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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1890)
SUBSCRIBE 3 ' i J ADVER riSE,. THE-CAptAL JOURNAL, THE CAPITAL JOURNAL TIH- JJEST PAPER IN SALEM. IT Willi IIK A GOOD INVESTMENT. 49-You will bo well pluwd with It.-S SThc Terms nro Most IlennonnbloTt VOL. 2. SAJDETVI. OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUAHY 24, 1800. NO. 2S0. CAPITAL JOURNAL la t is the SALEM? AST B 11 -o- One would thiuk to road the advertisements of some of the merchants' that this is a. very poor place to do business in. They are continually BELLING OUT AT COST. How do the keep up? Are they supported by charity, or are they and their advertisements frauds? Hear the Salem is a prosperous and growing city, and all its merchants are doing well and making money, and any right-minded man knows that wnen a a merchant advertises to sell "at cest," that it is always at what it "costs the buyer." Men do not go into business for fun or for their health, but to make money. m le CajM Adventure Company never advertise to sell off at costyet we are constantly 20 to 30 per cent, lower than any other house in Salem. Why? Because we buy from first hands and for cash, aud get our goods cheaper. Now during the months of January ar.d February only we propose to reduce our prices on all good and show the people of Salem and the surrounding country how we can SELL GOODS and not "Sell at Cost" Either, but actually make money at follews: -O- Kerr's or Brook's spool cotton, white and black, per spool 2i cts All- kinds, 100 yds, silk, perspool 5 cts Carpet tacks 2c pe rpackage A large line ladies', Misses and Childrens' gloves 10 cts A large Hue of corsets worth $1.25 reduced to 60 cts Good lead pencils, per doz. 10 cts A good Scrubbing Brush- 10 cts Good Steel and Silver Thimbles, each 1 ct All kinds needles, per pa.. 3 cts All kinds ot Silk Button Hole Twist, each 1 ct All kinds of Dress Buttons, some that are actually worth $1.00 per doz; per do.en 5 cts All colors Zephers, single, per oz 3 cts Good Spring Clothes Pin per doz ...- 8 cts Good Luuch Basket.small. 10 cts Good Pick Handles 10 cts Good Axe Handles 10 cts Nice China Matting, good. 12 cts 7 Pes. Pepper and Salt goods, worth 40 eta. per yd 20 cts Good Ladies' Morocco Purses 25 cts -O- Come Early and OF THESE BARGAINS ! B-They are offered for only sixty days, and stock will not be re plenished until the first of March. Alt goods iu the store will bo sold at a corresponding reduction. -o- CAPITOL ADffilM COMPANY Opera House Corner, SALEM Matter Witli DROPPED T Truth ! the low prices given. Read what All colors Worsted Braid, former price 10 cts Toilet soaps worth 25c to 50c, per box Ladies' Arctics Children s Arctics Children's .Rubbers Cabot A muslin, 13 yds for? Cabot W muslin, 14 yds for Fruit of loom muslin 11 yds Lonsdale muslin 11 yds Boss of Road overalls, It. S., per pair - Boss of Road overalls, X,Y, per pair We offer a line of worsted goods, all styles and colors, former price, 15 to 25c, 12 yds$ We otter a lurgo line of rib bons, all colors and widths, from No. 2 to No. 16u per yd Good currycombs Good horse brushes A large line of men and bov's wool hats Assorted styles and widths of laces, per yd A largo Hue of girl's wool hoods, each Eleven dozen pairs men's aud boys' wool mittens, per pair- - Sets 10 cts GO cts 35 cts 20 cts 100 100 100 100 60 cts GO cts 100 5 cts 10 cts 25 cts 25 cts 2 cts 25 cts 10 cts Get Your Pick - OREGON, LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. DENVKK GIIIL, MUUIIRKEI).' Sbot Iu the Street lly a Cook WIiokc Ht- tentlona She ftepulsed. Denvkr, Jan. 23. For over a year aud a half .Bob Scott, a cook lu a Campa street restaurant, has been persecuting Nellie Ryan, a beauti ful waitress of 18 years, with his ai tcntious. Two days ago, Scott In sulted the girl. She reported him to the proprietor, who discharged him. Scott hwore he would be re venged, and as the &irl aud her sis ter were going to the restaurant this morning to begin the days work, Scott suddenly stepped from a doorway on the corner of a street and fired. A corset stave caused tho ball to glance, when she started to run. The murderer pursued her and fired two balls into her back, one passing through the heart, causing instant death. A crowd surrounded the man, who stood them off with his revolver and made his escape. The entire police force and a posse ot citizens are searching for him, aud if captured by the latter he will probably never Hye to stand trial. THE W. C. T. V. Address to tho I'aii-Ainerlcun Congress By Its Fresldeut. Chicago, Jan. 23. The National W. C. T. U., in an address issued to day over the signature of President Frances "E. Willard, and addressed to the South American, Central American and Mexican commission ers ot the Fan-American congress, states that the ladies read with sur prise that during the banqueting to which the nation's guests were sub jected intoxicat'ng liquors were served on every occasion and indulg ed iu by the Pan-American delegates. The W. C. T. TJ. expioss regret at this fact, and assures the Southern delegates that no better end can be subserved by them while in this country than to study the vast bene fits of the prohibitory law as prac ticed in eight states of the Union. KUNNING THIS HLOCKADK, Impatient Passengers Escnpo on Snow Shoes. San Francisco, Jan. 23. A number of passengers who were snow bound at Emigrant Gap, on the Central Pacific, have arrived here, having left the train and come by the snowshoe route. Peter French, of Luke county, Or., was among tho first who came through, and he reports haying had a stormy trip. Ho says that J. J. Jennings, a New Yori journalist, who came to meet Nellie Bly, gave out and wanted to lie down iu the suow. They hud to drag him along, aud constantly aroused him to do his best. Jennings, they said, was very plucky, but physically unable to cope with the snow aud cold. Not withstanding the hard experiences of the travelers, they did their best to kill time. They inaugurated the publication of a paper called The Dully Snow. Four numbers of it were issued up to tho time tho snow shocrs left. The Case of Senator Urlco. The New York World makes the assertion that the United States senatorship "has just been disposed of In Ohio, which cost tho purchaser at least $500,000." The World is one of the leading democratic papers of the nation, too. Although the legislature of the state of Ohio has elected Calvlu S. Bfice to the United States senate, it is regarded by some as questionable whether or not he will be permitted to take his seat. The constitution of the United States declares that u senator shall be an Inhabitant of the state from which he may be elected, and it is an opou question as to whether Mr. Brlce is an inhabitant of the state ot Ohio or the state oi Now York. The facts ot the case as given are that Mr. Brlce was born, reared and educated in the stale of Ohio. Up to a Bhort time previous to the year 1884 he lived lu Ohio and his busi ness Interests were identified with the affairs of that state. But he then removed to New York and sometime afterward made an affida vit that, at the time of making the uflldavlt, he was a resident of New York City and a house owner there. He maintained a costly home in New York where, until u few weeks ago, his family resided. He was admitted to various societies and clubs lu that city, among others the Ohio Society. But he held his house In Lima, Ohio, and in 1888 he took the Ohio democratic delegulion to the St. Louis convention to that city and was chosen a member of tho national committee from Ohio. The democratic papers that defetid Brlce claims that he was only a "few-holder" in New York. CONDENSED TELKGRAJ1S. Reno, Ncvnda, has 12 foot snow. More snow California. to the South, and Seattle and Tacniaare with burglars. Chinese are entering the overrun United States via Cuba. The deadlock In the Iowa house remains unbroken. Adam Forepaugh, the great Amer ican showman, Is dead. More snow in Eastern Oregon threatens another block. Ex-Senator Riddleberger of Vir ginia, is on liis death bed. The North Pacific is open its en tire length and trains on time. The jury in tho Pellis case at Portland found murder in the first degree. Elijah Myers, a G. A. R. man at Pendleton, died iu the blockade at Baker City. The Secretary of the Navy advo cates a Hue of buttle ships to cost $5,000,000. The republicans have dropped the claims of Goff to tho governorship of West Virginia. Heavy snow at Portland crushed in the roof of the Union carriage factory the 23rd. A drunken man at IColville, Wn., shot and killed a colored waiter with a ritle, the 22nd. The crew of the steamship Eriu, from Liverpool, is thought to be lost with all on board. The historic First parish church of Boston, Cougreg.itioual Uhitn nan, has been burned. Tho secretary of war says there is no necessity f,or troops at the Klam ath Indian reservation. The senate has agreed to the reso lution appropriating $500,000 for im provements on the Columbia. A democratic member from Ohio has introduced a bill iu congress to admit copper, lead and uickle ore "free of duty. Henry Push got a verdict for 10, 000 from tho North Pacific. Ho had both legs paralyzed by au acci dent iu Idaho. The four gentlemen from Montana claiming to be elected U. S. Senators appeared before the senate with credentials. The senate will puss on their titles. The Socialists have defeated Bis- mark. The reichstag rejected the expulsion clauseof the socialists bill, aud decided by a vote of 100 to 111 to make the measure permanent. It will interest all bankers to know that a favorable report has been ordered by the house committee on bunking and currency on the bill to authorize national banks to issue circulation to tho full amount of their deposited bonds. A corporation lobby having killed the autl-trust bill In Washington, another bill is in preparation and will make its appearance in a few days. It will not bo so radical as Kinnear's bill which was defeated. Tho penalty for tho first violation will be from $500 to $1,000 and for subsequent violations from $1,000 to $2,500. ISIUIOKS NOTES. Miss Cinda Harris returned homo Thursday. MIssD.iisy Beers, of Mission Bott torn, was in town Sunday. Mr. Ed Schcllberg, of Salem, Join ed tho Evangelical church at this place Sunday. Mr. Franscis Finney, son of Jas. Finney, Is very sick with consump tion at hU home near Brooks. Mr. and Mrs." G. W. Ramp have gone to Fairfield to attend the wed ding of her brother, Mr, Aleck Lil ian. Married at Fairfield, Jan. 20, Mr. Aleck lmlah to Miss Stella Smith, all of Fairfield. Rev. Father Veinosh officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Vanosdel, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner, Miss Anna Jones and Mr. L. R. Gault, have been down on the sick list this week. All are improving. Rev. J. Bowersox held a Bible meeting for the young people of Brooks Sunday evening. Subject, "The Heart." The meeting was very interesting and wo think it did good to his hearers. Come again Bro. Bowersox. HuNATon Stanford has introduced a bill in the congress to establish co-operation as a national system and principle. Tho above bill was unanimously approved by tho Industrial Congress of the United Slates, In Regular l boquImh n..i. in iftsn. "'"""i - . --, -- The Oregon and Stute of California were both lu the San Francisco dry dock for repairs. i Smsk The Chief Rrnton (or tno great IQ ecss ot Hood's Sarsaparllla Is fotiDd In tb irtlclo Itself. It Is merit that wins, and tnt tact that Hood's Sarsaparllla actually a eompllshes what Is claimed for It, Is wind has given to this mcdtclno a popularity and talo creator than that of any other sarsap- Mprit Wines rI1Ia or bIootl purt IVltJII I VVIIlb ner before the public flood's Sarsaparllla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, filch Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength ins the Nerves, builds up tho Wliolo System Mood's Nnrnpnrltla Is sold by all drug rfsts. $l; six for $3. Prepared by C. I. Uoo4 t (Jo.. Apothecaries. Lovvoll. Mast. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Pa per and Border, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, NKVV ADVERTISEMENTS. P Mr: KOI'ESSIONAL, NURSE-A Bpeelulty made ofconflnenientH, lurce experience rs. C. U. -Moil'uu, 200 Commercial street. 1-21 1m HOUSE AND HIUN PAINTING, nil kinds of decorating; prepared to do contracts. C. C Morgan, !flK) Commercial street. 1-iil-lm THE GLOBE Employment Agency 22 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon IIi:i.l AVANTIID. Several gills to do general house woik Immediately. A good span of young mares to trade for nHpan of geldings. Any person desiring help of nny kind or wanting Mtuatlons will tthd It to their advantage to cull nt THE GLOBE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 292 COMSIEllCIAh STItKKT. Phillips &Shive, Real Estate and Collecting Agency. NO. 200 COJIMnilCIAI. STRr.ET. Fori sai.k. Choleo bargains In farm and city piop crty. Wo will post books, make out bills and do collecting. Ilnsiuess men respectfully solicited, we also mnke u specialty ot renting houses nnd collecting rent. If you have, n vacant house list It with ns, WANTKD. A position by u competent engineer. Fine Watch Repairing C. A. BURBANK No. 317 Commercial Street. SHIER, PHELPS k EVANS, REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTION AGENCY. Office Uji-Stairs in New Rank Block Choice Country AND CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Wo nlM Inivo a notary public and ac countant In our otllce. If you wlnli UmkI. now PtulciiH'htH written up, books lasted, copying, record work, or conveyuuclnjc done, cull and M'C tig. IlltttTK a rellnblv tonic, nppetlzcr und up purlent, Invlorato the iIIkchIIvo ork'iuiH und provciitu dyhp(wM, eun bo rcltcc ii up tn. sold ny mi iiriiKUiHiH, WrlKlit'ti CuKcnrii Conmlpatlon remedy promote u rt'KUlurand healthy uctlun of the boweU, uld dliicotlon und will not fr rltuio tho rii'Mt Mmltlo Htonmch. Chil dren tiiko It readily. Hold by nit rirugiiliitB. Tilly I 1 1 L,' I I Uept on tile at K. O llllO 1 ;l lito. Dmke'rtjtdvertliliiK Agency, 01 und t Mcruliunt' Kxcuunue, H a l-r,tui-lXi. California, where coutnu't or ad vertlxlni; run be made lor It. (mJU fin "i f fm 4311? TlilSfujft HK WW?. CITV FARM PROPERTY LOW PRICES! IE Mniimi I i.onnil An lUuiiL.y Lvuiiwj un iiiiJivvini mi krAM'lSku, sttim mmm 292 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. BSTA number of choleo lots In University addition for salo cheap. -a Wm. Brown I3EA.L.1SRS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, WW H TWO REDUCTIONS. Wo must reduce our stock In order to niuko room for our HpWng good. Therefore we wiJJ also reduce our already low prices on (! u BOOTS AND SHOES For the next forty dayo. Give us a what wo say. Yours, respectfully, KRAUSSE No. 221 Commercial ATTENTION We have farms, largo and small, Iota from $50 up, and houses and lots In all parts of tho city. Wo doa coninilbalon uuhImchh exclusively. If you wish to sell, list your property with uh. Suburban tracts a specialty. PAYNE & BKIDQI-'OIID. W. A. BHAW. SHAW & Rea Estate AND GENERAL AUCTIONEERS! -o- fiWo have a largo lint of farni lands and city property forsnlo We also take chargo of auction sales In any part of the state. NO. 204 COMMERCIAL STR1SI5T, SALEM, OlIXOON. namnaoaaMBBMaanmBanna STEAM LAUND RY AT OEOHG-E HOUYK'H J1ARDMH SHOP. Money! Money! Money Loans on farm and city property, at lowest laitv. ISiiialim .u city and country property. Accident and Klre Insurance. MOOItKK . OIIJiKHIIE. NO, Ol7 COMMBRCIAL BTNIOUT, HAI.RM, OHIJOON, c UKH AN1 1'IIKVKNTIVH WITH. out medicine For Information con cerning l)r. A WUiKOIUJ UAI.IH iicaiui rampiiiet.caiion oraiutrcHH K. L.. MOOKU, 1.0MI1 Agt., University ilnlldlnir,Hulein, Oregon. Tax Payers Take Notice. mHKTAX Itoi.I.ror Murlon county for 1 the year ItW) Imx been placed In my hand for collection. Tux.ji.iyer will ple.-ue come forward and nay their tax ex ux MKii uh (KiH'Ible un tho tux roll Iiiin been delayed und the county I outof funiU, K. M.OHOIHAN, Hlierliruiidtux-tsollwtor. Minion Co. Dated Jim. I.'i. WW, KARIVI CITY LOANS SPECIALTY! LV.nmci nf fl '7 nml Q Pah PaoI hum u, i mill o m num. i wnni m-.hiil .jjmiffluaa Leather and Findings CASH PAID FOR , WOOL, HIDES, PELTS, AND FURS. This liouso carries n largo stock of tlrst ctass goods fiom tho best nmnutact liters in the uoi 1(1, mid lsprcpiiicd toplto satisfac tion, both In stye and quality, to ovcrj one who will purchase goods ot them, " No. 231 Commercial Street, SALEM ... ORKQON cull and bo convinced Unit we menu & KLEIN'S, Street, Salem, Oregon, TUMfBlfaMlilHIHaMi W. II. DOWN TNG, DOWNING, IS ni1& iil TO HAVK YOU EVER 8NKN ANY OF those HhlilH Collars und Culls luundrfcd at the SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY? If not mako It a point to do so. OI'TIUE: 200 COMMEKGTAI, ST V, II. IJASTON'K Salem Music Store Ile.ul'CKrlc ii- Ih' rhlckeilncr A ftniH, HU'li.u.iy llali ton, ('ollij and Kinemon I'lunof, i lli-.i A Wliltt (Jrtmu . ( iirtlt lr lliitnllmeiils 94 State Street, Patton's 'Block. IjATIIONl.K Home Induntry, mid lue iloiuitaln Halm Uouli lire, (liiur anteed to ylve r-illel or money refunilel. iliiniifautuleil My II. II.cto.Halyiii.On lion, lt roiirimiKuUt for !t. 1-Hdliu 3S9