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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1891)
"-- 7f ma mmm dispatches. i mU Press Keporl and Mgesl.s of ail liiiiurliiiit News ofTo-Dny. MARKETS. WHEAT. IChioago. III.. Jan. 3. Wheat Is BtrotiiT. Cash .00, May, 07 OS; f5Iily.03J. 8a jEbancisco, Cal., Jan. 3. Wheatfhuyer '01 $1.501 season $1.4-1. is a OREIGN. ItKiB XTaAPI'KATj TO TUB STATES. wrtSPAV. N. S.. Jan. 3. Ad- -iVvIces from New Foundlaud Indicate excitement and Indignation over England's icnewal of the Modus vivondl, with France are still rife. This action Is received as a blow at tho liberty of the people. Crowds tlmvUSeeinblcd and condemned in trongest terms this act of government. Rome have RSfgesied that the Hag be pulled mowaTand an appeal be made to the KJnlted States for protection. WATTLE WITir A BBIOAND. Mavana, Jnn.'3. Manual Garcia, ralurisnud clilet, was surrounueo o.v WSS Thursday nicht. his horse tailed; and he was wounded but he tsucpmled in escaping, Sixta Vare- lag&Gtucia'B lieutenant was Kiiieu. tEwiNG SHIP ACCOUNTED KOK. IMTLtimokk. Md.. Jan. 3. JJr. tFY.ll'e, a local government Inspector ificuttlo here, states that tlie car- fSSecs of cattle found on the coast of rland to-dav. beariug United tea inspection plates upon their jSSSs, were part of a cargo on the lshiD Nessmore, wlilcu leu titimore December 10, bound for IfJoncion, and already reported as hmtt..r '. .. .....mi MTiyea, by tueoutsiearasuip auuub- Mwwe, which left Baltimore iNovem- WrM2G, for England with several Hundred cattle aboard. Nothing fiJ&sTbeen heard of her since then. FIRES- jpAKAar: carefully estimated. York, N. Y., Jan. 3.A fcarefal estimate of the big lire last fnjSjJtfplaces the total loss at $507,000. jfriuTinsurance is more than uair that feiBoa'iit. Prof. Hermaun says the EflnrStartcd in tho "supes" room of iMJet&Fifth avenue theatre. Her- Inmun's theatre is found not to be jbjwjly duinuged after all. The (greatest loss m from the water Iturawn y meungiura, mm win nui eaweed $25,000. A rumor has been ed that some lives were lost bt!i careful investigation failed to fetTafirm it. It was not until after Sfro'eloek that the lire was under mtrol. MISCELLANY. CN Iini'OItTS-lHVISIONS A3IOXO TH K REDSKINS. Washington, D. (J., Jan. 3. fGeeral Schofield this morning re fcSlySl the following telegram from JGtwgral Miles, dated Pine ltidge, JKtiThere is a report from the Indian feaKTp that Red Cloud and Little SVwJnd are dt'lermlued to come in jwftSTtbelr followers, their lives hav iHjfiijgeu threatened by hostilcs who 5reTcrinlied to go to war. There itTalseltt report from the same source Lof anTgiigagenient between Indians ,aud!cHvalry, In which a number of 'soldiers were killed aud some Iu- liaiij5 If tm9 is correct u W08 nrob" jablyu tho line at White river. (General Crook now has cominaiid UjJSiluc and will give the uec- cfiafv .3tr0rtlfinM ." BTIwJllOI'ES OP A PEACEFUL END ING. iUerai Bciioneici baui 10 a reponer liftcVkthis telegram was given out, tbjSjiiotliiiig additional had been glved up to the present time. "I ijfeave hope we shall yet be able the Indians into camti with- CK'fflflght.' The forces now iu the ftjjil Wonder command of General MJjSjnumber about 8,000 officer NO CHANOK. HlCAGO, 111 , Jan. 3. Adjutant ral Corbln lias received a men roni Miles written last in which he states that there o change iu the Indian bilua yjsterday v us signaled by the balk Tamar N. Marshall, who transferred to tho tug the crew of the Norwegin bark Strauu. ciuhtccn men nil told, and they were lauded In this city this afternoon. The vessel became w.iter logged aud the crew runalued by her twelve days and then aban doned her. The men siiflered much imniaiitit. nniio were lost, and one only, tho third mate, was Injured. Captain Skomelanclniui ma men u-1 an Interesting uaratlve of the ter rific storm which they e.Hrienced Stormy weather was encountered al most immediately after getting out side, and soon the vessel sprung a leak. In spite of all that uou'd he done the pumps became rb-ggid. The stores were kept out of water, but tho fresh water supply was lost, as well as the medicines and clothing. From lack of .water the men suflend intensely. When it rained a little water was caught, which relieved their thirst somewhat. All the rig ging possible and tho main mast weie cutaway to eaio tho vessel. During tho tremendous gail Thomas Jorgeuseu, the second mate, was washed into the sea, but the captain succeeded In rescuing him. On Sun day, Dec. 14, a vessel was sighted. Howge, the third mate, bravely vol unteered to take a signal Hag to the foretopmast .At the erosslrees he lost his footing and fell to the deck, breaking both thighs There was a heavy sea at the time. Cap tain Skomeand set the fiac tures as best ho could. Next day tho vessel, which proved to be the Marshall approached aud took all hands oil. All the men are Nor wegians, and the Norwegian consul has taken them iu charge. UKMGUUS SERVICES. Unitarian Society. Hall cor ner Court & Liberty St. Rev. H. II. Brown, Minister. Services at 10.30 a. in. and 7 p. m.: Themes "The Unity of Spirit" and "Twelfth Night." Evangelical. "The New Way before us" and "Troublous Thoughts" will bo tho themes to morrow. Sunday tchool at 12 m. Endeavor meeting at G p. m. All are welcome. E. S. Bollinger, pastor. Ch ristian Science. Meetings 10:45 a. m. Bible class. Spiritual scene of the sciiptures, 12 o'clock Children's class. 7:30 Wednesday evening association meets. Room GO new Bank Block. Christian Church. "Where are Joy and Safety to be Found ?' and "The Good Fight," will le spectively be the mot ning and even ing themes of Rev. J. B. Johnson, at the Christian church, corner of Center aud High streets. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Christian Endeavor so ciety at G j). iu. Baptist Church. Morning sub ject "Relatiou of the Church to Reformatory Movements." Eveli lug "Credibility of tho New Testa ment." Services at 10:30 a. m. aud 7 p. m. Sunday school at 11:45 a. m. Youug People's meeting at G p. m. Robt. Whitaker, pastor. An Unpleasant Case. It slh ms Salem will h.ivea very unpleas ant cikO to witness ill the illHllce's i cotut Monday. The case pending is ' about us disgraceful us sucu cau be, and will shock the ears of every modest person iu the city. The in vestigation of tho court is awaited with interest,slncoa thorough inves tigation may release the accused. o- Where Is He ? Mrs. Mary Gor don writes from Guinda, Yolo county, Cal., asking if their is any oue in this section by the name of Jacob D. Coaps. If Mr. Coups Ib in this section lie doubtless could con fer a favor on the lady, or if anyone else knows his whereabouts could do the same by addressing the above. S& yfm gggj MH rjcalu. S. MINT REFUSES a silver II rick. IILADEI.PHIA, Penn., Jan.3. ya.lJMy Judge Hurley B. Morse and Qoorpe, C. Merrick, of Denver, Col., Mttglfrtthe Cnl'ed States mint, in iw wim a unun uiontci. vui. iell, superintendent of the jjrefused to accept the brick for i coinage. Tbe grounds upon Mre and Merrick based emand is what tliey claim is a lutlonal one and denies tho ft the government to make i known as "selgnorage" at tljent market value of silver. Wbe the government buys bullion Hjj-ys market bullion price aud i a uiucrvuce, wlilcli U "selgnorage," between that aud legal tender value. Tne lemen think they have as much . to "aelguorage" aa the govern- IRK STRAUS'S CREW ASHORE. IN Fhancl'JCo, Jau 3. The tug bint, while outside the beads IH 1H Turner Notes. Not having seen any uot.s from this section of late, I thought It ad visable to say a few words. While on a diive on Christmas day I saw wild strawberries in bloom on the Waldo Hills, aud we havo daisies and paiizles in bloom in our gardeu. What will our Eastern friends think of this for the last of December? The roads are in good condition, while thegentlb Oregon mist is an swering the prayers of the farmers. The citizens of Turner have re cieved a line present from tho S. P. It, R. company iu the way of a splendid new walk ut tho north end of the depot to the mill race, It be ing the bounds or their property. The citizens have circulated a sub scription and raised money enough to build a good bridgo over the mill race. Tbe structure is built of god new lumber and a railing was put on both sides; so that all are safe in durkntss while guingtooor from the depot, or postofllce. The citizens apprec'ate It aud well they may. Tho Masonic order had a public installation of officers on Saturday, Dee. 22ud. All participating pro nounce it a success. riipitclani Have Kuind Out That Hcoolsinlnallon and foreign element In l!ooJ,levrlojy3JIy Indtjje.tlon, U lue ciiwuf rtieumaiUm. Tlit Millie upon llieeiiMilveub-cauiieoucvcrli)ffoi in liiUM-'let un1 UruinrnUofthe Joinlt.Gaii- niifrtin.tnnt mid nliifuuK ulu oudHygre- eullniMiiCMieitreoulebiilk)-denoilwairn ' pphIiicm (turoeu au I dUuirtlon of I lie IJ..IUU. No fuel, wblcli iixpeileacelnudeni. , imkirutd id record toHiMtetter'tHlouutcb lllllfri. iuu ttlfiiurr erldpnr la utnniiri tbnolUU, nuitely. that itiU medlelue of comprchenlre titechecktt the formidable ndtrociou duett., nor U It leM pol tlfeljrenibtUliMllnanit U prefemtle to mtllrlnilOaitLl&lfi finlv klllfarv , enU Ii Ualoal-nI rented tut nialarial bladder allmeuu, dttilllty aud otnr dlv order. tHnt tuat yu gel tu genuine. LUCK IN COPPER BOLTS. A Chnnco Dlscorrry Lnyn ttm Fonndntloc uf n Stovodoro'n Fort ii no. Tho fortunes ot some men have theli foundation In very queer Incidents. Eimoi A. Unrton, of Duluth, Minn., snys tho Chi cago Ileratil, is comparatively a wealth man, while llfteen years ngo ho was a day laborer getting a job whenever he could unloading vessels, or any thin?, in fnct, he could And, but work around tho docks was what ho most looked after, and this fuct was indirectly tho cause of his streak of luck. Lying outsido tho harbor of Duluth was tho nearly submerged hull of a vessel. No ono appeared to know how long it had been thore, but "tho wreck," as It was called, was considered ono of tho features or tho place. Tho Voys used it as a swim ming station, and It wns a proud day for many a Duluth t ny when ho could say ho had been ablo to reach "tho wreck." Tills was another link In tho chain of Barton's luck. Uo had a son who, with tho othor boys, modo daily excursions through tho summorout to tho old hulk, and ono day this son brought back with him ono of the bolts and a picco of wood that had becomo loosened. By chanco tho father saw tho bolt, and ho asked tho boy somo questions, tho result bolng that ho himsolt mado a trip out to tho wreck in a small boat, taking an oxo with him. After this excursion, Mr. Barton be gan making inquiries about tho old boat, but could got no information as to when alio ar rived thero, or when sho was sunk, or whore sho caine from. Ho also managed to cot permission from tho authorities to re move it, tho permission being tho mora readily given as it was in tho way of somo proposed harbor improvements. Mr. Bar ton began his work quietly making no stir about it. Bo managed, by tho aid of long saws, long-handlod axes and hooks, to de tach piece after pieco and got it nshoro, piling it up in tho yardthat surrounded his cabin. It took him nearly tho entire year of 1874 to do this work, but it proved aproilt ablo job. That bolt tho boy had brought homo was solid coppor, and it opened the fathor'soyes to tho possibilities. His in vestigation showed him that all tho bolts in sight woro of tho samo metal, and when he had completed his labor ho had secured many hundreds of pounds in -weight of valuable copper. Besides this, ho had in tho cords of wood piled up on his lot a value that proved a great surpriso to him. The vessel had evidently been of foreign build, for sho was composed of a number of differ ent and valuable woods, tho bulk of it boinp teak, a specio of oak, but thcro woro largo quantities of mahogany, some rosewood and a little- obony. Altogether It was a good year's work. He found ready market for his coppor bolts, and tho wood going off piece by pieco brought him a nico little sum. It was this money that gave htm his start in life, nnd ho was shrewd enough to make each dollar multiply and Increase CHAMPAGNE PUSHERS; Their Work by No Moans ns Pleasant as Some Might Think. If thero is any harder work than tho champagne pushers havo had to do in this city during tho last fortnight, lean not com prehend what it can bo, writes tho Now York correspondent of tho Providenco (R I.) Journal. It is bestial work as well as difficult. As ono great champagno importer put it in talking on tho subject, tho very charm and merit of champatrno is supposed to Ho in tho fact that tho fluid has not much "drunk" in it, the proportion of alcohol being only slightly groator than that in lager boor; yot these pushers advert'"" y by getting arunK on it every night. It Is said for this wine that the worst effects aro foltbymenwho drink spirits; that thoso who dnnk nothing but champagno aro sel dom intoxicated by it. Tho pushers havo to dnnk spirits because thoir systems need bracing after each of their professional bouts in tho bar-rooms. How long it takos for their work to kill thorn I novor havo heard. Tho principal pusher in this city, a very fat, sleek Frenchman, tells mo that ho be lieves ho can overcome all injurious effects by sleeping all tho timo that ho is not at work. Ho bribes tho hall boys and cham bermaids not to make any noiso at his door or near his room, and not on any account to knock at his door undor tho Impression that ho may bo dead or that thoy must get him out and "mako up" his room. But although he looks fresh and shows no signs of nervous wear and tear, tho others in tho business aro rather sod-looking, bloated and coarse wretches. Tho young society gentleman who took up this boozy calling for pocket money is no longer an exemplar of manly beauty. No amount of fine clothes can overcomo tho offect of his dcadoned, fish-liko eyes, his bloated cheeks, his van ished color and his goncral worn-out, dead-and-ahvo appearance. No monoy would pay him tor what has happoned to him mor ally, physically or socially. But tho queerest thing about tho whole subject is that tho pushing docs not push. Tho wines that nro advertised in this way do not havo tho voguo after all, and to-day tho most popular and best paying importa tion is a brand that has novor been pushod at all. It looks as though tho good f amo of a brand was hurt by making It notorious. Wino pushing Is not carried on In any other country, and socms likely to dlo out hero. It was originated by a"good follow" about town who hod a tremendous ac quaintance with tho politicians of tho city in Tweed's time. He ran tho salo of ono winoup to a figuro hli'hcr than any ono in tho business had over dreamed of its reach ing, and ho got $10,000 a year for his work. It loft two logaclos to humanity, a tasto for champagno in ovory politician's mouth and a goneral recourse to pushing, nono of which has done any good to any brand sinco. Who Was the Hcoundrel? Banker Rosenthal directed his book keeper to address a sharp letter to Baron Y., who hod promised several times to pay what bo owed and had as often neglected to do so. When tho letter was written it did not please Banker Rosenthal, who Is very excitable, and ho angrily penned tho follow fellow follew ing: "Dear Baron Y. Who was it that promised to pay up on tho first of January! You, my dear baron, you aro tho man. Who was it that promised then to settle on tho first of Marchl You, my dear baron. Who was it that didn't settle on tho first of Marohl You, my dear baron. Who is It. then, who has broken his word twice and Is an unmitigated scoundrel! Your obedient servant, Moses Rosenthal." Ho it to Build Chimney i. To build a chimney that Will draw f orovor and not fill up with scot, you must build it largo enougb,,sixtecn inches square; uso good brick, and olay instead of llmo up to tho comb; plaster It Inside with clay mixed with salt; for chimney tops, uso tho very best brick, wet them and lay them In ce ment mortar. The chimney should not bo built tight to beams or rafters; thoro Is where tho crack in your chimney comes, and where tho most of tho fires originate, asthochimnoy sometimes gets red-hot. A chimney built from cellar up is better and less dangerous than one hung on tho wall 'Vnri g. t your Btove-blne bole oloier to . l7!ilfiaJSMSS from It Heuiui., ,.tcuf. Mrs. Michael Curtalu, Plainfleld, III., makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lunga; she was treated lor a month by the family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hope less victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. ICi tig's New Discovery for consumption; she bought a bottle and to tier great de light found herself benefited from first doe. She continued its ueand after taking ten bottles, found her self bound aud well, now does her own housework aud is as well as she everwas-Free trial bottle or this Grrat Discovery at Fry 'a Drugstore, large bottles wOctofl. 1 TT WM. BROWN&Cq. s anil S BOO iocs 231 jjSrCash Paid lor Wool, Hides and Pulls Commercial st. Sasln and. Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our line at prices to o. mpote with the lowest. Only the best material used. Waste paper baskets at Crissmnns. Excitement runs IiIeIi in tills cl'v over Pvsteni Builder, as everybody is uitig it for catarrh of the btomach, Consump tion Dyspepsia, impure blood and to buik' up tlio System it ceitainly must be an excellent preparation, when ever body speaks so well of it. Uiswyr Oregon State Agricultural Sucioty Warrants. All persons holding any of the above wiutiiiiIh, will please send them to, or deposit them with Geo. W. Watt, at Haleni, Oregon, on or before January lfi, 1.VJ1. A pro rata payment will be made upon all of said warrants presented on or before said day. Payment will bo made after Jan. 15, 18'Jl. J. T. Gkeoo. Secretary Oregon State Board of Aigrtcuiturc. u--w-u&w Kalem, Nov. 22. '00. Go to Crlssmans for ribbon, all widths, all prices from 4 cents per yard up. Mrs. M. E. McCoy, phjsiclan and surgeon, No. 290 Comment tl street. Chronic diseases a niecialty. Con sultation free. 12-8 tf She it, Thy it, Uuy it. Tho new V.S. No. 2 Singer sewing ma chine. Burt Case, agent 181 Com mercial btreet. 12-19 tf. SCROFULA Is that Impurity of tho blood which 1 1- lucus unsightly lumps or swellings u tho ,;landsof the neck; causes painful running wires on tho arms, lens, or feet; tf et cloj o ilcers In tho eyes, ears, or noso, often cmu- ng blindness or deafness; is tho origin of ilniples, cancerous growths, or the many thcr manifestations usually ascribed n humors;" and fastening upon tho limr. ausei consumption, nnd death. Ilclng ho most ancient, It Is tho most of II diseases or affections, foi ery fev persons aro entirely freo from it. How Can (J g IE It Bo Wvii!& By taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, which, 1 y iho remarkable cures It has accomplished, often when other medicines lint o failed, has proven Itself to ho a potent and pecul lar iiicdlluo for this disease. Somo cl these cures aro really wonderful. If yen luffer from scrofula or impure blood, to jure to try Hood's Ilia. " Eeiysprlngniywifonnd children have Dcen troubled with scinfula, sorCs break ne out on them In various places. Jly littlo hoy, threo years old his been a icrrlhle sufferer. Uast spring he was oi.o mass of sores from head to feet. I wis advised to uso floods Barwparllia, and wo have all taken It. The result Is that all havo been currd ui the scroiula, iny littlo boy t,clng entirely free from gores, and all foi r of niy children look bright and he.-.tthy," W. Ii. Atiiehton, r.i.ilc City, N, J. Hood's Sarsapariila JoMbydrozi!!t. ljlxfor?S i'reiorwt ! '. L 1IOOE ft CO., Aiiotliecamu, I-owell, ! IQO Poses Ono Dollnr BIRDS All kinds mounted to order ALLAN RHODES, SALEM, OIIKOOK S. ERNST, Upholsterer. All work, either now or repairing', done In the tfl workmanlike shape. Hkop south of pot olllco. Ifucklen's AriilraKaWf, The IUt Kalra lit the world for CuU, IlrulM. Horn. Ulotm. ftrtll Itbeiim, Cover Horn, Teller. I 'hupped Hand, Chllolnln, (Vtrnmind nil Hkln Kruptloiu, mid o. lUfcly cure file, or nopay rniulrl, Jl lKuarun!--d loelve perfect MilUhictlQU, or money refunded. J'noe, 15 reuU rwr box. MONEY TO LOAN On Farm Properly. Apply to W. f Hamilton, over OaplUI National II tad, Halein. QW An Kxi'Pllcnt Riuitouy. Dr. Ilelden: I consider your Ethereal Cough Syrup an excellent remedy for all the diseases for which you recommend it. David Uickakt, Modesto. Large size $1.00, small 60 cents. For sale hy all druggists. Long bar toilet soap 6 cents nt Urissmaus. ClosiiiR Out Sale. J. V. Crawford Is closing out his stoves and tinware, preferring to sell these portions of Ills stock at great reductions to again moving them. d-&-w-tf LuMiiint. -Contraoters and par ties contemplating building, should not fall lo call on J. F. Jiicobsoii for estimates on rough aud dressed him ber. Yard aud olllce near agricul tural works. 0 20-o o d-tf. ONE KKTJOY Both tho method nnd results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho Inste, and acta gently yot promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers nnd cures liahitunl constipation permanently. Forealo in 50o and $1 bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. 8 AH FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, Kf. tfflV YOHK, N.V. M National Haul FALKM ORKOON. WM. J. I.AUl'K. . OK. J. HKVNUUJH, JUIIN MOlIt, - - President Vice i'n-Hldeut . . . Cimhlcr GENERAL BANKING, KxenunKeon Portland, Han KrancUco, New York. Ixindon and Hong Kong bought nnd sold. Htate, County and City warrant bought. Farmers are cordially Invited to dei.oult vnd transact builuciui with us. Liberal advance made on wheat, wool, Imps nnd other property ri reaxoniiDie rates. lusuruuee on hucIi bo eurlly can be obtained ut the bunk Iu most reliable compuuleu. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAI'ITAfcSTOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Trauwitt a irvnerul banking buslm-M In all iu brunches. OKO. WII.MAJIH Wm.KNLANI) HUUll MUNAUY. ... ..I'roMrten .vlco President ..oas tiler MHKCTOH8: Geo. Wllllams.Wtn. En land, Dr J. A. Itlchurtlon, J, W. llobson, J. A. liaker. Bank In new Exchange block on Com mercial street. H.iJ-tf EVERBEARING . until fro!. j)t-orfjtlve prke lUt frco Hrrril WlWQL'iirr. ltufctllvllle, Ore, B. C. OllOSS, Butcher anil Packer, Htate HI. and Court Ht. The bett incut dellvKMxl toull (urUof tbe ally. Morgan & Mead, City Draymen! All work done with Drooitnnaand dlt tatob. Only the bnlwteu arv euiploytxl. rr ivory m ffe P eased! THE LARGE ASSORTMENT, SIJPJ& rior Quality and Remarkably Low Prices of Holiday Goods at J?foJ. tz, Stab St Book Sore SURPRISES ALL WHO VISIT HIS STORE. Sucht prices were never before known in Salens, Crowolls' Edition, Hed Lino Poets GO Fino Silk Plush Albums 3 50 Fine Leather Albums, decorated inside 3 50 Scrap Albums, cloth binding. ? ',,, (;o Chatterbox 75 History, U. S ? 51) Life of Grant and Sherman, oach 50 History, Naval Heroes 50 All kinds of choice leather goods. Olovo Cases, Collar and Cuil' Boxes, Toilet Cases, Mag.izino Cases, Music Rolls, Card Cases, Etc. Etc. THE RH1B MAW MB W FARMS 01 f Miles From Salem h Capital of Oregon One Thousand ncrca of as flno laud ns thero is In tho northwest, dtvliloit into ono hundred smnll (meadow nnd fruit fnrniR. These tracts for tho FIKBT TIME nro now placed on the market, ranging in prices irorn $50 to $100 per acre ono third cash, balunco onetime with interest. No Better Opportunity for Investments in a small way basbceu offered to tho public. n Thousands of dollars will be expended 'within 'tho next 1L mouths in improvements in tho immcdlato vicinity of this land, while upon tho tract Itself, in tho way ot roads, fencing, etc., a large amount of money will bo used. A Free R ide to and I in tic P Ki to any'oue wishing to seo or invest. Call at Uie'offlcoIotJS jUj :. &ar WILLIS & CHA MBERLIN Court St., Salem, Agents, for Plats, Description ami iurtlior narUoulars. ill Sorts of Ileal Estate on All Sorts of Tens! We have lotH oh tho Installment plan, farms an.l suburban property on easy terms, and overy clnsi of real estate for cash. The property wo hauulo Is In Ilrst hands, thcrefnio purchasers get it without speculative values put upon it. Tho luriio list of our sales, especially of farm property, recently, attests tho fact that you cannot adord to buy real estate without first consulting us. SHAW & DOWNING, 264 Commercial Street, Salem," flQyAlso general auctioneers. Will lake charge of miction sales in any part of tho state, including Hulem, and guaranteo satisfaction. Specimen Copies and Beautiful Calendar sent Froo. Comes every week "V. .re I i RFAn iu D & IPBrraH m 1 ,ii lnnnlTDAuci.l 5C!t,P iCiiAuMINGM WEEK1Y I ... IHnniDAt HnHlinnElfcKftnntriiruTC i. "".-ri'irmovH- ",7 R)urriul.v innnrrune.i '""""i rftut r"i s BlMllY LAYEAR. y etfur IVteklj Paper gitt$ $o grtat m Variety tf Enttrtainlng and Initruclivt Reading at to law a price.' FREE TO JAN. I, 1891. To mnr NEW HIIBHORIBER who will eat ant mil .anil n. tht llt ttIUi nnma and ndilrc. nud 81.73 (In Pottal or Xrprtf Monty Ordtr or Ittgltltrrd Isttir at our, w will .end TUB YOUTII'H COMPANION FRKE to J.nnnrr. 1H91, nnd Tor u I'ull Vritr from Hint Date. Tula .Her Includes Ibe VI VK DO Jill. K HOLIDAY NIJMIIKUH for Tlinnli.gWInj, C'lirl.linu., Now Year., E.ter and r.rtli-.f-Jnly, and all Ik. Illu.tratod Weoklr Huiipltmmnt. 1 Addrtti, THB YOUTH'S COMPANION, 41 Templo Place, Boston, Mais. $1.75 The Oregon Land Co. -with Its- lomo Office at Sa ) Oregon, (In tho Htato InHiirnnce Building) and brunch oftlces In Portland, Astoria nud Albany, Huh for sale u largo list or drain, Block and Fruit Furins; also City and Suburban Property. The Oregon Lund Co, won especially organized for tho purposo of buying and sub-dividing largo tracts of laud, und Iioh during tho past two yours iMiught and Hulnllvlded ovsr 3,'20O acres Into Five to Twenty Acre Parcels Tho ftucctH of this undertaking Is shown In tho fuct that out of 280 tracts placed on the market, 225 have been sold. We clulra that ten acres ot choice land In Fruit, Will Yield a Larger Income than 100 acres of wheat In tho Mississippi Valley. Wo also make valuable Improvements In the way of roads, clearing the land, fenwtt, etc. We can sell n kiiiuII tract of laud fur the bitiue price per acre an you would have to pay for a large iurm. for Pamphlet and Price List. rMHbl IfO imooics & COX, DIlUOaiBTS, 100 STATU 8T., I lrl ll carry a full line or dnigx, toilet artlolen, perfumery llvJiOl ull(l MtluK. Pretwrlptlou wrefully compounded. Nollco of Final Sotlloincnt. NUTH'K In lieriliy ulven Unit tho under nlKtiect nxucutrlx of tho intatuofuou. ry l'ox, ilc'coiitiod, Iuu, Hlfid hor Hunt iii'ivniiit ofthutmlil iwtatc, In tho onmty court of thu statu of Urt'Kiin for Marlon county, and lliat tlio court Iiiih llxvil Sat urday, January lOtli, 1HUI, at ono o'clock j. in. ut 'ild day furlicarlui; lliu tame, aud objecting thvroto, ut tho county court room. In tliotnainty court liouno Iu Mnrlon county, Oregon, and that tho luimo will bo luiKHid uixmi nt wilit time und nluru. Dated llils Drccmbor luth. WM. TltrWSA UM.U Kxccutrlx of tho laxt will aud teiituinout anil untato of wild deceased. 12 II fit STuntiiotiH. " In tlioClrcultlourtof tlifiHtala rf Ore son, for tho county ol Murlou. McNIuluy Mltoholt jilalntltr VM. las, 11, Ilaruos and Terp'a llarncs, Mary llHincn. Mnrv K. IjiiuhrtiliL imn U'm Kamurlght, MarKurcl J, MurkHixxl and Murkwcxid, her liiuband, riimun (iruMhonif and Jacub (iro .hiiiitf, Aru;cllue Mliv and Mile, her hiubiiud.jit'hrlah llnriicmindKato llurucH, Jcoruo UaruuN, l.uruna Vllte raid ami ChuilcH MtsruuruUI, Cranco llariicv, lU'ou lljirniii.AunlB llarnti", a intnor, and J II, Hume, luliulnLtmtoror tho iailiiiTihli OMtnteofKIUhaaiid J, II, lliuniw, dclcuil antH, To Win. U.mbrUht and Mary K. tm-brlulil.dori-urlantKiiUne n nntl In tho naufoflliw Hint, of uuifiin, you and uiult uf joii, aro hri'by riijiilrrtl lo apnenr and iumwcr ihn coui'ialt filed UKiilrut j on in tho aiMu cn lltltil kiilt, Hitulii ten dni fnaii tbe duto of iho torvlce of thU hiuiiuoum iixn you, lfiMrol within if orved In an other county of liilmluto, tlivn within twenty duynfiini iho data or tlrvioeof thtiniinmouii upon yeu: and If served by piibllcuttnn. then you aro r. (liilrt-4 to apiar und uiuwtr wild coin. uLuInt on or before t liu r)rt day of the rtiiu. lar icrm of Hld court, next afier l weki nublliiulon ol Ihm Miminuim. to wit on or Ixiforn theHccoud Monday. I liu tab duy ef Ktibruary. lhUt,ui Ifyuu mil nolo annwer fur waul (hereof the plnlntltr will aiinly to the court for tho rrllvf prayed for Iu uld complaint, la wli: for the foeckxtiru of u inorluiiKe on reuleatutur ThU tummona U nerved U"n you by ordtr nrilon. It lMtoli),JU(loofald court, of dale uf Dewmbor "it, l&H. J.J MiriU'MV.Attoruoyfori.llnllfr. Hiiluui, Urt'tfun, Uco. IT. 18tM. tit $ 5 Ob Rewardl WKwIll puy theaitovo roward for any raaoof liver romiilalni, dyninula, tick liMducliH, IndlitMiliiu. auiutlMilounrM tloue4 weounnoleurowilw trotl'i Vetf itltablef.tijer I'HU, win it the direct Ion are trietle complied wlih. Tticy am purely vmelftbl, and never fall U give atlfac tlou. Huxur loaied. Irve Ixixt'K, contain. tuir SO pltU. as cent Itcuare of couuter frlUHlid mltftllon 'I'lin ircnuln rviaiui by T1IK JUIt.V if. WKHT t:i, ciilcuifolii, Hold by (ieo K, flood. I)ruwW,'ftW. trw)t,Haleia,Or ' ' 1 i.!'l . jFaVt- jtauesu &?&.jb&--- mt-.