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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1890)
The REST0BAT1YE PERFEOTjnSgjggj The only remedy known which will Stimulate the Nutritive Processes of the Human System. By this natural and r lmplc means It quickly ,nd permanent y Ct'RES All Forms of Dyspepsia, Constipation, Mental nnd Kervous Exhaustion, General Dcbllttv Brain Tag, or any exhausted or weak, encd condition oftho system, from what, ever cause, Slcln Kruptlons, BolIj,ltun. ntng Sores, Scrofula, nnd all Diseases of ho Blood, Stomach, Liver and Kidneys. $ 1 .00 ifttt Mil. TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES, 'irderer Kemmler Associated Press beport ami "SeyV t! 3CtrocUtPd. Ripest of all Important s!,rt9-" u W of To-l).n. XEnVE DISIUVEDl ACCIDENTS. Trying Sight to Witness, but the j Victim Does not Suffer. I thhmfic and iycuxb . ' ATMOXTKBAUCAXAIIA. -uo.ntukal, Cau., Aug. O.-A cy OF TOE MAYS DEATH. This SIX BOTTLcS FOR S5.00. Dr. niller's fl pago book, descriptive of Ilv. dra'tlno Itcstnramo and his othir Itimtdloi lent fruo by mail. IIUU HILLER DRUG CO.,San Francisco, Gal, rem suvui iir -old by Dnn'l J. Fry, 22-3 Com'I St. Manner ol' K-iei.?n Leaves Vast Itooui for Sci entific Speculation. Where Are the Young Men? From the lloston Tmvi4er.J. rho Ilcr.iltl asks this iiiorniiu : are the young men?' not at the summer re- eplles, "not at the shore, not at the mountains, not ' anywhere where the young Indies i would like to meet them for the mutual enjoyment of vacation life." The nusner to tills question is sim ple, and ought not to give the Her ald the trouble which It seems to give. The jniingmen aro all in the! city, working haul from morning MAItKfiTS BY TEIiROKAPII. BLACKSMITiaNG, Wvm and Carriage Making and Repairing HDMHflhnelrur .1 upeelalty. All work euar- iiiueeu. juii. nuiiSi, Corner of CntnmpirlalnmlUhcmeketnsta Silem, Or" i. "' f-'l ( ourt st. NEVVZEALANDil KM U.HI-I'tl sfenl. INSURANCE im pnn; ana i.v. Jin. nne, ' SiIpiii. Oregon YYM. WIOKEY, House Painter, Decorator, and Wall Tinter. Leave order nt John Hughes' store, Htato street. O. C. CHASE Artistic Paper Hanger and Wall Decorator. Good work, economy nnd samplo work shown before engaging. 3-1'ny based on work measured on thn wall. Leave orders at Sarceut's, .Meyers' or Keller's residence at Highland addition. Sur brick! burtoIbros, are prepared to furnish a first-class article of Brief: in town or country or anywhere on the lino of O & R K. Prices, reason able. Yu. ds en State street, oprosltn O. B. P. All orders left with Williams & Lng- land promptly nitendea to. AjjnwixIX.Y.1Aug. 0.-A bolt of electricity was discharged into the vitals of Win, Kemmler at the prison here this morning. He died, so far as any superficial evidences indicated, upon the instant that the switch lever was pushed In place t.) establish the cur- rent 'luougli his body. His eyes were rested partly open, the Invol untary optie nerves, it is believed, being instantly paralyzed or disinte grated. The heart was stunned unon a half beat mid no tetauis convul sion nuukixi tlv instant of dissolu tion. KeniiulwV u.Tve was something wonderful. He never faltered. He directed tin- adjustment of himself in the chaii and e tins led the war. den to moderation n secure perfect safety. The hhoek was given at G:43J a. in., and was contiiuud aboui eighteen second. Two minutes after the current was out ofl there was resphatioi), then a miou as pos- .-ibl the etinent a twinned, then cut oil" and again icp:i.itiuu was evident. After a f. w minutes saliva came firm the m-.tith, the chest heaved and there was wlueziug in the throat. The shock was again put in the prisoner, who, the doctor remarked, wusuuuoiULioiis from the moment of the first shock. In a short time smol.u appeared in the face. The llesh was burned. The spectacle was most trying. The man, the doctors said, suffered no pain, however. The warden says the voltage at the first shock was at 1S00 volts, which was run down to a point not named. After the third contact of four minutes the man was declared dead. The warden's ceitillcate of death was signed by all present. When the mask was taken ofl Kemmler s face, his eyes were fouud half open and his expression, while not normal nor placid, was horrible to see. v.uue oi unparalleled violence lu this locality swept over lake St. Louis and St. Lawrence in the vicinity of Montreal last even ing, doing great damage on land and water. At the moment the itorm burst there were eight com peting yachts a mile out on the lake and every yacht in the race was upset. It is tint known how many, if auy, are drowned. At var ious points the houses were un roofed, bams struck by lightning any many buildings swept com pletely away. FOREIGN. till night, lighting desiHmU-l. in " ""?. lIHtTUVNli. Vi h-itt- alter, $1 34Sl , FkHir ilttmWird, $8 TS. OutMr-grades, $8 50. Oats-AMttlc per bushel. Mlllstufpi-llra JlfilT; iti-, l, i;19 ground barley, SW; unc ftrvd, SM middling, . per ton. llny-SUpurton. llutter Oregon ftinoy dairy, 33c; fancy C7X; good to fair, aaj California Jlc. Knrs Oregon SO to 2i)c per dozen. Poultry-Old chickens, Oi5 SO; largo spring, $ (WjH oo. Potatoes Too to Jl per eJutnl. Cheese Oregon, 10 to 12X California ILBERT PATTERSON n ;i nnan woe I'ltKPAKlNQ FOR P0SSIHI1.1TIKS. VicroitiA, U. C, Aug. O.-At the request of several magnates of Nnn- almo four batteries of artillery have been sent to the scene of the Wel lington collieries strike, to assist the special police in maintaining order nnd for the protection of property. The strikers have bhown no open hostilities yul further than to parade and hoot at non-union men. CHOLI'llA ltAVAOUS I.V AHAUIA. Mecca, Arabia, Aug. (i. There were one hundred and thirty-live death from choleia ye-terday. KXai.ANI) AM) liintMAX COMltl.N- ISI1 AOAINST KItANCK London, Kng. August . The Paris correspondent of the News says it i 4 reported liiat King Leo pold has signed the treaty with Ger many, securing to Germany the forts of Meuse as a basis of opera ations in case of war with France. WASHINGTON. HIM. AOHKKO OKIOINAI. PACKAOI TO. Washinoton, D. C, Aug. It. The hoiibe agreed to the conference report on the original pankage bill. the struL'irle for exltii-tv. which grows fiercer every ila.. The American young man has no time for soft dallying by the -t.;i or uuder the shade of protecting boughs. If ho wishes to keep up with the times and not to allow his peers to get ahead of him in the race for success in life, ho must stay lu town in the hot as well as the cold season, while his sisters and other fellows' sisters are recupera ting at the the various rural resorts Too much sympathy Is wasted on the forlorn maidens who, during their summer outing, pine for the society of young men. They have many diversions to console them for the absence of youthful masculinity. They may revel in the dear delights of perfect rest, of the "absolutely-nothlng-to-do" condition for which tho weary worker often sighs (but which we should think, must get pretty mo notonous nfier a while), and in the pleasures of hammock-swinging, caramel-eating, novel-readlns; and gossip, the latter occupation Ixlug the uu-st delightful of all. "No, we cannot feel sorry for the amidon, who, amid all these enjoyments, allow themselves :. bo forlorn be cause there are no young men arounil them. tut we feel wr.y f-r the young men. They toil all da.v , and in the evening would rain seek the society of the 1 vely maiden. Hut (Here is no lovely maiden. Sh" has departed, bag and baggage, for other !es fer tile fields of conquest, (t Is ridii'ii lous to ask, ''Where are the young men ?" Here they are, in tho heart of dog days, pent up In offices, dlg lng and delving for bread. Alas! the maiden in her shrines, amid the festive grove or the wave-lashed rocks, may sigh for them. They can not heed the call. They arc sluves. Siiniu-s-UrtUieu c, -Itto r.xtro t 6ft dry gmsukitcHl, S; cube, crushed and Pow derett, e jer pound, llennit Small white, R; plnl, Sl'bayoa, ft ; buMer, JH; llmas, J8 90 per cental. lirled fruits Plummcr drliil, 10 to lie; undrled and factory plum, fi to (k. peiiche. .sundilod.'lOVfo; evaporated. l(l to I.e. Itlrtv-is'v lr iound. Hides-Dry hide. S to le; hs for cull; green over S5 pound, Je; under o5 1-ound, V; sheep poll, short wool, SO to 0e; iiHHlliun, CO to K-, long, W to Jl 25 lieiirllngs, 10 to av. Tallow-Oood to choice, to ic. W.xil liistcrn Oregon. IS lo lllo; vnlloy, 1(1 to ISo per pound. NnIN Iron. $S W hleol, J-l :.); wire, S so per keg, Hcef I.le, 3V4 lo8)c; dres-swl, Te. M iittou I.l c, .1i to aje; ilroed 7e. Hog l.lve.oc; dressed, n.'. Vonl 3 to 7e ikt tHiiuid Spring lambs Sieueh. SMOKK1) JIKATS AND I.Altl). Kustein ham, U4 to lSJc; breakfast ba. eon,12SlolSc;hld.lU5to lc; lard, V to 10',c jht pound. SAN K.1ANC1SCO. San KiiANriseo, Aug C Wheal Jl MX to 1 35 for standard shipping quality. llarloy-Kecd Si 1701 SS' p.r ecntn Old brew lug grade held at SI 30. Chopped feed. $21 lo 23 per Inn. Potatoes Kerly rose, 75o to $1; (laroo ehllc, 75o to$l per cental; Hurbanl;, SI to 1 -73 icr cental In boxes. Onions 51 73 to 'J 00 fir ixd. PHODl'CK KXCHANdi:. Wheat HuycrlW; closing, SI tli; buyer Koason, closing, SI Silo 1 f3. ltarley Huyer W; closing, SI at; bujer season closing, SI 63. ClIlCAtiO WI1KAT .MAIIKKT. Cincvno. Aug. 3. Wheat SI 00. CHU'AdO CATl'I.r. .MAIIKKT. ClIlcAOo, Aug 3. Cattle receipts, 10,000; licevew. Sl .") to I S3; stwrs, ." Ml lo I ; slooUeisnnd rcfderH,f2 '.Mlo.l 23;cwt, bulls niiduilMd,$l !i"to", 10;Toxns entile, $J 75 to 3 (.0. Hogs Itpcclptv, 17,300; mixed, S'l 75to 1N3 heavy, St imk.; s", light, 1 70 to ' l'"i Sheep rtreelpls.VmO;n-tlvi'M.l ni in :ai; Texas, SI IX) to 1 30; lambs 3 Kill 13 Mlst'M.ANICOl'.S MAltKins. NKW VoilK, Aug. 5. Collo-, Hlo tlrmer; fair cargoes. 30; No. 7, b.iiu, IS',c lo 1S Sugar Haw, held lughur, rellned gun ffSitonJv.oxIraU.SHto fi'a". yellow, fji lo n (ery am wassware Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Lime, Cement, Hair and Plaster, Oats, AV h oat, Bran and Shorts. All our Hoods arc First Class and our Prices aro Helow, Competition. If Von Huyo any Produce to Sell, or Waul Anything in our Lino. J'on can't Afford to deal us. Ilofore Consulting G. j W PATTERSON. m Mill MEADOW AND 'our life hm Salem k HIT MS. Capital of (bgon. Tint Problem S..l eil. An t'nrlvali tl Ulniid Purlller. Pound at last lu llllib.'inlM Hheumatlc Syrup. A remedy which expels all poison ous matter nnd taints of dlseasD man tho blood. A well known citizen of West Leb anon, Ind., testifies to Its value: Gentlemen: It nfliirdx mo pleasure lo state that my who hns received grrntly benefited from lllbbaril'sHlieumatluSvrun . . ... .. .. . . - . Sx ten gallon cans Of benzine OX-I man irom any incnnnc hip mhis O I m ,ii liibiin W'n Im -i n t mi ulr i1 f liva mill ploded in W. A. Mitchell's parmacy rind It to bo tho dent family rcmedp' and PARAGRAPHS. I 5ic; gmnulaled lrt. I Petroleum--lioe. I UlllcAiio, Aug, n.ltyi; quiet nl-liio. Ilarlcy Stonily, Whlsky-Sl Vi Shoulders S3. Short clear M I5US7S. Shoit ribs .." 1 lo 5 . lird--SJ s2'-4. ih,I ;i t.:e Cmiin .initnnnt ovnorfH ill ulteil dance said to the associated press completely destroyed correspondent that while the body was still warm in the chair no doubt there were signs of returning animation; that respiration (for res piration 'hey believed it to be) was growing stronger, and that in time if the current had not been turned on again he would have revived. Others, among them JJr. bpitzna, tated with equal positivencs-s of two men aud seriously injuring the conviction that the first shock killed ! third. Kemmler instantly. Drs. Daniels r ft quarrel at ltosiyn, wasn., nnd Kmithwick (tho father of the We have iho Exclusive Control Ot gvsten, of electrode) believed Kemm ler dead, but they think the current ! t t . n ...n .... ft.l.-..l fe..-ll.mBt t...t lj- l.a.t... at Denver .vestcrday, blowing out uselh lniVt'ruiy ali'iVuciaiinuiVeu: the eiltiro front of the building and j by lt louuder. You "juuot jetting it on tire. The building v. as 'kuank 'Wai.i ai i-., w est u-uupihi, in i. clei k was ' or H""- u-v ",nlm tV"""'Pr hullv Imriird nnd n enstoiiier stand ing by the door was blown into the inNN HllfiHF street. Several llrenien wer. prob. J J M ' IIUUIIL.O, ably fatally injured by a failing wall, j Dewier in Groceries, Paints, Oils A cloudburst in Mojave county, ami Window GlllSS, AVllIl Pil- Arizoua, Monday uight washed out per ami Honlcr, Artists' Ma- the railroad bridges near Yucca, tennis, Lime, Hair. Nails 1111(1 The east bound freight train was Sllillijlcs, Hay, Feed illltl Fcilt'C nrecinitated into the river killing' Posts. GlUSS Seeds, Etc. ' JAY C. SMITH, 'Succcuor to Galrei Flihtr) lJKCJlJRI13'rOK OK niR CLUB STABLE" Ono Thousand acre of i.h lluu land im there Is In tho northwo-t. divided Into ono hundred small meadow and fruit fauns. Tluse nuciti for tho I'M HST TIM K aro now plated on tho ninrkut, ranging In prlcea irom JC0 iiivniiu pi'i iii'if- mi" iiiiii I'imii, oainiiru on nine Willi liiteresi. No Better Opportunity for Investments In a small way has been oU'eroil to the nubile. Thousands of dollars will ho oxponded within tho nos.1 12 months In Improvements In tho Immediate vicinity of this land, whllo upon tho tract Itsolf, In thn way of roads, fencing, etc., a large amount of money will ho used. ll 1 L to 1 i JJ IU1J LV Hi to any nuo wishing to eo or invest. Call at the ollleo of JttU IB N G r L S tiunslent wppIj or ni:v .m KitTisi;vn:NTs ggiisfeaSg was indulged in and the negroes . ... i i I..011 nnntinlind lonL'LT tliev WOtlUl aVCIlge HIS than seveutecu seconds, which was death. The negro was taken to the official time of the first contact. Ellens-burg for -safe keeping and all Thero is no way In which positive j;. quiet now. determination of this question can A1I ,Iie UIllol, printers oil the lour be made. It will always remain daly 1(lt.,,.r8 i ij(,s Angeles, went i..,i Tho mitonsv begat) nt ,.,'., ., iri-.. ve.sterdav at noon. Uliauiti .- .. ---,- um. - tf nine o'clock. It was found when Tie ( r! the body was spread outon the table ti,0Ui...,. tlintn very severe ngoi-mui. .. (lUtl yesterday a negro stabbed a white RKKI'S 0PKHA HOl'SK. n. ill. n 1l(lt illll III mau. otrong huk " v " n nitin rninvntion and in. '1'iiuru wi-." -s -- it was with difficulty the corp-e was i..i,inpd out. On e.xainina- a i itiitt fcv.s"- tluti it was found tnnt me nt. ileniuniieii ou i-oum ) while iho propiielois le- rtduinoii tO 1U (Ulllh, Just Two Nights, Friday ic Saturday, Autr. S - Jl. sjiis'liil ei.?agpinenl ol Hie FAMOUS ELLIOTTS and the J) - JA.HS - 1 1 Deluding i Ladies 'J TIm nrli.-liinl Imneiliil Juimiiphi t'liiyn- Miilhi'iiiuiuTioiipcilliiel frnui Hip lllkii- nMiuii in. lid Anu don't ha to offer ttP'ltyii, ..,, ,.aj burned through the ts Ua otw Have, "- """- , . . Caotis, for Its ONE AND ONE HALF POUNDS, GILBERT & PATTERSON, SALEM, 0RJ. .-l.lf.h Hie union decided lo liecede do' P-Imbp Theater Tnklo P.ltlMlyt Wliien im iiiii" t.v. .1- onl.v.lHK,ni"lidy performHrln Amerl lo, Tumthor wllh; An unknown man wa-found end 25 Premier AftistS 25 m Oakland, fal., yesierou.v iii.-h. .. i. .. i.nllnt holt- ill lti head l Mill. i..lliw,liw In nnf ril Ihp mmt Sulrl. Kl'HOl'KAN and AMKHICAN "-' ... i. l.ici.if '"o ,..,,.,.. i CiiIpIii-piIps. ii one nt IIip mwt ft" skin and into tnenesiiai mi-..- iIo jlu,i u ss-culUire jjruin uuinig i'niqup. onrim.i mi iuiiu.hI proiui. Special nlleiitlou given to Mock. Horses boanled by day, mouth. Horses Bought and Sold. Cor. l.lborly and Kerry SIk, Salem, Oregon. WHAT ISA TUBUUR WELL? lie Sure lo iteail and (let no llfticr A KPiiuliHiTubiilnr well l leled by piitting dowiiii tluiH) Inch Iron plxi, wKli no oiwntngi, exe)it top and bottom. No dirt ouu gtit lu Mini only puro untpr oan be Kilt out. Thin Im UiHOioy hlud of well Dial Momiwnud lincrU eiuinul get lulu, Hull W aliwilulely mirfcM' waipr proof, hmiI that Is foroeil through thn iwmunt ktrutii to the puiti llvlnir wiiter. ll In Hillvely lb" only kind or well thai Isuorih building In IIiIh eoinitry Jnuie A. HobKrU, Holwin, (rmlilBiira near fair grouiKU) nuilow Hipmi Wells 'Ipiiii reiuMinuliln lliywiri. eperl .new. Ural-liii-ilJini-w SI nek iloltlers' Meeliiii;. rpll I. aniiiitil iiicrtliig i.f llFmiH'k Im'ili i ) lii the ix.lil Mfiiiiiluiu uml Dry i.ulili ( onaollilalml (inlil mid s,-r Allnliii: ' will to held Bl trie ollli ol thn jihi.iii . tnrtwleiii, Uiik'.li.mi Hie 1Mb iluv of yn Kttki, WW, nt In himrof 'i o'lock p. in., fur tlm purim'iifpleiingllvdlipiiir lortlm l!ourt St., Salem, Agents, lor Plats, Description and further particulars. AGENCY; OF THE I 8 SWAN FOUNTAIN 9 I RHKELflp&JHSll WBW imrux WhW . i.i...... u ir nearlV UVO . , ,. i i .i,i, ..., tilnuii. nmr iiiturvd In one iK-rfuriiiHUee. llie spine, i..".. "t," - - , revolver in un -- AdmlwKm to .ml 7S cenU. Smu on I umniimr. U. II. C VNNU.V. Pn- InclUS in diameter. i- " 1(;r en;pty. mlent Pnttou'H. hln'lIlt.ilAMMKI(,prftiry. 7:ll:l SALEM IRON 0. D. IICTTON, Prop. Casting of all kind niada to; order. MILL MACHINEKY, PLASIXG MILL0, con.vicis, MITTAL FHONTri, WHEEI, YVhU.t, and special castings 1Jfie,0nrdPS tern mndo In short order, hmoom nauieinovo i'"s- n . Snori urutr. pre luugs and other organs were tuken , out and found lu good healthy eon- population of Tin- est mated popuinwun .,,.. ...,.,iw l ... nnnl linn IIIIV L'OIl- .." .. . ..ll iiiiiiiiiiii.M Ulio iu b "'"- . WuslliUKtOll is 3.TO.O0U WHICH nuuum ... .Hmnilm .to,, , 0reKu dition. They win ou !"" .,, i ive i.or two reprewiilntlVL- In eon- l,rirthPiwiuynr.Mi.riiii. examination. The brain .it nor r w. v,uiiiurn. pumim i.inbnnoiit and it, too, will 1,"--". M13 illi- be carefully examined. Ilti hultUidliMilte ' fcii-. ai.t.r . .i . -....!.. lliu. Vfttilturin dHrtiiUiilit rbitfe nmlnwi Destructive lores nres ";"; .-.,, All... V.i,.H.,rn..lddBfub.nU l t. in Lewis county, Wash., anu tuucii ,m.,w,Ho(th kUiU- of onigoii, you nr fcD' " i timlw-r is tMjIuiE destroyed, hereby !"M".'!rA. !fi ."!.':?!" '!" ,??. vmiiauii. ni..--- - itiui in ri i i phkbii - ru niLai ! . na im i iisv pin 1 1) vrw VOKK'S FOOLISH LAW OIIUV x-c. YnniC Aug. C. The Mall i. .,,. In nonvetltioll HlioveenllUisli.ult.bytliel'tthdMyotO U yr.w loith, A"b ....,. The American partj tnootntuiioi , ihW ThtirtiH orthe im irukr nnd KxprOSs, uoiiiu'-i-"" Krnnelseo vesten av lioilll- icnn ol Mild wmrt. huij you mre reripw an" -j's ...inflv.lll hail rntuow J1" . ii..,, ifv.wi ful ll. uvmr mbtnm Repair any Machinery in Turning lathes onrtnw . l ,, , ' , duvs !. All and hop ioven built. ,,i"J,Ml oood prhe sale lor a '"',.. ,, the ebt on any Iron work nepded. j.jg.'im i part of tho , irotR Hi . onid for old iron. "' . It rvmimuroial street, l. ' Advor- . t... ll tlrlnllV Hcpr.and It-venlug Josiiu. "- j fiiilowlnir state tleKut: r.nlli1Wi. m.ui niuiiiiiil will mudy lo tJi ... ,i rliolaw this afternoon auu i " ii' lloiiteii- wwrl rr iltr. dl--4vlnKtbP nMrrtop; puulUlied only a brief announce mont of the execution of Kemmler. FlNl STACK Li KKV BARN. .! Kiirif t'liineket.' I1HI, I,. B. HL'PKMAN, Prop. PtnU'lMH U'k for all ix'",lmi. I'iihI llnoillMWrillnv HtippeUlly. UmivnyHiieis. for ooniinerctMl mn mul iHlwr on mnifl iotlcr. Q"litl WMtMiiiHlilw.M ....i ii follow im siaie ucnoi Governor. General Hidwell; lieuten ant governer, Micretarv of stat i.n- Aneelus: trousurer. Guy of fc'onomaj controller, m. You can save money by buying your Musical Jflerchandise DIAMOND'S Hou-.Hdrie Wort-'" iii'sixihd Iitoi'KiiTV-For fc- . ..... in ..r I. -. ,ii. - i, nc, side,,, ,..i.,,jr of Yole: attorney .. . .l.a'V. muv.. . of Cointnoreialsueet u.ow;: gwl( CIu4UIK.y ji. Dunn m Hontsoiieii TOiiii- i- -.Mtl- UttcrmiHJiito; surveyor geuurHi, " Dixon, of Kuril; hUiii-nti mntract now wxWIIhk 1iiwu you una i y ir(tr ol ihtp, iiutiU ni clumlwr. J. A. APPLWJATK. Attorney tut plrl. J.;, July ll. V llenlam In Morgan nnd fur . i ., , ,r Thl Kuminow l ublUliU bj l V. b. Lj'OU, Ot IH. t.'. IIoIm-, luiUr.tiuMtaiii r 7A hi. J. A. aiwj. Mli.rn DUGAN BROS., j, " , ,1.- . mP- l Clianioeniii NBWWKT.-.reiww wbtilnK ' J . ,' flWRci M-uM am -u MCL, jmmmTCk w1 Jrifni' yrfW)d( ?0JT 0S l 'iMg UAse. It tAiiuz't at OmtTh'i Hundred of tin si favorite IVusaie now In use In Marlon county alone. It Is nuo of tho very Lent Fountain Pen mauiifaeliiied. All Insurance ApvntH uwj this Ten The late Improvements render It still more attractive nnd more desirable. A full lino of MAIUK TODD & I) MtlVH (lolil 1'eiis are always In slock, also PHOTO AI.III'MH, Al'TO ALIIUMH, HOI1AP IIOOKH, SCHAPPKTIltFH, PintHKH, OA HI) CASKS, VJHITINfl CAItDH, WKDDINH BTATIONKHY. Remember tlie Place, tn o:7i?j.t?&i s "v J vmmamsmkWBB&mmtmiMBv'' Stat is Strisist, SATviSM, Ork, 4t WWliXOOH fumieliwl nxx Ham h. Dixon, ol ivrn;ijinii- ., n, ; tendontof ,b!h injtructlun, Jtajj- ",0 UmbBrS, at i Umberi, of Atn Knuiein-wj clerlv i i - .... fihw. Or HI"- " I.HVAI.. "; . W A ItMttV. .. anil V 10 ll " at tlie SUIimillB wH " -j. Hii, "ri--.- - New 'III if BEBS.J .--l ftllt iMUiiriit Lt MLf galas t Win- SwrKwat"- TJXMi WM ukttM frwn Jail yr0iy TTiMlr Heron! t lh' ' by dlisum. who haii8l IiIhi U, h in.trBBirnt' HW W."" .' ... ,lMl. ,l-i i.U UJy wltli i'oaDlH!frlerutDfr. .- -- -,. M Slid ConimurelMl Mi -lilir. U- Stoam and Plumber's Goods- ( liiurau IrmtktMk w a4 ftr t- tmmrr Htw. rr AUTH ; h u'n ' oliUn So, 1 . . j im. art' wl ewui iuimi Kill, CHI! IP MR A i o WEBSTER THE DEST INVESTMENT ("r tli Kanuiy, xur I'rf mioiuI Library TUX i urn lb.. Lmt i4 Mi: Bar tf, him, ' , UtM-t-vUmA Iltot.rm. mm., . .e.i, lUumI Hlf, tad Ul PfbaCtT M III IM dUU tlWwn It I wp'a.i 1'ilrr, J CO wr lloill. niOlllM III llll! IVlllouillLf Ill'IctW ! I ItUha i' (I 1.1. ii llal.m Xm. ' ,m '"" nl ,IM' "u',,,b " OWC ..ll"T, M.rtulUIHjrBfcl.W Ilh. i ...... ,.. ,. ,,,.,,,, ... ... ii m. fw In um KottM, mm la tb Jtwii.i'.w m.i.i- worn Iwl, U-s . ta Xm.k, CUMULI Hi 1 am Mdllni; ul. my mnrlutls on Sla(y and Court atreotH. in kpinrni, ' nder s.r wr 4 HI-- " Mj iXiWDlntrtoK A.H $ ll V Downing il AIM Plumbing& Fitting IOOOD'0,K' Mllll lIVttoll3W''w"-, "f Duwnlujjt" t- und otiwr 1 -,.,. ...,.. '"""" . ..j. vr.i i f oil k "" lM,T'-7 tnimw- .e.,,',v...lP A ,1JTaT- IkiwnlHK b wrt?j-r. mitim un w '- HM on is-2.J Wm abort ootto. Bir-?ra? Ito' isflw" $1 WILL BUY A LOT TO?- ui Kjwt"" ..n.kSArr. io,n-- ttmj Htro wi" guilt before he died. smur iKn0 Alatorre. tht) hw HihtMer from Mxl uatemlu, arrivwl in Sn From ywtrUy. Ha lellmJ UtUtlk aUwt Mnrkwu MaUuf. 8iMr Alatwre will Iwvh on U next tinm lor (Jnatainatn. Waxtk- Kwdnw, CoiumUwi, bimI oUr Mn vniUtUt f i4uiih at UmwniMwy. Bmhtm Cauaing Own- Jbwt ItWJfBVKM- Fine nwgtk ITS m SBUHKYflraKnTS B&fore Leaving Salsm. CMf9llMMl.lMTfWr MM WVM TKil TH.1.WW t YMnwn. fn TWkcNifBrinMKMn tmUmiimr w frf to OntnNr M. n.t,t 5i ft:; 14 W ft tMM . I ..t Kmr. Iambm im mm- . U:.Ctm ot Um Uwii, 1 u . tnm 11m ft(M, i -l uwt arf'tk M Imm I. .1UX I'm b' 4 fmtt d ill 4) pr I ulll. UaMvn unltli Anil. j i art ft Uoao-rlMaa, Ok. I. i.ivtM I'rWtrr in 0. ttf-tu. I'rff t4 SO m r - r, Imi Mnlli In t HHMHW.U. I'rlc r ll 4l. ' U .MH 0'i.lmnl . 1 - :lfpuilMStt, -. ' (UIO iwi, l-m jyt-lti k. .'.. I MMfMMn. 'tj M vr pr nmt. T U 4 HHj v4 iwrjvViw, l Ml i-r llai. 1 111 -. C.aiL HOAMT 11HISK- - (JOODKTF.AIC JIKF.Fhy th (jUAHTKH....... MI'TIO.V by lh QUAUTIIIt. .. POHKI.y thfijUAHTKIt jaw .-to S CuU (VnU 6li10V.Ui ft (.VlltH 7 CttHtu T CwllU E. C. CROSS. 'Wmrafis 'vmwceM5rmmA fviviiMAiiMi THEBSSTA Tl ij.u-1 . t. n i ulry.iiicvrK iyjj orly ef ry rag.- Jf - mr.lini-ntl . ut'i ill Iral Dlcllimnry. . New W r uinl(voct . wr , pmttratlon on ir.ii.y oihtr Taluibl pi salllo(rniri liU( etlevr Qf iti iti nf njinn Mlri 4SQKl1KaEr& "ULUI1II,U nt the Uiww.1 prutt. UoiimwKUI irtreol, lIlHH lt lOOfflMT nrlirt. A iMirnM Ht ur- antttxl. Itepalrlng and altmiilng done. 'Ilmeuly llrpt uJasM tailoring uh- mpi WurId,audallctloiiaryr l'lcltuii. THE WEBSTER OP TO-DAY l The Slindird Authority in th Carnmnt Printing Offlev, ! .. u U S. Supreme Court. Ii l rwHinmwnd. iyibaSUiSuprlnUadnit f School! la 39 Stilts, and by Ilia IohiIIdsCcN lge ITeiUonH r u. h. an.l Canada. DON'T BE DUPED by buying tlio i rtpp pliotolypa ruprlnls of an ob ViltUt " WcUUr ii'. w tieiax fol.wd upon tlio muktU Prom A to Z lhy r All llk, Ulog w-or rtproduetion fthd llcllonary or over 40 year ago. Announcement concerning tbm aa very mUleadlnu I for I ai lance, Iho up plement of 1oijo ao-i'allut Hnew worda" wm Min41d by acnttinan Mho lie been des.1 0Terlhlilyyr, ai.dwaa publUhed before hl death. Olluirllla.)dlltinararoprlaUofR irko nature. Ttwae twuk are ell cornpartlTly Taloeleef. The Utaat al Oenulno WitWci cf Webster's Unabridged Dictionary Uar on IU Ml pjm the imprint of a. it O. MUU1UAM A 00.,SorlnnfltId. Mmi. J 8ol4byall ItockierieH. flfiwtme4rmph!etfre. .1 A n T!OKrr?l,S$0.nO. ','!7?1 55mt- WITr- - ri nilMM IHT HA) (4., nt Ww. t?rKeBti!. U lfljuinui:ni hi tne m ly. alulttBH " "t T. BaBBOWS, jjg, meretolSU " .SCflW it n-nniimiirrwuiimrwimi i urraiar hiik3 irr