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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1891)
nlfiii iv. vwp; i& f fcJ V p- '1 K. t.v M r TIE CAPITAL JOIMAL. SATUItDAY- .JAN.3. 1891 TKKMB OK aUUbt'HIlTION. Dally by mall per year- olly by mll per month, ..-. IWekiy iy man pcryear jwlf not paid In advance marred fur the 400 w loo the price Wiriri.T Journal will ho SOCIAL j. HO per year, If paper are not aciivereu promptly nouir in oraw. inuatDtuAVE&r ayruAiuuiui. KaIIm foalni.lfl WAfflr . 15 CIS IVallr far Inn wrrlri . ?S CM. tmiiy dj inomn,. , 6kcU I V.ll-I Innl vlll Iwl mftdfl Oil 1st nd 16th of mouth. Habscrlbers will ple?l? money forearrleni at house or whereon it U delfrered, no aa to cause no delay in cullrct'ontt Til KVBHIJIO CAPITAL JOURNAL regu larly receive the anernoon associated press dispatches. k Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc, Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. LOCAIi MARKET. Wheat, net02J ocnU per bu. Hops, active; 28 to 32 cente ier lb. m Tlio most puro candy for tbo least coin can always bo bad at Strong's restuorant. Tjik Hivkk RtsiNa. The Willa mette river rose about six Inches at this city during the twenty-four hours preceding to-day noon. The river now stands nearly three feel above low water mark. Iloutlng could be successfully carried on now on the upper Willamette. The Manzaulllo wont up to Duena Vlstn and will tako a load of hops down tho river. Tlio Three Bisters Is ex pected to come down to Salem this Afternoon, and possibly the Hong may be hero also. In a few days a full fleet of six or eight boats will be running on the river. A large tttiiount of freight Is stored at nearly every lauding ou tho river, between Oregon City and Harrlsburg, and tho boatB will find all they can do. The trufllo means a more active business in every town on tho river,' and much more money to bo put In circulation that is now In ware houses in tho forms of wheat, hops nnd other products. At Thriu Books Again. The numerous schools of tho city, will nil resumo their work Monday, This means nbout two tbouoaud pu pils to take up their books again, after n vacation of two weeks. Tho University, tho Convent and tho publlo schools, all tako up thulr Workngalu Monday morning. Tho publlo schools and tho Convent lmvo had n vacation for a week and a half, whllo tho students of tlio University lmvo had two full weeks to enjoy Christmas. Many of tho students who wont homo tosjwnd tliolr vnea- Tho Social Evonts Accom panying St. Sylvester. TJIKSOClAfc KKQUISITH. The art of dancing has now be como one of tho requisites of society. Its motion Is tho outward expres sion of all forms of good rutin nore. It cannot bo gainsaid that the moral ity of motion should receive a large share of attention. It gives grace to tho every movement In walking, and ease In tho drawing room. Ono of tho features of this season will be tho opening of an academy fordanc Intr. whero tho latest society dances will bo taught, by Prof. II. P. Hon- nor, of San Francisco. In answer to numerous Inquiries as to tho pos sibility ot all persons being able to dance, especially tho waltz, ho em phatically answers, "yes." With his system, none full to learn, In fuct ho makes It a specialty of teaching persons to dance, who have attempt ed, and tailed to learn at other acad emics. Classes Tuesday and Satur day evenings, commencing noxt Tuesday evening, Jan. Otli, ot 8 o'clock, at tho hall of tho Salem City band entertaining parlors A dnnclmr school opening under uch unusually fnvorublo auspices, mould lmvo tho patronage of all parents desirous of having their children accomplished in tho art of calcsthenlcs. Prof. Honnor will open a special class for the bonefll of Juveniles, at a suitable time not Interfering with their regular schol astic hours. Parents and guardtans will bo pleased to note this, Satur day afternoons at 2:30 to 4:30 Terms, Gents, eight lessons, $5.00. Ladles, eight lessons, $3. Children, 2 per month. OltAND MUSICAI.K. Nearly every seat was occupied In tho opera house Now Year's night by mi appreciative audience who had gathered to hear tho min strel play and musleale entertain ment of tho ir. A. C. band. The singing by tlio Capital City quor telto club, consisting of Messrs. Wenger, Itoss, Kundret, and Stein or, was ajl that could be desired in that line. Thoy were encored and ro-cticoreil. Hilly Dugan as Murphy Scotty carried his part well and seems at his enso on tho stugo and well represented tho novel churnctcr of his costume John Ciiukc, as Hluoy Oalliger was equally at homo In a play and can act tho dnrky to perfection. Ho made his sharoof tho evening's fun. Charley Chaso's execution of tho Mocking Bird on tho xylophone was grand and its repetition with tho yariutlouB was all that would satisfy tho audience. John Wlinii'a tuba solo was flue and ho was compelled to respond with n second selection. Prof. J. M. Coomer, tho acknowledged wizard of the comet added laurels used In tho lino which the donation Is Intended, tobcncnt the inmates of tho prison If possible, Yours respectfully, O. S. Downing, Supt. M. J. McKinnon, Warden. Till JUNIOKS AT PLAY. The Steam Motor Whist Club was very nicely entertained Now Year's cvo by Mr. and Mrs, Cottle at their cosy home on Commercial street. Tho following literary program was carried eut: 1. Drawing partners ot whin. 2. Three best games in five. 3. Vigorous utlock on luncheon, on masse. 4. Poem read by Mrs. England. fi. Impromptu responses drawn forth by toast-master Patton. 0. Lively sieeches by Messrs. Brcyman, Cottle ana Keller. 7. "Tho talo of tho golden spike," or" We're doing our level best," an original recitation by Mr. E. M. Walte. Mr. J. H. Albert acted as literary critic of the evening. Amid all this mciry making Mr Cottlo went out into his garden and picked four baskets of choice varieties of apples otr the trees. AH wished each other a Happy Now Year and departed. four-hundred, who are not obovo having a good time In on old fash ioned way. KlNDKIlflAUT KN. Mrs. Prttlg- ham's Pimary School nnd Kinder garten Will reojicn Monday, Jan. fith in Urn Presbyterian church session room. PKUSONAli AND LUCAb- Happy llootlm. Win, Timiiioni, poHiiiiaster of M. Pomeroy went to Portland this afternoon. Idavill'e, Intl., writes: "Electric Bit ten) has dime nmre for mo tuaii on other medicines combined, for Hint bad feeling arising from Kidney oucl Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same place, says: "Kind Electric Hitlers to lie the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man." J. W. Gardner, hardware merchant, same town, says: "Electric Hitters is just the thing for a man who is all run down and don't caro whether he lives or dies; he found new strengin, i ili ....,1 lnof lltn ln Contain White, of tho Sa.itia... R ' I' ' ' ": .'"? ' ,7 . ' . ruin it hum il' m; uu i,,., v.. w mines, is home for a vim. NEW VBAU IN SAI.KM. New Year's day In Salem was out of the quietest known here for years, though the day was not a disagree able one, In fact tho temperature was very mild. There were few calls mado and there was hardly n homo that gave what Is usually called open house on that day. Willie this was true, yet the day wat a very happy one. Everybody seemed to have preferred spending a quiet day at homo or with a few friends to having tlio hundred's o callers, who on previous yours madi their nppenrancc on the New Year't day. This was not only among i. few but Was general. Not a singli open house was announced for this year. A quiet day, us the one just past is commendable in a large city where the cullers arc so numerous. Salem is not abandoning a custom long In vogue, but is simply putting en a metropolitan fctyle. tlon returned to-day. Hut few more holiday" aro granted them uutll tho to his already fume of being muster school elofits, noxt Juno. Ai'i'BKOiATKD, Following Is a hamplo of many expressions received upon renewing subscriptions. Thoy como from men of all parties. This from a friend at MoMIunvllle. Or, Ml lmvo boon a reader of your paper for more than ayinrand very much mliulro tho bold and fearless way In which you champiuu tho rights of tho musseii. Although I cannot en dorw) your sentiments on tho tarltl', I find much of Intcrett In your paper, especially uii pertaining to agrlcul turo, which puriult I nm now fol lowing. Thkt Will he Miasiuv-The Jouknai. tried to get a complcto record, of Improvements. Hut It wetim It was Impossible, Mr. J. H. Iloork, on High street, Iima Jokoon the Jouknal In that his thousand dollar Improvement in plain sight, " omitted from tlio Joujinai, l!t, when its reporters were so par- LtlctiUr to try to get everything In k right. As Tman Path mis Did. -a nutuberofyouugmeiilH thlscoun ly beenmo drunkanls becauso their lutUcm iet them tho miserable huh!! of frequenting huIoouh, and others Vflll take tho aauio route fmm tho muo cause. la It uot Htrauge that ny parent will knowingly lead hU child Into an ovll patliway.Ualla Itcmlxer. Dm llKLiKV-AlleuYocum hays Uiata follow ho Hauled In on tho stage the other day, rvmarketl after he struck the m&lu street In MoMlnn. Vllle, it wm the ouly rough piece of roau ue imu ridtieu ovr for many yew wtd he bad traveled nil through the Jtocky mountains. Oureplulou I that the follow Hod about It Mo MIunvllle Ileporter. i I. In Puohatk. In the mutter of iho eaiAlo of Balllo U, Bmlth, de ceased, J. Q. Wilson uppoluted d. mluWtratorof thecAtete, the matter of the wtato of Alvl Smith, tleoeaaed, J, Q. WlUon apjiolntixl HdmluUtor, a - OONTINUHB. The lutereat lu Hny tor4 Is too apt to lag a.rter the holiday trade. It U uot m lu tho c&iMiGf KrauAse Jltxw., the shoo dwtefti, for they are oawiuuUy up mtwR-wHog, iu j4ue Uutlllou exklbltlou. i NOT WK A DAY.-llie good, that M Hot for ft dy but made to laat, M-tt what all Munlblo people waut. TV ioe atock or A. Klln U of Uwt kld, aud close buyer cannot m4 to irrlook this jwinU furuUhed rvKMu. tf H" Fuk KBtrr,-A JF " ' ML YUh fMiuiy at Mtrong'a, or mo cornet, ills selection was "Old Folks at Home" with all the variations, aud wns simply im mense. Tlio fun making Zulus, or the wild men from Africa, were a prominent feature lu tho entertain ment. The performance through out was of a high order and nothing slouch was allowed (n outer Into tlio plays, Tho ound furnished, us they oiwayw do, some lino music. Tho utlolr speaks wo 11 for tho etlorts of tlio boys. china wmhhnu. Now Year's day wns a most en Joyabloonoln tholinmoof our pop ular nnd efllcleut superintendent of our county farm, and his excellent lady. It being tho twentieth annl versary or their happy marriage. Tho Iiouho was tilled ot nu early hour with their family relatives-grand parents, uncles, aunts nnd cousins who came benrlug lu their bunds many valuable and apprepriate: pres ents, ami in tlielr Hearts tho bet IKwslblo wishes lor u long life and the health and prosperity of the otiplo. All afternoon tublo after table was set with u most elemuit and ubtiudniit dinner which wus given full Justice to by tho largo family gutherlng of tils joyous oooaslon. Tho unfortunate Innmtes of UioIiouac, whom "outrageous lor tuno" has driven to seek shelter and n homo at thu farm, fared us well us the guesto ami uru duly grutelul for tho same. May the happy eouplo live to celebrate their golden wed dlug. THKl'UISON l.lllHAItV. On Now Years day tho first donu tlou to the prison library was made. This wus accomplished through the etlbrta of tho Uai-itai. Jouukau, This llrst gift to the library amount eil to about l(X)0 Iwoks aud standard periodical. This work d.H'H not stop here, but has just fairly begun, More books have been promlsod aud many more are wanted. Many kh pio have gnxl Uniks whloh thuy lmvo read nnd lmvo no futhor wpeolal u for them more than tvllow them to wt on du.ty shelves. Tlue books would do inuuh more gotnl lu the prison library. So wmd them In aud be booked among thoM) Hiding this cauko. THK ACKNOWUIIHIKUUNT. We have rval veil the larg number of very valuable books aud other good rwullug matter doualed hv yourself and other gooil eltltens of wuem auu vielulty. for th m- RHu tieueritof tlioiuiuatv of this lustltu. tlou. I fel contldeut that the con. trlbutlouof such iHwkuwltl Ik the mmus or tlio couvicU pleasantly ivasslng many lonely hours and greatly ImprovuiK thIr lntAuiV Allow mo to thauk you and all who utw wuuiuuiw ao nreiy to our prtsoti library. I prouiUeyou that the books shall bo takeu care of aud (1KKVAIS MA8QUKUADK. Tho Gervals niusquerndo ball on New Years evo was a complete sue cess. Over n hundred mosqucradeit wero present ond more than twenty wallers wero on Ihn lloor at out time. Tho otteudaiico wus not onlj from Gervals, but from Salem, Port land, Silvcrtoii, Hubbard and nil the small towns on the railroad between Oregon City mid Snlem, Chns. De Leon, of this city, wus mnungerund tho iiiuhIo wns furnished by tin Diamond orchestra of Salem. Every thing passed oil' smoothly and all wero pleased with tho night's event nnd pronounced It a grand success MOCK TKIAL. Aii nmiiRliig mid Interesting time was had by some of tho students In the literary society hull on New Year's evo. Tho occasion was n mock trial, representing tho breach of prom Imi ease of Mis. Hordoll vs Pickwick us given by Dickens in his Plukwluk Papers. Thoy made all the preparations of a com I trial no foro n jury. Messrs. Nelson and Kpuuldliig wero tho prosecuting at torney and MettiiH. Newport mid Stafford wero for tho defense O. A. Wlilto acted tho part of Pickwick nnd Miss Victor that of Mrs. Har den. Tho trial was u little too lengthy, but was thoroughly enjoyed by tho largo nuniberof students who wero prevent to witness It. Tho stu dents who have remained In Salem have endeavored to kill thu monot ony of thu two weeks vacation by giving frequent social gatherings and being permitted to mingle more freely than when school Is In session, TO Hi: MAItlUKl) IN l'OKT!,AM. , Mr. W. P. Dugan, of this city, went down to Portland this after noon and will bo married in that city next Monthly to Miss Moggio Mechlin, of Hrooklleld, Wash. The ceremony w ill take place lu tho Cath olio cathedral mid will bo a pleasant ofVoir. The young couple will come to this city early in tho week and make their future homo lu the enpl tui city ot Oregon, w hero they will bo kindly welcomed by tho many friends of tlio groom. Mr. Dugnn, fnmillurly culled Hilly, Is well known in this city where ho kns mudo his homo for many years. Ho Is a member of the llrmof Duguu Hros., plumbers, ami Is well known as an attentive business man, nnd is es teemed by all who knw him. lltimitUY I'AUTY. New Year's evening Miss Joslo tiler wns ploiunntly surprised by n party of tw enty or inoro of her young friends who como to w Ish her ninny happy returnsof horWtliday. Tho company hud a very enoynble time playing gnnies and after partaking of tho refreshments served they ills IHirml nt n Into hour. Tho party wus hold nt Mb GleHs residence ou Front street, theoecaslou belugher tlfleenth birthday. AMK'IAI, I'AUTV, Atwut a score of tho students of tho University gnve their last social for tho holidays tit tho rvsldeuceof Mr, aud Mrs, Marsh Inst oveultij;. The eveulng was very plensantly pent in gamw, musie, souiai oou eH' and other amusemouts. The students have conduotetl eeral ery pleusant gutherlngs slnw sohool let out, and the ono hut eveutuir was timum? tVm mmi .ha. cvsaful for an enjoyable time. Tin; m. o. ok-iV D. V. S. Hied, of the Oregon L i d company, was n pasenger north ti.J doy. Miss Sullle Bush was u passenger to Portland tc-day on the Eugene Express. W. A. Munley, Gov. Pennoycr's private secretny, went down to Port laud this afternoon. Messrs. Toll Thompson, special agent of the Stato Insurance Co., and W. E. Pnpe, specinl ngent of tho New Zealand, both of Portland, nro In thocltj to-duy. Mrs. Hereford Strnhnn. who hns been in Boston for the pust nine yeurs studying music nnd art will arrive in Salem to-morrow, where sho will spend tho winter. The Thos. Kay Woolen mill store has been a busy place this winter supplying the people with those su perior Saleni-mude woolens in the shape of garments aud bed-clothlug Mrs. John O. Goltru, neeMissKate Reynolds, who hns been speiiding a week nt the homo of her pnrents,Dr. and Mrs. J. Ileyuolds, returned to Portland this afternoon. E. B. Fletcher, of tho Uuivcr sity has returned from u two weeks holi day tour through the southern part of tho state and will continue his studies the renia'nder of the year. Messrs. Olmstead, of Gnllipolis, Ohio, futlier nnd sons, newspaper men, nnd having some capital to in vest, ure in Snlem for a look uround nnd with n view to locate. They hnvo tho nppenrnnco of being very desirable citizens. Nick Haas, who has been the ef licint head clerk In J, G. Wright's grocery store for u long time, hus no copted n position at the stato house on tlio elevator. Ho made the chniige in order to have nioio time to devote to a course of study which ho is pursuing. had a new lease on life. Only a bottle, nt Fry's drugstore. Life is Misery To thousand of people who have the taint of scrofula in their blood. The iigoules caused by the dreadful run ning sores nud manifestations of this disease nre beyond description. There is no other remedy equnl to Hood's Snrsapnrilla for scrofula, salt rheum and every form of blod disease. It Is reasonably sure to benefit all who give It u fair trial. Be sure to get Hood's. Largo clothes baskets; only 00 cents at Cris3inun's. A New Year's Gift Which will be ncceptablo to all horsemen. $2 a set bus been the ruling pike heretofore, but of lute I it'll informed some nre favored at $1.0. BellovitiL'thutullaieeouulaud I should share alike, nil teamsters and farmers will heieufter be served ut my shopnt the new price, $1.50 per horse, cash in hand, I lmvo a large stock of shoes, nnd I have a lurge patronage, uuiued by superior me chuuieul skill during $1 years in Salem. A four years' apprentice ship, four years in n veterinary school, Mjveral jeurs in steamboat work, railroad shops, etc., enables me to donuy piece of forging needed mill work, threshers, reapers or anything else. In the same shop will be found n superior wngon maker in the person of J. H. Elgin, who will do nil work in hia line in the best possible shupo nt lowest rates. John Holm, Cor. Commercial nnd Chemeketa, inuN mmuFS Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils ami Window Glass, Wall Pa nor and Border, Artiste' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Poste, Grass Seeds, Etc, NEW ADVKnTIBBMKNTS. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First National Bank of Salem, Vt HiOem In the Htntc of Oregon, nt tho 25 ;closo ol business Dee. 10th, 1890. HESOUIlCES. Lnnnft nnd discounts J137 750 If) overdrarui, securea ana unBCcura u sm h V. A. Bonds to secure circulation. moc'fs, securities, claims, etc Due from approved reserve ngt.. Hink'ng-hou8e,furn.8nd fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid. Premiums ou U. R. Itonds ChecKs nnd other Items . Hills of other bnnKB.. Krncttoual miner cur.. nlcKels. Ac Specie .... 17 fill 00 j,egiu icnaer noicn . . ..... i "ii Redemption fund wlthUSTrens- urer (5 per ct, of circulation... 675 Duo from U S Treasurer, other than 5 pcrct, redemption lund 6C0 15 000 002 W 17IDP5 22 000-19 2 456 0" r ) 4S3 04 720 101 37 Total . .x $20185.67 LIABILITIES. Capital stocK paid In 60 OCJ Surplus fund 0 003 Undivided profits 0 125 56 Nnt'l BunK notes outstanding 13500 Individual deposits subject t cliecK . 101 6M5I Pemand ccrtmcatcs ot deposit.. 3 0908 0 Due to other National Barnes 1 363 lil Due to State Banks 500 01 Total U)I &85 57 State of Oregon, County of Marlon bs I.John Molr, Cnshler of thenboe-nnm-ed bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true, to the best of my know ledge and belief. John Molr, Cashier. Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this 8rd day of January, 1891, P. H.D'Arcy Notary Public for Oregon. Correct Attest: Wm N. Lndue M. L. Chnmberlln Geo. a. Bingham Directors, BoATWStpc If I Rr m t h WIhmIo AllKind8f SUNDRY W Ah Cheap :i uu ain,ii the I'miiiti.e I'sh.i. i V.9.H mill iloliiKllrHt-clnhH work. f fiSTLnillvs nud patrons Mlil to iiipcct our iiroceKR of 7 work. ' dnliJ 230 Liberty Street JOHN G, BARR. Watches and Silverware. JEWELLER, 169 State St, SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN. Sneclnl utteutlon to measuring defective sight nnd classes fitted. Astoilctlmt will lit all ij cs. Glasses forcrltlcal fasesground nnd titled to older. WATCHCS, ETC. A now stock of clocks, silver nnd cold wnlchcs, sllciwnrs nnd Jewelry; wuiel1 will bo sold chcip. Also nlot of PAWNED WATCHES will hefcoldnt less than hnlftbclr vnluo. Call nnd convince yourself. McCrow k Willnril nro supplying tlieirpntrouaultlituechoice&tnientfl. Don't forget Montee Uros. wlien you unntu fine photo. I'ostolllce bloek. Strong's rcstau Pure candies nt runt. Go to (.'rii-suiiiii's carts; 15 centH. for eliildren's A. 11. Huron does not nini to be beliuul the times, but for nil that (ioiihIh the finest line of sixteen tli century furniture. F.J. Catterlin still continues to "liiinip hinibelf" to keep up with photo ordeis. .las Den hum it Co. at their State strtet shoo store lino some llnefi r)0 Kicucli turned kid shoes for hulks and n fine line of J2 50 calf shoes foi men. Theso goods ure wurrunleci to bens lepretented. Seo tliem. C. Given, tlio sbou man on Stnte street, hns some bargains worth looking at. Sllppeis, boots and shoes, ulso a lino of i libbers, gum boots aud overshoes. The Willamette roo live inches between 10 o'clock this foienoon and threo this afternoon and is fast changing fiom a blue to a dull gray, which means heavy ruins in the mountains. $100 Ken aril. 5100. The readers of the Capital Jour nal will be pleased to learn that there is ut leust one dreaded di sease that science has been able to cure in all Its stages, aud that is Ca tarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh beluga constitutional disease, re quires a constitutional treatment. H.ill's Catarrh Cure is taken iuter nully, acting directly upon the sys tem, thereby destroying the founda tion of tho disease, aud giving the patient streiiL'tli by buildTuer ud the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors haeso much faitii in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cine. Send for list of testimonials. Add i ess, F. J. Cheney & Co., Tole do, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. IVi-Minnl Iiilirrly vs. I'lnsical Slavery. We are all free Ameiican citizens. enjoying our personal liberty; but inosi ot us are in nuvsica alnvcrv. suffering fmni seiofula, salt rheum or some other form of impure Dlood. Hood'sSarsaprilla is tlio great blood purifier which dissolves the bonds of disease, gives health and perfect physical liberty. Instruments Filed tor Kecord at the County Kccorder's (Jflice. OifcCIt It Goto Peter Ste vens, tlio n w of the u v of sec 9 t 0 s, r 2 e. $ 79 T II Clyde nnd wife to Jas K Smith, a parcel of land near Aiinisvitle.und also blks 17, 18, 19, and 20 in Smith ad to Aunibvillo. LOCATING PUBLIC LANDS. I am now prepared tolocntoone hundred men on nomesieaas ana iimuer claims in most favorable localities. Correspondence or personal application solicited. V. W. HEPBURN, Cor. High and Ferry Hts, back of Cook Hotel, Salcm.Or. 12.29-lm M.T. RINEMAN DKAI.RIt IN and Fancy Groceries Staple Ciockory, (Jlm.ruro, f, imp, Wo ened nnd Willow w.iro. All kinds or mill feed. AlioeiretJiblesamirriiltn In lliclr season. "Highest Price paid for country produce." Wehollcit 11 sharoof your patronage, U-H )'t2-tli)slrcel. Westacott & Irwin, Successor to Amos Strong. Pioneer Bakery 271 Commercial Street. MITHIf THAV lirnn... I PII m iitun 0. 1). HUTTOS, Prop. Custlnasof nil kinds mndo to order MIIiTj JtACITINnitY, VIiASlNa MtTif,S, coitNicns, Sim'AIi FRONTS, WIIEUM, I'OLLE nnd sneolnl cnstlnes ot iinvKtin. . tein made In short order, smooth an&lM Repair any Machinery in Short Order. and hop Moves built. Will mnkeestlnriSl on nuy limn uork needed. (Jood Dri ,.. .. . ....... i8-im REPORT Of tho condition of tho CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK, At Salem, Orogou, nt tho close of busi ness, Sec. 19, 1890. KESOUKCES. Loans and discounts $227,811 79 Overdrafts, secured and unsee'rd 21 97(1 69 H. S. Bonds to securo circulation. 19 000 Stocks, securetles, claims, etc 10 CU2 37 duo from approvea rescre ngU. S 319 18 Due irom otner JNnuenn: banks.. 11 &19 5I Due from state banks Jt bankets. 11 819 (M Banking house, furniture, etc 15115.) Current expenses and taxes paid, 3 311 SB I'rcmlums on U. S. Bonds 4 IK) 7o Checks and other cish Items 1 1st 31 Bills of other banks on Fractional paper cur., nickels, Ac 12 A"i specie 33 890 60 Legal tender notes 2 812 Redemption fund with U.S.1 leas 8o5 Frencli aud Germau Wheat aud Rye Breads in City Styles. Vienna Rolls. SPECIALTY OF FANCY CAIvJTS Pastry aud Confectionery Baking in Full Stock. Our new bread and cako bakeit are first-class artists in their line, aud we aim to have Everything as Fine as the Finest. Total . .$309 201 93 2135 Where Is It? Sai.iim, Dee. 31, 1890. En. Jeurnal: In our rounds in the Interest of the poor, and realis ing tho need of hard cash lu many cases, tho question often comes up of what beeamo of tho money taken in at the opera house Thnnksgivliig a year ago? If wo knew who had It in U'Msrve, or where deposited for tho uso of tho poor we could do great good with It now. Let the Inforuia. tlon asked como through your New Year's edition and the many who realize the destitution lu our cltv will bo thankful. Onk in 11i:h alk ok tub Poor. I ' I.I M Cull to I. 0. U. K. Orders. Tho members of Clioinuketa and Olive lodges I, O. 0. 1, and sojourn lug brothers nro requested to assem ble at Odd Fellows' hall, on Com merelal street, on Sunday, Jan. 1, 1801 nt 10 o'clock a. m., for the j.ur-po.-o of attending the funeral ot thu late J. T. llrowu, of Olympia Lodgo No, 1, W.J. Iuwin, N. O., Cho mekuta Lodge, Sulcm, Jan. a, '01, - r- Uanriug Aradrmy. Prof. II. P. llunuor, twioher of dancing, will open a uluss Ttuidny anil Saturday evenings, commenc ing next Tuesday, Jan. Utb, nt S o'clock, lu the hall of the Salem City Baud entertaining parlors. Will touch you nil tbo very latest mclety duKccs. Improving your danaing n 11 very few leeous. Duo ourv will Ih exerolMHl lu tlio tulmlbslou of pupils to ttieAottdcmy. Le.sousi Uent's eight lessons, fo. Ladles eight les-oiis, $8. Childivu, f2 per muutli Private lonn any time or hour, IteJtiuutlou made to oJuIm of ,1 or mom. It Tho "Wor'.d Knrlcliad. The facilities of the present day fot the production of cerything that will conduce to the uintcrial welfare, and comfort of mankind arc almost unlim ited, and vhcu Syrup of Figs was first produced the world was cnrichSd with the only perfect laxative known, as it Is tho ouly remedy which la truly pleasing nnd refreshing to the taste and prompt nnd effectual to cleanse the system gently in the Spring-time or, in fact, ot any time, nnd the better it is known the more popular it becomes. SBH ". r t ur c m "m. ''1' aV' SLr XT C W WJL Tk.V L.3 FOUNDKD IN 1808. Tho oldest nnd larsKt llnnKlng House norm orMaoromruio unit koiuii 01 forllund. Lil ifi Bnsli, Mm ) SALKM. IRON BUILDING. Acvouutx kept, loan inade; oxehnnKOon urv luiri ofiliH unrld sold and IxHiulU: ivUnni of eretlit iMiiett to tmelIT; colleo- TltU ilnnsliig ulub iium(4 Monday wnlug for the Itrat of mv of fvewlilgtlierluB. Thoiiicinber. hlp coutalHs tho roaui of BWm's A K.vvoitHi) OlTV. Tho llttlo town of Shtirldnn, Jut nuroMi the lino of Polk, In Yumhlll county, lu Humming up what tho town has, Ututof not having ulltmr baloous or lawyers, ho olulms a bulut4 of f CQ, n year. itin mndo thrtHighout the United Wtuten, UrUikli Ainonenuuu Mexico, Thlt bnuK has luoneUtry conncctlona wlih Imuk m Urveon, Wtuhlnston, Idaho nnd M outturn, nnd correiHudnU. In all th prluuil towns or those mate. l)rnof wteru bauKitaKenntpar. Uophmof tho Nhw Ykah Joub nal to bo bad at tho oftleo, wrapped ready t j mall for 6,cl each. ltBiioVHU. Chus, DoLeou, tho Stato Htn-et Utrbcr, will remove his t-bop to 2ti t'omuuirolal street, noxt door to Simon's cigar store in a few days, l-L-3 1 tUhUnr Ittituuallo uu IJicr I'lll. Tu Hit are MtMllAtly coup, ud Hnlfss-H1 ' "MWs. No jrti4n WB)HMwly AtUo1ur the iimi 1 !ounded at luin r Ihn iiM, .if iirij U AK. ..luMliMl .n tW .. .7- S'.L-TC: ", TE" "",?. ": HU4 llilHHfl& -- .1:. ....". J . '' . T'TT ' ihn waTvnw !). ui Wa VkUiAnliw (Ml U ltMurrWk UmJ. n kowiimi to iiMunrWk haul. wH4Wu, dj.ppU and kjnu. Ud. k aH Apt, thy exerii ny &4ur, ale ajti. LIA11ILITIES. Cnnltnl stock nald In ST.-. nm Hui plus fund 15 000 UndlUded profits ... 8 715 09 National Rank notes outstanding 17 100 Dividends unpaid ...... 2(0 Indlv ldual deposits subject to chk 1(K) 210 22 Uomnnd certificates of deposit... 51 099 37 Certified cheoks.. a)0 Duo othor National banks 0J0 to Dno Stale banks and bauKert. 1 1 17 2 Total KJ09 281 9J Slate of Oregon, County of Marion ss. T T IT All l.. ..... - . ,u. ii.niucn,uwuiurui me nuove-nam-ed banic, do solemnly swenr that tho above statement Is true, to the hnsinr mv i.-iwmi. edge and belief. . j J H. ALBKItT, Cnshler. Subscribed and suorn t lirfLirn nn n.u 31st day of Dec., lb90. itl. W. HUNT, Notary t'uhllc for Oregon. Correct Attest) W. W. MARTIN, T. J1CC I'A'l-fON, W. A.CUNIGK. UlrcotorB. J. I.. 31ITC1IKLI.. ai:o. IIOEYE. MITCHELL & IlOEYFi, General Collectors, Brokers AND ACCOUNTANTS Local nnd foreign ooIIociIodh attended to promptly. llallrotd tteketn sold to all pnrU of tho world. Bookkeeping for locul Cheapest, Neatest anil Ecst, SCHOMAKER'S COMBINATION FENCE.' I make nnd put up nil kind of fences, elty andcouutry. Uet my lermsbcfoicfeneiiiB. H., btilem, Or, MARION TOWNSEND (SUCOESSOUT. JAY C. SMITH.) PROPRIETOR OF "THE CLUB SRABLES." Special nttontlon given to traisicnl Btock. II rscs boanled h thailiy. Wtek ir ininilh. Cult. IilBMlTY AND Fl.lUtY bHlRLIS Ttliplionr, No. a bALKM, OU. Cattle ! A good logging nutrtt for sale, five yo!.o calt'o, twoaoii, utc. AUdress or e til or J. O, 1'or ranee, Salem, Oregm. 12 30m J SKlFl'iCO. Dentists, Ncv Opera House, Salem, Or, Hurtles a snoclnltv, uuy purt of the united Stales nt the most reasonable rates. Commercial looked arter promptly. 259 Commercial street, up stairs, Oregon. Adertlslug placed in pnperb Salem, 25c Want Column. Notices inserted for ONK CKNT l'EIt WOUU KACH INHKKTION. No ader tUemeut lnsorled In this column for les than twenty-nve conu. f NEW ZEALAND JOS. ALBERT. Agent. INSUltANOK Compiiny, Kire nnd Murine. Snlem. Oregon "THE Wiiini; Salem, Or. ltntcs$2.50 nnd $5.00n1)aj ,y,en.,,0.,,,!, Public Thmsdny, Sept. IL 189U Best hotel between l'rtland l sanl'iunelsto. Alms to bo first claw In nil U nppolntmenu. lis tables nresmrf ninetteUeyW n,l,SgrOWn ln lhe W" A. I. WAGNER, Proprietor SAVE MONEY OK nnnTc ennuo ...i nun UUU1U, UllUUO UIIU 11 C. G. GIVEN & Co's. Bottom Casta Price OUR SPECIALTIES. I. "Hellnbles," for men, Pebble calf, Creedmoor style, n JJ.0O shoe lor $2 "i II. "Common Scue," loi Utdlrs a brlglit Donoln,stylIs,husauj made.nSJOO shoe lor $2.70. III. I cuii fne you money on boy'sund children's shoes. Positively low prices. Hepnhlng done, Custom work solicited. ll:l-tf SINGER SEWING MACHINE Office 181 Commercial St, All styles of the Famous Singer constant ly on hand; ul-o repairs und needles for al kinds of machine. BlIttT CASE, Agent. EAST SOUTH AND VIA Southern Pacific Routa Sliasta. Line: CALIFORNIA EXI'llESS TKAIN BtW TJAflT HKTWKKN PORTLAFQ AUD S. F. South. " "Kbrth." 7,-a p. m. .is p. m. 10:Ua.m. Lv7 LiV. Ar. Portland Salem San Fran. Ar. I 8:35 a. m. Uv. I 7:2(1 n.m Lv. 9-00 p. m Above trul us stop euly nt following sta tlons north or Iloseburg, East Portland Orogou City. Woddburu, balem, Albany Tnn-cnt. Shedds, Halhcy. Harrlsbure .luttLtlon City, Irving and Eugene. f l.Q3t,l!Ui:Q MALI. DAILY, R.-00 a. in. I.v. Portland 10 52 a. m Lv balem 5.10 p. in, Ar. Itoseburg Ar. I 4.00 p. m. L,v. ( 1.-08 p. m. Iv. (J.20 a. m Albany Local, Dally (Except Sunday.) I7UID3H MILOU COW FOIIHAI.K. Fresh JP cownudjounecnlf foriuile, cheap, J. II, JlcC'ormacit, ut Poor Farm. 12 Mil A NY person knowing themselves to ha o Jackscrews bolonBiug toD.C.Ilowiird AHou, please return them. The persons having them nre known nud will prevent trouble by returning them Immediately. .-.2Miii-dY WANTKli An active. Honest Man Salary J10O monthly if suitable, with opportunities for advance, to represent locally a responsible ew York house. HefSrcuces. itANUl'ACTDUEU, Lxok Uox 1583, N. . in A uiui HARQAIN. Ahousonnd two lots for uie in nouiu Haiem nt only 500. In iliUreof V, 11. Simpson. USMf PATUONIZE Home Industry, nnd use MounUiin Ualm Cough Cure. Guar Hiiteed to give rllet or money refunded. Manufactured lly H. H.Cnws, tfalem, Ore gou. Smith A Hteluer nole agents for Salem. ldlm rOST. Some time since an editorial note j book, a jwoket In rover conulns a bank good to an one, as payment has been stopped. Kinder will please re turn to thUonlee. WrAXTEO An active, reliable man V salary tlQlo js) monthly, with In crease, to represent In hi own section a MANUFACTUHElt, Lock Ilbx ISsS? New lork, TTJU ri.l,E.-.bout three acres of bind i? oa Asylum Avenue, good dwctllug house, conveniently armuged; large barn, airreatvailety of fruit treed and shrub, berj-, conienlent to Eleetrlo railway. neer falling water on premises. For particu lars Inquire at second houseonribl hand side of Asylum A enue going Iroiu city. CALL and SETTLE. Those knowing tliemeles indebted to J. A. Itotnn pleaso cull and sotllo between nownnd Jaunaiy lht, as 1 nm obliged to eollect All nccounts then unsettled will bo placed in hands of n collector. 11:2 lm COOK HOTEL Stato ami High Street. G. W. ANDERSON, PROP. COOK. Tko Cook notol Is opposltr court house eonelent to buslnoss p.irt of city nnd street cur line runulmr past the door. Ilutes S1.U0 to $300 a day, according to room. Special terms to boarders and families. 6 00 p.m. Lv. Portland Ar. I 9.O0 a. in. 7.52 p.m. I.: ujilein Lv. Id0Si-m 9 00 p. in. 1 Ar. Albany Lv, 5 (XI a. m. FOREST GROVE POULTRY YARDS, Founded in 1877. . 1000 YOUNG FOWLS FOR SALE And the finest ever bred on the Pacific Coait. llook your order early for cliok'O selections. Send Stamp for Catalogue. Address J, M. GARRISON, 10:11 dw Kore-.tUroo,Oregoa. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommodation ot second class pussengers attached to erpre-'s trains. .Vest Side Division, Between Portland, and Cervallis: DAILY (KXCEIT SUNDAY). 7:3.1 u. m. 1J.10 p. m. I."v." Ar. Portland" Coritlll Ar. Lv. " S:.M p. m". 12:55 p. nu i At Albany nnd CorvnllU connect wltH trains ofOiefou PaclUo KnllroucL KXVBKSS TKAIN (DAILY KXCKITSUNDAY 1:10 p.m. j Lv. Portund Ar7 7.25 p. in. I Ar.McMlnnvilleLv. .aoa.m. 5:15 a. m. Through Tickets To all points EAST and SOUTH for tickets and full information regard ing ratea uiups, etc, apply to the Compa ?.y,? ?,!?nl Jlum, Oregon. P-jlgOElW assu u. K. and Pass. Ag't It. KQKHLKlt. Manager From Terminal or Interior Points the vy-ANTM! To trade a town lot In dpi UUni:r, til Mill utrwt. Slra-tf ritt'.NKIW J pure-br t ciuh. At i'AUKUII. OF IXlU'ti K-..r ni. o bred Ued lol bull. Turin my pluoo In Kalcm. J L. UI-d K HUNTKIra nloely furuUhed room. I1H V ei dy, w loliutlneMirl of Dliy, by tie uuruer wuier ana Vrakfll1 lufvnlh Vixtm iuwt kr wvimlti OrtOTU u ly 'FR HKNT nv nlmlr ftimui, ANKOKTHK LAUOUn1 KHTABLISH UmenU in ttie htnte. Uiwer raten ihnn thr,J?u.a- HJ1??"1 Btock Wl Blanks Ir IhehUite.a d blggekt dUcount. Seudfoi P . hit of Job printing, and catalogue ol """. . is. ai. WAlTli Hiwn Printer Halem Oregon. THE ODELL TYPE WRITER. fJ9 will buv the rinRr.T. Tvu wn.... wttti 73harHCUr.anU Sit n(r the Binoi.e Cahkodbll. wurreuie.1 to do beuer work than any maeuUe made. uwor worK it combine Simplicity with IHit vuil. ITY, Sruitn, liE ol OrBKATIost raan longer with ut i of repairing tlwu any other maeutne Has no Ink ribbon , to in,tii,ik'r,fU " I nu d-Ped to ivrota. It prudHCWi (harp, ehwn levtble S?1tilS! vnua'- AnytnwIMgeuuw; tf.!S2r,?to,?aa p"' u vS diyi; ViKivriW IIQ.D tu any AiHiratar who rin Onw!uthe WWk " "ItotSi.troSS Biiiiftf iSSu ?V4 .lo wonted HJI lUdlMMMMUt la duU. toandb.JtUAe, CWeugo.Iin W-axi Northern Pacific Ra ii aw Is the line to tako To all Points East and South. ,.i,l.!Kthe lln!ne car route. Itruns through vestibule trains every day In the year to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO ! (No cltiWe of cars.) Composed of dlnlngcara unsurpassed, , Pullman drawing room sleepers ' Ol latest equipment TOURIST ; Sleeping Cars, j Best thai can be constructed nnd In which t nlshed for holders of first and second-da ELEGAJT DxY COACHES. I A contlnuoi "In marn-ting with Ml lines, atfordln ! 4 uninterrupted '""'"M " 'loos can t- pjired In adn any axent of the road. ThnMwh llfkets to aud from all poH" in Ainerim, England and Europe can t JlSm1"' l ",,y ""totTlMofUiUconi- Puij information concerning rates, timf orir' i KHtimandotUerdeutU furnished ki j., ticuliim i.. Hy agent or A. D. OFiARLTON, AHtaut (louaral luwnger Agent, Jfo. Mjt tret, or. Vahlugtou; Port room. Appl) l 307Coiu"l.KU . "jW. nt lltmtnmtiiHm,,..wiL. tiiM, wffMIMtMAa mmyw&mto i.'im ''- - MMMMilSal . kSt&fcilk&gik i iiiinimii'iJflrWh1"'! i 'i ii "i . L'-BSLW'j(t'',ft ''g''H ailVS?- ., '.a-aJt. , Iiii lllnlii III llil' I 'WSXWWm,,' " -- lifc. W Sfl PPPPPPHspflBHavBJaw-OTRSsh&KtT um j jl.