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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1890)
THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. TEItMS OP HUBsuuirrioN. Dally by mull per ycnr- JC 00 Daily by mall per month, bO Weekly by mall per year, 1 CO ajylf not paid In ndvnnce the price rharccd for the Wf.kki.y Joint a I. will Vo 51.50 per year. If papers are not delivered promptly notlly tue office. FltKK DELIVERY BY CARRIER. Dolly for lnirlo vrcek 15 cm. Dally fortwo weeks, ! cu. Dally by month,. 6 ct. Collections will be mado on 1st nnd 15tli of month. Subscribers will please leave money for carriers at bouso or whereon U is delivered, so as to cause no delays In collections. FATAL ACCIDENT. Charlfs A. Smith Falls from a Lund or Shingles and Is Instantly Killed. Tub Evening cafitai Jochnal regu larly receives the afternoon associated press dUprtchcs. k Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. M Jim HUMAM Midsummer Quatrains. THE SUMMER GIRL. Ah, Hummer Girl, your bow has many strings, Rut this is not the cause of all my woes; I weep becauso you have, 'monsst uthei things, I'non each string so many, many beaux. RESTFUL ACTIVITY. The city mortal now to take a rest To Newport goes, to Saratoga too. Ho seeks these places with unusual .est, Ilccanse In each ho finds m much todu. INOENIUS. He tried to get In good society, And social leaders looked askance at him, Rut when he sought the shore and sound Ingsea, lie bought a suit nnd plunged right In the swim. A CORRECTION. Js'o.uo; the mammoths of tho deep sea green Aro not, by any means all dead to-day, The largest fish tho world has ever seen Aro thoso we caught, but somehow got away. Harper's llazar. Music for the Fair. Now i about the timo that the authoritio of tho state fair will be cist in-, arouud for a brass band to engage t. furnish music for the coining event, and it is not by any means the leas" important factor in making the oc casion attractive and satisfactory Ttis understood the pavilion is to Ih lighted up and kept open four nights of tho fair and band concert given on thoso night. Such being the case, it is almost a necessity that the best music avail able bo obtained, and a few dollar diflureucc In the cost should nm govern in tho selection. The band should be one known to possess the talent nnd ability to furnish a varied program of llnd-clais music, and this program should be pub lished each day in advance. I f somi "snido" combination is engaged, who bavo simply learned to blow in onoendofn horn and make some port of n noiw) come out at tho other, it were better to save tho cost and have uo band at all, while the rlcbt kind of a baud will bring out immense crowds and furnish such enjoyment as they will appreciate. The record of all gath erings of this character leaves no doubt on the subject. The writei learns that the duty of hiring Un hand Is In tho hands of Mr. David Loonoy, of Jefferson, which Is a guarautco that tho cholco will be liberally and Intelligently made. Ho does not stop for trifles toget the beat in his own business, nor will he when considering a p ublic matter ol this character. New IiAKi: Discovered. Cant. M. W. Hunt and tho party ho ac companied on tho trip in "tho Cus tades, leturned last evening nnd report a moat delightful trip. Among other experiences they dln covered u beautiful little lake in the mountains, of which they hud never heard before and consequently con hidcrit a new llnd. It is situated about a" mile northwest of "Three fingered Jack," a familiar mountain peak to thoso who have crossed to or from PriiiuviHo, and which is a short distance north of the point on tho Oregon l'acitlo lallroad whero Contractors Hunt aud Ron uett had their summit head quarters nnd did a good deal of work thrco yeais ago. The lake has beautiful, gravelly shores, and Is not surrounded by the thick underbrush and scrub growth char acteristic of almost nil the moun tain lakes. It is furnished by the nuow water from old ''Jack,' is clear, eold aud deep, nnd has no flMi that tho hunters could discover, but per haps tho fish heard them coming aud coucoaled themselves. Tho party christened It Bowman lake, in honor of onoof tholr n umber. Till. Klmotts. The Elliott Voyagers a inostexcollont company of twenty-llvo artists from tho land ing foreign theatres, Including the Imperial Jupauobo troupe, nluo In number, will prowmt their oxeollout program of uovelllea t Urn Balem opera house next Friday A little after eight o'clock this morning the people on the streets wero shocked by the llylnjr report thatChas. A. Smith had ju&t been 1. 1 1 1 .i . i... i. .. - .. . i.iiitu, nm rwuu oi a mil irorn n truck loud of shingle, upon which he was slttiui: driving. The end and terrible nuciriti t oo curred at the foot of the bill cn-si-ing Liberty street on Ferry s:r.i' suid was witnessed by Mr. JliiUmtm ;uid another gentleman standing in the Hull'miiti livery b trn, also by Jos eph Osborne, a carpenter getting mil sidewalk lumber for the city in the unused end of Liberty street. Charley was driving along down the hill with one of George W. An dersou's truck teams, hauling a large load of shlnlis, on top ol which he sut. It was mi iced by thobc who saw him th.d the linef were hanging loose in the left hand, while the palm of the r 'ht was rub 'dug the edge of thereat, but he was sitting upright and little danger wa--uspected. There is a steep grade at hat point aud a little .-idling, dew: vhicli the team wen! quietly, but jetting intoa trot as th y descended, ml when the wheels struck tin plank crossing, Charity pitched for A-ard and sideways, falling to tin ground on hit head ami striking in uch manner that the hind wheel passed over the neck and face, in dieting several horribl" gashes and irulses. A crowd gathered in a moment i iid medical skill wis summoned, out the poor fellow was past human dd; ho was virtually dead when cached, though ho breathed somi i ml moved his eyes a little. His icck was broken, some think by the full on the hard, rooky street ami there bj the truck wheel. lie was carried to the Capital engine house mil from there to the homo of hi Mother and himself on Liberty "treet next to North Mill creek. It was a terrible shock to his aged mother, whose presence lie had left i little over an hour before in his usual health and good spirits, to -ee him now brought back lifeless, ailed tohisla'-t account so suddenly. I'ho remains were laid out and Iressed by his brother-in-law, Mr. J. M. Smith and Undertaker C'lough, .vhllo kind neighbors o tiered words f sympathy to the bereaved mother .Hid sisters, whose grief is deep and poignant. The deceased has been a resident of Salem over twenty years aud tho family has been in the Valley tluee the early settlements. Hordes tils mother, two sisters reside here, Mrs. Louis McCIane and Mrs. O. M. Smith, and three brothers live In Seattle, to whom telegrams were sent announcing the sad occurrence. Ho had been during the past live or ix years tho subject of epileptic fits and tills last is but one of several accidents that have happened to him while driving teams, by reason of Ids ailment. He was a great lover of horses and would per dst in handling them, against the earnest counsel of hts mother j and other friends. During the grain season he 1ms been employed in Herren's warehouse some years is sacit-sewcr, at w men lie was an adept. I n fact he was a good worker at all jobs he undertook. He was a littlo past 40 years of age and un married. Charley Smith was an hone.-t, harmless man; kind hearted and in nocent us a child; full of fun and took the world easy, though scrupu lously faithful in his friendships and to tho-e by whom lie wns em ployed. He had no damaging words for anybody and his friend-. and well wishei were all who knew him. His ended. May peaceful and happy. The funeral will take place from tho residence to-morrow afternoon at U.'IO o'clock and the remains will bo Interred in Odd Fellows' Rural cemetery. His brother Horace, who is a den tist at Seattle, has telegraphed that ho will he hero on tho 11 u'ehtek train to-morrow. Larceny hv Baim-h. This Is tho charge under which n carpenter and hou8ebuilder named Bright now languishes In the county jail sober ing off from a protracted spree that he may answer in com t guilty or FouMKit Travelers ry River. - Among thodebrlsdeposltedby last February's freshet ou Kaiser prairie below Salem some miles, there was picked up recently a way-bill of the steamer 'Active." irl inir a rnnnrrl PERSONAL MENTION. not guilty. Mr. Bright, who came ' of her trip from Oregon City to Sa hcrc not long since from California, lem. December 11 and 12, 1808. it took the contract to hullo a now lesi- dence fur James J J. Nesmith, of appears thereby that tho furo for such u trip in those days was $2.50, Dixie, Iilk cnunty.and has been en- while now one can go clear to Port gaged in tho work. Lit Saturday land or bade for 51. It also appears ho wanted to come home and vmlt i that the usual courtesies were then his family in North A.kiii, nnd Mr. ( as now extended to ministers, as the 4.11-puiuii l-jaii.'ii mm a mire aim ' on iy nnssenirer of t int. cart tor that purpose, but lie m:r t he property aforesaid did not show up in Polk county since. After coming here he sold the cart to a man who works at the stale prison, left the harness at oue of the livery stables and then purchased a new outfit on time the harnes from Warren Johns at Dearborn', and tho can from Martin Rowley, of J. C Drown & (Jo. He has also executed a bill of ea'e of the rig to his wife and lias concealed the property somewhere, so that Mr. Nesmith cannot find it, nor can the nlllcersso far. Nesmith came over to-day and swore out a warrant for Dright's ar rest in Justice GoodeM's court and placed it in the hands of rsheriil Crolsin, who found liim at his home in North Salem too much under the inlluence of liquor to appear in court, so he is in jail until sober. It ap pears some changes have been made in the plans of Mr. Nesmith's lious-', by which thecotof building was increased from the original con tract price, and for these additions, when completed, Bright was to take in pay the very horse a ml cut which he lias now appropriated; but the hou-e is nowhere finished and there was uo intention of giving ihem to him until the work was sat isfactorily done. Thus the ease -ttrjds and further developments will have to be awaited. It is pro!, able Bright would not have d.i:e such a deed if lie had not been drunk, as be lias been full of liqair since his arrival here Saturday. description In I lie list is down for half fare. Among oilier names on the list are noticeable, Gov. Woods, John G. Wilght. Rev. Sell wood, D. L. Ma tbeny, John Cartwrigbt, Mr. Gll llngham and wife, Jake Mann and several others. These old documents remind us that some i.f tiie old- timers have passed away, tint a good many are still hero and safe for a long time yet. Pii.orim's Progress A weary dishevelled looking pilgrim entered the portals ofSulcm early this morn ing. A representative of the Jour nal interviewed him, and learned that he was from the mining regions of California and had his pockets full of specimens, as evidence of the richness of that region. Ho says it is very dry in California tills year, utid his personal appearance gave ev idence of the scarcity of water on the route he has been traveling. He lias his camping outfit and mining tools securely packed on one of those long eared Spanish animals so com mon in California!! mining di3tiiots. The lmiely puir ufter a short lest made their way through the city to tiie north on their way to Portland. After visiting that city they will visit all (he best mines in the state with a view of seeing what are their value. At lite rate they were travel ing to-day it will be ome time yrt iiefoiv they can give a complete u port f tiie mining interest o1' Oie- The Very Latist. Keller & Marsh, successor to Keller & Sons, have just returned from Portland, where they were buying new goods for their furniture emporium. They carry t lie heaviest and best selected stock in Salem aud for low prices' they lead. In a few days the new goods will artive and then Mm .-ire requested to call. A viit o iheir ware-rooms is tho iiio.t ouvineing proof that they positively have big gest stock. Seeing is believing, therefore do not buy before seeing : their offerings. They expect two' car loads of fine furniture from East-' ern factories shortly. Take your, money to Keller &. Marsh and they will sell yon goods at the lowest i prices. n He L'sei) the Shot-ou.w The Albany Herald says that I-iuc Ban tu and wif". of Lebanon, separatui Monday nnd tho wife returned to tho homo of her parents. Last even ing the husband went to tho house of his fathor-in-law to see bis wife. He was iviused admittance by Mr Williams, his wife'.- father, where-' upon lie attempted toenterby force. . -mi-, wuiianis procured a siiot-gun and shut at Bantu three times, when the latter drew a revolver and returned the fire. Banta was wounded slightly in the hand. Commissioners' Court. In the malt'-r f tho location of a county mad W feet wide from Fairfield and St. Paul to the Salem and Cliam piieg road; case dismissed. Chang ing county road from the Parrish gap road to the blacksmith shop of Ira Pearcc; report of viewers. Lo cation f a county road 40 tiet wide from Jeficroon and W.ic mda road to Howell prairie ami Waldo hills mail; report ot viewers. Location of a county load from Silen: and Brooks mad o the I. K. '1 raining School; report of viewcis. Location of a road 40 feet wide from south east corner of Donald McLeod's land to county iad leading eastj from State stieet, Salem; ieport of viewers. Petition ol Adam Misslcr for assistance to build a fence along a county road; petition placed on file. Gen. W. H. Odell came up from Portland lust night. Itev. L. Broeau, of Gervais, was In the city overnight visiting Fnth ' er White. Mr. C. 8. Keller came home last I evening from a business trip to the metropolis. Mrs. P. F. Caslleiuiin wcut up to Eugene tu-day for a visit with friends in that burg. Hon. Geo. P. Terrell, of Mehoma, is in the cily this afternoon, with business in county court. Ex-Gox. S. F. Chadwick arrived home this morning from a business visit in Southern Oregon. Hcv. and Mrs. P. S. Knight took the morning train for a business and pleasure trip to Portland. Mrs. A. Connoyer and children and Miss Thompson tools their de parture this morning for Newport. II. W. Cottle, secretary and man ager of the State Insurance company is doing business in Portland to-day. Ab. est came homo to-day from Newport, after an invigorating tumbling in the cold waters of the Pacific. Messrs. Werner nnd Eugene Dre.Miian were passengers for the big.poorly counted city downstream this morning. Misses Bessie Smith and Louise Iluelat went over to Newport this morning to join the sea bathers from the Capital city. Thede Potter, Staver & Walker's machinery seller, is making a home visit here, where he always meets a hearty greeting. Jadge J. J. Walton and little son took the morning train north, iu- tcuding to drink in the ocean breezes "all along shore." Ilev. And Mrs. W. Rollins and family took the afternoon train j north on the way to their new home ! in Helen:', Montana. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Welch, of California, arrived this morning and will visit with Mr. W's parents and brothers in North Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Strong were passeneers north thismorning.iutent on the pleasures of sea coast life on the beaches of Oregon and Wash ington. W. E. Dey, of Oregoa City, John and Harry Singleton nnd Frank Vanduyii started by team this morning for a two i lavs' visit at Wilh.dt. Jack "Westueott. of the film of J. J. D.ilrymple & Co., started this morning for Newport to partake of vacation pleanures at the sea eoa-t a I ti'v days. ' ("apt. W. W. Bartlutt started this I morning to spend a lew weeks in 25c Wart Column. Great Of f er I Xntlrvu Injprlprl for ONK CENT PER I WORD EACH INSERTION. No adver tisement Inserted In tins column ror less than tncnty.flve cents. LOST. A leather pocket hookiimtalnlnc n jnarrliiRe license, n patent forn deed nndothr papers of little value except to the owner. Under leave the snmeat the Jorii XALofflcc and be suitably rewarded, it J-lOUND AT I.A5T.-A I'ollih that will ' clean n piano without cunuulng it. 'or sole nt Diamond's music houc. IX) It: J; South Salem. son. Price fi. Inquire of W. U. Simp- rrnv Hnd calf, and V mnwlne machine. AlMinn su-ncre farm. cnll on or address V. C. .lory, l!ox 31, balem 17OU SALE. Team, i n ITtOR SALE. The Dorranco fruit farms, 5 ' 10-15 and a).cro tracts, finely located within -J milei of Salem. Price SMj per acre. DoruanceUkos. Uelllncer building, Salem, Or PATRONIZE Home Industry, nnd use Mountain Balm Cough Cure. Guar antccd to Rive rrllet or money refunded. Manufactured By H. H. Cross, Salem, Ore gon. Smith A -iteincr sole necnt.s for Balem. I-Sdlm 1 CALL Oil WHITE, In Granc K mvn f!"' ft-8' UVriSllta'"J. $.illl PIANO In Hue order 2S KNOIIMOLTS BARGAINS on the Cc1pI.m..i COLBY Pianos for a few weeks 01 dv &5U ORGANS, the finest in tiie world L Attn ?20ll ORGANS for !)(). u' ,orJMI $150 ORGANS for-tTO. Buy now and save mouev. Cash or installments. Bargains in all kinds of music goods at B- Eldridge Block, - Commercial St EVERYTHING GUARANTEED. ILiL ' TL lS UciV . HENRY IH. Wwr STANLEY IN DARKEST AFRICA : 'I!'74 I-tat 1 ilu:, nr for tli iiy h iuelf. or') . rent thrilllnj .if bU Important tint time in the 1 "In Darkest Tho -ninrl ftihci 1 . .Ha; fo 1 - " Afn -R. - 1) 11 .it be il .fi I 17 any of the lo cal -il SU l.'J 1 k n w 1). mr oatreu ni pen nine" ajil " .1 . b. tic ' To uo one ot Xhete hu Stanley contributed a llii". Tli re 1 8 no question ftbout this statement be'nr cirrectinere-y particular We Guarantee It, ana wilt (rlre p-tl'ulaN on appli'ation. P";IITinM In onler not to 1 mlle,te OAUilUll that the book Wars the Its. print of CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS And that the canvassing arent carries a oertiUcaU I zeu:j from us A. L. BANCROFTS CO. 132 POST STREET. SAN FRAN-ISCO. General Aasnts for the Pacific Coast Jnmes S. Felton, sole ngeut Tor .Marlon county, Salem, Oregon. J. H. HAAS, THE WATCECiIAKEl?, In grandfather's day, when the world was good, 1 On Sundays, folks all went to church as they should, There the grace of salvation to seek; , And then, afternoons, in the quiet, cool shade, In hammock, on lawn, or in parlor they laid, , And thus resolutions were firmly made, With S. FRIEDMAN to trade all the week. 1 In the days of our fathers things were not much changed, 1 From church going habits we were not yet estranged, And still one great thought was in sight, That whatever was done on the great Sabbath day, i Whether worship or music or harmless play, 'This sound line of reasoning they all must ebey: Where FRIEDMAN was selling the goods were all right. And now as brass bands send their melody forth, Calling crowds of a Sunday south, east or north, To take part in excursion, foot race or ball; Though a change is proclaimed in the way of de , votion, '. And the world has assumed a more go-ahead motion, I The desire is still as resistless as ocean, On Fredman, at the Capitol Adventure, to call. The "world in some things is the same all the time; This especially true is in the care of the dime, j Which is never too plenty or easy to get. , 1 his truth once allowed, the reason is plain 2154 Commercial St., - ialem, Oregon. (Next door to K'ein's.) socially or spectacles and epairing ' v iiy tne uapiioi Aciveuiure uompaiiy mi every tram With the wares oi the world, tor sale to the throng, At the Opera House corner, where this is the seng: "FiUEDMAN still leads the market, you bet!" tloi'Us, WnirliPs and Jcwelrv. the uwuntftius sit Rodaville and mav A 1. 11 a . v Satispikd. Albany perhaps take in the i.c.aitii-. of the biuhies nicti show :i disposition of , s.uttli Sautiam nbuvf Sweet Home iairnefco 111 incir willingness to ns- bufornlds ivturn. I Frank McWhorter, who lived here I when a small boy and since tbatj j time in California, returned here a j lew (lays ago, lias gone to AvorU in j the Salem foundry and will play a j spanking new Tuba horn in the 1 Pccond regiment band. FINE HORSESHOEING AT Scriber & Pohle's. Special attention given to thoelng load Mers, driving hordes, Interfrrluirund crip pled hon-es. A large Stock of Hand-Made Shoes Carried. Homii'itY at Staytun. Tho fol lowing is from the Albany Demo; Mrs. Ilev. Ilanleiter has re turned from a visit to Stayton, w here she unfortunato as to meet with quite- a io by robbery. Sunday she wont to church with .Mr. W. 15. Adams' family, with whom she was viMting. While gone a robber tutored the house and stole $&" in money and $100 worth of 1 1.. I... I If..- n-. ...... earthly trouble- are f , l"- "Kii .un-.iiiiiueiior. his eternal future be ! "U,'T lB ,L, ' vam' .iw uuie was Mvurmi as 10 who com mitted tho act. sist in procuring a recount of the whole state oi Oregon, but the news papers of that city aro rather op posed i in .Ling the recount so! , general. Tli... would prefer that it i should not include Albany, for in stance, or Linn county. That's all ' right, brethren; the rest of us won't (ill (11.1 liiil alii llll inlinn tlm ...-. , - ....tu juu u uiuuue A Tilr.l !Hu-ly Tor lillIoi.,icss. 1 ,' enuiiieratioti of Albany is madei who Miiior nom disorder or iuac-j knoun J'lvt tlimifi.inil will lu. , ! ,lon ot "e nvcr will never get tue npior Known, t le UlOUsaUU 1II Ue a llnna ..fthoimiul.v organ so long h-, tliev very good fallowing and YOU ticed i ueueli 1m1tU1n.1l remp dies as blue pills, .. , I , 1 ? 1, ,n, , ' calomel and iiopli.vllin. Hut from the I Hot be ashamed of it. Thank you, I tiled and popular niedlelue, Hostetter'b . trnlv fur tho montrm'timi cC f.mln- ' si"in:ifh llittei, tliey may expeel relief irui-.,ior uie reLognition ol lauilj uitha certuiiny oC obtniulng it. The In- . work ill the rest of the slate. tliuMieuortue Ilitter upon the great blltta- n ry gland N iiirect. jiowerful and speedily ,,. , 77 , rr ,. .I'lt. Therollcrattordcd 1 not spasmodic, i'J.l.ASANT OUT KIT. .1. II. All'-' but complete und perinnnent. Thesallow- nifs 01 tue m;iu, ttirrcd appearance of the tongue, indirection, iiwtiene-s. headache, n.iivea. pair.1- tlirnuch the rleht stdo and hi'iildci-. In fact overv urconinikiiiment of theolitinate complaint are enlirelv and ' promptly removed by 11 cour-i of this In -Humble medicine, In behalf of which te- ! tlmony isconstantlyeinanatingfromevery ., and from all clast-sof oeietv. We give our personal attention nnd em ploy none but experts In this department. 47 and 51 State Street, Salem. Or. Insure in Your Home Company! U ruiDvi fl .Hi l' unljjili! -KEKl'S THE , LARGEST LINE OF- ii The State M J Cormiek returneci to-day from the Ncstucca sea shore, to which place lie transported Postmaster A. N. Gilbeit and family and saw them safely and pleasantly located among the several Salem families already there. Air. MeCormicK says they form a jolly colony and have a most enjoyable timo. Among them are (ieorue Collins Which ha for the past six years PAID MORE TAXAS. Issued More Policies, Received More Premiums. And Paid More Lossei Upon property located In Oregon or Wash Ington than any other company. It ra ilio First Company to Pay all Losses in Full and in Cash Dry Goods and Trimmings, Ladies ami (tents Furnishing Goods, Clothing and Hats in the city. 277 and 279 Commercial St., Corner Court, in Bush's New Brick Block. AlTOiNi'MKNTS. Gov. Peuuoycr to-day issued papers to P. N. Lath rop, ot Mehnnin; J. V. Shelton, Un- lamily, Dr. Richard-; ion, and Frank P. Leo, New Bridge. Eyk Knik-kki) Ot'T. Yesterday aftornoon, says the Albany Demo crat, Mr. John llresslor, section hand on the Southern Pacific, at llalsey was driving a spike, when a glancing blow throw it dirootly into one of his eyes, literally gouging tho eye bull out. Dr. Muston, S. P. surgeon, was telegraphed for aud went up on the evening train, find iug the unfortutiHto son's, Uan. J. Fry and . Dr. Golden and family. just fairly begun aud there is plenty of delicious trout. family, anil i allowing them to act as notaries Fishing litis public for Oregon. By the three great conflagrations of Seattl EltensburKand Spokane Falls. GEO. 31. HEELER, City Agent And Special Afjent for "ilnrion County. Ofllce in tho company's building. "A nilOffL," llitow.N's. Island Couxtkd. , Censiitt l'nmueratnr D. L. Greene, of this city, who counted South Sa lem, leeched an order from Sujer. vlor Kelly a few dnys ago to pro ceed to Rrown's UUud and onuiner- iiait 8iitrerlug'a, '' inhabitants, which were en i great pain, anil did all that ho could i "-''' lulssed by the Polk county to alleviate tiie same. The oyo, I '!. ' whue territory tliey pollti- though, was a complete ruin ; lW,,.v lloJT. though imt geograpld- ielly. .Mr. Urecne 1ms nortormed .l.HAN JOlNh IN. -1 He Albany , the work, but lit mouth is eloped a t doltew (or the treatment of thwe unlor- to the number of inxiple. and Baturdnv ovunln.Amr.Kili ...! i luothod of teaehln, tin t-tudiwl mid Dtli, and tho greatest iirogram over j &Ul,Wt by llw " lmvhvv lu ,,,e presentedlnSalunilspronilHedbytlie ' - Elliott comiMiuy on Angust the fath. '"w Hwimsbu. Krrnik P. 'ISilk Tho Imperial Jojw will give mw- ttu hHSKtmnnl from the owner, rado ut 11:30. dtWKHl lu tholr native at Heed's iiiwni house building Cor.srv NoitMAi,. Prof. D. V. Yoder lias Inon busy since his to turn from the coast geiting every thing in readiness for tho county in stitute, which logins next Monday aud continue) three weeks. CIusm's will bo formed and regitlm studks pursucit in an tne urancnoa taught , Umnl of trade in soclnl ineelitiK in the publio schools. Couiiwtont i vmturiluv l..l.wwl in win. .bm .....i iiwlMimu. will bo employed, ami the l,rtln.l in wiimrtiHg Owr-nV i:ill.,i Sowau-Uwii and ice ormwlllnotonlyl,eapo,iW,to,,o'l0preBnttiveBii, o.,gr to urge cvn, micUI YodHdv evoMiuK a. nt one that ho.o lutouding to,Ilt.w count of tho tiw uf the , tllo Irtti,leu of K. B. MclJIrov A v'VV: , ., , " "" siato. wiuw AiuanyuunKs eowlial Invitation U extended ,1" iii"iiiiiiw hiiiibii iuuniiiK sat, on (Mm H fuir oount in that out for tho utuulnrt and ontortaln-i eitv. v.t tbu Mtnrii- f tint wlml.i.i state ure far blow what they should j DfNKAUn SuKYiciEfc. Joph H. I- , lJrly of thoDukMdojiimiiiitlon AHUM-ANT IKnUK-UN. Tl '" U? ,C ' h ' A. Lehman, ,,- Ml Amtl, l l 8 " 4'Wk "' ,u,xt ha euiu to the eouolmdou tliat the ' " ' . Mr- Kditer: Although my taxes &r iraall, yet tbey nit as burdensome to me as If I paid much more. And as a tax-payer, I feel that I have r. right to criticise thoso cxtrarncancex that aro factors in the crea tion of high taxes. I hare in my mind the county hospital. No sooner doos tho im pcuulous eitlien become broken down and debilitated, than he rushosofTtoihe hospital. Kvcn persistent dyspepsia and constipation are gettiug to be excuses for admission. Meant, allow me space to enter my fecblo protest atalust further continaance of this pernicious practice. It cosu too many hard to all. s-svat. mout ot those from abroad who may , attend. All toachera lu Marion county tihould avail thomolvc. of this opportunity of becoming mc ipmlntod with tho mout ippisived tuuaUM, aud it is high time that they should Luor that they oan save the couuty that ex pense, by the judicious use oi a few bottles of Joj's Yetretbl jvxrsaparllla, a remedy ! tht Hithlu my obterration Is a sovereign em iertbofe too common disorders. If they won't take It tliy ouht to be compelled to by some law that Mould meet the case. Under the cirrumstaoces a full hospital is Inexcusable, henee tats growl A CITIZEN. Milliard1 Itlifinaatlc ami Liver TUN, I Th pU.sure tteHtlnclly compounded , nnd uultoriu In isetiou. No sripiUK ivtiu SINGER SEWING MACHINE Office 181 Commercial St. All stylew of the Famous singer constant ly on h.iud; alo repairs and neiniles foral Kinds or machiue. M'ttT CASE. Agent. COOK HOTEL Center ami High Street. G. W. ANDERSON, PROP. COOK. Tke Cook iiolol U opposltr court house mnvolent lo buslne.s part of oity nnd btreet our line runnintr the doer, llatos 51. 00 to J410J a day, according to room, ripeelal terms to botirders and fHinilte. Only Abstract Books IN MARION COUNTY. Work promptly and reliably executed by the SALEM ABSTRACT & LAND CO., FRANK V. WATERS, Manager THE Evening Capital Journal! MOW k WILLARD. 5.0 Cents a Vlonth. Hlrs Ih- cost union, the mtwt KorgoouH over Hoen in this country and tho hullo of Salem aro Invited to examine these lovely garmeuta diiriuu, tho vUltof tho Elliott company. The Japanese troup Inoludiw two Udlni, one of whloh, MIm Karuwaza, lu tho only lady lu tho world that doe tho wonderful tdldo fur life on a roo eiibixiudcd from the dome of the theatre to tho stage at nu angle of -15 degrees. Thla net alone Is worth thivo tnn- theprlroof ad-nilMlon lease for a tornt uf yoara to tbetir- nxim formerly oi-oupled by Hutan'H fnrnltuio wtore ue.t the alley mi Court Mreot, where he Intetidoiipw Ing up a Btloiu uh ooou ao tle aoev- wiry twain oan be put In. Swell a long walk bat wvou tho net wmi't be : iiecotxmry thou. $8b00 will buy a well etUtUttdwd liUsHHttMi with u gowd paylttf UU no better about Ssdwu. ISirt oaah, balance ou time. ir a tvw days only. Tall on 1'attt-rlin A Rigion, lVlhtatoHtreet, Knlem Or T.-.'l tf lMiiii of the Arfetul oMW de luanlml an MHtetHHt, mm few day ago he i!t out for Myrtle Creek in ' Kouthfru Otvftou aud htw returned with a llsurtu-r to eiieer hlut In On weal ndv ot ibia life Of i-1 ik I'lKU.-.TtMCmilUl' City Railway Co, have eloMHl (Mr1 oilleo on Statv at roc t and will hrw , i after ouly ko otu one olHoe awl Would net be Wltiisat it. Dr. It S. Heldeu: fend bv ex presss quarter doseu of your Kthreal UhikU Syrup. IMease lie suro aud awud by return e.prs iw 1 do not wish to be in the luaie withwit it. 1IUII'HV UiHJKl.N. Su FranoWco, leo. 1S7S. lrtjewliw I.muhII MeenU. For wile by all drujntiU. HO MlltllUOMlV folklWinid- tilA 110 of t.lll Tocy itre sdaplctl to both wdulu and chll' I drvn with iHh( Nift'ty. W Kuurnutee ' Pt J ft h J- . ltn.v luvuumuiil In tli.-ur...if.l.-L- liu,i. I 1-rQCII Qlln SO t UIQCfO aciw, eoiutipatoii,dyioplaudldUou. ' x-'0' ' "IIU UUIl IllUUlOt ?s. lie: ard. a an Hniellir. ihar nxivdl unv , olhw prepssrattoa 7 17 ly L fillH.4TSlSII.KUW WnrJI.. ... ... that will beat the innwr Iioumi on!n..i m..ii 1.... .... '..,: Ut State reet at tue emwluc of . ..m., .-L -1 . !! - 1 .n....n ..nivia, glgJ. Ulr8, fNllOB wafers, iMv(aek, ehareiwl blwsults. t sure Cure tor l'Ue. IteUiinc ttbM r known by imature lUeneiplruUou,iultK luteal itohlnc toH warai. ThU form a ell as Ullnd Wllas hbu pnarudlnu. yWM 111 once to f)r. IWuiWo' tile Itemed)-, whl ch net dlreolly on the ru utleetisl, abrb lu. morn, alteyj IU)iilB aud erteets rnnan 4U eure. e cetiu DrawUl or mall; tretlm tree. Ur llonko,Ttuu, O. Bold uyhnuind: Hieluw ELDIJIDGE BLOCK l'rico.f JdeaUby thnurier-.... ,. ie. Mutton by the quarter 7e. lirk by the quarter. ....7c, lloMt StoSd. Koasw .. 1 JThe Latest Telegraphic News and the i Best Local Rej3orts4 1 Mill urwk. Ooou HlU.1' SUrr-uiui. T1io wiowtUke bkculu and otber fanov vtehlugisood help, ettbor boys or ' omekew at J. a. Wright's, glrtu, to wtirk for tholr bftanl whll atU-udlng uthiMl rati h Mipultml by Wwj! Wklus! !-Well driven; ealhugon l'mf. Van Scs.y at welU du. wvlU ro(iivl; on fair 1 4 t term- A Irr South SaUnt tf Kl Dissolution Notice. aerkhlP UeruvreXttlnraudd.dnir T OTU'K U hereby liven that the nrv-nart. ! aeohlp henHoASrenxUtlnraiidtl.iini Mtolaews under the nrui name or lkiUcoa A KnsMtMr M Ibis -Ui dUMlsl bv mutual Mllnl. L'ha. 11. Kuftlur lurlnr !. IkvdofhU iulere! 10 th undenltntd, ' wh wul continue the bUkinsM, and m3iiu theiwirouase or old hi d new cusiuiuen at the md sUMlon ute stivet tHAKPtLKUN . Brick and Tile for Sale MURPHY & DESART, Bucooni to I). Nash, have a ret e4b lUhed Ilrtck and Tile atetory la North Mlefu, near the flrurouds. and aro pro pared to taraWa ant-nsax brisk and ttle oa short aottev. SsbiWn of Ilrtck or Tile tent free to any ' poiui de.irrd, ou kbort notice. Orders can 1 oe lert wltb Jus, Fuhburn. IW hwie .invt, 1 where wunplM cam be sen AXyr I