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About Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1898-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1899)
1 1 . ' i , 1 1 , ;i ". r :t :. -:'! - . .! imp-. i -. ' .."!,--. .--- , : i- : I:'', :. "-S "I' ' '- ' " i ' - ' '- I -I'-,:--. . : . . - " ; -.-' . 1- t " " ' ' " - ' ' . " " A. . -I St SUPPLEMENTAL1 TO THE VEEKLV OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON. Fill DAY. JANUARY.! isoo ' if- i i THE CUBANS MUSTO BEY -! i . i r j ; ;k0anjsli Resident City AViJI Be Protected i v tlje r t Arm v. iMs-afl if.' tin!i '(! the lies' puts .Of lie; 'Capifal'OV.'r ItrUti Bi u k' ' Oidf-rrtin 1 v. I :l ii.' I i k.d mi - .an f.ll jH-iiii-tlii-it Ii'.cy.. :;. jr. ., iui v' I'.aTts. : h ;- : ifi- "if lY,i; 'ill 1 !. .I'm! 'I'!, ! iflll ! ' I ii If rvj it i. 'ifti-.rn'u. a klepiH.f- I oil . in -j""1'"11 o to roi-TJ II i:h z. A ie-i'i. r i ciiii I !,( .'ii-riiii; ,i lii.'i. hand I ITU fl IKlt. ; . I. !.:( a i oncra I f the ; dej)ilt:i- d 4. I.mltow j the ii'iijiilm of ! i wnr- days' n -tivi follow 1: i : It plOvidcS lir I jie ' n J !) t'r'i -: 'of 1m !!: nil t ho 4 'llbatl si i.mI !! , ti' I In- t iiii d a 4 1 i y a general" .1 parade r:ngin.; of the roiloWCl liy a ivie procession dhinvt:: n' the fourth i 1 1 ' in- ,i Ti)i,if-: on the hjin a carnival, and ju 'tin- sixth races 1 eeri -1 he Arcoi ia v men of-war."iTho I f -gia in called fob music amlitiiv vmks i-vcry nigh;,. b tieral ; Ludlow aked' (he tleputaflon td lea ve (thei pro cr vin with- him. and promised! -to ljgive. tv t matter careful consideration.'; Af ter the deputation' had-withdrji-w nj. lit" nsulti.d with Cencral Oroke, and it v is de.Hd d that it WOlllfl -be Wis!: Hot to ,illov-aiy public manifestations Oft Hi- part of the. llHttlS. - ' U ;i: Mullow hut UirtK'UN niat all v her' pir'.ni'.ViiM or uiU itx- liUfKiijs ai t s.. shall IH, h;IU . !; ' 3a rt)' cailK'' suiu no Itra'il (ill III II HU'S IV Ul, it :o r "''day? hlmt II'C plll iit iwr !c'.-tl!y wiMixiii'' siiall 1' carrijHl ly ny ititc, I'V't ji! lropk hv duty; that P i h ry ip vai .us or any jiio-i jn t!i' Ttrtt Khali )( arrotHl ! and Ir.- r-rto. t(- th llavjn.i iNi.ii'd.. i'd: lo tin As W'iat-il . oirvj ojsdvtif. thi rvi nlii: ' . "v, h.n x x'iil-i t 'rtioH' jlian "hi i)i dtii. a rr.i ii . jih t s fjir tin1 ' !. .iTi-fii. It .a. very dstll-'iilt' to . 1 't;.-' in"y v. iitid k' rii'y i f'l'I thi iu-- iti'u uf iiiv 'Iwiii i lol.I tjiat. v it-i .'.!! i.ras. Mir U m 'tistri AvoiiM l4' ipiii' as inuh iih'.Vnii -?!.. a '.'!! I : affa'r. As it wi ipan fe1 that th I nii'l sta-s not irriVt in liiuy auhtr- ' r.i!: Wa-haitoii. iiou t!iat iiu sj a oiii!f' nititrti lin troop. !iv t .'Mi F.I, UltAY. 1'-, , ir..--1.ri ant -rp:- vTiirmyit ill t:ik4 iitl f:yTiu Ml V.w txiviniz thi-ni' oae-h. the 4tktaii auihorliif lnn'hav' tk '('lv tv seeure ''SKl'd! !,iili.-d .Inf'uia- lion fi to tito-'ininikM'r 'v h. ir arm, an ih Miif!-n to rightly .f ( ,ul-an ts-tojd- y are now n a :i ;y. Vl1 r,i GOMEZ I)IS PLEASE AMI. I. NoT. i'T TF.M Till: F.VACI - K.XKIriSKS. i to ins Army Com AI.. ill' Trusts AmerU'iinis. llVi'll o the Ilr:li from Havana' s.slhrS: MVItwsdav CS in'urirent it-ar'alry Hi men vithdixnv fpnm t!u; ity In j sulk I- tans th Ajiwrieiin r'fu-il to r--uize'tiwm "ceept n Individual. firH tJovrfnof "ntro ahlvi-! ijkyieral J.inHow .To -avalt himself, fi tlHe.iser yit of tlw cavalry im'dt--'..Vi,'l Il-rnandez. Tho infti rnterr! as, lra KOotiM and biil'.ste! fl.-ti. do:ns w1Uh duty v-5t if Oaliiino t:ttU'Th( A-merlitin rfued to permit! thetu 'to tit't a an organizol Nvljj-. d 1 T(fter Uins duty tin nlzht th'cy lowtri th4ir najf and rotnrud q Mojnoars camp, at Marisins. , ' v ! I tt Is known that J.-mpz ffeK pha)E he in- not-treated pnpffly. - Jodedj .be , lias never received any thlrigjjxtit eurt twalment from tin rposv1titatlTe xf the AniirVan jeoveriiriKnt, jmp ime so 1 ..senf ' pemmal rtlptxisegtajtlve lo" confer with the Amrioan eran;i tUm cinnmittw. 4inral Btltler . pro- -vseii that a iersonal note oil contra t Ia4Ion be sent Oomez, hutj GeniPral AYak and .Admiral Sampson ' reftised to join h'.ui. i . , A ' letter from mes has jnst , been .received here.i He Is wise eftotifrh Jnot to commit himself further thin to ay that lie would not eome i i Harana unless ie oaaie as comnv3ndr-in-cilef of the Cirimn army of liherajtioo. krid lfthe iuen who hai fought with plm Ton thiSe years were not 'yood enojtish be preferred to 4y .ith them. He sebufed the idea jthat Ithe present ot the CriMh tp wotill result In disorder, deelarint their Pires- enee wonlvl Be Tle oesi ; possible gnar Is I of ..i.f '.I tin: 1U (. lie rtTr Must antrp of cood " ord r. u ! mark that lie had full jeonfldenoe; in j American people, but ii.lU-rtil the pol iticians were attemitin an exeue to -compel- tlie nation toi break its tnbst ?j'"r"d promlise. , j-- . v : Th Americatis are di sided -'In senti nv nt. many belle viiis!":! xreat njjstake !ujs "Ijeen iuaIe in n t sr"v5n2; he Cubans an opt)orttm!ty t-i i-'!f4ira'te t'Veiit. whi.-'h tii.'.v havf fought; so itinjir year t'o 1rins a )!;. k i'i era I Tjt-.s in. favor- of .rraii'ln rfyntitVidoh .f.r tjle irivur-1!! t p irad . ' an. J ix cojrn:.:;! j iix ;; as 1 no- ti.-i'i of it ;;e uitan .irnsv. t-iiehil 1 .i.- I:'.. : l e f .o va vp he-- -re! u-etl i'i:'i;ii.; Ki.."t y .Aj-ked tr Ii-rp liedtiee Arnjaiijeni. - ' ':!l-.-ttl. I !e -. -n. df!er.-lt"i Hie I b.t the H'! .id(-iit two p i--!!. fio!!i -i irieii mm jte'iT.V X .. 1I: t e 0:2rt!ii.d 1'loes-TlMI , i.'hnt-!S"l I hen !; o;' is.- no hj. t-l th- it;;ej from' r.fiii-I'i -.ii-( r(.-i ii afljattC'-. i t Hi rw-titi' -ii a-k Tot heavy jr;ilil li:lit4 ,i ." I:v"i .n o" maiutaine 1 hy e.eU- up ..i r. in- aii'l st-rt!--It d " an ' als of t,.:e I'ltlfe ! !'oVie.,t ii r i fl o ! e-tr i:i .v , ( mi -t-- t:i j iin:.i-i-tf 1 a I es tVit-ti in it t. h ir . i , f inerl::l iitr.e f'.'r ii"tiMi w;ir. :rbi- -It! s' THE (CANADIAN PKESS FEAKS THAT ANN T ION J 1MAY COME ABOUT Tlirouab. England's -Friendship the Unifed.States Jstart liug Proiiopitjon. for !'f tliOXT'i (aiiavhi. ipj s lee. 20 'oi'il. whicj the present Ub- era i . iroveittiiiient Nt jirrlips" eIirortal ii a : I i its:- "Oi nada which, it wtirns at pttawa. has a tK'.:lV uniler the on the- the Brink,". In lvple tf this cf'tintry that the time are ,ei ideal, so far as f'atiadii as a fre. indej endmt a I'd intetrral poi tiii of North Atuiri- ji js oiK-eriied. . -Tnict-'s r tile t'.-inad ans." declares the Woti'l. "are fully alive to the sit natioa linil speak otit in no uncertain wav. ':fhe,v will liiKl tlxutseives tvvit'ti the'.grapinir annexation n ote uie it iu' the I'hited Stiho. haviui: Aor Ite end the oiii . f the w hi " on'tineitit.. and the jfreiijt iarty ih FinrJand prepared to m ike aim st itnv u ritic8 to the Fnit: d Sta'w i consideratkri of svii snjjort of 1112- land, in fl)- r iraii" .vi IHJwers-." h .Itus-sia. France and other RUSSIA'S ilOVE. A CAMPAIGN .t;.AINST THE NIC AUAGUA CANAL The Panama Sche'iie ' Advocnte.1 Acaiii-t .the A mt i.-an I'lau FeiiK i ioinije'' it :. as XltAY YORK; I,-e. .f -A el: -patch. fsoui I'arf.s Mv.t;, The Herald's Ktiropean tr':nt d I tie - n: Kussia . is I in-tiietitlv? b elition I ,ha. run in 2 a rampaiu aiaint the; Ni arjimia ca- ji;il. '1 he Xiikio Yti ihjta 'publishes an I'riiv'h ,i.t Ot'tly wailn'y ad-at:ns tl,e tranr.tra. schen e, jut filled with bitt.-r lilike of the Fjiin-d States. The writer ays the pre lomin inc-; of the !'u:td St.iti-3 wouli liave liDeu hVirahle for;' liu-sia a few years a zo. iut ail this Iki.s x-hat'i'.'ed in'e the last War. He os on to .tliat, having Uiilsl iKr Sj-ajn. the J nite-l St.-rfi h;is N-r-ome - :k cl.uial pirtv ftii'l sin A'atle iwer. "Fori: trti4 the- M nr e loctrin i f America for jAmeri an4 wliich I rji le- the oilier doctrine that; American do-i tiiiuioti innt' te coutiiij d. to Aiiurfv'. tlif Yanke'," say "are now en terine .rnto fpti compfrIfKn with lis in China and Core.' They have no irut!es ovef an nlliapce with their tniditional enemy, Hnrjiaiwl, "and with .Jaoan for thM pui'ltosjet. " '?For this r-.i!.ii Kussian financiers ftd. dipkmuV oMzht I to --give' tier ?-uiron r to. the French irndertaklns wl:en it t!ufs to .-t'fiitt?.,v i'ds..r(Iin tin iieutrj!liji,ition of tlie I'ana'na (fi lial a'wl placing- it n't)'T the general tt'itrol r thi- ruirinte of the Luro ,jKtn and American powers.'' Hie wi iter declare tie ' Pan-tnii route would be n-ore bmet'M-laI to Hrsia than the Nicaragua route. 'Lhis latjer canal." he. adds, "ereev ftiprHrsins: " its completion pdble, ntihl le a pur.dy Aftierfcan ' rad'T taitiff.' whereas the l'anaina canal re iiialtiH la Uie! hand a( our allies, the Frefith. it may beeoine' an interna tioriil etitrrfls,e wnOi the audition f a. stronjr Anierican lemeut to its -fcriarvhoiders.' , 1'he XovwVremya says .Hue4.i tntist, therefore. le on her camrd neainKV fhelUiilKid, Stales, es D hrilv In view of the cn rtnotn wcaJth of its Pacic ; f hove and tlie ftrates'lcol pjsitiou cccupeti by the Airierimna Iri the- Sand wh h. the Sd moan and the Mariana islands," EX CHANG E OF CXDt'ItTESIES. NVaslintrtoriJ Dee 5911 pnstmas ter giMieral tcliiy giirael the oider, ac- teitlng as private uiailins cards, both t! 4i6lia3( nailiiuroajds. tearing the Cnited staies sumtw and in-ai e I en this '4e edT tie iine. and th I ni.'ei Stated cards n'lai led hi Canadi with .Canadian 'iKs-rtaee. Thi? is thej r-nrto of the recto-oi-al arr inp-neent h t-ei I 'the Unlieil States and the CanaLau ill in in i n iiii . n iiiii mi I ii! 1 1 1 ii nninnnr nnnr trui ur int HoiLUfii ntutii uivunut oflot m ma. m m w m r m m SL.rK.K15 TEAKKNT" V. A. FAIAE iJAKES K ECO iiii El DAT105$ , ilAKES K ECO Mil Kl DAT105$ Urg'es'a Change of the Name to 0r gou State Hospital Needs of the Institution. . The biennial report to the ,h zisla ture, of tr. I. A. I'aine, siiii jiti tid- 'iii- Of t lie .state iusain asylum. (or in -i icr.-n e'bdiuc -Covnier -'At. lNf.' vvas : yesterday p!a ed In the handr. iof.i:.e j .state printer. Th feisn t is a o'suiu " iiiroiis one. and, wjtlii iUe one pij pa ted for ifcy piect dint; j lei;n- iS.'.Vlsini i Svhi'-ii w.ii -le UiudUvitii the lat une. , siiaJce" a' iai u'ei li,jic. The:ad;!itf.':i : of. t lie loriiMn-" U port is ma-ie tA:. t'. ' reus u lhat it .did .tiot lu'ecm- jib.ic. I the It isi.iiutx- fail'.ni: to iliHtik aad ; take a.-iloti m-m 'itJ ; . A v,rj satlsracttwy showing ii mad? by stipiit :;t -ndent. 1'a i;e. a- tU .sv j irrac -pci' vrapita- coi of 4uvp-ift the jiat'.e!its" is a teducti-oti lfov tjiat of j ajiy prviu.s teini. 'lhe average for I ijiic'iwo years is ;.." 1 Mil ii,'i. ! as aaains-i y.'.v f r the i.rtict d tcim'. and $.l..yr for the two '-i etiilill.4 Nove.Ml;:tr ' . lVJl. j . J l:'e . MiiH-riutendt-nt. in his rt-pot t. 4.ii:kes w;uw iinixjrtaut n-t'ivniiln-iiil.t-lf!s. ; He. .urges ithe immediate con struction of additional buildings, a. he ' pies ttt iiai .ti , ane ' inadequate tor 'the pa i tent under treatuieut. The but! : ate noflf. crowded. Cellars a nd garrets -bein oi-cupietl. atl i:n pfoviug patients aire daily sent ..away, w hetxj relatives, agree to take ck'e of. thetiK The buildiiigs asked for are a three story wing to the . main buihl Inir. auvl an additional structure "at tne Cottage far in.- Fire escajes for all the buildings are also urgently asked to". ; lt gi--iation- ts alo -asketl for, as il was hi flie report of. two years ago looking to a change !in the niatter .ot transiKiit ins paiientsi from the various coinny seat ; 16 . t-he asyluiu. Ir Paiue iecoiumend$ that asyltim- em nloves handle the patients, instead ..of the ."shetinX'for the reason that they could lie brought in at a les.- ex- Iense, and 'be treated more humanely ne of. the matters! the Superintend ent: is most "interestexl in, is his rt c jimmenlaf'ion for . a xhange in the of ficial name of the! asylum. He pro- pi.M-S the name "HJregoji Suite Ibis pital," insteaJ of the old title, "(.H'egon Mate Insane .Asylum." for the reason that the fiivnds of the patients, who dread tne name of Asylum., would Ihave less objection toi tending patients there ror,-" tieatnu'iit. 1i t'aiuei has had the tiroiected new name on a sign Over the drive-V;iv at the asyhuu f!..r nearly a vear. ami fioix's that th leg- Lslature ' will take favorable aethtu m 'the premises.' . - f, ! Th.. following : tatb'es s'.iow the number of" patients, leceivtxl ftoni toe y:ii -ions' c ount: s in 'tite state, who ;svei" under treatment at the close- of the tsvo biennial terms,, .'ending XvivenvUr ;o. is'.h;.. aud Nov-emlvr 1K IK'S, r---sj t clivt ly : : f, 1SW. Mali's , .-; .'. ' ; . . - tn.? siuywt on pjUintstFsv treparatlns I i i.:. .') : '. !: IVmls Tti ' 4 U V. 10 i :i5 i:i i ;t b; j 4:s i'o l ::o - 1 i :. :: 1" id i!' 4-;, ih . 4 : 1 : 7 . ;k it r . -. r 1 2 11 :i " ; ' : H : ' 4 112 - 32 -i .'. Id M 'S 1 1 ' '2 1 S 10 I 2t 11 4; .11 45 11 42 .1 o 10 2. 34.1 1 1 Feml Til ; 3i 12 ; to i; r.7 17 . r H i 'J l r 4 4 M.J 5 ' 2l 4 45 8 2ii 4 ! n if ni 0 . 1 i 17 47 15 445 2 1 32 . tS' 123 335 2 9 5 15 1 .1 2 : 1 14 .33 13 48 11 4.1 W 45 2 7 11 32 375 11531 P-nton . . liiaker . . tjiru.p .. Cliiekamas (o-'s ' . . . tTui ry . . t"oek ... 45 11 ;s 15 ; .". I 14 5 7 no 14 Coiu-inbia . flotillas . . viiaict . . . Cllliam . ilan;-y . . .rai ks4in . . ,bs 'pldn " . Klamath . li.iJlt-jd'.l . . r.inn . . . . Kane . . Lake . . . Marion . . Ma'iieur . . M ii! t noma h Mot row . Polk .. . Sherman Tillamook rpuion , . t"(niatill.- .. fishington Wav . . . Wallowa . Yamhill . -Total . . . Bentoi Itaker t M .it sop . .. . Clackamas . I oos .. . . Curry .. . Cnofc i . . . . Columbia . . io)agias . Orsnt- . . Oilliam ..'', Ilarney . . . , diacikson- . . .Tbsei'hlne Klamath .' liJnn . . Ine . . . . Ijake ';. . . Clarion . . i Malheur-. . Multnomati Morrow Polk Sherman . . Tiljamookj.. irnipn . . . . Uraatilla. , , Washingten H'asco Wallowa . . Yamhill ATT KEXDKREO DECISION yestehuav The ( ourt Kef usee! to Uraut the Di jvoice-lhe r uM Tex: cf I ! iLe Decree. j- dg j o, II. IPi: iK-tt :'H a decision ih ye; the t r lay bot .e :ia . Ii vh Utii f ia . .-ir.- F. Jy Uvih.-a tlivoi'-ee eas , IVU ' :ilt-' 1 t a 'the - llOise tiouu'y . ul. ie . i iit f .nit. ity to: J.u.ig. r Att liu-y 4;. F".! l':..u- a.i i: and .Joun A. .ietl'i.y apiKiirl tor tl. l.':.(!l)!'t!T. -the d. 3.-;i i:i; U.iv'iig ie-tait!- J :hs ics -eotiii-el - ileiitv 1-1 " M- iiun. of Pol tiaud. ami William Kaiser, ' i ii.- icii.v. ' I uii xt of tlie ib-Tee is as fol- low . - lia- ig iie.itd C' i- Sibn-.V g.-a-lilj ; o, i-iij.-ii. l;ie t. u..iy tl-.iv.Mtl. riud- tLV 1 Till' r.f:!and. On-oi! uc tit U f-. I Hv. mber. IV 15. tar.i-,- lionit- it. tiM- ns;(k-ii.x :?y . and .tr- U'lt :lJ!g folio Wilig. . in the defendant f plaiji- mr ana iefeudant in l'on!at:d. t !iv gon. ahv.ut In o'do. k iti the evening ami :.itin 1 philuti't. ard her iier. Maynie Payne, in Company with, anil apih-iivtltly' entertaining two nw u anil a wt'inan at a game of cat ds in said residence, one of ,said men. at lea si, being of a disreputable' -an 1 ' object i,i alile cluiracter. S4)ti after tlefeud"- ant s an i vafc t he twfo nw-u and the wt-Mwiti took their departure., pi tiutilT and Jier sister accoin!iauying thein to t'iie Himt iMircli. and conversed -there awhile with them. ; When pluintiiT ,v-atue Ia-k infto. the house defemlaut irrnsp.'d her by the arm. but not in a inanuer lo hurt her in any way and as !ed her what site meant by keeping siu ii company as the above- nfientined man of lisrrputable -character, and. in. the altercation which ' einued - tietwee4i the ;pl:ifntiff and defendant, the ' de fendant aiid '.'he.- ought to slit plain tiffs head oKn . with an ax. and that he ought to cut het; throat oar t ear but male no attempt to do'ith-.;' of these things. During this alterca tion plaintilf s: sister. Mayme Hayhe. after tatting some par- thereiu, smarted for tlw doxjr, threatening to call a pcjlieeman. whei-uHn tlefcndantl for batle her doing so. lut olVeied her n violeticej Thereupon p!a in tilt ail 3 - her sister left tho lionse. and plaintiff. re tiiaiiml '"avav lirom .defendant seveial weeks. ' . - ' 2 LMirlng the time idaintiff and-defendant djve l" together as husband and wife the '"defendant kept a pistol, but it is noi .-.t rue .as alleged in plaintiff's, complaint 1 tliat lefeutlant threaten, tl to kili ;?la;ntiiT. or to then .'.kill., hiai st If. mniher is it true' that lhe de fendant;iit. a'uy tinw in angry Conver sation :.vih p!a'nj;ilT or otherwise, s.-c.l to -S. r ".-.ijh- j of tin'-e tlays there Will 'le itAvo, . I-'op'i less iu-"the world." or that:'. defendant' nv-ant i a r by to threaten; to kid the . paiiiliff and tlien kiil hiuii;-if. ' .'! ;n oil- x-i-as'otf. ' i i-r Ih' trai'sa-etiofi et forth in the tir-i iinl ing of fact, pitintift grew angry at d'-teiid.-iut In-eaii-.- he had. tlurjiig Fi-'T abseuce front ' home, w a -died " wofiie -ii.erwate k--pt ''I y plaintiff and ih-. fetf-lant, and the pi;i;inilT theii and t'e.t i u-ef angry l.oguag.c towards defendant. . 4 It is not true that -on Crand. Av enue. :n I'ojti inti. 4r4on. tiurmg -uie jnug. .of iv-ii. tlie serenMut toi-j. piaiiitiif that he oiiixht to 111 her., neither is. it true that defendant.. jit any tini- threati'nd to kill 'pl.iifitiit if she left him. or-otherwise. : At various times prior to tlie trana"tion set fori h in the. first find ing of fart, the plaintiff and h fnd.nit had disputes nod rifle re iitu of a minor nature. Imt tuey were swn mu- timllv rcoticibI. . In a few weeks after the- t. rant- action set foTth In tlie first or fact plaintiff- Iwcame nvwrneUjefl to tlie lefemlatii, eonloiiKi tn tren'S io- wanl her. and rr-utintKl to ami co-h.-tbit with him as hi wife. ; exeet i hereinafter s4t forth, until '.tlH!r -p- 41 ration, .urbich occurred, in ibc" hitter part of Septenitiert 1SJS, Arter piatmin nao: -ovome reeoa ciled to defendant a aioresahl,. de fendant sent her East, hy her consent and acquiescence, where she resided with her mother for about five wnths. returnel In July, 1S.5. and continued live and cohabit with defendant as his wife until he went to-the; Klon dike mines. In July. Ip7. defendant went ' to said Kktndike 'mine?, with the eon- ent and aciiulescence or piaintiir. and remaineil there about- one year. During i his absence plaintiff corre-?ro-rsicd with him for some time; with seeming gttod feeling. and affection to wards him. hut afterward, without any apnarenr reason inereior.. eier-. mined to no longer live with defeml ant as his wife, and on July 24. wrote to defendant a letter, to that ef fect, which letter, however, d-nendatit did not receMre until bis return from said Klondike mine, lhat being aw first knowledge of plaintiff's Intention to no. longer live with- him as h"$ wife.,.' - 'I . - ;' aA soon defendant retnrnea t.j i-if,t.-j minjim Ko iuai-xr. o-ed to dissuade plaintiff from lu t porposej to spr3Te jroai mm. mm. up 1 r.nrn mre of hi'i rors tool; tw-r t j Chicago, Montreal. ew York. aQ- !sgtcn ar.d v..irioi'g other.' cities, and point of Interest hv tit East. j lO In. New Yoflt CitT. wune piimi- fi.T aojl defee...ant were- hurrying to JL DGE BUKXl . r leiiaai iook j nohi oi piajntin s arm not so as to Ivtn her. but to ass oer acro.-s iue street. ! wiie:i W.1 crowd-id !Wi tli cars and trams. hut plaintiff resisted and attemitcd to re- 11 During t??e return trip from the Eastern iitu s to' PortLtad. 4reg ui. and after their i arrival at Portland, the subject of r?-iintifrs. feparatlng from ' defend-ant cime Up for disu. su f bvt v en : thepii- "at various Cn-.t . plaintiff insisting on the i s'parati ei 'I'-irtnant: inotss on t:te co i- tiifnance of the mlarriaire relation l-e- tvveen them, and. tiff srill ivi-isuxl atrt. I.e. t id ! she would coijvey pinajfy,. when pMi't- in .K-aviHg defend i substance that r. to htm her.' interest .tt eei in. u pre; rty of his. he wo:il T H.-;t further 12-i1.iiii;ii)Hs h Jrer.h-alvlag. ' . ', ' lit U has not n ife in ...ajiiyv1e en f deSeutlai.f .!)- :n'p t '.t'i d. or her t datlgei'e.1 by tiny tiuet towards- her. lo -Yhliv ilaintiinr tnl d f. ndmi !';ive- at ;-v'ari -us r s.n-irrietl life-grown er. ' as 'geiii-r.-iUy ,h uies jt!t!r;:jg t!- 'angry, at each wht re- in M- vi ina;s are - n it of e a ut:(fer.n:y p:,-u am t-.-nipeiai.Dei... 'vet It j not tn; that Iho defeedant; ha-.r any i:itt-it t .iimy m i:i:UiCKt!:y -ev or annov t!ie pla'MrhT. or ti v; y. n;n:-tai!y .-r in,, it re !er ni at:y ivst. aM.v. m ..t; r it trt'e atsv ix that p!a-"ml!T had at ntiv tiiv -oll:li,ii' ,til-' to ' aiMr'he!!l toy harm. or injury ."from" tlefeiitl int l4-ieientl,iut 1: tin ovnr of a farm in Ib-ntori county, oregou. of tl prolan: valiif of to. and p-S- i'j-id of irson-ai- prtWTty of the probable v'alt, ,t.f As eonelulsioMs tiud: i.'Vuoo. . " of law the eottrt 1 Tii at tini -fdefeiKliint is ik1 gailtv of cruel ami iiihtnn in treatment or . personal' dm! Jrnitles towards plaint iT ..... ui a " legal . stiu 2 That plann'tiffx life has not, Ihhmi ami is pot. rend'i4SI burdensome by reason of any of defendant s ct-iiduet. 3 That this suit should: li- .. di misM'd. but that ueither party Fhouhl iwnir costs, or diiurseait-utjj the other. i 1 from GUILTY OF MURDER MRS. BOTKIN CONVICTED CAPITAL OFESCE. OF A Jnry Only Out Four Honrs, When Com promise Was lleach.ed'-t- ' Verdict a Surpf ise. -. jv m ; j- SAX FAX4TISC'M. I ee. 1 f.t'e of Mrs-c'ortIu.ia r-otkins chargetliw it.i the murder of Mrs. J. 1. Dunidhjr. of 1 lover.' Delaware, is) now-ih the lmnds of tle jury. liH tjii rfft"i iKH I Dis trict At terrier HesJner tonipleitil his arguimuit aut Jude 4'anoil 'ok read his -harire t the jury, after which d roiiretl. fori delilemtioii. Mr. IU'ikiu i jeF Mtttly several'.-time's during tlie day. and duriogbe resid ing of tlie charge sle alruost, loot con trol of Jiefself. Ilcjr sister. Who 8.t t Inside her during tlie progress of tin trl-tb. to .Mrs. r.otkln tn Jur arms finer. infoi iel her but the tears couh ha --besl she oonl I. not lie i stayi'd. THE VFItDH'T. San I'r.fneSsco, IM 3o.--The jury, ii thr IVokiti .case. t.lniSht id-tui ned ;a 1egrei verdict f murtler Ih the first with the ieiially flxl at life ampris- Otinient.- r The- rerllct was Hnexpectel. Ae- ritiittal was conlitk'ni ly a waned hy ?he defett!', while the prosecution feared a- disagre'm4 nt. Vlthotii the Jury was only out four hours it l,s cjurrent; ly reportetl tonight lhat lire sierdhf was the result of j SV5C 6f the: prisoner elusion satisfaciofy CMmjironaiS'''. The imade such I a 'ou- t the jurors. ' 4 vhsilerl??g the iHi xm ttilness ' of the verdict. Mrs. Hotkin keft herself wen in u.-uiii wnen Tter rate was an nouncetl. Not until tlie "jury m h and roost of the spectators, had If ft: th.' cwyrt room dUlislie ilve eridenii-4 ."of a collapw; sank back . half fainting, but i-dily reeovnl whm Iven a last of water, sentenced . January 7th. She will be an inti:et,iext APE. The lhrd.4fhl:s Tlm s mv: 4'aii. Artitrpuc.. of the big Atal tn At.i ta.,iKW discharging jtier l arso of it a lMuanr. re-Wfr logs nnd eiwoiirint'. tells a 'riiiiarka'Je nfiory -of ;tl' sajraeri'oJdnVU'; I Ifpi'.'reKnt'! Itr of nn ape Inanalite. TTnlte KrjateS of Cohcnlda, ber the timber was taken aboard. Jllie monkey be longs to Ccorge E. Iioerson, of this city, wio wa fprnvtiy 4n ituim,s a tat nort. TlivnlittiJ Is of Lirsre iie, -weighing aboutS Ui pounds, inisi Intelligence Is inir Tesirkal4 audi It is aid tlMt- the arrival of every. ship ho -t-lrtu. iiiti( of ir-e eitsfoi t r rw rforir- te 1 1 hoire Onclaw the Tes-sil jarid tlie de ks tintil m- ........ ; there. He will boa ran tbr.t teeing aroti; tie ships pa peri : a e spread ilterore him. after which. ermingly eontenf- t. he win go' aho e. CaptJ Arm tronar savs the pnonkey ha tak en sfviral royares on tbei brmbec rafts, a txl Is the pet vf the-wliole aee- I'ori. CEN. siiEirxfAX Asn thei doc- TOirJ . - . Tie "reans la te . JrK; HU wa . Tor; rnany Tirnl hernjian j ; phyncian. Oik wh. n the sx'Tqier 4rwip.alned. -tonr ran i!:xinHjr inr no cw . i:e repllede Take Sabrwfare9 adtle,.. n.v -""Y".- 1 Tbere :re too manylralnable dogs in the neiiborliood. replied Shermaji. f - Uowar;! ; ConklinjJ .candidate .for' eongrti In the TwIffh New Trk dif-irict. 1 a nerJiew, J j An late Sen- u lira SEN. FULTON USESA RIFLE Bloody Shooting Affray . Near Astoria: ! : ' The tSherift"s Posse inj a Battle.. T , ' i An Attehipt lo Seaitb a i?apaQftI Firebuff Home Endu in aa i '' . 'Awful Trasrtdy. J-'...'.': ':-:: ':---.' I - I ': 1 SE ASIDE, i W. jWiniains. ir.. ifDce. 3t SJi.'t.ff J. Vputy Sheriff J.:i:it''rsi Lilatd.. -the .latter a ih !., ::Rl ? "hitU s W Iterate .vha'racfrr. . are leal kbere to night, as Hi.' ircs dt of ai tihl, uhi ih H-enrrM tiiis a Iter noon. y ,., lUk-entfy jfenaior C- W.i I'nlroo' fiimkiyr 'tbtge Was destroyed .hy lire, audi an' Jnreiing;ui.n was btdTg"i:t,-ii-duciietl. '. -.WHIard wassnspetiVl,! aiid lotlaiy the slier ff, Ivpat lftu-iH ;ind Milkr and Senator FpUon rtetit io Wilhud's houJ with ia scarclji warrant: for the article npiwd to have l eit" stolen from tlie burn.el cottage. Wil-' lard was suii the snnjmer iej,. lik-iK'e of. ASis, Sus;m. fjewhtoji, of Wrfiodlawn. Oregon. ' S , If '' - -i' - dilator FUitLin and Dejntf Miller . enteretl the luwise, the sdierlif; I.apiar and: Willard rjetnaioing outSde. ; Th. latter was lM .ii vily arm d. and w hen Fulton and Milter. wereOrrt of I sight, lv lirtHl at Sherl.t Winiams., tht UUI "tl- te'ring the b.tck'and .cmlng out at tlw s'de. " The Khriff staggerHl j and frll dtrvtii the jemb.inkmvnt.dead. i" ! : ; Willard turiwsl his rifle en Iflmers, Rhooilng the latter Jii.the stourtell. 1.1 liters, though nearly dead.I'vrappV 'tl- witli Willanl. ind wa stfnirgllng with . him ! w hen" I'utton. 1 and Miller cam Trent the houk Fulton sei'Mtl a gun J' ml 1 sliof Will; rI, bub Oik' latter eo i- raied fighting ; V -FuHou then atj Wlllaid I. iurT tlkf; lwal with hist jjttn. v.nnd.- went rto lo-Mc; for Shefm WiUIam ;The' mtU ment he tiwmjtl, Willard juilnd up, and, seizing a , gun." shot Millar in. tho . leg .and ran. i Miller -.then took a'.m with his rbfe and flril. bloqliig way -. Wi!l.ird's fact- inl killing him. IiiihIh djoil i an. hour later. '. '-Il ; i - Sheilff Wililaitns was a. very! popular; manj, ami great -lmiignation watr caused ov-r tlJ crime. A . ei ovd fr r. Astoria, all aimed, started -'for.- Sei- -iite.! ami diail Willard len Nihve . he Would have lieen lyncbeU The lnvlie were taken to -Astom tonight. A CATTLE THIEF. ! Heppner. 4 r.. Iee. 30 Hud I Itol Wrts, who was appn ihtmk4d here by tJeigw rhonitoti. city marshal of Jleppner1, ,ha coufesj ' to thi JMicklKvaixl.' t-iam ''ami on 'inefuiay stealing, r a harness jot Dayton.AN ashlngtop. nls to the larceny jof -Jitie' IK'.td if hor- to the larceny ami iilfte.n lied. of cattle at Wallrt Walla. He 1 how In the culstotly of Stwrlff Eydofj. of Iw3Vton. II ..Matio; The Sheriff t Wall! Walla ls Im-to, late. Itoln-rts Is ali hut jrrlTtHl tod wanI In Monana. He has only tn-eq out of the. walla Vlalla pi-niltentlary olHitit eight rhdnths, wlMre 1m si'rre. a "2Va year, temi for cattle" stealhig. j DECKS AMI iHlmiiEIt ItANDS . --1 !;;-:.. 1 1 , ' - it - J There wa an expr'?matn who nthnpd for Itenti.Tj ni ly - the- mom-; ing hnd arrlvei i heme late at nuht. niiil hvlio consfjiinemly Ia'I to ret a sri dearof shW-n or the road! on lhj way to lown, tin moniinir. lie v. ould hang tini n-bw, nnd hi borse wotdtl jig placidly and safely on wihiJe he ctirjnl up In tli toriwr of UK jseat and Kiop. ah or. the ick Intslr wa stUrtnd this nnfortauate e.vpr-ietiwu -rei'mlly ' IuhI .10 bring trio ov 11 on . in 'wagon a ernt or wild duek. and Itliey , riiade Jioeh r a racket with thk'lr infrfkinjr tlat,!h that h WHild)-get d to , . tlie not after awhile, but he ididn'f. Hie du'ks nl vva.yar Jkjvd'eil hi flecjj. :i ; j . 4 a he rode aVing he itoi-dered ur,on. tu or Ke'rMng; it;e hk ks, sun. nni one 'tav j lien oe wna ir bwn ! J lMight a lotof ntotlt and eery M-ort; liitle j ehiinJc roblier liand. Next niomir he stret'"B"l one jcMF thiw ntbler haiKls otrer the bill ! t f 4rerr Irck. innt a rpnatk tbtiU one of tltem litter. T5i4 .epre:Kjnati slept tlie rbiy f the; jusf all . the :way to i he 4 Itr ii fter tivat,' hut the ; j "clatter which llxne loor docks., ma dew-hen, fat their ; Jonmey'ii end. the I lanla wew taken off .their hills Is js'aiil to have liein aJn st enough to .waJte th dead In the city ceioeterte-t-'-llostoa Trannrrlpt. - I ' Ti IE "pi FKER EXCIJ. I there - anr j between, I 'iek and 'WW I j - ! "yar. n'h 1at like iklfjth man who jret fb-k tietxli for 4 f.toctpr, while the njin bck6iief l&L. aum? ino'ns a p'.iyfe.mS Congressman Cannon, of the appro priation committee, ' aysi "I wa oneo able I to keep in my head, a com plete -may of. thU eonntry, ro I wa able to tell at once the cost-of the'trtat'oTji' of 1roori. etc, but f Tre ordered" a big cloJie to tjka in lu I'tilUtiltuu 't.i -j. nA Tirtf In. the I'bilipplnes, He concludes the letter' with thei re- gov eminent, Total . . .7s:i eawh the train to leaTe-the cut. ce at or liDSCoe f'or.klSn. , .nico." -'v