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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1891)
vji j--jw " j--- Vt' fit ,' I XLT A TYPE-SETTER. A Ure Afalr an Kwr a ffillimelto AorJlBItor.cisip'lftlaM tw ite Catitav JOt'lOUJL. I. WHICH INTBODIKJES A "COMP." TbB flret Willamette excursion of tlie reason was blilfd for lat Satur day. Travelling Pasaeofcor Agent Sioart ol Albany bad come o rtraigliten out a difficulty Tor the O. P. Co. Tbe excurelon bad been t (or May 3J, but owing to some mlsuntler etanding had not come off. This mistake on tbe part of the company bad Out down tbe crowd to com fortablo dimensions, Tbe day was dear, warm, yet not hot, perfect. Let ua Introduce our heroine. Nellie Oswalt was an attractive upcdmeri of that undefinable tcenur American girl, whose industry nnd independence were neatly (surpassed by a charm of manner and many little attractive ways that endeared Iter to her own tex and held in the thraldom of innocent charm a num Iter of BUBceoUblee of the other. "Are you going on tbeAlbanj excursion ?" asked her stepmother, assbe reached home from tbe"offlceM Friday evening. "Yea, I have a epeclal invitation, mamma, dear," she aald catftly, cir cling her well-rounded, muscular arm around lite, Oswalta'a neck, and riving her a loving bug. "A 'nn.' I eaDnoee. id the elder lady, with malicious admlra tlon, for abe-waa proud of her ward' connection with a printing office. "Yes, a 'comp.'" Nellie bltuli broadened into a happy emile. The "comp" meant more than either cared to confess and both avoided any eiubarraaslng allusions. Miss Oswalt was well In her twentieth, year. A ucanty educa tion, poverty and ber fatberV second marriece sent ber to tbe composirig room of a thrifty, well managed evening daily newspaper. Her work was at flret per formed with mechanical indiffer euce. But Increasing compenbation and the interest her employers felt iu developing her natural bright ness, caused her to "pick up" at her trade. She mastered It before the second year wub up, so far as rapid, clean work at any kind of "copy.' Her careful spelling of all difficult words, foreign phrases and unintel ligible writing won her the respect of her fellow-workers and tho entire editorial force. In two years the plain, chubby, bit-eyed, undersized, bashful girl had grown into a bright ncas nnd universal respect, that surpassed by far the popularity ot many girls far more advantageously situated. In two years more, stiu keeping ber place in tho composing room, she hud won a station iu society, was an authority on many Uttlc questions of Jref and amuse ments in quite a circle of the "best fflrls in town" If not of the elite. Her goubral Information on all questions of tho day including poli tics, religion and social topics, was very accurate, and she bad insensi bly absorbed that culture which con stitutes a woman of the world. At ono or more home receptions and entertainments she received atten tions from the son of a millionaire publisher, dangerous llatterles to one of her rank, who was after all only a typesetter. Whether Harry Itiecomb'a attentions were sincere or not, Nellie did not lack for pointed admonitions from many of her mx, and gentle suggestions from those who loved her that her aim was too high to brlug happy results. II. TJin EXCUUMOK TO AI.IIANY. Hnrrv I.iscemb. attended uy a gentleman friend had Joined the University excursion. They tat on the bow of the cabin smoking cigars and looked abstractedly away be fore them, kuown to but few aud caring not to form any acquain tances. Tho Jollity about tho pea nut and lemonade Htatnl ; the prome nading groups ot University girls with glasses; the over-daft and softish couples leaning over the rails together; tho roaring tunes of tho splondld baud; tho swift-gliding evergreen scenery all these things seemed not touttract their attention. Harry's usually calm Bteel grriy oyea were tlustered by a new light that gave him a strange look that his friend did not understand. Truth Is, ho. was worried because Nellie was aboard. Ho had sent her his card with an invitation to Join him on this pleas ure trip. His note hud remained unanswered. Tho tlmo wits short and yet ho was so annoyed by the thought thatsho might go and luck an escort, or worse still, huve chosen auother, that ho could not rest, but collaring his chum ho hud stepped on tho boat as it wus about to leave. There she- came, through tho crowd, accomjwulcd by Mr. and Mr. Dilley, who occupied posltlous on tho stall of tho jwjwr on which she set type, aud a gentlcmuu who wasaslraugerlo Harry, tho' ho now reoogulred him us an awkwurd, homely, up-country editor of emu "! PRICES n R V &K U4luumi'b UJ Vm& ia Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard. aiderable ability. He was talking animatedly with Nellie and she was responding with vivacity, ber Might ly pouting red lips, ber ex pressive face and her tparkHsg eyes, each speaking In a language ef their own. After they Iwd aM retaroed Harry' siigbt aud. he excused hiraselfandwenltoa wdadedpart of the boat and as he bad bees at work nearly all night, be made excute to stretch himself est tor a nap. He fell into a tnwMod drar only disturbed by the ccwJoaal blast of the steam whistle as tbe boat neared Indepeodeace and Buena Vista, rappJemeBted by t Mining meaterts ef tbe lead aad tbe shouts ef the exearstoalsSs. The forests en ekixsr fe-k ia tt beautiful May season were rich ta all tbe various verdaals f tw-. The pale, silky greeas ef Iras hiM leaved out miagled with le Utrtr Ing columns of tbe evergrwws, while far behind en either b&ad zme the dark tn&stes of tbe btsxify tvuoded Coatlraageaad tbe sawj peaks of the Cascades. Ever s tbe steamer Hoag advanced p tbe Wil'amettc ber bow cat thresgb ribbons of dear Woe water poured in by mountain streams. Tbe nme voluminous tides of the Eastum ind Lnckiamute crowded tbe mud dler waters of the Willamette to gether in tbe center, wbDe their blue volumes rolled swiftly neither ide. Rifts are made in tbe endlesr elouds of evergreens by white cloud A dogwood and wild hawthorne, beneath wbot numberless shades millions of Burns' rural swains could have breathed out tbe tender tale. Tbe charms of tbe voyage were largely lost on young Mr. Lis comb. He fell from ODe Interrupted slumber into another. Atone time a roguish face peered over the edge of the lowered tash, and a pair of sweet eyes gazed at tbe sleeper. Nellie had stolen away from her escorts to find Harry. Her heart had beaten faster ever since she had seen bim on tbe boat. Her love of mischief fairly danced in ber eyes as she took her bat and with tbe tip of a white plume touched the band that was thrown up to shade his eyes from tbe light above. Bhe stroked it several times with a light brush, but bo was sound asleep. Tbe word "Harry" trembled on her lips but she spoke it not, as Harry with a growl at being disturbed turned his face to the wall, and she dodged away. "Why could he not awake? Why must I go back to sit with that poky Mr. Tablet and prosaic Mr. and Mrs, nillflv " She wished she were at home again In the snuggery on Piety Hill, in place of having to be bored all day. They were good enough but she was angry at Harry, and he deserved to bo punished. "What has become of Mr. Lis comb?" quizzed Mrs. Dilley as she reappeared. "He does not icem to bo among the crowd," said Nellie. "He has not Jumped overboard I hope," said Mr. Dilley who de llgh ted in plaguing tbe young com positor about her millionaire ad mirer. "There is Albany," said Mr. Tab let, and tho ladies arranged to go below. TUB TETE-A-TKTK. When Harry LIscomb awoke It was post the lunch hour. He bud no uppetlto and his friend had gone to tho pllot-houso with a party of gay excursionists. Tho steamer was landing at Albany. As ho weut through the cabin he saw tho Dilley party at tho table. The river boats do not, as a rule, serve dinners to excursion parties, and yet the edi tors had persuaded Capt. Baab to srlve them and their ladles seata at his table aiid Nellie was amid the clover of a luxurious meal. Her animal spirits and natural vivacity of manner seemed to shine splen didly beside tho dull, rural Tablet, aad Harry had never noticed that queenly poso of her head, adorned with a high coronet of fragile lace work and gay old-fashioned flowers. Bho was a resplendaut little beauty on this occasion in Harry'B eyes, gungrenwl with Jealousy. Ho was surprised at himself for feeling such paligH of pusalou and rushed out. Their laughter and tho clatter of knlyes was too much for his deli cate sensibilities aud bowaa well ulgh lu a mood to cast hlnwolf Into thorushlug rlvor, hut took a Bharp turn up the gang plunk aud saun tered aimlessly about tho city. Tho main business street of Alba ny struck him in favorable contrast with his lute gloomy linpretslons. U has two buildings thatnro not equal led for elogauco aud modern stylo in tho valloy, abovo Portland. There was nu immense throng In tho city as thoro is ovcry Saturday. Ho passed Into a cool sldo street, that rui'B out among rich, homes, wuu wide lawns and a subdued air of ole ganco, ami sat down on tho grass under a tree and tried to clear hl mlml tor autlon. Ho could not bo haunted with a silly and unsatls factory girl, who was only a com positor lu a small ollleo, when his father owned a mammoth publi Pewder: oiTl Dlind cation that shaped history, made andnnmade men, created aBd de stroyed repHlatiofM by a blast of its breath be tbe aoWe Scion of an American Warwick of the press. He cieaoaed Ms teeth and reasoned It eat la asy way a a bad specula tiea. He wwald cast Nellie forever from bis tfeoagbt aad allow his fam ily aad t&attea to sefoet tor him a bride wertay ef bk rank and expec tattoas. CMaeMag this with a blow of bis deaefeed &, be J sniped up aad baHeaed bak to tbe bnat. He rabed to tbe rear of tbe boat to fceeare bis Mgbt evercoat. whieb be bad left ia tbe earner. He beard raion eattide tbe window. Nellie's law, mo.nloal tremolo wa one of tbeai; be east a gWaee over the edge erf tbe 4a aad there eB90oacd in two ana-ebairs vw Nellie and tbe rural Mr Tablet. The latter was not so aastpbistieated as bis oat ward ru ttcrty might iaipiy. He was drawn dceetetbeeBjeeiofa very interest lag teie-a-tete aad was conversing efseaalf tblags in a most gallant aaaaaer. Nellie was leaning doner to bira tba was Becessary. 1.1 eomb bad seea enoagh to drive him to despair. Had he remained be asbt have beard tbe following chiffiag: "I am a great admirer ot individ uality ia women, Miss Oswald." " How fortunate!" gushed Nellie. " It is a charm I can never resist," continued Tablet a9 he hitched clos- er. "I find it Is quite easy for men to discover charms in ttiosethey would flatter," without repelling him at alL "You are irresistible," gushed the smitten pusher of the Kaber. IThlc tloiy will be concluded In tbe sexi iue of tbe Capital Jocexax. 8AX.ES1 MAJIKET KEPOKT. A Sysopda t Uie .Markets lluylnt aid belUoe l'rlcts. BET AIL PK1CES. REVISED QUOTATIONS. HboolaerB-bugnr cured,per lb,12 Breakout baoon 12 to 15 Hums bo-gar cured, ier lb, lCa Beef 71S Pork 10 V MuUon tol&uyu Veal-10tAjc Tlmotbykoed ier pound, r. tellins Ked clover &eed lVr pound, ltc White clover wd l'er pound, 'JOc " AUtke lie per poand. IJd top 10c per pound. Lincoln Oras lJc per pound. Bye Or Hte jr pound. Orchard UraM!17e per pound. Beans 5c per lb. Oat in eal attic. New potatoes 1c pr lb. Oreen peas 10 per pound. Strawbenit, 2&c per pound Canned Krulil'eaclie, S5 00; apricot. 33 W; btackberrit f; corn, best grade Si to; tomatoes tl !fy. string beans SI ', green pea 11 t& perdnz. Iu two lb cans. Fresh. Vegetable.. 1'otatoest Wc; carrots Kjc, parHUlp76c; ouktnsCc per lb. rlsn Sahnon7 cents per lb;Mturgeoa 5 7c per lb- small null J 10c per lb; salt saltnou, "&10c per lb; Chinook salmon, 12f. nUYINO 1'UICES. Wheat 7Kc net. Klour l'er barrel, tVfl, best 193 lbs. Oats l'er bushel. U) & 5ac Barley l'er bushel, OXgOc Bran l'er ton. 121 uu at mill, sacked. HhorU l'er ton, tZiOi " sacked. Cbj l'er ton, S&IH ' sacked. Hops Quoted at 21 to?c ptr lb. Wool Wc to 20c Eggs lie per dozen. 1'otatoes l'er bushel, Mc Corn meat Sc per pound. Cheese liHc er pound. Dried plums l'er lb. CgiTc. Dried prune l'er lb. 1012c. Imported prunes 7c ier lb. Butter SSfJoc tr jound.for good lard l&aUicperlb Hams l'er pouud,I112c. Bacon sides U&iO ier lb. Hhouldcrs tte per lb. Chickens.. to 12e per pound. Turkeys 10 to 12J4cper lb, Geese igaixr lb. Ducks, mfellc per lb Hprlug Chlokens 18 to 10c per lb. MARKETS UY TELCQUAI'II. lORTLAHD. Wheat Valley, 1165 percental. Flour standard, K'25 Walla Walla S00; Oats White 65a to 6c per bushel. MllUtutrs Bran fc3Jl; shuts, 8H lo'Si ground barley, ti to SO, carp feed. XI middlings, , per Ion. Hay-116918 per ton. Buttei-Oregon fctney dairy, 22Je: fancy- creamery 'fi good to falr,17tj'J0; Oili fornia choice 'U to 25c, Eggs Or&gou 15c per dot. Poultry-Old chickens, M 9 Od. Potatoes 45c at 7Sc per oautal. Cheese Oregon, 12 to 13c; California 13c, Hugars Golden C, 6Jc; extra C,6Jfcdry granulated, C4 cube, crushed aud Pou dered, 6J$o per pouud. Btans-fiinall white, 3o$l; .pink 3)i; bayos, H $u; butter, ft IO, llnuu, (l U) per oenlaU Dried FruitsThe market U rtrra. C;uc. led; Italian prunes, 3 to lOo; Petite and Ucrman, 10c per pound; rultlnt, 13 3 pur box; piutaroer dried pears, 10 to tie; sun dried and factory plums, 11 to 12a; evapo rated peachw, 17 toaoo; Hmyrna tlgt, UJo; California njTi,7o per pound, Itlee 6Xe per pouud. Hides-Dry hides, h to e; fa (nu fot cnlls;:greeu over 65 jioandn, 70; under 45 pounds, Jo; sheep etu. auotfUa. BMOKED MEATO AND LARD. Eastern ban)', I? to lto; breaktastaba con, 11 to 13c; sldss, to lOo; lard, 1,S to 12a pr pound. HAN F.tAN'ClSCO. H4 Fiiaxoisoo, May 7.-Vheattua wwk opened oa a quieter market. N'o.1 white, t7tH 'o TH: Pr cental. Hops aVsVXX per pound. Barley-Feed f 1 1531 t5X xr cental (t Irjcbolwj tl &0; oommou grade ft S. Oats-Oruy ft W to 1 W; bUok 11 W to I W per eental- OnlousH to m. Potatoe?6GCU tO. MlHOl.LA.NtX)Uri:M.VRKETa. ClIICUOO, Maj7-Ulut, Mwj lljUjJuly LUX Ueef Uve, Ktaj Muttou Uve, fU05t.. llog Live, 9L80 fUM Vml 7 to lOo per pound. llucklen's A rule Salve, llct halve lu the world for Cuts, The q ' llrulteti. rorea. Ulcers, I . Korea, 'letter.. Iupel Oorna and all Hklu Krt r4 HUfUlll. rviN lands. ChflDlatns. D..I. ltft.K..fe.. ft.-u Eruntions. and ttusU lively owes Piles, or bo ay iroulreJ. It IscuaraulAed to site perfect satUlaetloD or monuy lefunued. Pnoe, U cenu per bus. 1 TlalK iliiH sr J , KkApsiajJilUcf uifonoslloo sadah- Wttrs(tliUS.Slv9ultutoW s kv OdUlB IVLfoU. CstmIs. Tt4 'iAt. -2:'-5' vs S 2 &GS&.tX i 1 a house xrao cak Xitiw Everybody baa beard of a " borse Usrh. for -xbo 1ji -vr Btra ta oaatoe tffttA with tbe powrof speetht Soch an ruaal vooM be prr :n -A a Kinde; bu so rould tbe Urgraph sad the tepboro c kjJrt1 yeirs ajo. "Way. era Tery rc ontUy a euro tar consumption, -rbtca U trtirfraJSr ftetnmrlirwJ to bo Bcroiuk. tteditus tee lantif.yroaii bare been looted, trt-nn a tBlTM-jJon. bnt iKr people are b& eiaains t re&iize let tbe disesue Is ?v)t lo- 7--wiZ Tit PImv'i CrMrtt ttAie Iis- f tmr rlil corf it. u taten in time cao rn a fair t-teL Tfcl worM-reaowpai resteer WW Dw make new lunr. but it - wfeeo other means bare faUed. Tnonsand rratefuBy tettify to this. It li tbe most intent tonic, or Btrenjrth-rorer. altera- trre. or btood-dcaaser end nutriUrc. or tjetb-bouoer. known to zseoicai soeaoo. Tor Weak iArags, Eplttlncof Blood. Bron- cUtU. Astams. uuno ia tna uesa. iuju -i iiHrmnriiL it u in namtuioi cUtU. Asthms. x 3kx . In oeTAngenenxs ox tne sionuscz lirer and bowels, os Indigestion, or Dts- u Blnoniciess, cr -urer uompiaiai. itc Dlarrbea. o"4 kindred BJlmer.M. 3 i. ftnr.TCiim fMlBdr. -GoJderTMedlcal iTcry"ls the ocly xaedkine of. Its clua. Mid V drusFlsts. SDderprfntedffaarantri, from tbe taanufacturer.thrtt-irnlbene2torcura tnererycasaof diecase for which i lttotee- oraroeoded. or money paid for It will be promptly refunded. Copyritbt. IBS. by Wosxtrs DlS. VXD. ASTJC " "-' by the manfactUT- ert of Dr. Eaire'i Catarrh Remedy, tor so incurable case of Catarrh in the Bead. PltOFESSION'AI. CAKDS. MRS. M.J I'ATTON". Studio and Art Gallery In Eldridse block, opposite fcmith's art store. Lessons given, pictures for sale or painted to order. Those Inter ested are invited to call and inspect tbe tare collection of; oil paintings on exhi bition PATTON. M. D. Physician and Hnreeon. Oflice and residence In KIdridg l esXruvW nntvutta i Zjfla Hs-nsro Specialist on diseases ot women and chil dren, chronic and private diseases. Con sultation Iree. J. J. B HAW. M. W . HUNT. W. H. PRATT. QHAW, PKATT A IIUN'T. Attorneys at i5 law. Office over Capital National Bank, hSlem, Oregon. TILMON FORD, attorney at law, Salem. Oregon. Office up-stalrs In PattonV block. rj T. RICHARDSON'. Attorney at law, of. j. flee upstairs in Iron t rooms of new Bush block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Salem, Oregon. T OHN O'SHEA, Attorney at law. RVtom Collec- t) over t piial national uaDK. tionsa specially. Correapondence soliciwd. ARCYt BINGHAM, Attorneys and ooumselorn at )uw. Solem. Oregon. Hat avinz an abstract ol tbe recordsof Marlon county, including a lot and blecl: Index oi salem, they have special facilities lor ex amining titles to real estate. Business in tbe supreme court und In the state depart ments will receive prompt attention. B. F. BON HA M. B. N HAYDEN. W. II. HOLMES. OONIIAM, Hoi.mfh A Hadkn, Attor JL ne s at law. Office in Bush's block, between Slate nnd Court, on Ojm'ISt. Dlt,Ti.C tiMITH, Dentlst,92 State street, Kalem, Or. MnlKbed dental opera tions of every description. Painless opera- t ions a specialty. MRS. M. E. McCOY, Physician and Sur geon. Office and rooms In lodging mj. Front aud Center streets, near the fool of Marlon and Polk Co, bridge. Chron ic disease a specialty. Cure or no pay. Consultation free. WD. PUOH, Architect, Plans, Specl , neallons nnd superintendence tor all clashes of buildings. Office iiO Com. taerdal St., up stairs. S. McN'ALLY, Architect, New Bush Urevman block. Plans and sDeclnca- (Sou on of all clases of of buildings on short notice. Superintendeaceofwork promptly ooiced after. 2Mf 771 J. McCAUKTLAND.ClvIl Sanitary and 111. Hydraulic Engineer. U. 8. Deputy mineral surveyor. City surveyors office, Murphy's Block, t-nlem. Oregon. I W, BEST.-Artlst Studio, Bush. J. Urey block toturdayi. Classes Thursdays and BUSINESS CARDS.' A J. JLARK.HtateSt Barbershop. Two . chairs. Kood workmen and careful atiendaucetoall cuttomem. L 11. SMITH CO., Contractors, Bewer Inir, temenl Sidewalks, Excavating, All worc promnUy done. Salem. Or. Leue orders with Dugan Bros. : 1 5-1 in ClAKPET-LAYING.-l make a specially ot cuipel-ttug and laying; carpets taten up nnd relaid with great care. House cldaulng. l.eae orders with J. H. Lunn or Buren Hon. J. a. LUHHMAN. pjllS GRAY. Contractor and builder. J Fine Inside finishing a specialty. 435 Commercial street. Salem Oregon. I OHN KNIOJIT, Blsckaniltb. Horw tl shoeing uud repairing a specialty. HUop at the fool of Liberty street, Halem, Oregon. ian? n ICR & ROSS, lilacksuiUuk, all kinds ol l , nnalrlnir ana carriage worlc. . e iMnelu our employ Wai Carroll, direct I from Kentucky, more familiarly known I as "Red." a professional horseshoer. Ulve I us a trial. 4-1 1 J OSBPIl rUHKB larbar and halrdress- w. iisir oumnaPnu, ktaviiiH is evnto. work, Hath looms In couuectlpn. westo) luoiaiesirvei. p J. LAR3EN A COn Manufacture of nil KU4'"rvetllcr, Repairing apeelal- Shop tSjSUte street, 500 .JriXaielaai CP0 )bSL fo'ZBU? HEALTH. La Klchaa'a Ooltlen Ttalum No. 1 Curt Chancres, flrtl aad sreoad sugei Sirtson ths Lwrt and Body; Bore Kr Ctm, No, etc, Cctptr-alortd Biotchn, SypbUlttol'sUrrb.dUesMd Bcslp, and all prlmtry form ot the discus known u irphllli. Price, 5 OU pr IlottU. Le lllchau's Qoldcu Batlsam No. a Curts TcrtUry. Utrcuiialttrpnliltk Uhu mitiiro, I"ln la tbs Doocs, rtint to th( llwiL Uck of ths Nk, UctrsUJ Bon Tbrmt, SyphlllUe Rub, Lamps aad con. tneted t orJf, StlAaws ot lis Umbs, nJ crs4(.M al tlwa from t syium, vbcthtr niuftl by InJUrTcUoo or abuM 4 Uirvury. crior ths blaod par and ItMltbr, Vrle S OO per IloltU. IVe lllchau's Ooldsn Nu(nltl Anil, dote fer tbs con f doaorrbo, UI, IrrttstkkaQrsfsl,aa4 all Uilaarr orOtnl UldUarruigaacaU. lrlcf i 69 p utauarruigxmcau, tric4 Ilaltl. t lllchau's Oaldcu Spanish. In. IKIIVHi IV.I.IFI Mt 'rr,Tf.itol t.1"Bwr1"s ouUtlTCfJti lnftiiuiiiWy filwi, otrlitoicfjki. Tlw Cm Htcttau'a Ooldsa Olnttnaitl tat ths sffrclirt hcslhur of KrnhlUtla luuei and eruptions. " . .. . . i XL --., . iririft uu OO pr Hex. rtlU-Strfi Im Itlchau Ooldao i prUa trcM(om; )ts If. f KkTM urosivsck. llM i. ! iric v pr Tanlo and Ksrvlna, 8ut Trrrn" ft Q. m swojoly putxi W -). THE RICHARDS DRUB C0.,A,irt? WftlUMAHKETIT, Urn frsuKeUc, Oa SUWM SKMT MBiV. iy. J&K it H mm &VA8- H ,?1M mprove Your Strawberry Stock. to frntVBBRBrunownnt 'AflvulfiMXrw Krry unci'" In Orfjcn-The rmltron. Tt..i U.ta l.Mkn nilt.tnnfrt ill the ' great straw berry region about Turn- Urand Anmvillcauewfeedlingva- ! rieiy.proimgaied by MalUou & Mat- their ItedHIH Bern,- Farm. The first berries fern tol he C'Ai'iTAii JOUKNAL oflice, fcaleni, last ear were of this variety, and they were the most perfect fiuit In every re-r-ct that was shown iu this city. The berry Is of a deep red clear through, high flavor, yet sweeler than most ktuds. An experience in producing the finer sorts ofstraw lierries, leads the editor of this papc ; IO Bay "'l '"""" """"", " lgnPEBIOB BEBBY IN FINENESS OF in rsv that lie noes not kuow hi a v-v. j r THE MATTFSON. j , wured the sole acency I ile lias secureu lue " a"rf i irom tne onginawioauu uu ."- j firB, . ime nlace a limited supply on ,,:""., Tnnir the fruit and the market, letting toe iruii, anu u of its liubits. leads the editor of tbe Journal to conclude that it has exactly those qualities that mu"t be sought after to produce ' flnp herries it. Orccon ; "D, """ Lif"f!: 11 IS Ol Lllgll i color, great sweetness, ncn uavor, meaty, firm, not Watery, 110 nara .mer. .nd exceedingly palatable, , ul"i tt"u "w J K DESCRIPTION. The originators have been straw berrv gro.vers fur more than twenty years aind call this their "Best," be cauMs tLey have tried many new aud highly recommended varieties and found tins to possess more de sirable qualities than any other. The Matt'Sn is mi accidental eeedliug, originated from :i single plant found ou Rtsi Hill Farm six years ago. It is AN" EARJ.V VARIETY, coming four to six days before tb SALEM OREUON. WM. :. LADl'K. - -DR. J. REYNOLDS, IOHN MOIR. - - - - - - President Vice President - - Cashier GENERAL BANKING. Kipnanpp 011 Portland. Ban Francisco. New Yo.-K, London nnd Hong Kong I Dougm anu soiu. staie, luuui) uuu .ivj warrants bought. Farmers ore cordially invited to deposit und transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other property Pt reasonable rates. Insurance on such se curity can be obtained at the lunk In most tellable companies. Capital National Bank SALEM OREGON. Capiial Paid up, - Surplus, - - - - - 15,000 R. 8. WALLACK, - - President. W. W. ilARTIN, - Vice-President. J. IL ALBERT, - - - - Cashier. DIRtCTORSi W. T. Gray, W. W. Martin J. M. Martin, R. S. Wallace. Or. W. A.Cusick, J. H. Albert, T. McF. Patton. LOANS MADE To tanners on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or in store either in private granaries or Public warehouses. Slate and County Warrants Bought-at Par COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin Hoag Kong and Calcutta. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAP1TAL.ST0CK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking business; In all Its branches. OEO. WILLIAMS.. Wa. ENOLANU HUGH Ml'NARY Preslden VIc President Cashier DIRECTORS: Geo, WllllaRU.Wm. Eng land, Dr. J. A, Richardson, J, W. Hobson. J. A. Raker. Rank in new Exchange block on Com meiclnl street. 8,-12-tT LADD & BUSH, Bankers. IRON BUILDING, SAL, KM, .... ORSOON, Transact a general .banking business In all departments. 3.3-Jm J. G. HARRIS, EXPRESS NOS. 16 & 21. Leave order at R. M. Wade A Go's. Re labla work or no pay. THE YAHUlNA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company'. steamship line. 225 miles shorter, 20 noun less time thnn by any oluei toute. First class through pnseneer and freight llni Irom Portland and all points tn tbe Vt Umette vallev to and irom Ban FrancUcc TIMESCHEDULL (Except Sundays). Leave Albany ........ 1.-O0PM Leavo OorvallU ....... -1:40 PM Arrive Yaquina ....... K43OPM Leave Yaqulna . ...... .&4SAM Leave Corvallls . .... 1035 AM Arrive Albany 11:10 AM O. A C. trains connect at Albany and Tho above trains connect at YAQUIK.V with the Oregon Development CoTs Lin tfrUmrmhlr between Vanulna and Ha Kran Cisco. baiuso dates. lsraUon. Friday ww,Juhe il WHUmelto Valley, tuesJwJuly WUUmolte Valley, Thurday Farallnn, TiiMdmy irrsu.Ml:lia. rwiM lA)i 71USCUCO Wlllamella ValUy, Prtday. nn VI KS.i-.Hn- T t,rAiyr. i...- '. Wlliauietto Valley, Banday uf J Karaiion, Tliunuiay u j0 tt UUuwlU Valley.Tueadjiy ..,." U This Mimi-njr rarvi tb runt tt elii wuius hah imoui notice. h. tk-luftiftr trotu IVunland aad all WllUmctte Valley point can make cli i ronaectlou wllh . tba trains f th V AOV IXA UOUTK at Albanv nFlta.iT. and If destined to hau r'raselsco, should I raosBStr 111 mien utt Al-ait U( UwL "Tat laforiuaUtn apply to ir 'iTO-flAV A Otv rTetint'and Tkket Atan!l3S Froat it, Portland. Or. t I C.a HotitK Ael Ueol Tt. A Piu. Agt-Ortyin Psuanc II. It Oo. fnrrmlllf . Or O U. HAHWELUJr. flco'l Fit; 4 PaM. Agt. Orejon Daftlopmcnt s Co.,SWMontoojtryrs Firs v 1 iuilluM Bank Wilson. JllpenH all its fruit 'jutakly flndlHgonebythe time the Wilson is in full blasl The berries aro as tarm.n the Wilson, but it does not "run to nubbins" so much. It Is or a deep red color all over aud all through. The berry stemH are short, bearing close to tbe plant, '"f0"" escaping early frosts which kill others (the Sharpies esiiecially.) " is easy to pick and eauily hulled. It is firm aud the most meaty berry we nave ever seen. It produces equal to the Wilson. It is a perfect low ering variety and doeB not need to be planted with another varietv to Keta full crop. The plant Is healthy und stands drouth and freczlug well. It Is a sweet berry and retains Its llavor well when canned. In con .ln.iintr liln ilrtwrintion of this new lurrv rtr. Mntu()ii savs: "Last vawm ue iiad only two rows of these on our grounds. Old pickers umM tn tipw mips, when nlcklne Wilsons. 'Don't eat these. Wait till you get on the other side; there are two rows of the best berries.' And we had to pick those two rows ourselves early in the morning to save anv of them, and to keep pick ers from gobbling them all up. They would not touch Wilsons if they could zet these, and if pickers do not know what good berries are, no one does.'' TERMS. The originator has plueed the sale of this new plant in our hands und orders will be booked at following prices: 1 Dozen plants postpaid by mail, $1.00. 100 plants by express, $5.00. To save exnresscharees nluuts will be delivered at the Journal oflice to citv Durchasere. where orders can be left. Fiftv plants will be fur nished at hundred rates. Address, E. Hofer, Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route Shasta Line CALIFORNIA EXI'KISS TRAIN RON DAfL" BETWEEN PORTLAFD AND 8. F. South. North. T.-tC p. m. 9.16 b. in. 10:15a.m. Lv. Lv. Ar. Portland Salem San Fran. Ar. I .35 a. m. Lv. I 7:28 a. m Lv. ftCO p. m Above trains ston enlv at following sta tlons north of Rosebure. East Portland Orcon Citv. Woodburn. baiem. Albauv Tangent, bhedds, Halsey, Harrlsburg Junction City, Irving and Lugene. ROfjEBURQ KALL DAILY, S.1XJ a. in. 10-2 a. m 5:40 p. m. Lv. Lv Ar. Portland Salem Roseburg Ar. I i 00 p. m. Lv. IKK p. m. Lv. tir-M a. m Albany Local, Daily (Except Sunday.) 5.-00 p. m. I Lv. T32 p.m. j Lv: 8.-00 p. m. I Ar. Portland gul em Albany Ar. J 9.00 a m. Lv. 6.-08 iu m Lv, bin n. m. PCLLMAX BDFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Kor accommodation ot second class passengers attached to express trains, Yest Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: DAILY (EXCEIT SUNDAY). 7:33 a. m. 12:10 p. m. "L?7 Ar. "Portland Corvallls Ar. 5:30 p. m. Lv. 12:55 p. m. At Albany and Corvallls connect with trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad. EXPRESS TRAIN (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 4:tU p. in. 7,23 p.m. Lv. Portland Ar. Ar.McMlnnvllle Lv. 8:20 a. m. 5:45 a. m. Through Tickets To all points EAST and SOUTH Kor tickets and lull information regard ing rates maps, etc. apply to the Compa ny's agent Salem, Oregon. E.P. ROGERS, AMt. U, b and Pass. Ag't R. KOEULER, Manager From Terminal or Interior Points the Is the line to take To all Points East and South. It is the dining car route. Itruns tbrnncrh vestibule trains every day In the year 10 ST. PAUL AND CD1CAG0 ! fNo change of cars.) Competed of dlnlngcars unsurpassed. i uuumu urowiug ruom sleepers Of latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Best that can be constructed and In which accommodattens are both free and lur nlsbed for holders of first and second-class tickets, aud ELEGANT DAY COACHES. -Acontlnuoti Una oonnestlmr with all lines, affording direct and uninterrupted service. Pullman sltcrr "v- ions con be se cured In advi u. - . ,. any agent of Through tickets to and from all nointa In America, England and Europe can be purchased at any ticket office of this com- Full Information concerning rates, time or tralns,roMtesandotuer details furnished on application to any agent or M , ( . A. D. CHARLTON, AK.8?.nt. fa" Pa&fenger Ageni No. 121 Hret street, cor. Washington; Port land, Oregon ' Health is Wealth I DR. leadlnt t misery, aeeay and death nS2 tauwdby overnertlonoftho brain Kh b.11 contains one luontU'i treutment m box or.lx boxes foTtiuO "SSa? bJ ' ? Jn1 prepaid oa receipt of priee? ' uuiXi WE G UARANTEE BIX BOXES To cure an nu vvi.t. .. for H ELECTRIC many inducements as ENGLE Asylum Avenue; within four blocks of the Elegant Hih School Building, and ten blocks from North Salem new school building. It has long been known to possess supe rior attractions by reason of it being the highest, heal thiest, most fertile and sightly Addition to the City. Tlie will within sixty days be running its cars erery Twenty Minutes through the center of this beautiful Addition. Bringing it within five minutes of the Postoffice. If you are seek ing an investment None can offer better opportunities or bring you greater returns than this favorite Addition. SALEM The Capital City is hound to come to the front as an In dustrial an Educational Center. No other Capital City in the United States offers as great an opportunity to the home seekeror or investor as the "Bouquet City" of tne Willamette Valley. The first city in the Northwest in educational matters and second in manufacturing industnes. Situated in the heart of the Willamette Valley with untold power and material at her door waiting for tlie magician! bring forth. To those of you who are looking for a hoc and ENGLE WOOD, the place to secure it, while joa i.n.v irof. tiia ftnn4,,u c t,,.:, f-,. first hands. I Postoffice Block. H, V. MATTHEW, Pres. .... J. H. BARNES, $ ft r as lomoiewi OlST THE LIN 1 And with this car line in operation NO AD. DITION to the City can offer aa great or as ' WOOD This addition lies between the Garden Road and lectric Railway wand to turn her into a city of the teeming thousands. j Who of us today can predict what the next decade vm Now is the Time Eor tho present we will sell a limited number of lots our present prices when an advance of teu to twenty P , cent will be made. PUT, UM1 ' ,& vi ar t, : 4ijL,.--. $L. X jai-ffl. jtj 1 t