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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1890)
s THE OAPITAIj EY3SNIKG- JOUByAL. HIE CAPITAL JOURNAL. PUHl.IHHKUUAIL.Y,KXUKrT8U.NDAY, BT TUB Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorpornica.) KnUrcd nt the postofflcc nt Halem,Or.,H necotid-clnmi matter. H fourth pnge for term of sulwcrlp tlon. Advertisement to lnmire Inwrtlnn (for ho Mine day) Miould bo linuded In Uy 1 o'clock. , , , , . Uorrcupnndence containing new of in termit and Imnortnneo M desired from nil part of the ulate. o iilK-mioii will bo paid tonnonymotiK communication. lVrmitiiidcHiring the Capital JoimxAL nerved nt their home can iwvureltby poj ttt cord refiuet, or by word left nt thin office. ,, Mnedmcti numlier Mill free on oppllca- Office, corner Court nnd Liberty Street. BATUHDAY JANl'ARY 2S HI' KCf A I. A N N O UNCI'.M I'.NT. Telegraph Bertlco-SpecUl Hoom ltdltli M of 3000 Sow Af Miuigniiirlil. Tho public nre invited to hike no tlco thuton next Monday, Juii. 127th, tllO EVENINO JOURNAL Will )Ut Ml a press nnd special telegraph service, giving In complete mid condense1 form all the Important news of t lie day up to the hour of going to press. The Jlborul advertisers of the capi tal city have mulo iirrungeuienu with uh to send to (he E.iat an rxtn edition ofil0)3 copies of the Evkn ino Journal to Het forth tho pier lewi incrlU of the utnto of Oregon It general nnd tho city of Bnlcm li particular. Tho new inatiiigcment of tin Journal, with Increased force ti servo the public, will taku charge oi tho nbovo date. (JAI'ITAL JOURNAL l'UH. Co. A Gkiiman traveler consider Niagara KuIN "Dor HUbllmlty of vi t-ueas." Tiiu Albany Herald Iiiib moved into larger mid more commodlotiH quurtcra. TllK reglniiM of the big siio.wh have one consolation they tiro reasonably assured of big crops. Wi: nro pleased In receive tho Wlllamutto Vulley Tribune, Inde pendeiice, iih an exebnnge. A Tacoma in.ti) inn Hie cnntracl for boarding the city prisoners at Ifl cents u meal. Cheap enough If the hill of fare In all right. It Is wild tobacco smoko has ii daugeroiiH mid poisonous ollVct on nieatH. Ilenco don't hiiioUu In a meat market or kitchen. To Secretary of the Treasury Wludom nt Washingten: "(let a better grip on hllveroryou may lose your grip on tho people." To makun good Impression on visitors let every true frleiul of Baleui boo that tho yard, Btroet and alley about his place Ih uiadeaH neat iih a pin thin Bprlng. Ah nearly iih wo can ascertain the number of ciihch ofln grippe Ih rap Idly diminishing, ami wo hope soon tochroiitelo the entire nbionco ol HiIb friend to the doctors. A NUMIHIltof our exchanges are exercised over the actual population of the bad place. Those editors should be more concerned about get ting In the other direction. HMMMWMIMII John I. Sdi.i.ivan Iiiih a faculty for striking hard blows In a telling manner. The other day he wild: "I am getting tired of limiting HtereotyH'd expression.'1 A good hit It Ih the country's cry. In IiIh In luminal message to the legislature Gov. Abbott of N, J. wild (hat the beHtBeiitlment of the country In all st.ite demand' ballot reform and honest electloiiH. Tilt: Demoeratlo Tiiooiun News Ive thin rather dllllunlt udvUo to ItH party: It Ih time for men to re nounce their parllNaiiHhlp and rewert their qualltlcatloim for good citizen-Hhlp. An- exchnnge describes ft class Work and Walt, of men "who nppcnr to be ofi The world Isn't ns hnppy ns It those petty minds that nre quick to ' ubccI to be. Why? Simply because believe the worgt about nny man nudnrotoo narrow to credit men who (Hirer from them In opinion with pure motives of honesty of pu rooBc." there nre too many who try to iie the manners, customs, habits nnd foibles of the rich. Ju the elder days the young man who had tho Income of n ploughman, n clerk in u dry goods store, a lawyer's ap prentice or nnythlng of the klne contented himself by staying soci ally and financially In his place, lie wild of the rich man, "that per son has lived a great many years; he was once poor like I urn now, but he worked hard nnd saved hi money, put it into paying iuvi-sl-meiits, succeeded In life, and Is now enjoying Ills 'otlum cum dlgnitnte,1 his 'dolee far nlente,, nnd all that sort of thing. I will do likewise, and when I have succeeded I wll enjoy the things which he U enjoy iugnow," and lie did. In those those elder days girls learned how to cook and keep house, (unless their parents were ricli fools and they learned how to embroider and play the "harpslcord") and when they vycro married they were helpmeetB to the holiest and Industrious young men who married them and thus tliev lived within their ineome-i.Lux- uries were real luxuries and their children were real children, embryo men and women. Nowadays ex tensively, a young man with an in come of twelve or twenty dollars a week goes to. tho opera at nn ex-pen-o for tickets for himself and sweetheart of $:t or thereabouts, a lourth of his weekly salary or there abouts. He hires n c.irriagu for 2 t take them home, an expense of TliBitnls n strong movement In Canadian parliament for the aboli tion of the French official language In the Canadian northwest. It w HI he opposed only by French members. Destiny would have tho English language ns the official tongue of tho American contlncHt. In 300 years It has whipped out all the real. Tin: Dalles Times Mountaineer says: This portion of the northwest Is no lo.iger dependent upon the ale of stock nan means of support. Ourngrlcultural resources Irive been developed, ami we suflered more from tho partial failure of the wheat crops last season than from any cause for a number of years. Give tho people of Eastern Oregon good :reps, and they do not care about an ((.ruslonal snow storm during the winter. , I'lxil'Li: who have visited the Wil lamette valley, or resided hero tor a t me and returned to the East gen erally como to tho conclusion that .his valley Is far ahead of any othei place they found. A gentleman vvho has visited the valley, and now esides In the Eastern slates, writes that IT he could make Jila home out lero the Willamette valley would l.e lis choice. For scenery, variety, .llmiito and opportunity, no place equals It. Callfornl i may be a nice u..,)tii.r sixth of his salary, or thore- and the girl who-looksllken'mnn. "Every man knows how mean he is himseir, but Is not nbsolutely Burc about his neighbor;, hence his fond ness for gossip. JIBimiTNOJEs"." M. Ii. Taylor took the stage yes terday morning, for Salem. Jnmes X. Hmlth will visit the cap ital city. Grandpa Pratt is very sick, being quite old and feeOl, Ills recovery is doubtful. Mrs. Emma Terrell Is confined to her bed with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Slout arc confined to their room. The la grippe still rages. Samuel Kell died January lfltli, at the residence of M. L. Eskeu. Mrs. Fisher and daughter arrived home last Friday, from Itoseburg, where they have been visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. Fisher took yesterday morning's stage, for tfaleni, to visit Mrs. L. J. Vibbert, her daughter, who Is very sick. Hustler. The Best Residence Localities A oa:itxv5 liozn. itiitc, but taken the year round, Vestern Oregon is far ahead of her. -Ek. Tjib Ilolse City, Idahocorrespond c'lit says: These two years of mod Tato and fully Justifiable growth have caused an lullatlon of values, or rather u locking up of property, ilghly iniirioiiB to the town. It Is ilmply imp mslblo to buy desirable property at an advance of oO per cent, on tho prices of two years ago. N'lnetenlhsof the property owner leclliie to name any price for cen trally located real estate. In their illudiiess they are making haste to shut tho gates of tho town, and pre vent the growth they desire and ex pect. . Tin: Oohoco Ituviow says: It W uo longer safe to depend on the range feed for winter, and also that sto.k, especially sheep, must bo run in smaller bands to be profitable The past three or four seasons have been unusually dry, which has kept tho natural grass on tho range from growing to its ihu ii hlglit and from winter pasture, but It Is also true that tho liiinchgraHS Is being Killed out, so that It is uo longer safe to depend upon it for winter feed. Of courso wo m.iy expect an oeea Mo'.iiil mild winter when stock will thrive on the range without artifi cial feed. Jtut tho stockmen must (learn from past experiences that there will come winters when stock must be fed, unit must niaUe prepa rations therefor. AIIOI.ISII Till! HtlOAK TAHITI-. Ill the United Stales we consum ed in 18S0 2,077,8 13.8 III pounds of sugar. On this the refiners, at $1.10 per 100 pounds extra profit on ac count of the tarill'oii refined sugar, received WVlolVMKl over the profit of tho refiners In Kugland ot the same amoiiiil. At the preoont rate of consumption a writer In the New York Tribune says that In ten years tho government will collect as n sugar tax $3S0,!U)7,0!10. He further says that the consumers of sugar could buy the refineries and destroy them, p.iy all tho employes In the rvlluerloM full wages for ten years for doing nothing, pay the sugar plant ers a liberal bounty fur ten years, and then sae in ten years $4Ll,:t07, OlKlas compared with our present sugar tax. We trust the republican congress, now republican In IkjIIi branches, will see the necessity of removing tho sugar duty. Abolish this taritl', and outlet a law (onward a bounty for the cucountgomuul of the pro duction of sugar In this country. flint U a p.iss word of success in the r;- auoiits. He indulges in line clonics, sunnersnnd numerous other expen ses, which absorb more than ins salary.lie lives on Impound murneson wind. He apes the rich when he Is poor, he hankers after vanities winch do not belong to Jiim, and puis on aim if foituue gives one fa voring sinlle. Thoe who are even financially wor.-eofl than ho Is npe him its much as they can and thus tho pattern n-t by the rich man scorches the wings of all the little Initteillus that fiui terab nit such alight, and the pro portion of mortification, chagrin and failure grows abnormal; dftress, misery, poverty, come suicide grows apace, and all for going further than circumstances warrant. From thcc spring nihllUm, communism, anarchism and the like, and the world Is kept in a fititteraud in trep idation. Young man earn your money be foie you spend it, and then don't social all of it. ,-fcavo for a rainy day." Learn that fortunes are made by hard work and economy. Don't buy a town lot on credit anil expect it to make you rich. Don't be a clam. Crawl before you can walk, walk before you attempt to run. Don't be misled by jack-o-the-lautcrns of fashion. Think of the tuture, of ago and responsibility, and some day (lie world will be your oyster. Win. Vis-cher, hi Ta coma Globe. n..., ..' T i . .1 i future for the parly that brings It Tun Urogonlau Inclines to the1 . ' opinion that: "Wo have uo demo-' crude party In Oregon." W'g seem J " v. ulr we old. " to have a dcmoorallo governor and ilemoeratlo treasurer ust the sumo. And Dr. Lane U a democrat, Tiimn; Is a limn In Washington who makes n living by waking hs. ploup. If such a man could do thU work In the proer wa, he ought to come to Portland. He would find considerable work to do, ICveulug 'lYtccnitii. Now York Sun: People one finds one-elf lustluutlvely aveiding: Tho ih'Ooii who has conquered his vices, but wIium' virtue havo con quered him. i The K'ion who gives you what I you know to bo good advice, but j which you mv not nblu to follow. The person who Insists tqion i knowing w hat makes you look mi troubled. Out govciimii'iit mint tlo nioro to The Hrmi who continually ro- eneoumge the building of American mlmUyuu of tiling that it "delights Ktctumhlp lines. Tho Canada Pa- you to have A'tuKuu." utile rallio.ul I Uiekeil by (ho Kn The pi-ixiu la InsUls upon your cllh wttmmur Hum that ply In the cocprutcJng ynursf ukju rvllulon, The Catholic Cliurcli ami Diiurce. The Catholic Sentinel of Portland says: A lecent non-Cat hollo writer in the Forum lias the sagacity to see tho danger of divorce and re marriage made-easy policy ot our state legislation, and has tho dis cernment to peiceive that tho teach ing and pracllco of the Catholic church on this question is the only way out or the difficulty. The writer says: The idea that facilities for rcmar iiaj;o should be uttered by law to tluwe whoso connection has proved unfortunate by the fault of the other party. Is of modem origin. The world hr a long time did well enough without It, nod with far less trouble between husband and wife than now takes place. . . . Wherever the Ilomau Catholic religion prevails, divorce Is for the most part unknown, Ivcause It is condemned by the church. . . . The truth Is lh necessity for this adjunct to marriage has not been shown by the experience of tho.e who have been without it. inr 1 rtccc t!io ytcU Unown proprietor of I: . :a'.rl)a:r;, Kn. ClEUiiHt., San l"rna '. ", la . vreclteut t!io following letter to Clio L.hrla V. Joy Co. " My family Have w-?a tnttnj Joy' Vegctablt rarrararllla now for month! vl:h tplendW results. Our ex licrtcuro has becu that after taitns It rcpilarly for a short tlir.o and gcttlus the system I'.artcJ rlht, au occasional doso thereafter leeps tho sys tem la rcrfect conilltlon. A pc!ttl!arity of your cgetable cojpouml Is, that It docsuot lose It s effect, hut rcemi to accomplish the samo rcsu'.M continually. Ai a liver nnd bowel rcyslator anil rorrcrtlvc It Is tcrfectIou. WowouM uoilravrlthoutlt. la fart I have Jwt bought a dozen lottlcs to pet tho re duced iirli'C." A. Jf. I'.otro of C2J Jonci street, 3. r., ol3o r rites that It liat liccn his habit for yean t ju'" alola i ho nun i"-,'" vlth n head irhc nnd ci c-:' nuKtcd fci ' ':';'.' ko tho ilr.t !'.;' I.i'I J".n.l si-Lviija. , , .. ,. nnrnnrniinna ivlio m tho dir or rortinnd ieiiCffffnBiiiiy !'5Sv ''" iiavc (he dispasitioi I I 'l ll Pete Klyriii-m, a Norwegian, shot himself fatally with -lirldal Intent at Sieratncnto. The Itcsi in tli- Cmuilry. Dr. E. S. Helden: The Ethereal Cough rivrnp cannot be excelled in i ho market for the cure of coughs, colds and bronchial allections. W. M. HO(i(JS, Nappa. Large si.e ?1.00, small W cents. For sale by all Druggists. Many Pendleton merchants nre s'lort of goods, owing to stoppage of tratle on the railroads. King Dutra, n young Portuguese boy, 10 years old wnsaccidently shot dead at an In II in ranch. The Pulpit anil the Stage. Rev. F. M.Shrout, Pastor United liretlieiu Chinch, JHue Mound, Kan., says: "I feel il my duty to tell w hut wonders Dr. King's New Dis covery has done for me. My Lungs weiu "badly dl-eased. and my parsih ioucro th'oiiL'ht 1 could live only a few weeks. I took live bottels of Dr. King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining 20 Iks. in weight." Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes, "After a thorough dial and con vincing evidci ee, I am confident Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, heals 'em all, and cures when everything else fails. The greatest kindness I can do my many thousand frit-mis Is to urge them to try it." Free trial bot les at Daniel J. Fry's Drug Stoic. Hegulur sizes Ode. and 1 00. The Paget Sound Shore road ha-, been transferred to the Northern Pacific. The pi ice is $1,000,000. The reported leaking ship Her moiuc, about which much anxiety has been had, has been spoken near the Horn and Is safe. liurklcu's Arnica Salve. The best salo in tho world for cuts, brules, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter chapped hands, chilblains, i-orus and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or uo pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2r cents tier box. For sale bv Daniel .1. l-rv, druggist. HIGHLAiM ITION -IS OWNED BY- TH T U III LAND ifM 1 aid rn y Anil (his Corporation is determined to .1 X u 4-4- active Addition land uddltiouB nnd nround Highland Park TKCK FINEST DRIVE IN THE STATE THE MOST POPULAR RESORT ABOUT THE CITY OF SALEM. Lois in Highland Alton are Iligli and Dry and Well Located; Most Excellent Drainage The soil is black and rich. From all points a fine view Jjj mountain peaks Arrangements are a ready betng f """rYlt cU? will l" pVrfiUt tl. I?e3ideuc4 lota a nuinberof residences are soon to be built. Buildiiws onlj ot ll ViSnnn a Wa nn Vi 1 von better lots in Hich within the limits of the city of Salem are worth on an average ovet & 000. e tn " V," ."thev are pxnctl-land-addition for one-third of the money, and being direct y on the hie of the s t eet n I tj tey nre pracu callynot half so far from the public buildings and the business part of the tow u ns the nuyoritj oi tneHo called ''inside lots." Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars, And let some other fellow pay $1000 for nn inferior lot not so well located. With the difTerence of $700 you can build a beautiful cottage, or put it out at a rate of interest that will buy you nearly two thousand street car tickets every year. ' FOlt SALK. FOlt HALE OllTUADK fur city pro pprv la Mile..., tiny nrrcR of land sultabl.1 lorgrupe culture, eight ir Hen south oi .-a-lein. Also two hundred acres lct pinch, 'nnd for K-ile nine miles Kiuth of Snlcm, dirt cheap. O. O. Olen. SI8 Chcineketu btreet, halcm. hoauoim;. PHI VA TE 1I0AU1)IN(!.-A lew ladles or gentlemen can obtain, . reavinui-Iu rates, kikxI hoard with nlcfly Airni.slicd rooms In the Illicit part ot tho city, rijjlit by the street car, by calllintut 'Mi Winter street, corner of i enter street. socnn'v NOT1CKS. KNiailTSOKl'YTllIAS.-Hegiiluiiiieet Inc on Tuesday night of each week at 1:'M p. in. .1. O'DONALDiC. C. V. II. 11. WATEItS. K. of lt.and S. OLIVK LODGE No. IS, I, O. O. K, meets In Odd KellnwH' Hull upstairs. Cornei fommercliil and Kerry streets, every Sat urday at 7:. p. m. J. L. .MiTcithia., I. A. Maknino, Seeretar3'. N. G. ( A. H. xSedgwlck Post, No. 10, Depart " ment of Uregon, iiiccIh every .Mom!u evening at the hall over the Oregon Ijind eoiiipaiiy'n ollkv. Vloltlng comrades ar coidlally Invited to attend. I). o.Siiekman, Post C'ommader. H. A. Handle, Adjutn it. I'KOFKSIONAI. CAltI)sT J. t. (iiinoa. 4 1TOK.NBY.S AT LAW, -fV y.ilem, Oregon. Oftlco Hist door to the left at head of Htalrsjn the i ear of Uirtd a Hush's bank. rniL.MON FUItl), attorney nt law, Salem 1 Oregon, oitlco up-stalrs In llatonV block. A. CAHSON, CouuscUor and nttorufy at law. .Member of the Har of Onturlo, Canada. m State street, Salem, Oregon. TOHN plIYSICIAN.-MU.s.DH. M. E. McCOY 1 ImVHlclnu anil unrirp.,t, imo i.,...... nnd tiikeii rooms over snuln Purr..'. store. Chronic diseases a snee inultiitlon n-ee. lMUlw V ' .W''AMS. KTNOGHAPIIEH II. nnd lyivewrlter Copyist. Wlllmake re,H.rt of trials, etc.; copying on Ivi" Adminisiralor's Sale. ATOTlt'E 1 IIKREIIY GIVEN that by xN virtue of an ordei of the honorable County Con it or the siato oi Oiegon, for thecounty of Marlon, duly made and en tcrcdon the 13th ilny of Jiinmiry, 1SU0, the undersigned adinlnistrnloi uf the estate of Peter sch irbick, late of said lounty de ceased, will ut tliu wi do r of the court house, m Nileni, in s.ild cniinty, on i'ues d.iy the 1th day of .Maich, lh!W. at 1 o'clock p. m ,of s.nd day, sell to tho highest bid derfor cash in hand, the ical estate be longing to said decedent and described as follows, to-wlt: A leitaln Iructuf lat.dsltu alu Inthc county of .Marion, in I lie slate of Oiegon, and known nnd designated on the surveys and pints of the United Slates, as ine norm nan oi me lanii claim mi. -:iin township live south of raiigo one west ot the Willamette meiidlan, said laud contulnliigflVi.'jTncres nioreor 10s, being iiutllletitlun No. b"5, nnd entered under the donation net of Julin JleKay, save and e.eept, however, thlrt-seen acres, mme or less in the est end of said half part of said claim No. 41, heietoforo deeded to Frederick Lent licrmau, in .May, 1870, and described as tollous, to-wlt: Hi ginning at the northwest turner of mild claim No. -I), and running thence south on said west llnclheicot '.U3I chilns to the said sou h line of said north hall part; thence tnst on Mid south llnelT.M cliiin; tlience north -U5I chains to thcnnnli linenf siiiil ol.ilm No. 4- thence west 17,68 chains to the pl.iee of beginning. ANo save and except that i met boundid bj beghnlng on the north line of said culm No. II, 17.NS chains east of the uoithwest coiner running thento south 'JOaicliHins totliesouta Hue of suld north half part, iheuce casl on said -outh lino 17 ebnins ilienci' north L1W1 chains to tkenorih line of said claim No. IS, v ence wist 17 chains to Hie place of begin lug. and coniaming m acies, mine or les,, which last mentioned tract was conveyed oy the said deceased and his wile. Ann New Fish Market. Allen Hlindcs lmiestnbllshed n new Klsh Market on Rtntesti eet, and ho keeps a good supply of fish, poultry und game. tiive ii i in a cuii iiiiq your oraer win oo piomptly attended to. 8-l!8-lm ANi: OF THE LARGEST ESTABLISU Uments In the State. Lower rates thnn Portland. Largest btock Legal Wanks In the state, a d biggest discount. Send foj price list of Job printing, and ratalozuo ol legal blanks. K. M. WAITK, sjten Printer Salem Oreeon. 1S90. Harper's Young. People, AX ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. ........ .ivu.uu.ti-K, iu tituzei Kiiuut, by deedbea nag date theoth day of Februinv. Iwl.nnd iteorded March 11 h, lssi, on p.i"e m. in oi. s:. ot ino HecnriN 111 llpmu if liar on cuiint , Oregon. Administrator of the esulte of Peter Seiiar back, deceased. gneery laity. Consultation jy,. wrlteruminitely nnd neat y done. Oil ce over A. T Yeaton's furniture sioVeVv !, The Great Northern rallroait will Ik'l'Iii woim in the snrlnir unun their ' .... ftl'Mr A 1- Vi...,....., r. ..-.. . ...w ,,.,, L'rt.nt tr.iiiMhintiiifiilitl lino at n, ' mVA-Ai.t. ..'.".:. "lf""re store, Com- "1" " ......,.,w.l , an. I t This Is .lini Sheriff's Sale. VOTICE is hereby given that by virtue V"; u Biaiu ui ureuon lor i ho ar"" v' D .VKr,"'": i' ,ll M, otklm. an, a, u isiKj.ann to me d reeled mim tof'tMr1 '" ,Uo Jiw'" r v or" 'ir'" l"'w"ltli A'urlou coun. i, state of Oregon, and a ceitllied tnnl T' i" Sffh ?1 Jil"-. AN fund I .I.Vke iu ., , :, '" I,,e lcrK or the ciieuu lofthestateofO.eiuil.lor In mo !" eaiiM, .Honiaua, au.i pii.-u me line pUAULhS u. CUHTIS. m n sor...T, for the count. This Is Jim 11111'h1 V.un,.,.Uoi"n,'''-,ptiMeiun. otiuij roa con TI Kelt than vice. The whole these machines. Tlie Eleventh Volume of Har pi:r's Young People, which be gins with the Number for Novem ber o, 1SS9 jiresenta an attractive pro trranmie. It will oflfer to its renders at least four serials of the usnal length, and others iu two or three nans, namely, "The Bed Mustang," by William O. Steddard: "Phil and the llaby," by Lucy C. Lilxie; ''PiineeTommy,by John Russell C'okykll; and "Mother's Wnv," bv Margaret E. Kanqster; two short burluls by Hjalmar Hjorth uoyjskn. Two series 'of Fuiry Tales will attract tho attention of lovers of the wonder-world, namely, the quaint tales told by Howard Pyle, and so admirably illustrated by Win, nnd another series in n difler eut vein by Frank M. Bicknkll. 1 here willbe short stories by V. D. Howells, Thomas Nelson Paoe, MARY E. Wh.KIV -Knm Puimvi ir .;: i -""" -..v. "aiillll.T ' ...V Btlllt; 111 tllf.11,1 I ll .-I . -- , .-'I IllUUtJUUIt Xl.Vltltlirr 'IH-CPtnyn ... ....1111,11 un itio LVtli iluv of m..i,,i, ... i ; .""nun oi-ur vviiu, ',mu, n'mu'' ' t ".'i Iavid Ki:r, Hezekiah Dutter- . fe fe 'm'f.' &" ud rah JVOIlTir, SOPHIE SwETT. RlCIIARD .. i.t'Y." "" " U( 0 ) 111 tif It1 A t I PAt Tr.....n . . niiii mi', iiii i iinri w.1 t-bf inntii . i 1 1 1 1 i ii i ni-.. r t i. . -" iu i ''iiiiiiiiji wiiiv mn (I, ami ll he tho most u-Clve' ...!, met tor of the Northern l'ae He. r."'., ."':"" ,1,. " n nom s 'tiucr.iN5s,un.iuistsai..i .n" i. '. .. " ' ,".."' ""l"-". "'sie of the nstuin .m.i H'-MHIat Siu.iinml,.7, h .'""' "l, I ho Hartford lwt iys Its type- '",",,",M"MH'-'inliy. FinWny ' 'l)o aether wuhncr,"-1 A M.lnPinfinn --. on i ""-."' mo prowrtv ui-v ii t.-f":'iiv :; -i--"" iiiB maeiiine noes more work .J"-;; "I'UJNiniii . lVnnu hiVttii.r'i ,'',."'! i ,,.OLAO 'I'w: .. 1 II III Y I'V I KU UIII11IIII1 Mill .li . .i . . .v I- II lift I Hi riii...u f lour men ami uives uetier ser- "" i ia)ier is Ht hy Cuorli. The tronHlttou from long, linger Inaiul aiui'ul sU-kiK'.-vH to rooust lit till ti uiarl.s tin eiHieh in the lifeot the individual. Such a rctiiarkuhlc IhlMi'io un'. urd.y'f.r, lTr of Keiirunrt. iu.i ... ?i...u'' "v ""l day PIIYHICIAX ANU SUIWBW. rif iJiiitM nfinrttii tn ii . . 4i a. m - . . w iih. ii hi .... . i. . . . s iT in . iu., oioo ;ana 7 OthCtV (lllrt utrAl nAv. .1 i?, ....i... ..i r ... :.".v "": irtxi ........, miiurure, mi ctieiiie! Atlantic and l'uclllo, A Victoria telegram Kiyn: The l'arthla wilKtl thU mornliiir with 217 ton. t I'reltilit, iirlticliully cotton uiul tlottr, for O'tilua HUtl Jaun. Mouiau miIUiikv, or 'Ih .MiiriiaKC a Hdlurelr" The Hirun who alwMyri iU you what aoiuvlKHly Im) hat bwn buying tiboutou. Tlu Worlil'H WImIuui. From the Atchison C5leU: The way tor,ol rich with a rush N to go slow. Your friends minlfh you more than your enemies. When you look at some people the llrxt tldug you think of is a club. Many a man who know a dollar by sight iltxM tint know Its nluc. Don't try to drown your troubles In n cup; troubles nro grout sw liners. It is so ouy for a man to my that ; tho HHiplc dislike him Uk-oiii of, envy. Too lltwt time tt limn Is willed baldy the thoiiKht ofa tljjht wiuiwt iiihi ins ntHiti. i uiunevs. i.iver aim moiiimcIi. or iUL-oUMtiUut...;;rtf...7 '.'"'T. " It Uttiftf towiy tliKt no girl over hum ornhort sUiinllng.vou will sun- Mituieui ihereor. wuiunatbej went to a ,y wl.l.., ..' RKA XaJ bomelhliiK that wm iMrmwwI. 1ailM j, Kl v., Drujrttoro. I J, J, mummiy, AdmrtAity i Tlitm) U it ctmrti utrimk Ih overy j imw l man that llvt; it U lurtitnl to crop . t'riiiii,. nu to .sV '":, ." ' ' -v U Uay uf vme, -" st , f I,, if .V Pn.Sr?y "tt,1!;:" !!! UctH. ,V "..'" '.' or the nor mV.v.0 "" " ai tiuaiounxhiii w - ,wtuv - I WlllaniMtS.nir." I,?'.ri't..i the to Harper's secures a juvenllo a ll-zuflll L'11Mlihwln.i also plenty of amusement. Boston iiiveniser. TERMS: Postage Prepaid. ?2 00 Per ear. Vol, XI. begins November 5, 1889. 1. 1... i..i. ....... ... .. i .....i .. ... " '" in Mm- event s tivaMiret Iu the meiuorvi fiu nl.Mi .i'. . FU' ., und tho agency whe.eby the Phh' xtoticr u hwir LiwnuV - -. ' ' '" U V''.t 'r'T ru,l ' ) ,. f ' eoin,en Copy sent ou receipt of health haXvu nltidncif IsgrateKilly I N wlrn tKIf tnJ ttS 2 ; " V,w?W.Ut,,n,i. f"1 " v!'111!'' hles-ed. Ili-iuv it Is that . miieli U Srtf.,'il?Jli,1,Vi.!u A' WK I muuV!!; "' C L' Si S ?' eicl. ' UMUE'. Five Cents hcartl In praise of KKctrlc Ul.ters. o??SeMuK,f7r,nh1'?.!"" 'XU-V,.! .ti many kvl llici owe their reslo -."rwin.ror the tuiiiMiriiriuu: and ,t!l .. """ 'ni,ri we,i .r '.. V, V.'u , l; . . ,. huouki De made by atl.ui to hMlili, to the ino of the iio.vii.vv. Ja.nuauy , 4. "l ftteft " ra -"" Order or Draft, to lllvut Aherallve and Tonic. Ifyou t the lOocloek a. ,., In iUeownir,, '' Ureii."".' Jau"' ImSSl I M'1 c!,u,lce " !. ,nro troubled with any IIs.i.m of, r.V.S'! "l.!a."',.,"- " n nOTl . .. bwuruf suir; ?':. .V1'!?an. I "."P'lpersare not to conv this ll a. . . . a' ."111 k Ik4 II1D I I II 11 I1J1 lllu .. . . I 1.1 711 II vu uruil IV I i... ... Illll'libfi ..... ' nifc tf"'iiuii. " ii iiiHiiiiMir u- iNew Exp llllAIlt I.,. . ..Ani. nnl rn ..." "V1""1' w, omiiun, I :' ."' "-"yiat tV BROTHERS. .....,.o-i, iixiti-i. w a- Mirrrrti. rnrsr. A ""u' KW VOUK. coa wagon. - Aii ix)utrlo IK'troit millionaire' Delinquent Tax Notice. ii'i.T.... i 1'cimmirmt 'i.v x-n4, ro' xToricKhhw.t.v ri...s... 77 i "aijMAJI linTfniii. I " A,,-v 1,ul out if you know him loo woll. got lmon..n,tiHit with a woman, ! v nT,,.h;'Tj're fc'VEuVtS , aui i -M liedei.nS? !lYi.oiyE.J The two u4i thing on uirth one of hi tenants, .ml .she slapM I M fL&&fJSZ2gL VA " ; tSSR & Z' w uu wuo lotus like n utrl I bit mouth w lll( a dihcluth. iptriy. by EX .THAT o city of now in my -ttOt). All IUrknnd nm hp)-H touiXvAnSr . S.?w ij' unaJTS SS "51 "...' i .iSii pfo- . . ...vr - ' on kUtrti """" several uiuount by law. l"f rnl and Tx Uolleotor viwtZ - - Jfc. '5Bww V, -vt. tfkliJ