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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1889)
wu ' f w '"TTT VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., THURSDAY MARCH 7, 1889. no. 3or$. MISCELLANEOUS. OLIVE LODGE No. 18, I. O. O. F., meets In Odd Fellows' Hall up stairs. Cornoi Commerclul and Ferry streets, every 8atr urdayot 7:30 p.m. J . T. GREGG. JA8. WALTON. secretary. n. G. INHITRANRK I n n m n n. n v . f Flro and Ma- JOS. ALBERT. Agent, Salem, Oregon HOWARD BROTHERS -DO General House Moving, Raising and Repairing. Work promptly done at.rcosonable rates. Orders left at capital Journal office ivlll receive attention. 9-U-tf To Cigar and Tobacco Users. tfm, Myers, the cigar manufacturer, offers you special bargains in cigars and tobacco lor the next month, His especial brands are SALEM SPORT and ii OPERA BELLE. His goods are all first-class, as he has had twenty-one years experience In the busi ness of manufacturing and selling cigars. Cigars by tho box at special rates. WfLLIArvl MYERS. 205 Commercial Street, - - Salem 33 oarderS! 1 nyone wishing to board at a quiet A and cozy place, will rind the object of their search at IMRS. M. A. THOMPSON'S, Cor. Chcmckete and Liberty Sts., Salem, Where a low select boarders can secure board. Airs. C. A. Rice. Miss. C. Lacey. DRESSMAKERS and TRIMMERS. Wishes to inform tho Ladles of Salem that they aro prepaicd to do tilmmlug and dressmaking In all its differ ent branches In tho 1 ' LATEST STYLES ' Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaran teed. Call and see them before placing your orders. U5 State utieet, up stairs. . Im. WE FIND THAT PEOPLE ALL -Stop at L. 3. WINTERS For groceries and especially for the best COFFEE In the city. REAL ESTATE. To your money until you see some of the bargains In Ileal Es tate offered by THOMAS & PAYNE 07 State St., Salem. One-fourth block and line resi dence on Center street, only $20,60; five and ten acre lots two miles from Salem, clean prairie. Good house and lot in block 48 only $1000, and property in all parts of tho city and country. Fine residence property in Los Angles to exchange tor property here. The Salem Abstract and land CO., Have removed to building adjoining Thompson' jewelry store on Commercial street. Titles Investigated. Money to Loan. Land for Sale. Houses for Rent CALL AND SEE US. Annual School Election. limr imimb Hod On 3U1E annual school election for one D. . rector and a Clerk of District No, 21, In arton county will be "held at the Opera House In Halrm on Monday, the llth day of March, 1889, from 3 o'clock to 6 o'clock p. m. David Simpson. School Clerk, m km L Is a corporation duly organized and of Oregon. It began business stock of r.v" vP&o; The First Sale Made By This --LXS"4aa . 11 , -fl!HSISjgWB4a&aactaSg During the nine months which have since elapsed it has made 107 sales to 104 different persons. Of the purchasers 85 have bought farming lands. It has also, during this time sold 61 residence lots in Salem. Of those purchasing but 25 wore residents of Marion county prior to purchasing. The remainder were from the following localities, viz: Jackson Co. 1 Polk Co. 3 Multnomah Co. 4 Clackamas Co. 1 Yamhill Co 1 Mon tana 4 Minnesota 4 Kansas 10 England 2 Colorado 2 Washington Territory 7 Iowa 5 Dakota 3 Indiana 2 California 8 Nebraska 7 Ohio 3 Wisconsin 1 Missouri 1 Illinois 1 Pennsylvania 2 Unknown 7. This shows that sales are not confined to former residents of this local ity, but that people are swarming in from the East to make their homes among us. Tho business of this company is constantly Increasing. More than half of its sales have been made within the past three months, al though this is a season of tho year when sales are usually dull. The company has from 15 to 20 men constantly employed. It has representatives on Puget Sound. Ithas three men hi Portland, twoot whom give it their entire time. Rev. F. J. Strayer, who last year introduced so many immi grants into this State, is now In the East lecturing and distributing advertising literature exclusively for this company. He will start to this State with his first excursion on the 4th of April next. This company is now spending more money to advertise Salem and the surrounding locality than The Salem Board of Trade and Within the past twelve days for advertising Over Fita Hundred The second edition of the compa'ny's pamphlet descriptive of Salem and the Willamette Valley is now in press. This is an edition of TWENTY THOUSAND COPIES Of a beautifully illustrated fifty pago pamphlet. Wo cannot advertise so extensively in our home papers as we wish, for tho reason that parties whom wo most desire to reach are residents of the Eastern States, where these papers do not circulate. Wo do not advertiso every sale we make in the local press, but we have advertised in more than ONE THOUSAND PAPERS In tho East, as wo depend upon Eastern buyere for tho great bulk of .our patronage. During tho next few months our advertisement's will be read by millions df readers of Eastern newspapers,' who will thus bo placed in direct communication with .us, and nearly all of those who come to this canst will come ticketed for tho ofllce of THE OREGON LAND COMPANY. For these reasons parties desiring to sell will find it to their interest t place their lands in the hands of this company. If you wish to sell property leave it wiiero BUYERS COME TO BUY : If you wish to buy property come where property is left for sale. Your neighbors have land and don't want to buy. EASTERN PEOPLE DO. v Ouradvfrtisemenja catch tho eyes of Eastern people every where. We have five teams and comfortable conveyances ready at all times day or nlget, to convey parties to the properties we havo for Bale, DON'T BE MODEST. You are welcome to rido with us whether you buy or not. Company urn operated under the laws or the State in March, 18S8, with a $20,000. capital Company Was in April Last. All Other Agencies Combined ! it has paid for and contracted to tho amount of id Twenty-Five Dollars, yiNANCIAL. First National Ban I in uci SALEM. OREGON. WM. N. LADUE, President. DR. J. REYNOLby, - Vice President. JOHN MOIlt, ....... Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exchange orl Portland, San Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers aro cordially Invited to deposit und transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and othor property at reasonable rates. Insurance on such se curity can be obtained at tho bank In moat reliable companies. established by national authority ii OF SALEM - - - OREGON. up, - $75,000 10,000 Surplus, It. S. WALLACK, - - President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vlco-Prcsldent. J. II. ALBERT. ,-. - - Cashier. DIRLCTORSi V. T. Gray, W. W. Marttu, J. M. Martin, R. 8. Wallace. Or. W. A.Cuslck. J. II. Albort, T. MeF. Patton. LOANS MADE To rnrmcrs on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or in store, either In private grawarlesor public w arehouses. Stale and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at leasonablc rates. Drafts drawn direct on Now York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris. Berlin, Hong Kong and Calcutta. $50. HORSES. $50. One hundred head of brood marcs and young horses for sale. Forty or fllty colts oxpected in tho spring Two lino horses, Clydo and Pcnhcon stock, weight sixteen and80cntecn hundred; huvo been with tho bund for the past tbrca years. Original stock from tho best quality ol mares. For particulars address or seo W. II. BYARS, wit. Salem. Or. OREGONIAN RAILWAY CO. (Limited Line.) CHAS. N SCOTT, - - Receiver. On andaflcr Feb. 18 1830. and until further notice trains will run dally (except Sun day) as follews: TlieCapital National Bank EAST SIDE, ColmrgMull il'ortl'd Mull From Port- STATIONS. Tow'idPort land land Jiv. ll.Su am I'outi.anJ) iw v Ar, l.lO.p in. Ar. 10.0(1 Footof.Icrson.St Lv. 2.15pm Jtny's Uindlng, Ar 1.80 " 2.28 St. Paul's, 12.17 " MB Woodburn, " 12.00 " 8,Jl TowiiHcnd, " 11.1(1 " 11.40 McKee, " 11.10 ' 153 Mt. Angel, " 11.21 " 1.0.1 Down's, " U.11 " l.lfl Hlherton. " 11.00 " !.! Johnston's Mill' " 10.20 ' 1.S1I Swltzeiland, " 10.10 " 1.17 F.istSldoJunct., " 1007 " fi.80 Macleay, " l.l " ISO Aumsvllle, " IMH " fi.Gfl WestStayton " K.50 " ail Ol'ClossIng, " 8.40 " 0.21 WostBclo, " 8.28 " 8,13 Cnibtrep, " 8.00 " 7.20 Splcer, - " 7.M " 7.20 Tiilliiuin, " 7.22 " 8.03 Plalnvlew. " 0-48 " 8:37 Urownsllle, " 0.13 0:20 Rowlund, " 6.30 " 10:15 Coburg. " iiSO Ar p in AR I.V Lv a m Commotion Tickets at two con ts por mllo on sale at stations having ugents. Connection at Ray's und Fulquart Landing with Steamer "City of Salem " CHAS. N. SCOTT, Receiver. General Oftlces, N. W Cor. First and Pine St Portland, Oregon. Tho B OYHHB' OUIDB is issusd MArch and Sept., oaoh year. It is an ency clopedia of useful Infor mation for all who pur. chase the luxuries or tho necessities of life. We can clothe you and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary applianoea to ride, walk, danoo, sleep, at, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and In varloua aUes, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fall estimate of the -value of the DDTfBRB' OUIDB, which will bo sent upon receipt of 10 cents pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 111.114 lUohJgaa Avonno, Chicago, Hi. CONDENSED DISPATCHES. Duko of Sutherland married a at Dunedin, Flu., on Mrs. Blair Monday. Tho capital stock of tho Pullman Palace Car Company Is Increased to twenty-five million dollars. Alaska cost this government seyen million dollars and has aleady returned nine and a half millions. At Chin Kiang, China, a great anti-foreign riot occurred Feb. 5-8. The British and American consulates were attached and looted and tho houses of missionaries wcro burned down. Tho manager of tho Santa Fe de nies that his road is going Into any hands but its own. Ho admits it has been badly crippled, but says it prospects now are bettor than over before. A great discovery in practical astronomy has been made by Prof. Hastings of New Ha ven: How to correct chromatic aberrations in telescopes. This will glvo telescopes vastly moro power, as much as twenty to thirty per cent. Tho compressed air industry Is growing to do of great Importance in Paris. Cylinders filled with com pressed air aro distributed among several industrial establishments. A grand system ot depots is to bo built and filled with these loaded re ceivers. It seems that tho great "Q" strike is not yet settled. The Burlington officials havo not done as they agreed at tno secret conferonco of January. Thero is no telling now what will take place. Theso troubles have only begun. Thero aro vast secret combinations taking place on all sides. In time will come tho earthquako shock. Would that governments and societies of all kinds preferred to uso tho ounce of prevention beforo the pound of cure Signal Station. The following communication will bo of interest to tho readers of the Journal. It will givo us to under stand that tho prospects of having a signal station established in Salem aro doubtful, us wo seek nothing at the loss of our neighbors, und also that our senators and representatives aro wide awake to the interest of the state: Washington, Fuji. 27, '80. Hon. J. N. Delpii: I have the honor to acknowl edge tho receipt of your letter of February 24th, touching on a com munication you havo received from prominent citizens of Salem, Ore gon, urging tho establishment of a station at that place. I havo the honor to say frankly, that it does not seem to mo Hint such n station is required in the best interest of the publlo service. Thero aro now stations at Astoria, Port land, Boseburg, and on tho U.S. Military-telegraph lines, at Ashland Linkvllle and Fort Klamath, us also a station at Walla Walla, Just over tne line to the norm- unci at noise City, to tho eust. Tho Hon. Mr. Hermann has been very urgent that a station should bo established at Baker City. Tho hentiment of all the officers connected with predict ing duty is against the establishment of it station ut Baker City. But I havo iiad In mind tho possibility of establishing a station thero In the interest of Eastern Oregon, perhaps being obliged to move Bolso City to Baker Ci . Of course if it was agreed by i lie Oregon delegation that Salem fill .u Id have the station rath er than lloseburg, such u clmngo could bo made, though lu tho inter est of geographical distribution Eugene City would bo the moro preferable point. I am unfamiliar with tho growth of tho Oregon cities since 1880, und should be pleased to defer as far as possible, to tho wishes of yourself in particular, and tho Oregon delegation in general, In meteorological matters concerning the interests of that state. Very sincerely yours, A. W. Ghekly, Chief Signal Officer. A Mood Cap t CelTte Is a great attraction for a restau rant. Tho cofleo druwn from Hcl lenbraud'H Patent Coll'eo receptacle is one of tho many Great Attrac tions of his eating parlors. Thous ands of cups of his excellent cofi'eo are Bold every week. And as for oysters and meals he cannot bo equaled In the state. tf. Wright's Hop, Celery and Chamomile Hitters is what you are looking tor If you want a preparation that will tone up your system, give you an appetite, and Improve the digestive organs. Hold by II, W. Cox TELEGRAPHIC TIDINGS. Events of tho Whole for Twenty-four Hours. Territorial Gold. Ellensiiurgii, March. G. Con siderable oxcltemcnt was caused by the arrival of parties from tbo Mc thow valloy bringing specimens of gold quartz assaying $4500 per ton. Methow is a new district about 36 miles from Conconnully, in which several valuablo finds havo been made recently, but nouo so rich as this last. Several parties Interested in mining aro going to outfit for the Methow at once. A. L. Thomas, residing on tho Wenatchco, came to town yesterday with specimens from a 61-foot vein of coal discovered on his ranch. Thero has been several discoveries of coal on tho Wenatchee of fine, hard quality, and that sec tion promises to develop a coal field. Hinting Chinese. San Francisco, March 0. The steamer City of Now York, from Hong Kong, brings news that tho antl-forelgnnotsatChiu-Klaug,wero started by alleged cruelty on tho part of the police. Belief is now coming in from all sides forthestarvlug people In North China, but it is feared many thou sands will perisli in tho cold of winter. On February 12th a very serious rising of Black Flags and Anua manltes brokoout on tho Tong King frontier against tho French. Tho military posts wero destroyed and it is said over a hundred French soldiers wero killed. A Duilo ami llnlr. Ni:w York, March 0. E. Berry Wall will como into another fortune. Tho size of it Is placed at $2,000,000, and It conies from ills brother Wil liam, who was burled hero. It is said that before his departuro for tho Pacific coast William Wall spoko to the members of his family about his property, and tho advisa bility of leaving it to his brother. There hud been some bad feeling between tho brothers, it is under stood, but the sick man agreed to put asido all unfriendly thoughts and mako a will In Berry's favor. lllll Watkluds Again. Aliiany, Or., March 7. W. II, Watklnds lias brought suit lu tho circuit court in this county for ?10, 528 damages claimed on account of injuries received recently at Lebanon by fulling from a high sidewalk near tho depot. Tho Bidewalk had no balustrade or light to show its dangerous con dition and tho plalntlfi' walked oil' and broke a fow ribs. Tho case will como up for trial at tho March term of court, which convenes next Mon- duy. A Hurtling Disgrace, Washington, Murch (J. Tho con duct of tho Pennsylvania mllltla attending tho Inaugural ceremonies hero was marked all along by dis graceful scenes. Their rowdoyish acts and drunken debaucheries came near culminating in a riot. The Mormon Monster. Atlanta Ga., Marcli 0. A party of fifteen Mormons passed through this city early this morning on their way to Utah. They camo from Southern Georgla,and were in charge ot two missionaries. What Puzzled Patrick. "Look at that, now," said an Irishman, as, in company with a friend, he passed a couple of Itullan.s who wero engaged in animated con versation. "Well, what of it? Thoy aro talking to leach other, nothlng raoro." "Yis; but hero's tho wan thing that Ol want to know?" 'What Is that?" "How in tho divll cau they toll phwat they'so talking about?" Traveler. It U generally conceded by physicians that about one-half of tho population of uiuuon oi from In- the united States are suttbrlng from digestion and Dyspepsia. Hurried eating and Improper mastication and Insallva tlon of food are the principal causes. Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic strengthens and Invigorates the digestive organs and en able one to enjoy a hearty ineul without, any unpleasant after etrtosts. bold by D. W. Mathews O. fr rHf i a 1 i