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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1890)
m i t THE CiPITAL JOURNAL SATURDAY... .AUGUST 30, 1890. TEIIMS OK 8UB.HCM1TI0N. Dally by mall pr year -. M 00 IJalij by mall pep montb, ........ uw 1 00 WeeKljuy rutin pur yeur,. 4?-If not Paid lU ndvunco tho price jiio per year. If paper are not delivered nnnn-prt Tor IMG WEEKLY JOUKNAb I promptly nntlly tho office. mpny nniuy uienuice. FRKE DHLIVEUY BY CAUUlEIt. Dally for slnglo week, 15 eta Dally fortwo weeks. . '& cts. Daily by niamu, , 6octs. Collections will bo mado on 1st and 15th i of montb. siubitcrlbers will plciiso U-uve i money forcarrlersat bouse or whereon 'l Is delivered, so as to cause no delays In collections. I The Evening CArrrAi,JounjAi. regu larly receives the afternoon associated press dlsprtcbes. k J Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oi's, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc, Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. LOGAIj market. Wheat, uet07 cents per bu. Hops, active; 33 cents per lb. o Palatable Shows. Two young Indies of ogre able presence, travel ing denonstrators and salesladies for u new brand of cocoa, have been giving exhibitions all the past week In our various city grocery stores. A tiny sliver spoonful of the powdered preparation U dropped lutonchiiuicupnud a bit of sugar stirred in, with hot water, a drop ol milk, nnd the Chicago maiden" hand you a delightful drink. This, cocoa, as the Misses Thomas skillfully represent, contains no starch or other adulterants; that tin packages as sold aro Just as put up in Holland, and Unit a 35 cont pack age will produce 3o cups of cocoa There was a constant stream o' patrons flowing in to test thu re suite of tho ladies' delicate manlpu lations. The ladies are sisters and sell thousands of dollars worth of goods wherever they go. The firm em ploys iv largo number ot young women in introducing this harmless and nourishing beverago that is relished by young and old, sick and .well. Musical-Litmiaky. The musi cnl and literary academy conducted by Misses Goltra and Tho nton will open for its third year next Mon day In tho New Bank block. Mis-t Goltra Is homo from her sum mer vacation and Miss Thorn ton arrived in the city this week, both refreshed for their work. These talented ladies are pleased with the out look for tho coming year. Miss Thornton will have charge of voice culture, German and French. She comes highly recommended, having studied at Dresden, Germany, and her friends are loud in their praises of her sweet voice and general abili ties. Miss Goltra will teach piano, organ and harmony, in which branched her accomplishments are well known to the Salem public. Parents are urged to stint their children at once, as there will boa Vacation during fair week, and an early start is liable to save much valuable time in the future. Enkminks ok Jloi-ri. Mr. 15. I Hall ofUroston, Or., has brought In a box of specimens of thu hop louse that Is attracting so much attention In djfiercnt parts of tho valley. This mlnuto green insect literally covers tho leaves of the hop vino in many places, and in Mr. Hall's yard lias attacked thu hup. The hops and leaves are soon covered with a gray powder the excreta of tho Insect. Tho hops attacked have n shrunken, rusty look. Thu ani mal has been sent to the entomolo gist of tho Agricultural College. --- A Room. The nearest thing Sa lem now bus to a boom seems to be In the hop Hue. A gentleman, who lives u few miles below this city, yes terday stated that as much as 40 cents a pound had been oilered for hops In his neighborhood and a number of contracts had been signed for thlrty-tlvo cents a pound. A hop grower was heard to remark tho other day, that tho cost of grow ing hops anil baling them was about eight cents a pound, so that at thirty-live or forty cents leaves a good ouud profit to tho grower. Sixtv-bi:vi:n. The Salem Flour ing Mill Co. announced this morn ing that 07 cents would bo paid for wheat. Albany and some other points began paying (17 cents a couple or days ago, but this morn ing was tho first time it was paid here. Tho company are receiving from 7000 to 8000 bushels u day now, and have already in store nearly 00,000 bushels. ACCIDKNTIALLY H 11 OT. Lust Wednesday afternoon, two drum mere, named respectively Allakey and llloomen field, of Portland were driving along thu road south, of Dayton with a 152 calibre riflo be twecu them. When near 11. F. Lewis's placo tho gun was acoldont ally discharged. The bullet struck Allokvy In tho left sldo Just abovo the hip, and passed through the body lodging in the buck. Dayton 11 mid. Too Much to hi: Tmn:.-Ono day lost week ft llttto two-yenr-oM uhlitl ofMr.Olfeeit, living on lUm. J. I,. Ferguson' farm in Wwt Chehalem, wan run over bv n whit... im.ii.ui VMli73buhelaorvhwit,audlrotiiV m It may M.T;m wu hurt hut very ' Utile -Yamhill Wdjjer nTi H .r Details of the Enumeration to Begin Next Monday. ynir rifil) i fintiiij tirnn rAttVTIVfi ...".'" iuii " i-u.iui.iii a luinuuw. Interview Willi Spuchil Census Agent Lulnnd"- llislmprcs- sions oi Our City. Special Census Agent Leland ar rived on tho 8:20 train last night and departs this afternoon for Port land. He thinks in this brief Hying visit to have completed all arrange ments for a recount of tho second city in Oregon. Time alone can tell whether he lias given tho matter sutlicieiit attention to secure thor ough work. Salem wants nothing this time but the very best kind ol work. HOW IT IS TO UK DONE. The special agent met with the enumerators selected this iiiorniuc and gave them some instructions ic to how to proceed with their work I'liey are to begin Monthly morning and take down the population as il existed at lliat date. It will be n red-letter day for Salem, Septembei llrst 1890, will, as it will undoubtedly snow our city to have 2") per ceni more population than was allowed us by the census June 1st., that i- if the work is carefully done. A bed of red-hot iron t horns vill be $oft reclining place for the new enumerators compared to the re ception they will meet with if the. slight their task. Since Juno Isi Salem has also gained in popula tion by births and in immigrntim, and all that will now go to tho cityV credit nnd the credit of Oregon. who is to m: counted. "Every bona fide resilient is to bt counted," said Mr. Leknd in hi little talk to the boys. "Every per sou is to be taken where they sleep, uo matter where they board. If Sa lem people are temporally absent from tho city, at tiie seashore oi elsewhere they are to bo enumerat ed as residents of Salem. This fact must be impressed by you upon tho people of every house you visit, and it is your duty to secure these names of temporary absentees." The agent declares that the enum erators selected by Mr. Dootliby ale a very fair lot of men and he is satisfied they are capable of doinir tho work well, and to the advantage of the city. Several of the original enumera tors were seen and expressed the hope that they would bo found by tno new hands. They oilered to leave their addresses as specllic in formation, but aro not goimr to force any further information upon their successors. While tho local enumerator will to a certain extent bo olllcialiy re sponsible for tho work done, the enumerators will be doubly held re sponsible that no one is missed this time. The local supervisor, W. F. Dootli by, has made tho following appoint uicnt of enumeraters: Salem precinct J. L. Mitchell, I. A. Manning. East Salem Wiley Moores, A. L. Wain, F. J. Strayer, J.C. Thump son, R. J. Savage, John O'Sliea. North Salem O. G. Savage, J. II, McCorniick, J. S. Dridglbrd, J. A. Looney. South Salem-W. F. Seaver, W. C. Dirndl, A. W. Drager, V. H. Simpson, M. R. Moore. Institutions W. G. Wcstacott, 13. A. Thatcher, II. II. Vaudeitol. Mr. Dootliby also has authority to adjust the claims for any overwoik that Is done. Tin: pay is llxetl at? 1.00 a day of ten hours eaeli and tho census Is to lie closed within a week, but Mr. Leland thinks four days will suillco. The men will be allowed to woik over time and will be paid extra for that Although It may not appear so to some, thu.Iouii.N'Ai. hesitates to be lieve that thu city can bo thoroughly covered In four or six days of ten hour each. Tho onunieratorh should put in every moment possible. INTimVIUW WITH MIC. I.UI.CM). "1 have uo reason to doubt thai your city wlllshow quite a marked Increase over tho former census, 1 am very much pleased with Salem. Your wide streets and shade trees iimivi'ii nivoriiDio impiessiou. I am charmed withyur climate, as wiiai resident of New Orleans would not be. Your cool nights are duliuiou and even w lieu days are warm in Oregon, tho clear mountain air U refreshing, Portland, this city and your whole statu has a gieat future botore it. Till! COUNT OF Till! WHOLE STATU Is uo doubt Hon.u stunt of thu real population but not so much as sus pected by some. lnsparely popu I iletl districts enumerators are paid by tho day and liavu only a limited uiuu in mi ineeouuiing, boiuo are slow at their clerical woik, and U toro they know It their tiuio Is up and they havo a niimlor of people in distant parts of their district to seu. Those oopleaiv nevortll seen, and If they wore teen thy would know of some other. It is all the fault of tho 1mw anil of o.airse per fectly miullNuil onuniurators aio hard to tlnd. I am satUliMt quilt) a porotititagu of your imputation in the mountainous and hwivlly Umbered regions has not been euunitinitwl at nil." i ii Dimiiims.-I huve for nle a s i year old trtver. wcitHit uImhiI 1 ir 14 vwt Very fat F J Diai,11r Inlaws ltd SOUTHERN 0KEU0X PEACHES. A Letter Setting tho Journal Right on That Section and Its Yield of lVnclies. Ashland, Ore. August 29th 1890. Editor Jeurnal: In the Jour nal ot the 22nd we read: "The most recent reports from Southern Oregon arc that tho p-aeh crop is very sin ill, if not n complete failure, ' from n commercial point of vlow," j and your article Is copied by ex- changes. i We shall not write for nil of Southern Oregon, not being defl I nitely informed, but so for as it J applies to Ashland and vicinity, it ' is an egregious error, (to state it mildly), as more peaches aro being shipped than ever before. The crop is below the average, as there are many more trees than usual, that ihis season bear little or nothing, but enough young orchards ire commencing to bear, to increase the nggregate product nnd in two or hree years will treble the capacity if Ashland orchards. Oyer 4000 boxes of peaches havo been shipped from Ashland within the Inst five days, not to mention pears, plums, nectarines, etc., nnd i hough not a full crop, we can point v'ou to peacli orchards that are net ring this season, from ?200, to $f00, per acre. The.Mtiipleof peaches sent you aiis from an orchard never Irrigated. Yours truly, H. D. Carter. We would not wilfully mis represent any section; our statement .vus gathered fiorn exchanges nnd he Oietroii crop reports gathered at I'ortlanil. llienox ot peaches re ceived are of high flavor and in coloring, size and quality equal to he best California fruit. Our brief irquaiiitance with Oregon fruit in terests must be our only excuse for having made the error and we re- ijret it exceedingly. However, the prompt correction given by Mr. Carter will undo any harm we have done. En. Noti:. ONIONS ARK ONIONS. Few Katts About this Iiitorestin? Ksculent Wlmli'sale and lOtail Prices. "o cents a pound." "1 cents a pound." "Don't sell 'em by the pound." The above are some of the replies made by grocers to interrogations of a Journal reporter in quest of facts about onions. The main factelictcd is that all the Salem grocers sell at either -1 or 5 cents n pound, about equally divided. At some places the 4-ceut, onions aro of finer quality than the 6-cent. An inspection of quotations offer ed by onion shippers reveals thu fact that the finest silver skin Dcavurton onions are oilered at 2 cts, and red onions at 2 cts. Freight is about 2octs, a hundred. As a rule tho three cent onions, costing I hut laid down at the store retail at 5 cts, a lb., or COS cts, profit. Those brought around to houses in bunches are often higher still. Almost alt thu onions now oilered for sale in the market here are from Portland, (produced at Deaverton, Oregon,) or from Californ'a. Pretty soon the local crop will bu gather, d and shipments will be going the other way. They may go down to a cent a pound at retail, but it is doubtful. Onions at -i and 5 cents a pound aro a luxury which few poor people can afl'ortl. "Wo pay farmers $1.50 to $2.00 a bushel of fifty pounds," said one grocer. A great many farmers will be looking for that merchant. First Siiii'mrnt. S. Farrar & Co. shipped another car load of val ley apples and llartlett pears to Hel ena, Montana, tills morning. Tills is the second ear load they have shipped to Montana this season. As soon as the winter fruit is in the market they will make some heavy shipments. A Kick. The residents about the corners of Church ami Ferry streets are klckiiignt the Journal's article yesterday, exposing the build ing of new houses for vile purposes. The location referred to should have lieen near the corner of Llbcity and Ferry. -- To Tin: Coast. Quite a delega Hon from this ciiy started tills morn ing for a vacation at Newport. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. II. Leach, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Gilbert nnd Dr. and Mis. W. T. William- sou, of the asylum. IIKIilUIUUS SKIIVIUK. C 11 it 1 st 1 a N Church. The Ministry of Reconciliation will be the morning theme. A lecture on "Tiie Hebrew Tabernacle," Illustra ted with oil paintings, will bo de livered by Huv. J. P. Johnson at1 7:80 p. in. Sunday t-chooi at 0.45 a. ! in. I Kvanoki ic.u.. 'Host In tho Old , Paths" and Luanm ufu r d ath will lu tha subjects. Sunday i-chool hour olmngi'il to 12 in. '1 he evi ulng hornion will be pn-ceilcd by a tong sen Ic. Prof. Caldwell will assist with the ooriiul. All are wolooiuo, ; 1 Haitikt Chumcii. Regular sor-l vices to morrow at UioimiuI hours. 1 MornliiK buhjoct, "The Iniquity of a N'tfiMllVtl Lift,-" ..V.Mlll,L. ri..,lll.l- ..-.....-..... ......... en lUpllHin," to be followttd by Impttttin krvl. Sunday tohool at lhlo a. 111. Endeavor meeting at QiftO p. m. HusliHfeii uum and clerks are especially Invited to morning HtirvltM. Itatwrt Whltakr, luistor. Xiwi'nhr Pi rvons w lshinir nnrf r m i mv. lun.uhed hhhiw ut N wiwirt. uimlv to eilit-ir Jul hnai. XKW CHANCELLOR Inaugural of Dr. C U. Slratfon Open ing of Willamette University Notes of the Institution. Next Tuesday promises to bo a marked day in the history of the Willamette university, as on that day occurs the Inaugural of Dr. Stratton as chancellor. Tills Is a new office in the school which was created by the board of trustees at their annual meeting last June. At the same lime occurs the unveiling Wilbur-Roberts monument at Lee Mission cemetery. Tiie following program hns been arranged for tiie occasion. rnoa RAM., 10:'X)A.K. (Attbe Leo Mission Cemetery.) MUSIC. rilAYKK. Oration nnd Unvclllnf Ceremony.-By Rev H. K. HlneH, D O. 2. p. m. Adjourned Me-llng of the Board of Tr.. (.tees, 7:00 (In Chapel.) MUSIC. niAYEK. MUSIC Address, By Hon N. L. Butler, A. M On Itt-hiilfofthe Alumni. Addreis. Bysmnt. K. B. Mclilroy Ph. D. On behalf of General Education. MUSIC. Address, By Ilev. Alfred Kummer, D.D. Coaferenreand Chrlfttlnn Kducutlun, Addrt-H ,..lly Gen W. II. Udell, iVes, of Board. Un beh'ill r Hoard orxrustces. IVAUUUHAI. ADDKESS. By Chancellor C. V. Miration, D. D. MUSIC. DIMi'KDlCriOK. NEWS OK THU UNIVERSITY. Monday morning the registration will begin and most of the day will be taken up with that and getting the students located in homes for the winter. School will not open proper until Wednesday, when ail recitations will be carried out, nnd students will enter upon the work in earnest. The school seems to be attracting many young people to Salem and will bo fuller this year than any previous year. All the rooms at the Woman's college will be occupied and a number of young ladies will slay with private families. Every thing points to a prosperous year for the Salem institution. A Wmi of Caution. A local book dealer has distributed the following circular: SPECIAL OFFER TO STUDENTS. "If two or more students will club together and buy school bonks at niv store to tiie amount of $20, I will present tliein with a Webster's Un abridged dictionary, 1S90 edition. "Inviting you to call and see mo and trusting I shall have the pleas ure of presenting you and many of your menus witu a copy of this great standard work, I am, & etc." As this circular was posted on my private bulletin board, I take oc caMou to say: That this "great STANDARD WORK," Which is SO generously oflcred as a premium is a "FRAUD ON ITS FACE." It IS OUO of those "Cheap John" phototype re prints, tho real date of whicli is 1S47, only forty-three years behind the times! The American Uookseller says: "This 'reprint' is not intended for intelligent men. A common re gard for decency ought to prevent any firm calling itself respectable from palming off all kinds of mis representations." Ouyei's Stationer, speaking of the great fraud says: "Obviously the only way a demand for It can bo worked up is by representing it either openly or covertly as a mod ern book." It is underestimating the in telligence of students, to present any such stale works as premiums for purchasing their books. Students who are in need of dictionaries or texts will Hnd a full assortment of genuine standard books at reduced rates, at OS State street. T. McF. Patton. I'KHSUNAIi MKNTKIN. Louis Veianl returned home this morning. Al Ilerren came up from Portland this morning. Win. Sargent went down to the metropolis this morning. Ed Herreii is In Lebanon to-day looking upthe interests of tho paint mine. Prof. P.irvln came up from Port laud on tiie Hoscbuig express this morning. Misses Aila and Etta Calvert are home again from their visit in the Goldengate state. Rev. J. Howersox went up to Lebanon to-day and will till the pulpit in that burg to-morrow. Miss Grace Hushiiell, of Eugene, came to the Woman's college to day and will attend the university. W. K. Byars, son ofriurveyor Gen eral Byars, came up from Portland last night and will spend Sunday lu Salem. W. II. Cottle, of the State Insur anceCo., and R. J. Hendricks, of tho Statesman, came up from Port laud on the overland last mght. MUs Ella M. Drake, of Sllverlon, was a pASsenger on l.. ........i,, . .iu iiiuiuuiK train. She expects to return to Sa loin in a short time and attend the Uulvorslty this year. Tlit) Purest ami Hast Article known to uiih1iu.iI science are used in preparing Hood's Sarwina rllla. Every Ingredient Is carefully wleeted, liorxoiiallv examined, anil only the U-st retained. Tho medi cine Is prepared under the supervis ion of thoroughly competent phar- khibf.k.- .1 lljl ikliilHIt.iliiih III ft I. ., &-.... I , V., llIH Oil! I.IIK-VM , nmm,i,tmiro iseaieiuny watctieit with a view to securing In Homl's Sarsaparllla the best invisible rcnult. Illbbrl'3 ItlirUMtttlo and Liter 1MIU. These ptl.siiro kclontirtoully roinpoundod auu uuiidiiii in aeiion. ,nu eripin air iu n wiinmimly fitllowluir the iim .1? Hill Toy ure uluiaisl to Is ah udulu and chll Is a a area wiiii pcin.'i witvly Wo euu unteo lUi v luvcu itsuinl lnlhtcuruorsU-k hwd Hrlir. oonisiiuii dH-p.m ai.d bdiiout- "','lJ? l".?","lrlb',!X2':ifuy " ,v V"" .., ' " lr oilier nreiwrnuou Hmllh 4 Bit-1 nor k1 ntt JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Vo per and Jlordcr, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and .Shingles. Hay, Feed and Fence I'osts, Grass Seeds, Etc, NEW ADVKIITJSKMKVT.?. WANTED. Ilyn young man who Uvea nt home, a position In n store, or to learn some trade. Lenvo word at this olilcc. 8-30 2t PRIVATE SCHOOL. UK TERESA E. D'AilCY Will open her private school on Monday, September 1st, nt the north west corner or Chcmeketn and Winter Hts. S-.10-2W School Notice. All pupils west of Capital street and nnrlh of North Mill creek; nnd nil cast f Capital street and north ot tho county road, lead Ins eastward from I'npltal Rticet tnrou'jh Knelcwood addition nii'l north of Lee Mis--Ion cetneery, arc icqulred to attend the North Salem school. All pupils south ol South Mill creek and west of summer street; and nil between Summer hired and th' railroad nnd south orthe county road, leading past the lesl dencoot'A. Hush me required to attend tho South Salem school. All pupils be longing to the Mist, --econd. thlid nnd j fourth grndesand residing west of Winter street and between North Mill creek and , South Mill Creek are squired to nttend the Central School. All others aro required to niienn me ivisi fiue-n senooi, The name anil residence of each pupil desiring to attend school must be reals teied with the kdiool clerk before they will be admitted. lv order of the board of directors- .V. II. SIMl'aON, School Clerk. 8;2d:d wtf Notice. Theannunl meeting of tho stockholders of thoCanltol Advenune company will be held nt the otllceofthe company in snlem, Oregon, on tlioSOtliorisepteniner.ntOii. ir.. 8:22-td S. FRIEDMAN, I'res. SELECT "SCHOOL!! MISS KNOX Will open her private school on Monday, .September l,nt tho Little Central school building. 8-22 lm PlANO-YOlCE AND French - and - German Lnnguages taught nt rooms 0 nnd 7 Bank building on nnd afterSoptember 1st, BY Mlssess LAURA GOLTRA and ANNIE THORNTON. 8:ll-'Jw CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Of tho Willamette ;Univer.sIty, Salem, Oregon. Tho past school yenr has been tho most successful In Its history Incieased atten dance nnd numberof graduates. The most Mieees.sful music school on the Northwest co ist. The courses of Instruction Include piiinn, organ, pipe organ, violin nr d orches tral Instruments, voi-i.l culture, harmony, conntei point nnd class teaching. Diplo inns given on completion of course The musical director will bo assisted by un able nnd elllcleut corps of tenchers. !end for cataloguo Z. M. l'A RVIN, 7:'-2ni dw Musical Director, Next term begins Sept 1st, lfc'X). ACADEMY OF TIIE SACRED HEART, Salem, Oregon. This well known institution of learning will be re opened tortliPieception of board, crsiind day pupllson Monday, sept, l.lh'io. Parents are kindly requested to send their daughters at the beginning of the i se-Kion, mul thereby lacllitato proper clas sification. Terms per quarter, (payable In advance.) Boaidand tuition, HO; Day school, $.", $, SSnndSlO; Music, pmctlcnliind theoretical, with uso of piano, S15; Drawing and paint lug In water colors, $.-; Oil painting, per lesson, SI; Foreelain painting, per lesson, $1; Kntrance fee. p.iyahlo but once, Si. Vocal music In classes, Geriimn, French, Industrial Drawing, l'lnln and Ornamen tal Needlework, form part of the prescribed course. Telegraphy, Phonography and Typo writing are tnuuht at tho usual rates. l'orlurlher particulars Inquire al the Academy, or address SR. MJi'KRIiiR. S:S-wlin-dlw TI-IE STATE Agricultural P- Opens September 12, ISflO. "tOl'USKOK STUDY nrrnnced expressly V; to meet tho needs of tho 1'uriniugaud Mechanical lute. est of the statu. Larije, Commodious and well ventilated buildings. Tho college Is located In a cul tivated aid Christian community, and one of the healthiest in the state. MIL ITA RY TR A IN I NG . Expenses Need Not Exceed $150 for the Entire Season. Two or more Free Scholarships from ooiy county W'rlto for eatuloRiin to 11. L. ARNOLD. 1'ies . Corvnllis.Or. I WWin-ilw f ! PENSIONS j WAR OF THE REBELLION 1 Under tho act of June 27, IKK), all soldiers who served ninety days In tho U. s. service duriui; tho war of 1 ho rebellion and are now I disabled physically (whether Injuries or ! disease was Incurred durini; service, or I since) ur-j entitled lo pensions- nt from SO to SI-per month. I widows of deceased soldiers aro entitled to $8 po- mouth and $2 nor month for each I child under thoat:oors.tfen years. Father , or mother of deceased soldlere whouronow dependent, aro entitled to pension. Mildlurs who aro now receiving pensions I tit less than iVi per mouth should apply at I once under this act. I Appllcntlonsunderthlsnct wUluotallVct , any peudlust claim. MaKo applications nt once. I). 'J SUKUMAN, I', S, lVnslon nnd Claim agent. V, O, I Ho asi, salein, Orouon. Deputy County Clerk, write for blanks, w Knjri'iio City Itoiuls for Sale. VfOTICK is hereby inven that under tho provislousofnnaci ot tho leutsluturo of Oregon entitled, "An act to Incorpo rate tho City of KuKOiie and to repeal all ik is uim isiiv 111 m'i 111 iiiiuiri nuri-- witii," nton 111 tno oince or the s. crotary of stale, February JW, ISM), tho common isiuuellof tho city of Kiutene will issuound dlsiHtol the Imnds of said city at par aluoofln)iiiS4),ax)to J-V.MXW, m denomi nations of from ilea to ilia) as the pur chaser may desire. uyuble SO yearn after date of Isstiliitf tho same, with Interest thortHin t the rate nut to exceed 6 H3rcout )vr annum, payiib o semi-annually. Sultl pnusvsrtU to purchase said bond will bo neoived by tho undrsli:ued it Kimono, urtsoui, until heptembor 1st. ltt0, and all vroposal received ill be oHiifd and consldoriHl on tho Mb day ol Sptembtr, lt0, and said bonds will bedlsposHlof to lht person or person uutktng tho Ut oiler or otters thertifor, Tti ooinmon oouncil tsrvi tho rlirlit tor-Jet any nnd ah provHU. lly order ol theisMiuell. I May -JUI, IM. II. K.DOIIUIH, lttvorder fcr tbtiHiy of Kui;ene. NOTICE j ' " To IsIy Patrons ' J. il HAIUtls' Kxprv4 vngons No IN and Id can bv rund iu orutr Court unit l oininnvul tinvii lue all lrau and bou oidiis ll m w.urKn cry ktoiv. lv) l'urt lrect AH orders pmmplly altrndist t !25c Want Column. Notices Inserted for ONE CENT PER WORD EACH INSERTION. No ndver tlsenicut Inserted lu this column for loss than twcnty-llvo cents. T- ost. Near corner of Commercial and j.Mnrlon street.! n Snanish drawn worked hnndkcrchlef. Under will bo rewarded 'jv leaving same nt N.E. coruen Commercial and Marlon streets. FOUNDA pocket account book bearing .honnmeofJ. M. Sutler, Salem, can bo had at this olllio by paying lor this no tice. ; mO RENT OR FOR SALE, cheap for cash, X n good upright piano. Call at .'107 In ter street. tf PRIVATE BOARDING. Oood board w'lh nicely furnished rooms, in the finest part of the city (right by the street car) may bo had nt reasonable rates, by calling at 37 Winter street, tf PATRONIZE Home Industry, nnd use Mountain Halm Cough Cure. Guar anteed to give relief or money refunded. Manufactured By II. H.Cross, Salem, Ore gon. Smith A stclner sole ngents for Salem. 1-Sdlm OR SALE. Cheap. A good family boat, oars and sails, coninleto Also n 4V(j0 Winchester rltle. Iuq ire, 2X. Com merclal stieet. pc OUND AT LAST.-A i'olish that will clean a n ano without gumming it. S'orsnientDlamoud's music house. pc OR SALE One house and two loin in South snlem. Inquire of W. B. Simp son. I'rlcosUii. I7IOR SALE. Team, row nnd calf, and chine. Alsiinn 80-nciu farm. I1 mowing machine. . Call on oi address f C. .lory, Box 01, Snlem Capitol Home Addition Is beautifully located In East Salem, south of the Electric Railway line, near the po(vcr hoii'e. Largo lots, lOOxKJU feet. Good soil. For sale by T. II. WILSON, Owner, 410 Stnte Street, - - Salem. SINGER SEWING MACHINE Office 181 Commercial St. All styles of the Famous Singer constant ly on hand; iiln repairs u ml needles for al kinds of machine. HURT CASK, Agent. Iiisiirc in Yoi "The Home Company! State," Which has for tho past six years PAID MORE TAXAS. Issued More Policies, Received More Premiums. And Paid More Lossec Upon properly located in Oregon or Wash ington than any other company. It was thn First Company to Fay all Losses in Full and in Cash By the three great conflagrations of Senttl j-aieusuurgunu sspoKaue uus. GEO. M. BEELEli, City Agent And Special Agent for Mnrlon County. Oillco in tho company's building Pioneer Bakery AMOS STRONG 271 Commercial Street. French and German Wheat and Rye Breai Is in City Styles. Vinna Rolls. SPECIALTY OF FANCY CAKES. Pastry and Confectionery Baking in Full Stock. My new and cake bakers are tirst-class u rtists In their line, and I aim to ha ve Everything as Fine as the Finest. Mining Application No. 2. United status Land Ori-icr, Oueoon City, Orcuon, Ausr. 15, WM. NOTICK Is heiebj iven tlialllio Capltel Consolidated Gold and ssilver inin injf company, is. K. Chadwick, president, whoso 1 ostolllce mUlrfftt, is -alem, Oicgon, hiiHthis day Hieit his application lor a patent for isfKX) linc-ir leet ol the Canitnl Consolidated Hold and Mlver mine or ein bearini; koUI and silxer, with surface ground (100 feet in width, situated iu llen llno lulnlni; district, count.s of Marion and stnto 1 f UicKun. and designated by the field notes and otlli-lal pt.its on ille in this otllcoiiH lot No 21(1. s-nid lot No vKi be UiB described as follows, to wit: Degtunin ' at a rock In placo with mound ol stone, wllh bearing iieo corner No. 1; thence N. 17 k tiOO feet to stouo in mound of stono with bearing treo corner No i!;lhenro N. 7.1 w., :W00 teet to stono in im mid of stono corner No. 11; tlieuco s. 17 w. tiOU feet to rook lu placo wllh mound of stone, corner No. 4; thence s. 7.i K, ;!000 fuel to KU"i "fheRlnnlnir. .Mtisnello viulatlon IV to J e. containing li.; acres. The location of this mine Is recorded lu the rccnrdei'H otl'.co r Marion county, Oieson. Any and all persons clalmini' aderselv any porllonof said Capital Consolidated ("lit nnd llver initio or snifn.-n nro required lo tllo their adverse claims with the reel terand iccelver of tho U.S. Iiindotilcoat Oiigon City, in tho stnto nf l.'!Vf.,n,.!U,rlnK '"? 8,A,y '' Period of imlil eatloii 1 there. .f, or they win b0 barred by Urtuouftho provisions of the statute. siiimod HENRY .1. T. Al'i'Klls-O.N, lleslsler. STANLEY wt IM DARKEST AFRi'Ga I T1 MlDul'.i iIh. Af Ci.i . .u.u.i, -i l4-t ' yrsnsiJ' .' " ? Uwi f"i tviil ii ...... . . " " " i bW-llry eiolnbul..l .11.. twUVi'l'VT,T,?bu",A!,l,,iu,IMI"' wf ' CHARLES SCRIBNER'S CJONS A. L BANCROFT & CO. 132 POST STREET, SAN FRAN ISC0. General Anents for the Pacific Coast- M. V sJsJi, Wv 'Iw&zr AW' f fur Lh Hmi tl.'. . Ulll id an h- ,.. n.. ." ""7". ' i I BU WM OI ILU It wniiSTXZ' Mn, Do Yoy Play? Play WhaJ? Piano, Organ, Tioliii, Guitar, musical --If You E A S And examine the finest and largest assortment ever displayed iu s l Just received n full Hue of Hind Instruments. See the crini ' display rc i.'L.i ''ixiAiiajw,i7r'XZ3JrAiia.jrHuiiiiM.ia&.wxt?xjij.jtiurK2!it SUMM Ani mini is Iimw aii(i with lie - Grand i - ; -j- For goods nt the CAPITOL ADVENTURE CO As usual weare Ready ror the Fray u 1th the largest and best selected stock we ever curled Our tin departments are chuck full of the Latest and liest Goods in their respective lines. Dress goods and Trimmings. aiapic ano fancy uroceriea and 1'rovisious. As in the pasr, so in the future we Will Lead of low prices. With us there is no in-pi. Mini i- mi -peopie ui un classes to trade in. BUSINESS IS BUSINESS. That's what we wiy, and that's what we mean. If ynu mean ness call and see us. We will irlve vou satisfaction CAPITOL ADVENTURE Co, :ctstt izgccggr.ima ;cm 1 P A P l am selling at my markets on Stale and Court streets, meals at the following prices: BOILED BEEF from o to 8 Cents BOAST BEEF.... 8 Cents GOOD STEAK - , 8 to 10 Certs BEEF by the QUARTER r, Ceuts MUTTOX by tho QUARTER :..:'.'. JA. 7 Cents PORK by the QUARTER 7 Cents E. C. CROSS. -KEEPS THE Dry Goods and Trimmings, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Clothing and Hats in the city. 277 and ,279 Commercial St., Corner Court, in Bush's New Brick Block. Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co,, Sash, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. House Finishing mado to oruer. New IIt kinds. KII.N, by which wc cnu always keep a full supply of seasoned hock oi au Agricultural Works, Corner ol Trade nnd High streets, Salem, Oregon. HJI, .Ml .ftT .1.1. .WW-H.M 1.11 JfjMTH SALEM LUMBER CO,, DEALERS IN Rouigli & Dressed Lumber, Laths and Shingles. Call on us and save money at our yard in NORTH SALEM. THE SECOND HAND STORE, MOORE & OSBORNE Dealers In Fun niture, Notions, Queenswaro, Glassware, Cigars, Tobacco Nuts. All kinds of second hand goods, bought aud sola. ('undies ami (tiioiIh sold on commission. TAILORING anteed. Repairing and cleaning tauiisiiment in tne city. ( r " --,--,-, " . - "- i I A I 0!'. Han'S HYDRASTINE nESTOrTTlVE. Stimubtoj nutrition. Purifies the B! !w. ciirIivTiITCMiOr1ionidLenerilDebIlity. A perfect tonic anil strength Imi"" n. HIL'.ER'S ANTLBILIOUS STOMACH ANDIVaUMJE. Cures Dilioua.c" il 'l I.n.r"TroublS5rchTl,rZiuT"Fcver. MjIt"nir"Fevep), ni all T)-phoiJ r-onl.i... DR. HILLETSCUAmH CinE. CuresAsuteCiUrrli.ClironlccaiKrn,-"-i'SSTlHtueduTolhTt ca u hen dlrecUoM ire MIowed.or money refur Je ni. mitcn's oouih -u". Cures Ami I'ticuiuciiu; riiv TrnTuniptlon. nRTHt.LI.En,S.DI?HTHIA ANO SOR E JHJO AT UjlE- I'revenU ind cu . '. ""rVTl'oIIuTiVii'cure auy Mire t iruu in win 3 to 24 hours. CurM Qui"" I . -tij FCV5T n"! l-MMtfl rTr.Miwi . a m.i'4 acarlJi ii tn. HILLER'S NERVOUS D i inr. .Veiertail. &c.j4 (or i'mau t". BILLETS RHEUMATIC AND SEUALOIC CURE Cures Uhtun""0'' N,Uj iT:! 'V.umbijdi'.'aaj'aUMiu, bj' MuJ'rMU.Jisr "" bleoJ i-1 "jch ciurf I r HILLEB'S TEETHING CUE. AIJ the poi utd lyUpm-Aol cb4ir) t ' ewmnr irlol, ei .ur.-'.lnls teehin- ini uail teeth. ?,P"jcwt yv-m. hickew. Ur4( TTwuiJesiod Dowel rouifUiiiWl. A Weasloj maw Dg. HILLER'S WHOPPING CDL'GH CUBE. PteveoU and Cures Whoop" Noti. -Wllh exoepiioi ot Dr. Hlller-s JIl"ilrUne Rtontl. Pr U'JZtS sumI N'eursJulc Cure. u4 lr iUlere Cousjfe Vu. tha H,uvJt slpf ( ma, aa.1, l( not obuuubie from your dnit?fet. wUl U uuilI (rt. oo reewr $1.00 per Package. Ths ratUMtlM ar Uw rasult of t& )cors of i.r-leesiooat eajw j rjaeeH1 w fiunute! oeur vbwia ouw i-B .eiMj. l)r HUier i l Vt f 3L, 84 f hune two l went. eo.ialul taluaJUa ukMruuCx-as w to hyf "" " HILLER DRUG COMPANY. ''-FRANCISCO, CAU U-s Fnrtii. I'WJ.I. li:V.i! I Unnjo, Harmonica, or .v other Instrument? do, Call at T ) grand Hi our window. it liiis come Rush Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes. THE Van such word as fail. We have the busi- Opera House, Salem, Or, ') i u, LARGEST LINE OF Cor. State and tjineriy oi. ON S GONE. r I & E. SCHOETTLE, 272 Commercial street, merchant tailor. The tines suits to order .., ti,n inuwi nricps. A nerfect lit Kmi' done. The only ilrst class tailoring es- DR. HILLER'S Special Prescriptions. i 9 ' - HOME TREATMENT SELF CURE A Specific Remedy for Each Disease. a L 14.rVll .1 Coldj, Iloarsenwi. Coughs, rircnchltu, ' ConUinj no Opiate. Cure Croopw """ -E. IndipnUlUcut'lls,JtJu'J'f "r rrr, SrUU. mX ill- """" tr " ""X . .J Ti d 31LITY CUnE. Curt Xtnou WefcM auu , . m tniwiM A c LS-annsdO. ' ClrcuUr to limr uniff w.i Si PaMrnnes for S5.UU. '""J .eU i..m awa "- T !,22.irrDierml ' " 7