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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1891)
.-PawacaMfccaiMMaaaae xll. 13. IS'-'1' $DAi J - -' . 11 r ylf.r- bO S ", mull uer room". j "" mflbe ' .Tro not deliver H mail per roonin, -" l 00 ls1lpcrjvv.--- , l.n fT-VJO"'-",",,Verca :&SsSrt.. ":,,ir, ' .....wis nru ww " ,1'tioa'"l,nbtiIiMdm pieiie ! 've I .on'n. ' .,.. u, .. 1 loth made on Is '' . u. Lu..Vcrut i'"c " wJ!Ti. is in ""."... r.-.l. 0 o i" I . Illl " .. ... ill st .." ..--- ; iifct'"" iIrvVt'"CAI'I;al'i'sI')oiauS "piw ",e "n , S&dM-U' (ilLfir l PAHERSON, n ,- in Groceries, Crockery, r PaU Oi's, Varnishes Ss.ivindowglass.Etc : Solo .enfs for Eoicure aiu Dib ."nBakmg PowJer. " LdCAlKT. Whetf.uetGTj cento l bu. Y. .,..., 2S to 83 i -euts per Hi. Hops ai."'" - Bread and , di as were Huong' Va r'' OtD AP.10K DKMON&THATr-D. rteoMfcyfi'g3 lllllt some people a re iiiay t llve t0 loathe 1,,ul ki"" expressions have but little truth ..rhpm. It mav be true that feome n.flnleareo lazy thai their highest jmbitioa i3 to live, and that is a ,,1-wbIe life indeed. Tho wTb-.m ffbo were observiug the men dig .hoilltcli for the water company, nere strongly impressed tliib niorn injthat the adages are true. They hk watching a man use a pick, or ,.i,r !i nink uie a man. It was wuh a creat eflorttbat lie raised the pick above his head and then let it wme down with nil the force gravi lalion cuiild exert on it. After al lowing the pick to rest for a few miuutes, this aaiuo act is repeated and at regular intervals thereafter. Oulyoccusioually a longer space of time lis granted to allow the opera tor of tbe pick to take a quid oi tobacco, or to spit on his band lest Ihe pick should loose its hold on bm. He is a large, reu ma-u, jW, healthy looking fellow, who MUdo u honest Hay's won? it ne sobbed. This is the class of labor mriiocuinlain of the liardships imraiBed on laboring men by capital. They are always broke and hunting a job which tbey can't Iiold when they Ami it. Daxokkous Si'oivr. The atten tion of the news gatherer has been called several times to the mode of sports among the small boys of the East Salem school. It is doubtless uckuown to the teachers or the panuts of the children. The little bra have a custom of playing in a urge pool of water which btands a short distance fioin the school build ing and near the railroad. The water in the pool is two feet or more in depth. The boys go out on this on logs and planks, and it is not au infrequeut thing for some little fel low 'o be pushed oil' into the water up to his knees, and have wet feet for tbe remainder of the day. The way they -cullle, it is only fortunate that some oue lias not been drowned e this. This is mentioned only as earning before some accident occurs which will throw the whole school in mourning. The danger is double, since the pool is by the rail road and annd tho noise of liity bojsan approaching train is not liable to be seeu. AWaywaku Youth. A youth of Umatilla county is too intimate ith the red men, and thus fre quently comes to grief by his cou duct. Of his last step the East Oregoulan sajs: "Joe Noodward, u beardless youth from Miltou who Kenw to have an unfortunate fac ulty forgetting into trouble, is again in tbe toils ot the law. He was vnsttd lat night by Deputy Bherifl" waaia on tbe charge of selling -wr to Indiana, this being ids kd otlense. If would linvn been 1 right with Jo but after selling 'e bottle to the Indian, received fiftv cents for another, aud kept the ioney. MT Lo, while generally m t0 informing agaiuat Hio-hj b., befriend him with firewater, is D t be triuV,l wliL, and in this todUain bweet revenge, guve .uwvHIQ. Bu lIU)IU n-... Tl T. , ' , thtraot has U-en let for (JNiiiijililrty miles of '' ' "" outlicoast railroad ' ."i Tlllaiii.M.k nnil Sefislde. "Hi iiA "gtheoontruot passed i and u few duys ago ou -,. i,iB,r iiiuors. P"b-1 Hhead on I hat line. Bg- v l., HIM IN. III...... .1-1.1 ,. .Ill ..! -...vMinagH I .If .1 ... i.. ' " OlalAIIMI Ihuu I,,1' t!' WllUMlBtt vllrv. ri X" mi and eooi' K glMlt MMrl Wf till' Iraj w btl "-nim-a "f ,hi-.tiiHt & OU. .'utt.rCUrkAEpW,'., I rl llx' -'' IIh brut mIm- 4td. jfOc 19 uow fc " it -r4 . --: " ' turingaud impmvemviii. u.i.:J M'll! ' U by rail t, , , lllta ,u tll l, " VW1UV. ')'"; gltuutod iu WwUlii , - -mpMed rrom AaliirtH lm8 uimiorou mills, kji t . Manila Ml bumph. Tim r s FAlllMOUNr UESEUYOIK. Fifiy Tliotunnil Dollars Impended for its Construction Y Double Water hjsh'm Tor Sali-m. The Salem Watur coinnahy lme been snylng considerable of late nbout tliulr new reservoir that is being 'obstructed on F.iiniuuiiit Park, In South Salem. To eeo what was being don" in thr.t line, a Joint NAT. reporter went out on the hill and tixik n look for himself. Tiio w irk was found progressing nicely, mul on the upper side the excavn- Hon was tilx.ut four feet deep. The aron nt tlie rcwrvoir eomni'Ues .iron nf almost nu acie of land, and when nomnleled. will bo ilfteuu leet uVun. The location is just over the ninth summit, toward the west. The hill at this point is 213 ieet above the pumps of the water company, and 1!)J feet above the level oT Commer cial street, nt the nnstnlllce. Tiio bottom of the res-crvvir will be cov ered with stone and then the entire will Ivj cemented and covered over, and will have a rapacity of 2,O0O,('0O g.illons, It will be connect ed with tin pumps by a ten-inch main, aud ii1m with tho ten-iirtih supply mains of the city. These are cnuii'Cted with a twelve inch feeder friiu the Willamette river. The terminus of thi- feeder i in the mid dle nf the liver, west of tho if land. At that point the company will en deavor to stiike au aiteMan How this summer, by boimg a well. It that should prove u s-uccess, the water system of Salem would be complete i.i eveiy respect, both m regard to quantity unci quality oi water. e The mains are being l.iicl at pres ent, and tbe work Mill be pushed to nni..i.!iiion. thouirh it islrue, several mouths will be required to do all Hie work, and $30,000 expended in same. Tho oneration of the reseivoir is not easily explained, since U is counect- .! with the mains in the city, auu n mui. in- n sinrrle nine. The pipe from the pump is connected to the main by a T, the base being the iiiimiwnnd the feeder in the liver, while one brancli of the top goes to the reservoir and the othur has a thousand or more small branches throughout the city. When there Is seventy-two pounds pressure on the main from the pumps, it will force the water hack to the reservoir aud fill that. When the pressure is be low seventy-two pounds, the water conies back from the reservoir with a pressure of about 70 or 71 pounds. Thus it is seeu the pressure is com paiatively the same all the time. The pressure will be much less iu small pipes in the distant parts of the city, as much of the force is lost by friction, but in the large mains tho force is about as given as the pressure at the puniDS. The pipes will be laid along Com mercial stieet to one block uoith ol the South Salem church, where they will turn west and extend aiound the hill to the west side of the reservoir, thus avoiding going through the top of tho hill. This will Jiivefeou tu Salem a lino water supply, which people in that part of the city fully appreciate. . ' Sea moss farine. Sroat fe Gile. Laying Side Tracks. The work laying the side track for the Coburg Lumbering company is still progressing with a prospect of soon being completed. P. D. Prunty, section foreman of the Southern Pa cific company at Salem, has had a force of t hiiiamen at work for sever al days putting iu the track near the Salem Cuming company's build ings. The Mills City company, who have a lumberyard east of the depot, will be treated iu a like maimer and have a side track laid so the cars can be shunted to tho very door of their yard and the lumber unloaded with out being hauled. Whittaker liams. Sioat & Gile. -- OkkicerArrested. The Eugene Register siivb: Lit Saturday night Jake Mulligan, maishal of Spring field, attempted to arrest torn Steams, who had been drinking for several days and the marbhiil thought he was a little to boisterous. Tom was in the livery stable Satur day evening and Mulligan went in, presumably to arrest him. A row ensued in which Mulligan drew his billy club and stiuck Steams several severe blows over the head. He was rendered unconscious and remained in that oouduion for some time. Mulligan wad arrested for assault with a dangejous weapon, Geo. F. Smith says that every per&ou who wants a baby cab, and sees his will not buy oli-owhere. Oregon a Lumhbk State. While Oregon oaunot come up with her slstor fctate, Washington, iu 1. 1.... im.mIu.- i.1... shows a .od r(H;ordi Tuo totimatd output of ,umber iB!,t yw,r, ,u tills stale was, gJ8 oqo feet. A large ptr vmn. f . , WSLis uj n home niMUHfoo- Uuwii are gtoii. Oregon bey are on ., x.irlv mad- uu su.u from our ehulcaet guod, tor nw god bjrt are arri-uig cy Out Wool en Mill store. For J3AL.-Om Hm JurfalllMaiit 4an for Ittu, a && w,lJ "? awl a half rHW Ht iHn1" of J. M. Iliyt. Sa " probably Ur i.jwntd iu r-jl-m iu a Uurt iiiiiv. Xl i" '" lW,t Oreook Pacific Extension. The extension of the Oregon Pacific over the Cascades now seems a mat ter to be accomplished in no distant future. The road will goovcrthebest natural pus iu tho Cascades and would he tributary to almost one half nf the territory of Oregon, and would tap some of the lluest timber iu tho northwest. This could be made one of the paying transcoutl. nentnl roads, if judiciously mnnnged aud operated. It would brlug Salem practically ou one of the griat roads, aud a short time only would he re quired to give her a road diiect to i lie sea, and thus make her the rail road center of theWillimiette valley, of which shi is iu location and im portance. The. people of S.ileni look forwaid with pleasurable hop'-i for the accompll-diiuent of this object. California cabbage. Sroat & Gile. One Way or Doing it. The Lebanon Express rends the llot act to thovo who do not pntronizo that journal thus: There aie about twenty-live familie- iu I ebauou the majority of them iiiw'oniers, who do not lead the Express, and if they do not want their names lo appear in our forthcoming table set ting forth the Illiteracy of this town they would better take up their line of mr.ich in time to avoid notoriety. Shelter the stock. Reports from some parts of Lane county are that a good many cattle liau died during the leeent sioim, and are still dying. The old cows and young cattle suiler most. The gra-s was poor last Mimnierund fall, and stock entered the winter iu poor condition. A number who had plenty of feed lost stock simply from lack of shel ter. No lo- of horses has been re ported. The Cleveland Gaulen seeds at Farrar & Co's are strictly reliable. Aluvny's Tcrn. Mat Scott, sheriffof Linn county, came down this afternoon with Tho. H. Hick lin, who was sentenced to one year in the penitentiary, by Judge Boise, for larcei3. This is the first man sentenced to the pen from Linn county during the pieseut term of court, which opened Monday. There are several other persons to be given a hearing. The stale prison was never so ful1 as at pres ent. Assessor Coming. Assessor Cleaver, of Mt. Angel, is in the city. He will begin the work ot es timating Minion county's property iu a few days. It is about time for people to commence thinking of their wealth, that the assessor aud his deputies can find it. TUB CITY MJILDINUS. We are requested to say a few words about the buildings now owned by the city and used for the fliedep.irtn cut. It is generally be lieved this property has become too valuable for such use, and the city council has decided to dispofe of the same to the highest bidder. This is as It should be, and we have raith to believe the business heads in our common council will give the city the beuefit of their best judgement iu this alo and in tho purchase of some cheaper and more suitably lo cated pioperty. Tills transaction should bo made as shrewdly and in the city's iuterest as much as though it were a private transaction. Our council is working harmoniously with such ends always in view, and Salem's financial condition will be benefited by such action for years to come. The present property is be ing advertised for sale to the high est bidder. Other property will be boughtanda now building erected from tho proceeds of the sale. Whatever site is selected, the lot or lots should be amply largo and if not on a corner, accesibie from uotn front and rear. One building should i,n nut tin lur'o enoUu'li to accomo date the entire lire department and its necessary supplics.the city prison, council chamber and office room for city officials. If all is economically managed our city oould have much more commodious quarters all around, and have a neat little bal unco left beside,-. The committee In charge Is a good oue, and with tho assistance of the councils will without doubts settle this entire mat ter to the best advantage of our city. "Our Prize" la the baking powder that makes so many or J.G. Wright's lady customers happy. . Woisbaden frults-Sroat & GlleV. OFFICE OK CHEAT EASTERN TEA CO, Imp"terf and DRlf In TEAS AND COFFEES, 2M Wrl tU. od W'MbUsrlKi St., PORTLAND, OI 17 cowwwitol Btw. fUna. llMMfaiaaHantt, '. ad M MbfklC, RAN FBVJICIIB. IMTW4S BRANCH $T0BES IN OPWIATI0N. Grand Surprint Sale. Om bo ci toe m iMy ' writ. GREAT MEN TEA Company, 317 Commercial Street, SATvKM. t40 Branches, -i- 4U Branches.) l'KHSUNAI. AM) I.HCAIj. T. Ilolvervm Is nt Port tntid hl v. ' Sheriff K. M. Croimu is in Aurora todtiy ou legal buines. Kill Watson was brought to the asylum for the itiNMie from Pamir ton today. Cotmxitiv 11. of the Oregon Na tional Guard, will hold a reguliir drill in the armory ton ght. W. J Grim, of Aurora, was in the city oteilay aflet.ion. lie imid to the fhi'rifi'?l73 GO us, his part of the puhlie taxes. dipt. Pratt deputy county clerk, and Allyu Omke deputy recorder aie oil' duty on account of illne'". Fred G. Tellerand Louisa Schluu egger were the lust pcrsous niiido happy by the county clerk granting them a marriage llcensp. E. M. Laricke, of Portland, is in the city looking up the matter of a contract for building the extension of the electric line. Ho has built most of the roads at Portland. Miss Allie Hoskins, of Champoeg, who hash jii isuinu Pi of. andMis. St. Helen of tbi- city, goes to Mar- Ion today to vHit her cousin, Mrs. llodger St. Helen. She was also accompanied by the Prof, and his wife. We give to every purchaser of our celebrated teas a box of French c.iudy over and above the usual present. Witli 60 cent puiehase, l-lb box; wjlli ?1.00 purchase l-'b box. Come and si e us. Gieat Eastern Tea Company, ,117 Coinnier cial street. Forty branch stores, Wholesale house 62 aud 54 Market street, San Francisco. Fice candy with your teas, Great Eastern TeaCouipauy, 317 Commer cial street. Instruments Tiled lor Huron! at the County Hecnnler's (llfii'fl. lieni Crow to Mrs A 0 Crow lots 7 and 8 in blk 7 of Stayton ? F M McDanieltoThos Cox lots 7 and Sot blk 7 Sta.toii Tbos Cox to JJenj Ciow lots 7 and 8, blk 7, Stayton L M Smith to O Brown lot 3 lu blk 20 of Silver Fail city L M Smith to O Brown lot Oblk IS Silver Fall city J K P Frances to Malinda FrancesoOi acres in t U s, r 2 w 200 176 100 Used it for Five Years. Tip. R. S. ITolden: I have sold your Ethereal Cough Syrup for the past live yeais, anu nave useii it, in mv ou-ii fumilv. and know it to he the best cough syrup I have over iico.l ni-knlfl. Ii'llim. -M. WKST Stockton. Large size $1.00, small 50o For sale by all drugists. nii:i). ha vir.i? At. the stale insane asylum, March 7, 1S91, of iheuma- tism, Mrs. .Alary mincer, oi uie Nehalem valley. The funeral was conducted at the Catholic church iu this city yester day afternoon, by Rev. J. S. White, of this city, and Rev. L. Brosseau, of Gervais. Tho "World Kiirlched. Tiio facilities of the present day fot .he production of everything tliatwil' conduce to the material welfare anil comfort of are almost unlim ited, ai.i v. hen tfyiup of Figs was first ' produced the world was enriched with i the only perfect laxative known, as it ' is the only remedy which is truly pleasing aval refreshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the sybtem gently in the Spnug-time or, iu fact, at u -y time, and the better it is known the r.:ore popular it be comes. SALKM MAKKKT ItEl'ORT. sjikijihIh nt tli MarLi'tM Hiilug mid Kollliijf rrli-oH. UMTII. t'UICIW. HlIViaKI) QUOTATIONS. Bhoullern..SUKtr oured.iwr Ib.lX llreakf:vl Ihiii Vi1, to IS Hiiini-Miurourvd, pur Ili.Jlfc Reof 716 1'iirk lua lt Milium II) ( Uu. Vl-10USc. TlmotliyMed I'er jxiund, 7Maj willins Red olovpr nd l'er jiounil, !.. While Hover MMlrr pNiiid, ). ANIke-lM! M)r xmnd. Red to) Ilk. ir ptiuilil. Liuoolu UrtM-l!iM Iwr IKXlud j H) e Onita. lOo jwr itouml. Orolmrd Uiukh -17o ir i.)Ulid. Iln 6o per Hi. Oat mil ut ;. ,, Cuuuwl Fruit -I'enoheii, IB 0( Hpricol, Ki 00; ll!kberrn, a. ni, bl Knidm ft Ok toiiwto" II ak trln buii II to, Kreea IMw II r; JHii- di'i. In two lb nuiu Oiu Krull .Ch.ile pp.7mi ' l'r ex: iwsrH 76c iier hnx; iwliiUm ftkr. carn.U Kio; imnlu4 il UO; onion o par P. l-Un-HlmnHillli.perlbj ltufsmi 0 7o per Hr inll lUh ItUe r IU wilt ilmon, 710c lr Hi. Hl'YINll I'HUi, Wlient in'ic n-nour-ivrbtmil. .. kMt M II. OMU-l'r bulil. IH tt Wo. Rwn-rerloa.lldtoaHjiUI, luid, Slioru-I'er ton. WO 0 (mekixL Ch-p-l'M- loo. WM ' twd. Hoim-OuoUmI at Mb par Ut, Ymh-IV; par amen, rolu I'ar tmtil. 404 corn inl-ae pr pound. CtMNM-IJBlh!jr pouwi. Ilftod Plun-Wlb.j. mi&uiw-IVrUjBl(lg. HuitU-awKfci'p-M- pSiM fcr'jwl ifftw- pgiuMi,, mcoa Hm WW per w. BImihIiUo i Pcm. CMC-. Iull pWMim, UoaSit, VQ&Ue pw Hi t-erl IMHfrsr rwaatM vary into, wuuur or b 1 Mv ib( In a rajl.Ki of iutr ti-irr , r i.d mum la pravalaai. urn tu (i n,. rw oMaeaaaara lurtttlcd frum in ' "I MaawkUowad ironi He w.ier ,f m i, h raclua. Madleal Xc(uard l l-,ii.'l naeaaastrr to nul'lfy U,U d U4' A . OKmos ? fcrtlf in and ji. ,i'm . i( II, rtftlirlll o mM U. bHbir t.i II-I- 'I' i.vl" rial pirfann. HmmU-'lm u. urn t, Hittrr u ucuotparaoly xttr bri und '!, " - V I"1 tr lrTiiifaii l itf t ',." ,r D1 b.wel" uMirjve u, '.. i ', lli. rr sutsvd ii r uOr ) i r, I; I i fUU'-tloli .. i4 Itwl. ju 1 - J .fir mUlHl iLuv "! t W-ll a i.uUr ikii.1i i .1. ' i ,- j, f i ' iiui--i iy u. ..I. mmum i.4 i irm lb'J 'I Jrl.'tc 1 A'rf .l lb lllf h. " uosrl-, i I. ' i liir (.i-N. .1 , . t.M n . 1 :i . 1. u4 i.,.r . hi, i. ii ly iBib'W r.t .mu ,.f iuu i n.ilu hi t' I nuultaoi Ukr i The First Stop. li rb u mi are run down, can't eat, ean'i xiit-p, can't think, can't do anything 'rfymir satisfaction, and you woiider wh'it alls you. You should heed the warnimt, you are taking the first step into Nervous Prostration. You need a Nerve Tonic and In Electric Hitters you w ill find tbe exact remedy for re .storing our nervous system to its norm '.'ir-rdiliT condition. Surnrls- intf restil's follow the ue of this rre it Nerve To. lie aud Alterative. mr tippelltv return, gooddiges- ttnll lb nrtit.ii.itl Mtwl Mm t.tvpr find kidneys reMime t heir healthy action. Try a bottle. Pi leo fiUe. nt Fry's urugsiore. Astoria Get It. The encamp ment of tho G. A. It. will be held this year ot Astoria, and hold for two days, The time is set for Apill, Sth and 0th. They will use the I. O. O. F. halt in their big three story brick building. A largo at tendance Is oxpected, rs delegates from every part of the state w ill be there. A man who has practiced medi cine for -It) years ought to know salt from Mignr) lead what he says: Toledo, O., Jan. 10, 1SS7. Messrs F. J. Cheney & Co Gentleman; I have been in the general practice of medicine for most 40 years, and would say that in all my practice and expel ience have never seen a preparation that 1 could pieserlbe with as much confi dence of success as I can Hall's Ca tarrh Cure, manufactured by you. Have prescribed it a great many times and its ellect is wonderful, and would say iu conclusion that 1 have yet to find a ease of Catarrh that it would not cure, if they would take it according to directions. Yours truly. L. L. Gonsucn.M. D. Office. 215 Summit St. We will give $100. for any case of Catarih that cannot be cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure, fnkoti inter nallv. F. J.CHENRY& Co Piops. To ledo O. OtjrSold by all Druggists, 76 cents, Aii Opportunity in Real Estate. For Sale tor 30 Days. What is known as the "Mai bio Corner," cor ner of Court and Liberty streets. Also lj blocks across the street north of the East Saieni school house. Tliis propel ty will bo for salo for the next 30 days. 1 nquiro of 3:12 lm M. L. CHAMBERLAIN. Tho New Discovery. You have heard your friends and neighbors talking about it. You may yourself lie ono of tho many who know from personal experience just how good a tiling it is, If you have ever trieil it, you are one of its staunch friends, because the wondei ful thing about It is, that when once given a trial, Dr. King's New Dis covery ever after holds a place in the house. If you have never used it and should be afilicted with a cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every tune, or money refunded. Tilal bottles frco at Fry's Drugstore. O '- Will pntlvoly euro kIl-Ic lioiutiiclio and piuvont Its icturn- Curler's Llttlo Liver Pills. Thiols not talk, hut truth. Duo pill n dose. sou mlvertlMiient. Hmall pill. Smull dose. Siu.ill pilee, l'uln riom ImllKiMiiou, tlynpepsln, nnil too heart riitlni;,ls lolluvcil at unci! by Iu klni; duo of rurlei'H Llttlo LIT 1'IIIh lm nicilliituly after dinner. Don't foiRi-t this. Ifyounio tired taking tint l.uiru old fall lonc 1 grlplUK pllis, try Ciirter'H Lltto Liver I'llN mid inkcMiiiiucniiilort. Amimcim't stand e ei thing. Ono pill a done. Try them. CARTER'S ITTLE Rlplt iroAilnclinnnd rellm n nil thu troubles Incl drnt to a bilious Ktntu of tho system, such na DUzlnesn, Naiisen, OroHUliiesH, Dlstrt-us aftnr oatlnp, l'uln In tho Slilo, Xc Wlillo tlmlr moil reuiarkublo tuccrs.s lias bot-n rIiowii iu curing HoadariiH, yet rAiiTr-ii'H Liitik Liven riiwi are wuially alnablo In t'omtlMitlon. curlnij and preiuiitlnR this niinojlnjfcoiiiiilnlnt, wlillo llioy also corn et all disordors of llin utoinarli. Ktlmiilftto the liver and rvgulalo tho boHbli. r.ven n ui.-y uiny curuu Actio thoy would bo almost prlcelcsn to thoiw who miffer from thla dlstrcH?lnc complaint; but fortunately their K"l1e'ii' K!i not end here, and llioso who r,nco try them will tlnil thwe little pills valuablo In no many wayg that thoy will not bo willing to do without them IltH oftor all Blck heail i the bane of M man v lives thai hero li where we make our (freat boost Our pdU cure It wWIh others do not Canter s Litti k Lukb Vma ore ery small and very eay t, ialt, t)n or two pills make a iluuo They are tntly vegetable and do not ifripe or piir'e, but i,t Hi. ir Kentle action pleaaeHU lm use th.-i-i li ul" at ! cents, lira for fl Hild eier where or ftentby lualL castk uti::stE CO., 'f 7nt Small R ki M Small Price- .Votive of Final Settlement. Notice Is liereby given that the uiidersii'uwl executor of the luHt will mid t(tiiii'iit of lt. Featliuratoiif, tuemmni, lias HIimI IiIhUiuiI account of the mmIiI eahite, lu the county oourt of the statu of Oregon, for Marion ooiiiity, ami that hhIiI court Iihm llxwl Monday March 2nd. lMJl, tolevwn o'clock A. M. of hhIiI day for Umr)nu the Hatuo Hiid idl obec tlotw thref), nt tlie ooiiiity court raoui In the court hotiw lu the city oi Strteu, it) lutid cvHinty and (.tale, nd tht th (wme will lw pasBed ujiiii t Mid tlms and jilaee1. liNttMl tliiHOTth day of Jin 1H01 J 12 A H"lby, 1 at J-'xc ut.r f wild wttitc mEM HbpjMffiajKaiiiipvH -. wHOslHCATAtOQg PfllCCI AiU8 ENGINE WORKS, . OIANAPOU8, IND. -lil i "Isir It-' I B w rr m BVtciri I PILLS. iaclffKSiiSiaJ n El MEAD MARKCTS BY TKLROKAIMI. I-ORTLANU. Whcnt-Valloy.llSJ l 37H Wiilla.Wnlla Jt.'Xl to S1,97H percental. Flour standard, J3 80 lo $1.10 Walla Vnlla$.0Oi1SO. Outalde snides. $3 80, Ouls White UOo to 61c, gniy5t)oto 58 per bushel. MitlstuflR llrnn HPiiJSO-.'shorts, JIS to 19 Kround ;bnrlcy,ja) to ;W; carp reed. 125 inlddllnss, tX, per ton. liny S1G17 per ton. nutter Oregon fancy dairy, SOe; rancy cronmcry37K; (rood to fair, 2337fcCtUt fornm choice 'i"i toSTKc. Krijs Oreson 20o Kostcrn Wo per dor I'oaltry-Old chlckcus, lo (XXsJO CA 101111008 75ont 80o icr ojutnl. Choose Oregon, H to 15c; Callforniii 15 to ICo, Sugars Qolden C, iiz extrn C, 8; dry granulated, ,tK; cube, cruslied and Pow dered, trjjo per iHiuud. lkims-Sinnll white, Se44; pink $H bayoH. SI 75; bulter, f3 GO; lluins, So 60 iht ccutnl. Dried Krults-.Tlie market Is linn, tjur ted: Itatlnu prunes, 12 to He; I'otlto nud (lirnmu, 10o per iKiutid; ralstus, tl 15 per box; plumiucr dried pears, 10 to lie; sau dried nud factory plums, 11 to I'-e; evupo niton peaches, 18toI0o; Binyrtia llgu, 1SX-; California HgstHj Mr ixaind, Itleo 6X' per inmud. Hides Dry lildea, 8J to 8e; less for cults; greeu pver 65 pounds, 4c; under 55 pon nils, ;tc; sheep pelts, 80oJl.25. H.M01CKD MKATS AND LARD. Kastcrn hnmi, 12 to lie; breakfast ba con, 10 to llc;sldes, I) to 10c; lard, X to 100 per pound. SAN FRANCISCO. San Francisco, Mar 11. Wheatthe week opened ou a quieter market. No. 1 white, S1.50- to SI 51; por ceutal. HopsV0(3:i0o per iHiiind. llarley Feed SI 10l ii; per cental SI 17; choice SI 42 to 1 47; common grade SI W. Oats-dray SI 75 tol 80;black,l DOtollO per rentul OnlonsS2X to CK. l'otatoeti..75a to 80. MISChLANKOUS MARKI-rra Ciiicaoo, Jlar. 11. W'ool Kasteru Oie goa, 10 to lllc; valloy, IB toJlSa per tKiuud Reef Live, I to5 10; dres.scd, Po. lluttou Live, 4 to 6c; dressed 8c. Hogs Live, & 10; dressed, lu. Veal 7 to lOo per ikiuihI. SCROFULA i tint Impurity ut tho Wood whlih l to mes uu-dglitly lumps or swellings ontlio uulsi f tho neck; causes palnlul luiiiilng "ics on tiio arms, legs, or feet; det dopes, leers In the eyes.cais.or niwo, often cau iig lilliulncss or doatnuss; Is tho oilgln of iniplcs, cancerous growths, or tho ni.iiiy :lier inanlfcstatlons usually ascilbed to humors;" and tastetilng upon the lung, ium'h consumption, and death, llelng ho most ancient, It Is tiio most gencrnl ut ill diseases or affections, foi very few 'icrsous aro entirely free from It. "Tir CURED Ry taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, which, ly ho rcmaikablo cures It has accomplished, jftcn when other medicines have failed, proea itself to bo a potent and pecul iar medicine for this dlscaso. Somo ol llic-o cures aro really wonderful. If you suffer from scrofula or Inipuro blood, bo iuro to try Hood's Sarsaparllla. ' Every spring my w Ifo and children liavo been troubled with scrofula, sores break ing out on them In various places. My llttlo boy, tlireo years old, has been a terrible Mifferer. Last spring ho was ono mass of sores from head to feet. 1 was advised to uso Hood's Sarsaparllla, and wo liaoalltakenlt. Thoicstiltlsthatall been ctued of tho scrotula, my llttlo boy being entirely free from sores, and all four ot my children look bright and healthy." W. 1). Athkhton, Tassalo City, N. J. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sol(tbyiUuRKlt. ll six for 5. I'roparcilb) 3.1.11001) & CO., Aimtliocarlm, Lowell, .Minn lOO Dosos Ono Dollar JOHN HUGHES, Dealer In Groceries, PninlH, Oils smtl Vindow Gliiss, Wnll Pit- E icr and Jlorder, ArtislH' Ma- rials, Llino, Hair. Nails and Sh Ingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posta, Grass Seeds, Elc, NISW AIVI'.RTIKMNTH. Salo oi' City Properly. VTOTIOK Ik hereby ! ven that tliocltyof Xi miiem, uri'Kon, win seuiii iiiiuiio uuu tiotiiitHiileiii.OriKon, ou tho '"i. day of Mnrcli, lui, iiizotiock p. m., uireo uiiuu biilldliik's lieloiik'lni! to Mild elty ol Hiiloin, Oregon. Two of mid IiiiIIiIIiikh uru two story bulldlnssutid tho other a one story bulldliiR. All of wild property M minuted mi Htnto street und Liberty street, und Is denrrlbed ns IoIIowh; Ooinnienclnifuttho northwest coraerol block 'J0 In the city of Hiilem, Onuon, and runnlnirlheiifo eiuterly iiIouk the north lino oh Mild block 60 leet; theneo uttutliurly mnillel with Ihe went lino of wild blook ICO feel; thoneo wenttrly parnllfil with iho nurili linn (ifK.-il(l hlfxlk ftO feet lo the went Hue ofruld blockj thence northerly uloriK tho wchI llaoofMild block It) feet lo the place ot beglnnlni;. . . Tho term of wild milo nreionc-thlrd of tho pureliUMopr'coutlbotliiienf mile: tint bill une when tlie deed U Hindu by tho ctly. The Oily ol Halem rtwcrveH the rlKht of poHhdiMion una mo riKiii 10 uu uru n chuiife, to tbe City of Halem, tho wild one ktory hulldliitfund tho Iwc U)iy bulldliiK known an tho Cnpluil Kniflnu houmi, und all orthuiiperitorle of Itotliof the twu. ktory bulldlnuH, on or before the Unit of Heplcmbcr, lHUl.iindlhet'lly ofrtulem.Ore. Kon.uUo rmervtw Ihe rlulit to refect imy or nil lilini. naie 10 uikb piaoa in iroui of tbe Capital KiiKine wniipuny'n building on HUito ntieet In wildVlty, n i. i.Arunr., r.H. Jl'AHCY. O. I). IIUTTO.V, JAVC HM1T1I, Committee fiorn tho Council. W,H. I)W, Chief Knelnrer of the ttaleui Klro l)c parlment. THE BEST. uu,.,..r:A"i:t:r.vAr.A a -- .--..-.. -m . . SEED ANNUAL i Her 1001 will UiMlUd FREE. Bio til ,ucaoii. Had u ll hwk j i cutwutrt. in. toiler into aver, i lfT (xrtua lulnc Grdtn, W tr fiiia ittJi, liuiaii mb4 far lb AAdtu O. M.rCRRY A.CO. DETROIT. MICH. ft S4twwa Id lt rl4 J Johnsoa's Unirtrsal Cyclopedia. An oUluul wuk by 40 of Aiiieriejt'a in,i enilutnl aehwlara as rdiiura aud yjueiulncaliipeoiitiuu from all utrUof the wurld imJiitr1buUr, Wbixe uuiHtw are, 'jdird to ti.air artieta., 4 a voutlir lur an-orary If you nouUiinpUtte kuIuk a ' i y, I -ft Da the canwwr will be plcnMd totbowyou the work, llKxinli you may uot xircluua. Addrl C tlltOWKlt, I BUU Uui(rH4lvm,or A,torU,0r. Special this week March 9 to 14 Inclusive. Ladies' extra fine scarlet wool underwear. . . .1 00 each Ladios' Swiss ribbed " " .... 1 00 " Ladies' "Woolen mittens. 35c " Ladies' Cnshmoro gloves 35c " Capito - Adventure - OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. Produce Taken - - Cash JPaid for Wool. When in Need of Harness, Saddles, Whips, Robes, etc. You will find it to your advantage to call on me be fore purchasing elsewhero, as I have tho LA11GEST RE TAIL STO RE I N OKEG ON. Gents' and Ladies' Sad dles iu most modern styles, HEAD QUARTERS FOR HILL'S CONCORD HARNESS--Best made in the world. I am sole Manufacturer's Agent for Salem. NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD I Buggy Harness as low as 5.60. Wagon Harness as low as $13. This house is not of Mushroom growth, but was established by mo in 18 60 and by long experience I know the demands of tho trade. You can't miss the place at tho sign of "Tho Big Dapple Gray Horse." Thanking my customers for their liberal patronage in tho past. By square dealing, 1 hopo for a continuance of the same. " E. S. LAMPORT, 289 Commercial Street. iHsnniaiHabBnKaHHiiaaswnpn Sash. and. Door Factory-; Fronti Street, Salem, Oregon. Tho best class of work in our lino at prices to compote with tho lowest. Only tho best material used. cWttMmS&km First National Hank A. r. Armstrong, Manager. W. I. Btalby, Principal. Business, Shorthand, Typawritinr;, Penmanship nnd English Departments. Day nml Evening Sessions. Btudents admitted anytime. Catalogue on application. INSURE IN YOUR HOME COMPANY "Tlie State." ABscBHCd nearly oao-thlrdlof n'mlllloii (JKO. M. HKHIiKIt, City Acent, And Hpeclnl iiiteiitlor .Marlon nullity. Ol ll,. win. iiui (Niiiipnny. HELLENBRAND'S Gating Mors i Candy llaiiiiliiclory, COS Comrnoroliil Strout. IU.I. OK KAUK: Iro Crentn 10., 16. "nil Iff! eentM Collee,Teiiori:iioioliitoiiiidt'iiluk..lUeenU Mimh and Milk IU renin I'lnto of Soup tlcenu Hot CnUeH, I 'olli o or Tea 15 rents lleofKteuk nnd Kl'kh SK eetlU l...l .,,,it (,i,l Kiriry '2Tl Clllltjl .Mutton Clion nnd Kkuh as itiiIh and Kkkh !B run a Hniiiutiso mid Kkk sl t,e"tH If..... ...til l,'irt.M '2A()lltM Fresh OyalurH any Ntylo 115 eenU 25 Cent Regular DlnnerServed From II ta3 0'Clock. A nlro viirloty of viKtnliluM, ute., elo. Alio ten, eolleo or milk with all 'id cent iiiealH wltboiil extra cluiruo. Cboli'o C'lL'urn, Iiiiixirtoil un DonnwUo, al way on mind. Porter IlniiheHKmk and W)cent Tender Uilu Htoak und Kuuh U) cents THE ODELL TYPE WRITER. IJ) will buy tho OiiKMi Tvi'K WUitkii with 70 uhuruHera, nnd 815 fur tho Hinoi.k CAMKUimi.i,, wiirriiiitud to do bettor work Until nny iimelilHH niudw. Ili-mubiueitHiui'l.ltli v with Dtnunil ITV, MPKMi, KAMK Ol Ol'KIUTION, Wenm loiiKer wlllinulMMt of rtNtlrlii than nuy oilier nmeliliie Him no Ink ribbon to Ixitlier tlieontlor. Ill nunt, iiibntaii tlHl.nlikel plated, preel and ndiiplMl In nil kliiiUnf lyiw wrlllnif. Mkwu prtiitlnif prow, It prod u own Hlmrp, oIhhii, legible iiinmiMirlpt. Two or ten coplm uui be mude l one writing. Any liitelltixaiitpvr mii mil iHXKiiu an nperator In two diiya. WenflertlUU) Ut uiiy opamtor who mil wUHl tbe work of the DoiniLK Oamh OIlKl.f. Ilelutble Ak'mU nud lejtmii wniitcd. Hp-lul Inducement lo deulen. ror tiiipuiet Eiviuy uiuurMiiiiniiii. at., uddrwu i i ir, n in i r.iv i w., ttuudSIJlh.Ave. Cliluiko. HI 'J0.1 p iUnUit KmtUA IIIim4 llrL ENNYROYAL PILLS OrltUftl Nljf CJtNuU an iw , imotwm 1M bta Mll 1U MM f rLcbr. AuiMi WtammaVM aJ iMilA4 Ai iHMttUU Ww4 aWHaIMlirWtMlWi,IMUa Kiirrair iai,' (Ulo -fr .r... .u. iu,eU n m fmw ya. ... v-fflVraa-,"M,,",.aCi I. oris l A rrapiitt 1 1 Informalloa and b- : nrrt, (ini."t'1't'1i " w " M4,o rastmii, iMi,-iTaui , uutt, v prrii, ' ,31 Ltuw Munn a vv.ji . jui uroaawnr.. HlW lk 'y-H bW M K .. r.f I 0 t ATTENTION ! Company, LIVERYMEN AND OTHERS ?? Who do All Kinds of i As Cheap ns any Laundry m tho Country Using "White Help nud doing llrst-closa work. SQrLiulles nud pntrons invited to inspect our proecss of doing work. 230 Liberty Street. niilldliitr, Bnlem, Oregon, IMPORTED HOUSES. I'our lino HtulllouH to bo void uooa.nt the 1 tod lmrn, near depot. Bnlom, Or. 10 Acres for Rent. A choice tract only ono mllo from Balotu TcrniH liberal, Apply to hofku imos., JouruHl Olllce. I'axpaycrs, Take Notice! Your Htnto nnd cnuntr uixen tor llnrlrfu loiinty for tho year lHUUtthould bu pat ut unco uk coNtH will noon bo lidded. K.M, CllOIBAN. 'J-Kl-tf. HherlHund tin collector. 'II k m renu 0 KKAL ESTATB BROKERS AND NOTAIUKS l'tlllMO. Collectlonii Mndo nud liOiius Negotiated. 2UUCOtvIMIKOIAI STKICBT SALBIVI OREGON, l.yo-u& LADD & BUSH, Bankers. IKON IIIIII.DINn, SAL.ISM, - - - - OKKOON, TruiiKiict u general bunklnn bumnewi In all depurtuiviiU. 3r-3m MRS. D. L. PIESTBR. Tha Ijirgeat Utock of SritIN; MILMNKRY Of the choice! mylea. The latent myleu from Bun KrunoUoo and the enut, A flue llnoof noveltleii. I jtdltn Jlnvlted to call liupect nnd comparo prlcea. D.CSHERMANi U. H, l'emlon and Claim acent. I'.O IWjx Ml. l)renn, wepui, y oounty CltrC V'rlto furbluaka. w If you want tbe genuine P. CVu. hnmi Kid Olovo, cull ut Culvurt'a, who UtttlU tli holo tt;eut ftt riulei dtf UDNDRT IRK idiesjotco! 1 MioctMs iu many lii i