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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1900)
V ' V- 'I J'-'-J.--- - -- - 1 - - ---- THE V.MU OrtEGOMlSTftTES.'.!!.1! Published every Tuesday and Friday the ; y. STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. 2G6 Commercial St- jSalem, Or. R. J. HENDRIC KS, M anager. SUBSCRIPTION ; RATES: die year, in advance.. j..... ....$( 00 Six months, 'in advance J.. .50 suBscmcrcns desiuixq the ad- diets of their pap-r changed must stat the name of their former postofHc, mjt welt as of th office to wlilch they wish the paper changed, j 1 f ' - The Farmers Congrc'M, . to. Lc held in Salem on the v"th nJ 8th of Febru ary, ought to be made a success, j One firmer near Salem will buy twenty-cows in order to be in position to help, supply the creamery, if it , is built. He is tired of Raising t'orty cent wheat for the marliet. ! .Our advertisers Willi lease take no- . tic that about 150 $ub bribers (500 to Coo readers) will be aid d to the Daily Statesman "..' family, conjmencing on Tuesday morning next. They live; at on. Sublimity, , Turner, Aumsvil'e, Stay iShftw, and on the farms between Sa lem and Stayton. They! will get their papers, ' before breakfast ieacl morning. Oilier: outlying? points' wilt 'be reached in the sanfce manner as fpst as arrange ments can, be jmade therHor until four or five; th i&and more people in Ma rion ar'Polk counties the list of reader 3. are added to We think our farmers iare now ready for a creamery, and that they will fur nish the necessariy cream to keep a large one in operation jin thU city. There is a fair profit in the industry .for them, and a sire nd safe em. ploymcnt of labor and jcap'ital. The creamery, if built, which now scms more than likely,, will te of subsian tiaf benefit to Salem a well as I to the" surrounding conntryj. Itj will Itfing a large ''amount of monjey 4 here con stantly, for Keneral distribution. There is no question concerning the market for the product. It is a growing mar ket, too.. ! . .. ' - "H' The Rocbur.g Flaindealer, the -organ of Ilingcr Hermann, is aggricicd because the Statesman has told the truth about its favorite' standing j in his owh.counv. The Flain dealer at tempts eontuct , the name f Con gressman Tongue with h'2 Statesman's comments. on Mr. Hermann. This i the subterfuge of a litjtle pap-sucker, who cannot see a'mvc tliie horizon o ic .'Small office which lie hald. fhe Malesman is i'.f obiigeu to consult with any , man before speaking the truth on. any subject. We have relia ble information lo the effect that Her mann is ah active candidate for thejU. S. senate, dcpitc hi nsincere denial recently made; ami that he inspires the utterances of the jPlaindealcr j in .reference thereto. iAsluch; he is! a legitimate subject of'pjnblic comment. , We do riot think, he shbuld succeed in his aspirations. He isj a pretentions and insincere felhw, who thinks the world owes him; a Hiving in official place, and we shall continue to say; so and more whenever wc think occasion demands. We think -we owe this as a duty to the public we serve. And our action in going so is chargeable j to np motive, different from this; and 'no man excepting the editor of the States man is responsible for these utterances. i 7 Teo losi Yeers. Figure it for voursclf. From the age of fifteen to that of . fortj'-fire m woman give one-third of her time to the Buffering incident to th recumtuj periodic func tion. Ten years of suffering! And thi condition of things is popularly accepted as nat ural, and end red ma a femi nine dabilitT for which there is no help I Is there ! no help? There i help for every woman and for almost every woman perfect healing in the toe of Dr. Here' ; Favorite : Prescription. It insures regularity, dries the drains which weaken women, heals inflam mation and ulceration and cures fe male weakness. It is a tempera nee medicine noa - alcoholic and n noo- narcotic . ; "t was so -weak J did Bot haw brata to m'.k Htna oit room. wrUea Mia a laabel Miller, of Ntrw Ptot, ideace. Calkray Cou K. M Mrioda mtiiiri tooofura and the hem orrhage uuta be proloti?rd and the fcaa of blood very excessive. 1 aam aaa apei ta wntcn the doctor eaid w ere fmintin ,ta. I did sot gain atreagttt from erne moathljr period to another : waa very weak; and oei ooa all the time. Was conboed to tot bed for three month and the doctor told rac I would -ever be any better. I lived, in thia way from atat teen years old to tw enty-three. t was at laat adrived by a kind friend to try Ir. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which I did. and be-, fore I had taken two bottles of it I conld work all day. I took in all aiz bottles of the Favorite FceacrintKMi ' and about five vials of lr. Tierce's Pellets. I used no other rnediottie.. -1 have never bad a return of this trouble since." . s WEEKLY . , ,r . .. , .. ... ........ . .... liON VOYAGE TO THE SALEM STATESMAN". Broadminded people will recognize the propriety of the editorial announce ment by the Daily Statesman of Salenr Oregon, when it says:, "n ; .''..- Some of our good friends are accus ins: the Statesman of having "son'. out fit politic. We acknowledge the compliment. Bnt this paper, if it has "gone oat of politics." , has gone into business, which it 13 doing on a broad er ' scale than ever before. ' And, while it will not seek to 'direct the course o partisan political movements, it will continue to give the news of all polit ical doings, of every party. It means not that the Statesman has abandoned the political- principles heretofore held, nor advocacy of views pertaining to the policies of ; the party the Statesman has supported. But, that the journal proposes to get out rpon a broader plane, and thu ob tain a more comprehensive- view oi men and events. Far from giving up advocacy of principles heretofore held. judging from the toqe of the announce ment, the Statesman proposes j hence forth to treat principles j rather than petty particularities, conditions rather than individual men, and leave small bickering to small calibre writers,. All newspaper men on the coast will ad mife the commendable stand taken. seeing in it evidence of -growth, ad vancemerit, and an evolution towards a higher journalistic life which will bring more, of value to the constitu ency which depends upon the States man for its knowledge of the ; world's doings from day to day. May , the Statesman i never descend from the higher altitude to which it has risen in taking the stand evinced in its an nounccment herein quoted. Pendle ton East Ore gonian. A y We copy the above, from Eastern Oregon's biggest newspaper, with thanks. I i NOT GOOD ADVICE. Wc doubt very much that a majority of those who paid bicycle tax last year will do so this year. The authorities as well as the people have learned that the statute will not hold ater. The paths in this section are used by men on t horseback, who ride, there without fear of molestation. They are as fearless as the big band of Portland attorneys who positively refuse to pay this tax arid vainly invite an effort on the part of the sheriff to collect it from them. Away with the farce! Rub it out! At least, ignore it, Woodbufn Independ ent. . ; - . ; :r : . .. v . ; J This is not good advice. ' The tax docs not fall heavily upon any individ ual, and a very good start was made last "year in the construction of path front the " money , realized Ithcrefromj. Of course, the aggregate amount cpI-; lected was not sufficient to permit the making of . finished paths throughout the, county. Several -years would be required to make such a showing, i We think. all good citizens using bi cycles should cheerfully pay the tax; and that they should insist that the legislature at its next session so amend the law as to render it binding and beyond the defiance of any Port land attorney. What kind of an attor ney is it who would defythe law, which he is 'hi theory supposed to help to up hold, being in theory an officer; of the courts? . The Albany Herald says the "South ern Trade Record" has pronounced the product of the Albany woolen mills the best in the country. What is the matter with the product, of the other Oregon woolen mills? We guess it is also the ''best in iht country." The ' Tillamook Headlight reports lhat the cheese made in Tillamook county last year brought in frm the outsider $74,000; butter, $100,000; beef cattle, $50,000. No, wonder the Tilla mook farmers are among the most prosperous in the state. I The farmers congress to be -held in Salem on February 7th and 8lh is at tracting a good deal of attention. The people of Salem ought to help to make it a big thing. " . Our farmer friends along , up tlic Sautiam bottom will imagine they are in town.rcading the Daily Statesman before breakfast, every morning here after. : , i .,. . Of course, Salem will make np the $10,000 emergency fund for Willamette University. - -r ! .. : ' am. a ' A SLIGHT MISUNDESTANDING. "Young man," said the girl's father; "do you realize that in asking for. my daughter's hand in marriage you 'are asking me to give up my only child?" "Excuse me, sir," replied the young man. "but you are evidently laboring under a misapprehension. I - propose to tome and live with you after we arc married, and you will .then have two children instead of one. Now what more could you ask?"; CALLOUST" , Rcporterr-And. he Iaghed while you were tving the -opc abot his r.eck? He must har been a harisned vrretch. Leader of Regulators Hardened? Say, when "we cut him down, after let ting him hang half n hour, hs said it i adn't bem even unom for table, fled been wearing- ths kiigh sm(I colls is for ten -;'-. OrtEGON STATESMAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, '1900 "The Least Hair Casts a Shadow' A single drop of poison blood ivill, unless checked in time, make the ivhole impure Hood's Sarsaparilla is the great lender in blood purifiers, casts no shidoiv but brings sunshine snd fushfj. bite every household. Dyspepsia "For six months my sys tem is out of order ivith dyspepsia n4 import Hood. Spent Jots of money in uJn, ' but 4 Hood's SsrsapsrCLt cared me thoroughly. Jcs. S. Z&aba, Genox, Utb. : Eruptions 1 had sjmoying erup tions caused by impure blood, and physU dans treatment failed to benefit. Hood's SarsapariSa removed them and I am no longer annoyed." W. R. Hudson, Natrona, Pa. f&CcdS Sauafxniilk TTooA's Pi Its etira Bver Ills : tha non-1 rrttatintc sad enly cWU taka with Hood's H-rwparlll, NOTES OF A BYSTANDER. Editor Statesman: . ' I made a statement in my contribu tion of last Sunday (and made it mere ly to support a conclusion), that ,.: the pants which 1 Perry wore when he was killed by Willard had no back pock ets. The statement was made upon the authority of Prosecuting Attorney S. L Hayden, who was without doubt honest in hi 3 belief. The statement has been questioned. It seems there was (and is) a back pocket, but it was sewed up. i Coroner Clough says it wasr without doubt sewed up long before' the tragedy. It is now a matter of no consequence, and reference was not made to it excepting to sustain thj ground that Willard was not to be held as entirely blameworthy for .his last rash act. I would not refer to the matter; again, excepting that some of the parties most deeply interested have felt aggrieved, and Jiave placed the re sponsibility for the staement where ft did not belong. There are always out siders -to ghoulishly' magnify such mat ters, and to harrow up the feelings of relatives, with a view to displaying their own pharisaic pretensions : of sympa thy. 5 The most contemptible animal f all creation is the hyena, whether he have four or two legs. - f X Q O . . I There is an odd bit of gossip. -across the vraters, saying the Kaiser has lare investmenti in the Transvaal mines. Perhaps tliere is fome connection be tween' this Land the fact that so mary preaictions 01 tne tacticians pt te .... . . .... .... German cities breathe forebodings 4of reverses and mistakes by the English. 1 I Before the senate committee investi gating the charge that Senator Clark, of Montana, was elected by corrupt mcthodsa witness said that a lie Was falsehood told to one having the right to know the truth. Another witness declared that an untrue state ment made with the understanding hat it is false is not a lie. A lie seemi to have become a word with ;a different meaning according to locality. Inj or dcr to attain to such a high degree;- of mendacity as to be worthy of the dig nity of that appellation, an untruth in. Montana legislature would liaivC to be a whopper. ' -.j"-' o o o :( " ' ' "'In the beginning God created the heavens and ' the earth,' -and on ,Hhat day it ralnel in Oregon," says the Au rora Boreal is. - ' ' . - A Salem friend remarks as' the key to the Pacific, Hawaii will ; likewise ust fit the locks in, the Nicaragua ca nal. - - ? OOO i It is evident that Bryan think, he must travel most of the time' on a ree pass by rail, in order to keep track of his chances. ' i -OOO - J A Philadelphia paper remarks I that since Chicago opened its drainage canal St. Louis lias begun saying, '"Things are coming our way," but not in a congratulatory spirit. - i ! ' O O O ; 1 My friend Mr. Scott, of the Oeego- nian, has undertaken a good sized task in starting out to get rid of both Sen ators Mc Bride and Simon.1 Mr. Scott is an able writer, and he is capable of ying' bitter things and : making it uncomfortable for an adversary fwith. a thin epidermis. Bnt Senator Simon has not that kind of an epidermis and Senator McBride can 'stand criticism and yet keep his heid. These I two men have many, friends in all parts of OregOriJpositive friends. .. They j are not the same friends. Some of the friends of Mr. McBride are bitter ene mies of Mr. Simon, and many of the well wishers of Mr. Simon. "have it" in for" Mr. McBride. They have not worked together, and - there has been no understanding between thern. .But their forces might be driven together', in a sort of armed truce, if they ?were pressed to it and in this case their combined , supporters . would include about all the shrewd political workers in Oregon--the "men who do things in politics,' and know how to do; things. It is a big fight Mr. Scott has; under taken.. And the weapon ot abuse is not alwav the best weapon. It has a tendency to solidify and intensify the friends of the. abusee: If the fight goes on it will be interesting, if not edifying, and my shekels are up on the two lit tle big men wearing, the senatorial to gas. They would feel sort of lonesome. anyway, without a- scrap on hand, and life would grow stale aad unprofitable for them if such a. condition iexisted for a great space of time. : ,K A BYSTANDER. THE SHEDON ' EXPERIMENT. . Topeka, Kas., January 23. iox. Editor Statesman, Salem, Oregon. Dear Sir:- Under ' another cover I mail you today a copy of the Topefca Capital containing an announcement which is unique in the history of jour nalism.' i Alier cairejul - deliberation The Capital rublishing Company has decided to place its plant and the entire editorial .; and business Vcontrol of the paper in the hands of the Rett. Chas. M. Sheldon,? author of In His Steps, that he may exemplify his idea as to what a Christian daily newspaper oiight to be. I he. experiment which this de cision on our part makes possible, may carry, with it far reaching influences upon the press. We . would not vent ure a prediction as to specific 1 results. We are content to make possible the experiment in an absolutely unlettered way. ; ' i- V: Any comment that you may feel prompted to make regarding this ex periment and ; its probable enect, we shall be Very glad to receive from you. 1 hanking you for the courteous fa vor of a marked copy of your psper containing any comment- or criticism that you may make, I am, withj frater nal regards. Yours very truly, I - 4 J. K. HUDSON. Editor. ; The above circular letter has been received by the Statesman, - and " we presume by all pther daily newspapers of th? country." We have read the . book referred to. . " V -Our comment is, that the experiment will not . demonstrate, a great dear that is not already known. It may help somewhat the tendency of the . readers of . newspapers to demand cleaner sheets. If the 1 Topeka Capital, were conducted for any great length of time along the lines winch Mr Sheldon enunciated in his book, it woul4 mere ly fall into the rut (or rather occupy a part j of the field) of the many "other good religious newspapers in this country. It would occupy a field of its ownj Some other newspaper at To peka! would becupy the regular news field.; The fact is, that in all large citie - the leading newspapers now have praptically separate fields. But no re ligious dady newspaper has yct been able to get business enough to iay the expenses of publication. It was tried in , New York a few years ago. The best j field for Mr. Sheldon is 'in New York. Perhaps he might succeed there now, though we doubt it. It ii very desirable that the, large newspapers of the'-country: should be? improved in mora! '-tone; but this must -connj large ly from the public, from l!ic readers of newspapers. The joumrj will not be- much better than the pHlblic from which is a it draws its business and, if it real newspaper, it must give the news, good and bad, of the community and the country. It must do , so, or give way to other newspapers that wi V; The experiment of Mr. Shelc o be only for a week or two 1. v on is weeks. It will be interesting; and that ii about Bevraxe of OJatmeot for Catrrh fhtt conULa Mercarj. --' j . . . as xa-?rcry will rarely, destroy tho fenoe of emell and completely derange tha wbcle system vriica entering It through toe macoas Bar faces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions fota reputable physician. , as I ho damage they will do is ten tbld to the good yon can poaaibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Core, nasnnf-ctured by F. J. Cheney! ! c.'o., Toledo, O., contains no rnerenry, ana Is taken internally, acticv directly npon tha blood and mucous surface of the system. In buyinir If all's Catarrh (Hire be sure you get the (Tannine. It is taken intemaUy and f made in Toledo. Ohio, by V. J. Chern-y it va. Testimonials free. JUr Bold by DrugKists. pi ice 7&c. per bottle. Hall' Family rills are the bct. The English people thought j Buller was going down to South Africa to eat up the! Boer army. Perhapi he is not hungry. THE BEST FKE.HCR I PTIOX f"OK MA- ;.- 'A LABIA. - , , . Chills and Biliousness is a bottle of GROVESS TASTELESS CHILL TONIC. It is simply Iron and Qui nine in a tasteless form. No cure, , 'no pay. Price 50 cents. ' 1 j y The news . from Washington tliat the Nicaragua canal bill is sure to pass is almost too good to believe. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Qninine Tab lets. All druggists' refumi the "money ir u tans to cure. .; vv. wove s signa ture is on eacn Dox.f 25 cens. Ignorance is the i curse oft God: knowledge, the wing wherewith; we fly to neaven. snakespeare. A:.:-'" 0-k, O.O? C a X-U. ' l " Sam t-a , tol Haw KTi Bcc!4 ; Bigxatw S! 0 Earnestness is the cause of patience;! 11 kivcs cnuurance. overcomes i ; nam." Strengthens weakness, braves dangers, policy of insurance for $2000. The fun sustains hobe, makes light 0 difiicul-, ral arrangements will te completed to ties, and leisons the sense of weariness day. and will be announced in tomor- 111 u ci turning mem. iiovee,1 Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by : kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind.- dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheert uines soon disappear when the kid neys are but of order or diseased. - Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it Is not uncommon for a child to be born i5 afflicted with weak kid- 1 neys. If the child urin- Ti -es too often. If -the urine scalds the flesh or if.. when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon 'It. tne- cause 01 the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards - the treatment cl these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The imild and the immediate effect -of Swamo-Root is soon realised. It Is sole by druggists, m fifty cent i and one dollar sizes. Yoa may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- Horn or a wup-Root. ing all, about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. Ia writing Dr. Kllmei Co.. Bingham 165;" ', ;;Y, be sure anc mention thia paper.' " MISSISSIPPI FOR M'KINLEY. '.'r':-'C''(ra!obevDemocrat.)i-''''- V Vicksburg, Miss., Jan. ; 18. Leading republicans of Mississippi held a con ference in this city today, at the resi dence of ;IIor Wesley , Cray ton. ..lion. A. M. Lea, United States district. at torney For the Southern district of the state; Hon. James Hill and Maj. John K. . Lynch were 'among thoe present The state is a unite for the renomina- tion of President McKinley. It was agreed hat Lea, : Ii ill and Lynch . will go to the convention as delegate at large;- Mr. Cray ton will go from the Ihird tlistrict. i ' Min in the Future. " Many; men of learning devote much time to the study of the man of the future, f They all agree that he is to be very superior-to the present generation urcat physical strength is prophesied, but this at least is within the reach of everybody. Hostette'r's - Stomach Bit ters will bring health and strength to anyone ,who uses it faithfully. It cures constipation, indigestion, dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria, fever and. ague, and hyer'and kidney troubles. It makes rich red blood; -and with pure blood comes health. It builds up the whole system, putting" vigpr into the nerves and blood, firmness into the muscles and health into the bowels. Give it a trial, and see that a Private Revenue Stamp covers the neck of the bottle. NGTKER OREGON CONGRESS : - MAN. (Pendleton East Oregonian.) Portland. Ore., Jan. 27. Republi cans throughout the state are mani festing much interest in the taking of the federal census in June as they be lieve that with a full enumeration Ore gon stands a fair show to get another representative in connrress. Wallace McCamarrt, chairman or the republican congressional committee of the Sec ond district, has given considerable at teation to the subject. According to what is considered a conservative estimate, the population of Oregon, this year will be about 425,- 000. 1 here was a steady tnnux of newcomers all last year, and many are. now going into the mining districts of Eastern Oregon. In additton is the immigration that will come to the state between now and the June census. These increases lead, many to think that the ijOpulaiton will be not far from : 475,000. With ' a tlrtrd represen tative Eastern Oregon would receive one, Portland one and Southern Ore1- gon one. : C ASTOR I A For Infants and C-dldrcn. fhe Kind You Keys Always Bcugh! Bears the Slgaature of STARTLING INSTANCES. Ist week a delinquent subscriber said he would pay up if he lived. He died. Another said: 'I will sec you tomorrow." , He's blind. Still another said: "I'll pay you this week or go to the devil." , lie's gone. There are hun dreds: who oiitrht to take warnino- ' r,f these 'procra-inators and pay up now. -FinIcjr.CSp.) Slope, Smu-! tts Ay IM liM TM Haw A!-jrS Rtfi Biitars (Mrs. Nellie I. Lottritz. accomnanif.l by her. little daughter, left yesterday morning for Sunrpter where she has ac cepted a position as bookkeeper with Johns Coy ; : SPD. ARNOLD. -At the family 'home in . , North Salem, Oregon, at Hto,;p." rn., Monday, January 20, 1000.' Edward , ; Arnold, aged 36 years, of quick con- sumption. -. : . - . " A. Deceased was employed as a plumb er in ; a local establishment until three weeks ago, when he took a cold." which developed" into quick consumption, and he sank, rapidly, passing away as indi cated above.. Deceased leaves a wife, feur small children,, and his aged par ents to mourn 4iis untimely defriisef , He was a member of Valley Lodge No. 18, a r tt . w : .u:i. i-u i row's issue of the Statesman.- m - xam - j7M S S c&3 In winter I get up at night And diess by yellow candle-light. In summer, quite the other way, , I have to go to bed by day.. -Robert Louis Stevenson. Life -may "change, but it may fly not; Hope may.; vanish, but can die not; ; Truth be veiled, but still H bnrneth; ; ; Love repulsed---but it rcturneth. . : '1';. ; 'sy'- ' - Shelley;-: NEW TO-DAY. CLOVER SEED Good clean clover ,., i seed Irom the Hubljard ranch. This j. ! years crpp. Leave your" order at No. ! ! .TX Com 'merciaP street. , . i:o-3t wt 1. WANTEd'TO UUY A., FPW i DP.T ' : tows al?q some yearlings and 2-yenr- cIJs, for wbUh the highest market ! price wfll te . paid. Tbomaa-Watt : Co Salem. ; 5-27-tf. FARiMERS, ATTENTrOAte will pay the highest cash - price for all . kind-? of tmuhry.5 Urrtc n llros: ' No. - 323 Front street, Salem, Oregon. Op posite DS. Bentley & Co. , .. - .- I :.30-2t s-w.. ESTRAY EDTvvo heir-. one a brown, two - years old: the oilier ia red yearling. Both half Jersey. . , t liberal reward will be paid for return I of same to"-J. W. I'oiscr, , 1 'A miles I nortli of Fair grounds on old stae . roadv ' . "' -. -!' ; ' ..t 'wt. j , EN SEEDS We have recently added a full as sortment pi grass anr; garden, seeds to our stock. Both in Imlk and packaged We are. now prepared to till all orders at the lowest prices in the state. Call, or write! and secure our prices bcfort, buying. . We have only KELIABLli SEED. ' ' ! .. BREWSTER & WHITK; No. ff Court .St.,1 Salem, ft We take EGGS in TRADE and pay HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. Othcf stores Ipaid 162-3 -in trtodajt amj we-paid 18 cents. We 'keep allTinds o COFFEE from i2xi cents and upwards' ' ' . "1 -. ' : j ' TEAS all kinds. that can- be had on this; coast. ' ' ;"" Yokohama tea Co; No. 249 Commercial St.',. !' 1 ' . 'Saiem,.Of. ' .. ' . -"I Now is the Time To do effective spraying on fruit trees, i etc. -ihe eggs of insects are rhmden in tlie rough places in ttlie -bark of the trees and the trees are"u bare of leaves so that all parts of them can be reached by : the spray.. Every egg destroyed now means hundreds of insects less for i next summer.' To make . SUKE! uf killing them use V . ' BEAN SPKAYTPUMPS Which spray at a very , high pressure and arc sure to penetrate to the hid ing places of the eggs nd destroy tlicm. The pumps are. practically, non-wearable arid non-corrosive and with prop er care will last lifetime. R. U. WADE & CO., Agents, Salem,. Oregon. 500 Men Wanted ! to cut railroad wood- at Wolf Creek, Josephine county, Oregon. Price $1.25 perNrord. Wood received and paid for in cash monthly. Car fae refunded tb persons cutting' 100 (cords, or money advanced for sanie it security is furn ished. Call on or write J. T. TUFFS, Superintendent, 1 .'.'' Wolf Creek, Oregon. Kllt FENCE POST, coated with ..Carbolineum Avenarius.. Wilt out wear It In als? a Radical llemetly Afralust Chlckn Lice. 'i . Its pplica.tlon to Ihe-lnwl' walls of poul try tiouiKa wiil .prnian-TUly ex tt rmtnatp il LICK. rtnults: Italihy C'hlokt iis I'!nty Write for circular and prices aud men tion this pnpr. - . R. M. WAUK & X., Asrwts. 8ALKM. OttEUOX. . , , f-. SAL EM IRONWORKS Your Work Solicited. GEORGE E. SLY, Sup't GOOD FARMS FOR SALE From G to 25 per acre HO " These lands are ' itf Marion county, Orearon, and. are offered on easy terms Of payment- They vere taken under forctclosure by non-resident, hence are offered for less than similar farms held by resident owners. For full par ticulars' and description call on or address Macmaster Birrell, 311 VV'orcester block; Portland, Oregon, or BOZORTH BROTHERS SALElf, OREG05.