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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1891)
J-PDJIWfPW'1" EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL r m THE PEOPLE'S.T?APER. YOl" 4 SALEM, OBEGON, TIITJBSDAY, SIAY 14, 1891. rp TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 59 Ion Can't Aid to Overlook tie Fact That JP, jVLCJT( . JrJ. i. ON, jss state street: Has Special Inducements to Offer You I PHOTOGRAPH ALB UMS, (Leather and Plush) of the finest quality. In FOLDED WRITING PAPER, of Ream Packages. . In WRITING TABLETS, of superior quality, from 5 to 50 cents. In ENVELOPES, best XXX, cheaper than ever. .. l .. ., nTiirlliitirv tn Innlr nf. fl-ioan nn1n OPMTTTVTD rtv -!- t-.t- , . Huon'tcosK juu mxjr ft " ", ,e"UUB- ajmjkjj and li AGISTER'S Teacher's Bibles, ajivicuiiui v uuuuu. i iji Mil. iK si. i, nrif'Pa vnnmnnf i-i tcni. .ci q " riiww lw"&Ui6 iium go.uw tu ?iu. M CIST FIND THEIR EQUAL ! UW and medium heavy Footwear, suitable for farmers and mechanics, every style at 1.10, $1.25, $1.50, $2. ojxxxxv v .jujdvCJ iXJtviiJbt WERE i f L.1 1 J. T . i . l i i ttt Jflan vc are snowing lor ouuuay-go-to-meeung ana sicn." w e can please you at $1.25, $ 1 .50 and $1.7 5. Newest Shfl.TinS. OYinfl tlt.t.nrn nnrl lirvtruv anvrnaarrl Vv. -iir,. i 7 O ..w ..u .tt , v,i uilliugvu 1UI UU To sell lots of goods at a small profit than to sell a few goods at a great profit. The lots-of-customers will stick to Ijou wmie uie iew win iuuvv, juu. imo nua ucwu iub puiiuv ui una uoiise ana win continue to De so. it you nave not nroven this to your satistaction, ao so at once by spending some of your money there. CRISSMAN & OSBURN, 3a. ClOjEgZSX&OXjgLXM aE?l':Ei,:Eg:EI'l?', BissKLL Chilled Plows . Which are warranted to be the best Chilled plow in use to do good work, run as light as any plow made, scour in any soil, run steady, are easily handled or adjusted, to work well in dry, hard or stony land and not choke. If 3rou want the best Chilled plows, buy the Bissell. They are the best built, the best finished and best caacniXaX-sjo apxacrwr woinr :osr ttshbl It will pay all dealers and farmers to get our quotations before purchasing elsewhere; as Ave furnish the best ds and our prices are the lowest, quality considered. We carry the largest and most complete stock on the Pacific lust of MACHINERY AND VEHICLES Of every description. Call and see us, or telegraph us regard- ityour requirements, ana you win receiye prompt attention. fljent for STAVER & WALKER, Salem, with office, store and warehouse next door south of Willamette Ho tel Jas. Aitkbn, GROCERIES AND PRODUCE. -THE BEST CANNED GOODS- Fruits and Vegetables in Season Garden Seeds, Field Seeds and Flower Seeds, Fresh and true to name. Tile Orange Store, 126 State St., Salem, Or. TRY A BOX . OF Clark & Eppley's, BEST FAMILY SAVON Closing Out the Line. Wall Paper -AT- fo-GOSTl- Until all is sold. Gtko. F.Smith, 307 ComT St., New Bank Block, Salem. SOAR. Guaranteed full weight and an Excellent Washer. lOO Court Street. niDortant to Owners of Land IlLLIiii MIL., THEGROCERS Commercial Street. The Best for the Money all the Time. BROOKS & HARRlTT. Best Lines in the City- Fishing Tackle. k Wk, BABY CARMiGES. iHmrili, goods ESEEESBBEaE The Oregon Land Com pany wishes to buy from three to five thousand acres of land for a colony and $250,000.00, worth of Salem city proper ty, either in a body or de tached, for a syndicate of Eastern capitalists. Parties who have such property to sell and can give from nine months to onp year to consummate the tran saction will find it to their interest to see The Oregon Land Co., of Salem, Oregon. Oiffl LAID POMP I W uuiul ilii J i ARMS 1 AMMUNITION. 'HIE CAPITAL JOURNAL. H0FER BROTHERS, - - - '.Editors. PUBLISHED DAIL.Y. EXUE1T8UNDAY, nr thic Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Street, In r. O. Bulldlug Entered at the postoillce at 8alem,Or.,ns sc(CLC-di.t n ntur. A S1KONO I'LITFOltfll. U. 8. Hall, president of tho Far mers nmi Laborers Union of Mis souri, recently stated as to what he wns in fuvorof doing In 1892. He declared that ho was not in favor of a third party ticket. He then do clared w hat ho was iu f.ivor of us follews: "I will speak only for myself, not having had a full consultation with nil of my brother officers of the Stnto Union of Missouri, and will say that I will not vote for or sup port any political party that will declare itself against the frco coin ugo of silver; nor will I vote for or support any political party that will declare itself against the increase of the volume of money in the United States. "I feel that it Is n right that every honest mau should have, whether he be a creditor or a debtor, that tho creditor should be allowed to pay his debts with the same volume of money per capita In a circulation as at the time of tho contracting of tho debt. Now, since the contracting of billions of dollars of debts by tho Western people tho volume of cur rency has been diminished, thereby increasing tho volume of their debts, or what is equivalent to tho wmie thing, lessening their power to pay these debts." But Mr. Hnll destroys all tho above good resolutions by elevatlntr the tariff question above tho fluanco question. lie confesses tho weak ness of his position ou this point by haying what ho does. fruit gkowkrs, attention. Uuless fruit growers nro positively averse to learning in the most prac tical way the facts about their own business, there ought to bo a largo attendance at the court house next Saturday. No men have bo much to gain and to learn by intercourse of ideas as the fruit growers. In nearly every orchard are somo trees that are dead or dying. Per haps they are only frosted, and may como out later. In one 200 tree or chard near Salem, are forty trees iu this condftiou. Tboy are worth $100. If tlley aro dead the loss Is serious. They will bear no crop this year if not dead. What ails them? Let the fruit men consider. WBSTKKN OKKOON IS bURI!. Wo havo had a week of cool cloudy weather, that is Just tho making of grain crops, spring wheat especially. Tho moisture and extraordinary conditions for vegetation have made some fall wheat so rank that tho self-binders will have to bo put up on an elevated track to cut It and handle It. Oregon that is tho Wil lamette valley and western part is sure of an immense) crop and prices promise to bo good. Is there a region where crop! are any surer than this? If tuero Is It lias not been heard of. DRAYB AND TRUCKS y lot oruem, diver wood, lumber, or-obDoalteBa- i. nv and truck my be found throughout the dar at 1 Jem Iron work Wm Satai Truck t Dray Co. g?. Italians anil Crime. Mb, Editer: Since tho tragedy at New Orleans, that has set tho world on thb qui vive.aud has given Italy a spasm of "virtuous Indlgnu tion,"I have, very naturully per haps, noticed lu criminal reports tho preponderance of Italian criminal ity. Time and again I have read of miscreauts who havo killed their own fuinllies.orhavo butchered their own companions. Evidently, Italy has furnished us thousands, nnd ten of thousands, of tho worst cutthroats and desperadoes of Europe, and Italy herself can bear oil" the palm f'jr such evil doers, above all tho civ Ihzed world. It is fortunate this occasion has waked our peoploto realize that wo have given away our birthright to millions of the very off-scouring of creation nnd It is time this thing was stopped. Tho lesson will not bo loht If wo awake ton realization that America is being made the dumping ground for the worst of European humanity, and tako steps to prevent It. As for Italy, und her farrago about protecting her citizens, it Is certain the National sentiment will bo satisfied if King Humbert's gov ernment Is made plainly to under stand that Ituly has sent over the worst and violent element of popula tion we havo among us, and instead of reflecting upon our national re sociability In an odious way, the New Orleans people calmly und knowingly performed an act that common Justice demanded, and that perjured ofllclols and demoralized courts could not perform. In other words; our government would put a stigma on thut class ol Immigration, to make Italy blush for wndlng It here, rather than to cause Americans to blush for sending them where they bdonged. A to foreigners not being safe In our ceuntry: A tragedy of (he same nature that took place In 1'aclflo county, Washington, quite n-coutJy, show that the animus of pur people U to nmder Jullcc, when it i tardy, Irrespective of nationality. lto?s and Edwards were Americans, nnd tho Frcdrlcksons wero Scnndlnn vlans. When the people there were satisfied that Itoss nnd Edwards murdered Fredrlcksou ui.d his wife, to' get their laud, and that because the principal witness was spirited nwny tho murderers wero likely to escnpe punishment, they vindicated their ideas of "justice," nnd rovonged tho murder by UoIur exactly what the New Orleaus people did, under very similar clrcumstnnccs. No; our people have no rnco pre judices to gratify, but we seo within a month's spnee of tlnio lu districts three thousand miles npnrt, nt the mouth of tho Mississippi nnd near tho mouth of tho Columbia, how a great popular Boutiment of "justice" vindicated itself under very smllar conditions. At New Orleans an olllcer ot our country nnd of our raco wns murdered by Italian cut throats nnd tho pcoplo executed "justice" by n popular rising iu broad day, becauso they knew that juries wero terrorized nnd courts ovorruled by fear )f tho Italian Mafia. Here, on the North Pacific, wo seo tho murder of honest foreigners avenged ou native born Americans, when tho people realized thnt "Jus tice" wns about to fail. Both these acts of Illegal violence were, lu n stroug degree, houornblo to our country nnd our people. H. Tho Tulnlt ami the Stage. Rev. F, M Shrout, Pastor United Brethren Church, liluo Mound. Kan., says: "I feel It my duty to tell what wonders Dr. Klug's New Dis covery bus dons for me. My Lungs wero badly diseased, und my parish ioners thought I could live only u few weeks. I took live bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery und nm tound nnd well, gululug 2G lbs. In weight." Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes: "After n thorough trial and convin cing evidence, I iuji conildent Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, beats 'em all, and cures when everything elso falls. Tho gieatest. kindness I can do my thousand friends is to in go them to try it." Free trial bottles at Frv's Drugstore. Regular sizes COc. und n $1.00. Tho Louisiana Lottery. The people of Louisiana will voto upon tho (inal fate of the monster New Orleans lottery next spring. The decision of tlio supreme court of that Btate compels tho secretary of stnto to publish the net of the legislntuie submitting tlio issuo to a voto of tho pcoplo. Tho question will bo before tho pcoplo lu the shnpo of an amendment to the con stltion of the state providing a fran chise to tlio company to run for n rjuarter of a century. The lottory company is to pay a certain annual sum into the state treasury for tho franchise. Oddly enough tho monoy obtained by fostering nnd protecting tills moral monster Is to bo applied to tho education of tho lunocont little children of tho state. How very philanthropto vico 1b. Tho monoy It pnys for the prlvllogo of carrying on Us trnlllo must nearly always bo applied to very good If not holy purposes. It is one of the nrt- 1 ful ways of vlco lind the friends of the lottery will make mostof It next venr. The decision Just rendered, und which assures tho issuo next spring, was against tho position taken by tho governor nnd secretnry of slate, both democrats, but both opposed to tho continuance ot tho lottery. Tho dcmocrntlo party will be divided upon the question In tho election. Iowa State Register. Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Augi Z ' 883 &yBs ABSOLUTELY PURE Specimen Vasts, 8. II. CllilorJ, Now Cassol, Wis. troubled with Neiirahria and Rhuematism, Stomach disordered, Liver affected, appetite foil away, und ho was reduced iu strength. Three bottles Electric Bitters cured hi m. Edward Shopherd, Ifurrisburg, III., hud u running soro ou his leg. Used three bottles of Electric Bitter and Buckleu's Arnica Salve, und his leg is sound nnd well. John Seuk er, Catawba, O., had fever sorts on his leg, doctors said Incurublo. Electrlo Bitters und Arnica Salvo cured him, Sold by Fry, druglst. How's Tlila? We oiler One Hundred Dollars re ward for any caso of cuturrh that cannot be cured by tuklng Hull's Cuturrh Cure, F. J. CHENEY' & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Wot the iiiidcmhrnrd. iiuve known V. 1. Clivno? inrlhtt lnt IS jrturx, und bellovo lilm erffclly tionorablr In all bimlnosH ir&nwici!(nii,jiua uunuumuy buio iu uurry out liny oblliit!of made by llitlrllrm. WkmtaTuimx, Wiiolenule l)rugniutM,'tT- I lo, o. Waluimo, Kinnky & M AnviN, tyliolennlo DruffKlita. Toledo, (). Hull's Cuturrh Cure Is tnkon In ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of thesys tern. Testimonials sent free. Price 76o per bottle. Sold by all druggists. how you My friend, look hero I you know whuIc und nurvoiiK your wlfu la. and Wikiw that Curler Iron I'llll will relfove her, now why not be Ulr about It und buy I uer auui A woman who li weak, nervoun and vleoiitew), und who hvi eold haudkund feel eunnol fl aud act Ilka u well person Cur tor' Iron fill txiiialito the circulation, re move urrvouinwu, and glvo itreuglh und mt A innn' wife ihould ulwuya be the wino. eniwwlttily to her butbund, but If ihe I wmn nuu uirvou.uuu uv vurivr jruu jllli, the eunuol be. for I hey nuke her eel lle different pertou, no they all ay, und ihelr buttaude uy w too Ituoklen's Arulcup-ulT, The Jtat Halve In the worldifor Out, llrolMJ", More. Uleem, Rvlt Itbeuui, Fever Here. 1 tiUr. ihuitiH! Onui und nil Hktn Eruption, and xt lively euro riiM, nr uut required, n UraamnteM to eivs perfect tUlttlo or toon nfundta, I'nce, M.oenU per box. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. City election in Arizona Tuesday show republican victories. Vatnvlllo, Cal., this year scored tho honor of tho first full carload of green fruit shipped to Eastern points, Los Angeles pollco have discover ed nnd broken up n gnng of boys who linvo been engaged In petty thieving for n loug time. A sculling match hns been fixed between McLean nnd Stnnsbury for tho championship nnd Xi.00 n sldo on the Pnramnttu river July 7. Belgium hns thentened to ox pel Boulanger unless ho will bo silent ou the subject of politics. The upper houso of tho Prussian diet has passed tho income tnx bill npproved by tho lower house. Tho British minister nt Santiago has obtained unconditional elenrnnco for British nnd other foreign mer chantmen bound for foreign portB. Qeorgo WLnrton Ritchie, who Is wanted In Philadelphia nud several Western cities for embezzlement, foruery aud other ollouses, has been captured in Huvaua. Martin Grinder nud Annie Klestcr of LogniiBport, Ind., quarreled. Martin lhbt attempted suicide, nud later shot both his sweetheart nud himself. Both aro dead, Dr. Graves and his wife arrived at Denver from Providenno, Monday night, lor tho purpose of nppoarlng us witnesses bofoio tho grand jury In tho Baruaby poisoning case. Tlio body of Louis Dunbar, a negro woodchoppor, wns found nenr Cloverdale, Cul., Sunday, with his clothes burut oil. It is supposed ho was killed by tho Indians, with whom ho had quarreled. Total returns from tho elections for municipal councillors hold through out Spain Buuduy lust shows that 2753 monarchists, 854 republicans, 1G0 Independents, SI carllsts nud 4 socialists wero chosen. Zln Pashn, Turkish embassador nt Vlonua, has crcutcd some scandal by causing ano of his wives to bo so soveroly beaten that hor cries re sounded through the neighborhood. Her oilouso was flirting. Influenza continues to prevail to an alurming extent In Liverpool nnd Sheffield. Tho British warship Thunderer Is detained at Gibraltar, owing to numerous cases of tho di sease unions her ofllcors aud crew. Tho cznr has conferred a new title on tho Grand Duchess Elizabeth, Queen Victoria's granddaughter, on account of hor conversion to tho orthodox church of Russia, ufter sho Is to bo styled "tho Duchess of tho Truo Faith." The supremo court of tho United Slates, ufter Louring a brief state ment, explanatory of tho Sniiler and Slocurn habeas corpus murder case yesterday oillrmcd tho Judg ment of tho lower courts, refusing the men a writ of habeas corpus. Low Is Hull und son got into n quarrel Inst Suturdny, ut Perryvllle, W. Vu with Hiram Steel nnd his futher, SuuiuqI Steel. In tho fight which ensued Lewis Jr., was shot through tho heart und killed, Ill- ram died with seven bullets In his body. Samuel Steel was mortally wounded und Lewis Hull, Sr,, wns slightly wounded, but managed to escape to tho mountains. Crown lawyers have decided that William Henry Smith, first lord of the treasury, must submit to n ro olcctlon as member of parliament, on account of his appointment as warden of the Clnquo ports, Smith has noted upon their decision, and has been returned without opposition, Thomas A. Edison Is iu Chicago, nud speaking about tlio world's fair, sild ho had a novelty lu view although the details wero yet hazy. Tho Intention Is to havo a combina tion of phonography and electricity so a man can sit lu Ills own parlor and seo depleted on curtains forms of players in au ojora or drama on a distant utage and heur tho voices of the performers. Tho city council of Albany, ou Tuesday authorized the city record er to ndvertlso Immediately for bids for the construction of u high steel bridge ucross tho Willamette at that city, and to forwurd plans of the same to the secretary nf war for his approval. Tho bridge will bo built Jolutly by the city uud county, The Hohooner Kimball Is six days overdue at Northport from Manis tee, on Lake Michigan, aud it is feared she has been, lost with her crow nud pastengera. Several promi nent cltUeus of Northport ate aboard. Associated Press Report and Digests of all Important Nows oi To-Day. MISCELLANY. Here-Grand STRIKERS IN ItELQIUM. London, Mny 14. Yesterday's dlspntches stato that great excite ment exists in Brussels. Tho work Ingmcu nro determined to hold their parade in defiance of tho city authori ties, nnd tho burgemnstor is equally stubborn. Tho troops nre in readi ness to suppress any outbreak, tho gendarmes having spent nil night under nrniB. Tho working people of Ghent uro out In force todny, and simllnr demonstrations nre reported in vnrions cities in Belgium. Tho troops ou tho Belgian frontier ad joining Frnnce havo captured a Inrgo qunutlty of circulars prlutcd, it Is thought in England. These circulars nppenl to the people to striken blow for llborty nnd not bo any longer tho slnves ot oligarchy. Tho leaders of tho strike nt tho Westphalia mines, who wero put under arrest when the strike move ment begun, have 'been relcnscd without trial. Tho mines nro in fiiioli n dthpiduted condition that production in Inrgo quantities will not bo possible for several days to como. Government Inspectors are busy examining tho mines aud ascertaining whnt, if any dnugcr exists. The worklugmcu of Bochuin not engaged in coal mining have subscribed sums of money for the benefit of tho poorer miners who, in tho midst of plenty, nro actually starving. The surroudor of the miners in duo to this fact. Dr. B. Kasscrt, who Is charged with tho ad ministration of tho mines, is quoted as Baying that, tho safety of tlio miners Is hero moro carefully atten ded to than iu Gormnny, which is tho reason thnt tlio county Is compara tively frco from great mining calami ties. CUTTING KATES. Ciiioaoo, May 14. It Is evident that tourist rates will bo established throughout a considerable portion of tho Northwestern territory, notwith standing tho deadlock in tho Western Passenger Association on tho ques tion of their gonnral adoption. Rep- rcBontatlvcsofthoNorthwestern lines met at Chairman Finlav's office yes terday morning to consider tho Wis consin Ccntral'snppllcntIon for ro lief from the inequality cuused by tholssuoof tourist tickets by the Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western, to become effective Mny 15. Tho road, which Is not a member of the association, hns announced around tt lp ruto of J16.C0 botween Milwaukee nnd Ashlnud, which, added to tho round-trip ruto of 14.60 between Chi cago nnd Milwaukee, makes a rate of 120 from Chicago to Ashland and return, which is (i.CO below the tariff. Chairman Flnlcy decided to glvo tho Wisconsin Central authority to meet this rato. It ran hardly bo doubted thut other roads will not ask permis sion to make tourist rates to other Northwestern points thut nre lu com petition with Ashland, nud the re duction will spread. The Chicago it Alton, however docs not object to the making of these rates lu the Northwest, It only insists that rates 'totween St. Louis und St. Paul shall be no lower, proportionately, than botweeti St. Louis aud Chicago, and St. Louis nnd Kansas City, A8HAMEI) OF 1118 WIPK. New Haven, Conn., May 14. ThaeffortsofDr. William H. Hotqb kiss, the famous oculist to legally rid himself of hlsyouuit and pretty wife, have caused u big scandal iu the state courts uud have been happily defeated. Iu 1880 Dr. Hotchkisr, whoso family is wealthy and arhto cratlc, went to Germany to consult u fumous specialist, While (hero he mot Gertrude Von Blonhutno, a pretty little orphan, aud secretly married hor. During tho year he wus abroad, the two lived happily together, but ho returned home alone, promising to send for her. Arriving hero, ho noticed a wide dlileronce between tho polished clr clei ot ills family nnd his friends aad his uncultured wife, and dtcldd to let her stay abroad. Ho consequent ly stopped all communication 'with Iter; but the plucky little wosmmi, thinking something must have hap pened to him, started out on. hk truck. She traced him for tttN years, as lie had lived uuder an as sumed name, aud when she found hlin ihu wus so rejoiced that b was willing to ek employnwtJi a teacher, satWled to be ar Mm State Street. me curu v -