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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1890)
THE CAPITAL JETVENDTG- JOTHtN-AX. ,it I?. i THE CAPITAL JOMAL tyjUUUjHED UAIbY,EXUKlTUNDAY, Cantfal Journal Publishing Company. f (Incorporated.) Kntored nt the poKtofliee at Salem, Or.,M k-i - r j -gcronu-cinnH mnin.r. &; fourth pnp? 'tar term of nutwerfp ttoa. ATrtiMMent o lnuro Insertion (for Mi Mte wyj gnuuia ue nnnucu iu uy i ' "Curiwiprttidence conlnlnlnr now of In- , Itwi nna immpanca in uniim uvm mi No ntt'-tiit lit will foe paid lonnonymou PKniinailnilrlmr thn TAPITAri JOUn.fAT ertd nt UiclrhouHC can eeuro It by ppy pi rttrd reqnwt, or by word lrt'lim Hneclmen number ul free on nppllca OAc; corner Court and Liberty Btreeto. MONDAY. IANUAKY, IS Tin: year 1890 Jgafnftlng off well , ; In real cnto trumcJionB. That niotorJSeTt lino around the city will Immi WkJjo'iiii to Biibtirban property. ' Mj'frui true Ormlan, In Imppy "'wlicn' llir gcnll Oregon nilft be jrlliH to full. u w Navioation on I lie Willamette Swill, cxlj-ii'l ni'iili farlli r In lie n'ufnuil'f thlH yrnr limn l.i. Jmlgl ig from tin-sent ItidlcntloiiH, Ith iiowTlmo wo were pushing KmUiiilrpad project. Slirrldaii and MaMfnnvlllo Imvo both wild tl"' wcreralady nnd why not reap while tbegtaln isrlpo? w i ' '- -'- ' 'rilKralnfiill iilon the Atl.tntli " 'coast during Hi year Just end d waft fS.08 IhcIich, H.lit mire tlun ever previously recorded. And tin perent year lias net In with tin abundanco of moisture in that lo cality. Fears are entertained of a "? total fall tiro of tho loo crop. Nnw IIzijM'aro being rapidly In troduced by ambitious legislators al Olympia, fully 233 having been pre sented in both houses already. II is about time to turn attention to ward passing some of tho measures In order that at least a portion of the business may be finished during tho present scssl n, SroiCANU FAr.ta Is ahead of most cities of Us slzo in many tilings, and It I a act that it has tho greatest aggregation of opium smokers in the country. From a hundred "hop Jolnta'Uho poisonous fumes of the deadly drug escno, and n death oc cur oyory week or two as a warn ing, but to no avail. Tho authori ties movo on in tho even tenor, bury the paupers who hnd spent their last cent for tho poison to which they wore slaves, collect tho blood money under the more pleas ant namo of license, ami ehiNs the curtio among the necess iry evils. Helena Journal. singers sometimes looked and bowed ! to us, us If we were to blame for It. When wo reached San Francisco, ' wo thought, "this will end this Solomon business." Wo supposed that it was a favorite In tho east be cause he had his bringing up there; but, to our amazement, wo heard It In three churches Jn the Occident as well as orient, that "Solomon was not arrayed." In the cast there was appropri ateness in it, where nobody is much arrayed. But when we heard again in Sarato, on different occasion, that "Solomon was not arrayed," from four to Ax times right alone, ftidinaminnertbaUould late no doubt, and when significant move ments of tho head were made at us, wo felt that it wasthno that some thing should bo dono without fail Let a collection bo taken up far Solomon. BltOUKS NOTES. ) Tin: nomination of Jtrico for U. S. Senator from Ohio Is causing a rlpplo of comment which no amount of democratic manoeuvring can (pilot. Murat Halstead, on his way from Donvcr to Cincinnati, was in terviewed a few days ago. To a re porter, regarding tho nomination of Drico, ho declared that It had put the democrats in a hole. "It is simply a tribute to money power," continued the Held marshal, "and they have openly endorsed tho representative of suuh power. How can democrats ever again pone before tho country as tho opponents of monopolists, trusts and grasping millionaires. Hrleols not an Ohloun, and his admission to the sunato Is "Imply giving Now York three sonjitors." OOUII II'NOTOIUOINAU Ail unluiiiwn exchange pnys tills tribute) to winter: "It snows and blowH and stlnus your nose makes all creation slilvurl It bites your toes, Increases your woes, and freezes up tho river. Tho front nips all, both grout and small, this dark and dreary winter It freezes type, It bursts tho pipe, and vexes sore tho printer. H. let her- mil wo mean tho coal It takes the cash In winter; now plcuso bo kind and make up your mind to settle with -' the printer." TIM) Mlllfn MJlToMUN" Df. Mulv'hmore, editor of the Presbyterian, while making a tour around the world, was painfully lin prvwHHl by tho fact that a iopiilur plow of music, In which there are "yaln repetitions," may become irritating. Iletniyi: On our tour, tu nearly every church where we preached' or wqrhlpod which had a choir or some pretensions, wo heard tho pleco, "Consider tho Lilies," which 4 ill vong, lold and Highly, told us flvo or x times that Solomon was rABBNT-W. LOVK. No Iotc U s true "and tender as tho lore our parents give us, and for none arc we so ungrateful. We toko it as a matter of courseas something we deserve Especially may our mother. toll and deny themselves, think all night and labor ull day, without receiving any thanks whatever. From .the day she walked all night with us when wo cry, to the day when she help to make our wedding dress and gives us thodo cherished pcarfr which sho wore in her girlhood, v do not half recognize her love for us. Never until we are parents ourselves do we qulto comprehend. Yet, h there anything like It? TIip lover may desert us for a brighter beauty tho husband grow Inditrrcnt when wo liuvo been his a little while the friend bo only a summer friend and ily when riches vanish, oi when wo ore too tad to amuse but our parents love us best In our sorrow, nnd nolo us dearer Tor nn change or disfigurement. Then isn't much of heaven here on earth, but what there Is of it is chiefly given In n parent's love. A WuisilinfTreo. Tho musical of whistling tree Is found in tho West Indian island, In Nubia and tho Soudan. It luis a peculiar-shaped leaf, and pods with a split or opctuedgc. The wind passing through these gives out tin sound which gives tho tree Its pecu liar name. In Ilarbudoes there is n valley filled with these trees, and when tho trade winds blow aerobs tho island a constant mo..ulng, deep-toned whlstlols heard from it, which in the still hours of the nighi has a very weird and unpleasant oU'ect. A speeia of acacia, which grows very abundantly In tho Sou dan, Is iiIko called tho "whistling tree" by the natives. Its shoots aro frequently by the agency of the larviu of Insects distorted in shape and swollen Into a globular bladder from one to two Indict in diameter. After the Insect has emerged from a circular hole In the side of this swelling, the opening, played upon by the wind, becomes a musical In strument, equal In sound to a sweet toned flute. St. Louis Itcpubllc. The Hottest Spot on Kartli. The hottest region on earth Is on the southwestern coast of Persia, whore Persia borders on the gulf of tho same name. For foi ty cousecu tive days in the mouths of July and August the thermometer has been known to fall not lower than 100 de grees, night or day, and to often run upas high as 128 degrees in tho af ternoon. At liuhrln, iu tho center of the torrid part of the torrid belt, though It were nature's intention to muko tho reglou as unbearable nt p sslb'o, no water can bo obtained from digging wells 1C3, 200 or COO feet deep, yet a comparative nu merous population contrive to live there, thanks to the copious spring which break forth from the bottom of the gulf more than a mile from shore. Tho water from these sprlugh is obtained by divers, who dlvo to tho bottom and till goatskin bag with the cooling liquid and bell it for a Hying. The source of these submarine fountains Is thought to be iu the greeu hills of Osmaii, some 000 or IW0 miles away. lloMou Herald. A CASE IN roiNT, la oar tonfttben' dj-, pimples trera t Ulbute.1 to CUttied blood. Dut modern nedlctu tin domoattrtttd thtt rich (ood doi not crett erapttoni by loullnc th Mr. IX. Kreb?, of Ncslucca, la visit ing his mother at Brooks. Query: How many girls doea It take in a sleigh to split the runners? Miss Llna Harris, of Salem, re turned home to-day, accompanied by her sister Miss Oindo. A surpriHO party at Mr. and Mrs. L.Bcekncr's Friday night. Tnose present were: Mr." and Mrs. Harri son Jones, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. I lamp, Mr. and Mrs. M. Oennaln, Misses Linn, C'lnda and Ida Harris, Miss Anna Jones, Miss Lizzie Jones, Mls I.lzu Mossez, Miss Grace Day, Mis? Oetavla Painter, Miss Zula Painter, Miss Myrtle Durbln, Mr. Levi Uashor, Mr. Frank Gaul, Mr. Nelson Massey, Mr. J. Butterworth. Mr. T. Cliarlcton, Mr. Joey Jones, Mr. W. Mumper.Mr. H.G. Sprague. A Hue time was enjoyed by every body. Lunch served at 11 o'clock. The time was engaged in singing, playing games, etc. They started for home about 1 o'jlock. The parly was gotlcu up by O. W. Romp and was a success. Who will start the next one? Let us keep tho ball rolling. .Nothing like sociability in a neighborhood. Let us not go to sleep again, but let us be filunds and neighbors. Wiio ! the next lucky person? I'llll.iMIATII S0TKS. Tin. weather litis moderated some, it Is raining now. J. S. Akin has gone to Southern Oregon on buslne-. Times niv r.ilher dull heie on ac count of the I nd weather. Itev. J. W. Pulley, tho preacher In charge lioie, Is In Marlon county now holding meetings. Prof. Kecel, of the llndicafc cliool, Is quite sick, some of Ihe advanced students take his place in Ihe school room. There is a larju." ot tcudniico iu school this term thuu last, and all expect a better tim'. The folks surprised Miss Lydin Lavis, last wecl They spent the evening with music and a fewphis. They enjoyed tlieuntelves till 11 o'clock, when they all depart) d for their homes. A good time was hail. The boys have formed a club to prevent each other fioni making tiny new uii.shcs, if any of them breaks the rule they will ride him on a rail. They will try several for breaking the rule, next Fatuiday, each has to plead his own ease. They expect some fun. Alice Atlirrtou flic Popular Actress Says, IS. S. Ilelden: Dining the prevailing cold weather I have suf fered from Fovero cough. I am pleated to stale that I received great relief leom the use of your ISthercal t'ougli ttymp. ALIBIS ATJIISU TON. San FrancNro, Feb. 10, 1870. Large size $1.00, small 60 cents. For sale liy all Druggists. An cpldemlo of typhoid fever has broken out at Reading, Pa., In con sequence of tho pollution of the streams by dead cattle that have died of a contagious diseaso now pre vailing In the vicinity of that city. Happy Hunsiers. Win. Tlnnnons, Postmaster of Idavllle, Intl., writes: "lSlectrle Bit- icrs lias done mote for me than all other medicines combined, for that nail feeling arising from Kidney and Liver (rouble." John Leslie, farmer and stuck man, of same place, savs: "Find ISIeetrio Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made mo feel like a new man." J. W. Gardiner, hardware merchant, same town, says: Wectrlo Hitters Is just tho thing for a man who Is all run down and don't care whether he lives or dies; ho found new strength, good appetite, and felt JiMt like ho iiad a new lease on life. Onlv G0- The Grand Drawin, -FOR TI1E- TC LiLILi nn ;m Jl ! uniu LI ItiiTl CHI Dill SIT ! -OFFERED BY- COX & BOGGS, ; GROCERS, 24.0 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. Will tiko plum- nl their store next Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Parties desiring chances will secure them before Hint time. K'JdZ??TFJ&JPl.m Ci'ii ana f Residence Loca V Ujo In the city of Portland mjmI other prosperous towns are those owned by men or corporations who have the disposition and ability to iniprovo them. SILVER AND GOLD. Farowrtl, mjr liu'.e sweetheart, jfi.n f.irr jou nell ami free; I cMl'i' I 'em J'iU uo promise, You cl.l'ui mi vciw Irum me. TIim teiuop nlijrf Hie reason nW well e can upliold Ihnvr lii wucli of sllvor, And you' e loo much of golu I i puwlc. tlil. to worldlings, ' whim-tow tn lucn II lea, Who tlilni that uiM t" Hver ShooUl ruual a mutual prim But I a nut avaricious Amlyo'i'i-c not virdM-wuled; Ihavotno iniiLh nt silver, And you've too muthot gold. Uron our heads tho roason Too plainly i-an be &cen: I am tho winlor's boiid-slnve, Vou aro tho summer' Qaoen; Tco fnif ih'- years you number, Too many r have teld: I have too much of ullvor. And vou'vo too much of pjia. you have tho roso for token, I have dry leaf and rlmo; I havo tho sohhinu vesper, -. You, mornlnc bolls at chlroe. I would thai I wero youmter (And you Rrow never old) -Would 1 had les of silver, Tint vnu no less of cold I -Sdllh H. Thomat. in Srrtbner't Uojm WHY WOMEN FAIL Neod of Special Training for 0 nary Occupations. -IS OWNED BY- IC li And this Corporation is determined to 4-4-T! Most ii i it I u imm muuu T. (l,n.,!l f e,.u.., rm.n.. i i .i.i. .:.., -r. i 1 i .. , .... . xw Hiouij i.i cuiuui. uitiiiincia hum iiuiu uiweii icumi i.-iiiiiiiyi'u aiin me coiiicmniiited lmnrovemeiits Imvt- aM..ij vvijtnii Ab n .iiiviltlUVI III IllillVU lilt luntl uildlthiUB nnd around Higlilauu l'ail; BCiircely beutm. It is inteinled to make the drive lrudlug from Coniiuurciui street tlnou-'li Riverside find JII-'li THE KIN EST DRIVE IN THE STATE Of OreL'on ots will be more than two blocks distant from the' line. The line of the Salem Street Railway Company runs through the middle of this addition, and u .Highland Park will iu the near iuture be THE MOST POPULAR RESORT ABOUT THE CITY OF SALEM. Lois in Highland Additon arc High and Dry and Weil Located; Most Excellent Drainage a bottle, eiore. at Daniel J. Kry'n Drug The report for tho past year shows that tho Increase of fires in New York city bIiico tho organization of the paid lire department in lSGo is out of all proportion the Increase in the number of buildings. Ilemnrkalile Itcicup. Mra. Michael Curtain, I'lalnllelil, III., makes the statement that she caught colli, whieli settled on her luiii.8, she was trwiteil for u month by her family phjslclaH, but grew worse, ile told lier she was u hope lesa victim of eotistimptlon ami that no medicine could euro her. Her drugKlht suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Cousuinplion, bhe bought a bottle and lo her delight found hersell IxMiellted from tlrst d(Me. She eontiiiiied lis iixe and The soil Is black and rich. From all points a fine view is obtained of the miblie building ,,,,,1 ,. i,ii., assai-,&si. Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars, A t1 l -. r-ii .A.. - . . """' '.,, 'u"tnv ,a-v 1UU" Ior nn infer or ot not so well located With n.n , tffl." tW r 1,Ut ll 0Ut "l "to f i"te-t thattrt 'llcariy ThuSlifffi ou can street car nuvvivi t9 uoi l w 11 lill this Ureat Discovery nt Fr, ' Drug Store, largo I 'not nrmyutl." .!.. . .. I - --, l-or tne nrt two or uiri tutienj vraiiuiawititbyttijtih, ifurins wi'Uitt not coiiMiier Hie itravny or " npriii aid not coa matter, hut finally Wood, but retard! uistitloa, which wlci j ufler taking ten Imtlles, foiinil her- ' onjra wrpia, nj me circuutloa lutglih, tu4 Iu turn cuiei n enfttled ctlon ot the portt which roujtut orl-teoiu ltmply. Th ialera thwiry tberoforo t not to trrat the blood, but tho itomtrh nd llrr, o4 Itti uudrihU new U, that Joy'Yct UUoSriprlll ut t-onrlrL It 1 wlp lus tha oU blooJ Utwtw" U( out ot ex. UUucf. a rus Iu rint: i htvo hid tor yran lli at ln4ltitJU a.l Uypepil ud lilil nttrtj cterxtblus riully I toox on ot tha l4lus rrtllln. It fUK4 ptm- U ti lr nut ou iu) Uct. which I self hound tnul well, now iUhs lur own housewurU uiul is as well us Hheever wub, Kut trial bottle of Daniel J. bottles MV. nild 1.00. SITLER, PHELPS k EVANS, REAL ESTATE ANU COLLECTION AGENpV. Office Up-Staiis in New Bank Dlork Choice Country CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. We iimi hr.o n notary iiutillo imil iu countiuitlnmirnmiT. If yon vM bnl new M.Ui-iiicnlB wrlltt i u, Ixvik ivst,.l. wipylng. rmtird worlt, or aiuvvyunelti,; uouo, will unit lieo iu. 11. Diamond, Teacher of .Mule na denier Iu Slunlcul IiiatruiiienUuuit hiring. NO. 247 ! RONT ST Froposnls lin itccl. Kansas House, torucr oi L'otirt nnd Jllali S(s. : E, M. LAW, Proprietor. No Chlno-p employoil. (he matter, hut finally became little itMtiw over BhIomioii'h eon dltlou, when It whm rviK-ateii tuid etuphtiHUed Iu moderate (mien, In iTTleuik'rue ami In lij;li Kutiiidlng tones, Iu trill-, In uluIeltH, that ii l ulWl. mho ff IL ThlmplUU 1 M I ur bai iw rsturu of the ' cuts, bruU. soivs. ukvrs, . fur lulltiou u4 rheum, rover bores, tetter eh ''aenipttouC lunula, nhlllilulim isirn ,.! i Jptlout,' u UN', a. r. Tliulloanl of Health lm admit-''r's.i'f.l "' 1T!.,,r. .f .!h.e ted that the grip Wenldomlc In New, "w'fi ir.nvi for nimutiins at the York City, nnd ha Uueil u bullelln j A& Zlutwfflih.r cnulloiiliiK ever.v botly to lie unuu-, ttfu&rMtf&Stf&Wjft Hllycntvful In the matter ot heulth. ii !' toumi o r.t,s inr-iiwiunr. M 'i'r nn tlKMMtt, lb ixiuna rach.lo Im ,i i , , . . Kr Uor und or nnil uuullty tlekloit Utirklrun ArmrnSaho. 'iuftniaiiiiitrheirtiK. "wo. Tho beat naive In the world for ..." ,.""'li 'Pfr' .'"k pillow tick- Nllt ,.8"iij.l.- irny bn at the ottloe of uoupi .a im(t,uiia exkI limit Im la' nuatirOtiiirvlhcruwIth. , i iii ruin io iriv uny uaa ull bldi H tw- uctoek rt i r ip my Kesliiit Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meals at All Hours of the Day Kitn is i.. J. . crt itw.,, m ;u-ffl(v T. Cail and See I. CRONISE, A T ill' li. -State Popular Job Printer, Salem's i r,nl Q?aRTeks in thk werctel an,l fUf raekeS , JuiSg' 'M,?' NOTICE. Aiyjii-c is Hereby Bhc .1..., ,. 1 Imm uue uud unwid !?'","'' "uiidred HmW..': ""? "? AO- .''"i"1. siw: .""'.r'-i'ai ; No. 41 1o 47 Mlto-uV" New Fish Market. UA lien llhndftt htortiuKi PlVi!SM ivr ler will i 3 2b-lm The fumoua churo i ot" dt. MU'hael, uIiiiiiikhI hands, chilblain, eorus and ull Alu emptlunn, unit inwltlvely curvspUeu krmi. m. wIutM o,K-ned m or uu ikiv ivtiuirvo. ill.- KUuruiiUtHl " "' '" "" J"u ". uecafjA '" KCM, , IV. S liarwl-n C,?,c?V,,!- " I-.'. So cli: .N i.iCs I'ii'aud'lo 'r'f 1U ""-' :!iu.. I- re in'itej???''' oUl to imj said ,,"" ','", '.lu b""" will bo I'l cuuiiuny? u Sf ' ?," t" Me W X0T1CK "vuminr ith. that nt a mt- rs of thfi I'xi.. S V..IIIIM11V. IIH (1 "UCH.VJIIILI uwiit.ii tiK!K or ao'iirin!I?'!n!,"ol,s v ol fie "iiurivikvil 1 1 llll.l ..... .1 HLIU1.A1M. owiHtury, J'elimiuonl vnv v...!.. uy u..oi ,.,T,,.,"n:,niaVi" - " -Wt Uu7,"L'. .?".!' .p- IUIIIllIIV I. lit! 1 11 ...r " ""uUniVSK .yjWotnoti was DuUmrru'itl," ami . at Aba-Charrtille, wu rwently ile wlint who moro tuulmrnmliiK, tlutrtydliy ilrt. toKlve iH-rfeetKitmruutlon, or money rvtiuultHl. lrlcv aft eeuu ier bos. lit li.kitli.t T V.. . .. lBUi J ' ,IU8 W.A. Mir-N.Y ,l8U J nrkrtKnd. rLVK4TkH lKliNnvrB Q. V WKHII. XJoarvl o. 'llruttce. miimmmmmmmmimmmm , -ifff? t- "- - rlnmm , "f ,. lAi'r.r.n i....... Uu.j . "" T. T ftor Bn h 9 El 3 "y a a j i ... " Jt I t ctutofv,. 1 1 ::.:".'". wwMtt ID I. U1UU In ..I!. VKi,l.r tJiTAH. to,. iurun.i . " "iui. i.m. ...V. r"1. An Einrllnliwoman' View of tho Blhiitj In Hor Own Country Superacid! Vs. Useful Knowledco look, in? to the Future. " I wonder nnv man olive Should over roar a daughter." Even so long ago as tho date of thlifl oncra, wo unfortunate women were feta lm nn inconvenience ana a porplcxity.d tho recent correspondence on tho subjeaj nnr Daushtcrs" in a aany paper! clearly proved that a quiverful of duj tcrs Is by no means reRarueu us an i eating blessing. Soino of the correspondents -wroUl thouph drowning wero a trifle too good tho unluclty surplus somo oignt or 1 hundred thousand for whom thcroait husbands availablo. I think it Is timet somo woman should protest against t commonly-received idea tbat all Eadj girls aro brouglit up to regard inarms tho end and aim oi ineir exisicnco. ns denco created the woman as a bolpmecti tho man. it is true. But that wasv tlicro was only one man, and even I Providence granted her a separate souls an individuality of her own. Now that there aro more, far more, i gllshwomcn than there aro EnglishmiaJ is surely timo that wo should look thiujil tho faco and recognize tno ract that i aro too many of us to bo disposed of i monially. With a sentiment that was i lVforaposedof chivalry, and partly i from reluctance to place women on tj samo intellectual footing with themsel men havo for cmturies kept us back, t ported us by their own labors, and rounded us with overy comfort possible! their efforts, denying us only tho deliag luxury of independence. Legally, wot clabsed with children and fools. Until aijl year3npro, women with husbands had property of their own. Every thing j longed to tho malo partner In tho une( bargain. Tho laws concerning us fl framed upon tho supposition that we ' uuDt to deal with property, iiut of late a luster and more couits stato of things has come about, thanlal tho kindly exertions of somo few men, ij purcoivcu mo mjusuco oi treating i.oil as though they wero idiots. But met 1 largo aro now beginning to reap tho hard inoy memscivcs navo sown. Hod dauehtd been given half tho chances bestowed t matter of courso upon sons, tho present rl uruiiou oi gins wouiu do ai least as soma porting as their brothers. But fathers k not yet awakened to tho truth that thJ daughters could and would mako their vr ia tho world quito as well as tho sons. Ti outcry as to what thoy shall do with I daughters is merely tho natural conscaneJ of what thoy have dono with them hitherl ino ordinary father thinks ho has done his duty by his girls if ho has them well ucatedat somo fashionable school, wb(l iivery gin is laugnt oxacuy tho samo tia quito apart from her special capacities! uur muiviuuai tastes. Tho sons aro brought up to profession!.! u mauer oi courso. iionoy Is lavished i them; so much monov. In tact, thatd father is often unable to execute tho insa anco on his lifo that would malm noma vision for his dauchters in tho event of t deatli. Wo all know what happens wt iuu uruuu-winner dies, jmo need to descra tno miseries endured by girls who havcij nuys Decn sneitercdinahappyhome,!! who find themselves thrown on tho o world without any equipment against a But fathers aro now beginning to awl iu iuu exigencies or tho caso. Sensible a realize that tho education nhtninnhin nt i ordinnry fashionablo schools is no educsW ai uu in tno true sense of tho word. It isf iaymg on rather than a brinirinir out a girl needs is that TOhntn,. mioni .1 within her shall bo Drought forth, dovelopl ....v.u.uun;uioii3 very nighest pitcn perfection. What is her favnrltn nurd next to novel reading, tennis playingsl consuming sweets? Kvnrv rrf-i hn. uJ special aptitude, and in it should bo reel huku mo germ oi future independence ".vu iuu Bu-caueu Stunirl irirl Mat some iono thing bet tor than othorthings,d tho full battervof dimmim, ,i.n.,u h J iw Biraigut upon tho ono point, inst ui owns iruuiessiy wasted upon tho into! uuiu pmno, water-color drawing andCj vy.7. """'"J-4 "B oi continental language WnL0"rth.sUouldovorir?",llearnmuiil ri-.i.. . . :. lnoso wno do are abscluU uvauiuiu 01 mo .n m- .u- SSV-WB0 aQd ef what posj "i. . " lu uui uo eisol who has a .. "-"-u.irom mem nnd thoir Ar "pracllclntrl" Tt u ".:. 71 &t.!!?a. feri0 dured by tb :.., "'us-ruciors can novor bo esi MniTi ,, notcs that jar upon 15 ViVSnsTc.5! mus,.t7nV ,U"BS must mako tho life of j SJoriMS?- Andwbyshod It u i, '""'"' lo Piay on the pianoi tM n is by no means tho Mo.-,! in.nLmt i llfl hAOt -..! . o.M-' heln ,tL, .. ,, nmvadays noono who i timo thnV. "".'". to al ateur. bo m,v;K"v."vulvu such lessons wo moroc;iL!Pent ta learning. 0 -o 3SUU. . lcrhaps tho root nf .i. ..i i . wives who l J"n .PPOscd telSJ arr,55SLsg eiBhbo & ,t ?"Ma y r lD near neighbors thnVi .alc'' ,or j . It b S?olrh0tlptan' seldom opci thorolsT,?.S ,f "mo to learn It, unl I IWlMalii . T. "IM. ..-nil hi -" - HVVIUU1 Itlfltn f- -.. . t.W ,iiZTr7 u btutu JlJTV. OIJiK ll Ha nomei.- '" w music, iiaucw !i. JZ&.& WSfcP , ul?tV '? -odcty Vho docs H r mm ortn. I of this social 7i s's8 oftuo decadi BBWBBHBBPIW . " 5? JP' m I . , jw ji R '''WHBS tl" .Vn.,,1. . i '.-- " rli! """ III