. tarel. 5.W, besi lite lbs.' Oat Per bushel, 3uiKc. Barley Per bushel,405c. Vv:i:ecrio&p-0J " - EgK &c per dozen. Potatoes Per bushel, 10e: Corn meal So per pound." Cheese 12914a per pound. Dried plums Per lb. S7c. IJrted prune Per lb. Iftai2c l!ac5re,,oOUn,lf0r,8OK, llams-lVr pound,ll812c, Hacon side aio per IbT pnMuiurni4w(vo per ID. VUlVKCUliOlUC Turkeys 10 to 12c cnicMni ,ioc per pound. i urney lu 10 iso 10, v.wrw no ywr lu. i)uci,l2Wperlb Uop,elSi A WARNING-DON'T USE BIG WORRb inicuiian.XZJsMZr 'L "-"?"0?' or and PblkJphlca7or wTclti " Let rour statements rwmsnclarinAWn from nt . IVul and Minue.i-ollnS i?.?' lolnH east and uu UDoinLai teou'deintln and .VS1 L,ffflr-: Mpatiou InleillirbiirtJSSSSl'ff ia!strfii.TaJS'- Jecmltrami ,iti-..... UV'"- Kriel The Willamette Valley Fruit Growing Company Office with tho Oregon Land Co., Gray Block, corner State and Liberty streets, Salem, Oregon; is engaged in setting out and cultivating Orchards. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES- ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN, South of Willamette Hotel, SALEM - - - OREQON PllOFESSlONAI. CAHDS. GEO. H. BURNETT, Attorney at law, Salem, Oregwn. Office over Ladd a .bush's bank. L B. HUFFMAN, Limy Stable and Feed The Best Box Stalls and Corral In the I'lty. Quiet, family bortesa specialty. (In rear Willamette hotel.) SALEM, ... OREGON W.M. DeHAVEN, Boarding - anil - Sale - Stable. One door west of Lunn'H Dry Doods store on Htate street. Quiet family teams. Spec ial attention paid to transient stock. 6:ltl D'ARCY&IUNOHAM, Attorneys nnd counselors ut law, Salem, Oregon. Having nn abstract ot the recordsof Marion county, including n lot and block Index oi Salem, they have special facilities lor ex amining titles to real estate. Business In the supreme court nnd in the state depart ments will receive prompt attention. ST. HICH.VUDSON, Attorney at law, . olIlcoupst(ilrsin front rooms of new iiu-h block, corner Commercial nnd Court streets, raleiii,Oifgnn. TOiiN A. BA1KON, Attorney nt law. O . Itooms3aucU, Lada & Bush's bank building, Salem, Oregcn. 8 1 lyr B. K. BON HAM. W. II. HOLMES . I onham & HoLJirs. Attorneys nt law. 1J Ufllct' In Bush's li nplr hptnenn Ltn and Couit, on Com'ISt. TRUCK AND EXPRESS. MORGAN & MEADE, Truck & Dray Line. ..ijv t'nmiwJ:ilPrompt work is our stronghold. SUTTON & SON, Express and IJaggagc. Do hauling and quick dellverv to nil parts of the city with promntnTss aSd care. Leave orders at K, .M . WadeA Co's. 11ILMON KOKD, nttorney at law, Salem. Oiegon. oilko uptairs iu Patlou's. block. CS. MrNALLY.Archltect, New Busli Breyman block. Plans and speciflca- ttnntl Af II I fllni.i nn nln.l...llJI ?. . ..v " ..icioeto vi ui uiuiuiugs on snort .luuvc. ciuperiuienaeMceoiworkDromr omptly 2 6-tf WU'y,GU' Architect. Plans, Sped . ncations and superintendence lor f, L .15! or "'"lldlngs. Otllce a Com mercial it., up stairs O A,,SYB,EIJtA Arcbltect, room J2L Mar J. quam building, I'ortlaud, Oregon. R J,lCHtAFAN,D'Clv11 Sanitary and XU. Hydraulic Engineer. U. s. lieputy " '"f svr-e'or- City surveyors ottlce, Lottle-l'ark hurst Block, Xaleia, Oregon. ' Bt s W"-UIjG,M. D., Offleo formerly "owland, corner iWi Pbt,rtyoHreetB. Telephone No. inrt 7?IC5 heurs: 8 a. m. to 12: 2 to 4 p. m., 2w7.to9p;.m- ""Idence uhh street on electric car line. Telephone Ho. 0. ationa Bank, SALEM, OREGON. GENERAL BANKING NAPOLEON DAVIS. Dr. J. HK.vvni nu JOHN MOIH- "vT Resident. -Vice President. Cashier; WILLIAMS a FNGIANin BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all SQbseriled.J200.000 Tct.aniWbckb-'-. WM.ESQLAVri HUGH itcNAHV Bnk In n v.-i.. .. . mrrilitrct. vuaa oiock m. Uremni. 2 to 4 p. in. Otllce hours 10 to 12 a.m. Fi BomniL?-IiP0K' M-I-.Homeopathist. RTgh sir oiiirais wr.ys1" Hub slret ij ','"'' "?"ueS.?! a,aof"mis,s"ii V r,?i,?,,USIR,(,r- Physician and sur of th .n,' i'rnc"c8 limited to diseases. Ssthm Tnrtu2 8 .". Catarrh Including !'nt?imwI,n.(lruPtureor bernla. Ofllce In h-om9bnA,rom8Uiincl Vi- Offlce hours, lis tf an frow 3toF.m. lrpjiM. Vice President laamer DV!1 ?,-,A' J?AVI8. Office hours, An otiH Ahifi vj tuuiBcascBUi worn SB nfmmi'Jlf n.' Vffleo ln w "ink Blk., m tommerelal street, ltesldence earoe. DUthew;hfi'E' Dentist, Office over Tlirclul street" torDe Uourt ana Co,D- DKk!iWAITIl dentist, 02 Btato street, tic4.fS,i' lnilied dental operai toS a0seciayUy.tCrl,ltlon- VaMe " UUSINEbS CAItDS. on Com-&1J-U (Fouuded In ISCS.) Busli XUszs:J:Ss: if - w UUOJJ, U(l IRON' BUILDIXO, SALEM, KOnlrAim 8ak Kha.voi6x, Jun 19 r Gash Market. Badriuguatn toly over tbo tvmalu. cast (ot Otvemu nud Wasli.ujtouj en cf Dqk Clwypw. At their v9u Clwriug and cooler. - orhqon .M ,t , f U-; S?, rTru BMlnew te nil . . . knorS, 5,.v?'nnUons with 1 is?sa Syfesa- . g&SB&gm aas- egTOWH SorShSii ALLJa'' Bloetamltta and be.two?knnDBnu? relalrlnB. Only tho wrwutwef, uiveugn triali' 4.14 JshlnI!?UT'. locksmith. How P. Jk!l...?.'5W.ture oral! .&hop-4iHiatet.7eet."Dg BpeC""" fit,. i"f,,lD, 81aewulkg, Excavating, UwvenMrATE,Plly doue, S4lem.Or. fyf-VING.-I make a specialty ot alL, Va ,elui1 lthgrtl.tcirc House -" tf IbVl ...U...I.I. . .. T 111 .7. . r"" ".! WHIl J. IX. J.UUU w. j, iu fm?un SIT'-TTTS Gri? V!Brbr nndllulrdtwlnjf ""oa liS'.jr,. --- v,fem4S4U4 xrrqn&tymMf&niiaml4iimwm mpui0hmriiitisrv !Wiloi'WMwHwiftiMr imuq&H fwtmw