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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1900)
WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN,- TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1900. - ARIl WILLING : . TO'UNtTE Citizens' Movement Endorsed by Popalist Convention. REID THEIB MEETING YESTERDAY SfadaBntTwo Xomlnatlons Fcadlaf; the Actios of too BOTaraJ "Reform rrtltt-DBmU Today. I '.'.- (From Daily, April 7th.) The ., gerat majority of the Populist party of Marion county will awake this morning not kowing where they "are at." About fifty Populists, representing some 146 delegates elected at the party primaries last Saturday, met in this city yesterday and passed through the form ality of holding a county convention. The convention opened quite harmani- ble assemblage were good, bat upon reconvening m the afternoon a cloud appeared, and which, before adjourn ment, had developed into a serious storm. There was no order, contusion having been substituted and most cha otic conditions prevailed. The convention had no direct purpose a i v: . . l V. ( i n 11 met ami very uuic ds iut)iii plished in the way of naming a ticket, but everything points to a" fusion of re form forces, under what is styledj a "citizens mavfment." The Populists named two candidate on the legisla tive ticket, viz: John A. Jeffrey, lot Salem No. I., and Jchn W- Jor,y. of Si !- ney. 1 he matter ot compirtinjf tne ticket, in event a citizens movement county affairs is not instituted, was fe- erred to-th county central comtm'.t;. Friday was an extremely busy daylin Of egon's Capital City; but the wind !id not prevail out of doors entirely; for the Populist convention of Marion was buhl in the council chamber at the cfty ball and almost incessantly from ; a. m. until 6:301. m.. the h6urs the convention was irt session, the halls re sounded in classic flights of oratory. Some of the speakers in their remarks became" pathetic in discussing the fu ture prospects of the Populist party and tne many oanger tuat oeset it troni af filiation wrd oither political ' jarties. -while others- displayed .more dramatic talents, becoming quite demonstrative. The variety ot delivery, together with 4 he perennial gHK( nature 01 I .-. yv. Weeks, the chairriian, provided an ap preciable amount of entertainment tor The half hundred. spectators in ; t'tend ance. 11. J. SSiarp. the preacher-politician, was omnipresent and Chairman Weeks was repeatedly obliged to re mind the gentleman that '!. "was no: so many," Sharp was not aregular!y ejected delegate, but was seated as: a delegate and participated in the deliber ations of the convention under the "suf ferance" of the convention. as he had admitted and one of the delegates ques tioned tbe veracity of the admission. R. K. Ryan, the veteran ' Populist of 'North Salenw became somewhat cd strepcrous and bad to be ca'led ! down several times. But he took it all good - good naturedly. tue of the Populists yesterday, -for ' it was 10:40 o'clock when County Chair- ntan G. W. We-k- -failed th farihn County Populist convention to order at the city hall. The meeting was called for 10 o'clock, but the lateness of the hour of convening results from a mis trmlerstanding regarding the place i ibolding ifclie convention, the city hall being determined upon only n the ore ceding evening. i S Chairman Weeks, stated the nature of the meeting and called for nomina tions for temporary chairman. A. Lib- of South Salem; G. W. Weeks. tjie county chairman, wa-s placed in noijn- Mnatton tiy J. M. 1'ayne. ot Salem JtO. 1 A ballot was taken, delegates present voting individually,, no proxies bei?g allowed, and the result was: lory 18, Weeks 27. blank 1. Mr. Weeks was declared elected temporary chairman y the acting temporary secretary i Prtt T .C Jory. Chairman We?ks dunked the convention and Mr. Jory politely expressed nis thanks tor i he placing joi the burden ot presiding over the con vention where it belonged. i Committees were named as flows: Credentials J. T. Robertson. ArAC Lrbbey, I- S. Stephens, W. D. Matth ews. J. W. Jory. ! i Order 61 business--J. A. Jeffrey, ij. L. Robertson. W. F. Jonts. i . j John W. jory suggested the appoint ment of a committee on platform- and resolutions, but, being : infoVmed: that the motion was a little previou?,. that such a committee is usually named af ter permanent organization of the .con vention, requested an cariy report i of the committee on credentials. j ! The following committee on perma nent organization was appointed; i J. M .Payne. C. L. Weaver. A. I. Eoff.l The remainder o tne morning ses sion was driven up toa free-for-jll dis cussion relative to the best plan to pur sue. 7 D. E. Swank, of Auntsvile, ex pf essed himself "heartily in favour of a citizens movement. J. P. Frizzell (en dorsed the plan. I. M. Wagner favor ed a union o reform principles and said t1e party could- sacrifice everything for he initiative and referendum. JLe caused some surprise by remarking that two of the candidates of the Repub lican legislative ticket had " endorsed the initiative and referendum, one! in writing, and he favored endorsing srch inert, even though they were Republi cans. T, Y. McClellan. 'Mr. CleTeUnd and R. 'R. Ryan were opposed to ar.y Jhing but the naming of a full tirket. Prof. T. C Jory. J. JK:t Jeffrey and J. M. Payne spoke m avor of a onion of forces lor economical government, f At 12:15 o'clock. adjourn.!mn: was taken nntii 1:30 o'clock and upon re convening,' the reports of committees were received. - v- I 'I Committee on creitcntials Joud the following delegates entitled to seats in The convention: , ; , .if Atrmsville D. E. Swank, S. L; Lon don, Tom Johnson R. F. Snyder, ' G. W. Merryfield, M. H. Spear, A. II. Eunn. J. L. Larsen. ' Englewood-i-J. If. Nowatney, J. H. Keyes, W. H. H. Dunkle, M. E. Smith-. D. E. Johnson,' ?" HoreSBurt Gates, J. Collins, G. A. Spencer. J. Turnige, Henry Joost, W. Oark, al iby Collins, proxy. How-ell L. Woods, B. Weisner, Al McCann, C M. Wolf, J. Stevens, E. Stevens, Geo. W. Weeks. Hubbard GT WV Dimick. JeffersorH-J. WV Pate, T. A. Cooper. A. C. Libbey. J. T. Curl. H. N. Sullis, Mr. Blackwell, W. F. Jones. Macleay Asa Eoff, John Short, F. A- Myers, 'Wilt Jones; Will Short. Monitor J. R. 'White, T. F. Boggs. M. J. White. F. Fenkke. A. Aas. G. F. Bon ney, all by J. R. White, proxy. ; Prospect D. W. Matthews. Salem No. 1 John M. Payne, A. S. Slippy. J. A. Jeffrey. ? t Salem No. 2 D. W. Frazer. by J. P. Robertson, proxy; T. L. Golden, R. H. Leabo, J. P. Frizzell, John P. Robert son, 1 Salem No. 4 'A. Olinger. ? South Salem E. O'Flyng, Earl Jory. C. L, Weaver.-iMihon Brown. J. Col gan. John Gibson. Fred Mclntyre, J. W .Gilten, Lee Abbey, Henry 'Johns, J J prcsier. . South Silverton T. Y. McClellan, John Dick, S. F. Anderson, L. C. Pool er, Earl Pooler, M. Kaser, all by T. Y. McClellan, proxy. Stayton G. L. Brown, E. C. Bak er, T. C. Darby, J. W. Taylor, S. C. Bass, J. W. Murphy, A. F. Apple,-C. parby, J. W. Thomas, S. T. Darby. Sidney H. A. Lig-ht. J. A. Colby, John W. Jory. T. C. Jory, Geo. M. Elgin, O. Butler. Turner H. C. Robertson, GAV. Hun saker, Wm. H, Harris, L L. Robert son. Yew Park J. C. Webb. I. M. Wag ner, A. M. Blinston, B. Shaw, H. P. Cleveland ,J. Dumas, M. Stanton. North Salem T. J. Clark, R'. R. Ry an, John Hoffman, G. R. Ferguson. G. B. Jacob (by Hoffman, proxy), F. J. Beatty, O. Hutchins, C. O. Brewster. S. W. Southwick. Scotts Mills G. C. Matlock. Charier Shippen. Anton Ettlen (by Matlock, proxy), W. H. Adair. '1Ve further recommend that where there are precincts that have not held primaries, that any true Populist pres ent from the precinct shall be entitled to representation in the convention, but no such person shall be entitled to more than one vote." The following precincts were not re presented in the convention: Aurora. Brooks. Bwtteville, Champoeg, Elk horn, Fairfield, Gervais, Marion, Me ha ma. Mt. Angel. Saleni No. 3. East Salem. Silver Fa.Ps, Silverton. North Silverton. St. Paul and Woodburn. The temporary organization was maY permanent in accordance with the report of the committee on permanent organization. B. J. Sharp. vWErJones. Lou Woods C .L. -Weaver and 'M. H. Spear were constituted a committee on apportion ment of delegates to the state nd dis trict conventions to be held in Port land next Thursday, The apportion-m't-nt of delegates and the selections sidbsequently made were as follows: Aumsville and Aurora, 1 X. -E. .Swank. Englewood and Brcitenbush, 1 J: H Nowatney. Horeb and Brooks. 1 J. A. Jeffrevs Howell. Elkhorn and Champoeg, 1 Elii 'Stephens. Gervais and Hubbard, I Eugene Manning. Jefferson and Marion, f W. F. Tones. Macleay. Fairfield and Mehama, 1 J. b. Short. i.Monitor ani Silver Falls, 1 J. R. While. Mt. Anger and Salem No. 1, 1 J M. Payne. . Sa'em No. 2 and Salem No. 4. 1 J P. Robertson. Salem No. 3. East Salem and Scotts Mills. 1 B. J. Sharp. 'South Salem. 1 F. A. Mclntyre. North Silverton and Sidney, 1 Geo. M Elgin. South Silverton and St. Paul, 1 T. 1 . McCIeilan.. . Stayton. 1 G. W. Murnhv. Wood-burn and Yew Park, 2 I. M. aK'icr anu 1 . onaw. North Salem. 1 R. R. Rvan. Two delegates-at-large were elected by the convention by ballot, wioh the touowing result: Jonn W. Jory and G. W. Weeks. The 'ollowing report was submitted by the committee on order of business and the same was adopted: "First Permanent organization. "Secondi Election of twentv-two. del egates to the State and district conven tions to be held in Portland on the 12th day ot April. 1900. "Third (Matters concerning nomin ation of officers. Upon motion. Chairman Weeks named the following committee on res olutions and platform: D. E. Swank. A. I. Eoff. Geo. 'Dimick. John Jory and J. McCann. Later in the- afternoon the committee returned the following onet . piatiorm, w-iweh was adopted: : "We. your committee on resolutions. beg leave to report the following: "First, national affairs. We reafiirm the principles of the Peoples Partv as set lorth in the national platforms of sab J party. "Second", state and county affairs. We demand an economical and honest administration of county and state af fairs to the end that the people may be relieved trom the burdens of unjust tax ation undr which they are being crnsn ed, and which amount; to virtual 1 con fiscation. Third We demand for the people the right to self-government through the initiative, the referendum and the imperative mandate." T. W.. Davenport, of Silverton; J. B. Dimick. of Hubbard, and Jacob Voo--hecs. of Woodburn were called for and made brief addresses, endorsiig the sentiment for reform; that was mani fested in the convention. The -following resolution, offered by A. C. Libbey, of Jefferson, was unani mously adopted: "The People's Party pauses in its de liberations to note with profound sor row and feelings of deepest regret, the absence of one who was with it in every previomis assembly of importance, since the reform forces of this state were or ganized in the interests of better gov ernment for all. and "Whereas, K. L. HEibard has died since this convention's last meeting; and. ' - .' ; . - -Whereas, to his wise counsel an1 unselfish devotion to the principles of riie People's Party, is greatly due pop ular, protest against be encroachrnents of clais legislation -upon the inherent rights of our citizens; and . "Whereas, the private life of K. L. HiUxard was such as to make his name gsynonymous with all that js good and nororabic among men; therefore 1 ,TBe tt resolved by the People's Party in convention assembled, this 6th day of April, 1900, that by the death of K. L, Hibbard. the People's Party has lost a wise counsellor and unselfish member and the state a citizen in the highest degree, honorable anJ patriotic; "Resolved, that the secretary be in structed to spread a copy of this reso tion on the minutes of this convention, and furnish a copy io the family of the decease;'."' "; ProL T. C Jory moved that the of fices on the coun-ty ticket from county judge to i cproner, inclusive, be left blank to be supplied by a citizens move ment. m J. A. Jeffrey proposed an amehd mertt to the effect that both the legis lative and executive offices be left blank, the supplying thereof to be left with a committee to be named, by, the conven tion, they to fill the vacancies in event the citizens movement did not mater ialize."" - t '- J The introduction of this motion and the amendment that was offered, ' gave the loquacious Populists a theme for discussion and they very generally availed themselves of the opportunity. J. W. Jory, Mr. Cleveland, B. J. Sharp and others spoke against the amend ment, while Mr. Jeffrey, in j a very afole debate argued for the amendment. He was suoported by E. O'Flyng and J. P Robert son.1 The latter gentleman moved an amendment to the amendmert, that two representatives and a candidate for county judge be named, the supplying of the balance of the ticket to be , left to a committee of ten. He failed to re ceive a second. R. R. Ryan then pro posed an amendment to the amendment that the convention proceed to name a complete county ticket, but it was de feated by a decisive vote. Mr. Jeffrey's amendment was then called up and met the same fate by a vote of 42 to 73. Roberstpn renewed his amendment, nut was ruled oirt of order. The original motion then carried -by a vote ot Co to S3. - . "By a vote of 28 to 22, Robertson of Turner, was successful in a motion that the convention proceed to name two two candidates on the legislative ticket John A. Jeffrey and John. W. J.ory, both of Salem, were placed in nomination. The names of I, L. Robertson, W. T. Rigdon, B. J. Sharp, Asa Eoff, G. W. Weeks and T. Y. McClellan. were also offered. but all of these gentlemen declined in positive terms, with the exception of W. T. Rigdon, who was not present. Asa Eoff, who named Mr. Rigdon, was in formed that his nominee was a Silver Republican and the candidacy of that gentleman was not further considered by the convention. Upon motion, the secretary cast the rote of the conven tion for Messrs. Jory and Jeffrey, who were declared nominated. Upon motion of R. R. Ryan, the naming of the renrainder of the ticket was left to the county central commit tee. The election of precinct chairmen by the precinct delegations resuhe 1 as fol lows: Aumsville, S. T. Loudn: En glewood, I. H. Keyes; Scotts Mills. Grant Matlock; Horeb. Geo. A Spen cer; Howell, G. . W. Weeks; Jeffersjn, W. F. Jones: Macleay, Asa I. Eoff; 'Monitor. M. j. White; Salem No. 1. J. M. Payne; Salem No. 2, J. P. Frizzell; Salem No. 3. B. J. Sharp; Sal'm Nc. 4. A. Olinger; South Salem, C. L. Weav er: South SiWerton. T. Y. McClellan; Sidney, J. W. Jory; Turner, I. L. Rob ertson.; Yew Park, P. Shaw"; North Sa lem, R. R. Ryan. . J.; P. Robertson offered ihe f Revving resolution, which was adopted: "Resolved, that the ce ural committee be apd they are hereby au thorized and instructed to use 'heir best efforts to fill all county offices rot nominated by this convention ".v."ih ac ceptable candidates in sympathy with our fundamental' principles, either from the People's Party, the t Democratic party, the Free Silver. Republican party. or candidates nominated by a citizens' county convention." The selection of candidates lor road supervisors, constables and justices of the peace was left to the individual pre cinct delegations. At 6:20 o'clock, having disposed jf ;11 business, the convention adjourned. Immediately following adjournment, the members of the county central com mittee held a meeting and ejected an organization by re-electing ' Geo. W. Weeks as chairman, and naming Prof. T. C. Jory as secretary, The commit tee decided to meet in Salem on Satur day, the 21 st inst. W. T. 'Rigdon, county chairman of the Silver Republican party, calted the county central committee together at 7:30 o'clock last evening for consulta tion as to the action to be taken by hat party in the present county campaign. Af er considerable ciscu?sion, in which nearly all present took part, the follow ing resolution was unanimously passed: TResolved. that the Silver Republi cans of Marion county do not take any party action in the present county cam paign, but that the members of said party be free to act according to the dictates of individual judgment." The committee then adjourned, and a goodly proportion joined in the Dem ocratic caucus which was being- held irt an adjoining hall. " 'The Marion county Democratic con vention will be held in the city council chamber today, the convention being called for 10 o'clock. It $ not known what the convention wilf' Ho, but it is 1 la due to an acid poison which gains access to the blood through failure of the proper Organs to carry off and keen the frstemctetrof all morbid, effete matter. This notion mill y -NEIL Aie pwer uioou i solvent, purifying properties, attacks the disease in the right way, and in the right place the blood and quickly neutralizes the acid and dissolves all poisonous deposits, stimulates and reinforces the overworked, worn-out organs, and clears the system w mi uuuouuij awiuiiiuiiuwia, o. o. o. the blood in a pure, healthy state. I Mr. j. o. MaUey. 123 W. istb Street. Induuiapolia, IikL, for eijehten months was so terriblv aftltcted ' "tin KDctrmttam be was unable to feed or dress himself. Doctors said his case was hopeless. He had tried fifty-two prescriptions that friends had giTea. him, witboot the slightest relief. A few bottles of o. a m am vt mamiu7, vu ac aas never nana raeamauc paia since. Tills was five years ago. ; We will send free our special book on Rheumatism, which should be in the hands of every sufferer from this torturing disease. Our physicians have made blood and skin diseases a life study, and will give you any information or advice wanted, so write them iuiiy ana xreeijr arxrat your case, we mate generally presumed that the Democrats will. unite in the move for a citizens ticket. (From Daily, April 8th). MARIQN COUNTY .DEMOCRATS 'For representatives John A.. Jeffrey, of Salem; JohnjW. Jory, of Sidney; E. Hoferi of SaJeijn: A- B- Hudclson. of Jefferson; John B. Dimick, of Hub bard. v ', - " . 'County judge -W. W. Elder, of Stay- ton. . -k v f I ".. . . 'Sheriff-Frank W. Durbin, of HoW ell. .:! - ;! ' " ) Clerk--W. E. Finzer, of Woodburn. Recorder John J. King, of Macleay. Treasurer C Matlock, of Silver ton.' :"! 1 r Assessor J. W. Hobart, of Silver ton. .' j I" - ' ' , ' Commissioner W. W. Culver, of East Salem. I ' - Coroner J. "VV. Wmtlock, of Sly;r ton. . ' ! . School : supemntendent A.- J, Gar land,' 6f Salem. -L r, . ,; Surveyor A. Gobalet, ot boutn ba- lem. ' iSalenv district! -Justice of " the peace, J. O'DanoM; constable, John H. Le.v'3. The .above Is; the county ticket that was nominated yesterday by the Mari on County Democratic convention up on, the Tecorhniejndation of a conference committee appointed by ! that conven tion. The complete ticket was subse quently' endorsed and ratified by an in formal electors' ! convention and will be placed before the voters of Marion county as a Citizens ticket. , The convention was composed of a representative body of Marion county ...iw4is ard a very orderly and decor ous assemblage jit was.: Barring a little strife incident to the temporary organi zation, the convention was one of ex- J ceptional aarmony ana rne tujine:T, 01 the day was very expeditiously trans acted; . i i ' ' , At 1 1 mo .o'clock County Chairman John Bayne called the. Convention to order. - '.'.'' ! Chairman Bayne arinotmced that the incidental expenses in convening the convention amounted to $25.25. and suggested that ia collection be taken. J. Myers and j A. i Huckestein ,.were named a comraitee id! wait on the con vention in true Methodist style, and $27.60 was raisjed. The surplus will probably be appropriated to the cam paign fund.- j I . . i i At this hour there was a large repre sentation of the 248. delegates irt the convention in jjhe hall, which was un comfortably crowded Of the thirty nine precincts bnly four j were not re presented, viz: I Breitenbtish, Elkhorn. Marion, Sidney! and 'South Silverton. Ten minutes I later the convention proper was callejd 10 order by Chairman Bayne and nominations for temporary chairman were jcalled for.; T. B. Wait named John Bayne. the present county chairman, and W. T. Slater was named by C. W. Corby, of Woodburn. Both nominations were seconded by several delegates. ,The selection; of chairman disclosed a "division, in the convention regarding the choiop for chairman, that developed into ia spirited contest. After considerable wrangling if was decided to vote by ballo. An amendment, pro posed by J. Myjers, ;:that the convention vote by precincts, : was i vbted upon. The' result wa close, but Chairman Bayne declared! in : the4negative. Cusr siter, of SilverfOn.' caleld 'for a division and Geo. H- Crjoisan. of Yew Park, re spectfully appealeef from the decision of the chair, but the result having been announced.: Chajirman Bayne refused to entertain either) of the protests. The ballot was proceeded with, the follow ing tellers having been named: Web ster Holmes. T. C. Davidson. W. H. Downing, James Hunt. T. H. Barnes. The contest resujted in the election of W. T. Slater by a 'vote of 147 to 78 for Mr. Bayne, I his was considered a de cisive victory fpr the anti-D'Arcy dele gates. 'Chairman Bayne appointed Geo. H Cussiter and C.iW. Corby to escort the newly-elected chairman to the platform when 'Mr; Bayrte moved that the elec tron be made Unanimous. ; Mr. Plater tnanked the convention for the compliment shown him by the convention; a-ndj delivered' . a rousing Democratic spteech, being frequently interrupted by ipplause. j He said the earnestness manifested and the large at tendance in the! convention imparted a new life to the jDemocratic party. Re cent developments in international af fairs has brought to life the issues and fundamental prmciples upon which the Democratic patty was founded. The mention of W. J Bryan, as the'party's "peerless advocate and ; leader," was warmly applauded. W. E. Finzer. of Woodburn. secre tary of the county organization, was named for temporary secretary, but having served for two years, declined the nomination.! whereupon Grant Cor by, of Yew Park, was j unanimously elected. " ., . - Committees were named as follow-: ! Credentials John Bayne. W. S. Mott, iFrank De Pue, Chas. Scott, P. L. Frazier. - ' Permanent organization and order of business Geo. S- DownmgB. F. 'Hall, Webster-Holmes. Upon motion f Geo. H. Cussiter, of Sifverton, the 's ppointment of a com mittee of five oitt apportionment of del egates to the state and district conven inrougn tne general arcnlatK is deposited in tne joints, muscles and nerves, causing the most intense pain. Rheumatism may attack with aach suddenness and severity as to make within a few days a healthy, active person helpless and bed-ridden, with distorted limbs and shattered nerves ; or it may be slow in developing, with slight wandering pains, rust severe enough to make one feel uncomfortable ; the ten dency in such cases is to grow worse, and nally become chronic. ,: diseases, cencomacisni is oxicn innentea, food, insufficient clothing, or anything calculated to impair the " me, uui more oiicn bw uwu miueuc age or xaier. in nijcumatiam ia Strictly a Blood Dlocaoc, and no liniment or other external treatment can reach the trouble. Neither do the preparations of potash and mercury, and the various mineral salts, which the doctors always prescribe, cure Rheumatism, but rata the" digestion and break down the constitution. 1 A remedy which builds op the general health and at the same time rids the system of the poison is the only safe and certain cure for Rheumatism. S. S. S.. made of mot hrb nH hflTw f wnnde-rf nl cures pcraumcnuy ana vnarongniy, ana xeeps j ! t - v " no charge whatever for this service. Address, SWIFT SPECIFIC CO tions was authorized, the committee: to came one, delcgate-at-larr and six al ternates. TStc following committee was named: " Geo. Cussiter. Jefferson My ers, S. Tomlinson, W. H. Downing snd Henry Pape. ; 'Resolutions W. H. Holmes, A-; B, Hudelson. Geo E. Allen. 1 Geo. E. Allen was successful in , a motion -that a committee of five be ap pointed to confer with the " 'Populists, Silver Republicans, and independent voters in tne interest of a citizens move ment. . Chairrnan Slater stated that, owing to the great importance of the work delegated to. that committee, he would consider the matter during the -noon recess and name the committee at the opening of the afternoon session. " A resolution, introduced by Dr. L. W. GuisSj of Woodburn. was adopted, providing that no person holding a proxy should be seated as a delegate in the convention , except 'he reside in the precinct ins which the delegate giv ing the proxy resided. 'At 12:30 o'clock adjournment was taken until 2 o'clock. Afternoon Session. The Democrats were tardy in open ing the afternoon session for it was 2:50 o'clock when Chairman Slater called the convention to order. The delay was made necessary by the work of the committee on credentialstor the report of which the convention waited. Upon reconvening. Chairman. Slater announced the following committee on conference: Geo. Allen, chairman ; W. M. Kaiser. T. L. Davidson, Marion Palmer and T.' W. Davenport. -. Committee on credentials reported its findings relative to those entitled to seats in the convention.. The report was adopted. Oswald West was elected assistant secretary of the convention. The committee on resolutions submit ted the following declaration of prin ciples, w?i:ch were unanimously adopt ed: "The Democratic party for Marion county, Oregon, in convention assem bled, makes the following declarations: "We r-affirmour unfaltering devo tion to the cardinal principles of the organization as expounded by Jeffer son, and since adhered to by the pat rons and defenders, of the principles which he promulgated. "We challenge and condemn ihe ad ministration of the public business by the Republican party for Marion coun ty. It is in sad contrast with the man ner in which the public business jias been transacted in the adjoining coun ties to our south and to our west. "We pledge our organization to a le form of these abuses, and ask the co oporation of all good citizens who are desirous of accomplishing the same em' to whom we offer and pledge a cheerful and hearty co-operation. "The Republican party of. Marion county may. for once at least,, be, be entitled to the merit of consistency, be cause in its recent conventions it has made no pledges which its candidates can violate as they Slave done in the past." Committee on permanent organisa tion and order of business, submitted the following report, which was adopt ed: "AYe recommend that the temporary officers be declared the permanent of ficers of this convention; and that the convention proceed to select an assist ant secretary. 1 . Order of Business. "We recommend as the order of bus ncss of this convention the following: "First The nomination and election of a chairman of the Democratic party of Marion county. "Second That each precinct be al lowed to nominate their, own precinct committeeman, to be ratified by the convention as a whole; and to allow the chairman of the central committee to fill any and all vacancies, that may hereafter occur, and to appoint a com mitteeman for all precincts not repre sented in this convention. ? "Thjird Your committee find that the Marion county Democratic party is en titled to one delegate-at-large. eighteen regular delegates aftd six alternate dele gates to be selected in accordance with the report of the committee on appor tionment of this convention to attend the. state Democratic convention, to be held in Portland. Oregon, on the 12th day of April. 1090. "We recommend, first That ' the eighteen regular delegates be selected by the precincts apportioned and thrown together as reported by the cnim:;. on apportionment, to be ratified by the convention as a whole; second That deiegate-at-large be selected and elect ed by tfine convention as a whole; third That the six alternate delegates be elected by the convention as a whole; fourth That the convention procied f select for nomination: j "1st County judge. f "2d One sheriff, j . "3d One county clerk. ! "4th One county commisisoner. "5th One county treasurer., j' "6th One county recorder. j "7a One county surveyor. j "yh- One county school superintend ent. ' . ; "8th One county assessor. f ' "9th One county.coroner. j iotfl Five representatives. , t "All of these selections to be subject to the recommendation of the confer ence committee of this convention . "ilthr Ratification of nominations of Distorts muscles, scatters Nerves, Stiffens Joints. ana exposure to damp or cold, want of proper health, will frequently cause it to develop wnaiever lorm, wnetner acute or enronic, Atlanta, G road supervisors of the various road dis tricts. ; - - - . 1 . "12th We recommend that the dele gates of the respective justices of th peace districts nominate their own just tices of. the peace and constables ijf their, own respective justice of the peace districts." ' The apportionment of delegates to the state and district convention as re ported by the-committeemen apportion "ment. was adopted." Thi apporti nirnti: and the "select lorr ; of delegates suhe--quently made was as follows: ; Salem. No. I, 'Mehama and Marion vvm. ivatser. Salem No. 2. Aurora., Elkhorn and Silver 'Falls Jefferson Myers. Salem 'No. -3 and South Salem j. C Davidson. w. "South Silverton. North Silverton and Silverton Geo. Cussiter Salem No. 4 and Horeb Oswald West. Mt.. Angel Fred Schwab. : Woodburn-7-Chas. V. Corby-. St.. Paul and Monitor Frank Cote man. : .; , ; (uiiisi nit iiu iuiiivi iuriiv North Salem and Breitenbu$h J. r' taiioatiks. Butteville, Champoeg and Hubbard 'Dr. Weaver. ' Yew Park and Sidney T, L. David son. - Brooks and Gervais B. Fairfield and Englewood T. 11. Parnc ' tioweii anas jenerson j. u. iiudel- vsa. iv J a -vs u vs 1 j II Downing. ; - Stajton and Scotts Mills V. H. Queener." " r Prospect and East Salem Charles Yannke. The committee further recommend ed that W. H. Holmes be elected dcle-s?re-at-lprge and thai Henry Pape, Webster Holmes, E. Porter, C. . W. Corby. John Estes, and Dr. Ransom, be elected alternate delegates. I Dr. W. r S. Mott was unanimously elected chairman of the county central committee, 'The conference committee at h' juncture retired in company with J. p. Spear, A. Olinger, B. Wiemer and oth er members of the 'Populist county cen tral committee, for a caucus. Precinct committeemen and road mi pervisors were selected and ratified jby the convention, as follows:: Aumsville: James Simpson Sr., Brooks: M. J. Egan. James Finney. Butteville: J. P. 'Feller, John John ston Jr. Champoeg: P. Goulet, E. . Van Dann. Elkhorn: C. H. Raines, C. II. Raines. j Englewood: P. L. Frazier, G.O. Savacrp Fairfield: . A. C. Keene. - Gervais: B. A. Nathan, August NihlCr. Horf-ht f Cox C II Work! Howell: . A. B. 'W. Hughes. Hnbbard: S. W. Weaver, J. R. Jor dan Sr. Jefferson: J. Shumaker, Clarence Fish. j Micfeay W. V. Hurst, John j A. Corkle. 'Mehama: .11. R. Fenton. Monitor: F. F. Hayes, D. F. Bon- ney- ' ' ' i '"'.. Mt. Angel: John Ebner, . . ' Prosject: F. 7an J'atten, O. C Reeves. ( : v';: . Salem No. 1: Wm. Kaiser. ! V Salem No. 2: A. D. Palmer, j "Salem No. 4: Geo. H. Croisan, 'Salem East:. John O. Estes, Charles Yannke.. j aiem -ortn: j. k. rarrDants, n F. Vincent. Salem South: W. W. Johns, B. F. Hall. Scotts Mills: M. Smead. M. Smith. silver rails: jctun Koseiu - Silverton North: E. F Porter, J. H. Porter. j -Silverton Soiiih: J. H. Smith, i St. Paul: iFrank Coleman, W; F. Davidson. . Staytont Uriah. Whitney. B. Mangle. Si 'iilimifv: . F. A. Bell: P. Glover. Turner: M. O. Knight, E. W. llun saker. . t. . ! .'Woodlburn: 'E. W. Finzer, ,T.i C. Pope. "'.',',. j. - f ' Yew Park: James Coleman, J. Av Tanner. ji 'i - This completed the order; of business, as reccuwmended by the committee on that order, excepting the naming of a ticket subject to the recommendation of the conference committee. ". Inas much as that committee -had noi yet reported, Jefferson Myers I -was named as a committee of one to wait oil the committee and ascertain When a report woukl be forthcoming. Mr. Myer re ported that- the committee, would not be ready to report before 7 o'clock, whereupon an adjournment was taken until that hour. . !j Evening Session. At 7:45 o'clock the conference com mittee filed in and submitted its report, which was as follows: . ij "We, your committee appointed to confer with the members of the Popu list committee and citizen do hereby respectfully report as follows, to-wit: "That we have agreed on the follow ing persons for representatives: lohn A- TefTrev. . - I! i J. W. Jory. E. Hofer. " J A. B. Hudelson. J. B. Dimick. For sheriff. Frank W. Durbin. I "That we -have been unable to agree as to county judge and leave the nom ination of that office to the nleasure of the convention. ? ' 1 For clerk W. E. Finzer. ' "That we leave the selection of re corder to the convention, i - For treasurer G. C. Matlock. iFor assessor J. W. Hobart. For commissioner W- W. Culver. For coroner J. VV. VVhitlock. . -For school superintendent A.;- J- Garland. 1 ! . For surveyor- A. Gobalet, .' ".We would :. respectfulli recomenq that as soon as the ticket jis compkte , and ratified that the convention adjourn and immediately convene As a citizens convention and duly organize as s .. and nominate and ratify the nomina tions as citizens nominees and havei ..11 same certified to by the county clerk as a citizens' ticket. i 1, . A. motion -was made and secoitucu that the report be adopted! and a i veiy- discussion ensued. John Bayne ntu an 3nvn(1tiMnt hat tih reoort te n'r adopted. Mr. 'Bayne. Paul Frank anu A. M. Dalrymple, represerttmg mc i denendent faction ot the! conveflUOt. which was defeated by a decided -tote in the temporary organization. "J'"', in support of the motion. W . Kaiser, George E. Allen, George a. (Continued on Sixth page).