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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1890)
v SUBSCRIBE ron THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, THE BEST PAPER IN SALEM. 9-You will bo well pleuxed with It. ADVER riQB) ' Xti THE CAPITAL JOURNAL tT Wtf.I. HE A GOOD INVESTMENT. lT3-Tho Terms flro Most Keasoilnblo-Sa VOL. 2. SA-LEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, JAisUAltY 21, 1890. !N"0. 277. CAPITAL JOURNAL WW is k ' ate SALEM"? MS 'i HI? BOTTOM DROPPED OUT ? LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. A I1LOUDV HATTXi:. -O- One would think to rend the advertisements of some of the merchants that this is a very poor place to do business in. They are continually SELLING OUT AT COST. How do the keep up? Are they supported by charity, or are they and their advertisements frauds? Terrible right of L'olittidcrs In a 1'cnn ftylvnnla Ometory. Wilkesh.uiiu:, Pa., Jan. 20. A bloody riot took place between war ing factions of a Polish church at Plymouth this evening. One fac tion endeavored to bury one of their members in the cemetery, and the others resisted, and a fierce battle, took place in which pistols, stones and clubs were used. During the shooting thirty men were prostrated by wounds, and the ground near the grave was covered with blood, the colli u was upset and the body rolled out. The Polauders were finally routed by n posse of consta bles and citizens. Antony Floras aud Joseph Ilewick were fatally in jured. The ringleaders of the riot were arrested and the body finally interred. Work of Scnro Devils. Salem is a prosperous and growing city, and all its merchants are doing well and making mouey, and any right-minded man knows that wlien a a merchant advertises to sell "at cost," that it is always at what it "costs the buyer." Men do not go into business for fun or for their health, but to make money. ie Gapito Advcntnre Company WASHINGTON JUDGES. The Appointments rroKrcssliig Slowly Hut Surely "Washington, Jan. 20. In ac cordance with the recommendation of the senators from Washington, the president has appointed P. II. Winston of Spokane Falls and Cap tain Brown of Tacoma district attor ney and marshal respectively. Their nominations have uotyctbecn made to the senate, but papers have been signed. The judgeship is still delayed for wliat reason is not an nounced. The recommendation ot Judge Hanford was in response to repeated requests from the attorney general. Now that a recommenda tion is made the hurry seems to be over. It is possible that the papers may bo made out in season to go to the senate on Monday, but it may be delayed longer than that. Union, Jan. 60. The report that, smallpox is prevalent at Baker City is entirely fulSc. The rumor found its start in tho nltcmpt of a person to placard one of the delayed pas-sen-gorcirsof tjint city with a notice of tho disease, but the guilty party was promptly dealt with by tho authorities While considerable sickn 'ss ha prevailed in Baker City, dti t ) pneumonia and kindred ail ments, It is proper to emphatically deny the smallpox rumor, which only owes origin to (he senseless ac tion of irresponsible persons. Sulclilti T a Voting I,uly. Tacoma, Jan. 20. An Ellensburg special t ) the Globe says: A young lady, Miss Tina Clocker, daughter of Mrs. M. E. CItine, who keeps the Banner rcsttumut on Third street, ended her lite to-day by shooting herself. Tho ball entered the breast a little below and forward of the right arm. No reasons 'cau be as signed for the rash deed. The girl remained unconscious from the time of the shooting till she died, at 5 o'clock this evening. Frozen to Dentil. FnnsNO, Cal., Jan. 20. James Bell, an old resident of Fresno flats, was found frozen to death yesterday in the mountains seven miles south cast of that place, Bell owned a ranch at the head of Fine Gold creek aud started from tbe flats Sunday morning for it. On the way he had to cross Dtinlap mountain, on which was four feetof snow, and perished. Tho Albinn importation com pany, of Portland, with n canltal stock of $20,000 and Jas. A. Mont gomery, W. L. Boise and G. Grnntv as incorporators, t-day llled articles of incorporation with the secretary of state. Their object Is to build and operate steam and ferry boats ou tho Willamette liver. never advertise to sell off at cost, yet we are constantly, 20 to 30 per cont. lower than any other house in Salem. Why? Because wo buy from first hands and for cash, aud get our good-j cheaper. Now during the months of January ard February only we propose to reduce our prices on all goods and show tho people of Salem and the surrounding country how we can SELL GOODS and not "Sell at Cost" Either, but actually mako money at follews: the low prices given. Read what -O- Clark's Coats', Kerr's or Brook's spool cotton, white and black, per spool 2 els All kinds, 100 yds, silk, perspool 5 cts Carpet tacks 2c pe rpackage A large line ladies', Misses and Childr'ena' gloves. 10 cts A large line of corsets worth $1.25 reduced to 50 cts Good lead pencils, per doz. 10 cts A good Scrubbing Brush- 10 cts Good Steel and Silver Thimbles, each 1 ct All kinds needles, per pa. 3 cts All kinds ot Silk Button Hole Twist, each -1 ct All kinds of Dress Buttons, some that are actually worth ?1.00 perdoz; per dozen 6 cts All colors Zephers, single, per oz Sets Good Spring Clothes Pin per doz 8 cts Good Lunch Basket, small. 10 cts Good Pick Handles 10 cts Good Axe Handles 10 cts Nice China Matting, good. 12V cts 7 Pes. Popper and Salt goods, werth 40 cts. per yd 20 cts Good Ladles' Morocco Purses 2o cts All colors Worsted Braid, former nrice 10 cts Gels Toilet soaps worth 25c to 50c, per box 10 cts Ladies' Arctics 00 cts Children s Arctics 35 cts Children's Rubbers 20 cts Cabot A muslin, 13 yds forS 1 00 Cabot W muslin, 14 yds for 1 00 Fruitof loom muslin 11 yd3 1 00 Lonsdale muslin 11 yds. 1 00 Boss of Road overalls, R. S., per pair... 50 cts Bossof Road overalls, X.Y, per pair GO cts Wo offer a line of worsted goods, all styles and colors, former price, 15 to 25c, 12 yds? 1 00 We oiler a largo line of rib bons, nil colors und widths, from No. 2 to No. 10, per yd 5 cts Good currycombs 10 cts Good horse brushes 25 cts A large line of men and boy's wool hats 25 cts Assorted styles aud widths of luces, per yd 2 cts A large line of girl's wool hoods, each 25 cts Eleven dozen pairs men's and boys' wool mittens, per pair 10 cts -O- Come Earlv and Get Your Pick OF THESE BARGAINS ! jJaTTliey are offered for only sixty days, and stock will not be re plenished until tho first of March. All goods in the store will bo sold at a corresponding reduction. CAPITOL ADYDnVRE C90HPANT Opera House Corner, ALBIVt OREGON. AHIG loss of stock Nevada Stock Kaisers Suffer Great T.iish of Sheep nuil Cattle- Austin, Nov., Jan. 20. Over five feet of snow has fallen since Dec. 1. The outlook for stock is not encouraging. Snow lies ou the ground three feet deep, aud is piled in the canyons. One rancher has lost 4000 sheep. The Nevada cen tral railroad lias been fighting snow for two weeks. It took eight days to get a train through, and they are having a serious time now to get through. San Francisco papers, dated Jan. 4, have just beeu re ceived, tho town is cut oil lrom outside communication except by telegraph. Wood is scarce In town, and two mines have shut down be cause of it. Ranchers feel despondent, as half their stock will perish. Several old houses have caved in from the weight of "snow. ADDITIONAL (JITY NEWS In Puohati:. In the matter of the guardianship of Daniel J. Clark, Ilattio B. Clark appointed guardian, and files her bond in the sum oi 4800 winch is accepted. . Why is it. that property in Engle wood and on tho garden road sells so readily? It is because it is destined to be the most popular portion oi Salem. Among tiii: Sick. The manv friends of Mrs. Dr. Cusick will be pained to leal n tint she la quite ill at her home on the corner of Com mercial and Center streets Mr. Eldrign is quite bick also, at his home in this city Councilman Etlcs remains in tiie house with tlu la grippe - -A. W. Giesy is so thai lie can sit up, and his Injured limb is improving slowly Quite a number of other cases are reported and each one is some better. The weather becoming warmer lias a tendency to mako them rest easier. About $8,000,000 are spent annu ally in horse racing in and around New York. Tho Michigan supremo court is adding to its reputation by admin istering fines for vexatious appeals. Tho demand for $1 and $2 silver certificates c.mtlnues to be in ad vanco of the suppy. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Ts. CIT; AND KARiVr FARM PROPERTY AT LOW I! iii'i"HririMiiiFmiili Miinit lill nTillllllllll i "r,TY L0AXS v VTffifi4!VVV'tt&''9Kk vM - Iff rim SPECIALTY ! m w&ftNiax Immigration Hoard. McMinnvii,lk, Jan. 20. A mass meeting of citizens was held to night for the purpose of organizing a board of immigration on an ex tensive scale. The combination is to include all the available laud that may be for sale in the town and county. Committees have been ap pointed to gather statistics of the re sources of tho county and to adver tise in a most thorough manner. It is believed that many thousands of acres, in large and small tracts, of the finest lauds on tho coast will be putou tho market, Including many of the old homesteads of the earliest pioneers. A Dhad Cklisttal. This after noon J. A. Rotnn laid the mortal remains of an unknown Chinaman to rest in the Chinese burial grounds south of the city. Tho Chinaman was found dead in a chair, in one of the Chinese buildings ou Liberty street, and from appear ances hud been dead for the past four days. It appears that the poor heathen had Lcen placed in the building to die and no attention was paitl to him by his heathen brothers, who made no preparations for his burial. The Chief Itrmon for tno great SD cess ot Hood's S.trsnparillii Is found In thl article Itself. It Is mcilt that wins, and thj tact that Hood's S.irsapnrllla actually ac complishes what Is claimed for It, Is what has given to tills medlclnoa popularity and lalo greater than that of any other sarsap. Mprit Wini rllla or bl00d ,mrt merit VVIIISs fler before tho public, flood's Strsaparllla cures Scrofula, Sail Rheum and nil Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, llllloiisncss, overcomes XluU Tired Feeling, .creates an Appetite, strength Mis tho Ncivcs, builds up tho Wholo System Hood'!) Mnrsapiiiillii Is sold byalldrUJ 'Ists. St; six for 55. li spared by C. I. lloo H).. Apothecailes, Lowell. Mass. . SNOW IN IDAHO. the Trains Now Itunnlug on Tlmu nml Inhabitants Happy. Moscow, Idaho, Jan. 20. The snow is now about thirty inches deep, with indication:) of a Chinook. Only five through trains have ar rived at Moscow tills month, but tho blockades arc now raided, and trains aro running regularly. Stage mails from Juliette, Lowiston, Gene see, Palouse City and Viola have made regular trips during thestorm. Ranchers are Jubilant on account of tho heavy snow, assuring a heavy crop. Los of Mock In California. Yiieka, Cal., Jan. 20. The streets ure piled up with snow shoveled from house tops. Great loss of cattlo isantlcipaled. The snow will undoubtedly last several weeks in most localities. No mails have ar rived since Tuesday from cither north or south and people are hungry for news. Two mail carriers from Salmon river are supposed to bo loit In tho snow. Parties from Etna, in search, wont within, two miles of Summit without finding thorn, and wore, unable" to travel further in tho deep enow. A Good Tjujat. See what Itev. J. N. Dennlson says of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. J. IL, Taylor and tils wife have aided the tho M. E. church ol this city of which I am pastor in two entertainments, and have given complete satisfaction. Mis. Taylor is a highly cultured musician, both instrumental and vocal. Her sing ing is enpccially enjoyable. Mr. Taylor excels with the banjo, hut his fort is in character representations and in several of his parts he is absolutely perfect. In the whole entertainment there was nothing to oii'eud tho most refined taste. Very truly, John M. Den uisun. Reserved seals at Dearborn's book store. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Pa per and Porder, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Pay, Feed and Pence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, NEW TO-DAY, Money Loaned on Improved Farms at 6, 7 and 8 Per Gent, at 292 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. C-A number of choico lots in University addition for sale cheap. "Sa umuuimuama.iej jsearxBtxwmi.'ua P DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, Leather, and Findings "''WfitHuacaiiiisK WOOL, CASH PAID FOR HIDES, ' ' PELTS, AND FURS. 'J his house rnrilQH n lingo stock of llrst pinHKOiiilH fiiini tho het inamifuotuioin In thpMiilt!,iina Is picimetl tocho saltsrhc llon, boih In Htyo und qunllty, to cery tmc M hu will ptiiohiisu goods i! t hoin, No. $1 Commercial Street., STEAM SAU3JM - - OREGON TT irTinTTTnTTTnTTT mirIBI'Hhl I II" III II I I I 1 1 A V E YOU EVER SE UN ANY OF those Shirts Collins and Culls laundrlod nt tho ,.. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY? If not mako it a point to do so. eiiii ency THE GLOBE iiojient Ag 202 Commercial Street, Bnlcm, Oregon lir.LV WANTKD. Several fjlrls to do general honso work Immediately. A Reed Hpan of young mmes to trade for apan of geldings. Any person desiring help of any kind or wanting situations will llud It to their advantage to call at THE GLOBE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 292 coMMnnorAii BTitnirr. OFFICE: 20!) COMMERCIAL AT GEORC1E JIOUYE'S DARNER SHOP. BSBmsemssaaexTjBaksrnrsnaevsrcvsi ST oney looey! loney! In city Loans on farm and city property, at lowest rates, and country property. Accident and Fho Inttiiniici'. MOORISH & NO. 317 COMIVIICFICII. STKEET, SALliM Daryal ns GILLESPIE. , OREGON, ocscasscarcuraraeKKBiratKai Suni'Gmu Court. riAr.KM, Jan. 21, '00. J. M. Rose'iburg and Joseph Myers, npps. vs. E. M. Croisau aud Mark H. Skill, rcsp.; appeal from Marion ceunty: argued and sub mitted. S. T. Richardson and M. V. Hunt, nlty's. for imps. LouIm Tnrplcy and Tibnon Fort! attj 's. for rusps. I. R. Dawson, assignee, npp. .vs. E. M, Croisau and T. U. Patton, resii's. appeal from Marlon county, argued and submitted, Milton V. Smith ntty. for app. Geo II. 13ur nelt and II. II, JJewett atty's. L,r resp's. KliAk ESTATE TRANSFERS. The following is a correct list of the real estate transactions filed a I tho office of the county recorder to te day: P. S. Knight and vf to W.A. Shaw west Jofhlk2l of Capital Park atl to Salem. $500 .1. M. lirown and wf to Mary A. McLaughlin. 130 acres of wo 20 t 0 s r 1 1 1000 T. J. Cherriimton and wf to Walter Moreley, lot 2 in blk 1, of Mill add to Salem; SCO JJ. S. lioiinuy ii iwl wf to J. M. Ponrniaii and Win. Miller, Jl acres tC, s r 1 ' 0O Frederic!; Kiuiis und wf mid Jolpi Ifacer lo First Ger man M. E. church, pan Ijk 2 of Salem f00 Phillips &Shive, Real Estate and Collecting Agency. NO. 200 COJIMBHCIAIi HTItKnT. TWO REDUCTIONS. .... X.0 Illl,8t "-''luw our Block in order to make room for oursni'lng goods. Therefore wo will also reduce our already low prices on BOOTS AND SHOES For tho next forty days. Give us a call and bo convinced that wo mean what we say. lours, respectfully, KRAUSSE'A. KLEIN'S, No, 221 Commercial Slroet, Salem, Oregon. numinsx FOll SAT.K, Choice hnrgalns in furm and city prop erty. Wo will post bookH, mnlco out bills and do collecting. DiihIiicss men respectfully solicited. Wo iiIho inulie a specialty ol renting hoiiKOH and collecting rent. If yon have a vacant Iiouho lint It wllli iih. WANTED. A position by a competent englncur. Suit Itliciuii. With Its InteiiBo Itching, dry, hot Nkln, often broken Into painful cruckH.und tho llttlo watery plmplcH, often cuuso Inde xcrlbablo HUflerhiK. KooiI'm Kfirfciipnrllla hug wonderful power over this cllncuse, It purities tho blood and axpelx tho humor, and tho nkln lioali without n seur. Hond for book containing muny Ntnlcmi-nu ol cures, tot,.'. Hood A Uo Apothecnrlen, lyowell, Mugs, .Make No Ml.tulcn. , If you Imva innilo up your mind to buy IIood'K8iraurlllado not bo Induced to Uiko any other Hood'H rarmp,irllla U a tx-onllur mcdlclnu, inmkohkIiik, by Hh pecul iar combination, propottlon und prepara tion.! urutln Dower Hiinerior lo nnv m her iirtlel-of tnu kind bnfir ibe moiile. For ull infections arising from Impure. bW4 or iow imu in me yitiiiH is uuinuuucu, no mire to uet Hoods. WW II i " ' ' - - - i - i,. M f 1 lilt) l;ll fill DrHktf's Adverllnlnif Amino. 01 und (ft Moruliunt'ii Kxcliano, H a f'.nnilo". Cillfornlu, wtiero contractu oradvertlilngran be madmnr It, ATTENTION ! Wo have farms, Iare:o and small, lots from $o0 up, and houses and lots in all purls of tho city. Wodna commission business exclusively. If you wish to sell, list your property with us. Suburban tracts a specialty. W. A. SHAW. PAVNIO & lUUDUFOiri), "y":'2"'"''''.'JrMQ W. H. DOWNING SHAW & DOWNING, state - Rea AND- Agents GENERAL AUCTIONEERS -o- JCSy-Wo have a large Ht of farm lauds and city prunorry forwilo also take chargo of auction sales in any pint of HibmIuIo. Wi nd. 204 COMMrcWClAI. STKIIIJT, HA1.KM, OWBQDN. I'ifJv.-Jl'J!?".'1!:'!.'.1-'' "IS' "wpw MMmwtmni tiMijiqaoBTica UTHK ANll I'HKVKNTIVK WITH. out iiumIIcIiid I'or Information win coriilnif Dr. II SVlM'UltU'H Health ,1-anipmui, mill on ora(iar(s I K. U MOOKIS, lioal At., Unlveilty llulldlntr, Malum, Orwton, Tux Tuyoj-s Take Notice. MlUKTAX HDI.I.for Muiloa muntv for I the your JW) lum been placed In my iiuiiin for ooiiiMitiou. Tux-imyiira will i(mioooiiio forward und imv their tuviu im himiii iw powlbl an thu lux roll ban beim ueiajwiHiici inewunty l out ortiiiKls, o. .., .. K.M.OHOI8AX, Hli'irliraiuliuxollciiioriUrlnuCQ. Dated Jan. IB, uuo, Diamond TlMl lit I '.'I i'' and )li-alr In IriMiiifiieiiWumlMtrliij. No. U47 li RONT ST pATIiO)tr'K l(iine fndu-.l. J iloilUtlllll Itullil inu-li ' .i .11 JLU d'U uufaetuiul II v it Au yourdrufwl for li. , anil usii ii. Uuui- r iniiiii v ii iitjueti 1 1 . r . . .""ill. iki,Dr- l-fdliu